Kyle Cease: Evolving Out Loud

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you should do that you should do that with when I do anything like just tell like fight you go on a date wouldn't that be nice you're just on a date just like let me tell you about who's about to show up here he's New York Times best seller so you ready to get naked because there's really a good at what he does the mailman's just trying to give you your mail you know who you're giving the mail to this guy's a wonderful man - Comedy Central specials I don't care at all just do you want this so this is a weird thing because right now I have an audience of 3 different types of people either you've seen me this week once you've seen me twice or you haven't seen me so imagine having a conversation with someone at your house and you're like wait I already told you this right and then oh wait I told both you and then the third present you haven't told me anything it's like well I want to tell you but these people already know this so I can't do it so that's what I'm thinking right now I first I'm thinking what do I say because I don't know which people and just totally it was like a third a third like oh okay but my only problem is that I think that's a problem right that's my only problem is my judgment of that situation so how many times are we about to do something we go well I can't because damn right we do that I can't but our problem is we think that shouldn't be the situation that's immediately where we're screwed is our judgment of the situation so you're never powerless with any situation it's just up to you to decide it's totally cool that that's happening so it's up to me to right now like I was saying yesterday and if you weren't here yesterday sorry I'm now repeating if you were here sorry again that I'm totally okay with that situation that I love that situation that that's cool because it makes me ask this question what would I have to become to make this okay and totally normal what are what would you need to become for it to be totally normal for you to be amazing for you to be for it to be normal for you to have an incredible relationship what would you need to become michael beckwith my dear friend michael beckwith refers it to what's trying to emerge out of me oh what if every time you had a problem instead of asking why me which gives you the answer because you suck because you always pick the wrong person because you can't stop eating if you asked instead and then the motivational person goes how can I that's their question how do I make it happen I'm gonna make it happen okay cool how is a question that still brings ego in because you're saying when I get that thing I'll be happy how do I get that thing right how separates you how is I'm going to do it myself how is competitive a lot of times how is a very good question but it only should be showing up after you've entered of why and live in a why and your why is in your heart so my job is to instead get okay with everything and get into my heart and I'm always in my heart that's another thing that's the total paradox because I say got to get into my heart but I'm in my heart but we never know that we're in our heart it's very rare that we actually understand it so my job right now is to be okay with everything what would happen if you started out okay with everything but works falling apart awesome try it because then you can access something that can actually do something about the world how hard is it to change the world when you're pissed about the world all day you know in America for the last year there were two types of people people that pace in their house going Oh Trump Trump makes me mad or this group Hillary Hillary and there were three people like Bernie they were mad about but all of those people have something in common they all found a circumstance that they could complain about so that they could actually have permission to do nothing about it if I say that the problem is outside of me I immediately have permission to not do anything about it I know someone who said my company fell apart because of Obama and I thought do you think Obama is more responsible for your company than him than you isn't that crazy that's what how we think I would love to but this happened how many things do you have a whit I would love to but this little things yeah I would love to but the circumstances this way I would love to but I'm too fat I'm too old I'm too young I would love to but no one's done it before I would love to but everyone's done it how funny is that you've two reasons that you can't that totally negate each other I would love to do it but no one's done it before oh so you have something original everyone in this room has so much stuff that's original you just disqualify it cuz when you go I want to give my gift out of there out there how do I do it when you say how your mind immediately looks at what's been done so you overlook infinite possibilities and you look to see what's been done so far and then when you try to do is you try to bring something that's already been brought into the world back into the world how do i market my company well let's see what did Microsoft do okay well they did that a while ago and the world has evolved since then so if you do a tactic that someone else did already we've moved past it and it's not original so you're doing nothing original so every time you ask how be careful because your mind is looking for what's been done so far and it's overlooking the infinite possibilities that just want to come through you so you have a million things that you are qualified to talk about they're the things that you think no one wants to hear about that no one cares about that they're the things why would anyone care about that but there's an int like if you've had a relationship for thirty years you could write a book right now or have a podcast on how to have an amazing relationship if you've gotten out of bad relationships over and over and over again and been single you could write a book on bouncing back you could everything that you're good at you know and you know and you could write about it it's that thing that's so easy that your mind would go oh you can do that that's my favorite question when someone goes wait you can do that it's that that thing that's obvious you can do that the second you say you can do that you're saying you have something totally original and totally effortless and it'll be the easiest thing to do a huge thing people think is it's got to be hard that is why it doesn't work you ever have this you have a day where you just relaxed all day and you almost feel guilty that you don't feel like you strained all day so you believe that you didn't get anything done that's how the mind works you think you got something done if feel like crap at the end of the day but what if actually sitting and connecting with yourself for eight hours a day was so much more effective at changing the world maybe even bringing in a much bigger income for you creating a space of possibility and it was totally effortless what if the fact that it's hard actually means you spent all day against the flow of the universe that's why it's hard because you have this calling that's telling you do this thing and then you go I'm overlooking this because there's a way that I was taught to do it and I'm going to ignore this calling that is so freaking perfect and it's never ever ever been wrong so I'm going to overlook this and do what I was taught to do by people that don't know what my inner gifts are and I'm going to do it in a way that's much more been done like if you're a musician anything how do I write a hit immediately you're gonna look at songs that have been written 92 million songs have been written but an infinite amount haven't do you think Stevie Wonder is going how do I write a song or do you think he just turns into an antenna look at him he's around the Sun the earth nut she's revolved you think Michael Jackson was sitting there trying to get something or do you think he was channeling some he wasn't sitting there like how are we gonna get all these seats filled well I'll write a song this oh right Billie Jean Billie Jean this is all planned like an is that that's channeling right that's all channeling he's picking that up he said how do I write a hit song and whenever you ask how you're finding out from someone how to do just what they did that's why I'm very hesitant with things like marketing seminars sorry to get totally talking but if someone tells you how they got their giant house then they tell you here's how you do it and then they tell you how to manipulate an audience realize that anything anyone's telling you how to do something to someone else they're doing it to you so if they teach you here's how you trick people into buying your stuff they're doing it to you that's how they got you in the seat and that drives me crazy because the only thing any teachers should be teaching you is showing you how to find you because I promise you on my life you are so much more infinite than any how could ever teach you you just have to learn how to follow it and if you went to a seminar that was like that let's say was taught by Michael Jackson how do I write a hit he just told you how to do what he did before that'd be so weird if he was just like oh you want to write a hit right Billie Jean that's what I did so right Billie Jean because it worked for me it worked for you because that's your thing we can't all walk around with one white glove and diamonds walking backwards and forwards at the same time we have our own thing like that that is so unique and so incredible and so yours now imagine if you had your doubts but you had Michael Jackson's desires like you had this thing where you were like think of how much your mind says no to that is so much less weird or unique than wearing one diamond glove and wearing a diamond coat and walking backwards and forwards at the same time you have that but you have a thing to go that's crazy no one would like that have you ever seen the Blue Man Group the Blue Man Group is just three blue guys that don't it's um it's amazing but I guarantee you if any of us came up with it we'd be like no one in ever would care about that how about the Snuggie do you know what the Snuggie is someone was like what happens if we turn the robe around now the ribs on the front side everyone around me like that is the stupidest thing ever but what was that they made mallcop that's a movie that they made and a whole group of people kept saying yes to it they're like yeah oh hell we'll make a sequel mallcop - let's make it and it was a hit it was a hit movie it got made there was thought of it was a concept what was the factor in these things coming out they were cool with it and they were behind it that's it if the Snuggie can get into stores and weirdly become the greatest sales ever you totally can do anything everything that you think is the stupidest product in the world is total permission for you to go oh and I should have no problem with everything that I want to do so I had no idea that all of that content was about to come out do you understand that I had to start out with I have no idea what I was going to say because if I knew what I was going to say I'd be in memory and the only practice I'm doing is continually over and over and over again falling in love with not knowing and eventually finally realizing that every limited thought that I have is a lie every single one and one thing that we talked about this morning at the workshop is when you say I have this problem or I'm scared that I have this or I have anxiety or I'm a procrastinator oh I can't have a relationship or I can't have a good job when you say that you attach an eye to the story so if that story dies then you die so weirdly you're actually fighting to keep your problem alive you're doing everything you can to keep your problem alive because it's you right so every time you say yeah but I have this issue yeah but I have this problem yeah but I can't do because and someone sometimes if you think you're someone let's say you think you're someone who who I am as someone who makes $20,000 a year well if someone tries to give you a million dollars that's death to who you are so you're gonna sabotage it you're going to do everything you can to do everything you're gonna stop it because you have spent your whole life being a person who you think is not worth that much money and then you'll be horrified when abundance actually shows up you can only have a relationship at the level that you love yourself you understand that if you think who you are is not that much and then someone shows up and actually loves you it's going to be absolutely horrifying to who you thought you were so you're going to sabotage it and then go out of your way to find a much less fulfilling relationship and find someone who treats you like crap because you treat you like crap so how can other people show up and give you something if you're going to sabotage it over and over and over something we said this morning that's really important and I want to say it here too is remember if you're a people pleaser you can only attract takers people pleasers can only attract takers and one thing that happens to people that are tapping into their butterfly nests I said this to this morning but it's so important to say this here I get so excited about these audiences because you have a feeling in your body and your feeling means you're confused and you're lost because life is suddenly not the way you were taught it was and when you have that feeling a lot of times you look at people who look like they're not lost but they're much more lost than you are they just won't admit it and then you ask them advice if you've ever been in a car with someone that's that's lost but they won't admit they're lost how much longer does it take to get to the location you'll be in this car with this guy usually it's a guy we're not lost right we're not lost and he's screaming we're not lost and you're not getting anywhere because he's saying we're fine we're fine we're fine when do you finally get there the second he was okay we're lost and you tap into that part of you that goes we're lost give me new information so our job right now is to go I'm lost here because there's something showing up in me here do you notice the more we talk the more we connect are you feeling your body a little bit more right now that's because I'm speaking from my body if I had memorized everything you'd be in your head because I'd be speaking from my head it was like here's the quantum mechanics and take it there and it turns out that you'd be here and you've never actually embody this so what we're doing is we're digging to a much deeper level in your body right now and I dare you to never go less shallow than where you are right now I dare you to stay here and go deeper from here on out for the rest of your life and I know that maybe half the room will do it maybe even less than that but I get excited about the idea and by the way that's a choice whoever does it it's a choice it's a total choice people go I don't know if I can do it well you just gave yourself permission and not that of course you can it's will I so will I commit to actually tapping into this place in my body because this place the thing that's beating your heart is permanent and we are spending our life chasing the temporary I got to get that person I got to get money I got to get this thing stop chasing the temporary and tap into the permanent when you tap into the permanent the temporary will start to double star to take care of itself that you're not running from a temporary place and moving as a temporary person trying to get that one person who is a temporary person if you're moving from that place you got to go into your body so as I speak to you I'm moving into my body deeper and deeper because I'm showing up and staying in the room and if you start writing your book or doing a podcast or doing anything creative or starting a yoga class you got to go past a few minutes you got to keep going and stay in the room and stay in the room and at first it will be hell because you're going in a different direction than your mind understands your mind has been taught to think of the thing you want and then achieve the thing I'm daring you to not do that anymore don't think of the thing you want and then achieve it because then you don't grow you already saw that thing was gonna happen and then you got it you didn't change you just your bank account might have changed but if you don't change you're going to lose the money in the bank account you might have changed and got a relationship but if you don't change that relationship we'll have to fall apart because you didn't change your foundation so all I'm here to do is keep growing my foundation because the more you do that the more you don't even understand problems exist this is the least funny talk I've ever done I'm scared tonight they have me doing stand-up and I'm like I'm this now I don't do stand-up but I'll be at the end of each like transformational point I'll be like you're infinite God so I just spoke I can tell from a level and I can feel that that was this insane adrenaline and now I feel myself dropping into an even deeper place because some people say move from your head to your heart and I do too I say speak from your heart but now we're gonna go even farther because sometimes we say go into your heart we go yeah I'm in my head I don't like my head I'm gonna go into my heart now check this out you're the space that holds both of them be okay now with your heart and your fears be a space for everything that shows up do you notice right now how little power your fears have over you right now that they might have had a couple days to go stronger because you're the space that's looking at the fears no fear is bigger than you you're bigger than all the fears so look at every fear you have right now just from this massively connected body the space of love and notice how BS it is think of the scariest person that might not like what you are going to become that you think I think they're not gonna like me so I won't do it man they really need you to do it so that they can stop judging themselves through you that's why they that's why they're judging you they don't like themselves because nobody has shown them what they're capable of you're here if you're upset because your dad doesn't understand this your mom doesn't understand this you're here to love all of those elements of them because they don't love themselves because they came from a different time do you realize that the training that we got from our parents and their parents comes down from the Great Depression for some people and then you go even farther back and you're in like slavery and then you're in like Viking times do you realize that this is the first time where consciousness is showing up and breaking that chain of crappy training that went down the line but some of our parents were taught from their parents who were like yeah in the Great Depression you need to make money to survive all you are is your money because I almost didn't survive well we aren't in the Great Depression yet we're about to be but we he's working on it but where it'll be the greatest depression so and by the way how weird is this how great would that be that sounds crazy right but how great would it be if our circumstances could fall apart so that we tap into our amazingness I'm not for it falling apart but if it did you'd go Wow we're gonna grow really quick now because how fast do you shift when everything's falling apart as an individual well what if the whole world does it at the same time what if we finally realize we're not our money because it gets taken from us what if we finally realized and all of a sudden we actually connect to our families what if the internet went out oh my god we'd meet our kids like it'd be crazy right so everything that can happen is supposed to happen Byron Katie says I know because it did so now take that to your individual circumstance that you might have come here thinking is a big deal yeah that person broke up with me or that job or I'm broke right now you're only sad because you see yourself as a separate entity but you don't even realize that if we decide to end this talk ten seconds later than we were planning we would walk out maybe some of us would drive or bump into someone at a different time different cars would go through different lights some people might go through lights that were red but would have been green they might go into the store at a different time and bump into the love of their life that they would have missed had we not left ten seconds earlier different children would be born literally based on every single decision we're making and when we say that that situation is bad that's because we don't understand the tire thing and the more you meditate you start to look at the whole world how the world sees it and you start to understand my problem is just that I think that I am separate and have a problem and I don't even understand that that problem might have been the space that caused me to get in that traffic light and get here and this thing and cause this and different people exist different things exist so bad or good is just your judgement of it based on you thinking that you're a separate person but both bad and good exists in you and then when you look at all of it there is no bad or good it just is I don't believe in let's all think positive your light is not shining based on how positively you think it's really based on how much of your darkness you fall in love with how much of your darkness can you love right now I am so nervous right now and I love that I have a problem with my dad me too and I love that yeah but they said this about me awesome what's trying to emerge out of me that I've never been before where this isn't even a problem I'm the space of all of this can you feel right now how connected we are just from this happening are you feeling that are you feeling so little separation because if you feel little separation from yourself you'll feel little separation from other people then we won't see each other based on a label or a gender and ethnicity we get that were heart connected because all of those things those labels are temporary but there's a thing that's beating your heart through all of this that's been there since the beginning and it hasn't asked for anything in return and our job is to connect to all of that and everyday I choose to do that every day and it's like taking my soul to the gym every morning as I said I wake up two hours of just sitting falling in love with everything that comes up eventually this is what I noticed sorry if you're at the workshop this morning repeating one other thing when I meditate for one hour I sit in the first half hour it feels like a breakup because my ego totally it wants to get out of this right the first 10 minutes of everything sucks because it's death to everything you were before because when you woke up in the morning the first thing you did was win on Facebook you wake up fine your totally connected and then you're almost uncomfortable that you're not uncomfortable so you get on Instagram Facebook or you watch some good morning show where you watch hosts be the phoniest people on the planet like wow now is this a regular kick just fake just deny all this is that every newscaster as they're telling you horrifying horrifying news do you know how not scared of flying we would be if they told us about the thirty thousand flights a day that made it every single time the plane lands they should interrupt whatever crappy show you're watching and interview every person as they get off the plane if they feel like we have another plane that made it this is Bob and he's like I had a nice time this is Doris I met her you'd be like I want to try flying you wouldn't have anxiety and need the pros act that they sell you after they show you that coming up a family that wasn't murdered even murder is a be like no one else is doing it why would I should start a company and fix the economy but they don't they scared the crap out of you for 58 of the 60 Minutes just murder torture guns prozac commercial huh more murder more guns and then they show you this at the end they act like they were a friend the entire time because they tell you the story of a cat that got stuck in a well every single news story ends with a cat that got stuck in a well I think the news is putting cats and wells so they can scare the crap out of you for 58 minutes and then be like talk about nine lives and then they go to the scene and there's some woman stroking a greasy can we thought it was a goner but it turns out he was and then they come back and they're like I'm the cat's name was lucky sure was Bill and then they're stacking papers but I don't know why because they have a teleprompter in front of them too it's like they have a side job with Kinkos at the same time and then they run these commercials for these pills that lists all the side effects in the course getting so stupid they can look us in the eye be like may cause death and anal bleeding and we're like well yeah but my sinuses will be cool and they show these people rock climbing and sail boarding in the commercials I'm watching these commercials I'm like man in wish I had herpes like you get to do so much fun stuff when you have herpes right and then I got herpes and it's nothing like that at all it just burns when I pee now which is kind of summery I guess if that's what they mean I'm sorry that'd be a good commercial is the guy screaming at a urinal do you have herpes and their songs are so happy in the herpes Khmers it's a brand new day herpes I'm like that's not a brand new day at all it's every six months I heard cuz I have a friend that's not me you know if it's her they should use asurs let it burn if it's for herpes but the world puts you in a false state of lack right off the bat and when you wake up the first thing we do is go on Instagram or Facebook and immediately we feel lack when we were fine originally you wake up you go on Facebook and the first thing you start thinking is like why is my brother friends with my ex right like why are they hanging out and then you feel like crap and then when you feel like crap you go buy something and then the news keeps you in that keeping feeling like crap why it's not okay like that and you're like yeah it's not okay and then you feel like crap and then you become a giant consumer and you go into Starbucks and you do all these things and you just buy because you think you're not enough when starting today there's a totally different option and I'm dying for people to show up and do this I am dying for co-leaders I'm dying for people to get and I'm not looking for followers I'm looking for Co leaders people that feel in their heart and do the work to understand that that feeling in your heart has never been wrong that it is 100% perfect every time and that that feeling means something because the second you start moving towards the feeling it will reward you every single time every single time every single time and eventually you will not even notice what other people think about you and weirdly they'll stop judging you because the more I've embodied this the less crap I get from people the more that I actually go then it was weird because at one point this was the scariest thing to me all I knew was I was done doing stand-up comedy I had this moment I was like I think I'm done doing comedy I felt it in my body and I didn't know what it would look like but all I had to do was make an official decision and we were filming something and in that moment I looked into the camera and I said I'm officially done doing comedy clubs on the road and I felt this weight fall off me my mind had so many stories but this is your dream this is your everything I was like I'm gonna let go of it and that made a space where I was like in this vibrational the sudden where I'm even a guy that doesn't have to do that to be happy I'm even cooler than that so then my mind said what if you combine comedy and transformation and my ego went well no one's ever done that my soul went no one's ever done that what if I do that that would be my own field there'd be no competition even and if there was I'd be so excited to be working with them so there's a couple people that I became friends with that we support each other like Matt Cahn and JP Sears and I started going wow we're about abundance and co-creating and collaboration and not competition and all of a sudden I had this idea where I said the week after I quit comedy clubs I said I'm going to make a video every single day I'm gonna make 500 videos in one week for the Booker's of every college in America that do the lecture series and I started making mid 500 videos by name I said this is for Diane Johnson at North Idaho University she was like I can't why is he talking to me directly and I said I do comedy but I'm doing this lecture thing I want to do your school and that week all my friends are like what are you doing you could be doing a comedy club right now well after that a hundred of the college's said yes at around ten grand a pop and all of a sudden I went from doing what I thought was my drinker but something was telling me this wasn't quite it and I was still it was great I got to go out and do this but now all of a sudden instead of me going out for a week not getting to say what I want talking to a drunk audience and then doing some morning show like Jim and the fart or whatever all of a sudden I fly out I do exactly what I want to do I say exactly what I want to say my audience starts to align with me versus me catering to what does the audience one the right audience just starts to show up and all of a sudden I do what I totally love now and then that money comes in and I immediately put it into the most important thing you can put it into your creativity in your growth we hear all the time coming to things like wonder less from our skeptic friends that's a call drink the cool air yeah guess what they're doing they're putting it into their addictions and things that cause them to go to the hospital and the dentist way more often you your money is worth what you spend it on a thousand dollars to one person could be a ton of cokes and Pepsi's and then you have diabetes and then that costs even more money than that then you feel like crap then you got to get blood pressure medication and all these different things or you put your time and your money and your energy into something like this where you leave knowing ten times as many things where all of a sudden you leave being impacted all of a sudden you get that you're a different person people don't understand that this pays for itself millions of times over for you to invest in yourself in your creativity put it in you getting the video camera you want and making a video every day putting it into you getting a podcast recorder or hiring a tech guy putting putting that money into you and stop handing it to Starbucks and these different things and put it into you we have got to put our money into consciousness because a huge problem we have is people they become spiritual start to hate money so then they go I don't like money so money stays in the hands of the corporations because we're not doing what we can to support and move with an advertising thing towards the real thing and we got to know that we're infinite we got to know that we're powerful so the first thing to do though is connect to yourself because have you ever had it where you want to write a blog and you're trying to write a blog and you're trying really hard and you can't have anything come out you're trying to make a video you can't come up with it and then there's times where the blog writes you have you ever had that or just shows up and pulls you out of the couch and you don't even know other people are talking to you while you're writing it have you ever had that our job is to live in the second one and the more you clear out the doubts by loving them the more you clear out your judgment of yourself when you think of your judgment of other people at your judgement of yourself the more the blogs are going to write you the more you'll live an inspired life where you will be pulled to do things that are amazing so our job first is to be okay with what is because we can't change the world until we're totally okay with it as is otherwise we're fighting what is and worth the same level of consciousness as the problem so if you fall in love with what is more and more and more you'll so all of a sudden realize that what you're creating now is actually what is and everything that you see outside is what was and there's a what is trying to come through you and you got to do it for your kids and for the world and for you so that this life isn't just a bunch of addictions distracting you from actually living I always don't have an ending and said I like corn it wasn't good that was a terrible ending it's one the worst endings I've ever had uh I've ever had when you're so tired that your alarm goes off it just becomes part of your dream never done that like this morning I dreamt I was in bed with my fiancee sorry ladies so I dreamt her in bed and she goes Kyle you know what I want to do and I said what's that she goes so I gave her five and she stopped making a sound for nine minutes which was the punchline to that joke having a lot of fun so that's awesome I'll take some questions I'm Kyle cease everybody I love you guys I hope you feel good [Applause]
Channel: Wanderlust
Views: 61,477
Rating: 4.8920541 out of 5
Id: Jmof98lxQqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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