Revealing Both Sides Of The Veil - Kyle Cease

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[Music] what i'd like to talk about is what's here and how much more i can see what's here from just accepting the now accepting um myself accepting you accepting my past you know right here right now there's so much more here this place right here is where all your ideas come from you know can you connect to that place where all the ideas are for a second just can you just feel right here where where the ideas are where the feelings are where the unknown is can you this is a hard thing for the ego to do but can you connect to an unknown you can't connect to an unknown from a known meaning like when you're trying and you're in your ego and there's like this point trying to find something it can only find something at that frequency so the longer you listen the more you're not you're not connecting with some kind of find it energy instead you're just feeling like almost feel and think with your body like just allow yourself to receive this now-ness that is not something that you can define there's no way you could talk about it with words right like so happy to see you both too can you just feel this unknown like there's a there's a place where we try to find it with our ego don't find anything anymore you know you find your keys and your wallet when you lose them but don't try to find why this is wrong and don't try to find what do i do about and don't my offer to you is just man just feel with your whole body the space that's here that's much more of an unknown that's much more of a non-definable thing and and maybe just open up to a space that things can maybe come to you like just open up because there's always communication happening with source and sometimes our finding is in the way of what's trying to be communicated right here like just allow yourself to just no matter how you're sitting or and can you like robin just said open she's repeated that sentence open up and let things come to you can you open up and let things come to you and not find what's coming because that's like finding again like did it work let nothing come to you but a tangible actual nothing right like let let yourself open to nothing and the only thing that makes it nothing is you can't see it with your five senses there's always something here so it's just is my heart in some kind of search and and closed off because it's in a fight or flight search or is it open is it here like can you see that nothing is real that that that the nothing is a real thing you just can't measure it with your your five small senses there's so many other things that you there's so many other senses you have or you don't know about intuition right kathy g says my therapist says this too that is so hard for me to get i want to offer you to not get it the party that wants to get it is in a smaller frequency than what it is right like there's different frequencies like an x-ray is a seeing right but it's not a seeing that you can do from the smaller frequency right so so imagine there's frequencies and you're trying to look through i don't want you to look through this low frequency like just feel what's here and know that as you feel it it'll change like allow yourself to just feel what's here what calls to me is the idea of a potential back and forth guided i don't want to say meditation because it's a loaded word but a guided feeling and this is how i meditate like i just want to offer you to just feel for a second and and danielle i'll answer that right now i want you to just feel right now and don't need to have anything specific don't need anything tangible don't need any evidence that this is working for a minute or an idea right now like notice how quickly you want that by the way like it's not worth doing if within the first 20 seconds i don't have a million dollar idea or some crazy breakthrough now things are worth doing even if you can't measure any of the results and imagine if you didn't need to see what you'll get before you did something and you just instead felt right now without knowing why you're feeling just like be interested in this this matters too paula says how do you stop yourself from distracting and meditating even if you know you are feeling what you need to feel by not judging what you decided is distracting let your mind go wherever it wants and feel whatever you feel let your mind sometimes i'll hear people meditate and they go and then i notice my mind went off on a tangent and then i bring it back to my breathing i'm like why it wanted to go over there why are you bringing it back why are you controlling it why is it this better than wherever your mind went do you think your mind has left or something do you think that you're here you think that your focus here right right can you can you just right now let your mind that's just an inner child running around let your mind go wherever it wants let i just want the only thing you think to be let and then whatever other thoughts come up are just old patterns running their course right you right now are just tangibly both letting them run around or be scared or feel sensations fear or trauma in your body there's a lot of talk about trauma lately i think my favorite trauma warm drink is the gabor mate i don't know if anyone's had it but allow yourself to be right here allow yourself to just feel what's here allow yourself to just see what's here allow your mind to think whatever it needs to think whether your eyes are open or not can you just allow yourself to kind of be and and if you notice thoughts coming up or panic just let it be let it be if you notice unseenness if you notice a massive amount of pain in your chest or your stomach can you just let it be there and understand that things change understand that you present with it it's the most amazing gift for it like you're here with me even when i'm hurting isn't that what you want from other people what you want from other people don't you want just be with me even when i'm hurting could it be okay if i'm crying in front of you could it be okay if i'm full of anxiety well this is your chance to bring that to your inner child right bring that to your child in your body what if i keep having pain in my stomach yeah be present with it it's like hey when i have pain you always run from me like be right there with it just allow yourself to just listen right now to what's here this is so much more important than figuring out money i promise these things take care of themselves this is the number one priority remember no matter how much in a world of government tyranny or control or living with a control based narcissist or being totally stuck or in prison there's one thing no one can take from you and that's your connection to source and no one can take your choice to really actively connect to that source and that actually happens to be the highest asset you have no one can take your connection to source even when they put you in lockdown even if they put you in prison even if they're torturing you if they're putting you down or judging you can't take my connection to source and you can't take my choice to connect to source even if you kill me i just go right to source rewire yourself to this being your first choice this right here this right here is my first choice now i want to offer you as you're in this feel free to close your eyes and i want you to feel the intimacy of this nothing this nothingness just your hereness with it is actually intimacy it might be scary for a part of you that's scared of intimacy just to to feel something going beyond your heart something that's or your story actually it's not going beyond your heart it's going to be beyond your story and your protection and your false identity just let yourself right here merge with it and even if you perceive that you're not good at this yet just that's fine look at that voice that says i have to be perfect at something before i do it or let it be only 10 successful right now whatever just hear and find the tangibleness of the nothing find the the conversation and the silence and don't just look for tangible words like find the tangibility in the silence there's actually something interesting here and make this more interesting than a future goal make this more interesting than a figuring out this here is interesting silence god universe you are interesting to me i'm interested in what you have to say even if i can't decipher it in just words let yourself feel connection versus think connection something is beating your heart 24 hours a day what is that what is that and that's not something you can find with your mind that's something that will be introduced to you the more you're available and you become available by just paying attention to now the less evidence you need that you'll get something out of something the more you'll get surrender the evidence that this is working surrender the evidence that you you're gonna get something out of this surrender the idea that it's only measurable based on what you make or if you get the right relationship or you want to show gratitude to the universe connect to it the universe is here for you or god or whatever you want to call it 24 hours a day and maybe once a week we listen to it for 10 minutes when we're really stressed how about we just start the process of listening to it always and letting life and figuring out take second to that and let's see what life does now that you get the mirror of you listening to god versus listening to your problems what's the mirror of listening to the silence all day you think you can't still hear it when you're at lunch with a friend you think you can't feel the silence when you're at work feel it right now let me give you a few minutes then come back with some more i'm right here meditating with you just let's just hear the tangibility in this for a few minutes uh stay in it i'm just going to talk a little bit and we're going to be in and out of me talking while i want to offer you for this whole call to just kind of stay in meditation i want to offer you to notice that whatever issues are in your life are not able to stay in your mind the longer you meditate like just let any issues in your life for a second just slip out just trust it'll be resolved beyond what you can see for a minute you can still deal with it how you are going to but for right now i want to offer you to not hold any issues just let them let them go but let any thing that you were stressed about or have to deal with just let it slide off at the pace that it wants to the longer you meditate the longer you listen to the silence the more to be able to keep meditating the more it has to purge its interest in those things just let them be there the issues but don't grab them don't fix them don't run from them and don't come up with a solution to legitimize that they're a problem they're not a problem just feel this moment and have the courage to just stay with this moment and then just go i'm just going one more second okay and then i'm going one more second you move like that you can go forever it's just here and now here if i say there's a long time left that's harder to to just be here but if i just say just this next second now this one wow you'll notice everything's slipping out a little bit and then what are you left with i have another few minutes of just noticing that notice things have changed even without any effort whatever you can find is trying to slip out just let it let it be there or let it slip out don't figure it out don't make sense out of it don't grab it don't control it just sensations thoughts just hi hi [Music] thank you i hear you receive right now listen right now so so ugh stay in it right now keep your eyes closed and i want to offer you as you experience this space and you see with your eyes closed can you find a difference between the inside and outside of you and are you sure like notice from here all the thoughts you're having are inside of you right so there's no outside or it's all outside and there's no insight there's no line that separates you from this you're creating that line that it's separation and you're used to living on one side of that line and being a smaller thing like notice there's actually no line there's no where do where does one person end and another begins just at the skin no you can you can feel that person with your eyes closed how could you how could you how could you feel that energy how could you see them in your mind right now these are just thoughts then only your thoughts not the people your thoughts of the people but the more you do this and you go yeah but what about the people outside of that i'm like those are thoughts too you already know who i'm talking about so you're thinking about this other group of people that are a new set of thoughts outside of these thoughts that you think are the other people there are no other people there's no other people just open up stay in this let's go a little more uh uh take another minute know that whatever is feeling stuck or off or whatever is changing in itself like just see it have the courage to be there no matter what you're feeling just be there just no no taking on no fixing just be there and notice what you would have to connect to to be there for it you actually experience more of the all that is this to be there for it right there is no you but the patterns that have lived as you are so scared of that so you are merging with the truth of this all that is-ness and your protectors are going wait we might feel trauma we might get hurt again if we're just all that is and then you're just like no you're not going to get hurt the same way you won't be abandoned you won't be lonely you won't be yelled at you won't be hit you won't be any like you you are just this action that's protecting from those feelings but what you actually are is all of this i know you're scared to get hurt from your dad again or whatever but this is your dad this is your mom this space you're a child of this you came from your parents you're a child of this this is your parents reunite with your home reunite with this this is your home you're connected to this before you had memory so it might feel unfamiliar but it's familiar this right here this is both sides of the veil you can feel this after you pass this is the same this whole space for that survival mechanism this whole space that survival mechanism is in you it's just energy scared to release itself and the more you do this work the faster it oh can and what life can do for you what life can do for you an answer for you and heal for you and magic for you it'll take care of everything your challenges in life are just a mirror of how frequently you connect to the now if you connect very little you see only a ton of connect like this the universe will take care of the problems man the universe will take care of it you have no idea you have no idea how big it is said comfortably said however you feel held let your chair or your bed or the space hold you like you're falling like a kid falling back into mom's arms just like fall into it for a second let it hold you relax for once relax for once like don't make relax such a bad thing be held be held don't make that so unfamiliar just be held by this now feel a little thank you just with your breathing just receiving thank you giving it and when you feel comfortable feel free to open your eyes i want to welcome you back i'll tell you i was meditating a lot last week and going on a lot of god walks i go on these walks and talk to god and on the seventh i took a friend to lunch and the price was whatever 50 something and then i hit that 20 button on their machine and it came out to be 77.70 and that was the price at lunch on the 7th and then that night i went to dinner with another friend paid the bill and it was 77.70 again the next morning i walked to a smoothie place talked to god all the way there had a revelation decided what i was going to order because of the revelation the price was 770. and i swear to god and i just feel so held i just feel so here but that's because i'm allowing it i'm finding it i'm receiving it i'm listening to it i'm listening to an energy that's here and you will feel held and there's always passing things that could seem like problems but if you're on a frequency of the now you don't see them as problems you see them as unfoldings you see them as something the universe is dealing with you see them as possibility right feel free to share anything feel free to share what this space says that's all it is if you're listening to the now eight hours a day if you are listening to the now you know this is the only truth so everything else is just like something going by on a conveyor belt but if you're on a lower frequency it's you that thing is an issue to get in wow [Music] you know it's so beautiful we're sharing stuff and i'm i want to hear it and i also want to offer the power of our listening so wiggle we're sharing something after listening for an hour this is actually something to say you know we're all screaming for freedom of speech and we're just a bunch of egos screaming at each other how about freedom to hear freedom to listen and then when we say something it's a new world coming through it's an invention it's an idea it's a higher frequency this is why we're here like no they can take your freedom of speech which might be a good thing for a minute so you don't have to just keep screaming out mediocrity and judgment of the other political side and instead freedom to hear there's really good information up here we're birthing a new world together yeah how about freedom to hear and then when you hear something you've never heard before that's new then you share it how about we share god not keep sharing ego i got something to tell you because i just discovered it i have new to tell you i have a new world to tell you i have a new level telling you it's not just like this happened that basketball team beat that basketball team or i went to work and amber was there and there was no ink in the pen like that's just what happened tell me what's happening that's my thing i'm still working on finding the love in that i was at a restaurant recently and i heard two guys talking and one guy goes i can only go to vegas from friday to monday the other guy goes yep i can't go more than four days and i was just like i can't do that like i can't i don't know how to join a a conversation like that i i feel bad i feel a little alone in that i just wish i could be fascinated by that really and i can god's taking care of it and i'll just be in the presence and be fascinated by that but there's a part of me that you know it's just like i i am so excited to know you can't go to vegas more than four days i can do so much with that ah wow yeah that's the way i can be with it glenn i know that i am vegas the more i'm here the more i just see the beauty in watching that conversation and just hearing it and being present maybe if a person says it to me oh oh four days for you i love you but that'd be a weird turn for him guy at a restaurant i can only go to vegas for friday to sunday i love you the hell i mean i could go thursday too no that's not what i'm doing sir i'm just yeah me neither i mean did you want to go to we could go a whole week no i'm not hitting on you me too yuck i'm not saying yuck me neither four days that's all i can do check 7770 you're me yeah was that a michael keaton impression hey how you doing all right same worms you hate them right all right everyone take a deep breath in and release it and know that you're going to have a more magical day because of this meditation and even if your day sucks i promise you it would have sucked more had you not and you upped your frequency and i want you to just be open to surprises i want you to be open to surprises that you aren't anticipating i want you to be open to not needing to know what the surprises are or having a lock on only one specific result is where you're happy allow yourself to live as michael beckwith once said like you're at like you are aware there's a surprise party going on and you're just going is it around here is it around here like everywhere you go is it this person at the check stand is it this is it this food is it this and you just live open and it's not just in the physical realm is it in an idea is it in being held is it in i'm loved no matter what you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 16,531
Rating: 4.9461079 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Yoga, Motivation, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do, hiring god, help me, oneness, non-duality, non duality, present moment, possible, it's totally possible, switching timelines, changing reality, money problems, abundance, tony robbins
Id: ZFjSICngF5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 33sec (3693 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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