Hotel Hell Season 1 Episode 1 FULL

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tonight on hotel hell I'm trying to breathe life back into a historic country in jazz the hotel's arrogant owner Robert Dean the second I've always thought you should live with nice things if you can afford the treats in Lucky's personal Castle and treats his loyal staff with this stained go on then you pompous excuse me don't talk to me what's wrong with it is this hotel beyond my help I'm barely surviving financially and emotionally I mean I'm gonna lose that free thing the historic juniper Hill Inn sits on a hilltop above the quaint village of Windsor Vermont built in 1902 a country mansion both 28 luxurious bedrooms and 2 grand dining rooms it is filled with original works of art and antiques all the same quality antiques dealer robert dean ii and his boyfriend re nicky bought the business six years ago i've always thought that you should live with nice things if you can afford them I thought you'd like it the guests that we don't want here are people who don't have a lot of money but it may look the part but despite robbers dreams of an elite Country Estate the hotel is barely functioning Robert Dean has no hotel or no restaurant experience the prices may be a little too high for locals three hundred and fifty dollars minimum so that's seven hundred dollars the lack of communication is very frustrating where are you I know the customers do that every day I guess this one I can't even get in my room with bookings at an all-time low the hotel is in serious financial trouble but that doesn't stop Robert from living a millionaire's dream Robert believes this place is his playground yeah and a playground for his friends he's got to have a lot of clothes made you can't solve their meals and rows but we never get ticks you're having a hard time paying me because they give away all of their money and food to their friends showing off using this as their private castle with hardly any paying guests it's no wonder that this end is in the red yes we are losing money more or less like $200,000 a year I think that the place is gonna be closed in it's that's very sad Gordon is gonna come into this place and say this places if I don't stop this business from bleeding money its doomed I love to own an end in a setting like this you get it right it'd make an absolute fortune before I get to Juniper hill I want to find out what the town's folk think of the local Inn hello how are you very well in yourself yeah well I have been driving all morning and how's juniper helping you're gonna love it it's beautiful I'm reputation it tends to be a little on the high end for our area okay but I would love to have a place to go to locally do they not invite locals up there I feel um that I'd be interrupting I feel like I'd be intruding what a shame thank you so much have a great day I'd you to Windsor thank you very much indeed take you on your visit thank you here we are juniper Hill Inn now who in the hell would bring an RV all the way out there I'm not staying at Sterling hotel look like y'all that's beautiful Wow okay around the front door calmly then clear the snow for guests to come in you're killing me it's locked that's not very welcoming why do you have a big mansion huh guests can arrive through the front door who wants to enter through the back door mr. Ramsey's here I need you to do room 1 right away Wow honey sisters over finally hello there how are you are you mr. M black golden please Oh Robert Dean Robert Dean we were you over there I was at the front door yes okay this is actually our entrance and in the winter because of snow ready we have to keep that locked otherwise the snow load comes off and kills people kills people yeah I can have you killed anyone so now where's my stuff from um and aftermath of a Antiques Fair yeah this looks like it could be a beautiful room we can't tell because it's tough with so much clutter that's the reception desk no why does sir what is that that is our bar right now you are kidding me this is the bar yes with what the martinis martinis yeah Oh bless you uh made a pig's Pig martini well we have three rescue pad bellied pigs you have three pigs here right why is that for were you born with this in your mouth yeah don't I wish honestly actually no that was a gift from John so yeah Robert obviously loves to show off all these expensive antiques but as a guest I don't feel comfortable I feel like you're in the museum this is the main formal dining room this big chair here is four for one just kind of we're known as a romantic destination and I just out of interest how we would move the time of moving please yes so your sofa we thought it was kind of nice to have like a cozy banquette oh well three u.s. presidents have dined here oh really which one's uh Teddy Roosevelt Calvin Coolidge Teddy Roosevelt died in here Wow I wanted to try to give him a little bit of sense of the history but juniper Hill Wow okay so that's the dining room well we have two dining rooms god you must be busy with two diagrams well I wish we were busy bloody hell we have spurts of being incredibly busy right uh where we lack is all the other times ready yeah this place looks like a millionaire's mansion not a strug in business I've got to scratch beneath the surface this place per week is turning how much we're lucky if we're doing you know fifteen thousand a month what does it cost to keep the place open thirty pretty yep so you're losing $200,000 a year it's been a nightmare we maintained our room rates thinking about the economy wouldn't be this long a hall but we've all experienced those kind of difficulties and myself including but you navigate your way out of a recession unfortunately my partner lost his job we expected him to have his job for a little longer it was the gained a substantial pay off retirement it's all been put into this how much over a million dollars I mean he does into this already yes and does he have an active role in the business he tries to maintain the accounting and he helps just about with everything we're in trouble trouble you'd never guess from the look of this place it's more like Buckingham Palace on Skid Row do you know what and Robert honestly I'd to go straight to my room if you have mine play all right Wow ah goes on it does it's the largest colony Revival mansion in new england more paintings and you're in the max we'll have art suite which is the original Wow peaceful room and I mean this is uh this is a view food but what's that smell I mean seriously it it does smell yeah I mean that is horrific oh my god it smells like sewage coming up Robert staff turn on him that's what's clearly truth right the truth is all I want to know I'm telling you exactly how I feel and how the people that I work with feel the entire staff is ready to walk out you can talk to him is your share I'm beyond angry I'm beyond pissed off and I have to step in how dare you you still haven't got it get your head out you start getting a little real excuse me go on then you pompous I'm at Vermont's juniper Hill Inn I've just met his owner Robert Dean the second who's filled his hotel with expensive art and antiques we bought with this in her mouth but it can't fill his rooms and his business is struggling you're losing $200,000 a year it's been a nightmare and no wonder because although the room he's put me in looks nice beautiful room it has one major drawback places it smells like raw sewage we had a plumbing issue and license under the bed and um how much this room goes for three hundred and fifty dollars a night three hundred and fifty dollars a night for brewing the smells of well you're kidding me we haven't rented it though blood tea how it's been out of use for four months four months yeah oh come on it has been this is crazy it is crazy it just makes sense I gotta get out of this think it's another room yes like I have room to bloody how I didn't realize $350 to be Katie Wow it's gorgeous and this one doesn't smell like crap I'm gonna quickly unpack and then I would I would like to have a quick bite of lunch okay oh I'm not a fan sometimes the restaurant closed French I know we actually don't serve lunch normally but we're happy to prepare you something is that a joke we serve dragon oh stop stop stop stop stop you don't actually serve lunch now the restaurants closed for lunch yes if someone requests lunch we'll make lunch for them but could you prepare lunch for me ah yes I can I'll tell the chef please okay thank you yes not open for lunch Gordon is gonna want lunch huh Gordon wants lunch what am I supposed to do with that information as a welcome breath of fresh air on the back of that disgusting smell of crap in that room I can't believe it and the rooms are gorgeous and yet how could you have a room that has been smelling for months that bad and then he sticks me in it well I'm despite the hideous smell in that first guest room I've still worked up quite an appetite hello hi how are you Barbara Barbara how do I see you I'm nicely to see you I wasn't I have a mad crush on good as he knows I'm a cougar how do you know it was all last week I turned 70 you're kidding me you look your hair you don't need my 70 watch out Joan Collins I'm telling you now bloody how bother what's wrong with this place Wow no no nutshell don't get any people like pulling teeth to get my pager you don't get paid it takes forever to get my paycheck and when I do it's usually something left out the whole you you don't get paid and when you do it not on time we spoking supposed to get paid every two weeks so would you had a fortnight's I made six thousand this year six thousand dollars a year that's ridiculous you know you gotta have the money flowing and it's almost come to a standstill at this point my last paycheck was $48 unbelievable Roberts obviously got enough money to fill the guest rooms with fine art and antique furniture but it doesn't pay staff and I'm starving Ward recommend with the crab cakes with a little salad so this is the dinner menu okay cuz when I own for lunch the lamb sounds great as well you want the lamb yeah all right darling is this a prix fixe menu er yeah there's no prices on here what sort of ration doesn't have prices on the menu it's like a club for millionaires where if you have to ask you can't afford it I've got a supplement of $15 from the lamb how much is I not charged for the lamb is Robert nearby how much is it for three courses $59 $59 so if we had the lab it would be 74 people are horrified at the price of the food this is why a lot of people think that juniper Hill is snobbish when we typically take a reservation we will tell people it's a three-course meal that's for the residents I'm talking about a local coming in here we're reservation only so nobody walks in we don't have to walk in how can you expect to appeal to locals we haven't identified the appropriate people to come here or all of them would you mean appropriate people who people who can afford $59 for three courses appropriate people what a snob where does he think he is the Ritz and where's your table which one's your table well most the time eight in our RV our motorcoach say that again oh we have a motorcoach to the side and where'd it come from is your Drent it yeah it's ours we I mean we owe on it but we bought it and we bought it yeah how much was that over $100,000 $100,000 you're three years away from 50 you should not be living in an RV oh we don't live in an RV it is a motor coat which is the higher-end version of an RV it is that psychological break for us and it gives me a place to relax and kind of unwind I actually love it I could live there the rest of my life to be honest with you it's quiet it's clean I suppose in this place doesn't get fixed then you might be in there full-time here I'm just sat down for lunch at the juniper Hill hello and already I found out the staff aren't paid on time like pollen teeth to get my page and the owners live in a camper outside how much was that over a hundred thousand dollars this place is baffling I hope the food makes more sense accent Wow where are the crab cakes our lesson there underneath her are they mini crab cakes are we the chef has decided that those are of the size that he needs to serve I mean that tastes dreadful that thing takes sort of washy and soapy and $20 for them he's as cheap with his crab cakes as he is with his style now for the lamb with Roberts ridiculous $15 extra charge it's a rack of lamb and crusted in macadamia nuts fresh herbs and a little bit of Dijon mustard it's served with a honey vinegar reduction so even cooked properly rested I will get nervous when you see white fat like that on the side of the chop is it to your liking I'm pretty roll in the center you like the flavor of it though the honey Karen no way too sweet I'm not satisfied with the quality foods coming out of the kitchen I believe our chef has a learning curve to be marking it needs to be thank you we just lost our other chef why did the chef leave that supposed to tell you the truth right the truth is a lot won tonight why did the chef leave well her paycheck she put all her everything on her right chach cuts and and she just beckoned she wasn't paid back for what she chefs bought produce she did she did everything she was the best chef ever Bob let's drift I'm starving um the peanut butter chocolate decadence I could do with some that pick me up please thank you I chef that left because you have to buy produce on her own credit card I mean this guy's priorities are upside down they like the same hey are you ready this he said he doesn't care the sweetness this fat around it he didn't care for the flavor of the honey Garr Wow thank you very much did you cut it in half because it looks like some dick and where's the other half gone it goes to the another person who are no no I want my two half $74 this place is insane listen half my desserts missing the hue thing I'm spending $74 for dessert that is half cocked hmm it's actually quite nice there is hope I'm sorry you know I mean I've already say that that is not a dessert that he made Baba made it no somebody else makes desserts it's ordered like store-bought like through one of our purveyors what where's the chef is in the kitchen can you have out please yes that's what I don't chef Julian in my opinion is not living up to his potential as a chef he will try to cut corners and I think Gordon needs to know these things I've just spent $74 for three plates of absolute dire dated food have cakes yes sir you can't put too little half sized crab cakes that came from a can there's bigger cakes chef a canopy party my lamb was cold in the middle the fat was white it was one like a mouthful of sugar the best tasting dish for me was the chocolate peanut thing that I got served half a portion that's not even made in-house boys this there's no synergy here there is honestly a lack of communication often sometimes when I'm in the middle of doing breakfast service for the ten people that we randomly get I get five texts from him asking me a question so why you texting him if you have a question I can maybe leave the RV and come out to tell me those texts well you nitpicking are you trying to control him I know I'm trying to make sure I I haven't been sleeping very well to be honest with you and I've had I've been beaten down I'll take responsibility for everything that happens in the kitchen you don't own the place you own it yeah he's acting more responsible what do you earn a week you don't mommy ask him a thousand dollars before taxes four hundred $400 a week to be the head chef in a luxury hotel that's insane I mean you're barely surviving I'm I'm I don't know that I'm even barely surviving if you're not happy with your work environment you should leave are you taking the herbs it's just an abuse for you or you do to these people so their livelihood this is your responsibility Rob's world and you in an RV a hundred grand everybody is disgusted that you live in that thing they really are because it costs so much money and they can't get their paycheck on time well that is not the that is an authority issue they are surrounded by wealth and reminded of poverty at the same time because of that RV well is simple to meet that RV is a symbol and it's a symbol that you're separating yourself from everybody else I'd be very careful about coming down on me too hard I'm telling you exactly how I feel and how that may work with he'll let me tell you how I feel when you're in your kitchen all day long and you're on the internet instead of actually trying to perfect a menu and get a menu how long did I ask for you to make a menu of your own and if I'm on the computer usually as I'm trying to research menu research ingredients give me a break I've given you plenty of breaks I work very long days and I haven't been paid in three weeks there's only been one paycheck that I got on time almost the entire staff is ready to walk out because they are tired of not getting paid I need to say no we do things oh please it's my first day at Vermont juniper Hill e'en and the back between the chef and the owner and be very careful about coming downtown me to her has turned what should be a charming country in into a war zone I'm telling you exactly how I feel I work very long days yeah and I haven't been paid in three weeks there's only been one paycheck that I got on time almost the entire staff is ready to walk out because they are tired of not getting paid I need to say no we're tired and half the team is broke I'm beyond angry I'm beyond pissed off well I just got the new grip to me Gordon says that I live in a fantasy world and that I live in a million-dollar RV while our employees can't pay their bills and all of this kind of stuff cuz we don't pay them on time and they're all complaining that they haven't gotten their paychecks this time either oh they haven't and he said that everything is all about me I can't believe what I miss this place is I've got to get off this hill for a bit there's someone I need to see hello is that Lyda it's Gordon Ramsay I've got some questions about Robert and juniper Hill would you mind if I pop over for five minutes please great I'll see them thanks Ida I think the old chef that quit will be able to give me some insight into what's wrong with juniper Hill good to see you good to see you come on in give me the insight to what was like actually working there perhaps it was very interesting five years uh things were going very very well and then all of a sudden two years into it they stopped answering the phone Robert I think thought he was too important to answer the phone or who's too busy doing other things so preoccupied and distracted very very preoccupied distracted and not focused at all I'm maintaining his own business well I was getting cut out of a living when they did all this stuff I used to earn forty fifty thousand dollars in one restaurant and now I'm down to earning fifteen will you paid on time um not very often uh Jimmy join money to buy things all the time and then I would have to demand to be paid back or we were I can open today it's insane Barbara's been shorted checks a lot she's barely holding hundred dollars a week yeah any more pair and then if he had a private party with all his friends he didn't tip him you're kidding me no I was just disgusted oh yeah that's where I told that you can't do that no you just can't treat people like that now he's a confirmed snob and he thinks he's above yeah he thinks he's untouchable I'm here to make this place work and the first thing we'll do burst his bubble I'd like to be a fly on that wall but would you come back and walk through the doors to have a look at it at the end of the week and just come back for dinner no not just one guy no I'm not even interested in getting it I just fear getting it in one more battle with our ear Robert shot five years yeah do you think I've got a chance of saving the problem he has now is nobody will work there yeah I'm there to get this place turned around um those staff deserve a better future they do you know I feel terrible for um listen thank you you're very welcome um preciate your time enjoy thanks I'd love to meet you see - bye-bye bye-bye how sad is that after five years of her life dedicated to the juniper Hill yeah she won't even step foot in the door she's only see them I'm the old chap that because she couldn't stand it and the current chef looks like he's ready to walk too I wonder if everyone here is feeling the same frustration what's wrong with the place what's wrong face we're lacking paychecks on time paycheck you don't get paid on time either yeah supplies basic supplies we don't even have I mean no well purchase gas checks for us today so that we've been using scrap pieces of paper first neighbors I'm Ryan Keith Brian Keith how would you do I'm the estate manager here I do all the maintenance on the house I've done everything here though that's why he likes me to spread out my talents to try and help anybody where ever they need help how's morale not good I personally haven't been paid since the 6th of January here it is the 1st of February just leaning a mumblin you pay the employees before paying your bills when they've done the work that's their livelihood home age you're still here working as hard as you are his staff never needs to be treated like this let me tell you it's always as if what you're saying to him doesn't get through because he sees you as not an equal he treats me like that and that really bothers me because I feel like I've contributed a lot it's actually pretty degrading this is insane coming up oh your heart I uncover the shocking extent of Roberts reckless spending thousands of dollars worth hundreds of thousands of dollars Roberts dreadful communication skills caused a meltdown I said where did this check out ask him again tempers flare a McKinney one I am the boss and Robert reveals his true colors how dare you I'm shocked with what I'm finding at the juniper Lane owner Robert once the killer chef how long did I ask for you to make a menu of your own and the rest of the staff want to kill Robert how's morale not good estate manager Ryan has told me about some of the problems but now he wants to show me if you want to see the root of the problem let's go to the basement so the basement yes please what's in there everything Irie it's the majority of it is personal items not even the shells old-line let's see how look at this place oh my god look at this stuff stereos wine racks quilts chairs tables copper pans more chairs over there look at these Robert prides himself in having to have the very best of everything there's enough in here to open three restaurants there's all this stuff's still brand-new most of it is brand and litter with thousands of dollars Roberts got so much stuff he could furnish a dozen houses he doesn't pay staff it's crazy where we go race yourself we're going up to the office you're killing me I'll no come on this is the office this is the office you're kidding me not at all I wanted you just gars me half to death oh my gosh she's insane it would only take a day or two to sort out this hoarders heaven but robbers left it in chaos no wonder he spends all day hiding in his RV this guy has lost the plot this is disturbing please tell me is there more yes there's more this is where the pigs are kept at least they look great hey pigs we live a life of luxury while everyone around them suffers sounds strangely familiar bloody hell so the owners live out the pig living there's more so check out the storage units storage units gee I'll kiddingly enough oh my gosh this one's all personal items look ugh I mean I swear to God it's like a special edition of folders I mean honestly Wow I'm in shock you know that and this one all of this entire storage unit is full of chairs oh you're hard look at this stuff honestly I mean they must be packed with thousands of dollars worth hundreds of thousands of dollars how much stuff does one need lotty how i can't believe how much stuff Robert has bought he must have spent a fortune I've got to meet robert's partner Ari and find out why he's financing all this I'm welcome welcome why no sorry it's a pleasure please my god so how much money have you put into this business personally smallest what meaning does a million dollars and how much have you seen back nothing it was saw my I severance package is my income that I when I was working and then my retirement plaques Roberts savings are in artwork and antiques I have supporting this in with my my savings clearly this is a beautiful place but pulling entire life savings into a sinking ship is insane and with Robert oh the helm treating his staff so poorly I don't see things getting any better Robert is in a fantasy world and I've been struggling all day to get through to him this place it's dreamland a playground for your boyfriend Robert your biggest problem is not juniper Hill your biggest problem is Robert I'm at Vermont's juniper Hill Inn and I've just had a difficult conversation Roberts partner Ari who seems strangely unconcerned about how bad things really are here how much money we put into this business personally Marla certainly knows I mean does how much have you seen back nothing but I've tried to make him see who's to blame for the problems your biggest problem is Robert dinnertime is approaching word has spread about me being at the inn and the place is bustling disease hello nice to see you I'm learning a lot about why the inn is struggling by watching Robert and Arie deal with the new influx of guess anyone with any rational experience would stagger the seating of guests but as if they're just welcoming people to a dinner party at a prime of the house hello there how are you Robert and Ari see everyone at once yeah at the corner make return you're back in 1902 it's a meant to be relaxed evening and order in and that's the recipe for disaster for chef Julian and the waitstaff chef I'm making a change on 21 write it down don't tell me just write it down cousin order you guys kidding me with all these orders who set everybody at once like this we don't know about Pacey who's writing the ticket Jimmy now in table for Table five some of them have names on them some of them do not who wrote that chick is nothing the table number on that table for the lobster where's table 23 then I need one person at a time any less talking in the kitchen labels 23 has got a notion of a sink 2008 people ask me for something with Julian haven't been slammed by the owners dreadful seating Ari isn't helping the strain Alice fear with an awkward artless then like this this is from 1800 and it was painted for Opera House because you know what it is what is it come on everybody has to know what that is it's a Hannibal going across the ABS with the white everybody should to know that on the other side of the house Rob is also busy giving a lecture this is one of the original signs to the house there's a lot of history here Teddy Roosevelt actually was best friends with the man or a very good friend with the man who actually built the house max whatever you always get this backed up I mean yes yeah when I have for seating Robert has groups of his friends command sitting him at once okay so you're waiting for your starters that yes okay yeah let me check on those for you okay yeah Robert yes this ticket system is bollocks surely handwritten tickets no time on there no proper dates the coordination who trains the front-of-house team who's in charge of the restaurant who is that I would be the host and then usually the host yes the chef takes over the kitchen this place is such a mess clearly Robert has no idea how to run a hotel yeah so you'd need to you're gonna straighten out the drinks cuz they lose that we lost 30 girls Robert we lost as he drinks please I often find drinks not written down or just a lack of follow-through and it's a big problem when we're trying to make money there's no communication between the bar and the dining room so people get serve drinks but no one remembers the charge for them but we're losing big money no kidding and they're losing their checks and I'm going crazy trying to figure out a system they have hardly any guests and don't charge the ones they do have no wonder this place is in the red how does it happen they're supposed to write the drinks down and then apply them to a table and the room and then they go into the computer the ticket system is bogus and as I feared seating everyone at once is already causing problems for the staff and the guests with guests now suffering and the kitchen falling apart my brother's ill-managed seating come on I have to step in just to stop that you have to be kidding me this goose liver is burned to a cinder stop Julian yes come on buddy I know we're in the we're busy foods dying in the window a foie gras cellars I mean honestly it's like a piece of beef jerky where's Ari get me Ari urgently I mean honestly come on guys hello I stopped that I just said it note what is that what is that Barbara that's foie gras that is much more grass it's not funny guys so that is not funny I mean I know really does anyone have any standards here yes well can I see them can I see something down on two cuz right now I just want to get out of here I can only be as good as I am with the tools that I have I'm embarrassed and I know that I can do better I know the staff can do better first off no more tickets in the kitchen give him ten minutes to catch up okay all right I'm Robert is it possible for a first time put a phone away do you check off a dig deep a little bit yeah please yeah somebody I'm concerned that food is in the window and it's just dying parsley is on Table six mark entree send them there should be set here how am I supposed to do everything Barry are you with me I'm where you loner I'm with you knows Panera I keep trying to you know you can talk so Amy's your chef well when I try to communicate missus yeah yeah yeah no no no no I can't do and no he doesn't find you telling me anything I found like I do I wanted to walk out what's up on a wall Carrie we communicate with him talk to him there well I have been trying to show when he finishes it single food there's always a third dish not ready or a fourth dish well must be water coming behind but unless you ask how you suppose oh I have been asking I said where did this chick Roe ask him again it's the middle of dinner service at juniper Hill Inn and chef Julian is drowning under a flood of orders how am I supposed to do everything back here owner Robert has finally decided to get his hands dirty to try and help but he's utterly incapable of communicating with his chef when he finishes it Cinda food is always a third dish not ready or a boy this boy must be one of three weeks behind by listen how you supposed o where's the soup go Julian table 23 okay told you one minute again I need foie gras where I know I have a right behind me all right well okay Julian yes that's what you call communication it's better communication that's what you call communication Robert there's a difference between interrupting and no communication and when you put those entrees out there you make sure they go you've got to start stepping up and dictating a little bit cuz this is just madness I agree most us from start to finish and it was their costume and horns all that dreadful with an owner and chef so incapable of communicating with each other it's no surprise that diners are unhappy and they're not the only ones while robbing re are living the dream their staff are living a nightmare hopefully by gathering everyone one room okay I can get to the root of the problem I've never seen a hotel and in in such disarray there needs to be structure and there isn't structure it's just like a scramble it's a mess there was no order in the kitchen nobody took responsibility for any one thing no one has been taught any standards in any department really it's like I'm racing from thing to thing nobody knows what the other ones doing there's nobody here that is in control willing to take charge I did 40 in respond myself tonight I could help you and exactly ask I can cook the rack of lamb excuse me brag me about it give me one plate is nothing to brag about excuse me excuse me I am the boss you can't call yourself the boss if you don't pay them I mean honestly do you think that's normal re do you think that's the way to look after your team every pay period there is a problem with the checks every paper this department check and a lot I don't know what the problem is on but I know it's the same two people you get to know about it first all you have to go ask him for your salary I always ask for that's absolutely wrong and the reason is he's like no no no he's not lying I would rather have them wait then write a check that's going to bounce because I don't how about telling him it's not gonna be ready rather than having to ask like some skivvy cap in hand please sir may I get paid anybody else have to wait yes how long five days more I see Barbara I had to wait five weeks you had to what I had to wait five weeks before I got a paycheck five weeks guys you come in and you work your ass off the least these two guys can do is pay your salary on time I don't have a secretary Gordon I'm sorry I'm trying to communicate with brides I'm trying to send out things I have to have peaceful time in order to do my work are you always this pathetic I am NOT pathetic well when are you gonna stand up and start showing some respect for your team and start growing a pair to sort of understand the measuring I understand the mess we're in crime fighting for the team you dug the oh yes I'm for the minute so there they don't have to work here oh my me you know the bottom line there how dare you know they don't have to work here how dare you how dare you they don't have to work here oh my god I get disrespectful disgusting man they don't have to work here I don't think you realize how lucky you are because it wasn't for one two three four five six of them you'd be driving that RV miles away from here Robert definitely needs a reality check it's life or death right now and I don't think he actually realizes what kind of jeopardy this place is in there's not all about you Robert Roberts world robbers bubble Roberts dream you're not the lord of the manor and you're not the Great Gatsby you walk you're you're Robert there's only me in here excuse me excuse me go on then you pompous excuse me don't talk to me like what what's wrong with it I want to know don't speak to me like I'm telling you yeah yeah are you and start getting a little real you still haven't got it that this place is sinking start paying a little bit more attention to the guys on the ground understand how hard it is out there forget your Antiques Roadshow and start from the bottom running this business you're right there's no structure it's fragmented the team needs a leader they need a structure we need a mentor I need some support and all they get is nitpicks what kind of motivation is that all right Hertz is a beam hit you're just blaming people I'm blaming you for not taking charge get real one potato two vigor
Channel: Arvydas Adutavicius
Views: 8,269,316
Rating: 4.8650498 out of 5
Keywords: Hotel, Hell, S01E01, HDTV, XviD, AFG
Id: VQxkgEUG-xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2012
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