Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 4 Episode 3 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon Ramsay is in Oakhurst New Jersey to help overwhelmed owner Mike flower the [ __ ] down who lost his weight when his business partner and father died three years ago we didn't really know what to do anymore now alone at the helm mike has allowed the restaurant to literally fall apart is a mess these are you're kidding me the food is disgusting do you enjoy cooking like that what makes matters worse a delusional might reverse a knocking big issues head is unable to see the problems is this good enough for you no onions no onions and because I'm willing to accept any help I'm the main cog in this restaurant I always have been always will be sadly Mike's daughters look on helplessly desperate to save their father she's suffered so much I hate his being like that Chef Ramsay is in one of the most difficult situations yet as he battles might you'll [ __ ] another big time right now honey no and his demons Mike does drink quite a bit that's tonight on Kitchen Nightmares why are you doing this to yourself begin at the end what is that disgusting amazing [Music] just ten minutes away from the Jersey Shore is the small suburban town of Oakhurst home to the family run my Kanellis opened in 1996 the restaurant was the lifelong dream of two men Lily Farber and his son Mike I wanted a name it Nellie Mike's but he said no it's my Kennelly doing the man because he's that kind of guy everybody loved my father everybody would come in to talk to Nellie he knew everybody's name made everybody feel special he was the front of the house my dad was the back that was the front we're a very good team we got in the people and I kept him here everything was going great student old and then we passed away when my grandpa now he died we didn't really know what to do anymore I felt weird to be here like it's not really my canal ways without Nellie now it's just kind of Mike and nothing when he left this earth I had to take over doing everything that he did ice cream delivered plus what I do and had just become overwhelmed pretty bad since my grandpa died the restaurants been neglected I is there anything okay restaurant is grimy the carpet is a mess it's nasty crusty moldy it's tragic to look around people they don't come here for atmosphere they come here for food and the food here I believe is great how's everything with your dinner anything you want to share with Mike's food it's really not up to standard my doing family you push the 22 please I got it when I first started Mike would never just dump the food out into the plate now it's like it doesn't matter for yet at the same time he thinks that this food is great they don't like it just says it has no taste oh really yeah I'm gonna make up Fran chase for 35 years the biggest problem that Mike and Nellie's isn't the d'accord honestly big problem is Mike he feels that he comes in he has to take care of everything did I call to reveal the prey I got it give it to me all right this is my job he doesn't let other people take more responsibility it's just becoming too much for him to get larger since uncle Nelson's passing Mike does drink quite a bit I put up here in a Frazer couple beers and areas are hiding there are some nights where he's just completely hammered that it starts to affect the food and he starts to miss things on the tickets I don't even know how many cool asian guys know what I'm doing man my dad is my hero and it's very difficult to know that my hero is struggling and like gasping for air you know I really wish I was able to ignore the facts that this is my dad's like I really really hope that Chef Ramsay can help before Chef Ramsay arrives at Mike and Nellie's there's a young woman anxious to fill him in on the issues of the restaurant Mike's oldest daughter Samantha thanks for picking me up well I'm excited to be here firstly I'm happy I'm alright yeah yeah I just really need help right now yeah what's the one thing that you think is wrong with it ever since my grandpa died at my dad he hasn't been able to move forward okay how close were they they work together for 18 years my grandpa he was the front of the house he would host people would come to my Canalis own way to see him he was a great guy he was very funny and how's that changed the last couple years he's very overwhelmed and stressed but he likes to do everything by himself they just can't delegate right definitely a control drink he's a boss you know everywhere in his life he's the boss so it'll be very interesting when you have stuff to say to her well I hope Chef Ramsay can get through to my dad he needs the help he needs the change it's crucial from the restaurant to survive and be successful for my family I mean that's my whole life [Music] I recognize I'm Lexie cisterna but sir yes right you and glamorous thank you amazing amazing what's that smell take a big deep breath [Music] I'd love to meet that alright I'll go get him what's that smell you smell something how are you good to see same here what's hello and you are Louis Louis the manager you're the manager yes yeah good to see friends you would like to meet you great I don't know doesn't make any sense why would you want to meet you owe me I am quite nervous about Chef Ramsay's visit and help my dad's self-esteem we'll take it because you had some our time taking criticism justice under Mike Mike Mike pleasure but the fact is we need the help and somebody's willing to give it to us we need to take it I don't really hope that we can help that fifteen years 15 years yeah what was most time you change something in the diner never Wow everything's pretty much as I bought it yeah 15 years ago and how would you rate your food once a 10 I would rate my food in the upper nine food is the atmosphere coffee it's most definitely the carpet Thanks the restaurant is filthy disgusting it's full of mold it's worse over there seriously you're in the good part thank you very much steak and seafood and we have Italian food Janine what is it fine-dining restaurant where you tallien what are we I don't know there is no identity okay I'll start away we knew a shrimp sauce and let's go for chicken Murphy I mean the special menu the steak Nellie how'd you like that cooked mid-rare okay please thank you very much I want to see what I know now tens here we go Chef Ramsay will like the food here anything that I make him he's gonna like guaranteed look at this place Louie chef that member cezzah down the wolf I don't know six it's bugging me how are you nice to see it's driving me crazy outside comes over he goes up anyway sorry that's for sure make it nice I made it so he's right on the money okay chef thank you you're welcome with shrimp sauce creamy your cream sauce good dear Wow yes bland yeah these watery and shrimps up my brother horrible no in the Oh nein all right would you like me to remove that yes three things the sad part is this isn't even the worst of it this is bland watery the shrimp tastes like rubber I don't know what he's talking about I am a perfectionist I will never put out food unless it's right Murphy yeah chicken Murphy Murphy Wow I was afraid to serve him the chicken Murphy doesn't look very nice is it it's embarrassing it looks like a stew gone bad that looks okay where's the manager Louis is that the normal style of presentation of chicken Murphy Sam Lexie girls I'm visually impact does that look appetizing to you could definitely use an appearance update mush yep after Nellie died the food's been kind of going downhill it's kind of at the point where it's necessary for someone to say something that's gross it's overcooked just wet soggy and just tasteless I can't a hot mess I call it our hot joke I'm done thank them yes you're very thank you I can't afford to be up all night with a [ __ ] excuse me thank God you now the chicken Murphy bloody hell Pike it's just the hot mess so tough son-of-a-bitch Chef Ramsay is a ballbuster but if you have a impossible math problem if Einstein was still alive you talk to him so we have a restaurant problem we talked to the master better you can tell that Chef Ramsay being so critical of the food it kind of hurt my dad a little bit but my dad needs help and if this is what it takes then does what it takes for the finale it's gonna be the steak Nellie mr. Bluff [Music] I don't need to give many more things to hate and I grew up cooking steaks and a master of the grill I'll tell ya I'm good at this I'm very good at this Wow this is the stick Nellie stick Nellie is that a staple charcoal Oh chef that's piece of steak well [Music] Wow that just takes a bird charcoal Phil I got a barbecue in my mouth gotta taste there [Music] how's that taste for you would you give that a nine like you said it is charcoal nice chocolate [Music] Mike what he said this tastes like his charcoal getting like I tried it like you said there's a little bit of charcoal there ain't no way in hell i overcook that stage that's something that I make that everybody loves and I never haven't complained aren't you glad you are the owner so you're supposed to check on things I hope my dad will be willing to listen to Chef Ramsay and take the criticism and acknowledge that everything isn't perfect sit down instead of just being mad Mike I'm I'm embarrassed we've got some [ __ ] big issues if I thought the food was dated I don't know how you control the menu that size food Wall Street blend so do I know how to cope whole thing just looked an absolutely miss me that last thing right sorry how'd you push like that together well the steak itself is a prime steak so I was overcooked so I had no time you waited the food nine out of ten I wouldn't pass it above - that's not good enough to come back for no one here I mean I'm just gonna tell you man a man it's not earth either you're in denial we don't care Chef Ramsay said Viper was outdated and yeah I respect him but I believe is wrong in this situation I know what my cousins like and I have what I like I like coming up Wow just when Chef Ramsay thought it couldn't get any worse you're kidding me it does that's child is charcoal i safe nothing wrong with that mike is in denial about everything and later are you kidding me a series of disgusting discoveries tom is not expected to say this make Chef Ramsay wonder if Mike and Ellie's sister enough for you is too far gone to be saved after a lunch that left a lot to be desired Chef Ramsay is back at Mike and Nellie's for dinner hi there can I help you and he isn't alone word of his arrival is spread and the restaurant is booked solid for the evening three rush beer [Music] sunshine artichoke Alfredo shrimp farm just tell me quit me how it works long voice here's what happens you always cooking again don't put the food out I don't trust my staff to get the job done like I can do it long as I'm making it I know it's a hundred percent yeah I got snapper 4 and pepper I got plenty [ __ ] I got chicken parm despite the fact that most of the cooking is being done by one person shrimp parm eggplant parm give me 14 all right Mike manages to push out food rapidly take this and go put his quick cooking Wow unfortunately comes at a cost hey guys the fried calamari just let you know it mushy it wasn't good they enjoy it just give you a heads up on that that is soccer I played got the wrong with that all it's embarrassing there's a man in there that is killing himself and he's going down in flames there's no standard set everything's just so chaotic time to be thrown stakes are on fire and these sort of totally oblivious to the kind of crap the blinis kitchen Boise at what's wrong with that it's overcook all right does that camera like TV says it's the worst eklund ever had not even roll it's hard to bring food back to Mike because Mike thanks the food is excellent I know he's been cooking for 30 years but the food is really not up to par are they a little too well done for you let me take them away and bring some fresh ones for you all right sir thank you so much since Nellie's past the kitchen is a disaster the troll Rock - what - burn the food is not what it used to be it's extremely frustrating Mike can I get more about onions but not too burnt please start onions beach charred onions mark this child is charcoal that's really correct does charcoal I need a charred onion right now on the outside mic is really not showing any kind of emotions but if you look into his eyes you see this heartbreak this beating that he's taking internal here it's depressing how's everything back there Jocelyn disaster does your dad what are they every night please destroy himself I'm he's just absolutely 9 himself he doesn't delegate a sausage show like he's reading the ticket then he's getting him ready and then he's cooking it and then he's reading another order and it's hard to watch you how are you supposed to run and it's higher restaurant cook everybody's meal by yourself like you can't do that hot stuff coming through he doesn't really trust anybody else in the kitchen to help him and it's a problem Mike I need to worry about that refire on vodka hold on a minute girlfriend don't rest as I can be I want this night to be over here's a penne vodka [Music] all the tickets are out there's nothing left all right guys spirits for everybody go grab a man watch for me chill right [Music] I'm not to work watching both you behind the line in that kind of commotion now it's like soldiers on the front line in your minds you've got it now that you get through this battle tonight's a success you just want to get our food out do you enjoy cooking like that I don't know if I enjoy it it's just like what I do but I mean I bust my ass I cook until we're done cooking working out is one thing working fast and throwing food out with no care is another NOAA's monitoring standards and no one seems to care you are running yourself into the ground then can I have a word with ya yes we shut the door please [Music] listen seriously I mean trinkets I'm a vana Barca crouches I saw you drinking some beer - beer - beer - that is not the way forward you got to get your head in the game because the kind of mistakes that you made tonight represents a chef that doesn't seem to give a [ __ ] I do give a [ __ ] I do I listen I drink too much you know but why you do this to yourself I don't know I just don't know I'm like I'm lost I'm lost in space why I don't know life just get tough for me man yeah I mean this business is failing I owe everybody money I got two daughters going to college and I'm just trying to like make it no and it's not working anymore no I don't know where to move from here it's hard for me you know this is my passion I only know how to cook so I've ever done no since I was 19 years old the passion when did that go I don't know after Dad passed away [Music] you know since my father died I'm starting to give up I am I could admit it right I feel defeated is that why you drinking more yeah can't go down this line you cannot go down this life is big into the end I'm telling you no I don't know what to do next no I don't but you've got to get out denial and there's got to be a fire in your belly that you got to rekindle that's all okay that's how I verse okay seen the morning good night good night this restaurant is definitely taking Tommy everything falls on my lap and it's wearing me out it's a tough life after the death of his father mike has been in a downward spiral and so has his restaurant he has clearly lost his way and Chef Ramsay knows that in order for this restaurant have any chance of surviving how are you he has to put Mike back on course that's what nice gonna have the rush to say yeah he always feels like it's some like a ticking time bomb in there and I'm concerned I think about that I had a chat with him last night and if he was for the first time been open and honest he admitted he'd lost control and sadly that he was on the verge of giving up and we can't give up and then I noticed something obsessing last night is the amount of drink I feel like he's trying to drown his sorrows definitely I think he's very lost right now everything fell on his shoulders after after night passed away and there's so much more responsibility that's a lot to handle yeah I don't think he got over losing his father I don't think he's got over that hurdle I don't think so no I mean we were but he was back at work you know and there was no time off it was he was just there I think he's hurting I think deep down inside I don't see her happy now you can tell that he's hurting mm-hmm like always that's awful I mean he's got two kids in college and like what does he have to show for it like he's working so much harder than he should be and like he's suffering so much and I hate to see him like that the dad has tried himself into the ground I don't know how much longer you know he can continue to do it you know it's about time we actually turn around said hey Dad I want you back I want you to listen and only just slow down he should dance you're his last hope and last night that was a cry for help think you can help them yeah of course I'm here to help but I can't help unless he's prepared to change himself hello chefs what am i how are you a tough night last night right yeah I came to see the girls because I think the bottom line is Mike you mean a lot to this family and there's no doubt and how hard you're working but you know a machine you're not 25 Mike now you're 55 and the girls got something to say and I want you to listen okay I'll see you back at the restroom okay okay thank you Thank You girls bye so what do you want tell me it's really difficult seeing you like struggling this much and working so hard you have to let go a little bit and not work as hard as you are I understand I understand I don't know how to let go don't trust anybody else but I think that in order for you to be able to function like this you need to let some other people take on some responsibilities I would love to take take off to let them enough to do it you know you have your guard up all the time I do you don't like trust then you know what do we need a nicer mic is that what you're saying no we need a more open mic okay so I'm willing to give a sháá to change it and you're gonna open up though and like what people actually just talk to you it's not gonna be an overnight thing but I'm willing to listen I've been wanting to tell my dad do things for a long time ready and I really hope that he was listening because problem with the restaurant isn't that we need a decoration change the fact that my dad needs to change [Music] after spending the morning at Mike's home Chef Ramsay is anxious to get Mike back in the kitchen show me the frigid and reignite his passion with food there's the need to takes go right up on the grill Jesus those trades I'll clean them how I didn't clean last night I got out of here a little messy I don't know if that's cool yeah that's good that's we've drawn uh-huh we don't get these fridges changed at night the Sun anodes we do a deep cleaning so it's Monday yesterday was Sunday night yeah are they all kept like this you gotta cover this stuff seriously what else you got going on here I'm getting nervous now how do you use in the business come on I'm thinking holy [ __ ] what else is he gonna find it here that is gonna embarrass me oh you're kidding me why is that who's responsible for this [Music] Chef Ramsay was looking forward to working with the chef's on fixing the food show me the Frisian that is until he made a series of shocking discoveries are you kidding me what is that who's responsible for this boy come on seriously boys in here where's the walk-in right over here [Music] you are kidding me boys that that's a lobster best shits egged the calamari from last night it was prepped yes it bubbled Jesus yeah yo Chuck get it that's contaminated we calmly fridges like this I dunno those things need to be changed I tried to do it after Mike but he won't listen to me my food got served from that fridge last night unbelievable what's in here [Music] those are meatballs well they mate they were made last week how'd you know that we hold no dates does that make any sense come on this is basic it just becomes sloppy here and I need to start baking things right the fridges been ignored at the end of the evening and then foods left in the oven oh come on absolutely right it's a disgrace I'm discovering there what am I supposed to do Ned all where do we start tell me what's on the team in two thirty get them in earlier on that whole [ __ ] place clean you're better than this [Music] you'll get a ride in as quickly as possible Chef Ramsay wants everybody here now I believe it's time to turn this place upside down some things are falling through the cracks but perhaps to be filled everything can be fixed all right I can't do what I'm doing I'm gonna have to change if I want to change my restaurant goodbye beer I'm ready this is where we're gonna start to fix this place with the thorough cleaning by the staff and what appears to be a change in attitude by Mike first of all the place is looking cleaner Chef Ramsay can now turn his attention to the area that needs the most help the kitchen so I'm gonna do two states a ribeye on the bone and a full acre they've been cooking steaks for 32 years I know how I do it which is the right way but maybe he can teach me something in a nice not only I'm gonna kill you kind of what okay onto the grill I want to render that fat down cooking Chef Ramsay is a dream come true again I see it on that face Daniel with that I do I've tried much just crazy see how his hands move like a ballet with his fingers I was in art that's a real man touch of horseradish well-spoken I felt super inspired by Chef Ramsay I might have put into words right now asparagus and fries for the filet touch the creme fraiche perfect I'm used to cooking like one certain way this is a little different when you spend a fortune in videos I want the customers to taste them I wanted to own the flavor of a ribeye simply done there's a little taste yeah I'm feeling it very very well I can already feel the fire burning and my gut which is something that has not happened in a while waiting stuff gets the knives and forks dig in everybody's good oh my gosh it just melts in your mouth I love you despair yes I'm coming over I'm so excited to see it my dad so happy it seems like he really doesn't want to change things and make things better and I know he can really do it can i order this for dinner it is so good unbelievable coming up it's one of the most emotional makeovers in Kitchen Nightmares history but later will the pressure of relaunch be too much for Mike Mike has finally seen the light with how this steaks can be improved so our food to go out there we got some private garbage Chef Ramsay is now focused on the makeover of Mike and Nellie and he begins with something that has been driving him crazy since the day he walked into the restaurant I need some help okay I've come across the most wretched carpet I've ever seen and it is deplorable so only something durable something strong something that can take a lot of footfall okay yeah that's nice I like that one as well with a blue can we get this done tonight is that possible absolutely with one major change in motion Chef Ramsay's team is hard at work trying to accomplish one of the most difficult makeovers they have ever faced good morning morning chef how we feeling Mike I've never seen you look so nervous speechless you're speechless okay today I am proud to unveil the new my Canaries are you ready yeah sir [Music] my canary steakhouse [Music] wasn't that my canalis steak and seafood Wow what this Q's is like in is a great steak house yes steak house has been my dream my whole life long right now I'm so overwhelmed with emotion I don't even know how I'm standing here Mike one thing that you're gonna see when you walk through that door is a new identity and a new you and the new me let's do it let's go guys Oh strange the restaurant jumping [Music] welcome to the new Myka Nellie's we walk in see the restaurant for the first time we see modern art the new chairs the new carpet I can't get a smile off my face it's outstanding it's awesome look at this place Wow Donna those Giddy's arches we've opened up you have a very elegant open space and a stylish Gong is the old worn out deck off and replace with a stunning contemporary rustic look new carpet and that smell has gone I want to take my shoes off totally amazed there you are you know I'm talking though I dream my whole life with me steakhouse it's an absolute transformation that's beyond my wildest dreams Jenny how you feeling we're gonna be the talk of the town and we're gonna do your proud we were just me you do yourselves proud no it was URI now he'll be so happy you really would and I could feel him here now [Music] in addition to the updated look and new identity come in please Chef Ramsay has created an elegant flavorful modern menu welcome to a new Mike and Ellie's menu this menu is that foundation a new start to my Kanellis simple delicious and modern let's start off at the top of the table here Maryland crab cakes delicious simple server the old bay mayonnaise yeah Angus sliders aged white cheddar shave lettuce and a special sauce the hallmark of this restaurant will be the steaks I love it start off with a filling mini on 8 ounce [ __ ] grilled finish with that wonderful delectable butter New York Strip 12 ounce bobbin and beautiful and stunning next to that we got a delicious braised short rib that's served with a red wine sauce and whipped child potatoes beside dishes look at that mac and cheese how can you have a steak house with no mac and cheese is top with some crispy bread crumbs delicious unbelievable white guys you get some spoons Sam trust you to go straight to the desserts I thought my food was good but the new menu is just unbelievable oh my god this is so good you are the man Chef Ramsay's you came in here and you turned us completely around this is definitely the start of saline big I see this restaurant going far [Music] as the doors open on relaunch night hello welcome to the new mechanize welcome there's excitement in the air and a buzz in the dining room decor is awesome now as customers are eager to try out the new Mike and Nellie Steak House back in the kitchen here we are guys yes Chef Ramsay wants the workload divide it with Mike doing less and Dan doing more Daniel I'm trying to get into breakaway you are the future so show it to me and showed to him yes yes my focus on the grill okay I want you Daniel running this I'm coordinating the kitchen tonight I hope Mike will back off a little and let me come in and help him out I'm very capable taking over the most important thing is that everything goes out perfect I'm hoping that they can handle a rush I've been trying to find a chef for the last 15 years that can do what I do this is nerve-racking [ __ ] here we go first ticket order in well one strip medium I want to hear an echo a callback I got two strips thank you buddy so far Chef Ramsay's plan is working Mike gets the first steaks on the grill wipe the plate down please make it look pretty come on Dan gets the kitchen in sync crab cakes up in the window beautiful let's go and customers are receiving their appetizers and the reviews are glowing next entree short ribs strip mid-rare one ribeye mid-rare to french fry where those fries 45 seconds 25 seconds all right I'm feeling great everybody is working together as a team I have four fillets up there but only one hour into service Mike is no longer working in tandem with Dan what are a tomato a series of crab cakes that's the one I just called for that's going out and instead of allowing Dan to organize Mike is now confusing the kitchen stop take a step back how many groups let's go next ticket to strip medium filet medium all right let's start putting these steaks out we just hope listening to each other I'm the main cog in this restaurant always have been always will be yeah I was doing it Mike you can't slip into these always killing me here man I don't know what's gonna happen Mike's not listening to what Chef Ramsay is saying we've all forgotten what the [ __ ] were doing in there everything is falling apart everything is gonna [ __ ] Mike just let me do this you [ __ ] are the big time right now I've had enough it's only an hour into relaunch at my cat Nellie's mic has slipped back into his old ways and is refusing to share the leadership of the kitchen with Dan and a successful relaunch is in jeopardy I need you running this and coordinated the kitchen properly and I want you to be behind it yes not listening one little bit I know it's hard but it's not [ __ ] difficult it will be if you don't listen get them working for you I need Daniel now to start firing these orders right I got you come on you can do this this restaurant is not all about me I need help to run it and with Dan regaining control of the tickets yeah tell me again what's going out right now the kitchen has found a proper rhythm are you doing well on the right chef Mike fantastic thank you I got zero complaints about the food tonight everything was amazing put it out baby Dan was really into his job tonight and Billy took a lot of pressure off of me like the way it looks in here the food will be out and plenty of time and you'll love it it was very rewarding walking around out there I felt my father's spirit here watching over me and everybody and it felt wonderful can't get the smile off my face my dad turned it around it's great to see I'm so happy Mike how was the dining room I'm good but everybody looks happy and smiling keep it that way all right brother port is queer Chef Ramsay showed my staff that they need to support what I do everybody did great I think this is gonna be most successful place around here what let me tell you something when I first arrived your head was in the grill stubborn wouldn't come out you've transformed and work with me thank you in there right now is the spirit of Nellie great and for me that is enough to confirm that you can do it I believe in you thank you sir thank you so much for everything he appreciates everything you did and more thank you it's been a pleasure likewise it's good to see buddy yep keep it going yes well done Jeff Franz inspired me I was ready to close this place up thought we got through it we persevered now I'm gonna rock this place gonna rock this town my father Nelson would be crying right now overwhelmed by joy I know he's watching daddy thank you [Music] good job thank you sir yeah look after winning thank you very much again tonight story in that Oh when I first arrived at my Canales this has been most depressing restaurant in America from the food to the deco even to the owner but tonight with the help of a guardian angel named Nelly a miracle happens because this restaurant become the hottest steakhouse in the whole of New Jersey I just hope they'll continue along those lines that carpet I've never smelled anything so disgusting and all my [ __ ] life I'm sure there's bodies under there in the weeks that followed business and Mike and Nellie's boomed too man clearly the new menu is a big hit in this New Jersey town this is a classic Steakhouse menu my customers love it this is the whole turnaround I've been waiting for Dan has been outstanding in his new role in the kitchen 15 seconds 15 seconds do we have those strips mid-well and Mike is embracing the change through the Manion allowing him to spend more time with his diners recently thank you and now he's following in the footsteps of his father and there is nobody happier than his two daughters Samantha and Lexi next time on Kitchen Nightmares golden visits an embattled Italian restaurant called Luigi's with two brothers who can't stand to be around each other and a wife no one can stand to be around it's the most dysfunctional family restaurant in lie Chef Ramsay has ever encountered you won't believe what happens on the most intense Kitchen Nightmares ever [Music] you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,092,562
Rating: 4.9103141 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Food, Dining, Cuisine, Restaurants, Cooking, Unscripted, FilmRise, Free TV, Free Teleivision, Television, Classic Television, Classic TV, TV, Full Episodes, Full Episode
Id: QmUdd3Y0g34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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