Kyle Cease - How to Actually Make Money

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all right I'm back we did when I was in Seattle there ended up still being no Wi-Fi where I was most of the time and then I came back and I ended up doing a flow group from about 11 a.m. till I don't know honestly 1 a.m. probably both days and then after that I ended up shooting a movie I'm in a movie called rise up that has the Dalai Lama it has Alanis Morisette and Jason Mraz and Tony Robbins and I'm honored to be a part of it and so I have been recovering a lot because when I went away I ended up losing myself a lot you know I do so much work and when I'm first I'm in Seattle with my family and that brings up you and your childhood not necessarily you and your greatest depth and then I came back and did flow group and I worked my ass off and make sure everyone's you know really transformed and it's amazing and then I did the movie and had to get there and these were things that I still ended up making accidentally just a little bit a priority more than myself and because of that there was more strain in me because of that I was losing my connection to myself just because you know first I wanted to make my mom happy and see my friends that I've known for 25 years and then make the clients happy and then just kill it in the movie and I really find that the times that I'm like oh I got to do this like it's almost like I have to do this external thing I lose a part of myself and this is when meditation is even more important and I think that in those days I really got to make that first and priority because in doing the work you kind of do the meditation with the clients there and you're thinking okay well that's my two hours and in Seattle we were doing a flow group before and what basically I'm really learning is something I talked to yesterday is whatever area in your life you're having a challenge with it's because you're making that area more important than your connection to yourself with almost everything most people many many people their most important thing is making money and many people say no that's not mine but if you have a job you don't like your doing it so that you can make money I get it I totally get it it's not a judgment but we have to honor the fact that even if we think money isn't the most important thing in the world many of us have to just admit to themselves that we still make it a priority because we have to eat we have to do the stuff and I get it but when we do that and we don't make our soul more important than the money the money is much less if you really want to make money connect to your soul and don't make your priority making money if your priority is making money you will make foundationless money you if your priorities money think about it if you want to sell something and it's not from your soul your goal is money well you might if number-one thing is money this is your heir then you might have to lie to get the money you might manipulate you might do tricks and you're going to end up not being the real thing people are going to want refunds from you you're just making something with the purpose of making money versus having the purpose of adding value to yourself and the people that you're adding value to are you adding value to people's lives a lot of times well I don't make any money right are you adding value to their lives are you bringing something new to the table are you doing something unique how easily replaceable are you these things change when you go inward if you start to meditate a couple hours a day you start to really embrace a lot of yourself you start to discover skills that you didn't realize you had you start to do all kinds of different things and the byproduct is you start to feel called and you do stuff because you love to do it in that place you realize that your time is really precious that's a really big thing learning how precious your time is and you make yourself believe pressures their time is based on what you do in other words if you wake up in the morning and you just go through Facebook all day then you are saying to yourself your time isn't worth much right you're just flipping through doing nothing if you wake up and you meditate you go this is so valuable that what I'm doing is so important and you know the worst case scenario want to be doing is this right so now your time is precious because you really love what you're doing and to take you away from what you love has to be another thing that you love and it has to be something that adds to your life and when there's only one of you and 24 hours a day and you need sleep and meditation and working out and all those things you are going to make something so amazing and there's only one of you and 7 billion people so you're going to come up with ways to get what you have out to the world that's so unique and awesome and you'll get it out in the masses whether it's through a book whether it's through you know a video series whether it's through whatever and if you're doing a one-on-one after you've done all that stuff it's worth even more this is huge because people that just go how do I make money are missing all of this they're missing foundations are missing connection they're missing their skills they're just thinking give me money and that's just causes them to go reach after it and make themselves non sustainable because people are like well you're not say if you're just someone who wants my money so your job if you want something is to stop wanting it if you really want an amazing relationship connect with yourself have a relationship with yourself you have to learn how to connect to yourself and I'm even learning with my body one thing I have is is my body I always want to get it fitter always it's more of a priority accidentally than my connection to myself and so often when I'm on a juice fast or right raw and stuff like that it's awesome when I'm doing that because it's my highest calling but when I do it so that I can get weight loss then it doesn't work I actually am against myself and I'm straining and my body thinks it's in fight-or-flight and it's blocked so if you want anything you have to connect to yourself if you make something a priority I gotta have the relationship right I got to have money right I got to have this healthy body I got to be healthier you have to go within you will learn a new dimension about yourself because if you're just doing everything externally to get something here to get something here and just changing it it's a two dimensional life but when you're going like this and you go okay I got to go within and you kind of find this like inner place and you stay there and you expand and you feel the edge of your heart and then you come out now there's three dimensions and you send these things that you get are a byproduct of how deeply you go here and the more deeply you go here the more you create unique things and these things change now if we understood that and we actually chose to meditate a couple hours a day and go within every day then we would actually create in a totally different external world because we wouldn't settle we would connect on a whole different level so if you want something remember your job is to let go of wanting it and connect deeper and allow something to take over that will bring in new dimensions so that the byproduct is those things that you want to just come to you and I promise you they will and our job is to continually connect to ourselves and we will create a dimension that's new that many many things in the world will want to understand how you have they will want to connect to you they will want to work with you they'll want to date you they'll want to do everything and your body will want to be healthier so everything you want is only based on how much you're connecting to yourself and the more you connect to yourself the more of a space you create for those things to come to you so we're back on track you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 58,878
Rating: 4.9256887 out of 5
Id: d-xWfOArEjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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