Kommo'o is NOT a Mo'o! But Salazzle is? ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‰ Gnoggin

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um i can explain so the alola region gave us a lot of great pokemon and it was the first generation where game freak really went all in with the whole make pokemon that fit the region thing you know like gen 5 and 6 they started getting more and more into the idea but then gen 7 comes along and bam tropical pokemon oceania but with a focus on hawaii and when looking into hawaiian mythology no creature sounds quite as cool and pokemon able as the hawaiian dragons the mo in fact game freak loved mo so much that they based three pokemon lines on it yeah line some more than others clearly but these hawaiian dragons being called mo o makes the pokemon mainly based on it pretty obvious right yeah it's jangmo hakamo-o and komo-o like it's in the name they are dragons and they're the pseudo legendaries of the region even so like yeah but i'm here to tell you today no just know that's it like kamoto is a mo-o in name only well that and it's a dragon but that's all they have in common in fact mo-o have so little to do with this line that it's only the english names that reference moho in all of the other languages their names are basically just clinging scale dragon or some variation of that because that's what they are they are polynesian hakka dancing warriors that are also reptiles dragon scales are also seen as big and magical and important and aggressive and charging up with spiritual energy so those war dances are too so it's an easy connection to make i've got a feeling that the english localizers were looking into hawaiian words found out that moho is dragon and just sort of slapped it on them because they're the big dragon pseudo legendaries you know even though mo o is more accurately their word for lizard gekko more specifically even in fact even these hawaiian dragons that the mo are aren't really your typical dragons at all so let's talk about the moho and how the komo-os aren't really moho's like at all while solazzle and alolan exeggutor are [Music] jewels family jewels how do you polish such coarse and fuzzy things why with this the new lawnmower 3.0 waterproof body hair trimmer with advanced skin safe technology which reduces nicks and cuts and see here it's even got a light so you can gaze into all of your dark places now i know what you're thinking but what about my nails well you're in luck manscaped has a luxury nail kit as well never in my life have i used such fancy nail clippers and i am a very fancy man but what else could they possibly have it's not like oh jump in jehoshaphat they've got ball deodorant plus a nose hair trimmer and a bonus gift of anti-chafing boxer briefs and carrying case for a limited time you can get this whole performance package at manscaped.com with my 20 off coupon lockstin20 and of course international shipping is free i just feel like such a new man so the mo they aren't hulking winged fire-breathing dinosaurs nor are they wise antlered serpentine weather demons not they're just lizards geckos even that just happen to have magic powers but you know how the west is ah local beliefs mo-o lizards with magic powers you say sounds like a dragon to me must be your word for dragon yes yes of course i'm right i have a degree you know but yes both modern western and eastern influences have sort of changed the perception of moho and pokemon is a part of that now these are some of the more modern depictions of moho and they are nothing like the historic ones which were more like these those are just like lizards so what gives what are their magic powers and how come kamoto isn't one let's have some fun firstly one of the main things about moho is that they are shape shifters and one of the two things they would mostly turn into are trees palm trees especially ever wonder why alolan exeggutor is dragon type it's not just because of the dracanius aka dragon trees but also because of this whole thing trees in hawaii that are literally dragons or you know lizards with magic powers but there are of course numerous other details about the mo what they are and what they more often transform into moho are themselves less lizards and more spirits gods even that happen to spend most of their time as lizards geckos a bit more specifically depending on who you ask they can appear as small as these tiny little guckowy dudes are or they can be like 40 feet but still a lizard they are shapeshifters come on but they were limited in their shape-shifting ability they couldn't so easily take on the form of a human at least not a complete human these are about as human as they could get and even more notable is that yes they would just about always take the form of a woman because a fun fact is that nearly every mo is female and also these women they change into are covered in black scales and why would they transform into women why to seduce men to come closer so that they could eat them of course what else oh it's it's salazal isn't it see yeah the thumbnail explained i'm not weird but if i just left it as sexy black-scaled lizard woman it's clearly selazzle well that would be lame right it's not like salazal is a sexy black-scaled lizard woman so yeah there's more most named mo-o in hawaiian folklore feature in stories where they have a lover or two a husband even and then one of them cheats or breaks a deal and now they have to die i guess or get turned into a fish and when the mo don't already have a lover they are busy stealing others even the chief in maui by the name of laureau yes even he was no match for the mystical seductiveness of a moao and that was even with the protection of the volcano goddess pele who also had feelings for him hmm let's see a hot goddess both figuratively and literally who will grant me and my people protection or a thick lizard decisions decisions like to live in small fish ponds in fact one way to tell if a mao has been in your pond is to see if the water is extra frothy or if the fish in it taste bitter this happens because mo are poisonous and their phlegm which is poisonous gets mixed with all the water making it all gross it was the law for a while not to swim in fish ponds and streams when they are frothy and green because that is when the moho is present and you do not want to disturb amo when the water is clear she is not there so it's fine you're not going to get poisoned but when not out relaxing in fish ponds they can be found sleeping in caves some tales talk of them in their womanly form brushing their hair at the mouths of sea caves in the case of waiakapala a cave in particular the mao living there would seduce any man who sees her and said man would go missing for months many never to be seen again even the chief from why niha fell victim but not before siring a baby and speaking of multiple lovers again the stories of seductive moho do make it clear that they are irresistible even the few nice mo-o that don't just eat men that but choose to live with them instead still by kidnapping them and then forcing them to stay they still dominate over them forbaying them from leaving the cave or the riverbed that they live in potentially turning them whipped through their magical seductiveness the moho of course then were the dominant ones in the relationship because like lizard overlords what are you gonna do but their dominance is notable as one particular moho kiawahine is the only female deity afforded the honor of having a carved image carried into war on the annual makahiki procession and by king kamehameha even a female holding the same honor as a male must be exceptionally powerful and dominant and masculine even huh here's another bit if you wanted to track down or summon mmo you would light a large fire on an altar and a large moho would appear glistening through the flame so all of these bullet points these are all related to both mo and slazzle here are some relevant pokedex entries the males will do whatever the females tell them they give the females most of their food due to malnutrition the males can't evolve for some reason only females have been found it creates a reverse harem of male slander that it lives with salazar lives deep in the caves and forces the salandit it has attracted with its pheromones to serve it plus i mean poison fire type and that hot black latex dominatrix aesthetic what's komo oh god it's name in a single language lame but what about the whip tail lizard that's the most common thing said to be the origin and inspiration for selazal as it's an all-female lizard species that can reproduce asexually hence the only female selazzle and to that i say yeah pokemon can have multiple inspirations but also the whiptail isn't the only lizard able to do that there are three known reptile families that can do it among some species the whip tale is just the most well known because it is the most abundant and also lives on the us mainland so you know knowledge through media osmosis now those other species that can do it there's one snake and six geckos reminder mo-o isn't inherently dragon it's lizard and if you wanted to be more specific with it it's specifically gekko this is perfect also because those six species of gecko that do this are all found in southeast asia and the pacific islands polynesia oceania so yeah alola zelazzle is a polynesian pokemon just like the rest of the gen 7 mon why would it be based on a lizard that lives around mexico and the us mainland why would a cat be a heel wrestler i don't know not all pokemon have to make perfect sense but at least we have a direct answer for selazal i mean heck komodo dragons which also live in southeast asia are able to reproduce this way also it's not the most common but they can and that's sort of just another slap in the face to kamoto who pulls many more inspirations from komodo dragons with their size coloration fighting style and aggressive attitude and of course their name komodo kamoto the only thing that doesn't line up perfectly with selazal is that fire connection i mean yeah light fires at altars to make a moho appear but otherwise mo-o are water dragons they live in fish ponds streams and sea caves poison water type would be much more fitting of a pokemon that's literally a mo-o especially if they designed it to look a bit more amphibian-esque however to say that they would have to make it poison water or it's not emo is to say game freak isn't allowed creative liberty i mean an electric dog dogs don't do that they aren't electric eels bad design what's a shrew gotta do with fire but why then what led game freak to decide a mo is fire type instead of water type now well perhaps simply due to being more so salamanders the salamanders and geckos aren't related but they do have similar body types and salamanders in mythology are very associated with fire hence charmander the salamander also there's the japanese firebelly newt which has similar colors to salanda and i mean it's hawaii after all islands very associated with fire i mean they are holy volcanic islands still being created as we speak it's mentioned that salandit and salazal use poisonous gas and there's also their signature ability corrosion which lets them poison the otherwise immune to poison steel type pokemon volcanoes spew more than rock fire and lava they also release a significant amount of carbon dioxide sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere all of which are potentially deadly and causes fatalities whenever a volcano erupts close enough to humans anyway sometimes even poisoning entire towns and all that poison in the air sometimes gets grabbed by the moisture in the clouds and then rained back down onto the earth in the form of acid rain which is extremely corrosive to metal and that explains their whole ability and thus their association with volcanoes and thus the fire tie and well thinking about it now poisonous gases also do flow through the air similarly to pheromones i suppose like those pheromones selazil uses to control all of the males around her and you know maybe mo-o are extremely irresistible to human males because of pheromones also i mean who would want to don't answer that also fire type could just work because of how hot selazzle is i mean look at her design she is salacious steamy hot and heavy impassioned inflamed all words that mean horny so there you have it solazzle is a fiery mo oh is a haka dancing komodo dragon and alolan exeggutor is still the greatest pokemon to bless our beautiful little eyes thanks so much for watching and thanks again to manscaped for sponsoring this video check them out with the link below coupon code lockstin20 here's here's some pheromones to help convince you [Music] right smell-o-vision isn't a thing yet gosh uh hey honey i need you [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 261,664
Rating: 4.961504 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, alola, alola region, kommo'o, jangmo'o, mo'o, gen 7 pokemon, pokemon sun and moon, ultra sun, ultra moon, salazzle, salandit, alolan exeggutor, pokemon sword and shield, gen 4 remakes, what are mo'o, hawaiian dragons, pseudo legendary, dragon pokemon, hawaiian pokemon, pokemon sun and moon hawaiian, fighting type, dragon type, fire type, poison type, what is kommo'o, komodo dragons, what is salazzle, salazzle origins, Pokemon origins, pokemon lore, gecko pokemon
Id: IB9usFNi3FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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