Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 4 Episode 16 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon maybe in the City of Brotherly Love right yeah I'm getting mad but no one is feeling the love at Shirelles Chef Ramsay is in for a major struggle with a proud but misguided husband-and-wife team the food was disgusting I disagree with you what one deals with the failing business by fighting back all right now getting mad the other has given up it's just so much I'm afraid of not surprisingly the marriage is at its breaking point what the hell is goin on with you get ready for a night of raw emotion it's my [ __ ] fault Chef Ramsay tries to rebuild not just a restaurant he's got to bounce back but an owners confidence as well I shouldn't even be here tonight failure might just be an option in Philadelphia Jerry can turn this around save your [ __ ] money shut the door is that disgusting [Music] south philadelphia boasting some of the most authentic Italian restaurants in the country and home to churros good evening - in 2007 Tommy and Dina da Fino opened this restaurant after Dina's parents closed the original chalice which was located in Wildwood New Jersey my parents Eames original Shirelles phenomenal business busy every night packed we just figured once we opened here we would be just as successful here as Shirelles wasn't wallet when we first opened Chiarello's tommy was fun and a happy great great cake it'll be better hi as business went down Tommy became like a completely different person the success in Mahwah did not in all follow me to fill it a lot of people that come in I don't know great little restaurant the menu is fantastic mom we have good food and I can't figure out what the promise how's that delays that's your opinion Tommy needn't need to omit like our food [ __ ] blows and that's it Shawn again deity Suns ruled us and we were [ __ ] yourself you have to put out what people want and we're not doing everything not at all are you taking shout no dawn when there's problems in the kitchen Tommy just goes I'm dealing with this [ __ ] and he leaves he just goes down in the basement the lifts his little waves he does his Frazee sit-ups or whatever on the chair where I'll just practice his golf swing that's a shirt maybe one time the gospel hit him in the head because he is not himself and he's mentally breaking down everybody no much that is I walk to check and that's it's my ears damn is is it I can't figure it out when I see the restaurant doing poorly and I see an empty restaurant it's the worst feeling you could ever imagine why just happen it to me man I can pick myself up Tommy can't deal with the lack of business it's driving him crazy that's the first business no more money I know what to do over the last couple years the stress Tommy's just like drained from it let's get this night over someone to get out of here and I want Tommy to be happy because he deserves that I'm not even doing enough business to keep my electric and gas on I can't lose this this was it this was everything I can't lose the restaurant dead [Music] I'm a South Philly known to locals as the red sauce neighborhood cause this place is surrounded with great Italian restaurants now I'm really move forward to check it out Joe Ellis it's all oh hello hello how are you nice to see you your first name is Dina Dina and the name came from my father my family okay well the restaurant wah would and how long was in Walworth for 36 years Wow did you spend time there oh oh my life oh you know that old I am we need Chef Ramsay's help because Tommy needs to take control of his business and himself to make things work and that is our problem I'm mr. chair Allah the oversees it you've retired those are tight well hide in my husband's place man meet your husband yes please thank you excellent Tomas are you in the bathroom oh right here can you come up here babe is he is he in the kitchen no Thomas doesn't cook I didn't cook no pleasures pleasures all mine good to see you let's sit down let's have a catch-up let's find out what's going on shall we you go if I knew exactly why I needed help I won't need Chef Ramsay so Dina so whose idea was it to move that name and to buy my father retired what and we needed to figure out what we were gonna do with our life so I mean all we know is the restaurant business that's all we knew what's wrong with the restaurants thing at work no consistency no consistency service foods I think our food is better than the areas for the runners quality is fresh but Dina just said you're inconsistent what's inconsistent is the customers so the food's consistent but the customers are inconsistent right I don't think you like Italian food oh yeah and I stand behind our food but what's missing for the rest we don't know what's missing customers well okay in terms of how this place is run I mean you who actually runs it you're in charge and how many times a week you hear maybe two or three I do always agree with what Tommy's doing ready yeah I don't agree with the way he runs the kitchen you know taking serious enough I think serious is this is not the businesses that's not the issue the issue is you can't better your business the way you're running it please thank you know he's asking the question I'm here every day you happy every day and I go home and that's what I do I uh I don't fully understand why this place in the woods denying what the real issue is I didn't think she felt like that yeah I thought we try I just have a word for this man on his ass for two minutes please I love my wife but this restaurant has killed our relationship the chokes listen I can see you're hurting that's why I want a world of you personally that's all embarrassed she thinks I would care of me but it's my fault to leave my wife I'm the man Italian I'm the man I'm Barry I stay in bed because I'm afraid to get up I'm afraid who's gonna call marry me who's gonna shut my guess off I need help here I need somebody to help me man because this business has been absolutely horrendous and it's the worst feeling you could ever imagine coming up that's costly there like I've just given birth Gordon discovers how deep tommy has fallen into depression what the hell is going on with you how far the restaurant has sunk it's the cat food and Hal fed up Dena has become alright yeah I'm getting mad it's fight time and filling I don't know what you're doing coming up on Kitchen Nightmares after a disheartening conversation with Dena and Tommy are given out of tea thank you thank you Chef Ramsay is hoping to find encouragement from Shirelles menu okay there's a gourmet dining whoa Wow that veil veal cutlet Johnny veal parmigiana feel cutlet with roasted peppers veal scaloppini veal saltimbocca veal Tirana veal Sinatra feel franchisee bill piccata filled masala veal cutlet Roberta and veal Maya Wow there's so much feel on here Lucy any chicken oh whoa hold on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven chicken dishes that's insane please me is that all these veal and chicken dishes yeah damn these names filled trailer down here these take Michael Anthony these are all named after people yeah they're only so why they got a veal Sinatra yes I think they ran out of names Frank Sinatra is not a relative of the family I think they had to get a little creative with it so why not go with us a not sure it is a great singer right okay let's all - shall we going yeah why not go for the veal Sinatra yeah and the stakes around let's go for that next I'll go for the land and sea sherry is that okay if we use in New York Strip for it we don't have to lay hold on a minute are you kidding me successfully on the menu yeah I know it's problem wow how long has it been no filet we probably have been added since I've been here how do we business and does it still cost the same uh yeah Wow we've changed the Filomeno so now I know stripping these menus ever straight from when they had their place in the short these are menus from the old restrooms yes so they've never had their own identity what were you just saying I've been saying that since I've gotten here so you're gonna get deleted see straight yeah yeah how would you like your steak mid-rare to thank me tomorrow okay I think we've done nothing all right I'll be right back lovely thank you Peter yo Sinatra Landon see Cherie I told him as a strict medium-rare he wants it I'm sake sir and medium-rare Oh chef rancid Oh probably not like the food but it's the family menu it's not a my minute Buster was downstairs on ya downstairs gonna write that thank you well what's that you're kidding me what the hell what the hell is this oh my god [Music] incredible service of the moon Tommy Tommy would you like me to go get him for you yes please sure oh my gosh bang straight through using your own face Tommy yes sir what the hell is this down here it's my year your membership in your gym is this this way you come to sort of relief exactly dude workout in here yeah every day yeah let's get these weights on them there are women on the street I swear to God when Tommy gets stressed out of goes downstairs starts lifting weights starts hitting balls with golf clubs that wasn't me it wasn't me there's holes in the wall he's punched some holes in walls don't say it wasn't him it was that wasn't me man that wasn't me not on the wall there that's my golf balls since the driving ranges wasn't yeah broke a few TVs Wow okay Surinder right all right I think Chef Ramsay won't like our food thank you guys you know I know you hear that on every show but our food is great so this one is what good that's a steak serían stay with the Bridget mozzarella okay okay yep thank you you're welcome yeah it's fine [Music] they're like I've just given birth I guess that's the presenter [Music] let's go see and go up to see finkies all right please boy we're not yeah it's a clumsy mess mistake his draw and those boys that fresh mozzarella what is disgusting combination Tommy yes two seconds um stake his drawer that's supposed to be mozzarella what reshoots prosciutto honestly I mean that is that's ghastly it's like someone's sign up for my plane Tommy have a word with the chef would you please yoga I know my Foods good I know it's good I know it's pretty good but this was rare not good at all server when the kitchen messes up Tommy instead of you know telling them to shut their game up like let's go like he just moves around losers take my life you're snatcher okay bring on as costly are you kidding me wheels are specially why people they order the veal Sinatra all the time including myself another please stressful this is chewy Joey lost all the texture when they pound the veal it's just such a shame this is Bellini fishery oh dear she lobsters Lisa he's a crayfish large fish starting at my filet mignon and I didn't get my lobsters a cheap imitation Lobster you're gonna hack that off there that's bright white so that's just overcooked a [ __ ] absolutely chewy as anything my god it's planned it's chewy its tuned insulted Italy Renata I was just like you to taste this that's a crayfish by the way it's not even table starts spawning up stuff it's a crayfish but it's something everything's overcooked Jesus Lord help I'd like tell me to taste those lobsters sure yourself up and stopping he wants you at taste the chewy lobster snowy eat up and I decide to taste the lobster love it it was too chewy I have really good food Chef Ramsay might not agree with that it was on but still comes back to I have really good food I know I do now that was foul I'm done to be the chef yeah yeah back so let's get the mouse Tommy's dinner never thought every single meal that we would send out would get critique that fish okay let's let's come around but it necessary good talk boy everything that we do here needs improvement see the head chefs yeah how are you working here life almost closed fires five years I'm here to tell you straight if that's the best those restaurants got to offer it's embarrassing it's 2012 and we're seven food from 1970 are you happy with that setup it's not just about 28 years old this man is older than me but me don't let me change the manually you need to change some different I can't blame him entirely I gotta blame the individual that he's working for you too because you've heard the captain so the stuffed entree first there was a gross State was raw cooked one side and if there's one thing you don't do to a New York Strip is stuff it B land and sea and you know that's not Lobster that's called a crayfish so we haven't got filet mignon and haven't got lots on the menu yet the dish is title with both the headlines lobster filet but the horror for me today was to discover that you've got a menu that exclude you from the first night you opened its absolute utter madness and you don't need me to tell you that but you're in denial you know I'm not in denial when you sit and tell me that food is good there's nothing wrong with it it is it's my [ __ ] fault it's my boy for a minute but well where am I [ __ ] gone he's giving him an impossibly toss which start a whole new menu I think our food Stoker ah I disagree what you alone now you're in denial the food was disgusting hey just for your dad where's your pain come on you are gonna have to get your head out your ass with the owners and Chef Ramsay having vastly different opinions of the food Gordon is curious to see how the locals react during dinner service what are you doing tell me the roles hosting greats and what you doing over here wait Wow Tommy tends to think he is a waiter I'm gonna steam my section don't start it off and he needs to understand that he is the owner he is not a worker hi I'll get the order as soon as I can how are we this way hi guys got a tie down here yeah all right first table in yous gonna read these things out Tommy who's expediting who's expediting this who's expediting I don't know let you know in a second Wow so knowing cooldown order there's no system family that's normal I'm not saying every time you happened by this every day every day are you not fed up sometimes coming in and I run to kitchen so I have to do myself oh what's wrong he's the boss I'm not the boss it's fine despite no expediter and no real system in the kitchen Philippe quickly pushes food out to the diners yo Johnny but it quickly becomes apparent that the customers are far from satisfying okay I'll take off the people didn't like the meatballs just two second test of evil toy yeah come on Lex will you taste that for me I mean it's [ __ ] disgusting and if anyone tells me again that their food is amazing I'm gonna blow my lid it's that cat food come on Tommy it's definitely up the time we can make sure everything goes out perfect nothing comes back and the restaurant want smooth I mean that's the main problem right now you know man how's everything ladies John what's the mess with it um stringy and it's flurry [Music] all right Tom I think you need to go back in the back and check on your calls keep coming back just I'm afraid Tommy needs to stand up for himself on the weather good night there you go intricate oh you are yeah you're acting stupid instead of him going back there and talk him through his chef he's hiding and leaving it up to me and it's not supposed to be like that all right now I'm getting mad what the food that we need up he was a messin up my own freakin restaurant give me table 10 and give me the pasta special one nine man honestly Dina she's trying her best Tommy well he's not even there he's just all over the shop no wonder somebody complaints especially is just not going anywhere such a shame [Music] how's everything give me sweet balls right here real clinical challenge Ruiz mr. whirling was the last of all time which we spent too much oil I don't want to go back down so you don't go savings her yeah let me go back now we'll give me the committee oil Felipe well just all swimming in oil and you weren't gonna say anything you cannot drain that off by that and it's served the back to the customers if they deserve better than that drain it out no that's too on the side he's draining the [ __ ] thing on the show a little bit of oil drained out who says [ __ ] they so sink what I do all eight comic this is getting embarrassing dysfunctional owners and a dysfunctional kitchen I'm already embarrassed in life who can embarrass me anymore but guess what I found out that you can't be embarrassed even more hidden he's right Bob you could hit even deeper than rock bottom when I tell you I need him I'm telling you that's the one and everybody get it together with Tina now firmly in charge of the kitchen craggy hey and Tommy retreating to the basement let's just put up the key table this extremely rocky dinner service comes to an end I don't know what to say I I'm just almost there lots of words even when food was coming back they won't give a [ __ ] no one gives a damn we're serving [ __ ] and you tell me your food's good I think our food is really good you gonna have to get your head out of your ass and tell me I felt for you today I just thought you under immense pressure but you hide like it's a game I'm not here to play a game with any of you thank you sure the confrontations of time right now I'm not feeling that great now whose rotation is that being responsible Tommy or a kid he was swimming in oil you're draining off this is not a time to be nervous and whipping around but right now you're all in denial and you know what Jerry you can turn this around and make money all I see Dina Tommy stop and save your [ __ ] money shut the door after 24 hours of sheer frustration dealing with owners in denial Chef Ramsay decides to make a home visit to have a chat with Dina and her eldest daughter Danae this morning you know I woke up a little upset because like I said I really feel I have good food I stick by that I know you're here to help me mm-hmm but I was humiliated I suppose if I play this way outside that restaurant that's better okay and T Preston's okay your menu does not work in South Philly so basically what he's saying is that your food isn't horrible it's just that there's a million Italian restaurants in one area you're right I didn't say the food was horrible I said it was disgusting no no no here's the issue you're in denial that your food is good okay knowing if that's the case that's the bottom line under the goat seriously a I'm not gonna waste your time B I'm not gonna waste my time but more importantly you I'm not gonna deal with someone that is that deluded you want help yes don't like the help that I'm suggesting it was scared my pants can't is staying the same you've got to get a grasp before make a complete new change and that's scary territory I have great memories of churros and I've been doing this for so long it's all I know so it's very hard for me to get past the past get on with his future it's not working the truth I know what you're saying to me that I have to go the men using outdated things aren't right the food's different we'll try our best okay I came by here this morning to talk about Tommy because there's this level of depression that's sinking this manner you can see this figure just almost disintegrating and I've seen small little fragments of the personality so he's got such a great personality why do we need to get him back because I don't think he actually understands no he does it this place just wiped me out it wiped me up I did if there's one area that he'll listen to it's the family and I just think you need to tell him what he means to you and how we want to see him back at his best hey my man okay take a seat please sit down Hey good yeah casino let me tell you say I came to see your family this morning because I'm concerned that you've lost that spark self-esteem is a sort of all-time low and before I can make any changes time I need you back I need to see that spark Dana I want you back I love you I want me back to the look listen I love you I know you hate it's just so much I'm afraid of you know I mean the problem with the restaurants me you know it's me I shouldn't even be there you know I know it should make sure everything runs project it's me I need I'm afraid I'm not the same person I was in my whole life get that person you got to reach inside Tommy and pull it out a person with who out you the real you the real you what the hell is going on with you pull it out what do you mean what person are you pulling out but purse might pull out are you kiddin the last seven years I'm good you don't think what's hold back like I had this tired and exhausted and there was anything good ever happens life I [ __ ] feel your whole life he hurts you wanna feel it your whole life did you feel your only we got three beautiful kids we love you we want you to be happy yeah I have to pull yourself in I got no crowding it away you know you don't think anybody's proud of you it's not true they all stay in man I'm so depressed my whole life I've been a failure it's a bit awful now both me [Music] it is clear that Tommy's depression is one of the major problems to the restaurant I [ __ ] feel your whole life he hurts and Chef Ramsay knows that before he can make any changes Tommy needs to change you don't think anybody what's not true you have failed your lucky man amazing kids amazing wife and I'm telling you you know you have not smiled you can't give up you've got to bounce back I got okay funny charismatic witty energetic man oh yeah that's what I need exactly that we can make great changes but unless you're back right now nothing's gonna work Thank You Ronnie that's it okay I want to fight yeah okay good I'll see you back at the Reston yeah new day it was important to hear for my family sometimes in yeah getting knocked down a lot you don't realize you're not getting back up I think it's time I get back off himself I'm a fighter it snows all the places for a reason come on man I love that guy with Tommy beginning the day with a more positive outlook that's good oh and you in the kitchen yeah it is yeah Chef Ramsay's anxious to get Tommy more involved in the kitchen what you've never ever got affair as your kitchen this is the engine room the more he sees you supporting him the closer you guys get I'm very happy that Chef Ramsay's doing this but this panis doesn't have the experience in the kitchen right now we're gonna make some more turkey and he needs to understand that this is his entity this is his business boiling garlic and this is the first time I've ever really cooking on the line let alone with Chef Ramsay that's pretty scary but I know my kitchen I can take all those place Rhonda wait supposed to me Ron Wow yeah I'm a chef now nice Tommy was really proud of himself like I made that Deena mus now that Tommy learned a few things with Chef Ramsay it'll give Tommy a chance to take control of our business it's gonna be a new start for us well done let's go with the rebuilding of Tommy's confidence underway Chef Ramsay Anna's team worked through the night and in just 12 hours they transformed Shirelles into a slick contemporary eatery good morning hey are you good to see anybody's come inside take your jacket how'd you do that first there was a nice hole before and now it's another table we're gonna use this bar to eat from it's gorgeous it's stunning and it's a main feature as you walk in really is are you ready to see next door okay great come through please cool is that old fashioned 70s mustard color you have this nice light pale grey that opens up the room the room looks twice as big and let's use new light fittings these lights well there is a feature in the center this time room reclaimed wood local woods and it's part of the community shelving adjacent all these little touches give a contemporary feel to this dining room it should be an architecture on the table we've got rid of those hideous clocks we've got white crisp linen all new china made called slabber slate salt peppers all of these little touches to give a contemporary feel to this dining room you brought the neighborhood into the restaurant is phenomenal it looks like the city looks like he's Sherlock it's like the neighborhood the neighborhood will want oh my god I love it you're phenomenal man happy is the best day of my life besides having my kids I love the look of the restaurant it looks brighter it looks bigger we definitely will have our own identity not only has Chef Ramsay given the restaurants interior a modern makeover okay come over please he's also done the same with the 30 year old menu right the beauty of this menu it's small powerful it sends out all the right messages yes gone are the 75 dishes I like that it looks wonderful oh by the way 16-valve 12 chicken let's start off from the top classic Italian antipas next there you got arancini Parmesan smoked paprika aioli and parsley small but powerful entrees chicken parmesan it's a staple is classic fail masala origami masala mushroom sauce spinach it looks so good after that he got a classic spaghetti meatball big hearty dish that just moves Italy Otto Keti this time is gonna be swimming in oil Tommy's other we're taking it back Rainier do you know what you think though I love it you love it phenomenal tell me what you think of it one more thing to talk to you about Philippe is not gonna learn how to cook this in a day you need help yes I find an amazing talented chef he's been here says first thing this morning who's been in there's been working and you need to get close to this guy yeah please hello my trout Mike courtesy buddy let me introduce you to our owners this is Dina thank you very much first of all local boy train is not the best fishers of the country but more importantly this man knows exactly what you need I'm very very excited with the chef Mike triage chef Andy definitely set me off for success it's up to me now forgives amazing great new menu tonight let's get excited let's focus I'm a great service to hold a job you know sure yep I mean it makes me feel good not to worry about the kitchen as much you know right thinking guys dig it dig in together Oh high school I really like this I really like not oh my god that's what that sauce is so goes that food is delicious I mean I could keep you in picking on full that is good yeah it's so good everything that go nipples are gonna be posting colectomy neutrals is fantastic Thomas taste this baby where's our peoples our menu was a dinosaur we're dippers from food 36 years of that menu out with the old and in with the new looks so good I'm so happy should go - coming up it's the all-important relaunch of Shirelles I'm messed up with Taylor mama I know was running way too smooth we'll Tommy finally step up and take control one little mistake we don't class will really crumble and take his restaurant with him it's relaunch night at Shirelles yes yes with chef consultant Mike Trout guiding Filipe behind the line yeah one in time one in time don't get too far ahead of this all eyes are on a reenergized Tommy are you there eh folks welcome to the new Shiraz how are you have a nice dinner you're welcome relaunch night is a big night have a nice dinner but I've Tommy steps up and doesn't he's supposed to do everything will be great tonight order please I check in guys first one calamari and boom let's go tonight guys let's go with Tommy leading his staff fire up for fire up for calamari soup and livers dishes are going out at a rapid pace service please pesto crostini while most of the diners are ecstatic with the new menu there is one table that is feeling left out we're not it where dinner what table is this there was one table I could see they were getting a little antsy I know it was running way too smooth tonight telling us to step up and really do what he's gotta do cracking under pressure and this of a table mom yourself a table I messed up for the table mama please Tommy I said to you one little mistake we don't climb on top of it you should go with it let's go come on Chef Ramsay's definitely right take it easy relax it's just a little bump of the road here there there's an owner I gotta go back to like I made a mistake my table number boy plane it 16 supposed to be coming right now thank you you'll be out find me she's alright thank you nice keep it going come on Kimmy guys come on come on right now are we looking here are we looking here coming right now table 20 hey buddy follow me it's one area often paying Tommy step up and run the business was fantastic spectacular scoops right here enjoy it come on let's go come on baby let's go do your thing we're good in there what's good in there yeah oh yes Tommy now is showing his true passion for this business those who love for this business he's full of enthusiasm he's full life for gianmarco Tommy's back he Sinise himself again and I'm very very happy for me good job tonight great job okay why are we feeling bad should be this Russian looked and felt like a completely different and I first walked into the beginning of the week let me tell you that tonight Charla's was the place to be in Philadelphia we tell you that thank you you've got to maintain that now I'll keep it backwards to the team well done please please great job Mike and Philippe and Kevin quit where were you - please welcome good job good job yes well done Tommy just seems like he's a different person he feels secure in running his business if time okay did you notice how well your kitchen ran tonight yes the standard was 19 day-to-night oh yes you to work well together yeah you know and you forgotten that and you're tenacious honest he needs that yeah and tonight I could see and hear the old Tommy and it's just it's moving but Chiarello's de niro's both of you Dean and Tom I gotta lose that very soon yep and you can do it yes yes Chef Ramsay he's a good man with a big heart look out we should have fixed me but he dissed fix the rest for him you won't believe me gonna fix me and I hope I stay like this take care god bless thank you when you consider the changes you made to the food the deckle and how this restaurant was run this is the biggest transformation of any Italian Russian I've ever done but I'm leaving here with one big question and that is will Tommy and Dina maintain a high standards that we set tonight I promise you only time will tell [Music] in the weeks that followed fire up table gain the combination of a confident Tommy baby and a supportive Deena have made it possible for trellis to maintain the high standards set by Chef Ramsay and this once tractor couple is truly united as a team and Chef Ramsay came to our restaurant we were not thrilled at all with what he had to say I got five but with change colors opportunity to grow and be stronger like and I'm hoping that this will become the best Italian restaurant it's a falafel next time on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay visits a Mexican restaurant that has completely lost its way right the restaurant that originally brought this couple together is now tearing them apart Aaron why can garden yet this husband and wife working together as a team and not as enemies you've got a big issue now what you think it is mine you don't want to miss the heartbreaking real-life soap opera of Zocalo [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 2,027,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Food, Dining, Cuisine, Restaurants, Cooking, Unscripted, FilmRise, Free TV, Free Teleivision, Television, Classic Television, Classic TV, TV, Full Episodes, Full Episode
Id: lUsv-tk9rTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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