Why is Lopunny BUILT This Way? | Gnoggin 🐰👙

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is cute and innocent and there's nothing wrong or risque about it at all until it evolves now it's literally a sex symbol so what's the deal with la punney beniri and mega law honey i mean playboy bunnies didn't those die out in like the mid-2000s along with the popularity of fur coats and what more is there to their designs and origins well quite a bit actually i'm loxton and that is what we're going to talk about today on noggin oh yeah full viewer discretion advised i'd write today's episode t14 or pg13 peggy 12. so be aware of that here's a more family-friendly video meanwhile here today mega lap honey is cute okay she's like oh wait hang on 50 50 ratio half of law honey are male nice well either way they lose a lot of excess fluff when they make it evolve just like how you can lose a lot of excess fluff with today's sponsor manscaped.com don't let nicks and cuts turn your valentine's day into a violent time day lol bunny oh god i said lol punny out loud more than two million men 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know that veneri is the only pokemon to naturally learn the move frustration if i naturally learn it i of course mean they learn it via level up instead of through a tm or a tutor it's intrinsic to their very nature rather than needing to be taught it from the outside and the only pokemon to do that what's the deal with that well it's pretty interesting actually so they learned the move frustration at level 13 but la punney its evolution learns return at level 13 also and la punney is also the only pokemon to naturally learn return so clearly this is on purpose if you don't know return gets stronger based on how high the user's friendship level is with its trainer while frustration on the other hand is the opposite the lower the friendship the stronger it is and the evolution of beniri talapuni is friendship based after all and you find it early enough in the diamond and pearl game in eternia forest so basically this relationship they have with these moves is a testament to how quickly you as a trainer can become friends with your pokemon baniri evolves with friendship and it learns frustration if it isn't evolved by that time it's frustrated with you it's trainer whereas if it has evolved by then that means you are very close friends with it and it wants to return the love so it learns the move though this is only made harder with the additional fun fact that beniri is also the only non-legendary non-mythical non-ultra beast pokemon so it's the only regular pokemon to start with a base friendship level of zero for reference the majority of pokemon start with a friendship level of 70. they get it just by you capturing them and then 255 is the maximum but is this the case only to make it more difficult to get a lot honey or is there something more to it well having a pet rabbit takes a lot of patience there are forums upon forums of people asking for advice or what the time frame is for how long it takes a new pet bunny to warm up to you and in some cases it's six months to a year and that's while actively trying every day to show it that you were nice and that it is safe rabbits are skittish and skeptical and easily frightened which makes sense they are delicious tasty prey animals in the wild they are hunted by so many things from so many angles at so many speeds if it moves it probably wants to eat them coyotes wolves wild cats domestic cats weasels domestic ferrets bears raccoons snakes falcons eagles they gotta be constantly watching all around and above them they have to be ready to run at a no at a single moment's notice because if it moves and wants to eat them because rabbits do is delicious all they got to worry about people was hunters too don't they this worrisome demeanor is mentioned in their pokedex entries when it senses danger it perks up its ears when it's scared both ears are rolled up extremely cautious it quickly bounds off when it senses danger and la punny is constantly monitoring its surroundings if danger approaches this pokemon responds with super destructive kicks most of the animals that we commonly keep as pets are predators whereas rabbits are the top of the food chain oh god i said the opposite thing you'll have to forgive me though because law honey both bottoms and tops so they come off as extra fearful and take a long time to warm up to their owners often they'll seem frustrated every time you walk into the room or try to interact with them stomp in their foot they can't run away while inside so they get frustrated and they try their best to intimidate you they seem angry but as any successful bunny owner will tell you when they finally do warm up to you the reward is amazing the return for all of your hard work is well worth it and they will cuddle up in your lap and let you pet them and they are so soft so much softer than you sasha but i still love you and this whole dynamic with pet rabbits is likely what inspired them having this relationship with these moves and their whole evolution situation which i think works really well but speaking of rabbits as pets i was curious about whether or not the lop eared trait that some of them have has to do with their domestication so i looked into that rabbit domestication started somewhere around the year 600 by french monks who were looking to use them as a meat substitute during lent because religion is all about finding exceptions to the rules so don't you worry vegetarians you can have all the rabbits do you want rabbits aren't meat but it turns out even back then some rabbits were blop eared it turns out domestication didn't cause them at all it's just more common now because it's a desired trait by some more people wanted them because they think it's cute so they bred the ones with lop ears together but the lop in the ear just happens when the ear itself gets too big and heavy for the skull and muscle to support it so it just falls that's why some rabbits will have only one droopy ear there's even droops called horn droops where both of the ears just droop forward so they look like little horns as charles darwin observed lop-eared rabbits were much more common where it was warm and dry this is likely because rabbits use their large ears to help cool off the larger the ear the more they can keep cool so the warmer the climate the bigger the ear and when the ear is too big it falls over simple as due to that of course we cannot point to a single domestic rabbit and say that's the one la penae and beniri are based on but the english lop and holland lop seem to be the closest now other than meat that doesn't count as meat and companionship rabbits are good for another thing they're fur both through skinning a haunted rabbit or through just brushing out their loose fur when shedding and then making yarn out of it rabbit fur is widely considered to be some of the softest and fanciest and it's quite lovely and warm and this is also mentioned by the pokedex injuries on cold nights it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur this is especially nice because female rabbits have what is called a dewlap an extra chunk of fat underneath their fur which is right below their necks it allows them to stuff their face in their chests to keep warm and the main reason the females have it is because it's easy access for them to pull fur out to make nests with anyway back to pokedex entries once hot seasons are over la honey's coat will be replaced with fur that holds a lot of insulating air in preparation for colder weather la honey regrows its coat twice a year mufflers and hats made from its fur are really warm and speaking of mufflers i'm sure beniri's rolled up ear is supposed to resemble a earmuff a fancy earmuff at that and while on the topic of clothing law pony's fur resembles long women's fur cuffed boots as well as women's fur cuffed winter coats what with the fur cuffs and all while primarily faux fur these days for a time rabbit fur along with mink were the most commonly used in these articles of clothing for wealthy women simply due to the fact that it's some of the softest and nicest fur available and do you think la punny's ears are supposed to sort of resemble an unchanca those fur russian hats that droop down over your ears to keep your ears warm notably the name ushanka comes from the slavic word for ear ushi and i'm probably mispronouncing all of this but typically the further north you go the more big furry coats and clothes like this you'll see and speaking of the north the north is where we will find the origin of the word bunny which wasn't originally used to describe rabbits at all the first known use of the word bunny was from around the 17th century in scotland where it was used to refer to girls and young women and is still used as such to this day with ski bunny beach bunny etc over time though the word would start to encompass other small cute mammals especially those with cute butts such as rabbits and squirrels and to this day you can still find people in the uk referring to squirrels as bunnies but for the most part for the rest of us it typically refers to small adorable rabbits but bunny originally meaning girl or young woman it just fits perfect right considering la penny appears both anatomically and fashionarily feminine is fascinatingly a word and i mean la penny's pose that just screams feminine as well and just listen to the cry it ends with the classic you're so sexy whistle also known as the wolf whistle i didn't know it was called the wolf whistle until i started looking into all this while it's been used for centuries it's known as a wolf whistle today due to one of its earliest uses in pop media and it's been used and expanded upon in all sorts of [Applause] and that media clip from batman returns it brings up another trope that la punny perhaps references one known as naked in mink or nothing but fur or its g-rated version going for a swim it's where in media usually wealthy sexy ladies often singers at high-end clubs top-of-the-line models or the wives of some rich and powerful guys will wear a fur coat and little to nothing underneath fur coats are a sign of wealth due to how expensive they are especially mink weasel and rabbit so it's a quick and easy way to show a woman character's wealth really quickly oh and hang on bring those last few back down yes playboy as in the world's most famous adult magazine you mean the one with numerous covers featuring overly attractive women in fur coats and or holding their arms up into their chests in a similar post a lot honey you mean the adult men's entertainment magazine whose mascot is the playboy bunny yes we've gone full circle it all comes together from the 1960s to the late 80s playboy clubs and magazines were the number one source of this kind of thing and at those clubs were numerous playboy bunnies while the popularity of the costume peaked globally in the 80s they continued to be a big thing in japan and since pokemon is a japanese game i'm sure you see where this is all going there are far more bunny girl clubs in japan these days than there are in the united states and it's such a part of their identity now that numerous games and anime reference them in fact it was such an intrinsic part of otaku culture that daikon 3 and 4 which was the anime convention to go to in japan in the 80s features a bunny girl as their own mascot the symbol of anime as a whole and being such a big thing over there it's no wonder it only took four generations to see a reference to them in animal crossing what now that i think about it is there an animal crossing character that's a bunny girl i'm probably i meant to say pokemon clearly i'm losing it but real quick as for why bunny girls of all things it has to do with the mating habits of rabbits they can start mating when only 4 months old we'll mate around 40 times in a week sometimes 40 times in a day and be pregnant for only 30 days and then they can start meeting less than a week later they are horny little creatures it's no wonder the jackalope became a thing oh brother this guy stinks but rabbits as a sex symbol isn't anything new ancient greeks ancient european pagans aztecs they all share the idea that rabbits represent fertility so sacrificing one will help your own fertility clearly but before we end this video we gotta talk about mega law honey according to the pokedex mega evolution awakens its combative instincts and it has shed any fur that got in the way of its attacks endless fluff can decrease your agility so that makes sense but it can also be a reference to how bunny girls and women in that field often remove like all body hair it can also be a reference to that naked in mink trope again now the coat has come off but considering the coloration and style of the leg skin sort of resembling tights the ears resembling hair put up in multiple scrunchies which was very much in fashion at the time and the fur on the arms looking a lot like leg warmers on top of the main source for regular lap honey being most popular in the late 80s i think it's safe to say that megalopony is inspired by women's aerobic workout videos from the late 80s and early 90s i mean how else do you think playboy bunnies and models stayed in such perfect shape back then mega la punny resembles when they get tough and active and i think that's pretty cool but what do you think think pokemon was pushing it a little bit with its mainly focused kids target audience i mean it's not like kids cartoons aimed at kids have ever been devoid of adult jokes and references but still i think it might have been pushing it a little bit and also have anything to add want to help support the channel then be sure to let me know down below and while you're down there check out manscape.com your balls will thank you he
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 374,766
Rating: 4.9490156 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon explained, pokemon origins, pokemon design, gen 4 pokemon, gen 4 remakes, diamond and pearl, buneary, lopunny, gen 4 memes, 4th gen, 4th gen remakes, pokemon platinum, pokemon facts, how to evolve buneary, how to get lopunny, playboy pokemon, furry pokemon, pokemon furry, pokemon rule 34, rabbit pokemon, bunny pokemon, mega lopunny, friendship based evolution, lopunny in, why is lopunny, lopunny cry, diamond and pearl remake, dpp remake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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