Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 2 Episode 3 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon goes to Ridgewood New Jersey to meet the most defensive chef he's ever met Paul buzina not only is the restaurant failing I don't want to get out of bed in the morning I'm miserable but a staffer fed up with his Tantrums his wife is fed up with his attitude I think that I like this I don't I have nothing else to say to you and the customers are fed up with not being fed get my food and every time something goes wrong all Paul wants to do they can't do everything myself just give excuse after excuse and I'm doing 400 things at once after excuse you have given up will Chef Ramsay be able to finally get through to him well Paul finally run out of excuses I know that it starts and stops with me and you say all the right things find out tonight on Kitchen Nightmares so now it's time to do the right thing [Music] Ridgewood New Jersey an affluent suburb well-known for the sheer volume of restaurants smack in the middle of this pleasant town is a five-year-old restaurant run by a former Manhattan star chef Paul buzina I'm a very good chef we got a full time they don't chop another pan for four more here we go I've always been in the industry and worked my way up and became an executive chef and worked in many places in Manhattan that had a lot of notoriety - Paul has been recognized many times throughout his career he has been written up in several magazines with some very positive reviews and I absolutely thought the restaurant was going to be a success but Paul never anticipated the transition from star chef to owner would be so difficult I don't have any focus these days I wake up in the morning and I say what direction should I go in today should I cook should I shop should I work in the front of the house should I work on marketing should I pay bills and he's like overwhelming killing me I think the pressure of owning the restaurant has definitely beat him down and his passion for food is not burning as brightly as it once was clearly what's going on with me in the kitchen is suffering what salad what table I'm confused I'm confused yeah New york-new okay you're right I am distracted I am frustrated I'm angry always somebody always somebody always somebody and then I'm frustrated with the food and I'm slamming placed on because the plate doesn't look the way that I want it to look it's messy [Music] yeah so I heard I don't feel like me I feel like somebody else I feel like me looking at somebody else everyone knows that he's just not good about criticism this needs to be heated up these are perfect okay he gets pissed off and he yells I don't have all the tickets memorized do you think if you had a lot of money wouldn't be so goddamn Moody I support the restaurant financially certainly if I didn't do that we would have been bankrupt years ago there's no magic ATM machine like in the backyard like a magic money tree that I can just go pick money from there are no college funds for our children every day I'm scared that we're not gonna be able to pay the bills we need help we need direction we need advice my resume and all my accolades don't mean a hill of beans if I can't make it work here his passion for cooking defines him and I feel like it's lost to him right now he needs to get it back [Music] there are over 60 Russians within four blocks inside this beautiful town now after seeing a few of them my mouth is watering I can't wait for lunch right pezzini's a Native American cuisine no am I too late busyness hours Monday to Thursday 5:00 to 9:30 [ __ ] no lunch that's ridiculous I bought Gordon here where I call me [Music] unbelievable [Music] hello probably might speak to Chef Ramsay please is that Paul hi this is Paul busy knee how are you sorry I missed you I didn't know was your toast for lunch yes sir we're closed for lunch [Music] how are you hey welcome to Chef Ramsay's pleasure to meet you Jordan Boyd and Paul pleasure to meet you nice to see you too this is my nude isn't it it's challenging my goodness me is this it yes sir Wow it's like being inside a doll's house it says some decoy challenges here well you're here yes sir finally I'm here okay clearly there's nothing else going on lunch wise what are you cooking something okay don't show me the menu you decide okay yeah yeah I have to just you know focus on like the food will it be to his taste will it be to his opinion who knows this place makes me feel nervous it's small it's cramped and I wanted that close for lunch just Sendero this place at one table to the next move can't they cry me [Music] that's depressing Oh entre comes with sound effects maybe he'll blow me away with the food because the atmosphere my god is depressing I'm thinking that I want to send out just a few light dishes to him something hot something called something grilled somethin sauteed just a full rounded experience hey Paul yeah hey that's gone you got good I think Chef Ramsay's gonna have a lot of things to say to Paul about how to change things and I don't think Paul's gonna take it well gentlemen said he was very hungry so fair enough I think Paul has his own ideas that what he's doing is just right it doesn't need to be changed and I think some of those things do need to be changed here we go that is the fettuccine mm-hmm basil rugal a pesto a little ricotta salata on top once and then behind that here is a chicken Paillard dessert Milanese pounded breaded excellent that's not in Kitchel night my name's Alex Alex charmed good to see you so much pleasure I'll be back in a moment thank you ice cold land pretty bland okay look at this thing it's like a [ __ ] elephant's foot it's not normal for chicken to be so [ __ ] hard that's the mess fagor Alex absolutely I'm I'd appreciate that the ship could actually taste that okay because it is bland beyond black okay um why is that so drier mmm I wish I had a good answer for that question chicken should be moist well I'll move straight to the next course thank you Fettuccine Blanton chicken why is it so dry that's [ __ ] I want to go home Paul certainly doesn't like it when people criticize his food but now you know I think he actually reacted to Chef Ramsay's criticisms the same way he reacts to a lot of the guests criticisms like maybe it's not necessarily that important because he's right nice to see you look thank you for coming I really appreciate your help it means a lot to us that you're here and I want to get my show but thank you I have to be here and here's someone who has the ability to help us and he's going to you know that's a miracle ok great well I'm gonna finish my lunch yes absolutely thank you thank you hi hello lovely thank you we are Hey that is our mushroom risotto gentlemen amazing busy knees risotto mmm Wow strong Reena do you move well maybe that look better it fits the killer's jaw I'm a mess I'm absolutely disgusting so you don't look too impressed I just taste of mush thank you yeah my pleasure I'll bring you some tilapia next yeah he doesn't like that he doesn't like it too mushy there is a classic you know way to do it but some people around here just don't like it that way you know my ego is not here to hear that Gordon Ramsay love the dishes or didn't like the dishes I'm not concerned about that I'm concerned about what I do or how what the product that I put out it's all yours Alex all right here we go almond crusted tilapia jasmine rice with some pepper hopefully you enjoy it I [Music] love the Jasmine he has to like the Jasmine hmm just a bland policy I mean it's just greasy bland and you cut into the fishing is just mush how is the tilapia coming along making some forward progress here yeah no I'm John I'm uh I'm still hungry do you have something in mind any desserts certainly Sharon our dessert chef makes everything got a Kerry cake oh wow should be a New York cheesecake - no I'm little slice of cheesecake and the carrot cake done please yes she's good carrot cake 12 years no go fishes planned water issues plans again which were kind of like we have an older clientele here they like nod to assertive things right how could I think that Paul did a good job you know if he did a good job Chef Ramsay would have said the food was great you know he didn't say that so pulled it into a good job start right here's the carriage cake Wow uh-huh mate yes absolutely thank you hi Gordon's eating your carrot cake right now is next week [Music] the last thing that people eat is dessert and if the dessert sucks [Music] first of all that is delicious whose recipes that I have it for a price that's made oppression as much as you have you make love to that carrot cake don't you well I'm getting divorced though it's the cake I'll go for the cake hope you like sir it's gonna be devastated I I'm so glad you liked it honestly I felt like as it [ __ ] waking a funeral and then was sudden the carrot cakes arrived and roof and back up there I love you although dessert left Chef Ramsay with a good taste in his mouth it still doesn't erase the bad taste of the rest of the meal let's talk about the food dessert let's go backwards okay yeah that was that was just good enjoy it pretty good sir great way to finish clearly but I study didn't start off like that I said you show me your best give it to me big time the risotto was embarrassing Paul it tasted the way it looked down Shannon just bland mushy and it looked at Rochas honestly it was [ __ ] disgusting the chicken how many days were you baking that form seriously I mean you may laugh but it's not funny on a set thought I'd lost my tooth it was so crunchy on the outside dry in the middle wasn't intended to be dry or to be overcooked you sent it out I know that that's the way you normally cook it overdone certainly don't think that I cook flawed overdone okay - other cooks chicken over coat you certainly did for me okay I need to get some fresh air I'm gonna come by later I'm here tonight show it to me okay hopefully this time with a little bit more effort okay did you think that he was gonna like it it enters me that Hall has given off because I haven't given up you're like yeah I want the nightmare to be over coming up a shocking dinner service where Paul loses control of the kitchen I don't have all the tickets memorized and his mind the ends up taking his frustration out on his staff and on top of that his wife no longer believes in it can chef ramsay make a last-ditch effort to save paul miserable wahi from himself I never thought in a million years this could happen that's next on Kitchen Nightmares [Music] this former Manhattan star chef failed to impress Chef Ramsay at lunch now it's time for Chef Ramsay to see how pole hand is the customers of Ridgewood New Jersey in a dinner service all right guys we gotta get ready I hope Paul could get his [ __ ] together the food is there the capability is there you just have to do it I think Chef Ramsay doesn't realize that I worked with a lot of very well-known chefs it's not intimidating I had the talent the desire and I definitely can do the job crab cakes across the board so for this risotto smell good you know I know Gordon is adorable and of course he's quite the body okay thank you how come they cooked already they're free seared you see a crab cake no we see the bear cake and then it goes into the oven now hold on a minute why wouldn't you do that to order for it to expedite it out a little bit faster but surely they'll take longer to get yes hotter what's already cut yeah what does that make sense it doesn't make that doesn't make sense [Music] here is your crab cake sir may I get you any fresh pepper on that No how strange are they doing this is a bucket of crab cakes like just go into the oven to be reheated but they were set off like yesterday did you know they were done their day before of course not I thought everything was fresh everything I feel like Paul is losing his artistry and that he doesn't care it's not affecting him it not only pains me it angers me quite frankly I mean that's just not okay listen I always burn burn yeah there's two more we're about to go out please tell me not gonna serve them no I'm not sure we had issues with the crab cakes tonight it's not the right way to do it it should be done a different way and I know how to do it a different way that's not how it was done bad it's not this [ __ ] disgust yes there's something about it before a piece of garbage this is not a reflection of the way that I want to being Sabine okay [Music] it's an hour into dinner service and very little food has left the kitchen in order to get an accurate picture of a slowdown that's already potatoes Chef Ramsay times how long cook food sits at the pass [Music] okay four minutes stake well that's still there yes I'm working on everything everything is working hey let me bring some food out there yeah but she have her all is communicating but most of his communication is that he can't handle it and it's going too fast okay these people are gonna leave if I don't get this one out she decides how fast things come out I don't know why it takes so long I just know it takes so long okay table 32 can now go finally and now after a long wait look a little overdone the customers aren't satisfied okay no problem I'll send that back for you okay thank you what's wrong it's cold I've certainly become annoyed with clients and I feel like you know people that want to keep you criticism they just don't know like what you're going through and if they just knew like a little bit of what we were going through they might be a little bit more compassionate but it's not a compassionate business it's just carrying Paul I'm just worried about food coming back cold and this is sad I was told that the salads would be ready I'm waiting for the salad half of that salad or building a Christmas tree I know half the plates don't look the way they should when I don't do this just take half at a salad or please follow my directions I'm gonna help you okay I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to help you contrary to what everybody says I do know a few [ __ ] things very easy to sum up Paul's modes if he were a woman he would have PMS 24/7 okay so let me demo a chicken Milanese put a 400 [ __ ] time which is nothing more than chicken and salad and my 12 year old can [ __ ] do it listen don't push it Paul when I don't put it high enough you yell at me that it's not freaking her why do you have to make it so difficult for why we just finished this chicken Milanese it makes this particular chicken Milanese a right one not talking about yesterday no next month but what's what the [ __ ] sarcasm why do you have to make it so difficult for the battle to get food Oh tonight has resulted in a war in the kitchen and the impact is being felt in the dining room 34 has been waiting for like an hour I know this pigtail were behind me what they waiting on justo was that it's really suddenly waiting on trays over now yeah it's all over now this is not normally shortly no tonight is the worst dinner service that I have ever seen I mean I have never experienced anything like this in my life okay I know what's happened but the level of frustration out there is intense so stop we can't continue out this stop it we apologize the tables please Rebecca what a freakin disaster bad help it was a terrible night we had people not get food when tickets were here we failed and it's my responsibility sorry my friends the kitchen has been shut down I'm so sorry I've never had to do this before never saw anything like that my weight I understand that do you think that I like this you think that I want it to be like this I don't but but what I'm one person with two hands you don't please don't start with excuse that's not gonna help Paul had a horrible night a hundred percent off his game and I think gave up before he even got started but people hated the food well that's not what we got back here I am very angry saying that someone likes something fifty people didn't like it open your eyes I have nothing else to say do equally as miserable as tonight's dinner service was Paul's attitude and Chef Ramsay wants to know why tonight showed me that you hated cooking I cannot ignite that little button yeah I need to say from you Jeff I feel awful I use it not the way that I want to work or the way that I know that I can work we do it yourself I whoa give me the answer because I can't start helping until you tell me but I mean Louis asked you to rant and rave I'm starting to have some fire it's not normal for a guy that's been cooking for 20 years plus to stand there with no feel or passion and send [ __ ] like that as if he's just going over yet whether you like or not you have given up your whole family is on the line here do you know how hard it is to look at my kids when I go home at night why my wife [Music] it's not easy okay I'm supposed to be easy I don't care if it's not easy I just want it to be better I think I'm happy I'm miserable I don't want to get out of bed in the morning I'm gonna stay in bed [Music] okay listen I'm committed to helping you and I'm not leaving this place until it's set we are gonna work at this together at terminus around tomorrow I want you at your best yes yes get some sleep thank you good night tonight after an emotionally draining night Jeff Ramsay has a task in mind to help ignite Paul's passion in the kitchen good morning hello new day new attitude new start so last night it took us an hour on average to get appetizers out so here's what we're doing today I want you to get used to the time pressure symptom like sort of you know kick-starting the [ __ ] car again jello a new battery in it you've got 15 minutes from now yeah to cook me in order for Paul to impress Chef Ramsay this chef is making fresh pasta for the first time in five years I just want to be able to do what I know how to do it is you know just cook from the heart and get back to raising the bar for myself are you gonna make I'm just gettin a ladle and that's all 14 minutes the clock is ticking and it's just you know like everything around me was just turned off like I wasn't hearing or seeing or a few it was just you know I was living in the moment [Music] ten minutes babysitting he's ready he's waiting to be served you could totally totally wow him right now please I was watching everything that he did and it was definitely afraid that Chef Ramsay wasn't going to like it and and what that would mean we carry it out okay you know you sure you want to do that yes hey very drunk chef thank you you're welcome we have a capellini pasta with a chunky Puttanesca sauce and some rock shrimp lovely well I will used to be a good chef I think I'm still a good chef I would just want him to be able to recognize that there was a passion that went into making his [Music] Chef Ramsay has put Paul's passion for cooking to the test we have a capellini pasta with a Puttanesca sauce lovely now it's time to find out if he passed I would hope that Chef Ramsay would recognize that you know some love went into making this dish will it be to his taste who knows that's nice capellini - perfectly thank you it just felt good to just have a really positive comment from Chef Ramsay I'd really needed that lift what does pasta mean to you to me it's like bread as staff a life pasta can be anything you can go through all different flavors textures proteins colors that you have dry pasta fresh pasta it's a blank canvas - no it's it's just something for the artist paint you sounding more exciting and the last two minutes talking about past there then you have done since I've made it was the old Paul he was excited he was energized it was the man that I married it's really weird isn't it it takes something like a pasta dish to sort of ignite how you feel about absolutely today at this moment I know that like the healing process has begun after a small glimmer of hope this morning Chef Ramsay wants to try an experiment timeless and sophisticated marketed he wants to take advantage of the Ridgewood foot traffic and test Paul's speed in the kitchen how are you so for the first time in four years pezzini's is open for lunch table his lunch menu around the corner pezzini's $15 soup salad and the most amazing pasta now Chef Ramsay only has one thing left to do tell the owners so here's what we're doing today we're gonna serve the most amazing two course lunch that's right this is not a formal long-winded three-hour ordeal this is a really nice easy quick vibrant lunch I'm nervous but you know there's what we're gonna do today fantastic it oh great fit you know terrific you know I had to catch you great I'm your sous chef okay fantastic I'm your [ __ ] okay ladies you've both got great personalities so both you running the front of house I don't know anything about the front of the house I don't care about the roof I just want to do my job great service great food in and out [Music] welcome follow me please Chef Ramsay is hoping today's lunch will show Paul and Lesley the opportunity they are not taking advantage of and the power of serving fresh pasta - soups are going in the window chef to go up with two solid salads 30 seconds pull very good thank you don't forget speed today yes yeah we're doing one soup to work at sang through panzanella three vegetable or I can take three regular vodka a day wait you're saying it's totally not my thing I'll be right with you folks your girls okay we're just waiting on our wine garlic my pen start writing I'm sorry Sharon and I are not servers we did the best that we could so everything okay oh yes I'm sorry but we forgot that you need a spoon to eat soup where's the spoon why you asking me oh god help me oops I'm sorry next time trays what to arkett days one vegetarian order Kente it was great working with Boyd and tape you know we worked together we jumped around it was good it was like a good - man you know vibe it felt good you know felt real good with Chef Ramsay and Paul working together do your four vegetarian I got five normal you terian on the way excellent beautifully cooked fresh pasta is flying out of the kitchen there you go oh my gosh so good fella stuff your mom makes and you're in and out in no time how is it very good I'm glad the kitchen did everything right today that's it the board is cleared yeah yeah I don't have any tickets you do I need food no food I absolutely think lunch should be an everyday thing epicene e I think that today probably proved that to Paul it was a great lunch hour I was really good it was profitable and we know we made money and customers were happy and it was quick and it was easy feel good [Music] coming up its relaunch night at Suzy knee is the most important night of this guy's life will Paul rise to the occasion it's rule a would go back to his old ways one person with two hands giving excuse don't have eyes in the back of my head who do it for hundred dings at once after excuse the survival of the restaurant is on the line we said you like the Titanic in ham but not everybody believes in saving where's my sushi [Music] inspired by Paul's performance during lunch and his fresh pasta Chef Ramsay and his team work overnight to renovate the restaurant Bullock welcome to the new position [Laughter] look at it new trellising new sign it looks inviting it's gorgeous the label with 60 restaurants you have to stand out it looks spectacular awesome the trellis is so beautiful ready go inside yes let's go I have ants in my pants look at this the tables are gorgeous I love these tchotchkes look at that so thanks John is a lemon pound cake on the walls new sleek Italian bomb ket is elevate it just miles away the color is contemporary look at the napkins fresh made daily welcome to prozis tricking awesome the dining room is beautiful I never thought in a million years this could happen and we are so grateful thank you again oh I'm glad you happy the restaurant renovation was drastic but the biggest change to busyness is the menu Chef Ramsay has taken the old risotto the disgusting chicken and the bland tilapia and replaced them with a new and vibrant menu featuring fresh pasta love the menu from 27 dishes down to 15 why is it reduce because it's fast the idea is everything's cooked to order as fresh charred grilled calamari with fresh chili and arugula the main entrees bistecca fresh caponata with white beans pastor today is gonna be taking a Tele of mussels and clams that's the hallmark paul is that menu manageable yep looking at the menu or the bar is set at the Tenno we need to be able to get it higher to the town as possible certainly nothing less than anything they have Sharon carrot cake look at it beautiful sumptuous sexy and something you want to take home to bed [Music] [Music] clap welcome you are Panera with the new menu and the new decor in place follow me please Chef Ramsay has invited VIPs and dignitaries to show why busyness is special even amongst the 60 restaurants in town with this new menu hospice fresh made here on the premises today yes polenta and calamari yes I have one Fellini yes chef once I could tell you how I look at the calamari working okay guys when try and get a little bit more color on tickets coming in I'm not thinking about am I gonna be able to do it I'm not thinking about oh my God we're in a crash it's about me and pushing myself to be the person I am tonight Paul's attitude couldn't be better get like four long planters working please and everything in the kitchen seems to be right on track this is table number 21 checker good now the first appetizers are at the pass hey guys it's Paul here touch that I can't send out raw calamari yeah Paul please yes yep it's [ __ ] wrong my god make sure everything's cold now you got come on I need help I need you to get in the game with me please I can't do it all alone now please tell me that polenta please tell me how I know what's on the line I know we got taken terrors in a diner we have to get the job done we have to get it done well we have to just get it done get order in that's table 21 I can manage the tickets I need help not working all here was a total disaster pinkeye flustered I guess and there was a lack of communication the pressure of relaunch night has clearly gotten to Paul his sous-chef out and the rest of the kitchen staff now we're not firing at the moment and 45 minutes in not a single entree has left the kitchen [Music] talk to me pull please okay 24 totally lead tech special is only a two-top yeah but chef I want to get this for pastors out first yeah I know but one toy to say is the same dish put a fool of two top together kill two birds one stone position yourself absolutely manipulate the board to your advantage an hour and a half later of course absolutely understand this well I hate to say it but 33 he's been waiting forever and I mean every one of the first tables that walked in this door everything is a complete mess nobody's getting their food the orders are all mixed up it's just unbelievable out there please be like be fabulous yeah whitey $2 need some help I need someone to move tickets I can't do everything without communication well you need the [ __ ] coke we send you on the Titanic in here let's just go this is such a shame poor shutdown he's not communicating I'm more importantly I think he's given up Paul I'm doing 400 things at once I'm trying to do damage control at this point average fold not what I wanted to disappoint I want to cook I want to get food out I want you know clearly I need some help 41 I need to know how long I need someone to tell me what 41 is don't have eyes in the back of my head please stop okay this tables been waiting for an hour I can't do it all everybody here is waiting this is the most important night of this guy's life Queeny arguing everything crashed I don't know is it Titanic or the Endon burg but it's a [ __ ] mess alright you know you don't want to hear this but I need a pasta special and I need it immediately bloody hell where's al where's my sous chef the only one in this kitchen where is out I don't know we don't know he's gone no sign of him he's clearly gone six man [Music] it's relaunch night at pezzini's and not only are customers getting restless of course but sous chef al has gone a walk where's al where's my sous chef I was shocked up and I walked out that really sucks there was a shockwave that went through the kitchen the service staff no one could really believe it please just left high and dry like that it's a little difficult listen to me al may be gone but the customers need feeding let's support one another but as a human being with compassion or you go in you help and you give it your best shot all right take a deep breath I'm glad to help did you cook the garnish a I can cook the lamb the strip yes yes let's go then I can only imagine what's happening in that kitchen back there it's not work on three tag to pepper delis try off the yes chef good I'll do the result okay Sharon stay with me I'm totally with you Sharon gratulations in new sous chef I'm very embarrassed our sous chef walked out it's not even close to time you know it's like it's this like starch yeah good girl shot Thank You Chevy talk to me come on Paul please I'm one minute from dressing I'm one minute from dressing it's still gonna be a few minutes I apologize tag special in the window we go Thank You Sharon service please to save tonight's dinner service Chef Ramsay has taken over the kitchen come back out there please and along with Sharon's help all done Sharon food is now entering the dining room asking each shelf sometimes in time receive but now the question is do the customers feel it was worth the wait fantastic there's a wonderful case for challenges you know we had some things that weren't expected to happen but that said everyone stepped up as best as they could got good feedback from the people so you know I feel with success before I spend some time with Paul and Lesley I just want to say a big thank you you know deserts are fantastic over the deserts your personality is for me fundamental to the longevity and the potential success of this restaurant and I just want to say a big thank you what am i doing yeah I enjoyed his company I think he enjoyed mine and I hope I made him proud thank you cuz I really tried very hard right that was easy no no nowhere near its however I know the customers love the food absol yeah and tonight confirms that you have an identity the fresh pasta is out there but truthfully as hard as this is for me to say to you face-to-face honestly Paul you haven't changed enough to convince me that this can turn around I was totally focused and totally committed no no no no you weren't poor Jeff no come on Big Boy the first appetizer had raw squid not slightly seared raw 20 minutes later the place was sunk you needed me I regrouped got the kitchen back together I've never worked this hard in launching a restaurant the truth hurts Paul you've got to start telling yourself some serious home truths the way to becoming a better chef is to realize your weaknesses and improve those weaknesses I've taken all of the advice and I've taken a lot of it to heart and I've seen a lot of it of what I do is wrong here's my advice at the heart of this restaurant has to be you your food you on the plate you have to stand up to the plate and hold the reins I know that it starts and stops with me and I know that I have to be the leader and I know that I have to come in the troops I take responsibility so you say all the right things always but now it's time to do the right things right I think that Chef Ramsay came in and really identified the problems and I think he certainly helped Paul and I totally feel that all the tools we have are enough to save the restaurant chef yes chef good luck thank you very much yes yeah everything appreciate all your work and everything in time for me it's up to you now yeah I'll let you know this experience has been amazing I've been put on the path to success but I'm really excited about going forward please don't let yourself down thanks very much good nice nice what a week Ridgewood may have 60 restaurants within four box but I do believe the Nuba zine is with its fresh pasta can be a huge local success unfortunately I'm just not sure about Paul but nothing would make me happier if you could prove me wrong [Music] after Gordon's departure Paul immediately hired a strong sous chef and with the new fresh pasta identity pezzini's experienced a boost in business sadly Sharon left the restaurant to get away from Paul and to focus on her own dessert business next time on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay goes to a Cuban cafe on the verge of collapse the two owners are caught in a tragic love story and the staff is caught in a crossfire can Chef Ramsay bring these soul mates together it's me another man yeah do you love it or will it be the death [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 5,526,750
Rating: 4.883286 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Hell's Kitchen, Food and Cooking, Dining, Food, Cooking, FilmRIse, Free TV, Full Episodes, Free, Full Episode, Uncensored, Restaurants, Television, Bazzini
Id: fFqMSAI8quI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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