Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 2 Episode 6 - Full Episode

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tonight on kitchen nightmares chef ramsay heads to southern california where a mexican restaurant is heading south the only thing is missing here in a hurry it's a drive-through it's not bad the owner laura was a successful caterer for years i'm just adding a dining room how could it be so hard but barely a year into the restaurant business nobody tasted before we did this she is failing miserably this is not a restaurant your chef is really a cook is never going to step up ever pearl is family to me the food is really mediocre that's like eating wet cardboard oh god look at that this is unbelievable my job and the restaurant is totally dysfunctional [Music] you are mad i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing will this owner be able to face the truth are you her boss i am her boss sean you're your friend and have the guts to make the toughest decision i don't want to lose this of her life i promise you it'll be okay or will laura collapse under the pressure it's hard okay i'm frightened out all hell right now this is one kitchen nightmares your grandmother must be turning over in her grave where chef ramsay may have arrived too late mamarita mamma mia nestled in the hills 45 miles north of los angeles is the idyllic town of newbury park this is where only a year ago a single mom named laura was hoping to fulfill her dream by opening a restaurant called mamaritas my grandmother was always cooking and i was always being you know brought in to help her cook and i loved it when she passed away i said i'm going to go for it i'm going to open up a place and i'm gonna name it after my grandmother welcome to mamaritas when i started the business it was purely a take-out catering business we built a really great reputation in a very short period of time and before i knew it i had customers that said you need a restaurant and based on my reputation and the fact that everybody wanted this i went for it all right guys we're open for business now i'm just adding a dining room and i'm serving 200 people i've served you know a thousand people in a catering job how could it be so hard colorado is really tender yeah uh-huh i cook for my marritos for six years a lot of cheese really nice with me she's my right hand and my savior i mean she's family to me me my love for you [Music] laura is not a good boss because there's not a lot of rules enforced and no one necessarily knowing what they're doing the direction i get from laura is a little hit-and-miss and i don't really think laura knows how to run her restaurant i need a cocktail now laura as a restaurant owner is inexperienced because she never had any training in this business completely advanced pranking neuter so was the creatory business but that was easier it was small this is huge i know i know when she opened this restaurant and the first week really really visit after two three weeks no more [Music] during the first month we were just packed the public they want the best experience the best service the best food sorry about that comp them out and send them a free dessert please and i didn't deliver it and i'm begging people please come back and give me another chance and some say no i'll never go back there again the debt that i've accrued with this business is astronomical i'm on the foreclosure list so there's a chance i could lose the house if i didn't believe in this i wouldn't put my heart my soul every single thing i've got into this i believe it can be saved if i can fix what's wrong [Music] some of the best mexican restaurants in the world are not actually from mexico they're here in southern california now this restaurant here has been open just 12 months sadly it's only months away from closing there's gotta be something seriously wrong he looks beautiful wow how are you i'm good thank you a pleasure to meet you my wife now this is mama i am maggie i'm the mother of the owner i thought you were marita no i am mama where is mamarita my marita is uh buried in the cemetery over the hill oh i'm sorry to him no problem so mummerita's your mother yes and it's your daughter that is laura laura i will take you to laura excellent thank you my darling this will be my daughter laura how are you good to see you can we just say this place looks stunning thank you my goodness me somebody spent a lot of money here and you run the place i run the place i try this is very different for me catering is was my specialty that's what i did before i opened the restaurant ah i did very well at catering top dish what would you recommend the homemade tamales although i love tomatoes well good to see you good to see you time to eat i'm starving excellent this is my table thank you [Music] when his order comes in we'll let you know and you need to be the one that cooks his food okay i think chef frenzy can said everything menus is too good how are you so now i'm amazing how are you brad brad good to see you how long have you been here from the beginning from the beginning i can't believe how plush this place is it's like don't judge a book by its cover because you walk in here and you see this gorgeous place but mamaritas doesn't live up to its expectations if you can navigate me around there's stuff to stay away from malotes taquitos [Music] yeah and why would i stay away from them just because i just think they're really dry hmm i respect you honestly thank you i'll bet that i might got it holy crap that's really scary within five minutes been in the restaurant and then told what to stay away from from the headwaiter hi yeah yeah hot sauce thank you oh this is cheryl this is uh my manager and you manage the kitchen and the front of the house um in front of the house okay we're gonna do catering as well what's wrong with the place lack of customers so why have we got lacking customers we need more customers we need to figure out how to get more people in here thank you thank you and you're the manager yeah oh my god a manager dean know what's wrong with the restaurant scary okay look forward to catching up not with the manager thank you jesus the manager that doesn't know what's wrong i don't know what answer he wanted i mean what was wrong with that lack of customers brilliant that's great inside isn't it right here we go let's start off with tamale it the chimichanga yeah let's go for a breeder i think that's enough for now all righty thank you did anybody taste anything everything was good yeah uh-huh if chef ramsay doesn't like my grandmother's recipes that concerns me anybody taste but smallies let's see what he thinks tamale i'm extremely hot crunch [Music] oh no god i hope the tamales are moist jesus it's like soaking wet newspaper that is so dry [Music] my goodness me that's a fresh tamale well when we make them we make them in big batches and then they're steamed them and then they're served because we make such large volumes at a time so are you sounding like the cajun company now yes and they go out like that it's they should be wet enough with the sauce inside that when you re-steam them they stay moist what an embarrassment and this is your chef that ran a patient business correct cheese okay okay hates the tamales really perla hates them he said it's so dry it's inedible he said it's embarrassing yeah very dry are you cooking everything yeah pearl are you cooking the chimneys uh-huh i used a microwave for chimichangas for one minute before they fry they taste really really really good okay chicken chimichangas [Music] it's dry there's shards of dry chicken i'm now wet here's the thing honestly chimichangas chimney chocolate in the bin what a he shame the chimneys he didn't like him i taste before it's really good the flavor not to him apparently i'm frustrated at my kitchen it's a bit of a punch to the gut about my food steak burrito [Music] look at that [Applause] that's gross that has to be the biggest ad for any diaper anywhere in california oh no oh god oh my god jesus that's like eating wet cardboard have a taste of that please [Music] the steak was gamey it was kind of like a car wash moist and mushy oh my god that is disgusting let me taste the steak he says the steak tastes like [ __ ] did you grill him fresh steak for his burrito yeah you didn't pull it from here right didn't we taste everything before we put it out [Music] it's really salty nobody tasted before we did this [Music] damn it when you have somebody come in that rips apart all of your food but that i was proud of it hurts a little bit i'm so sorry i'm not here to slag you off however i just want something fresh after a lunch of disgusting dishes jeff ramsey has quickly realized why this beautiful restaurant is in an ugly situation come round please thank you so this is fair enough sadly the food was dry it's like eating processed foods is the food today the same that you serve when you have a catering event yeah [Music] you'd be serving that crap why don't you do it properly because everybody loved my catering it's completely two different monsters it's not gonna work coming out of a catering business trying to run a restaurant that costs how much 1.5 1.5 million dollars yes oh my god and i'm 350 in the hole right now on top of that so you're in for just under two million dollars god bless your grandmother but she must be turning over in her grave coming up can chef ramsay turn this caterer i'm shocked into a restaurant tour this is not a restaurant i'm scared shitless right now or laura's bad habits oh my god look at that continue to get in the way you are mad and later this is the fight of my life laura is in for a gut-wrenching decision are you her both or are you her friend i am her boss choosing between keeping her friendship i'm scared and it's hard okay and keeping her restaurant i have to figure out a way to save it [Music] after a miserable lunch that is disgusting an alarming postmortem you're in for just under two million dollars chef ramsay decides he wants a better understanding of how this team of people work together in a dinner service tonight i'm nervous that chef ramsay may not think that the restaurant is running efficiently i really hope that the staff hold it together and that they shine what can i get you too you got it and for you sir i take the uh chicken all right i'll put that in for you guys thank you i would say that the ticket time's not even five minutes for entrees [Music] i cook really fast hey fools [Music] [Music] with food flying out of the kitchen at an incredible pace three minutes the kitchen staff now has time to socialize have you cleared the board all the tickets gone yeah wow so just standing here the next couple of minutes i can't believe how fast the food comes out it's like a conveyor belt is that bad it depends on quality okay while the customers may appreciate the fast service they are not appreciating the food i mean it's not like i would come back no i know obviously stop stop stop the only thing that's missing here is a drive-through i'm pissed he's telling me that all my food is [ __ ] it's very frustrating when i don't know how to do it another way because this is all that i know that is unbelievable this has to be the fastest serving restaurant in america tonight but it's not really a russian it's a fast food factory what a joke on the heels of a ridiculously fast dinner service jeff ramsey suspects that shortcuts are being taken in the kitchen wow so it's time for a little investigation [Music] what are those oh the tamales yeah they're the frozen so these are your chimichangas are they frozen as well yeah but awesome wow when was all this made come on oh my god can you get me laura please yes yes i'm here i'm here i'm here what come around come round don't run not in the kitchen here's the thing you're serving chicken that was cubs nearly two months ago you're frosting it and then reheating it and you're wondering why it's dry were you aware of this all this is what we did for catering unbelievable that may be why the place is struggling where are the freezers freezer's there oh my god oh tortillas i hope everything's right in there for the shelving and all the food oh my god you're joking aren't you look all this stuff here this is what we did for catering you must have hundreds of portions of stock here you just kept grabbing and grabbing and stacking my arms with it all this pre-cooked pre-rolled frozen then defrosted that's just absolutely appalling this is not a restaurant you are mad gonna wash my hands [ __ ] stinky [Music] i have a man back there ripping everything apart telling me i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing when somebody takes something that you have and butchers it it hurts a shocking discovery at dinner service look at that you must have hundreds of portions of stock confirms to chef ramsay that problems at this restaurant are bigger than he anticipated what day lunch was disappointing dinner was shocking it started off with the frost and serve followed by defrost and serves followed by defrost and surf you're running a factory that's mass produced treating food like a processing plant perler is that quality what you cook did you honestly think that serving defrosted food slopped out was going to make you a success i did well at catering with it you have driven away more customers than you could ever imagine have a word with laura thank you sit down i um i'm worried i don't get your level of commitment to make this place work [Music] i i never pretended to know how to run a restaurant you're smart but you're not being smart apparently not this food is sinking you faster than you [ __ ] know it i don't want to lose this i want to figure out a way to fix it make it great but you really have to start taking responsibility for what you're doing the difference in running a catering outlet to running a wonderful restaurant is night and day and the quicker you get that through your head will be the start of the change okay i'm really sorry him too i've gone for something that i maybe shouldn't have gone for and now i'm here and i have to figure out a way to save it i'm scared very scared god [Music] thinking about what happened last night laura she's not stupid she's more scared almost petrified so in order for me to help her to get over that fear of change i'm going to take the first step for her there's only one way of doing this goodbye frozen look at that [ __ ] oh my god look at the state of that a year old there's enough chimichangas here to last me a lifetime goodbye catering hello restaurant chef ramsay has found over twelve thousand dollars worth of frozen food in the freezer pilot glory good morning how are you fine thank you now it's time to confront the owner and the chef with his findings today's about change yes go and have a quick look around the kitchen you'll see some adjustments so far all looks the [Applause] [Music] same i was shocked everything was gone my freezer was empty my walk-in refrigerator was empty i had no idea what was happening oh my god to show the enormity of the amount of frozen food gordon has not only removed it from the freezer but has left it on display in the restaurant i was completely floored i had just the sinking feeling in my stomach look at this [ __ ] what's going on there oh they've gone green jesus look it's got his mexican sombrero rice chewy changes five dozen ten dozen twelve dozen ouch and this isn't a catering business i didn't know it was this bad last night here's what concerns me more than anything these are from last year august and july last year what the [ __ ] going on [Music] i'm shocked i can see why have a good look and wash my hands it [ __ ] stinks i guess i should be on pearl or more to make sure that the structure is there and the things are being handled the way that they should but then again i own the restaurant so everything comes back to be my responsibility this has made me feel quite ignorant [Music] next this is my last chance i have put it all on the line for this laura makes an attempt to turn around mamaritas you gotta cook the steak it is wrong but she may have to do it give me an apron all alone we gotta be able to do it and later no one's ever gonna take advantage of me again a confrontation are you her boss i am her boss and she's wrong you're a friend that puts laura and pearl a strange friendship hard okay on the line it'll be okay we promise you it'll be okay you don't want to miss what's coming up on kitchen nightmares [Music] today's chef ramsay is hitting the streets trying to gather former customers of this young restaurant he's hoping that they will hammer home to laura what this community expects from mama rita's nice what is this who are all these people chef ramsay knows that often the best way to get his point across is through the voices of others ladies and gentlemen first of all good afternoon i was pretty shocked to see all these people showed up i really didn't know what to expect thank you so much for coming it means a lot for you guys to make an effort to be here these are ex-customers that were here at the beginning to support this restaurant it's important that we understand what went wrong when we had the chance to open this restaurant please find out what happened i'd like to start okay over the time we felt we weren't getting the service that we wanted and the creativity of the food was really lacking um on two different trips i got sick within like a two month period and then i came here two months later i got sick again and i kind of stayed away defrosting food the whole table kind of got stomach issues afterwards ouch i guess i underestimated the palette of the common person some of the items we freeze and as we've been going through we're thinking that that's probably what it is and we're not going to freeze anymore so hopefully that will take care of that issue and that's what we're changing thank you for being so honest i can vouch for laura frozen has gone yes i can't wait to see you again but next time it's going to be inside the restaurant rather than outside thank you so much right we've got work to do that's an eye-opener today speaking to all those people i realized people know good food i respect that and that's what i want to give them [Music] to make the transition from cooking frozen to fresh chef ramsay has just the challenge in mind to inspire laura and her chef pearl chicken shrimp i've got steak here 30 minutes every bit of a cook-off now choose between the shrimp or the chicken and cook something really delicious one minute gone let's go [Music] it felt good working with fresh ingredients it was fun to just grab something and just throw it all together and come up with something good let me think let me think what's matter i'm thinking you're thinking i'm really nervous because i don't have idea for what i cook 15 minutes i was nervous about what she was making no pressure for allah the creativity seems not to be present five minutes we're ready to plate yes ready let's go all right let's go chef ramsay not only wants the staff to taste the difference between frozen and fresh not a single light on the plate defrosted anywhere he's also looking for the staff to choose which of the three dishes goes on tonight's menu okay what is it they are blackened shrimp tacos that looks good telling what is it garlic press with garlic and salt garlic and salt put on the chicken breast she just said garlic salt and that's it it wasn't very creative and um that scares me okay i've got a flat iron steak briefly marinated mango salsa served on a little bit of pickled vegetables finished with avocado butter yeah okay let's go take a taste [Music] oh it's so good it was amazing to taste chef ramsay's dish you could tell it was gonna taste good just by looking at it robert what do you think of the shrimp how's the chicken [Music] perla's dish had no flavor it's a little bland i need something to spice it up okay good which dish goes on the menu the mango salsa shrimp is really good so both the shrimp and the flowering steak are special tonight i'm disappointed in perla given her opportunity to try to shine unfortunately i think it fell a bit short [Music] for tonight's dinner service chef ramsay has insisted on using only fresh ingredients so for the first time mamaritas led by laura and chef perla will operate like a restaurant and not a catering service hello good to see you guys thank you you enjoy now just letting you know our specials are skirt steak with mango salsa and black and shrimp tacos the steak special okay we're cooking everything fresh now so enjoy your meals chef if you have anywhere special you want me just doing my thing uh yeah as normal running as normal how's the uh specials going specials are going good you're gonna have some of those steaks coming up now i've been pushing it and so it's coming i'm scared about tonight cooking everything fresh like this it's gonna be it's gonna be like something she's never done and pearl has got to get into a whole new mindset perla's team has quickly produced the first set of specials 24 yeah gracias all right i got your chef's specials and it appears as though the kitchen is adapted well but have they relay you guys good was everything okay it's rare i'll take it back cut into yours you know what too rare [Music] looks matter it's rare guys you gotta cook the steak look it it is raw look at that no this is a medium rare this isn't medium rare anyway that is rare i want youth overseeing the entrees making sure the steaks are cooked properly and you shouldn't be doing this little stuff you are the chef finally a voice give me an apron i have people back there don't know what they're doing so obviously i need to be more hands-on in the kitchen the specials are going you guys leave those items out so we can use them and get to them easier i need these washed immediately very quick maria you're making me those churros yeah wrap it up please have the reef fire's gone out it's my redo where's my did the other one go out yet why'd you take why'd we take one without the other that's incredible on the back of all this negativity i finally think that penny's dropped with laura all of a sudden she's found a voice and she's treating this service like it's her last did you get one of them yet one truck there you go [Applause] okay here's another steak up i need you guys to keep up on this i shouldn't be out back here doing this for you right laura let them do it now let them do it now yeah laura has shown that she is willing to step in to do whatever it takes to help her restaurant but now chef ramsay is looking for perla to do what she has paid to do run the kitchen i need you to step up the mark now please take control you want me to decorate the place no no look how many staff that are behind me they were falling all over themselves in the kitchen and there were a lot of them on the line this is incredible laura let's prepare to go to hell and back to make sure this restaurant survives however i don't get the same feeling from a staff i don't think they actually gave her down unbelievable totally wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] i mean i it's like fish out of a [ __ ] sushi bar come on guys if i don't do something immediately it's gonna be gone tomorrow i just hope we can do it we gotta be able to do it if we don't do it it's not gonna work [Music] tonight's difficult transition from cooking frozen to fresh only confirmed what chef ramsay was already feeling a lack of confidence tonight didn't exactly go to plan did it no it did not perla is not a head chef i think tonight confirmed that surely you must see that i i don't know what to do with that pearl is family to me she's not an employee that i can just cut you know after so many years of being by my side there was one strong asset quite refreshing that was you i felt like this was your last service you were almost fighting for your life fighting to stay open fighting for every customer every dollar and you cared like i've never seen you care before it was the first time that i actually really started to believe that you've got what it takes to turn this place around we're not going back tomorrow we are relaunching this restaurant as a restaurant for the first time in this town thank you come here thank you so much for everything [Music] get some sleep okay it was great for gordon to sit with me and feel that somebody has some faith in me i'm an absolute fighter and i tell you this is the fight of my life [Music] gordon is looking to revive laura's spirits and avoid a repeat of last night's service so he's come up with a surprise solution for the crippling problem in the kitchen come in please all right now here's the big change a humongous change hang on a second i've got to get it this is norris [Music] hi guys this lady has been with me four years she's an amazing chef obsessed with mexican cuisine and i am giving her to you as a gift what she is going to do is install a proper service in this restaurant she's going to consult properly for the first time since you've opened this place i would just like to say that i'm really really excited your restaurant is beautiful thank you we're gonna make your kitchen beautiful we're gonna make your food beautiful thank you it's gonna be great thank you i'm excited one hell of a talented chef and i mean that thanks oh god i can't believe it this is an opportunity of a lifetime she's gonna teach perlis so much for the first time in a long time i have some hope and i uh i think we're gonna get through this [Applause] gordon is hoping chef consultant maurice will get the kitchen in order but there's another huge change tonight the menu first of all look at the colors it's like a rainbow yeah it's fresh seasonal and it is incredibly authentic taco salad that looks good slowly braised [Applause] the sizzling fajitas that is going to be piping hot please be careful have a taste mmm oh my gosh you guys mm-hmm the flavors well that shrimp is good the new menu looks awesome my mother would be so proud of right now we're all so excited tonight [Music] with mama rita's facing its biggest night ever chef ramsay is willing to give perla one more chance to command the kitchen but this time he has installed the safety valve and her name is maurice right uh paula yes tonight we really have to show that you can adapt to cooking in a restaurant and there's a big difference maurice is here to help you but she can't do everything so show some spirit to try and get this place back up to where it should have opened nine months ago yeah excellent good luck how can we not have a successful night i mean i've got one of gordon's chefs to work in the kitchen and i think perrla will do all right hello what's your name under gun okay come with me there you go this is our new menu everything's fresher now we're kind of revamping everything let's just start off with the order guacamole to start stay heated i will uh put that order in and it should be up shortly [Music] so make sure you mark them okay start marking appetizer dinner carla yes i need you to set me up a fish taco okay turtle are you ready for the tacos burlap listen to me please let's get 34 out whatever that is i need that set me up the plate so i can just put the fish on there free please larry's i need to pick up 34 yes yeah i have it i just need the plate set up right there is yeah sure there's four of them standing watching you do everything no one's doing anything else you've got to pick it up paula are you ready for the tacos no not ready [Music] they just walk right past that table everything's empty now you can't clear away what you want me to do for you you guys all done here it's 20 minutes into dinner service pull your tickets don't let him hang like that and already perla is struggling to organize the kitchen and her staff i've never seen so many people standing still behind the line what are we waiting on firing the orders or not yes chef fella i need to start firing tickets now please um what's unfolding in my eyes it's fascinating i'm just trying to get it set like a normal restaurant not like a canteen where they're serving a little mass perla was still in a catering mindset and with the cooking fresh and cooking to order it's obvious she didn't know how to do that and make it happen is clearly being exposed for her lack of leadership and the kitchen is slowly sinking we need to get organized this is not this is not working but finally an hour into dinner service appetizers are leaving the kitchen chips and not enough cheese okay all right i'll go ahead and send this back for you guys let's focus okay we gotta focus what's the deal with 33. all right burn chips no beans and not enough cheese [ __ ] sake guys brief some more cheese on there but no don't burn the chips yeah sorry this is the difference between just taking stuff out of a fridge and dipping in a fryer that got fried this morning or trying to cook it fresh on top of the three pieces of steak they give me they give it to me raw send it back what's wrong with that um what a [ __ ] disaster it's incredible you have the most amazing looking restaurant and a great tasting menu but if you haven't got the right staff to put it off you're screwed carla take your tickets talk to me what what tables have gone out from the first ticket perla was completely absent marla yes please put numbers on them i'm not running the table i don't know what's going on i had to turn my head a hundred times to say perrla what's next call it out what are we doing karla talk to me you gotta talk to us you can we're not we're not psychic here perla realized the ticket times and started feeling the pressure she fell apart take control she's not equipped to work a line there's not one ounce of lime material in that woman it's relaunch night at mamarita's perla has shut down and the kitchen is at a standstill laura yes three seconds [Music] i couldn't have made it any easier for her it's clear now she's not making the transition from a line [ __ ] process frozen defrosted crap to cooking fresh that is not head chef material we're not looking for a super duper fine dining chef i'm just looking for a cook that can cook from [ __ ] start to finish tonight it's been obvious yes but can i we'll make a comment i have i have a woman that has has stuck with me throughout thick and thin for six years okay my big question to you yes are you her boss or are you her friend i am her boss joe you're a friend it would break my heart to not have perrla as my head chef but right now i have to stand back and really look at what's best for my business who else brother okay look at me maurice take over the line yes you outside five minutes get some fresh take her outside let's go unbelievable it's okay it's okay look at me it's okay i'm scared too i'm scared and it's hard okay i'm frightened all hell right now i've got to try to pull this off with the staff that i've got and this new way of cooking okay that'll be okay i promise you it'll be okay [Music] coming in 30 seconds with perla off the line and the reese in control get some lime on here please and finish these for me mama rita's kitchen is finally on track umami tacos up piping hot you're the fish pack folks can i have a ramekin please technically i wasn't supposed to be on the line i was just supposed to supervise but i can't watch them go down good job now keep it up let's finish tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right carnitas you got the mahi you can do it just focus chef ramsay's plan and theresa's rescue of the kitchen has resulted in customers being satisfied this is what you want to keep you like the new rihanno yeah and the relaunch ends on a positive note without no race we wouldn't have been able to get through tonight thank you so much for coming in thank you you guys clean up a little she knows her stuff i mean she's clearly a great chef [Music] while the relaunch was a success unfortunately no one is in the mood for celebrating certainly not perla and definitely not chef ramsay tonight was made more difficult than it ever had to be pearl's not a leader he's never going to step up to the mark of a head chef ever it's not rocket science i know no over the next two weeks i want you to separate the brigade focus on the strengths the weaknesses okay thank you thank you so much that'll be good wonderful pearl of strength isn't being a chef and this whole scenario has brought that to light and now it's blaringly clear that i need to do something about it laura the future success of this ration is in your hands you don't extract out of her everything she knows about cooking you're mad it will never ever work if you step backwards to your old ways i won't do that again well i'm gonna run it like a restaurant good next time you come you're gonna see some staff changes promise me i i i give you my word come here stand strong and good luck i've got one hell of a headache did we honestly take a caterer and turn her into a restauranteur that question will only be answered when she finally decides on what to do with perla and her kitchen team what a nightmare holy jimmy changes [Music] after gordon left laura worked with maurice to organize the kitchen and the staff into a fully functioning restaurant once the system is implemented i think that will make it much much smoother that makes sense and after two weeks laura finally made the staff change she promised chef ramsay she installed a new head chef moving perla out of the kitchen and back to catering moving forward now there is definitely going to be a split between my catering and the restaurant they are going to be two different businesses well guys thanks for coming in i don't think my eyes were open and they haven't been open for a very long time and it took gordon to come in here and to get me to open them time on kitchen nightmares gordon finds a chef owner who is much better at fighting than cooking there's nothing wrong with that snapper as she battles gordon every step of the way don't you get defensive if somebody comments about your food like that i don't cook [ __ ] like that oh you're gonna get your [ __ ] ass kicked but life for this owner is going to take a dramatic turn none of you have seen me go [ __ ] crazy yet on a combative kitchen nightmares you have to see to believe it's just not good enough [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 3,825,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Hell's Kitchen, Food and Cooking, Dining, Food, Cooking, FilmRIse, Free TV, Full Episodes, Free, Full Episode, Uncensored, Restaurants, Television, Mama Rita's
Id: cObXVaRImLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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