Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 4 Episode 10 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to an Atlanta suburb to help first-time restaurant owners Richard and Jorge and while the restaurant is clearly on the verge of disaster what fat hell one owner is too stubborn to see the problem yeah I can't do anything about it the other doesn't seem to care one thing is for sure they are clearly over their head this is [ __ ] ridiculous with a menu that is bizarre Mexican Asian descent my confusion confusion a staff that is completely frustrated don't want something that it's not surprising that the kitchen has become a battleground get out of here right now chill out with a [ __ ] drama can Chef Ramsay get through to this disappointing duo you're gonna tell me the truth gentle I'm what you don't know or as the damage so severe it is impossible to be fixed okay John listen to me what is that disgusting amazing [Music] Inman Park Georgia an upscale Atlanta suburb known for its trendy dining scene in the middle of this tight-knit community is parks edge open three years ago by longtime friends Richard and Jorge Jorge is my best friend officious started my own air freight company in California and for the last three years leaving business partners can't wait Richard okay when I was working for Richard I decided that I was gonna go to culinary school and after I graduated from culinary school and which and I decided to open up this restaurant hey guys the first guest is coming in the flicka live prior to only parks edge I have zero restaurant experience yeah you gotta help me a little bit I just had a dream basically they had a couple of dollars in their pocket and they're like hey let's open up a restaurant okay you got fires on everything zone do you know how to do it no do you know how hard can it be one at a time the kitchen is amazing I remember there's no organization instruction I went down on the scallops 121 chef's my times are all [ __ ] up over here I don't think Jorge knows what he's doing when's dad gonna realizes foods just not working and he needs to do something else my cooking is something that's a little more evolving different it's right I like to just kind of say stuff that's basic and just sort of cream in it yeah you can't say that it's weird and I wouldn't get it then did not like the taste they said it wasn't good we're hate definitely thinks his food is like Olympic quality food just like having a friend that just thinks they're completely kick-ass at something and they're not that good at it you could even order seafood but now we're not cooking on the state when the heat is on in the kitchen I've never worked this hard before we shoot fires no burpees how's it going he doesn't know anything about the restaurant so he'll my jobs are out of the house okay and that's the easy part oh my god I'm just dressed up and smile that's all I do voilá news has a smile on his face like nothing is going wrong he kind of has this but there's some deep-seated issues with the restaurant in the community we put a tent up in the parking lot I didn't know he needed to permit and then we were pouring liquor other license newscaster came into the restaurant and he told me that the neighbors don't like us being here they could do better and deserve better and my response was they don't like us because we're black on a restaurant they were in a white neighborhood since there is a call the neighborhood raises we lost most of the business what's going on out there oh you don't want to know man it was a little bad I think I couldn't walk the more I don't have a plan B for this this is my life [Music] to be a successful restaurant you need the neighborhood on your side now a little research on Park says before I got here and what I found was somewhat shocking they've only been open for three years and they've managed already the totally alienates the whole neighborhood we need help because where he and I have built up a ill relationship which is warranted with the community and I don't know how to fix it at this point um he's at the foundation all right okay kids are usually advantaged in front of the house he runs the back of the house okay and all right Tay you step away right now or no man got a second okay this far as the food and the manias concerned they're just really nothing wrong with it as far as the community is concerned I think we could definitely use some some help give me a little insight to the business so I get my head up to speed and your eyes supports the issue issue in a nutshell you know we're just trying to reach back to the neighborhood yeah we made some mistakes in this neighborhood that we don't know how to unwind I did read something about that and we're hoping you could help us with that a lot of it so the good news is is not the food great well I can't wait to eat all right let's go okay call me back this way a misprint on there was that me grilled Caesar no really the okay you know what toga chicken there why not yeah I'll go for the before you still might not have told you sell oh oh yeah my name is Kevin Kevin good see buddy yeah we're thrilled to have you here I hope you can make some sense out of this [ __ ] yeah Kevin [Music] just pops up in places multitasking okay where are we I'll go for the flash fried oysters I'll go for the grilled salmon and as it's ready just send it Thank You doc you're welcome coming in check I'm ringing in his orders okay to be prepared Timmy if Chef Ramsay's just another customer I mean as long as he likes my food we're gonna get along just fine good to go walking up I think he's gonna love the cell if it's a girl lettuce I mean can't go wrong grilled salad in his grills he's still amazed I'm short I've never thought about it but it's true like wait why are we grilling lettuce sorry for interrupting just two seconds but this is a first for me a grilled Caesar salad denofa's they actually grilled the lettuce you just show a hand if anyone has ever had a grilled caesar salad before anybody here ladies no sorry interruption oh jeez I always get nervous when the chef says with a butter lettuce when you've got the butter the lettuce on you can never clean the letters properly and unfortunately it's not very nice inside dry chicken the Sun it looks hideous Jesus Thanks I mean except chicken is dried the butt of the lettuce never should be at the end of and why does it salad have to be sliced it where a Mexican American cuisine well he's clearly not from Mexico so first of all caesar salad is not from europe is from mexico i mean i'm the mexican here you're not it's supposed to be spicy icers oh thanks are you kidding me that's a toaster honestly looks like a fossil from Jurassic Park Wow that is disgusting do you give you vision please sorry yes sir sit down okay whose loss let me sit down and actually ate off your now I have sample the entire menu right on a regular basis yeah always you close your eyes now okay tell me what you taste that there's a lot of bread about you know rich to actually taste the food and see what's going on don't chuck that yeah I got me again yeah it's nicely got you yeah no good except the salmon salmon that's living hope what happened everything is just way too spicy oh yeah yeah chef Jorge thought that he was gonna impress Chef Ramsay with food and he wasn't impressed I hope that this is definitely like an eye-opener for him so you plate is really hot don't worry thank you guys okay looks like the bottom of a [ __ ] bird cage okay I mean seven seven a bed of sticky rice with a green curry bird long what the [ __ ] is going on in there it's like the United Nations of main courses there what's the style I guess it's a little convoluted isn't it that's one way of putting it yeah okay I want you to taste this go for the regu and the strawberries you made is the combination the rice is just hideous the spice is ridiculous and the strawberries and the red onion ragout yeah I had no idea we have that many problems with the food - Chef Ramsay dissected it a lot of worked you - here don't worry that's the understatement of the year yeah all right got some more input for you okay cuz you got a little bored with drink hurry beurre blanc the strawberry ragout and it's sticky right you try it yeah and when you try the three together it is a little it doesn't blend well you kitchen chef okay good come in to miss okay when I arrived he said the problem with the restaurants and neighborhoods and this she wasn't the food yes seriously [Music] then I cannot believe that you stand there and tell yourself that your food is edible who's ever my dear was the gorilla Caesar salad was just hideous and a shame that one was real on a salad this salad wasn't clean that the photo lettuce on that but forget the grilled Caesar salad the biggest insult the summer you all over the place there's no full process what restaurant did you train in I went to school would you mean you went to school where did you go out and train before your own restaurant I did it I did you didn't train yeah no no out of culinary school you then when owed your own restaurant better straighten really here is it in a nutshell you're not qualified to stand behind the line let alone run your own [ __ ] business are you doing is you coming in here a trash to my back one as far as where I've been sending all the food you ate said it was shipped okay one man's opinion is not an issue you've got the arrogance to stand there tell me that you think you're right you're gone listen there before you came here out of the sister of hurricane working in your little minds or working in your mind I know I knew I knew they needed to be tweaked sweet [ __ ] brain surgery this guy's just out of control he doesn't have any [ __ ] right to come in here so I can talk to me in that sort of manner this is my restaurant show me some [ __ ] respect I gotta go [Music] after an informative lunch Chef Ramsay has a better understanding of the food problems at parks edge let's catch up he now wants to delve deeper into the issues that this restaurant has with its local community I'd like to sort of understand what happened here number one was we erected a tent and a parking lot without a proper permit so we get cited first neighbors came by hey you got to sit down it's not legal think about we did in accordance of the city we're not according to the neighbors that so that the locals neck right so then we didn't have a liquor license and a business license I've asked one nation under guidance first of neighbors came out and said the neighborhood could do better we weren't good enough for the neighborhood and my response was they don't like us because we already own restaurant in a white neighborhood Wow so he said the neighborhood was racist yes exactly have you done anything you personally in the last three years to sort of build those bridges with the neighborhood I don't know what to do what to say how to reach out of properly who makes me stupid mistakes even the statement I made was was stupid and I don't know how to fix it at this point I don't know if I think it might even be young repair ok I'll be by later yeah I want to observe how you run your business all right thank you all right thank you [Music] okay ladies we're gonna get set really really quick we got 78 people in an hour and a half with a busy night ahead of them man you knew this pasta transfer I'm good Richard and Jorge prepare their team's for dinner service out back for one second [Music] Oh ready yeah you were going outside with a cigarette in your hand yeah customers about to come in you're going outside for a cigarette no I'm very embarrassing I'm not gonna lie it was like a parent clutching a child I cough in there come on let's go here we go boy I just want you to do what you normally do okay so do whatever you need to do fireman thank you Chef Ramsay things that I don't know what I'm doing but I know what if I don't go and this is a time for me to show Chef Ramsay what party is all about who does what I do Grill pantry chefs gonna work saute and man I believe is the in between helping us out how much expense Jeff for ten years ten years so my name is Jerome your server the dinner service underway right here Chef Ramsay is eager to see how Jorge leads his team in the kitchen hey Evan even talk to me where you at right now no it's not working yet another thing s is Jessie okay 42 needs to go out chef are you ready in 42 and avoid you [Music] well I can't wait wait alright it doesn't know who's done Mack Jesse what are you guys working on right now we need that scallops 136 I'm on my way down the Scout what's coming we were doing 36 right now unbelievable it's crazy someone a restaurant when you don't have any experience speed in where's Connor meeting where it's gonna be cold senator I don't know what the problem is it's so frustrating I'm a good server like you're just making me look bad and that's my money like that's my tip so now it's like you're messing with my money [Music] simple - put his oldest - perfection like he should be cooking for President Obama alright okay yeah but I thought you owned the price ran the place I guess I'm just struggling to CHF right now yes Bobby but the stuff is coming back it's some things are gone overcooked or undercooked ya need to wake up a little bit yeah yeah with chef Jorge losing complete control of his kitchen the server's are frustrated not surprisingly they aren't the only ones I'm doing all I can does anybody got a table and do it you can do where do I go where do I go beyond that which er does not like to deal with the complaints I feel like we as servers or running this restaurant I need don't we all Richard go two seconds yes sir yeah quickly please what's happening doing what's your role for several times and so forth just in general well we're right now one of ease I'm gonna let me let me do this thing but you're not doing anything we were not doing anything you just stand around I sort of glides but right now we're overwhelmed the house is oh come on Richard come on I don't I don't even know where to begin with the tables I don't even know where to begin oh come on Richard doing dinner service I don't know what to do differently oh hey so I personally don't get involved [Music] this is a joke I've never seen two owners that are more clueless I'm running a place from these two idiots I'm telling you Richard just walked around and it's almost like he's in a dream and Jorge the self-appointed executive chef that guy hasn't got a clue thank God the locals boycotted this place because they ain't here they'd never come back Park edge yeah on the edge of a [ __ ] disaster [Music] with these gruntled diners unwilling to wait any longer all right folks have a good night are they are not happy the dining room empties out quickly the rav soiree but while the kitchen may be done for the night survivor visitor moon Chef Ramsay's inspection of the walk-in is just beginning what a mess asparagus here rubbery oh come on that's got to be a month old it's not in there no idea oh it's chicken marinate it's married anymore more like fermenting on a joke all right yeah can I just have a word with you in private with Richard wanna know what was last time you looked in here come on straight out that's just one of you giving me Whizzer Wednesday look what's in the box who turns the produce over who wrote rates the freshness that's my stuff really okay seriously why throw my limits like that for it why you taking my product and you know do you go see some more stay there chicken [ __ ] how we look at this what's this fool when's that from then chef Joseph rent today those who does you're not gonna be served to the public oh we started a public telling you that I'm not gonna serve this your segments for what told to me then they just turns it from this morning you do shooting little [ __ ] tell me if this were made today I'll [ __ ] it believe me they're your responsibility so this year you're lying through your teeth not like issues you can't get help you can't even tell me the truth Joe what don't know and you're a [ __ ] joke to me after a miserable dinner service and discovering the state of the walking fool does you're not gonna be searched above you bullshitting little [ __ ] Chef Ramsay has had enough of Jorge's excuses you like your team not like issues you can help tell me the truth what you don't know and you're a [ __ ] joke listen you're a joke to me are you gonna walk off now listen how you do are you doing this hammer you know what what upsets them all about you than anything isn't done you realize you're playing at running a restaurant and the minute you stop look at yourself in the mirror and stop blaming the people around you the quicker you may get this place turn around got it good [ __ ] joke Hawaii doesn't his eyes open a bit he didn't really think we have that read problems with the food this is obvious the night that things are not right Jorge Mesa here which never ends the other side [Music] after a disasterous day one Chef Ramsay wants to get through to the owners about all of the issues of the restaurant good morning he wants the staff to unload and the owners will be watching via surveillance cameras what does love to know is what the issues are behind the scenes are you gonna help sure what's the reason I'm here is to help but I can't start helping until I know exactly what is going on so what I need from you guys is a clear picture what are the main issues in here well I don't know about anybody else but I feel like Richard just is really reluctant to be interactive with the guests after their sad it's like butts and seats and that's where he stops and we're really responsible of solving guest problems Richard we get stress he drinks wine and so sometimes it makes it hard for us to communicate with him when we're having problems because he's been drinking all day easier he's good point it's a very good point and does he drink every day yes [Music] what does whole how you think of that they have a lot of separation forays in the kitchen and Richards out front their interactions are very minimal but they need to educate themselves on more about this business I know more about running a restaurant then either one of them together they're too proud to say hey I do need help yeah chef Jorge he acts like he's like on your level he's like fresh out of culinary school I mean the ink hasn't even dried on his little certificate and now he thinks he's an executive chef has anyone ever told Jorge that his food is so complicated chef is extremely stubborn does not care what anybody has to say about anything and if you dare say anything to him it's your ass Wow you cannot give quite any negative feedback or you will get lashed out well I didn't save anybody last lines shatter his frame what does he say when he goes off I get called dumb pinheaded he had a conversation in Spanish a couple weeks ago in the kitchen about how fat I'd gotten one day he snapped at me and I was just like don't talk to me like that and then he was like oh if you don't like it well you don't have to be here like if I don't like verbal abuse like I don't have to be here seriously rude I think if we all see okay I think we need to stage an intervention for them because they're in denial just because there's no need they're right here they're here watching oh yeah I'll get them and bring them out okay kiss but they're here right now I never would have said those things I had known that they were listening [Music] yes everything is out the open now [Music] after the staff detailed the problems with the owners they're too proud to say hey I do need help Gordon wants to bring the two sides together let's go and bring it all to a head you know the most important part now is finding us out we heard everything you guys said and I was enlightened period that's all I got [Music] it touched me deeply and yeah I was the night I was I was in like oh we should see ha man this is this was a really deep in me man I've always been a pillar sit down are you okay yeah [ __ ] I'm sure you're going away [Music] you're just watching all of you guys just express how you feel that was picturing the moments that you guys are talking about and I really want to apologize to you guys for being unfair you guys been so dedicated working with us together to build this restaurant I don't want you guys to feel like you've been taken advantage I don't want you guys to feel that way now to know that was a feeling as far as my attitude believe me that things will change that's my word to you guys and I'm willing to take those steps that we need to take to move forward I definitely need to treat people differently before he gets to the stage again you know I really never thought about what you guys thought and I'm sorry I considered myself you know a pretty nice guy for the most part and loving and concerned and giving and I haven't been to you guys not then and I apologize sure I've learned more these last few minutes and I think I've learned for the three years I've been here I know me and I know what I'm capable of doing and I haven't cared enough I know that there's so much more I could be doing and it's so much more I could be learning as well this is a definitely a turning point I'm looking for new and better ways this is high time we changed while Chef Ramsay has a plan to relaunch this restaurant he knows it's also critical that Richard and Jorge reach out to the community and he has arranged an opportunity for them to do just that for you yes I can't think of a more fitting time now platform that part of this controversy started with and going on the news now boy allow us to use the same platform to hopefully end it by the one and only Chef Ramsay and he's brought a couple of friends along from parks edge restaurant in Inman Park and we are delighted to have you gentlemen with us let's talk about where they need to begin to get things on the right track weird weirder they start at front edge they had the most amazing restaurant with a great location right right smack bang in the neighborhood and we go so wrong sort of footing didn't we yes we did we basically didn't respect them they played in their way we should have there were some things that were set out of frustration and I sincerely want to apologize about and we hope that we can gain the community's trust and respect once again being able to voice the apology on local TV was one of the greatest gifts I had ever received you see me smiling Here I am so excited I can't I can't even explain [Music] after Richard and Jorge took their first big step to reconnect with the community ladies good to see Chef Ramsay is now ready to unveil parks edge new look a screen of a new year later the past and look forward to an exciting new future welcome to the new parks edge clean simple modern good news is the orange is gone yeah Dean better news the orange is gone they'll be inside too you ready come inside let's go let's go let's go come around [Music] this is beautiful take it in don't are the hideous colors we brought in a new contemporary film I got goose bones as I was walking in I send any colors in you know just like the life any er and I am very proud to be the owner of parks edge right now we've got some amazing pictures on the wall all these images are local doesn't look good that you're bringing back in the neighborhood into your restaurant and confirm if you care about them such a great idea the new look is so refreshing this is who we are beautiful hand-painted hand-carved stunning wood panels on the wall you're on the parks edge so we've incorporate that stunning backdrop into the restaurant I love it I love it all the linens have gone and expose those beautiful wooden tables I am so happy and so proud I am flabbergasted from the changes that were made in the dining room Chef Ramsay has taken this restaurant to another level that we need to consider the beautiful man yes in addition to revamping the decor Chef Ramsay has completely overhauled jorge's complicated menu this new menu is easy to execute and let's get one thing right it's American cuisine with a contemporary twist excited oh right let's start off with this delicious green fried tomatoes with a buttermilk dressing light will be spiced and delicious makes that spicy wings the answer with a really nice herb blue cheese dressing I can't wait to start our week very eating entrees pan-seared salmon you just done with a cauliflower puree and a caper relish next to that a nice little robust slice of pork belly for the cassoulet easy on the line any questions when can we eat jump in [Music] Wow those wings are really good too this is some of the best food I've ever had who's definitely making me realize that my food was just too far complicated simple is way better I hope nobody else wants to surprise it's my new favorite restaurant mmm coming up when the doors are open for service being sabotaged unbelievably one cook in the kitchen get out of here right now until I with a [ __ ] drama threatens to ruin the restaurants relaunch get out of here now that the menu has been revealed because if it's a mussels and answer portion for mussels Chef Ramsay is brought in his team to spend all day training the parks edge kitchen staff there's a satay but not everyone is on board with the changes okay so you do the fry station absolutely not cooking don't feel comfortable front a chicken wing weirdly she wants to put on a pair of orange shirts and go out there and serve it they're gonna train us okay you gonna turn her in and give them a hard time check yourself before you check them out okay yes his huge ego about fried chicken this is really irrelevant he's gonna do what I tell him to do now where he wants to do you put a bunch of [ __ ] chicken wings on the menu I think somebody ought to cook and put some more towards on there and gotten serve it okay to have a little bit respect and showing these two guys [ __ ] respect for a fine-dining restaurant not putting [ __ ] chicken wings on the menu a fine-dining restaurants I am a guy that knows what I menu thought how dare you get jumped up telling the owners the menu [ __ ] because you think you know better why are you doing better why you're your own restaurant how about having the intelligence to calm down and to start again is that possible yes or no it's possible will you do it yes or no yes thank you tonight's a huge sign there's no way I'm gonna let somebody [ __ ] it out math needs to be able board or get out show me what to do so I can do it thank you it's relaunch night at parks edge big night yeah tonight we go forward good and fresh off Richard and Jorge Stevie appearance welcome to Park resident Richard how's it going the restaurant is packed and the community seems ready to get parks edge another chance this is day one for parks that got a great new menu going we're in the restaurant and I hope everything goes perfectly we have a great new menu this easily everything's good honestly is on here I measured the biggest gusher [Music] what are in shop thank you all right honey tutors of muscles right here we're here please Jessie towards the muscle okay Matt go ahead and focus on the great fried tomatoes and thank you I'm gonna run my kitchen like a tight ship tonight I gotta make sure that the food leaves is catching perfect what anyone's up with Jorge really stepping up and commanding his kitchen 32 squirming up 22s working exactly the target for delicious food is going out seamlessly you drive it tries car drive yes yes yes come on I know you hate the wings but please hate me don't hate the wings got your orange shorts are insured cut the [ __ ] to the end of service okay big boy come on hey you why do you want to [ __ ] around and take the piss let me tell you something really important well sir yeah I [ __ ] forgot more than you know just serve the food or shut the [ __ ] up a good man is beyond the weakest link you are here to do a job do it for Billy's in the window man that's epic codes I know you don't care but I do and you're supposed to be working hard tonight to help get this place turned around why are you now trying to sabotage it mister [ __ ] doc who thinks he can't [ __ ] cook a chicken wing can't even drop a piece of pork in the fryer look at it dried piece of overcooked pork belly he's gonna start sending us down man you seriously want to [ __ ] with me right now why are you being a piece of [ __ ] for them I don't know there's something wrong was better or not I'm not a violent man by any means but if he [ __ ] it up for me tonight I will literally do something I'm still waiting on a pork belly yeah I'm gonna pork belly talk to me guys how you doing plating chef thank you [Music] boy please touch it please it's stone cold come on man chef what do you think of that that's [ __ ] yeah always work for this man stamina this is really really difficult time is just until the mania it's almost like he's trying to destroy his whole dinner service why would you [ __ ] up service tonight you're making me work my ship chill out with a [ __ ] drama what say let's go chill out with the gentlemen get out of here right now get the [ __ ] out right now it's relaunch night at parks edge look at it dries and loincloth mat has not only made a number of mistakes he can't be selling [ __ ] like their man see why would a [ __ ] gentleman but he has had a bad attitude as well what'd you say I said chill out with the drama get out of here right now Jorge this had enough it don't [ __ ] out right now [Music] all right seriously man let's continue working place this is my kitchen and we're moving forward and if someone who becomes an obstacle or speedbump they're gone we have no more tolerance for that I welcome step up in that way yeah get together I'm like Jesse can you pick up some other stuff please okay I'm just waiting on pork belly I think it's a good thing that map's on now we can get down to business and not bicker like children work freely in the window awesome now with everyone pulling in the same direction open doors shut thank you dishes quickly make their way out to happy diners [Music] my customers are happy this is the completely different environment in the restaurant I'm actually happy to be working here tonight we're done now right yes we just have a lot of work to do but I definitely believe that we could build this restaurant I do thank you oh hi yes sir it's been a rough week let me tell you we had ups and downs especially you and I and you know what I didn't you're gonna step up to the mark I didn't think you were confident enough oh my god strong finish there give customers loved the food let me tell you don't start over complicating your menu you go mad worried this this is a new beginning Richard yes sir you're a smart guy you're better than just sitting meeting and greeting get in there get your hands dirty I go through we have come a long way and this is just the start every day you walk in there demand the best out of Richard you demand the best out of Jorge push each other there furtively Chef Ramsay didn't only change our business you change their lives good night good night thank you thank you I first got here I met two owners that were completely clueless one they know how to run a restaurant another one had no idea how to run a kitchen they're both come a long way clearly but an uneven longer journey now to rebuild this reputation in the community that's become a successful restaurant honestly I wish them luck breaking news we've stopped grilling Caesar salad in the weeks that followed thank you thank you for coming back out again I know we Richard and Jorge continued their community outreach I appreciate the support thank you and business at parks edge is definitely on the rise richard has taken a more active role in the window please 443 that's coming right now thank you Jorge has not only embraced the new menu but has done a great job executing it yeah cheese paper grits Thank You second bacon our future for parks says it's not guarantee but I definitely have a very very strong feeling that we are on our way to success there's a new light at the end of the tunnel next time on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon heads to Northern California oMG to help a husband-and-wife team just going safe who's struggling restaurant is tearing their marriage apart and to make matters worse the conditions are so bad congealed blood that this restaurant might be impossible to save [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,530,745
Rating: 4.8786502 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Food, Dining, Cuisine, Restaurants, Cooking, Unscripted, FilmRise, Free TV, Free Teleivision, Television, Classic Television, Classic TV, TV, Full Episodes, Full Episode
Id: 45w3EP_VZbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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