Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 5 Episode 12 - Full Episode

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[Music] previously on Kitchen Nightmares Roy now feel like I'm in a mental asylum Chef Ramsay went head to head with one of the most arrogant owners he's ever met I've never had a piece of meat come back in here in ten years Mill Street Bistro is Joe Nagy preached farm-to-table our food is from the best live farm no one's ever done this but Chef Ramsay quickly found out it was anything but fish's freezer burn the food is overpriced for the neighborhood but he find dulles pretentious and simply disgusting as gross to make matters worse Joe lives in a fantasy world that would put this restaurant up against anyone and everybody knows it except him this is not a fine-dining restaurant with Chef Ramsay pointed out mill streets issues you know a chef stop pretending to be one Joe fought him on every point you're talking [ __ ] now he remained defiant defensive ignorance if I'm all that near my twins and took great pride in deflecting everything your bottom eyeball because you're in [ __ ] denial at the start of dinner service he does not know what I know Chef Ramsay observed how dysfunctional Joe was in the kitchen leave the kitchen go the other side go go go soon after there were several customer complaints but Joe stood his ground I think what she did is she got a fight of rosemary he didn't mention about Rosemarie come on and while Chef Ramsay was relentless ladies Lord and ravioli like a rocking uh Joe simply refused to acknowledge his mistakes that doesn't happen here that's my house and after witnessing a steady stream of food being returned all right what else can we [ __ ] up here Chef Ramsay decided it was time to do a little investigating frozen blue cheese shrimp on the table it's known then with clear evidence that Joe was lying about the quality and freshness of his food I get upset when I see fakery we have fresh stuff okay Chef Ramsay tried once again to get through to him you're making up sighs I'm not making this up but Joe blew him off but I'm not here to share an idiot you can't put [ __ ] raw onions in an onion soup we could talk about it there's some other time we're busy which left Chef Ramsay completely frustrated with one thing left to say Joe you want me out of there I'm gonna leave [Music] you sudden Wilson foots killed their workout you wake up and now the dramatic conclusion of Mill Street Bistro I'm struggling here to stay in this building right now I swear to God word I got a cook right now I wish you with onion soup hi billion soups ready they've all run ease in there what's that you put wrong is in there I didn't know why are we doing this to each other is this a wind-up look at me putting raw onions in it soon I don't know if you're just [ __ ] around I'm lost joke why doing this you said earlier that it needed more onions we responded by putting the onions in there so they had more of a bite to it with you we said now that is gonna come straight back what do you wanna hear better take it off Joe make them anything off the menu eighty-six it save whatever little reputation got left surely gotta be more respect than that I'm trying to reason with you Joe I get it fine I get it fine but I'm not here to share an idiot you can't put raw onions in an onion soup I can't teach you that that's called common sense now in your tiny mind is not common come here you should we put raw onions in a candlelight onion soup no thank you you've got Kennedy staff to tell you that ask your chef it's like you're doing to me on purpose Joe drove me out of here tell me the truth you want me out of here I'm gonna leave I don't like you out of here so why are you [ __ ] around like this I'm not [ __ ] around like that you want a battle nah I'm okay when I told you whatever constructive criticism he got incredibly upset and you wanted a band-aid you need surgery every big thing I said today you went up against what you said it in a way that anybody would challenge you once the way you said it you're a dictator Joe your staff can't talk to you there's not one person in this building that you pay that will ever criticize you because you'll cut them down big time you're awesome Oh Joe do you usually go to restaurants and rip them apart like that that's what's pissing me off Joe it's not working you've built up this level of [ __ ] fine dining pretentiousness that is not biting with the locals you are so far removed of what a bistro should be okay so you don't want to hear what our oak sales are and how many people come back for it and everything else like you know the old the elk was inedible inedible just the elk though Joe do you understand I've got bigger and more important things to focus on an owl I've got to start off with a bottom and right now you won't listen and that's what's making my life a [ __ ] nightmare but believe me you sit there and you went off about every [ __ ] thing in there you'll be defense everybody I wasn't defensive I was respectful to you but till you went off your dogs I'm here to help you [ __ ] help me well then stop being a [ __ ] denial you're so tight and so bound up with the ambition you're not seeing the reality of the part of the problem I agree I agree with that statement that statement I agree with that i am so bound up that I'm not seeing I agree with that but don't tell me that I'm not doing it because I'm [ __ ] lazy I want people to come in here and say man Joe you're really doing something good there's no working currently Joe right I agree but you know telling yourself enough of it because you stopped a [ __ ] scared to tell you I am telling myself it but we're in this group you got blinders on but I do want to make it better I want this restaurant to be a quality restaurant for everybody not just Joe Nagy for these people in here that stuck with me and did with my personality that's what I'm asking you man help me I'm asking that's the most sincere and those honest I've heard since I've been here [ __ ] day tomorrow we start afresh date I want you to do that chef we draw a line understand let's draw a line in the sand good nice tonight coming up I'm scared Joe still remains a little slippery is this is the node and later can i interject something Chef Ramsay reaches a boiling point wake up you wake up get ready for one of the most intense confrontations ever are you on Kitchen Nightmares come in here and help me instead of running your job with Joe finally admitting to Chef Ramsay that he has lost sight of some of the problems take a seat I wanted to watch some things Chef Ramsay begins the day with a plan to show this owner some of the issues he doesn't even realize he has tough day yesterday that was a hard one and I wanted to talk to you guys without Joe around because I need to hear the good the bad the ugly and I want to talk about skinny the go who's gonna start [Music] there's no formalities here this is wide open you shouldn't be scared of Joe because I've got your back help me Amy I think Joe is at fault for the lack of business because the way he berates the staff in front of the customers it turns people off and turns people away he needs to control his temper he was cussing at me right here in front of the door and the dragged me into the kitchen and started screaming at me even louder so I might as well been sitting right out here and I mean everybody witnessed it and my table was so disgusted there just one of their check to leave and they left me and no you know what telling me to keep my chin up and then I did a great job and everything I was supposed to do and I have left that note to Joe and he would tell me you don't let that get to your head when people tell you you're doing great because there's always mistakes being made it was to the point where I ended up having to go into the back because I started crying I didn't you know I just didn't want to be like I don't know I mean and we have Joe constantly saying well you're doing this wrong you're doing this wrong we all get flustered and you know and I let it get to me Haley this time it is taught why does he think he's foodies girl that's my main thing because there's stuff that's been questionable and he's like oh that's that's okay that's okay weaves are bad and I just wanted to say no we can't serve that but it's fine it's okay how'd you rate the food out of ten - of being generous he loves to hear the praise but he will certainly go up against anybody that has anything negative to say the guy that was sitting there across from you or you were having lunch he said he would send it back but he doesn't want to listen to Joe Chiodo if they see Joe's vehicle outside they'll go somewhere else because they don't want to be bothered at their table table the entire time they're here about himself Joe feels that this is his house and these are his dining guests and they want to hear all about him she's nothing worse we're told to give him a minute when it's our table we're trying to service them and trying to do it we are at our job and then we get yelled at and ridiculed in front of them Wow he yelled at me saying when I am with the table we are in a meeting seriously if I was the older reaching out I was he talking about yourself how'd you get through to Joe how do you get the message across to him well we don't we get told what to do we have time but it's usually him telling us what we've done right what we shouldn't shouldn't do we've all been ridiculed we've all been belittled we've all been screamed at and tossed that and we're doing everything wrong it's hard it's hard because we want to see this restaurant shoot speed but there's just times when we can't take it the stress I mean how many of you thought about quitting at any one time all I ever want to tell Joe is just to back off not to ridicule every single thing we're a lot more productive if we don't have all the extra chaos stop blaming us for his managers lead up with yelling it Joe doesn't want to take responsibility tell me there's always my dad on the choke go our way in order to get through to jail we've all been screamed at and cost that Wow Chef Ramsay has asked the staff to talk about some of the problems at Mill Street Bistro my dad want the choke go out one way he was talking to me and most of them point the finger at the owner it means to back off oh my god well I do have a confession to make Joe has been missed me I hope they takes it well I hope he understands the negativity he's brought on your shoulders I'll be back in a second vamoose here we go oh god I'm scared well gotta go find a new job follow me guys I was sitting upstairs listening and I got a safe yet what has happened here ultimately is my responsibility in my fault I don't think that I'm a bad person in heart but I'm tough maybe a little bit too tough for this business I need to soften up we got a lot of work a lot of things need to change and if that means that I need to change and you need to change and we all need to change we're gonna do it Joe immediately went to we need to change he cannot take responsibility for his own actions this is not gonna work unless you are hundred percent behind changing because everything that this rationing stands for today is you yet has been propped up by your team are you 100% committed to change I'm a hundred percent committed to change whatever needs to be changed to make this restaurant to find its potential that's a my okay do I think that he took it all in no do I think he's gonna change no do I think this is even gonna help at all no one second with Joe now seemingly ready to change Chef Ramsay is ready to illustrate how Joe's overpriced menu is alienating the locals in this small town one of the things I've heard over and over again is that your place is not inviting enough for your average local too pretentious and too expensive it's way out of their comfort zone if a young couple want to come in here to eat they're gonna walk out of here attending minimum 100 dollars that is a lot of money yeah it's a lot of money they can spend a hundred dollars here and put it in that cash register or they can go to a local grocery store and get this delicious rib eye choice amazing corn Wow fresh tomatoes yeah some salads cheddar pork chops potatoes or some grounds that's a lot of food right that all came to $89 73 cents oh sorry look bottle of wine as well just a lil bottle of wine what I'm trying to say is for $89 Center three cents they've got minimum five good evenings in with some bloody good food that's what you're going up against why would you come out it's a very good question Joe people today want value and when you pitch that you're the most expensive restaurant nobody can touch you you've already shot yourself in the foot agreed we're expensive we're too expensive chefs correct it was a point well taken and I'm always willing to learn more trying to be forced and I mean move forward a big way we're gonna cook some specials who's gonna go on tonight's menu and it's a small step in the right direction okay [Music] when was the last time you had a burger on the menu we've never never and as a bistro yeah why would you not have a burger on the regular menu chef when I did talk to the staff they didn't want to tend our burger they don't want to sell they're not the staff right but but that they're customers right so the staff didn't want to deliver right they felt that like your business videos no no come with me okay you took my burgers gadget where's the team right I asked Joe when was the last time we had a burger on the menu he said the staff don't want to sell a ten dollar burger is that right no you're not anti selling a burger every time I smell BS I'm gonna go for you let's go can i interject something I'm busy after that toast the buns yeah yeah nice what's that looks like exactly that congratulations by the way it's fresh we serve fresh Wally uh-huh so when you knew I was coming here you give me a trio of froze fish of the day why would you get me the freshest local number one fish here you're a chap this is local to the area we should serve it more local to the area it's the number one are already available fish the heat said but Chef Ramsay is correct with the walleye I want to serve your little corn cake cheerful right easy to do yeah green beets seasoned with some fresh chives without a little bit of freshness too if you're gonna use herbes they cook with the herbs don't garnish with a hearse don't garnish no cook with them we're a bistro unintimidating exciting food served at cheap prices with some real good flavor right that's the CEO of be stroke the burgers how did within the burger will start the strong base some lettuce to take the bun that's it komm they're caramelized onions so it's a rich you can roasted onion with a balsamic vinegar a dump the burgers please good down please thank you nice protect and protect from their touch more lettuce and then I've got a sort of Thousand Island special sauce to give that sort of zesty yeah hot nuts to the cheese yeah toasted bun I can look at my burger and identify what I'm eating see what I mean yes through there a nice handful of fries on the burger two specials let's go so today's specials local fresh delicious walleye and then we have a classic burger dig in awesome chef how appetizing those burgers look delicious I'm not big on burgers but I'm gonna give him his accolades that was a very good example of how we need to recreate the Bistro oh my goodness is that not amazing [Music] coming up sure what do you want me to you guys stop just when you thought Joe had turned the corner Joe is just completely shutting down he goes right back to his old ways wake up you wake up and he is determined to go toe-to-toe with Chef Ramsay we don't have it our egos it's the fight of the year coming up on Kitchen Nightmares come in here and help me Chef Ramsay is using tonight's dinner service to test the new specials he is hoping to confirm what he believes is the new direction for Mill Street Bistro nice nice nice nice [Music] you have to talk [Music] good evening are we doing tonight well we'll see the trouble I'd like to introduce tonight's specials we have the burger we also have a roll okay here we go all right so we got a Bistro burger beating well and it catch and another Bistro medium you got that everything on there with onions on the bottom this goes on top of that lettuce onions burger lettuce sauce barbie lettuce onions burger lettuce sauce bun top lettuce onions burger lettuce sauce can you just reiterate building with absolute definite yep first lettuce I sit on the bottom white onion jam member feldjoe and jam on their burger on top okay I said lettuce and sauce what table number this is gonna be 24 with Chef Ramsay's guidance the kitchen manages to get the burgers and other entrees ready for the customers who both had the walleye it's really good next after that Joe what is it go what tick is that burger why where was that going that is table 50/50 thank you 350 please wait my appetizer having one out yet oh you're kidding me oh come on guys my entrees are up before my appetizer was up his Joe stabbed the ticket without serving my appetizers Joe two seconds please - Joe Joe what are we doing why do we sell that then if we haven't seen the averages look Joe please Joe gyro token cream joke no answer nobody's told kidding they would say anything I'm hoping one of these are mine 453 boy wait on that tail lady Oh this fish is not going with this this none of these fishes are going with this ticket guys none of these fishes are going with a ticking just cents there is just absolutely no communication coming out of that kitchen and Joe is just completely shutting down [Music] what ball it is for this table Tommy's doing the saute join the Sun right here totally you saw me you talked to me where's the ticket for this you take a [ __ ] sign of that Saint quiet don't say there's a ticket proud of your servant I just gave her the servers two tickets to this able to really complete this table right he's on that side the kitchen was chaotic when Joe is in it Tom can't work nobody can work it's just insane this is carnage we haven't got a hard-on Trisha how long with those young guests been waiting for that burger the ever went in right around 6:00 the button off burgers we got one two three Joe we try to save this for can we bounce back please Joe we're just waiting on what do you need over here we need an elk quesadilla that's really what I mean okay why don't you finish what you were doing doing okay the case of deals anyone say we make this crap I haven't got that massage Joe I know cuz you wouldn't come over here and say you know don't get it that crispy or don't do that with it I mean the answer we're looking for you all what the [ __ ] are you I don't come over there say get that bit crispy I'm out case I dare you want confirmation oh it's a [ __ ] good dish when are you gonna pull your head out your [ __ ] [ __ ] commander stands there and boast about his [ __ ] farm when he's goes you want me to talk about this seriously wake up charge you're choking on you are we making these to these you don't like the dish so you wouldn't give me any [ __ ] clear [ __ ] hell then wake up you wake up India I'm talking coming here to help me instead of running your job [Music] it's dinner service at Mill Street Bistro you want me getting rid of it right [ __ ] now oh and Joe is once again picking a fight with Chef Ramsay and a frustrated Chef Ramsay is ready to explode it help me I guess hissy telling us this guy got his head up his ass he's saying that I'm a fraud in that my annum might might elk is terrible nobody likes it and he knows everything about any food on the planet but he doesn't have an elk farm okay there's difference between passion and [ __ ] ISM and he's got a double dose of [ __ ] ISM with Joe out of the kitchen Chef Ramsay and sous-chef Tom complete the remaining dishes in a timely manner let's finish strong shall we yes yes I just need to finish that off and I'm done tips ready let you woman that way next to that where we go that should be it order up please [Music] we were face to face I said you're a nurse narcissistic I said you got 750 chefs that do your thinking I said you need them because you're so fool yourself I said I'd love to see you you know the [ __ ] to do what I do Chef Ramsay doesn't have the balls the power or the authority to kick me out of my kitchen you have to roll your tape back because he didn't kick me out of my kitchen get out I walked out sorry go two seconds please Joe you are making my life a misery I've been in hundreds I mean hundreds of kitchens across this country chef i interject working Tommy he prepared a lot of those items I'm not blaming him but I should have stopped the I stopped looking for a way out to justify I'm not no I'm not looking don't I'm not gonna argue Joe I'm not going back there enough is enough you are running the business into the ground I'm gonna tell you something really important and I want you to listen you cannot be in that kitchen [Music] it's done I pan off I don't want any chefs I get anywhere near your chest got it yes that was angry but as it sunk in I realize it's not about me it's about taking the restaurant to this potential I want a man up to this and I want to correct it I'm gonna get help okay I'll see in the morning thank you coming with a smile I will good night [Music] refusing to give up on gel and the restaurant Chef Ramsay stays up late designing a new menu for the Mill Street Bistro now he's ready to unveil it welcome come in come in come in come in Joe you already had a stunning restaurant the big revamp was this Bistro cooking it just looks wonderful it looks right this is impressive take a copy of the menu starting off with a crispy duck leg confit light fragrant so with pear butter frizzy bacon sloppy negraph next to that brick chicken confit peewee potatoes black kale and a really nice fragrant seasonal fish you may get the purge the whiting walleye a simple delicious red wine vinaigrette a local dish that is in demand Mill Street burger big hit last night substantial full of flavor mm-hmm and from a classic burger to elk sausage burger slightly gamey they'll be more lean next to that Joe especially for you I do see cooked elk chili really delicious way of highlighting the flavor and that little touch of game eNOS it's different from what I was doing but you'll sell more elk doing a chili and a burger than you would do all year serving loins serving chops great I agree with that it looks appetizing it does not look pretentious that we had I am speechless I am so proud to have this and not even have served it yet I mean incredibly proud yes something I need to tell you all I came to the consensus with Joe there's no way on earth from this day on that he can continue to be in that kitchen I agree it's the reality I'm not a certified chef then we need a true chef might came up with one very talented young man that's gonna make a huge impact in your kitchen and really help kick-start this business off he's the partner and the Executive Chefs at one of the best restaurants in Cleveland the greenhouses haven't you loved it that I do say good morning to Bryan Goodman check the secrets accessories you can put it in a nutshell what would it be the key to success truthfully is local fresh ingredients and it's all about having that knowledge in your head like be confident with what you're doing because that's what we're gonna be in the kitchen tonight confident now he's gonna set up your kitchen he's gonna shortlist an interview to getting a chef here once he's gone you have a real chef that knows what he's doing there's no better brain we're really gonna look forward to your direction good all right anyone hungry yeah oh wow that is really good it is great and a very good way to utilize goat cheese the food is amazing now it's not just Joe's food but it's a food that everybody can relate with I think that we are gonna go above and beyond if joe keeps his butt where it's at there's really good I'm impressed with the food that I just tasted we have french fries it's awesome that is awesome Buddha thought coming up all eyes are on Joe ready to go Willie be an asset we're talking about me Joe Nagy or a liability on relaunch night sir where you going that oh my gosh armed with the new targeted menu and a new consulting chef does it matter which way these are going mean fat to the right fat to the right to the right like that Joe and his staff prepare for relaunch ready to go yeah meanwhile Chef Ramsay's spending some time with the local community in Norwalk he is there to support the Relay for Life walk ladies and gentlemen good morning I'm in town working kitchen nightmares the local bistro and on behalf of Joe Nagy we're gonna make a donation this morning to the American Cancer Society supporters relate for life all of us here are connected in some way to this dreadful disease and we need to continue to fight to eradicate cancer globally in addition Chef Ramsay invites the participants to tonight's relaunch at Mill Street Bistro meeting with the team come over okay big one tonight let me tell you we got to nail this absolutely under percent be vocal okay Brian's gonna be vocal talk to communicate but I'm very important when you guys come back there do not be afraid to tell me you know what you're missing or what you need it's communication that's up our owner he's there to support everybody and to do whatever they want whatever you need ask him if you need something if you're in the weeds verbalize it to me and I will get it taken care of what can I get for you all right I'm gonna do this these are not fish please I will bring that right up all right you're welcome there we go one fritter one beat one duck and a poutine going in the mouth going on a sloppy joe and a chicken fired please looking amazing Thank You chef here we go so fritter beats out at 2:00 poutine poutine Brian's taking control he calls off the orders and we call your respect and it's totally different we are going to table 33 with all this guys with chef Brian running the kitchen table 12 here thank you food makes its way up to the dining room quickly aha we have some food and as the guests enjoy the brand-new food you need anything from me not at this moment of time the servers are enjoying a brand new Joe let me take down Phil I'll go do the waters for you I know what you need to put water it is very nice to see Joe doing something productive if there's any wines that you can't do specials at house sellers let me do those I'm not sure if it's because he doesn't want to get yelled at anymore how he doesn't want to be told he's doing anything wrong but right now he is he's being great Joe how does it feel to hear which in communicate like that how does that make you feel makes me feel proud so keep it going yeah okay come on what do we got here and the window needs to go fish pie 221 sir I'll take these two out right now [Music] we're a little bit early with your food enjoy 21 it already ran I sent it with Jo wait wait wait wait they don't have 21 take it to 20 no you didn't they don't have the food let's check let's check 20 ones the one that was right by the fireplace that's 21 for him to mess up was kind of entertaining I think we have his bag because you know he screams and yells at us for making these small little mistakes well he took a wrong table wrong food whoa sir where you going with that this one to the wrong place okay okay we're gonna actually sit on the table physically other to the person so somebody saw this fish no not the customer that is getting it but did it sit in front of anyone yes okay we're gonna need to drop a new fish for sure oh my god who dropped over that table the first place I brought it there the only time food comes back is when you serve food to the wrong table is the only mistake tonight so chef we're gonna do a new fish thank you it will be up in moments that was a very good example of me getting in the way and I have to be aware of that because I am a hard worker but just need to work a little bit smarter Servais plays okay Barry all right here we go 21 this is the bass here and then this is compliments for the mistake very good brought you a complimentary poutine thank you this is the bass and the potpie okay all right what do we think so far I could just eat this thing the most straight Bistro finally has a chance to make it my final ticket but Joe needs to understand that he needs to change or the restaurants not gonna run thanks again appreciate your business right first off Joe if it was one night I didn't want you to send anything to the wrong town what was tonight however we were covered and we bounced back what an amazing atmosphere in this restaurant tonight yes yes that's what I Goods neighbored bistro should sound like seven nights a week it was fun Joe you have a stunning restaurant a stunning to you let them do it yes it's been a hard week for all of you because you have a very very stubborn owner here right and if this restaurant is going to succeed each and every one of you I'm going to give me a promise that when Joe starts to step backwards in she's old comfort zone you need to stand up to him yeah it was well taken and understood III promise that I won't go into the kitchen okay right here one second oh sure son please take one pass them along this morning I took part in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life walk and on behalf Mill Street Bistro I made a donation to this fabulous charity unknown to you those locals that were at that event this morning supporters survivors of cancer though is where your dynasts a nice and I'm sorry for not telling before service but they want anyone to think that was a Duman bloom I wanted the vibrance no one was looking for sympathy they were looking for a great time and you delivered brilliantly well I'm really proud thank you all of you for a great evening would you mind over to have 30 seconds with Joe please thank you oh right I really meant what I said to your staff you start cutting corners getting back to your old ways honestly it's gonna fail you delivered well it was rough it's over - you didn't have to be that rough let me tell you cuz you're one stubborn man well it didn't have to be but you got to remember what we're talking about me Joe Nagy okay I can't wait to come back good and the last place I want to see you is in the kitchen understood good thanks man your hard work she signed up for good night good night say bye to skinny for me well I listen to Chef Ramsay hard as it was and this is all wonderful but the reality is we don't have a crystal ball who knows what the future holds at the Mill Street Bistro Joe Nagi has given me a nagging headache this has to be one of the most frustrating kitchen nightmares ever we made a lot of improvements this week but I still have my doubts about Joe can you really step up an embrace change or is it just all talking oh boy can that man talk I'm talk and talk and talk and talk [Music] in the months that followed good to see again Joe has kept the majority of Chef Ramsay's menu and business has been steady there have been some staffing changes Jen Kaylee Tommy and Rebecca are gone but Amy Bill and Mike remain at the restaurant i'ma turn us down away Bunch there is one promise that has already been broken these are done Joe is back his head chef but that's how we do it man and the future of Mill Street Bistro is questionable [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 4,640,329
Rating: 4.910594 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Full Episodes, Free TV, Free Television, Free, Cooking, Food, Restaurants, Dining, Unscripted
Id: Ll2Q2Br2Doo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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