Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 5 Episode 3 - Full Episode

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[Music] tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to Brooklyn Oh to tackle the many problems of a 55 year old restaurant I've just had one of the most disgusting lunches I've ever had owner John is not only clinging to the past it worked before why can't it work now he is no longer running his restaurant Tiffani idea that this is Gary old he works primarily at the pizza oven they weren't a fan of and he's unaware of what's happening where is Tom in the kitchen I'm embarrassed to do some of the things that we do here in the dining room look at this mess or in a storage they're frozen molded and as a result the restaurant is a disaster with a man vomiting in the toilet now it's a Kitchen Nightmares inspection that will have you in a shop it's off conditions are so bad we'll possibly kill them kill someone a customer pays the price Koen emmalin's get ready for an emotional rollercoaster as Chef Ramsay tries to save a defiant owner finally Judah Tommy put the key to the dog well done that without truck coming in from destroying his parents legacy I don't want to be here what is that you said me welcome fruits to kill them their workout you wake up Thank You Seth in Brooklyn New York lies the historic neighborhood of Cobble Hill a hip thriving area and home to Sal's pizzeria run by John Esposito my parents came here from Italy and they took over this pizzeria in 1970 and at the age of 14 I left high school to help my mom and dad run the business this has become my life ever since we ran the place very successfully thank you by the 90s we were able to purchase the restaurant next door hello are we doing welcome or ease my mom became sick she got diagnosed with cancer we thought the right thing to do was to name the room after my mom that's why you have Sal's pizza and mamma Maria's his father passed away his mom passed away he was the only one in charge of everything and as the years passed it started to go down we don't have that kind of volume of sales that we once had then I can't figure out the reason why I dropped off where's the people I've stayed the same I haven't changed they weren't a fan of Eggman I don't know what they're doing over there John as the owner is supposed to be in charge of this whole place including the kitchen but he's usually at fry making pizza is covered in in flour that's like the accountant thought it'd be cool to open a wine bar stop paying attention over here put me in the kitchen really look at what's going on John treats this place like his second home he's got four kids that are always here running around the restaurant it doesn't really look good for the restaurant John is an extremely stubborn owner all right so this is the way we're gonna set up the team listed in his mind the system has worked but it really stopped working like 20 years ago how the hell it used to be a very old-school Italian neighborhood but now we have much much younger people moving in a lot of people like to call them hipsters hey sorry spaghetti doesn't taste quite right I don't know what to tell you it's the first tomato sauce throw this up am I gonna put on plastic glasses get a funky haircut put an earring in my ear just to accommodate the new people new I might do that how are things in this unfair horrible really yeah John is holding on to the past and to the way things were done when his parents ran the business we didn't do anything today I didn't even do a portable we used to do any business man would have said enough is enough pull the plug but how do you pull the plug on family history pretty tough yeah we got this on the Boosters jacks this place it's mom and dad losing one's like losing a parent again done that prepared to handle that [Music] mama Maria's voice that is ghastly holes everywhere that is not a good sign my goodness me hello how are you Kate how are you first name is Fabian yeah it's good to see I'm the manager here that outside looks like a nice walk what idea was that the owner he actually cut the letters out what guess cuz it was tearing and he just completed the whole thing and the owner is John and he is where next door he's responsible for like the pizzeria so two restaurants right mum memory is I'm standing in right and then there is sauce pizzeria next door right I'm gonna go meet the owner thank you go far Wow so Sal's pizza John there is that how are you very wealthy how are you good thank you excellent so are you filling in today someone phone in sick I think about their pizzas yeah I always work the front of the counter so you buying their constant yeah Wow how long will be making pizzas some 10 years old that's incredible I got confused with her hideous canopy outside will say you cut holes in the canopy actually the wind there then the wind did that yeah anyway come on let's have a catch-up okay first of all give me a little insight the history my mom and dad had a pizzeria and my father my mother did all the cooking in the back side the 90s my mom got sick she came down with cancer she passed first I'm sorry he's no longer with the Wow so that's why it has two different nights mom in that Sal and Maria rice combined restaurant why is the number one problem here when that listen we're not busy more competition in the neighborhood and one struggling struggling to keep the doors open it's a hard pill to swallow yeah I'd like to meet and find out what's going on here it's very uncomfortable for me to sit here right now and ask for help thank you I'm not feeling Who I am I feel weak how are you this is Lori Lori nice to see what you do I'm waitress thanks what's all of the restaurants lack of leadership John's a little frantic chaotic usually very busy in pizzeria John has been here forever so you would think John would know how to run this place but he doesn't want to change anything because this is what his parents knew before they passed away homemade pastas pasta made daily on the premises all the pastas made fresh level daily basis yep okay start off with their toe blini pataga okay I got to try this Perry meatballs really me buzz margarita please Wow Mangala oreganata second course you got the tortellini patate the food is not good here but it's not my food I'm serving it the same way we always serve boy I think that Chef Ramsay's gonna have a heart attack when he sees what goes on around here oh my god how are you good I'm framing Fran I see what you do I just showed that this okay let's have a look show me Wow so the showcase the desserts hmm so this is our desserts everything's made here fresh on purpose so jeez what is that it's butter rose butter yeah just to this way as the ice cream and that I'm all away you shouldn't know the butter is on top so it covers that I'm not bit there yeah Fabio you that general manager right so you've got no idea this we're presenting those moldy bits this [ __ ] and it's stuck with butter on top now those are just for a display because if a display you've got the right to take the remote and serve customers our display that's full of mold so we supposed to like put a fresh one every day so we can throw it out are you kidding me what do you think I think that you know as long as it's I mean it's fresh it's good I mean I wouldn't but I wouldn't are you I mean if you lost the plot no I haven't exchanged colors four times and it absolutely reeks all I'm saying is that this is for display we're not serving so do the customers deserve a display that's full of [ __ ] oh my god he's repping into him he's ripping into him man look at this mess that it must be two months old is probably a few days well a few days we don't serve it it's for presentation where you're not certainly thanks [ __ ] gold star congratulations on that one now so that's a big breakthrough with you that's why you're here excuse me that's why you're here I'm here to tell you that that [ __ ] then you shouldn't be presenting you you don't know the difference between mold and fresh it's for presentation on it give me two seconds I need to clean my hands I'm caked in mold I got disgusting butter and I've got [ __ ] hands full of pus first my say we got tylenol with codeine no he's gonna come throw it at it I'd rather he wrote it as to me serve it in the Patara thank you [Music] it's bland I mean really planned and visually it looks like someone's just eating that whole dessert attractive then it shot out twice as quick as a run in Laurie just blanked it really Blair I'll let them know and this is frozen cuz there's a grainy potato flavor inside that I don't think anything's frozen yeah so they're totally in down frozen I'll double-check thank you he said it was very very bland yes did the tortellini were frozen I wasn't sure they were frozen or not he's right well pastas fresh frozen that's the most mind-boggling thing in this place we make everything and then freeze it chef literally these are frozen they are so you advertise you're making it daily but you freeze it daily something's wrong bait eyes thank you Wow is that they're totally newsperson I don't even know me either I thought everything was like crushed it makes no sense what to make it pressure then phrase that little freeze it makes no sense does anyone clean here favorite how often this place cleaned I have no idea you got no idea when this place was last things they don't have a cleaning crew all these much rafter astron what's that smell in here that's the smell what's in the [ __ ] laughs it was a little bit of a payback cuz he just finished tearing me apart I thought that was a little bit of karma okay where in the [ __ ] did all that come from y'all were flooded it who watered the plants this morning chan they're full of water somebody warded the plants someone's doing a great job at watering plants but not changing desserts man Wow they'll pay for the dry cleaning right okay the spaghetti people I would say enjoy but I know that any meatballs spaghetti meatballs fresh meatballs or frozen frozen aw c'mon everything is frozen [Music] look at that now inside how rubbery love clean before tasting it man to bear how dry that is dry disgusting frozen people [Music] meatballs are frozen rubbery and dry right every product you use in here is frozen when I first started here we caught up a leg of veal and I'm still waiting to use it and here's your pizza sur la garita pizza is very creasing yeah that oil sticks in the air doesn't like the potato it's a greasy that's just full of grease Laurie the pizzas grease is anything but what concerns me gels behind the bar all this [ __ ] foods coming out and I want him to taste what he's sending me because I'm a little bit miffed to why I'm here if no one's caring okay please check well you said the pizza is greasy and that you should be tasting everything that before I get sent down to him [ __ ] enough [Music] I know after being disappointed by bland frozen food and greasy pizza at Brooklands mama Maria's Chef Ramsay heads to the kitchen looking for an explanation come on everybody outside introduce me to who's who this is Joe Joe this is asketh how are you hey come true you know hello John Cena how are you to meet you likewise good to see you too I'm gonna where to start I've just had one of the most disgusting lunches I've ever had I stopped a dessert tray full of moldy desserts and the tortellini greeny bland and the potato was just dreadful the meatballs frozen dry solid yes they're disgusting I don't even but you can't make meatballs every day you get 20 pounds of new chopped meat you make the meatballs they freeze the rest do you know how long it takes to make 5 pounds of meatballs 10 minutes what we've done all our life time I haven't just started this yesterday meatballs are always done you should get away with in 1967 it's 2012 John does anyone have standards here we're not in control of a man who's menu is this it's my menu I'm embarrassed to do some of the things that we do here you kidding me we may pass the fresh and we freeze it like are you crazy but while you're doing it I don't have a choice who's stopping you the menu my menu are you listening to this man it's spoken more sense in the last five minutes than anybody has since I've been here do you listen to your stuff they're not paying my bills I'm the guy painted though how could you make the pizza and so they can't have a voice you should be nowhere near this business I don't agree with you I think we should close the doors I don't think this man actually gives a [ __ ] I don't I think it while you can because how I put the key look if I need you to tell me to put the key to the door done that without coming here it worked before why can't it work now but you're running on nostalgia it stood still and you're outside these four walls the whole neighborhood has overtaken you you're in love with a memories John I don't know what to say thank you for your honesty I need a shower my [ __ ] stink of plant juice I'm not gonna close the doors be just because he said he said so I don't agree with him 100% game on all right within a short time of his arrival Chef Ramsay has discovered that the staff may actually know more than the owner what are we supposed to build we didn't [ __ ] make these recipes and now he's eager to see how the team functions in a dinner service oh my god hello are we doing welcome Smiley's Papa tomato sauce our boxes pizza boxes grande before rapido what's going on down here hello business running a normal job yes this is yeah if I wasn't here you'd be doing exactly say exactly the same no difference give me that portobello clam I need that first so that's what John would normally do just all my other pieces out there yeah I mean just come in here here he just stays out there all night he's afraid I think he's afraid of the kitchen he's a friendly I think so sir the owners in place I know it's crazy so as John seems content to pound away at the pizza oven margarita sauce margherita the kitchen led by Joe is pushing out food at a steady pace pick it up there is your pasta that doesn't mean the fast arriving food is pleasing the customers [Music] charge two seconds was opposed during a teeny it's vegetarian tomato sauce they put pot bones in it what the [ __ ] she's vegetarian that's how we do it everyday [ __ ] John is responsible for the methods that we use to produce the food give me job urgently who says if you don't like it leave John this is urgent now a lady had just found a port bone in the rig Athena we're to give the sauce over we always always added sausage for serving poor bones in the sauce to a vegetarian that's how we prepare food for the last 40 years and don't see it being a problem okay it's all so [ __ ] edit area it's the way we've always done our business you can't serve a vegetarian a pork sauce what the [ __ ] is going on here enough make it better okay he's waiting for the public turn No what does he have taste I'm gonna be sick in about trucks yeah yeah lobster the mushrooms like a medical assistance which allows me to pull no one watch Jerry possibly love to tell please and he will laugh the tail it's hot right by you guys throwing up he's in the bathroom when you're sick please show me exactly what you serve that customer yeah please thank you all right your blasters ready John come here seriously fishy Backus Valley ammonia yeah you smell that and that's what that man was just eaten ammonia that's what releases that body stuff the component it's been pulled apart and then decomposed that's what makes it there so just clarify something for me what could possibly kill them kill someone and whilst we're discussing this and there's a man vomiting in the toilet now I can't believe this is happening right now feels like [ __ ] to know that you got somebody sick and it's the first time you've got your head out of the dose but it's Johnny's responsibility no matter wife because John buys all the product that we use yeah please so we call an ambulance hi this is South speak sorry Dunedin ambushed the bus was not going well your face is really crushed my worst fears but anybody to get sick in my restaurant there's a shot of something I need a shot I need a shot of something I got a guy bombing give me something give me quite a lot vodka somebody came to your house and you cooked them at dinner how would you feel he started pooping all over the place a guy had some lobster and he has a reaction to it the gentleman sit down yes needs to kill the cameras kill the camera it's dinner service at mama Maria's okay one of the diners is feeling ill after eating a questionable lobster mr. fishy and that's what that man is distinctive and the paramedics have just arrived on the scene a guy had some Lobster and he has a reaction to it the gentleman sitting down it's terrible but anybody to get sick on anything that you serve you you stop everything just close the [ __ ] okay so whatever just stop everybody stop okay nothing else leaves this kitchen the life was going into garbage bag okay so when I shut it down I'll just take a little all Joy's no check think we're sorry and we have an issue that I have to deal with my apologies thank you we need to call what is it a post on your buddy they need to go no checks just go yes Tony they just don't work sure they're not we are just they're not gonna serve anything else it's embarrassing to have paramedics walk into your restaurant and to have to shut down your restaurant because of that should we take his contact information or any kind of information like that John kind of a word yeah [Music] John tonight was beyond a disaster I never expected this never my wildest dreams solo humiliation but it's not just bad food John it's bad practices that mean just so detached from your business you don't look like a no no you don't sound like an owner like a member of staff back there you you're right why I don't know why I don't know why I just because I think I've been beat up too much there's gotta be some fight inside there's gotta be something I am a fighter I've been a fire in my entire life I was thrown into this place because they needed to they needed a horse a donkey to run the place cause they could afford to hire people I sacrificed my education and thrown me in here but you've given up come on it is strong yourself this papi change I will help you but you have to understand you cannot be a member of start pounding dough and still write you shouldn't be doing that I don't because I love my fear and I want to provide for them the best way I know how do you think they get join Minh what she knew kill yourself in there John come on you have to take a big long step back and stop running this place from a [ __ ] Peter oven I can't I mean no mostly I can't why I need to take a break [Music] I want you to get some rest okay well some horses no no no listen you're an owner hey I can see the pain I feel it let me tell you I've got focus my own and I know how hard it is but I'm here for you and I want you to win understand that man's a man I'm telling you I want to win you've got to listen okay we can do this right you do not it do it good have fun really starts I'm sorry you from back yes that's different okay single [Music] Chef Ramsay may have pledged his help to John but he needs to get a handle on everything before he can implement changes so early this morning he does a little research but no time to see how much frozen food it really is peni they said that frozen food but my son wasn't aware of this much there's all endless how much pastures in here look at the colors it's frozen badly no date no name sausage scoop I mean honestly look at this buckets of them it's that that's just out of two freezers and look there's more freezers down there you aren't kidding me chicken freezer burns this must be five years old this stuff ruin you can't compare oh Jesus this is a joke look at that oh come on meatballs this is ridiculous they're frozen bowling another freezer frozen vegetables frozen pasta my I didn't know what it is an ice cream container summer filled with pasta shells horrified by the amount of frozen food Wow Chef Ramsay is determined to give John and his staff a much-needed wake-up call how easy good [ __ ] day yesterday yeah I've just spoken to Charles the diner from last night he got checked out the small in hospital totally fine it's okay big breath of fresh air there let me tell you how this really nurse we all we all were today we start fresh fortunately we are still a little frozen in the past come with me oh boy let's go let me show you something come in wow what the [ __ ] it's our menu what do you think it is so that's thought John I've never ever encountered anything like this in my entire cooking career ever never but we had to not touch anything else in this kitchen and cook what we've got if you open for the next 12 months and still not run out come on we have 40 stacks that's like 400 pounds of chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken probably doesn't have that much chicken on hand John do you have any idea that this is going on yes that is it's it's amazing when you look at but I knew it was going on look at the meatballs turn color hey don't throw it at me come on guys this ball Joe I know there's more downstairs there's more it pains me you're right there's no there's no way around it this is Mike this is my fault it's a sad truth it is advised were meet this is my fault I let this get out of out of my grasp past glory we used to do 10 cases of chicken in two weeks I'm still buying like we were busy at that at that level and we're not the rest of the stuffing as it is but you're losing money twice as fast trying to change something there's no is that true he's trying to change you'll say no yes this resistance to change yes such a lot of my big problem like I told her you look at this how long do you think those been special when's this phone I listen how long is that [ __ ] yeah since my parents died I don't want to take it down I don't post of specials it's just something a memory to me but that's the very important issue and you must have take this personally you're still treating this business as if mom dad are here we have to let go throw it out I told them you answer the parents throw it out no mask is further out I get holding it off no Joe I don't wanna get upset but you could understand you're gonna let get over the past okay yep guys get the share out of here John let's go but I can just see the pressure I can feel I don't want to be here on long night I don't want to be here I don't want to be in this position over it just said just be in the air every day working seven days a week I don't know if I told you I wasn't educated my mom and dad drew me in here I will come home from school not to eat lunch it's a certain lunch it's a kid able ten this has been my life I'm a sense it just said to sit here every day knowing what we used to do and not be able to do what I used to do anymore it's just the oils the wrong things but I think deep down inside you're just running scared I don't want to be scared I want to fire my wife sent me kids they can't there was so happy that you call it my third child said to me daddy perhaps he's got a fix every day we can spend more time together hey you will but you have got to look of the past it's your turn now to help people understand but it's one condition step away and that fee today I want a commitment that you are well gonna jump behind that and the safety net it's going to be hard I just want a commitment from you you leave your head out the dough yeah so yes I'll start making it not pounding it yeah let's do it let's do it can you hit was getting real they're here for a reason I hope that looks like it's gonna be extremely hard not to fall back into your old habits but I'm ready to from today on change my ways and move forward and not let that ever happen again [Music] Chef Ramsay clearly feels for this owner and is now ready to reveal the first important change don't worry about that we are relaunching plumber Maria's excited ok remove your blindfolds [Music] that awning that's right morning has gone let me welcome you to the new side my memory is when I first arrived here I saw a disgusting warning letters cut out just hideous this now is your first statement it says a lot first impressions let me tell you oh yeah I like it look smarter I've made some minor changes inside minor trust but when you walk through those doors I think you got to crap yourself let's go in come in please first of all welcome to the new bright vibrant mother Maria stand my goodness does it scream Brooklyn Wow when I first came in here it was resembling a restaurant hadn't been touched in years it was dark it was grimy and I had no life we've got stunning turquoise walls that gives that nice vibrance hop the custom artwork done by very talented artists painting the beautiful historic Brooklyn Bridge above your fireplace I like that I think this is what Brooklyn wants needs we got rid of all the clutter that John just holding onto we have on the wall your parents in full blown stunning photographs which is an amazing memory to hold on to Oh have a look at the paper mr. MA oh you can see there no that's me serving the thought I didn't notice the pictures never forget this day moving forward a new beginning in the history of the stunning family run mama Maria's let me tell you this is my family this is me it was here from our Etsy it's amazing it's changing from old to new what I letting go of the past the past is still here with us and I got a new lease on life Chef Ramsay's remodel of the restaurant is only part of his master plan complete place the overhaul of the menu is the real key to turning this Brooklyn eatery around of all just take a look at the vibrancy looks great fresh yeah yeah I want to that's what I need right menu starting off with a delicious bullshitter is done with a really nice chopped up mozzarella so marinating smartest earthy rustic and charming brilliant and fresh the mussels are just incredible a great little appetizer to get the palate with juices flowing the specialities of the house the pizzas margarita stunning simple delicious you hit it on a head next to that you've got the osso bucco served in his cooking juices over mashed potato gremolata and a really nice rich demi-glace I'm hungry you're hungry that's a great side boss sure what do you think I'm excited you excited yeah here's the scenario we have some very very influential journalists and bloggers coming in everybody up on their game yes one more thing these little sprucing up got this for you especially nice beautiful shirt after 40 years are gonna take my colors off that's right because you're no longer a pizza boy you are the owner if I catch your head inside that pizza oven I'll put it in perfectly clean and as they look at you now Roy over your shoulder I see your father looking down you know look that's right and you are gonna run this business just like they did when they brought you into this world you got it coming up let's go it's the most important night in 20 years for Mama Maria one mistake and we fall apart will John be able to lead his team to a successful relaunch they got time for this where is John or will he collapse under the pressure and take the restaurant with him [ __ ] I'm not letting you think I'm here it's relaunch night we got some big hits inside yeah and Chef Ramsay is determined to let everyone know that mama Maria's is the new cool place to dine in Brooklyn first off eating Brooklyn blogging website dynamic blackboard eats blog okay I'm gonna impress him 8:2 blog are also joining us followed by the New York Observer big one absolutely big one getting nervous you have got a power house full of critics look how smart you are Wow turn around give us a spin this is our brand new menu welcome to mama Maria's relaunch and I'm very proud of what we're doing now that two tops c'mere just recognize that New York Observer ago the notepad either man 2.4 million readers don't tell me who the authors aren't get nervous no I just told you you know who they are let's go you can do it it's tough picking on this little roll you know it's not my makeup I'll grab two I need to step away from that pizza counter and be more hands-on to make sure everybody's doing their job and doing it correctly Table four New York Observer yes okay okay listen up first course minestrone in a Caesar got it I need this risotto cavatelli please 30 seconds in the window while John may be in the unfamiliar rule of leading his staff how we're going on he has the pizzas all done there's another one coming mama Maria is off to a good start pickup is on yo keep spaghetti meatballs and customers are thoroughly enjoying the food but while chef Joe continues to push dishes out in a timely manner mussels in the window bruschetta no window let's go was a typical southern Italian yeah John seems to have forgotten that he is still needed in his new rule as leader yeah Table four in the window let's go it's a broker's table guys go rapido it's very frustrating when I see dishes not leaving the window there's no time for mistakes they got time for this where's John let's go get me John let me go are you serious right now [ __ ] there's a guy walking around here with a white jacket blonde here John yes sir so you can't just favor two guys at the bar you've got to be everywhere right now we're middle of service I'm not letting you take the dining room no this place is full of the most influential bloggers ooh you step up we have to encourage don't stop you cannot stop we're gonna communicate with that team so what VIP tables out there okay this stuff is I'll take it out okay eautiful let's not drop her heads this bounce back okay you go guys sorry about this service we're trying our best we're trying to keep up and we're trying to pull whatever we can this is the first time John was acting like the owner he is tonight great you do great all right keep it up and that's exactly what mama Maria needs let me know when they're margarita is ready please I need that margarita so guys how did everything go great job welcome have a good night thank you John listen you are one hard-working honest guy thank you I feel I was living in a shell I'm coming out of that she'll - shell is broken kiss and I gotta be honest with you you hit it man you hit it right on the head here's my memories some doubt ahead yeah there yeah this is so they are looking down and they right now I'm proud you haven't brought the door open and grab it just go forward thank you well no no no I'm not going back what I refuse to go backwards just one thing I remember of my father was his leadership and that's what I'm gonna continue doing thank you so much take care yourself I know what I need to them and there's more to come of mama Maria's in the future the last 55 years this restaurant has belonged to John's parents and even after they sadly passed away he remained a pizza maker but tonight he was an owner this restaurant now belongs to John and John only and I'm truly and I mean truly rooting for this Brooklyn underdog how much water can be put in one plant pot god bless pizzas after Chef Ramsay left welcome to mama Maria John has kept his promise of running his business away from the pizza counter I need a bowl of grated cheese please a bowl of grated cheese mama Maria's has already generated a ton of positive buzz from bloggers and websites Franzi we've come a long way and this 55 year old restaurant is on its way back to being a fixture in Brooklyn once again [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,667,561
Rating: 4.9028411 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Full Episodes, Free TV, Free Television, Free, Cooking, Food, Restaurants, Dining, Unscripted
Id: Q335fy1J7WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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