Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 2 Episode 5 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon goes to Philadelphia the City of Brotherly Love to help a family business in ruins this restaurant sucking the life right out of me three sisters who all on the verge of a breakdown we have no passion and we have no Drive and I don't even know how to get that back there nice maybe the chef but she wants out this is not a career choice for me this close family is falling apart we don't enjoy each other's company losing customers by the day and losing hope by the minute we need to pull together I don't know what else to do Chef Ramsay arrives he is confronted with a number of problems a stretch for me don't freeze he just said me three-week old frozen potato skins and the one problem he refuses to put up with is the owners pathetic attitudes we don't know anything for the first time ever Chef Ramsay chooses to leave find out exactly why Chef Ramsay makes the most dramatic day one decision in Kitchen Nightmares history no one cares we're so freakin married and so lost is failure finally an option in Philly this is our last hope we're about to find out on a heartbreaking episode of Kitchen Nightmares to close a restaurant [Music] Philadelphia the City of Brotherly Love the birthplace of American independence and home to more than 1.4 million people two years ago sister Claire and Katherine along with their sister-in-law Erin decided to open the hot potato cafe in their East Philadelphia community of fish town where they all grew up one day we just kind of looked at each other and say if somebody should open a really good restaurant and fish jump a lot of fun people would just walk around the corner and hang out here have you been I haven't seen you in ages our intention when we opened hot potato was to make this a very comfortable casual friendly environment bring a lot of our friends we did the fun things like oh we're picking out salt and pepper and all that cute stuff I don't think you can even wrap your mind around how big it is to open a restaurant we're hoping for about eight months and we had a really really bad reveal a local paper had come in and they wrote an article and they called ass putty hell they've ripped us apart like one stroke of the pen and you're done there we were sitting inside waiting for customers to come and they weren't coming that's when we you know really started scraping together some money it's just overwhelming [Music] the three of us all chipped in pretty much our whole life savings so we paid insurance lately now yes we own like seven hundred and eighty dollars on insurance we know we didn't have the experience that we needed in that kitchen then we couldn't afford to hire somebody I think it's good what is it there's no my niece Danielle had some back of the house experience even though I don't want to be a chef for a career I was willing to help her out any way I could charm oil on the outside that one when you know how to charm oil on the outside we don't anything right around here what I mean it's just not good this restaurant has put tremendous stress on the family you know it's hard to talk about what we're doing [Music] at times it feels like this restaurants sucking the life right out of me out of all of us I'm just so frustrated somebody's gonna do something here we're dying [Music] I'm here in Philadelphia the City of Brotherly Love to check out a restaurant that isn't getting much love from anybody now according to a recent review there referred to the hot potato cafe as spuddy help that doesn't sound very interesting does it here we go with Gordon Ramsay here it's like winning the lottery for us without Chef Ramsay's help I don't think we'd see three months everything that we have has been depleted Philadelphia weekly is quite an influential newspaper it closes restaurants and makes them successful yes the review study hell it hurt so what's wrong with the restrooms thank you normally when I ask owners what's wrong with the restaurant I get some form of responsible I don't feel like when people come here and eat we get really bad complaints no people walk in they say oh it's really cute in here we like the colors it's pretty cool so it's not the food that makes it ten times harder for me I need to hear the truth so who's that chef our niece Danielle initial nice yes this is all very close-knit how old is she 21 21 telling a chance to learn yet what's the speciality of the house crab cakes crab cakes no Miele shepherd's pie shepherd's pie pierogies pierogies how weird is that three owners not one of you recommending pay potato do we decide so I didn't catch your name I'm Brian Brian courtesy nice to meet ya so let's start off with the top terror suit all right what kind of dangers there spud skins okay and they're all fresh they are fresh when they come in we do cut them and then we freeze them and then pull them into order so they're not freshly frozen food cracks so the whole potatoes frozen or lukewarm potato depends on what chef you come in on that sounds intriguing for that please okay and finally this ship is fine thank you thank you Brian never ever ever have I cooked for someone of such caliber I don't even know what I'm doing hot potato soup I do queue up it's sick he looks a mess a mess holy mackerel lumps of glue what a [ __ ] embarrassment how's the soup there for you that young it's like it's been made out of leftover mashed potatoes they fresh every day they make it probably every other day every other day difficult today [Music] thank you very beautiful sunny day outside and I think rich glammed stodg on the inside shame in it like the soup get it bland bland oh my god how's the skins okay these are your ranch and baking potatoes okay great thank you right hot potato cafe baked potatoes with these are the frozen ones there are frozen once they taste dreadful when were they baits right about three weeks ago three weeks ago I know it may sound like a stupid question if they were baked three weeks ago where's the filling gone we use the filling for the mashed potatoes so my potatoes been sold already yes this fresh is called hot potato cafe it is yeah you just served me three week old frozen potato skins that have no potato inside I feel like a potato organ-donor strange no you laughs I'm glad you find it funny because I don't I'm sorry sorry I'll be [ __ ] embarrassed if I had to said that anyway all right I'm gonna go kill myself in a kitchen it's hard to hear sometimes when somebody comes in here and tells you how bad your food sucks it's like so uncle on your kid [ __ ] ugly it's hard to hear oh my god what was he saying that we should be embarrassed we baked potatoes three weeks ago so he's like so somebody else ate my insides because I said we used them for mashed potatoes oh my god what we did I know but when do you see you're broken down like that it sounds god-awful I can only do so much you know I've been given these recipes and I'm just rolling with them and I'm completely lost myself I say a rosary before you walk out the door [Music] and remember the bowls hot gotcha and we have the separate spot I sons that [ __ ] [Music] I've got 2/3 mash and 1/3 of greasy minced lamb that's not the shepherd's pie I know I'd like them to taste them because each and every one of those owners need to know what kind of [ __ ] has been served you got it fine young he wants all three of you to taste the [ __ ] that you serve people that's like something you get in the cafeteria at college it's awesome it was like hello I think maybe I have like the palate of a five-year-old or something we don't know anything after a sampling of what has been referred to as spuddy he'll a disappointed Chef Ramsay heads to the kitchen to meet the owners 21 year old niece and head chef Danielle how are you your bad chef yeah where did you study I actually have no formal experience so you know he's a trained chef Jesus why did you come here is that Chef just to help out the family that's a joke oh this is not a career choice for me [Music] is there anything on that menu that you put on yourself personally or was that the kind of [ __ ] you've inherited before you came here I haven't put anything you just continued yes close testing that crap I can't blame you entirely because you shouldn't even be cooking here that you fought to do because of family reasons but more importantly only being given the chance to cook or to learn how to cook properly to worry about everything you said so hopefully you just knows how to help us out really don't freeze here there's your answer their food is [ __ ] god bless that critic spuddy hell right now was being very kind because the food is dreadful okay see you later see ya I'll be back unbelievable here we've got a situation with a menu passed down from a bad chef to an inexperienced chef and all three owners call it comfort food it's frozen food and I'm not comfortable that at all coming up why I thought tonight was embarrassing it's a Kitchen Nightmares moment you won't forget it clear you've given up the shocking showdown that led to this sensing a lack of passion by everyone in the restaurant Gordon returns to the hot potato cafe to have some private time with each of the sisters what's the total debt across the board a little over a quarter of a million dollars Jeremy it's a [ __ ] lot of money you'll back toe plate yeah we're never gonna get out of this you've never made money in two years we did not we had no clue what we were doing obviously what's he done to three of you in capacitor was like two years ago well I guess two years ago we had high expectations everybody was happy giggly getting along and now it's just you know it's just so tedious and we don't enjoy each other's company like we used to how do you stay motivated I don't think I am motivated I'm just trying to get through the next day mm-hmm day by day and hopefully just enough to pay the bills and I'm to just keep us afloat I don't know what else to do but I feel like if we shut the door then we're really screwed okay listen to me tonight I need to see a fight in this dinner service I need to see you stand strong and fight for this business by pulling on the rope you need to find that internal flame first okay because I can't work with corpses okay promise promise do you care I do have you given up now completely no show me tonight okay yes all right this is our last hope here we need to pull it together and frankly I don't even know if we could do that but I would try news spread that Chef Ramsay is in Philadelphia and the hot potato cafe is packed ready to order how would you like that done medium-rare all right as orders pile into the kitchen Chef Ramsay will be focusing on the owners leadership skills and their willingness to fight for their restaurant that looks like a sloppy dog mess nice food - is this your soup Mary here here's your soup I'll try to expedite I try to help them out they look freaking raw alright just getting to me I don't know if I'm doing it right this is gonna be 3/4 oh these are spring rolls together wait don't take it I can pay attention gotta calm down we'll use you're confusing the hell out of us who's in charge Danielle cool got the orders or there's no proper support in there and it's [ __ ] freezing come on it's like no one cares Lance they're giving up now it's just slipping through their fingers we're a [ __ ] mess back here it's ready with Claire expediting without any standards for quality control can you drop those fries anchor and Catherine's standing by and doing almost nothing show me you can Danielle manages somehow to get the entrees out on time potato chips [Music] sir sighs I've come to accept it it's sad that I have to accept it but it's the only thing I know [Music] yeah yeah what I saw tonight was embarrassing so sad to see no structure oh no together to my amazement Daniel kept it together for our arms she just head down and focused like a chef is really weird because you don't even trained as a chef but she just took it in Claire Catherine where's the motivation there's a spirit anybody [Music] he's right we have no passion and we have no Drive everybody's so tired I guess the fire is gone I I don't know what else to do this base was my rations I'll be fighting every table every plate you you and you it's clear you've given up it's on your faces in your eyes and is clear not just to me but your customers I honestly thought when Gordon showed up like he's just gonna come in and he's gonna tell us what's wrong and he's gonna fix us and he's like no that's not how it's gonna go down I said to you this morning one thing I need to say is the fight the determination and the great no gives a [ __ ] it's like zombies I honestly don't know if you've got the passion and the drive to take you true I'm really sorry I'm left with no choice I'm done no no way no Charlie get the [ __ ] out here with you [ __ ] off [ __ ] that is embarrassing we're screwed I didn't want to fail but I feel like we're way beyond that at this point I don't want to close a restaurant don't do it [Music] no Chad's hair for the first time in Kitchen Nightmares history just hours after arriving my conduit Chef Ramsay has made a drastic decision and is decided to leave you just went down the street Gordon Gordon we really need your help can you just help us please on a safe um yeah from my point of view no one cares don't care if you three don't care why should I care we don't care I just think we need help I don't think I mean we do care we care about each other we care about this business we just feel like we're so freakin buried in so lord please help us it's not normal to be in this situation and work with a family that don't give a [ __ ] I can't jump on Danielle and she's so heartbroken I won't disappoint you it's a young woman if you weren't her answer she told you to [ __ ] off long ago come on isn't that enough to see what you're doing a [ __ ] food the [ __ ] complaints and it's like it's all over your head there's no feeling left in any of you and where there's no passion or heart involved I can't give you that it's like you can't see a light at the end of the tunnel and we weren't always like this we weren't we give a [ __ ] we do honestly and we're frustrated we're out of ideas we just don't know what to do anymore and we did whatever we could make this business work work scrubbing toilets I thought that was passion and hard oh really care and we do we just need help we're growing at your help don't we [Music] okay this is the most open you've been in terms of honesty I'm not here to blow smoke up your ass yours become me and help you I can't help any of you if you're not gonna start helping yourselves Philadelphia look at it down there that city center down there needs to know that there's a heartbeat inside the hot potato cafe and it's barely a pulse between all three of you are you committed we are yes I need to see it I need to see it quickly you have got to seriously snap out of it and fight for this it has to come from us it has to come you're exactly right do whatever it takes I am a hundred percent committed to all three of you in return you've got to be two hundred percent committed to what I'm doing and tomorrow we'll turn a page and we fight back okay I've seen the morning thank you good night very very few people in the world have an opportunity to have a world-renowned chef walk into the restaurant in the middle of fish town and all for us help and you know we need to pull it together with the belief that the three owners are now truly committed to the restaurant Chef Ramsay returns to help so today let's start off with something fresh let's do something new let's do something together and his first order of business is to focus on what he thinks hot potato Cafe should obviously be known for fresh potatoes let's take one potato boil it gratinéed them each of you come up with a filling and let's have a taste yeah the best-tasting potato goes on the menu tonight yeah yeah sure excited good excellent okay let's go so there's the potatoes wherever you wish okay let it go yes excellent the idea behind this is coming up with a stunning hot potato dish that we can evolve and tweak and go on the menu why didn't we go with fresh potatoes so simple so easy but so good crazy okay all right take them in on the round table you're such cute thank you okay so boys that do classic baked potatoes topped with butter sour cream and chives what you said the detective inside the school did you just serve the three-week old frozen potato skins that have no potato inside I'd be [ __ ] embarrassed about to serve a I think he was very impressed by my potato and the fact that I used the same stuffing in the same potato on the same day was like oh my god well let's take she was first because one of them he's gonna go on the menu so sour cream chives butter little bit too much of a plain Jane for me cuz I'm better ah so for Aaron what's inside there I scooped out the potato yep I mashed it with a little butter little green onion mm-hmm no cheese on there no cheese yeah let me season nicely but it just needs a little bit more you have to take it to another level mm-hmm and this one was made by Catherine yeah now inside is what Parmesan cheese heavy cream salt pepper and garlic one problem too much garlic Morris tastes more more mobile sudden bangers powerful garlic flavors hitting you this is Danielle's Danielle's and once inside that Danielle please we have the roasted red peppers spinach some onions and then top with Parmesan cheese I already love the Christmas game I really like that pretty good job I like that one good Danielle thank you Danielle's goes on the menu Danielle great job delicious thank you Chef Ramsay today has definitely ignited a passion inside of me my passion for cooking it definitely brought it pulled out of the woodwork inside coming up Danielle gets a chance to shine you're the chef tonight you gonna prove it but will the 21 year old head chef help or hurt the future of the hot potato Danielle you need to take control I don't know where you left off and you won't believe what Chef Ramsay does to make her cry [Music] aside from the level of commitment Chef Ramsay is now getting from the owners okay he is also starting to believe in the talent of Danielle so before dinner service he gives her the secret of how to make a great shepherd's pie for most important part yeah mid-slam proper chef a spy has out of a sense I'm in that Chef Ramsay's style I mean I couldn't tear my eyes away from what he was telling me really good color on that yeah so we two-thirds bins I want that vegetables you to cook side by side with Chef Ramsay is the biggest honor but I I've ever had in my life anyone complains about a shepherd's pie doesn't have to be I'm really excited for tonight I feel like there's been new energy pumped back into the restaurant and we're ready to give it a go tonight's dinner service menu features two specials Danielle's tasty potato Florentine and the shepherd's pie what can I get for you this evening okay then you do the share so now you're gonna prove it let's go got potato Florentine with spring rolls shepherd's pie to shrubs one and two of our special potatoes how long on the potato Florentine three left Wow how many potatoes laundry to Table nine tables well that's it we're done all right this is the potato Florentine don't believe our creepy especially supply out the specials want like behead I made something and everyone wanted it that's incredible it's an following pivot while the specials of clearly struck a chord with the customers the old menu has hit a sour note our portions are ridiculous I don't agree with them at all way too much food tricky goes on top of that look at that too much oh gosh no one needs to eat that much I feel like I'm hurting people put that much food on your plate it's crazy [Music] you want to wrap it up it's an hour into dinner service and although many customers have finished eating to go really it's a by surprise they have not come close to cleaning their plates come in two seconds and Chef Ramsay wants to demonstrate how big the leftovers really are let's come back to the dining room okay look at that on a normal-sized plate and that's been asked to go that's an entree returns so they got two meals for the price of one our portions were so huge Oh such a waste it was ridiculous but I'm right here I mean we may as well [ __ ] changes as a to-go restaurant [Music] during tonight's dinner service there were some encouraging signs Danielle took control of the kitchen and the specials were well-received but the hot potato Cafe is not even close to being out of the woods let's be honest the hot potato Cafe needs real significant changes yet not tweaking the menu hang on a second yeah let's start here [Music] how many boxes a few people's oh my god [Music] we'll get the ball that's the exact number that we gave away tonight advertisers to go entrees to go and even dessert to go and it isn't embarrassing everything I work for is in those boxes and it's just leaving this restaurant ridiculous not only are your food costs out of control you're giving away double you must be [ __ ] mad we cannot afford to do business like this one more day so I need all of you to come with me right now [Music] they need all of you to come with me completely outraged by the amount of leftovers taken away by customers last one out close the door Chef Ramsay decides to take matters into his own hands tomorrow will be a make a break day we are relaunching this restaurant I've never ever seen before as a way to say goodbye to the old reputation you're the hot potato cafe they're frozen potatoes the oversized portions we say goodbye by doing this okay up in there goodbye 1 2 3 there is no need for a plate to be that big I never wanna see a plate like that again in my life [Music] just a couple of days ago Gordon was ready to walk out but now feeling a sense of hope he along with his staff spend the night transforming hot potato cafe into a fun contemporary Philadelphia restaurant [Applause] [Applause] doesn't that look amazing gorgeous is it lovely I love it let's go inside yeah here we go come in please [Music] [Applause] noise lounge area the Wolves have been freshly painted clearly we need it we've got some stunning artwork on there oh my god the colors are gorgeous remember that horrible vinyl greasy stuff new wooden tabletops by the way Webster thought okay they've donated $5,000 worth of dishes pots pans China potato I feel overwhelmed it's so much to take in it's beautiful in here I don't think it's anything I could have ever imagined for myself this is beyond help this is so huge really the most important change is the menu uses potatoes clearly yes this menu is not tweaked as an overhaul so I've brought in very successful local restaurateur yeah so I want someone to mentor Danielle please welcome Richard Marsh rich come in please sir okay I've hired this man for a month to mentor you Danielle to stand and support you and he seriously seriously noses potatoes thank you so much yes okay okay so you're left in the deep end okay cuz you got it it is a huge relief I finally got someone that cares someone it's gonna help me out 21 years of age I'm telling you you're so composed that was told you that well done I can finally do something I can learn I can learn how to do this and do it right it's a great feeling just hours before the relaunch Chef Ramsay shows the staff a sample of all the menu items which of course includes a number of exciting potato appetizers entrees and side dishes set up for the soup chef starters appetizers potato soup a fish town chowder yeah bacon onion clams potatoes and creams the veggie classic cheddar cheese broccoli and green onion day entrees potato rosti with smoked salmon peaceful french fries sweet potato fries Parmesan fries and mashed potatoes that's it small exciting and vibrant yes I'm really excited to serve the new menu everything smells fresh looks fresh feels fresh it's turned into potato heaven there's one more surprise yeah the Idaho Potato Commission have given you for the next three months free supply [Music] oh my god they're gonna save us so much money to have free products come in here thank you so much I really appreciate it for a potato restaurant with free potatoes for three months it's a new star its relaunch night and everyone is already nervous but Chef Ramsay has saved some startling news just minutes before the doors are about to open he's the bombshell the man that destroyed the reputation of the hopper cafe mr. spotty he'll himself is back please food critic he's back in here tonight it doesn't get any more serious than this tonight is where it all counts yes the pressure was on it was on all of us our asses are on the line and it's unbelievable [Music] tato please come in make the shop comfortable beautiful menu is amazing you got it right dining rooms getting busy y'all got immense pressure but if it didn't thing you could do you would be here make it work yeah vocal talking understanding what's going on yes first ticket of the relives okay here we go that unclear perogies good chorizo hash traditional potato fish sticks that's great nice and fiber like that yeah now get another pierogies I'm nervous for Daniel in the kitchen but I know how tough she is and if anybody can pull it off it's Danielle row yeah good first ticket well done seven minutes we're in business next shepherd's pie can somebody take this table to pierogies it's an hour into dinner service and with customers impressed the night is off to a solid start but the guests who can make or break the restaurant the food critic of the Philadelphia weekly has just arrived [Music] you know important this issue is critical back in here yeah they normally never preserve restaurants yeah twice make sure we don't fuss over too much where becomes obvious yes let's go the last time that food critic was in here he trashed the [ __ ] out of us I'm very grateful he's giving us another chance he's gonna make or break us tonight yes okay don't worry this evening I'm taking care of it potato chips and pierogies right I'll be right back no problem this is gonna try and get out as soon as possible its critics I'm like oh good answer I'm nervous but I'm confident like what why can't I do this Brian take this down right here this is his I potato soup your pierogies pusher enjoy [Music] it's relaunch night and the food critic from the Philadelphia weekly is about to take his first bite in his last review he called the restaurants puddy hell and ruined the restaurants reputation [Applause] [Music] this is what we worked so hard for and it's not spotty hell anymore buddy heaven ironically the man that virtually destroyed the restaurant with his review is now enjoying dish after dish he said everything was good they ate all those everything he said he was full the critic it's just loving everything never did I think something so huge would happen it's so amazing it really is like the greatest feeling yeah oh my god we rocked it you can't say anything wrong about the potato focus focus focus all the way to the end come on seven sloppy and veggie [Music] I've never served this many people in one night ever ever in two years that's crazy to me it's gonna be like this we're months and maybe god forbid we might catch up on our bills oh my god I can't even describe it like what's happening between all of us our relationships are better we're all communicating like it's crazy after feeding well over a hundred guests and having no dishes returned Gordon has some final words for the staff I first arrived honestly I was looking at a family that had lost his drive passion and so [ __ ] meant it I honestly felt for the first time in five years in Kitchen Nightmares I was wasting my time but you showed me tonight but each every one of you has got the capabilities to turn this around but you madam you want to explode I believe in you now believe in yourself it's incredible how much has changed in just a few days coking wasn't really a huge aspiration of mine but this whole thing has just changed me around 360 I'm really thankful for everything that's happening this is a career that I want great family great restaurants and honestly a great future stick with it I think Chef Ramsay's amazing I mean times with my family's been really rough the last couple years but you know having this experience was probably one of the best days of our lives [Music] the other night when I walked out I felt really depressed and nice you felt I'd met my match the first time but on the back of that tonight it's been one of the most gratifying experiences I've ever had in Kitchen Nightmares now the hot potato cafe is the talk of Philadelphia but for me it's about an amazing turnaround of four women three ants and one nice long live the power of women the turnaround for the hot potato was amazing and Gordon helped spread the word on the airways chef Gordon Ramsay's you see here busy now hitting the road for another show Kitchen Nightmares from a hot potato cafe thank you guys for coming in and on the streets [Applause] [Music] the city of Philadelphia has a new jewel that has the best potatoes in town and the hot potato received rave reviews from the Philadelphia weekly going from spud ehealth the new starch town's hot potato cafe you want from spud to supply the palace overnight hey I am so happy now I love this place there's nowhere else I want to be atmospheric waitin homie service friendly helpful food outstanding I just can't even tell you how amazing this gift has been people don't get opportunities like this in their lifetime next time on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon heads to New Jersey but somehow ends up in the tropics where he faces one of the most disagreeable owners ever Chef Ramsay does his best to turn this disaster around you cannot say no one too sure but it all might be for nothing because this tropical restaurant might be impossible to save [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 2,238,830
Rating: 4.8894267 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Hell's Kitchen, Food and Cooking, Dining, Food, Cooking, FilmRIse, Free TV, Full Episodes, Free, Full Episode, Uncensored, Restaurants, Television, Hot Potato Cafe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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