Kyle Cease: Transformational Comedy Live

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presence on the planet that's what his award with the Walden New Thought award is so welcome to the stage Kyle soos is really gonna love this folks Reverend Coco Stewart ladies and gentlemen right here thank you so much oh my goodness how about a hand for everyone who we just saw to form and speak I'm just gonna start out by just receiving that I'm here with you right now just receiving that I'm here do you feel the difference between receiving that you're here and chasing your approval can you feel that like I hope you like me there's a chasing that suddenly separates me from receiving the hereness that's always here and if I'm starting to chase something I'm actually saying I don't have so I actually am unable to receive what is here right now if I'm going after something outside of myself so I just received that I'm here I know that's hard to do i watch you guys when you stand up if you've it's your first time here and everyone does this so they go you know welcome to agape and just everyone oh I can't do it Oh pass this over here right I don't know what to do with this car and I just anything but look at me don't look at me I can't receive that you're loving me we gotta look like I'm really busy so I don't have to hear this that's what I say I turn around it was like oh but I want to dare you in those moments to receive it's scary but it's only scary to what you're not it's only scary to your old story whenever someone starts crying and they're scared you only are releasing your prison did you know that the only thing that's falling apart is your small story your limitation your prison right and if you can't receive love here how can the universe get in there how can if you're actually like the universe is like a bellhop waiting to take your bags for you it's right next to you like you want me to deal with this or not you're like no I'm gonna fix it myself because in 1974 no one helped me so I'm gonna still not be helped the universe like I got this if you want it just let me take this and no because my mom said that when I was a kid and then I let her help me and then she ruined everything so no one can help me no one help me people that come to my events and probably come to agape are really good at giving but they're not great at receiving often right and you can only give at the level you receive if I say they could take a breath you know you actually you to actually think of the word receive when you breathe in just think of the word we say feel the word receive and some of you might notice that's some of you might notice that's a scary word to receive right I don't want to receive and have the attention beyond me and actually receive but if I say now as you exhale think of the word give ah very easy but you only could give out the amount of air that you breathe in how much are you cutting yourself off from giving if you're not receiving so for me to start this talk however this is starting I'm just receiving what an honor it is to be here and I say at many events it's an honor to be here and I actually mean it here most places I'm lying I'm like I don't want to be here at all but this one I love this place is amazing this is my second biggest my second biggest place the first ones here right right here is here and I know that just saying my heart is my home can be a cliche like there's a restaurant called Cracker Barrel that probably has that written on a sign somewhere my home is my heart and that's a sentence that we can hear at one level which is when you say it and then I watch a lot of people nod and look at each other like home is my arm hmm [Music] cuz that's in our spiritual community right the nodding but inside were like don't look at me and I don't want to actually look at my heart but I'm going to nod to other people and we'll get connection about the concept that my heart is my home but not actually fully live in the idea that your heart is actually your home I mean the only thing you actually are is this space right now this space right here this space is the actual star of this talk today this space is who's talking this space right here when you see an entertainer you see a perform you see someone that's cool they're nowhere as cool as the space because the space is where they came from so get excited about the space because this space is the only thing that actually creates the space where we came from it's the space and when you say Kyle when you say love this visit lot of questions come up because that's death to the small story that like to worry or have problems right so when I say that people when you say listen to the space actually listen to the space the way you can listen to someone else talking this space is full of so much more information this now space can you receive it and when you receive it the first thing that comes up is all to fear if I listen to the space my small story is going to come up my story of limitation that's the first thing the space has to do it's clear out what you're not because there's a ton of things you think you are that you're not like Who I am is how much money I have or I don't have right if who you are as someone who's broke let me ask you something if you made money do you stop existing No so you can't say Who I am is my current bank account that's impossible you can't say Who I am as a millionaire because that could change and you'll still exist you can't say who you are as your beliefs because your beliefs could change if you've believed one thing fully and then you believed another thing but you existed through both sets of beliefs that means it's impossible that your your belief so anything you believe right now let go of it because it's not true just this space infinite possibility you couldn't be your body because your body changed I had a five year olds body they met a grown-up's body then it got chubby then it got skinny if you've watched my history it gets chubby and skinny and then weirdly buff for a while back to skinny again and I'm currently working on a hybrid of all body styles right here so you'll see I have some chubby yet I'm kind of buff like I got like oh wow look at that arm and then where's his legs there's no legs here people look at me and go what does he do with the gym is it just like does he just eat donuts and then bicep curl while he's doing it and treadmill through the process what machine is that that manually feeds him something that he keeps on his waist yet he still bicep curling so I have all of these different body types going on and they can change and I will still exist with my body changing one way or another so there's no way in my body anything you say I am and follow it with a word is a lie right and that's where our pain is the idea that that's who you are so if you're this infinite being if I say to you you're an infinite being can you feel the ego kick in and go well he's into my store easy for him to say I don't know by my story is different and if you say my story where are you going to your past which doesn't exist the only evidence you have of your story is your past which doesn't exist right so there's this filter that you see yourself through that includes your past that totally isn't real and then the space can't get in unless you listen to this face if you listen to the space the space is going to clear that out I know this because every morning I wake up and instead of doing the old habits of watching the news or hopping on Facebook or whatever I just listen to silence I wake up usually I do two hours and people will say to me how do you do two hours I don't understand how you have time to do two hours of meditation I always say I don't know how you have time to not because I wake up in the morning I think I got a call this person I got a call this person that got the call this person then I listen to silence for two hours and I go I totally don't have to call any of those people took all those people because quite a bit of those people I was going to call was my small story worried that I needed two people please my way to not lose their love the way I did when I was five or that I was doing a should kind of thing where I was like I should do my mom said the public says life says I should call this person it's kind of engaging to move from a what you should do that's not even a thing but when you clear out the lies I listen to silence I actually do it this is getting on the treadmill there's a level where you can come to agape and hear this and it feels really good in your head and then we don't actually do it and that is kind of like going to the gym having them explain to you how an elliptical machine works and then you hear that but don't get on it and then you go back home you tell everyone all about the elliptical machine that they should check out and you start becoming an elliptical machine coach and telling everyone you got to start malikul machining meanwhile we're sitting here spiritually not in that alignment when you listen to silence that's getting on the machine getting on the machine right when you listen the silence so the first half an hour of every meditation I call the break up it's the break up of what I was yesterday it's the fall apart of everything so it's agony and usually when we meditate for a few minutes we have this painful experience so we go I can't meditate because I think the next few minutes is going to be like the first few minutes so we break it and then we keep starting a first few minutes after we recondition ourselves to be in the ego of the word so what would happen if you kept listening because every morning I sit up and I hear the thoughts my mind shows up I'll just be in silence how long an hour you're gonna do an hour I can't do it who's talking like who is that that just said that I can't do an hour's stupid hey boy this is a I'm not doing anything this is stupid I'm not doing anything and then another voice is like well we've done like six minutes so if you have ten sets that's six minutes and you could do an hour then another voice like I gotta let the dog out like this what are we gonna wear did I turn off the iron wait I don't iron I don't even have an iron why would I have I don't washed anything for three years I should wash something and I I should start a 90 day plan to wash clothes I'm gonna do I'm gonna declare that to everybody and then another voice that's so stupid why would you say that that's crazy and then another who's this who are you who are you I don't know and you just stay there now if a voice shows up and goes I can't do this and I go you're right and I get up and go to Starbucks I immediately declare that I'm run by the small story the second the voice says we can't do this if you get up when it says that immediately you just said that's your god that limited story that small story but if you keep listening that story's going to get bored you know why because you're being a space of love for it this is how actual love works love really answers you keep listening you're suddenly becoming the parent you've always wanted for the inner child right you're sitting there listening and this voice comes up because I can't do this this is stupid and you just keep hearing it say that and you're not at war with it and you're not trying to fix it and you're not trying to figure out there's way too much of us trying to figure out why stuff is coming up but it doesn't need to be figured out it's coming up because it's leaving if you start figuring it out you're gonna make it stay because you're bringing your egoic significance into it that's like going to the dentist he's like we're gonna pull out your old cavity and then he pulls it out you see it because it's leaving but it'd be weird if on the way you went what does this mean like oh maybe my grandpa also had this filling and like in a past life I know I went to a past life person and they said that I was Alexander Graham Bell and that's why this fillings here oh it's because I was seven once and had filling that's why everybody they can't get rid of it the universe is just trying to take stuff from you and the stuff that you need to know is already in your mind and the stuff you don't need to know isn't so when we're sitting here trying to figure out something we're in denial of what we already know and we're saying I need to know what I've decided I need to know not what the universe is telling me I need to know right now can you feel that so if I'm just listening to silence these voices come up and all these fears come up and I let them be there I let them be there I'm scared I'm lost cool I'm confused cool by the way you know lost and confused is a very advanced place to be because only your small story can be lost or confused think about this if you were going to car with someone who's totally lost but won't admit their loss they look like they know where they're going ladies have you ever had it when you're in the car with someone they don't admit their loss they're just like we're fine everything's fine I got it and you've passed the same McDonald's nine times and you're like why don't you just admit you're like got it we know what I'm doing it's perfect finally when you go okay I'm lost what happens well let's type it in let's ask for directions new information can come in now that you say you're lost so taken the idea that if you're confused right now or you're lost you're doing really well right because only your small story can be lost sometimes I'll work with someone and they'll say I got it I'll say something about the vastness of what they are and I got to wrap my mind around that stop it how are you gonna wrap the smallness of your story around the infinite vastness of what you are stop trying to shove it into your teeny suitcase and throw out the suitcase and enter the infinite vastness of what you are but I got it I can't wrap my mind around I got to make it make sense to everything I've seen before this moment so really I can't have the breakthrough because it has to look like what I've seen before there's a breakthrough trying to happen for you right now but you're figuring out is getting in the way of it so as I listen to silence the voice comes up I'm a little worried I don't know what I'm doing eventually it's quiet it has to eventually be quiet because only you're fighting it is what makes it alive it's what keeps it alive so after an hour so after a half an hour that's the break-up after 30 minutes I'm single right I just broke up with the old story I just let go of my old story I just let go of what I'm not and it's very scary about Barry because you think you are the old story which would be like going to the bathroom and thinking you're the stuff that you're about to let go of would that be crazy if you're like I can't let go with this because in 1974 you're like wait hold on you're not that you're the space that's coming from you're the but it's trying to leave and your job is to be a space to let it come out and it is impossible to listen to the space and not have that released in the same way it's going to the bathroom and meditating the only thing you have to do is sit and wait just sit and wait life will remove everything that no longer serves you in both scenarios so in a half an hour you're at a half an hour now you're single so my mind's clubbin and like yeah everyone go out and failing and then 45 minutes to an hour 45 minutes to an hour my soul mate shows up because now that I've cleared out my old story I'm so much more receptive to this moment because this moments not clouded by the smallness and my addiction to my small story I'm able to be receptive in this moment so at 45 minutes every it's actually on the nose almost every meditation I have 46 minutes in if you don't break it a million-dollar idea shows up nothing but love shows up infinite forgiveness shows up just full worthiness that you already are because you're not seeking it through the smallness of your past story right you're just worthiness there's a thing that people do like I got to find my purpose do you know how insulting that is to the universe for you to think you're not in purpose right now for you to think you're not in purpose when you're in your hard times for you to think you I have a really good friend who walks into a room and every time she does the whole room lights up and then she'll come and hang with me later so I got to figure out my purpose I got to figure out I'm like you don't think that had a purpose you don't think when you did that that had a purpose or are you measuring your purpose based on how you get paid are you measuring your purpose based on do I get love well how are you measuring purpose and how insulting is it to something that created you as is to say I'm not in purpose unless I eat Goa Khalif ein dit you are purpose you can't get out of it you are love you can't get out of it you can trick yourself into thinking you're not but you can also close your eyes and you think there's no lights on you but that doesn't mean they're not happening there's lights in here whether you close your eyes or not there's light aiming at you but you can totally go while all my friends have their eyes closed so let's talk about how hard life is because I get connection to you because you feel kind of like my dad and that's the only thing I associate to love and then there's this deeper possibility that's trying to unfold every time you have what you call a problem it's only a problem to your small story there's no such thing as a problem but there is a problem to your small story and life is trying to get you to learn how to unconditionally love your circumstances and it's so cool because you can't trick the universe most people try to love a problem so it'll leave which really isn't love if you try to love your kids so will they leave they're gonna be they're gonna catch it okay the universe is like no I'm teaching you actual unconditional love so when I wake up I listen to silence and then I hear and realize if all those other stories aren't me I have to be this space right now for real and often people say to me after talks that's great Kyle but what about the real world like I hear you Kyle that's great and all that's never not been followed by here's my problem though right that's great in all no one's ever said that's great and all by know they go it's not weird how much we always mean the opposite of what we say like no offense is usually followed by pretty offensive things very few people have said no offense but nice hat that doesn't happen because that actually means no offense but people say to me Kyle what about the real world and I go tell me what the real world and I learned that the real world is when you go home and you sit on your couch and you worry about all kinds of things that could happen one day that aren't actually happening where you click on the news and it specifically picks and chooses the worst stories that are going on and creates the illusion to you that the world is totally falling apart when all you have to do is walk down the street and see pretty much everything's ok right that's the real world you know the real world where even though I'm an infinite creative being that's worth billions of dollars I'm going to do everything I can to stay in the small story because I'm scared to lose my mom's connection and be in a small not fulfilling job and in out of an alignment relationship everything I'm not I want to be and that's realistic to me even though right here is the space the real world to most people is the most delusional world I've ever seen it is a creation of fear that is not necessary let's talk about what really is real right now your hearts beating right now does your heart care about how much or how little money you have does your heart care about what happened in the past ask it right now ask the space around your heart about anything in the world you're worrying about think about it and close your eyes I want to offer you guys to close your eyes take a deep breath release it and think of anything that you're worried about and tell the space that's beating your heart about it and then listen to what the space that's beating your heart the same space that's beating my heart listen to what it says back and if you have new fears show up like I don't know if I'm doing this right or you know I don't think I get it tell that to the space that's beating your heart anything you can come up with that's the illusion of a problem tell the space that's beating your heart and listen to what it says if you have a yeah but show up tell that yeah but what about her okay tell that and listen to what it says I'm seeing a few tears show up because that's the releasing of the part of you that was trying to get love on a conditional level finally being seen by you in this moment right now that's what the crying actually is that's the goodbye through the idea of being an actual space of unconditional love for the story that created struggles so that it could overcome it just curious if anyone had a thing that your heart said anyone want to yell out what is it yes that's what your heart said you said I'm scared I won't be able to finish my children's book I was like your hearts your hearts different than ours you won't be able to it like I'm like your hearts mean ahead yeah so you're worried you won't be able to finish your children's book you have a deadline for tomorrow okay and what your heart say it's okay you'll know what to do by the way if you listen longer your heart will say also if you don't that's fine too your heart will go I love you no matter what right because it could be an arbitrary dad don't be mad at me a deadline that you have going on it could be a should deadline but your heart actually says everything's fine either way no matter what's going on whatever even if that thing happens I love you all the way that's what your heart actually says and it's this place that I love to observe I talked about this the last service but I loved it so much so I want to share it here this place is it it exists in our body whenever someone complains about something they always say this really quickly and really passing by just like it's not a major thing they'll be complaining and then he said that's about a half Saturday and then they go deep down I know everything's fine but a bunch of complaining again deep down I know everything's fine but here's where my problems are doesn't that sound a little addicted to the problems because you just said something about over here deep down I know everything's fine and some for some reason our society has decided to make deep down this kind of distant summer home that we just peek in the window for a second and then go back to our studio apartment that we live with seven billion other people that are worrying like crazy hey what if deep down is really awesome what if deep down as a giant summer home and it has infinite masseuses and like hot tubs and crazy stuff professional cuddlers are in it and it's crazy it's got ten thousand rooms in it and like only six people live there mr. Rogers Michael Beckwith Oprah Winfrey like these are the people that live in the deep down home right that's who lives and deep down right and if you listen to silence long enough you start moving in you like me too realtor and they show you the key and now to open it and every once awhile and then you might go through a few months of back and forth while I kind of miss over here where I have all my problems and can worried a lot because I get a lot of connection and I'm going to you know be seen by the status quo is just enough and I don't have okay but then over here I'm gonna lose a lot of what people think I'm going to lose a lot of my parents opinions I'm gonna transcend their opinions actually because deep down is so infinite you can listen to silence more you listen that silence more and then eventually you stop saying deep down I know everything's fine you just say everything's fine because deep down is you deep down is you now people hear these talks and they like it just enough in the mind to not go move to deep down and I'm going to dare you to make this talk worth not what you paid for it which is pretty little and I'm going to dare you later to give to this insanely amazing church spiritual center group of people I'm gonna dare you to give beyond the level you're used to giving because that breaks the cap open on how big you can receive right when you see yourself give beyond yourself when you see yourself do this and like you give someone that you think this number would really throw them off like if you gave a homeless person a hundred dollars you just broke the lid on how big you see that they can have and so you do that for you yours pops open right realize that you're in space of flow right so it's both true that how much you receive decides how much you give and it's vice versa how much you give decides how much you receive so when you're in a place where you're giving give fully and realize you're the apple tree not the Apple because the same part of us that's warding our money is the same part of the supporting million-dollar ideas right the same part of us you're the apple tree and the more you do this and let go of everything that doesn't align the more you open up to receive right so it's just a side dare that I have for you to do something but what I was going to say is when you leave here make this talk not just worth the time you took to get here and whatever you end up donating but make this talk worth what you do with it afterwards like this talk will mean so much more to me you go home and you actually listen to the deep down space an hour or two a day for the next year like if you wake up and stop doing the old egoic things like watch the news flip on Facebook and almost feel uncomfortable that you're not uncomfortable let yourself fall into the depths of what you are and I'm going to dare you to actually do something with it so you start to embody the same deep down aesthetic is because they're just being an example for you of what you are and you have this opportunity to leave this talk and become the example for everyone else of what they are by living it we can't just tell other people to do it while we're not doing it potential butterflies love to prevent themselves from flying by telling caterpillars all over the place that they should fly like if you're here you have butterfly powers if you came to this there's a calling in you that says there's something bigger than what life taught me like life taught me that you're supposed to work hard get the thing retire which by the way if you do that with money imagine if you did that with food you can see how not natural that is like imagine if you thought the way you eat you're supposed to go into the Cheesecake Factory and get as much food as possible stored in your body for the next thirty years and then when you're 66 retire on your Social Security fat and then stop eating completely [Applause] that would be insane but we're like we got to get the money and put it away we got it the money and put it away for way later and then we got to stop doing anything creative and stop making any money and then just use this for later but if you're here you know that that doesn't make any sense so there's something in your body that's opening up and that to me is what I call the butterfly the butterfly you are moving based on intuition that's how I move based on feeling right I just decide instantly if something's supposed to be in my life does it expand my life or does it make me contract it I know I'm contracted if I come up with a justification to keep it all right so for instance I have it thank you both you I have a two-year-old daughter I have a two-year-old daughter named Vivian she is so amazing she's so cute and I've never said well she gets good medical so I'll let her keep being my daughter you get what I'm saying I've never said well she's gets these benefits so I think I'll keep her as my daughter no she's my daughter I would never explain to anyone why I would keep this girl as my daughter same with what I do for a living I love what I do I'm never going to justify it to anybody but we all know what it's like to be in a job we don't like and say but eventually I'm gonna get a raise we know what it's like to be in a friendship with someone that doesn't feel like they align and go yeah but they did give me that one dinner that time and they were really nice right when you're justifying something that's you ignoring the fact that you're not listening to your body and you need to go into your head to make sense out of it so if you keep it in your life you have to stay in your head if you keep the thing in your life that doesn't align with your soul you have to stay in your head and these things that are trying to expand you are a preview because we have those first two voices right there's a first voice that shows up in every decision we make and it shows up and it feels good and you got about three seconds with it or it shows up and it says something like what if we left this company just shows up on this side what if we asked that person what if we just flew to Italy right now like it's showing up in my body what if we write a book that's the first voice that shows up and then right there that's like a portal to you stepping into a whole new energy and it can't tell you why because you've never done so it's actually asking you to move based on faith so if you try to make sense out of it you can only make sense based on your old story so you go into your head as the way to get out of it so the first boy shows up what if we do this thing what if we leave this company and then the second boy shows up and that's your yeah but so new story birthing old story trying to stay alive right what if we do this thing and then you come up with the stupidest reason over here why you shouldn't and we listen to that more it'll be like what if we leave this company yeah but if we do we can't go to that black angus party next week and there they have free salad they're gonna be giving up free salad and the first voice can't tell you this because it wants you to move based on faith and in your soul and learn what will happen once you say yes to it but it's like dude if you listen to me you could own all the black anguses in a month and you can make them all vegan if you wanted and then and then the second voice is like yeah but they have those potatoes and it's so good if you've ever stayed in a relationship that you know you don't want to be in because you know that the two of you eventually are going to be going camping you know what I'm talking about well I don't like this person but we already got the tent so I'll not like being with them for the next two months and then I'll hate him in the woods like that's not what you want to do and I've learned to follow the feeling and its really getting specific and it's testing me now and a few years ago before I had my amazing daughter I I saw a poster of one of my old performances there's a poster I'd framed in a closet and it was from my Comedy Central years and it was a number one Comedy Central special I pulled it off and I asked my body do I want to keep this and my body was feeling heavy with it but my mind came up with a reason I said if I ever have a kid I'm gonna want to show them this thing and my body was like yeah I want to let go of it but my mind was explaining to myself keep it but my body wanted to let go of it your body is telling you so I walk over I feel it I don't want to keep this actually my soul doesn't want to keep this this story this thing that was me so I walk over to a dumpster and I let go of it and it shatters in the dumpster which like made it officials like oh cool like and then I walked away and I felt this lightness and a voice go your kid would rather have you as a present father your kid needs your presence she doesn't need me going look what I did in 2007 aren't you proud of me don't you like me because that's kind of chasing people's approval but once you let go of the thing that your mind was keeping you have to go into your body you have to go into your heart and then you cry for a minute because your mind is not needed your old story isn't needed for a second and the way the ego works is it loves to create a problem so that it can overcome it your ego likes to find what's wrong so that it can overcome what it created in the first place and that's why we stay with things that don't align with our soul if I ask you right now on a scale of one to ten what does meditating feel like to you what shows up in your body anyone 10 it's a 10 for me now if I said to you on a scale of one to ten what is flipping through Facebook feel like to you I mean like 70 times a day what does that feel like that a 10 no yet many of us do it so we live in a 2 or a 3 and if you're doing that life can't come in the truth of what you are can't come in and by the way abundance can't come in because your old story says you're worth so much less think about up until this talk how you unconsciously think about money think about how you think about money do you think it's never enough I wish it was more or do you have some deep-rooted conditioning with your family that says something like money doesn't grow on trees or it's the root of all evil right now I want you to imagine something imagine that your money and you're on a date with you you're on a date would you like to be on a date with someone that says you're never enough you need to be more you're the root of all evil you want to hang out with that person what would you want if you were on a date with someone you'd probably want them to love you as you are you'd probably want them to actually make their best connection to themselves right their best connection has to be themselves because then they're a safe space for you whether your inner darkness whether you're in your doubt so I want to ask you if that's the case then can you look at your bank account even if it's at a negative and go I love it exactly where it is because in the old paradigm we've been taught to think positive and that's awesome and there's so many great things about that but that implies there's a negative and I find that my light is not measured by how much I keep staying in the light it's measured by how much of my darkness which is only my judgment that I fall in love with so if you want to actually become abundant fall in love with being broke if you want to have a good relationship fall in love with being alone and single if you want to have a good life embrace the idea that death is a part of life and watch how good it becomes right just in saying some unconscious sentence like money equals security or money equals freedom you're saying the biggest lie ever and that's that I don't equal security I don't equal freedom you're the source of every dollar you've made get excited about you get excited about you wouldn't be weird if we went for a walk in the woods and I rounded a corner and you didn't see me and I find this giant waterfall just and I just get a cup of water and I come running back and you didn't see the waterfall and I go look everyone a cup of water one cup of water look everyone a cup of water isn't this amazing this cup of water and you're looking at this limited cup and you're immediately seeing lack because it's going to be gone very soon and you're going man I hope I can get the rent paid with this water and I hope that I but you don't know that around the corners a waterfall you're the space that every dollar came from you're the space you've never got to see we've never got to see what life's like if we start to focus on the space and then trust that it might go I'm going to let if you want this thing I'm gonna actually let go of your attachment to the thing I'm gonna make you actually lose the thing that you want first so that you can fall apart and see that you're still alive there's a lady that came up to me at the last talk and she said your talk touched me because we lost millions this week and I was like thank God because now you can access the infinite part of you that's worth billions right and when you have that you can invest it in your creativity and you can donate it and you can be a space of love for the world and you can do your thing it's available for you for real it really is so I have my book the illusion of money that's gonna be in the bookstore in the back and I did make a joke about being honored to be it is in 2006 I came to agape for the first time and I had a very awesome Comedy Central career and hit my body so much more and it's emotional for me to be here even though I've had so many other gigs this gig is so so so touching and this I know I've spoken at agape many times but I haven't been the he's the speaker this time and and it's been something I've been focusing on and honored to be with you and I want to thank you so much for having me agave thank you for being with me thank you to Reverend Michael Beckwith for changing my entire life thank you to all of agaves thank you for being here I'll be in the back please give to a cough a doughnut like you've never done it and then open up and watch what happens goodbye everybody thank you so much love you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 33,298
Rating: 4.943222 out of 5
Id: 89MxR0mxYaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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