Trading Approval For The Real You - Kyle Cease

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one of the things i'm noticing i'm hearing a lot of right now is grief i had someone uh i had a few people close to me tell me they were feeling suicidal things i had a couple of clients feeling the same way feeling grief there's a lot of feeling of loss right now one of the people i was working with recently i said what's the loss and one of them was the feeling of family meaning she had family members that don't support her choice of how she's choosing to handle the lockdowns and the vaccines and all that and i'm not going to get into a political discussion about that but i'm going to talk about how many people are going through that right now and one of the questions i love to ask is what's trying to emerge here this question is really big it's a question michael beckwith asked me and it changed my life because i know a lot of people ask questions like why do i always do this why can't i figure this out how long is this going to keep going and um so many different things right and one of the things i just want to offer is the grief that you're feeling is the goodbye to a pattern that you've only known in your life right so for instance for some people it could be the release of your family's approval of you or some of your friends approval of you right because right now no matter what side you're on on anything life is kind of putting us in a position where we're on a side even though none of us want to be on that but it's almost creating a division right now right and so you're suddenly being put on a side and i want to dare you to not try to be on a side but just follow your highest and your highest might seem like a side sometimes but it's not it's what your highest is and one of the things that i noticed is that every human being has a higher self but many human beings don't know that you have a higher self there there's if all these things to consider in the world weren't a factor what would you do right now and a lot of us don't follow that highest we don't follow that question and our body is full of what we think we should do right and so right now there's so much confusion if you're in a world of what you should do you are hearing conflicting information everywhere and this is a huge opportunity for you to lose your shouldness and find your highest this is where you have to start making decisions that call to your soul you have to listen to your soul and make decisions that call to your soul this is how you ascend one of the things that's trying to happen in this world right now is as you shed your i want you to still be able to have connection to family but some of us have connection to family as a way to cut off of our soul right like i'm scared to lose my mom's approval so i'm going to do what i think she wants me to do right and so there's a lot of us that are losing the ability to keep other people happy which actually is a great thing and what you don't know is when you finally do what's the truest to you if you ask your highest self what you need to do and everyone has a different highest self and there's a reason for that but what's your highest self want you to do with anything not just with the responses to covid but with what you eat with you know when you eat with what you watch on tv with do you meditate whatever when you finally are aware of a pattern that is scared of losing people's approval and you allow it to run its course and fall out you actually start to be connected to the truth of what you are and this requires you to not move from a should it remind it requires you to move from your calling so this requires some meditation this requires some going in this time requires you to raise your frequency like no other right now the biggest power most powerful weapon we have is frequency raising it's you going to a higher frequency it's not just fighting what is it's not just arguing it's you moving to a frequency where you're more connected to your highest self than other people's approval now you know you're already more connected to other people's approval if you have a truth that you feel but you're scared if you tell them that they'll get mad so you don't let's really break that down i want to tell them what i really feel but they'll get mad well if you establish that that's okay then you're going to start cutting off your calling to keep other people happy and other people aren't really happy they're just able to keep their control going or their decide decision about what you're supposed to be and you are here to move from connecting to everyone's approval of you to guide it to that you are naturally moving from your highest vibration and often when we feel depressed or suicidal or something's falling apart it's not because of the outside world it's that the outside world is cutting off patterns that you've been so used to your entire life so the outside is trying to cut you off from people's approval it's trying to cut you off from your ability to see that you're safe in the future it's trying to cut you off from a you that keeps everything positive all the time it's trying to cut you off from thinking always that you're totally safe so that you'll surrender into true safety of the now it's really doing its work right now to pull everything from you that's not you and if you don't understand that you will be more and more depressed or feel more suicidal but remember the only thing that's trying to fall off is your old story your old addictions your old patterns your old escape routes your old strategies i had a client recently say i want to quit my job but before i do she said she she doesn't want to be at that job anymore but she goes before i do i want to have another plan and i said what if right now life is trying to get you to actually surrender to it like what you're doing is you get on a plane to go skydiving and then it says skydiving you're jumping onto another plane and you're missing the opportunity to be in the full i don't know to be in the full holy and you'll notice that if you're constantly trying really hard to keep everything together and figure out what to do about everything that's an old pattern that's no longer useful and it has to fall right it has to fall off right and this is this is what's happening right now this is trying so much to fall off right i just got a a question from a teammate that said why is the ascension energy shift happening in 2021 of all years it's just time it's just happening like always ascension has been happening but at one point you can feel the energy that says we've achieved enough in the false world i have achieved so many of the things that i wanted and got them and was like this isn't it right and this this isn't it it's fun to achieve those things but you get there and you go what's next what's next what's next and if i didn't have the shift happening i could keep achieving my way whatever but then can you see how achieving would just be an addiction and stopping me from now and right now everything is waking up people are waking up by in so many masses there are people all over the place seeing a higher truth than they thought was true this is happening all over the world all over the world right now and one of the biggest things that's happening is you're losing your ability to make family more important than god you can still have family but you have to make your own guidance system first you know every other week or so i meet with a therapist for myself and i said i sometimes have a really hard time connecting to people at all and he goes what do you mean i said well a lot of conversations are just like what the football team did or you know whatever and it does it feels very stepford wifey to me and he goes what's your idea of connection and i said that i don't have to sacrifice my soul to be with the person i don't have to sacrifice my truth what i feel who i am and that i have a person in my life that's a friend a relationship whatever that cares about what i feel and that can maybe even take me past that right and the more you do this the more you'll find there's a lot of people that it's really loud now that you might have kept as friends but let me ask you something if you keep people as friends because only because you went to the same college or because you like the same football team or because you both are fans of a singer isn't that a fake friendship and isn't it not based on a soul connection isn't it based on just that we have the same bloodline it's just it's just based on right like that we both like that same thing so it's not necessarily a sustainable friendship it's based on a thing that if that thing went away your connection could go away and i can feel that right away so sometimes i feel very alone but in that aloneness sometimes i find there's a higher frequency of myself coming in if i get okay with that aloneness right and so the more i do this work the more i find there's an aloneness here but in that aloneness i really can move and if i embrace that aloneness it's empowered the old me when i was alone thought i should be in a relationship and when i was in a relationship at times thought i should be single and now i'm like i think i should be alone for a while and embrace being alone and one of the things that you might notice that's happening right now is your constant argument with every direction does anyone notice this happening right now a constant argument with every single direction like do i leave this house well i like this house though but i should leave this house i should let go of it but i like it though and you go okay we'll sell it no i don't want to because i like it you're like okay don't sell it and they're like i should though because it'd be i want you to notice if you've got that going on right now where you're in a constant argument that's a control freak trying to control all ways and when you're in a place where you're in a constant argument with all directions this is actually a good thing because always don't work anymore you have to create space for a new way and that's when you take a deep breath in and you go i don't know and you sit and you're i don't know right you gotta sit in your i don't know because the frequency that's trying to control all the directions like do i leave this person no i'm gonna stay no i'm gonna go but they're really good and they got me dinner that one time but they it would be easier no it actually would be harder okay leave them no i can't because they're they're really wonderful with blah blah okay stay with them i can't because if you're in a constant argument with yourself right now that's your ego scared of bigger than your ego imagine your ego inside of your body is like looking at all the ways outside of the ego right it's looking at all the ways outside of the ego which means you see bigger than the ego do you get what i'm saying you're actually like the ego is almost this energy and you can see this so the ego's like what do i do this way this way this way but you're seeing all of this right so now there's this so it's like this can't do the job anymore this frequency no longer works in 2021 for you the what do i do frequency is dying right this is what's happening in the world right now you have to go i don't know and i'm not here to just be a doer i'm here to surrender to god because always always always god in the universe will give you a third option you don't know about it'll either make someone come in and buy the house for over the price it'll make the person you were considering leaving they'll go it'll make whatever you're not considering all the other factors and you can't make a decision because the frequency you're still moving from can't pick right because the choice is bigger than this can see so now you surrender to the now and here we are in this now right now there's always always a third option and if you start to really follow your highest not what should you do not what should you do to get them to like you not what should you do to get seen not what should you do to make money what's your highest calling sometimes your highest calling will be to do something even if it doesn't pay but when you go to that frequency you show yourself your time is worth more than money and then life will reward you in ways you don't understand now most people don't understand this and most people don't believe this but this frequency moves not only to making your life amazing but the world amazing you raising your vibration will change the planet this is not just oh and then i can have some money and then i can drive the car and then i can date the person you have to be open you have to be so open i want to dare you to be so open worst case scenario check this out i'm wrong and you'll just have a really good life right but when you want to really live you get so open to that it's really amazing and i have started to move in the last year much more like everything is mirroring me and it's mirroring every decision i make it's mirroring every little bite that i take it's mirroring every time that i stay with something that doesn't align it's mirroring every time i say yes to my highest right and the more you follow your highest you move into a place where you're aligned with your higher self but that's death to everything you've ever known about you and that's why people feel suicidal thoughts you need to understand something you are not suicidal or depressed your patterns are take that in it's not you and if you get more and more present and you don't try to overcome the patterns because that's the same frequency as the patterns do you understand that the patterns can't overcome themselves they're the same ones acting you got to get here and start to see the patterns you got to listen to silence for a good chunk of time you get really quiet and you start to see a pattern here but you don't do anything about it then you see another pattern and you don't do anything about it you see another pattern you see these things then you start to hear all the shoulds in your life i better move here i better whatever and you start to see all these things that you think you need to do but the more you listen the more they fall off and you start to realize it's a mirror of your frequency not your actions do you get that it's a mirror of your frequency not your actions unless your actions are creating a higher frequency right so when you ask yourself should i hang with that person tonight right ask the highest you and don't be scared to say no if it's a no right we all get this people-pleasing pattern that's trying to die right now right should i should i meet that person for dinner tonight well the highest me actually says i should meditate okay but all the patterns in my body say i should go that should and the highest you is ending an addiction ending an addiction to an old frequency it's ending an addiction to whatever being controlled sending an addiction to a you that would settle that's the that's falling off the you that would settle the you that is addicted all the time the you that is constantly an escape in the future the you that is is constantly chasing your family's approval or your friend's approval all of these things are dissolving and you don't know what you are on the other side of that but i promise you if you stay with it and stay present and let yourself really feel and cry out all the that's coming up while you feel it and you really go i might have to let go of that person i might have to let go of their opinion i might have to let go of what they think of me i might have to let go of of living in this one place i thought i should wanted to live i have to let go of those things one really big trick to make this move much quicker is to not be in denial that this is coming a lot of people are still in the negotiation stage and they're still already looking at the way out to not have to feel this and you've never watched a movie hoping they don't go on the adventure we watch movies hoping they go on the adventure that's beyond what they can see from the beginning every movie is pretty much that a person doesn't want to but then they have to go on an adventure and they have to face something that's beyond anything they know of themselves and then eventually they learn something about themselves and they change the whole world because of it that's back to the future that's planes trains and automobiles that's so many things right like you get into a situation that you're totally screwed on you can't see a way out and then you stay in the game and you move to a frequency that's higher and higher and higher you stay with what's true for you you honor your boundaries you move up that you wouldn't watch those movies if they didn't go on the adventure i was watching a movie today and it was just like it was a terrible movie and it had russell crowe in it and he was it's called unhinged and he he it's a movie about road rage and he just tells the kid in the back seat like the woman cuts him off and he tells her roll down the window and he's like apologize to me and all she had to do was apologize to him and if she did the movie would be over but she doesn't apologize to him and he becomes a psycho and it's like fatal attraction it's crazy right but it's so funny because i'm watching it like this movie would be 15 minutes if if she just was like i'm sorry right it was like a funny thought like what if she just said i'm sorry and the movie's over every movie has that you're watching go and just tell them the thing in this movie ends right just say just do the thing i can see the problem why aren't you going to the police you know those things you all you got to do is tell the police right now no i'm going to do it my weird liam neeson way it's just like that's your problem right just get her taken by the cop it's this is over you got to do karate all over europe right so we are forced into an adventure now and the adventure requires you to move in a way that you can't just egoically get out of and instead of egoically getting out of it we're going to lose our egos a little bit every day our attachments are what's falling off can you find anything that's falling off that's not an attachment an attachment to false safety an attachment to being seen an attachment to approval and attachment to the future that's what's falling off what you don't know is on the other side of it falling off is the birth of you the birth of the real you that's what's happening do you understand this that's what's happening but this you is unfamiliar this you you're not familiar with so day one doesn't feel you don't get it you don't understand what's going on it doesn't make any sense but does anyone notice you've already cried out some stuff and have this kind of hybrid of still control and addiction and also a little more now does anyone feel that like they've kind of surrendered and cried out some but also are more here well it used to not be like that right 20 years ago or 10 years ago used to just be the pattern of doing there was no here right like you were just a doer you felt safe in your constant future goal and you just did right now that ability to do is being taken from you but there's also a little bit more presence and because you have so much more presence a day moves like a year now like you notice that you notice like think of someone you had a date with like a month ago if anyone had a date with someone a month ago or talked to a month ago does anyone notice like some of those people don't even exist in your life now it feels like they're three years away do you know what i'm talking about okay fine not date but just someone you talk to like oh i got a thing i gotta call that person back and then you forgot they existed like but it's only been like three weeks but three weeks now feels like 10 years that's because time is very different now because you don't have your pattern anymore you're just ascending and it causes the patterns to fall off that's happening right now so everyone take a deep breath and release it and you need to know that every tear you shed creates a little more god getting into your body right every tear you shed every release every being present every time you feel totally doomed and you just let yourself feel doomed without numbing it i feel screwed i feel depressed okay get present and let yourself feel depressed be present with it love it allow it to be right don't judge it don't try to get out of it that pattern that wants to get out of things what if life right now yawning is totally a release what if life right now is getting you here you've never been here and the world was sustainable just enough right here get present for your darkness too you have a presence in you that can handle your darkness too it's not just positive thinking anymore it's being a space for the darkness it's being a space for the pain inside that pattern inside just needs to be seen i see it so much i'll be working with someone and they'll they'll feel off and then they come up with a solution i'm like your inner child said i'm off and you just left them for a solution meditate open your heart right now and get present for what's here pain not the solution to the pain fear like if you have a justifier like i have a justifier going you know it'll be fine it'll be fine i know this will all work through what if i just said hey that justifier in you is scared it's scared like what if i just look at you and go i hear the pattern that's in the future it's scared let's be present for it we have lived skipping on top of our darkness we've been water skiing on top of an ocean with a ton of darkness inside and now we're deep sea diving and we we don't want to but if we allow ourselves to accept we're here to to ride this wave to be with this to allow ourselves to feel this to become present not just stay on top of the water not just skip on top of the water fall into the ocean and go deep you need to go deep everything's been shallow what's what's that football team doing okay that laugh isn't right i've always had a problem for the last 10 years with fake laughter i know someone that no matter what they'd say that have a loud laugh oh i just i'll take a bite of this i'm like that's not funny that's not a joke you're lying when you laugh that's my problem too but it's somebody oh i'll just don't mind if i do what are you doing are you just scared to talk like what is this you're losing your ability to be phony you're losing your ability to cover things up you're losing you're finding a real you that person that i can think of that was like that they never got to know the real m now they get to right oh i think i'll just take a bite hey i'm holding a pen that's just a fact it's just a fact oh my face true not a joke i wouldn't close with that joke hey everybody the comedy stylings of this person hey everybody thank you so much i eat food thank you i'm gonna open a door hi i just wanted to come on and say this was the beginning rant of a very very very special episode on the absolutely everything pass that's where you can see the entire thing um right after this riff i go into questions and one of the questions was a woman talking about her darkness and her mind and how it's sabotaging her right now and it's amazing because by opening her heart within minutes you watch her shift the entire thing um it's way too much and way too deep to put on youtube so i just wanted you to know if you want to see it it's episode 147 on the absolutely everything pass which also has hundreds of other things and you know live events and talks so please join us i hope you enjoyed this riff and i'm really looking forward to seeing you there thank you you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 22,006
Rating: 4.9642057 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Motivation, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do, help me, oneness, non-duality, non duality, present moment, possible, switching timelines, changing reality, money problems, abundance, depression, pain, anxiety, addiction, overcoming addiction, goals
Id: 297Yzhi3Wow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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