Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 5 Episode 15 - Full Episode

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[Music] tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to Music City Nashville Tennessee but he is immediately forced to deal with a sour note what the hell are you tearing this Cajun restaurant is run by chef/owner chappy the guy who's careless methods have hurt his eatery pay it off as well as his wife's confidence sure that you care oh we have done all of this nothing he blames Nashville customers that both came back Nashville folks we know and love when he should really be taking a hard look on the go and his less than appetizing food that looks like chappy took a crappy in my gumbo and his disturbing kitchen practices hit him old and these things and in spite of Chef Ramsay showing him the way you have to open your eyes chappy prefers his own destructive route you don't know how you're talking about this place should be shut down find out if Chef Ramsay can get through to the stubborn owner listen to me something no regular doing it's nothing wrong with my food or will chappies come crashing down [Music] is not q7 Watson food possibly kill their one job you wake up [Music] Nashville Tennessee the epicenter of country music and home to Chappy's restaurant a Cajun eatery owned by John chappy Chapman and his wife Stark the critic I started when I was about two and a half with my mother in the kitchen I was the one that would put the crabs in the pot thank you for coming we opened our first Chappy's in a little town called Long Beach Mississippi of 1984 one evety and it was a huge overnight success but in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the restaurant chappy and Starr were forced to relocate to Nashville Sam B my table doesn't like the crab cakes or the turtle too bad the nashville folks we know and love I think people in Nashville have a problem with New Orleans cuisine they it off oh well these people don't know [Music] I definitely don't think our issue is the people of Nashville don't argue move on happy is extremely hard-headed there's nothing wrong with my food yeah both came back if chappy would listen to feedback the business would be doing much better that's what I need working and me it's like a book I do want to let you know about some appetizers that were featuring tonight they're not listed not to mention that 15 16 things we have to recite we have crab cakes Minh years soya fish piccata we also have our blackened shrimp two lobster tails they're stacked on top of one other twice I think that's it I said it's your favorite I can't see how he he makes any money we do not have the volume to be able to sell all that stuff Chappy's definitely needs an update it's not 1984 anymore they called they want their wallpaper back chappy at 1:20 the lady did not like the salad over the matter she says the blue cheese dressing is too thin just get her out of here yes Chevy everybody thinks they know better so it's my job to make sure it stays the way it's supposed to be what do y'all do and I need to know we're taking the prime rib all for his check cuz he didn't like it and he returned didn't like the other one either he's gonna both back the dock for chappies to be saved I think we need chappy to change why waste my time and it's not about your pride or your experience it's about doing what you need to do to help your business evolve and go to the next level I don't know assess ultimately the success of chappies relies on champion [Music] oh geez Wow is that ghastly what an interest that was mannequins [ __ ] scary no cheese spook me first name is I'm Nicole I'm nice to see you wow this place is like a museum in here huh yes got a lot of a New Orleans paraphernalia everywhere chappy and Starr actually his wife had a restaurant on the Gulf Coast wow wow wow is that him there but the big chefs have it is yeah well where is the man he is actually in the kitchen I'd like to have a quick word with him sure let me go check thank you I'll be right back oh wow was that looks like a costume that thousands on well is that chappy Chef Ramsay just got here and before he says he wants to know if you have a second to chat with okay he was gonna be right out yeah excellent yeah he's gonna be right out he told me he's he's got some back there he's I think there's three men back there with him let me go check and see how he's doing okay excellent thank you are we getting close chappy yep okay he is right up in the front [Music] [Music] family get a glass of water then I go meet Darth Vader Wow how are you Gordon nice to meet you pants all right separate brother Wow so back to the ages it's just something I've always worn wow you're that thing there it's all I was cute young cute yeah I do well just take me back to the beginning how long you've been here since June about oh six right after Katrina mm-hmm what's the comparisons between here and Mississippi Mississippi was kind of a never ending because it's 23 years so it was a long time in successful business and doing what I do amazing I'm here talk me through the first two years business-wise kind of a rough beginning here in Nashville of course we were the new guys of town people are afraid of us you know we don't do traditional Nashville food on our burgers and pulled pork and chicken wings we don't do that so we do to New Orleans food so a lot of people were afraid and that's what we're trying to deal with still to this day I'm here you're taking a play on fine dining it's it's it more like I'm taking a play on casual we'll find out yeah but look at those napkins yeah I'm white as bowties I mean it doesn't strike me as somewhat casual I mean it's quite informal no right okay my god I've been doing this a long time I've eaten all over the world I see what people do I don't think I'm so far off and how would you rate your food currently out of ten what would you give it I would put it out of I didn't think it was delicious just Oscar I give him a 10 every time I do it you know okay well let me sit down have a little brother menu and get up to speed with your your style of cooking okay thank you I think they have a table over there for you yes I think my food is Enid Nashville hands down enjoy all right I'm gonna put my chubby little chappies okay so there's our lunch selection right again Wow big lunch menu yeah dinner menu is even larger oh well thank you absolutely Wow hello how I fantastic in yourself and so happy being here well welcome to chappie my name is TJ TJ juicy we have like 10 different specials what as well as 5 different appetizers 15 specials yes on top of this yeah I'm the change everyday it's a lot to take in no actually they stay the exactly the same they've been the same since I've been here Wow so you know this ain't 95 crawfish my sauce on there twice it's the same number lunch menu as it is on the dinner menu or if the price changes so for lunch menu the coefficient today is a 95 how much is it for dinner on the special 2995 jumps to $20 and what changes nothing TJ command the price jumps three and a half times for the special of the dinner and nothing changes you don't even throw me a nation a couple of tails in there shame on you TJ well not me how is that just for the corphish or is that for more specials pretty much it's pretty standard so let's start off with please in the fine green tomatoes please okay the chicken and sausage gumbo is what please okay and I go yet for that steak and lobster rockets freedom thank you Wow fried green tomatoes thank you fry great the rest of his order is going in now [Music] hello oh hello how are you nice to meet you star Chapman nice to see please well welcome thank you I'm happy to be here my first time in Nashville really how do you like it yeah wonderful thank you happy to have you are you involved in business they always already hands-on I work at the front of the house I want the office Wow now wear many hats have to your husband of course Jeffie how long we been together 29 years yes sir does he listen to your input not always otherwise employed because he's a hard-headed man I think he's uh set in his ways but what he's not working you'd adapt exactly looking at our menu I think it's too big I think it needs to be downsized it's too much you've got to be able to adapt and change it seems like you've hit a wall absolutely that's why you're here mmm I think that's gonna be the key I believe Chef Ramsay is the only person who could turn chappy around for me it's like trying to blow air into a balloon with a hole in it all right the fried green tomatoes appetizer can hear is that Palmas aroma it is and crawfish tails and hollandaise sauce thanks - you're welcome I'm dying to taste these fried Gator martyrs well enjoy thank you well how would you rate the food by the way excellent excellent I just think it needs to be modernized revamped and Shh the you she says his excellency yet it needs to be modernized and rebound doesn't sound like excellent because surely who is excellent you would have to do any of those things just bland right but we think of the fried green tomatoes uh yeah bland and that hollandaise sauce is almost just like your sort of melted butter yeah adenine taste of anything sorry about that on your phone right next up would be the chicken and sausage gumbo gumbo thank you [Music] you said your hollandaise sauce was extremely bland just tastes like a strong butter sauce very good when we bring the dish back to the kitchen he acts like it's an insult not that there's possibly something wrong with the actual dish number wow it looks like chappy took a crappy in my gumbo it's like a puddle it's just watery very watery that it's [ __ ] disgusting but this dish was done right it could be a game-changer but right now it's a game ender TJ this is a problem in the kitchen I was they even hot it's not hot no I mean it's just like lukewarm and gloopy see this kid yeah very watery there's no flavor anywhere just bland catch a bit of fixed and bring me an expert thank you okay Wow shabby first of all this is cold it's just absolutely filled with water filled with water I thought I'd drained it very well hey it's everything Oh he hadn't liked anything I've done so far all right [Music] steak and lobster Rockets sake lobster rocket thank you that's a very funny looking Lobster seriously how much does this tissue 3695 chief come on stop and why does it feel a butterflied like that you cut like that he cuts it off and then pounds it thin he beats the crap out of a fillet to tenderize it when it's the most stunning cut Wow come on nice chewy the lobster I couldn't even eat as I was trying to bite down and it was bouncing back steak and lobster rocket someone needs to [ __ ] rock out of his ass to wake up oh my god Robert swallow that one you live napkin des maybe chappy needs to get on a [ __ ] rocket I rock it back to New Orleans to see how it's properly done fast is there the dishes just a mess I don't want to throw it down his throat if he doesn't want it well you didn't even get through the state it was all gristle it was gristle yeah bristle and chewy okay well it's like butter is it mom Chef Ramsay's a dumbass you know there's something that I think is absolutely wrong you don't know what he's talking about i'ma tell him you don't know what the hell you talkin after enduring chappies flavorless Cajun cuisine a few times through the kitchen please huh sure Chef Ramsay heads to the kitchen looking for an explanation I don't know where to start I was so excited coming here but I'm disappointed did you cook everything the fight green tomatoes why are you coating them in corn flour coal flare the little seasoning for me there's no season there was bland holiday sauce was just melted butter yeah steak and lobster rocket the lobster was like rubber and when you have a $36 entree you don't expect to see filleted pounders that's the last thing you ever do I've never met a chef anywhere in the world that pounds out of filet why would you pound something that is tender just technique of what we do to shape it so kids stats it's not play its meat the chicken and sausage gumbo plant but you know what forget the seasoning it was even hot it was lukewarm I sent it out as soon as I did it so it was actually bubbling oh yeah I'm not exaggerating it wasn't bubbly hot I don't find it funny okay can I have a word on my own with the owners please you guys get back to whatever you do I'm not gonna say this in front of your staff you're a joke food was disgusting everything was off everything and that's without factoring in the prices go through each and every dish there was a consistent pattern it's like you've shut shop up and gone home chappy is not very happy you're done are you done but what just cooking in general no that's your your best part that's you at your best kind of ready I've toned down some spices for Nashville when we first opened people complain spices too much he not looking for excuses well you know what can I say you also help but I'm not gonna sit here and blow smoke up my whatever so let's not go here and go through this you've said your piece let's move on you've given up giving up what okay I'm gonna get some fresh air me to do it okay [Music] and Mark how does the line work Brad come try cut loose frying tonight real gentle tapping frying tonight okay great boy stirs chopping they stay out no throw some lies no check it I want to look good right now we got the first ticket we got a grill group are working chuffing you fight the group over the beef we blackened everything in the same pan yes why was it the customer was a pescetarian pescetarian yeah don't eat fish and they don't expect to eat that fish with meat juices I never heard of one pay the truth company that's coming out Tom turning that table thank you so production you Pistone can I borrow you for two seconds would you mind thank you chappie we got two seconds for your customers really yeah let me spray something really important because I'm not [ __ ] around now this lady is a pescetarian strictly fish I'm tryna explain because you're not listening is that her fish was cooked in there along with the beef it's not a general practice it's just as long as you never do it's the Golden Rule but it's totally oblivious did you get sick of meats I'll make sure that's in a pan of ozone as it should be and cook properly why is my nice that color I've allows a jar mustard was the day on this Sal my 27th of February 2010 expired three years ago that how old is that beef and cookies I can't believe what I'm seeing I always say everything you need to know about a chef is that he's fresh shrimp just up there it's an absolutely stinking oh my gosh love that there's a shrimp hanging down that lets all mold unbelievable see how it's dinner service at Japanese and Chef Ramsay has just made a shocking discovery that's all Oh what may be the filthiest fridge has ever seen this fridge is an absolute mess I have never seen that ever I don't want to know what the hell are you doing spill something must have spilt can you stop bullshitting for once and just try to get real one of these wrong just sort of interesting those are fresh potatoes they are fresh today no they're not fresh today good yours just touch that what is that it's warm have you any idea what happens to sauce when it's covered and is hot to our warning is what sour sour thank you and when is this from the cake that we this is a cake we can't even answer me now how old is that I don't know oh good yes see the mold in these things yes and this one here look see that there you stop you're not getting anything eighty-six it come here you come here now have a look down there what do you see gold mold you want me to let you take something else out of here no the [ __ ] off yes sir have you any idea how long a shrimp needs to stay inside the fridge to get that much mold on there no is it between them is it between the waters I would've missed where it was all night you just deflected how about some form of honesty he needs some help obviously they need some help are you serious I'm very serious one foot away from that [ __ ] down there which he obviously didn't know was down there what what do you think he would have let it stay down everything knew it was also a concerns obviously not you have raised the bar in fact you right now are a legend because you have raised the bar so [ __ ] high that you've taught every chef of the world how not to cook congratulations not feel seeing that fridge was beyond belief I could not believe it I had no idea I just am speechless stop you me for a second what's going on I have no idea I don't go in the walk-in cool I don't manage it it's not my territory I never even thought to look in it I am mortified I am embarrassed by that I provide to defend your husband but I'm not here to sugarcoat I understand you're home tonight don't expect what I know it's some form of understanding you cannot perform like that you must see the problem surely I surely do what's happened to him I don't know what's happened to him if I knew I could help him work through it I can't start to work with someone that's given up and right now he's shown me everything to confirm he's done just that and honestly hand on heart I think I'm too late oh geez it doesn't seem like she cares no he does care how'd you know I don't know let me go talk to her [Music] what changed what changed him from being so passionate and energetic it's almost a pathetic I love you doctor thank you tipping are just a look yeah then show him you want it okay I know I'm ready and whatever it takes chappies gonna have to come up and meet me and let's do this together [Music] I'm totally mortified in in Paris so let's show some light show that you care oh we have done all of this nothing [Music] I think Chef Ramsay nailed it and I feel a little let down [Music] at last night's dinner service Chef Ramsay was horrified at the bad practices sit down please this morning he has gathered the staff to see if he can uncover any other major issues with the restaurant you know I came here to help but my biggest concern right now is chappy mm-hmm I can't think of a more dangerous job when you've got an owner at the helm that doesn't care we tried to talk to you even bother to ask him a question and you're pissing him off the other day where guests wanted to know what was in a sauce so I asked him he said why the [ __ ] you want to know the kind of standing in the ruthless and be yelling where the customers can hear that's really really bad I thought I always get yelled up a lot just for everything he shut you down snaps at you you're not even allowed to speak to him until he speaks to you is he always that condescending yes yes he almost agir buddies after he took the waiters all we care about is our money and nut nails everybody's stealing from him every Zagan Stan everybody what's it like dealing with complaints to the kitchen he usually gets upset you saying there's nothing wrong with this he'll say sit he blames everything on us or the guests give me an example I've had a coconut cake I was returned to me I brought it back to chappy he dug it out of the trash can went back and asked the guy what was wrong with from the trash not good is he different now that I'm here yeah yeah definitely and what why he's calmer he's comes calm where he is I appreciate everybody's honesty this is about getting better let me tell you so as difficult as it may have been I want you to say what you've said to me to the man himself no matter what happens I've got your back so be confident be honest for me to tell chappy what I'm feeling and what's been going on it's it's definitely nerve-wracking yeah yeah I don't know what he's gonna do I don't know if he's gonna fire me or how he's gonna accept it chappy is usually a person who flies off the handle they have some things to say Susan take it off please the main thing chappy is just communicating so we're on the same page yes I want to preface what I have to say to both of you I love you book I love this restaurant I love the LOB please tell me please tell me chappy you're kind of sending you're rude and you're abusive everybody feels out thing anybody wants to say it and many times you lose your temper and customers can hear you it was hard for us to work in that condition it seems to me as though you don't give a [ __ ] about us as a team out here that you think we're all against you that we don't have your back and I want you to know that we do have your back we would love to have some support back from you it's just hard that you don't trust anyone if you don't trust your staff that don't [ __ ] hiring dirt when I first started working I was selling the black and red fish to everybody but I found out later that it was sly and ethically as a server you're asking me to go out and lie to these people every night is that true strip you know it's just not right why'd you do that why'd you swap that fish out and put trying to substitute no stop stop stop being dishonest to customers and putting them in the firing line if he gets called out it's your doing I just wish you would like listen to us a little bit any time I've brought up an idea or even try to ask you a question I'm wasting your time whoa I try to have you back you're fantastic I'm directing this more towards chappy a lot of things have to change I appreciate everything you say and you're right on target Jeffy do you find this kind of feedback from your team helpful I do it does get tough and if I was negative to you of a personal that I apologize it wasn't meant to hurt sometimes I get off the edge - I'm so blessed that this has happened because nothing was gonna change unless we went all the way down there put the light on it and looked at it and said whoa let's fix this book we have slacked off for quite some time but we'll get back - I hope chappy can change I know sometimes you say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but I'm hoping that you can Chef Ramsay still remains unconvinced the Chaffee has seen the error of his ways sir are you out of the restaurant chappies so he has provided champion star with a fully equipped stakeout vehicle so they can monitor his interaction with the locals hello how are you good have you been there a couple of times tell me the experience please Wow appreciate your honesty oh you heard of chappies the restaurant you haven't heard it thank you how are you get me out of Chiapas I have good good good good have you been to chappies I have them I didn't feel as real authentic Cajun look a prayer to pain and buoy good oysters and shrimp simple stuff spicy I had that kind of food there did you try it I what I tried was not great make you better carry Cajun food on the Cajun food truck that rolls around I think it's ridiculous right I wouldn't mind the paid thirty to forty dollars for a good entree but it wasn't good I'm here to help fix that restaurant will bear with me give it one more shot I appreciate it thank you bye bye [Music] okay weightlessly absolutely tough to watch I agree it's tough to watch you think you doing something that they want and then they don't so it's a good eye awakening and epiphany of what we need to do let's show more quality absolutely yeah that's it's time to move forward agreed a great great well we hear people talking on the street and they don't see you listening they'll say things and maybe they wouldn't say in front of you it was an eye-opener coming up jumpy listen to me no all eyes are on champion I need you to step up to the plate or go home will he finally lead his team to a successful service how long shall faint almost ready or will his customers leave disappointed again cafe stop what you're doing stop that's coming up on Kitchen Nightmares that'll be one pain of my ass gone after setting chappie hopefully on the path to change Chef Ramsay and his team worked through the night on a major renovation [Music] good morning get ready for some big changes let's get on with please remove your blindfolds [Music] welcome to the new Chapas that's nice look at it gone are those tacky day tea and yellow walls now it's comfortable modern much more warm and inviting yeah we've got rid of a lot of the chairs and replacing the pewter give that sort of intimate sort of family feel so much better I love it take a look at this wall mm-hmm we have reclaimed wood from a local bar and then added artistic photos from she recognized for their we got rid of all the clutter from Mardi Gras including Miss Cleo's it's the ambiance that natural ones yeah and it still plays homage to the home of Cajun cuisine Sam how do you feel I love it everything's so fresh so clean so modern it just oozes New Orleans charm do we have a happy chappy it's very very nice mm-hmm it's not my style but I was just kind of kind of grin bear it move on thank you sir [Applause] now as big as the decor change was the menu change is even bigger let's get through the menu from top to bottom Chef Ramsay is modernized and reduced the menu from 100 dishes to 22 first of all that is the only page yes let's start off at the top shrimp and grits done with Creole seasoning onions and tomato delicious next to that blackened redfish turn with sister nail and a herb salad and what we do when we run out of redfish chappy it's 86 86 that's right so don't even ask for fried chicken serve with apple butter delicious and normal butter absolutely delicious Champy your gun quite I'm thinking how we're gonna do it let me tell you something your cooks have been here this is only this morning they have been under the guidance of a great chef that I brought here Chris Fox Chris this young man has been cooking for over 15 years he has the most amazing wealth of experience I paid for Chris to be here to really implement these standards after I have gone I think chef Chris is such a blessing Chevy's gonna get a chance to work side by side with this gentleman so no excuses okay there's something else I need to bring you the uniforms are great now it's casual and this whole new image it's gonna be fantastic it shows appropriate no white shirt no bowtie no black pants and talking about pants one more thing are you looking the part there goes the party had and the clown pants I love it listen uh what I'd like you to do now is to dig in and taste the food oh my gosh that pork chop is ridiculous oh my god there's no comparison between Champy's old food and Chevy's new food the recipes are there the flavor is there but I'm not totally convinced that he's happy I think he's still like got all these thoughts like pondering and wondering so uh we'll see how that goes [Music] okay let's slide down push nicely flat after more training on the new menu with Chef Ramsay and chef Chris it a really super charge right you'll have beautiful marks good great we've got it all the tools are there for chappy to have a successful relaunch all right thanks guys fire 114 there pork chops to a you steaks one medium one mid-rare chappy Cole back please Shepherd toes serious please yeah I got Tuffy chris is expediting he's gonna tell you what to do just do it how long on these steaks how long Chaffee almost ready [ __ ] out Chris like what is almost mean like five seconds two seconds three seconds one second give me a time please Tuffy I'm not asking for the fastest kitchen I just want a little bit of callback yes chef no chef I and I both live in us in here a little bit here's your medium-rare I need a two pork chops where's the pork chop please I need those pork chops desperately Tuffy you're in the game a little bit please they're in the other this should have been put another a while ago though yeah they've been in it's gonna be quicker than that [ __ ] me for ever sell anything yet it's almost like we've gone to sleep as chappy struggles with the new menu the question is is it because it's new or is it because he's not thrilled about serving it have such a hard time serving a plate like that whatever the case may be customers are starting to get impatient we already look like jerks leave 1:14 I need 129 I'm also ready for 110 oh my god if chappy would listen it would be so much better chuffing chuffing listen to me something no regular doing stop what you're doing stop I need 114 I need 129 its relaunch night and chappy is not responding to chef Chris haven't said anything yet and Chef Ramsay knows he has to do something to save the service chappy listen to me something not regular doing come here minute this is it now I'm steer no no but if you understand I need to hear you I do I cannot deliver anymore I need you to step up to the plate and run your restaurant got it either do it or go home got it let's go let's go he's not good at listening that one fire 110 pork chops shrimp and grits Tuffy don't ignore that ticket there 110 I need those pork chops let me butterfly do not butterfly them how long are they it's gonna be a couple minutes at least three minutes four minutes butterflied and asked oh yes you cannot do that I don't want a more butterfly like that those days have gone I'm not coming this far now to start stopping food out Chris come around now please I don't want to impostor izing a pork chop just to get out there yes sir we're getting em okay yeah he's got to Angus take we'll meet you wobble medium 127 128 127 128 thank you make sure you're calling back he's gone and I wish they chappy would be a little bit more open-minded to accept some of the changes I really hope he does with chef Chris switching from expediter to head chef Arjun in place food is now making its way out to the dining room here's your food Bon Appetit all the flavors complement each other it's very good imagine Tina's amazing everybody's been happy with the food thank God all your dinners are out I got the last say it's just wonderful we have a great new menu that's fresh and delivered beautifully we just have to stick with it believe in it and do everything we can to make it happen how are you I'm okay everybody seemed to love everything but I just have a hard time with yeah I still think my food is great that would be one pain of my ass gone okay chappy after Chris's time is done here you need to find and invest in a chef like Chris there should be someone qualified in that kitchen on a daily basis absolutely it's worth it the only thing that's gonna keep this place on the map it's the food will do stop you must make me a very serious promise you must not let chappy go backwards I promise good I'm gonna tell you this for your own good because you are one stubborn man good luck to you both thank you come here ah good luck to you both thank you look at thank you so good night good night I've got one word to describe my time here at chappies and that is challenging mainly because chaffee's led his Russian flight in so many ways but we made a major turnaround and he even agreed to get rid of this ridiculous chef's hat my only hope now is that he's got rid of all those bad habits because if he hasn't this restaurant has no chance Wow not long after Chef Ramsay left in spite of positive feedback about the changes chappy went back to his old ways he didn't do what I asked I should have come behind you and babysat you you're right the majority of his original dishes are back black and pork chop blackened swordfish on the fly and so is the uncertainty of the future of this Nashville restaurant [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 5,178,815
Rating: 4.8714638 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Full Episodes, Free TV, Free Television, Free, Cooking, Food, Restaurants, Dining, Unscripted
Id: GvKNDrqxbjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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