Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 4 Episode 15 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares there's so much hate in my direction Gordon is faced with a restaurant that is at war with its community it's just about money she's not in the right she's acting like a bully Owens and East whiting has become the most hated person in Baltimore afraid for my life what debt fashion but our huge public relations issues are just part of the problem there's one way to do it here my way because inside the walls of her establishment there is trouble everywhere your ego is huge people don't like you the kitchen is won by a dictator 86 the French fries and the staff is ready to rebell your Roux [ __ ] can court and Institute a ceasefire we've got a big issue here it's not me you have to convince the city of Baltimore and save this restaurant from a city that would prefer that it didn't exist the restaurants gone sorry [Music] what is that disgusting amazing Hampton Maryland a proud community located just outside of Baltimore and home to Cafe hon a restaurant whose name a special meaning to the local population and what's your name hon hon is a term of endearment when you're being friendly that's what you say you say hon Palmer people of the word hon it's their word you know opened by entrepreneur Denise whiting in 1992 cafe hunt quickly became a local landmark Cafe hon hugs you when you get here it's just food family and fun with her business doing well Denise decided to capitalize on Baltimore's love affair with the word hon she not only trademark cafe high but the word hon as well Denise wanted to make money she wanted to sell her mugs her t-shirts her little knick-knack things and a back bar he's fighting the owner of cafe hun and she said she would go after anyone that uses the word hon Denise had it Baltimore behind her and then she announced that she trademark on and that ticked off a big portion of Baltimore this thing gets fun in this crazy way they Lodge a boycott on a restaurant I mean I'm the villain I'm the bad person since the whole hun controversy there has been a decline in business it's you know drop dramatically says all this has started janeshia is taken out her frustration on her staff what is this supposed to be she can be very harsh I'm surprised that I have anyone left in the kitchen to be honest with you go downstairs and I want you to give me a roll of paper towels that are separated there's one way to do it here my way with the Dottie's why is it sitting there is this for something when we have somebody that's not able to lead us we're serving terrible food it's pretty much been hell she's not helping in the kitchen she doesn't know what she's doing she's gonna run us down at the ground and if Chef Ramsay doesn't come in we're screwed we really are I'm done so broke at this range it's not fair and it's not right that these anonymous people that are out there trashing your business and people are listening is this what I'm supposed to keep doing am I supposed to keep fighting for what I believe in for what I've spent 20 years of my life just building after learning of the huns scandal Chef Ramsay stops by a local radio station hoping to get a better understanding as to why the community has turned its back on this restaurant today's best music mix 106 five have the best day ever we'll see you tomorrow morning it's Jojo and Ragan all right that's a wrap well you guys this is a good time I'm Regan receiver hi Jojo Jojo good to see you yep hi so nice to see you all thank you likewise thanks for giving a couple of minutes your valuable time and I'm dying to find out in terms of a reputation Cathy hon how is the food Oh I've only eaten there two or three times but the food is on the back burner woman when you talk about Cafe hon talk about Denise whiting she trademarked the term hon which is a cultural icon in Baltimore I mean it's it's a term of endearment locally locally it's huge in this community I mean it just it represents friendliness this welcoming pun is a word that was in our vocabulary in Baltimore long before it was part of a restaurant she went to a newspaper and said I own it I own the word locally everyone's happy with the name of the Russian but they just weren't happy with her trying to own something that belonged to the town as opposed to her I'm sure she was threatening businesses with washers the lawsuits I mean went that far she had apparently you know throwing out some cease and desist letters to people who are using it she demanded legal fees from somebody that was making tourist stuff with just the word hon on it that didn't say cafe huh oh dear what's the feeling now has the business suffered on the back of that the people who were most offended with the people in that immediate neighborhood yeah I mean she's always become the anti-hunger yes well well thank you for the inside yeah I'm here to help turn that place around I'll turn it around yeah but it's gonna be happy let me say we've got our work cut out already have you been to the question yet any taste the food yet yeah thank you good to see are you gonna sing do you know how to find the restaurant big pink flamingo you can't miss it said I got a big pink flamingo on the outside like a full-size living go go the 60 feet or so I look for a pink flamingo thank you take care the rest of the flamingos [Music] holy mackerel look at the size of that thing wow he's serious look at that Debra nice to see you what is that precede I just made a dessert whip cream whipped cream thank you for that I was just so excited to see him I didn't even think about worship but with people I have been here 10 years well Wow well you know I got a soul mate so anyway yeah meet the owner can I have some please thank you then I need Dinis they're waiting for you you're waiting for me yes okay oh just waiting like you to meet Chef Ramsay oh you and Gracie must soon see let's go somewhere quiet shall we have another couple minutes okay Denise is gonna of not she's not gonna be herself I believe she's gonna pretend to be that perfect little darling and I hope that Gordon Ramsay really can see through any facade she will put up you look unhappy come on why am I upset I mean business pretty much was half of what it was last year I've taken everything I had and put it in here I mean I completely evaporated my small IRA that I had it slowly house everything's gone into here my last ten thousand one and two weeks ago oh my god I said know what to do anymore so what happened how did it stop going badly the problem is I federally registered the hon as a as a trademark Russ years ago somebody picks up that I federally registered hon and starts saying that I have stolen something from the city of Baltimore the newspapers radio television they belittled demeaned I have people scream at me from across the street just horrible things about oh yeah I mean I wasn't afraid for my life you felt that presence yeah real life yeah what death threats well people wishing me dead why would they want to be so vicious to you if they don't know me I find it hard to believe that it's just because you registered the word Hana and you've done nothing else nothing else there's nothing else that managed to piss off anybody else I'm I'm not aware of anything else I've done did you not sue anyone I never see it anybody you didn't sue anybody did you threaten to sue anybody no I've done my own work before I got here I did I see you're not being fair now well I did a cease and desist you did I did enforce a legal letter threatening to sue someone using that now you've been very devious and you know I'm trying to get to the bottom of it but I'm not gonna extract let out the stone I want to work with you but make it very different for me when you don't tell me the truth coming up Gordon sees the dark side of Denise everybody attention three six in here I really don't care great and when she pushes the staff too far Oh God we're all gonna get fired right now they start pushing back your blue [ __ ] and I'm tired of it people don't like you after being disappointed by Denise's cover-up of the PR problems at Cafe hon on time for lunch Gordon can now begin to focus on the filling hello this is hi I'm Janet Janet nice to see you darling how long you been here how much 20 years 40 years Wow this is nice to see here eight years this is love the hair I do this myself in the bathroom wow wow wow the key is hairspray hairspray hairspray hairspray actually enjoy your night migration deeds well manda sorry yes two things who is there on the front cover there that's nice Denise yeah destiny is looking wonderful looking wonderful wonderful wonderful Wow Denise thanks that she's a rockstar everything is just in your face Denise right would you recommend the big Bay Club it has our shrimp salad and crab cake well let's start off with bass shall we okay I'll go for the much better the mom's mom singer Wow I think right for us gotta go for the coma fish-and-chips bomber bomber bomber bomber Oh Homer so so like Baltimore you're saying it quickly Ballmer Wilma it's Bo Murray's holidays balls ball Marines oh bomber bomber thank you home honey humming looks amazing thank you Paul [Music] Shakespeare layoffs in the kitchen that's for sure what all right we can go on the Big Bang you know I used to just say you know serve a good food and the people will come this is what it sure seems like this is perfect well we continue to serve good food but the people don't come back is that my big day yes are you taking about it let me take it down Tower of seafood big Bay Club wasn't that this is a lair shrimp salad the layers vom crab cakes bacon and lettuce and tomato thank you how to start easy sandwich this why I mean honestly it's question of death I surrender to break it down deconstructed Wow the crab delicious it's a very pleasant surprise let me tell you - it's nice layer of crap and then he's stone cold shrimp underneath manda works this but here I mean that they text either week old you might got their gasoline taste of the fridge it's all burnt off sex he almost takes by the tainted yeah just a mess I'll leave that one done so the shrimp tastes like that the head like a weird aftertaste they're like I'm this tastes like really the refrigerator they taste like they're old a lot of the menu items are crap it's Denise's recipes it's the way she wants it done I don't understand this is perfect Denise never think she's wrong this is burger and that her biggest downfall [Music] no little dark it's good enough are we happy with us I'm taking this nice stick it Denise does what Denise wants to do and she won't listen to me she will listen to anyone else it's aggravating english-style fish and chips Wow English style holy mackerel house cut fries from fresh potatoes and what kind of fish is it cod fish cod fish okay well simply use of age is greasy no okay great thank you thank you [Music] sighs the 90 meter square this for a fact who the batter soggy to stick to the fish stressful machine commander it's dry fish is dry well the whole batter just sort of almost like peels away from it those fries or shame well just so soggy putting my fingers yeah we have 50 tips and the tastiest thing on the plate is the tartar sauce it's a big disappointment I love fish and chips shame Wow the cooks are doing the best that they can with the way they've been told to do things so it's nice this fall over all greasy fish fry the batter is just falling off of it when he said the fries they were mushing really that's weird can they squeeze it in all this like grease all over him french fries you know you get some potatoes that are one way and some potatoes are another way and they're having a problem with the consistency of the potatoes I mean it's just making me crazy right give the meat luck coming off like now thanks Lester geez and this one is and thank you mom that is a very bold statement thank you it's like a flamingo to just land it on my plate stressful that's disappointing this the actual flavor I mean we love ya and the Demi lass is just so thank you sometimes that can be running today it's actually thick it's just mild everything's like a big thick varnish that just I believe it's Anissa better than mums me but thank God my mother's lunch today well and we also want to take that booklet booklet 11 : yes chef okay he wants you to try the broccoli the broccoli is on the straw Nash is cold and the demi-glace is too thick and a meatloaf the plant okay every time he had a comment or criticism it's pretty ridiculous they've been here for 20 years had to have done something right maybe he's not the answer are we done I'm touched through the kitchen he's been saying I need everybody hi guys hello this is right Craig I'm Trisha you opened the meat station yes good thing she said elicit anything he says I hope so I don't think she looked she might snap freaked out like oh yeah wicked this is a comfort food restaurant right yes and I think you have comfort food I think of meatloaf another excitement gland and the big pay secret sandwich crab delicious but underneath at least stone cold shrimp is horrible after taste fishy chips - the fish is overcooked the batter is just falling off it and you hand-cut those rice yes they're cooked treasuring do you season them and taste the people to go out we do Nazis in the Prince Udo season from yeah this issue yeah you told them they can't season the fry fast food joint seasoned fries for God's sake there's no chair and there's not much to say you know it's what we have it's the meaning that we have laid out and it's the right that's our we can't do you enjoy cooking this I don't enjoy cooking Armenian food I just don't mean what we do try to change things you know it's always oh I don't like it my case you know we who doesn't like it Denise so you telling me you can do better than what's on the menu I thought the problems were on the outside you've got them on the inside and the outside combine both and I'm amazed you still open I know that we have a good product and I'm not gonna let anybody get in my way including Chef Ramsay after discovering that Denise's food might be as bad as cafe Huns PR [ __ ] flamingo Chef Ramsay is anxious to see how the kitchen handles a busy dining-room duties hurry up tonight word has spread that Chef Ramsay is in Baltimore and the dining room was full for the first time in a year yacht fishing tips parking and the kitchen is now dealing with a flood of orders asparagus for that and I can get you out your hair let's start falling to the table let's get there all right can you believe that asparagus so it's all nice and neat you know I got three sticks of news I really don't care great when Denis comes in our chef clothes it's like having a hurricane in there she just goes headache and you know you know I want this done now lived on this way I need your attention hello all right I'm tired of seeing the asparagus dunked in a bin all different kinds of ways you know you start with the small things we always get little lessons from Denis and it's frustrating because you just can't stop then everything backs up and it's it's it just causes a lot of problems you cut off the ends and you blanch them you hold this very good I don't have time to stand around and watch her do this one I have other you know jobs to do humming I need that crab dip on 420 to take this 257 despite the nice slowing down our kitchen with an asparagus lesson and then your wings will be right out some of the dishes still managed to make their way out to the diners what's over there overcooked and he said I don't like mush where's that Turkey for something they did not like this I'm getting something out for sure all right this turkey we're not serving it anymore eighty-six the turkey any turkey on the board 86 the jerky [Music] yes you did the thing I'll get it meet him Table five wanted a medium steak was wrong it's a well five what a medium this as well yeah medium much give me those sweets I don't want to use those steaks give me give me all those steaks from in there we work all servers that we have no steaks I have no stake are you serious yes took the ones we had no meadow from out all this if you're I'm all out 50 to get in through the mouth this is something that Denise normally does 86 in things 86 biscuits you guys they don't like it 86 to potpie 86 the catfish instead of fixing an entree in the moment she pulls the entire food item from service sweat goes you guys 86 the French fries oh my god Wow fishy chips throughout the chips we need to find out about all the tables and have french fries on the tickets that are not getting french fries we are out of price for the fish and chips and what would you like 86 the sweet fries sweet fries we have nothing to serve that to 86 every million died why are we 86 in this sweet fries 86 we were tailor plans we got the [ __ ] cooker I don't get it I'm just I'm in pain here thank you okay as my nightmare continued is we're out of sweets in price Oh sweetie oh right Denise kept pulling stuff but now I have to walk to the table and telling Heath the fruits not there I can only apologize so many times to somebody I'm embarrassed by it as the menu items keep dwindling oh I'll take it off your check honey I apologize the diners patience is dueling as well I've never seen you like this I've never seen anything now so dysfunctional see the kitchen work so backwards you can't keep customers waiting an hour for food then eighty-six it find out the total amount that we can't oh Jesus what the [ __ ] was a lab out ship channel policy yeah and is she always like that yes how'd you concentrate like that and so and you really can't no she ate you six everything I can I tell you I've got six hundred and one and boys and a hundred and fifty almost and discounts that $750 total Wow yeah only that is ridiculous it is thank you guys yeah crazy corn Ramsey has got to get through her thick skull she doesn't take his advice we're not gonna make it I don't know it stop I just that was a disaster do you know we can't $800 where the food you stop the team in the middle of service and show them how to put asparagus on the plate I got derailed if I can simplify the menu down to something that's really manageable and we just do wonderfully simple delicious comfort food don't stop you that because I you're confusing me before you can talk about anything else you've got to get the basics try to get the core a foundation because I think you've lost the plot you need to sit down and have a think because what this suppression hasn't got is a clear direction and Russians run from the top it starts from the top and when the leaders gone the restaurants gone I don't know where to start I'm sorry geez you'll get these mats out of here [Music] clearly denise is in denial about how she mismanages the restaurant figure fades please so this morning Chef Ramsay decides to pull together a staff meeting before she arrives okay all right that was a tough one yesterday yes yes and the only way we are ever gonna move forward is it we get out on the open what's bothering you in the way that denise is running the restaurants basically when she's not here it runs quite smooth but when she comes in the whole morale the restaurant just drops she doesn't have to say anything but we know something's gonna happen we're afraid of what she's gonna do it's awful how she talks to the people she goes up towards to the girls and tells them they're stupid or she gets up to my face how hard I've picked out hair you put a flower in her hair that's why the customers aren't coming in because y'all got flowers there she's getting too carried away she focuses on a lot of the superficial things she micromanages it's insane I mean really insane last night she went 86 crazy right yeah nearly a dozen items 86 the fish and chips 86 the beef is this normal yes she doesn't take responsibility for anything so why aren't we standing up to her we're all afraid to tell her anything negative she'll fire them she'll fire them for sure she told a couple of us if you say negative things I don't need you with me I appreciate your honesty however you need to get that message across that Denise you've gotta start standing up for what's right and what you all to do that right now [Music] this morning Chef Ramsay has heard an array of grievances about Denise she's getting too carried away we're all afraid to tell her anything negative he knows full well that for this restaurant to move forward the staff needs to come clean with their boss [Music] come over please right I saw a lot yesterday and I wanted to catch up with the team and some of the crap that had to endure and tolerate it's actually quite horrific I'm amazed that they're still here I'm now going to ask them to open up and be honest with you [Music] I didn't think we would have to tell her to her face what we thought Debbie please Denise you um your roux [ __ ] I'm tired of it I feel like I don't even know you anymore you're just too mean with with the employees you're talking to them like [ __ ] Denise you're the negative in the restaurant you make me feel like I'm not gonna enough Denise I feel very unappreciated I'd do anything you asked me and you come in and scream at me what is going on do you not trust me Oh Jen and I trust you how do I know this mr. gently Wow thank you dr. Greg please you're coming in you're screaming you're a hindrance on the lawn you're a hindrance you know and the crap you're controlling everything and yet you've got a brigade front and back of house that are loyal and hardworking and can get the job done Denise your ego is huge and you think because you're Denise whiting you can do anything you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself that nobody likes you we've already established that people don't like you [Music] it is tough love but this is so important Debbie mother yeah just afraid about this place going up out of business after all I've put Tenten through I'm just so humbled and so grateful that they're still with me to lose this business would be for me to lose my soul and [Music] I appreciate everything that everybody does here I love each and every one of you I've just been off and I know that I know I've come into the kitchen and I've been difficult I'm sorry that I've been a bit overbearing I'm gonna step back and let everybody do when they do so well and I can only say that this is the beginning of a new day she seems sincere now but a little doubtful about what she's gonna do as far as changing very doubtful way sad to say [Music] now the Denise has recognized morale problems of her restaurant - Chef Ramsay knows that he needs her to fully understand why the community continues to be upset with her I've put together a select group of people that I'd like you to hear from okay okay please jump in the car it's it's on listen carefully and I'll come back oh my god these people they're gonna crucify me I'm gonna be thrown to the wolves and I was like to take this moments for you to help me to understand why Kathy hun and its owner Denise have angered this community who'd like to go first what she really tried to do was appropriate an identity it's like going to Australia and trademarking mate or y'all in the south she's acting like a bully why she a bully anybody who would like to use the word is at risk of receiving a cease and desist order from her lawyers that says change your name or else and I have a website called welcome to Baltimore hun they cease and desist letter that she sends the restaurant industry she had gone to the Maryland Transit Administration for their hun ad campaign and forced them to give her creative control basically the Maryland state government has to go to Denise whiting for her approval she's not in the right and that's what people recognize yeah it's just about money for her it's not about Hamden it's not about anything it's just money she pushes everyone around she's focused on Denise whiting and if you don't like it you're gonna be sorry I have seen her nasty she's a mockery of who we are and then tried to profit from it and I think that's very egregious the damage is done all the citizens of Baltimore were the ones that stopped going they were not gonna go use that restaurant no way F what would it take for this community to embrace caffee hunt again just a one-way from the truth the trademark she has to abandon it just that wall claim to it say was a mistake she was not on it to anybody right I'm very grateful for your insight thank you so much for coming I appreciate it thank you how do you feel that what they said mmm let's cry up at her yeah I didn't get it before I was just so angry at all the things that were happening and didn't know how to handle them and I was in denial I get it now that's hard enough there's so much hate what's directed in in my direction know awful few people you did send letters where they were absolutely freaking out to sort of stand up against but when you threaten people or they feel threatened they're gonna revolt do you realize you've made a mistake you have to do something you have to take responsibility and make a gesture to agree I absolutely agree you're not just saying that cuz I'm here hiding you know yeah we got a big issue here and and and it's not mean you have to convince his the city of Baltimore everything in my life has been a disaster in the last several months and I'm the only one that can change that however I don't I don't really know what I'll do it appears as though Denis has seen the error of her ways and so Chef Ramsay decides to go ahead with the renovation of cafe Honda morning ladies nice to see you today is the begin of a new here are you ready see your new restaurant yes welcome to new couple you jump in please gorgeous gone all those hideous colors now we have a consistence bright vibrance in a local restaurant let's look at the huge stunning artwork that is a tribute to hun glamorous gorgeous and something that belongs to the restaurant let's get that right it's simple its elegant and is clean everything just kind of blends together so perfectly I really feel like we have a future in him that can't help but love it welcome to the Flamingo room is this a party room or what what you think I am so happy look the Sun came up over the cafe hon on a gorgeous day with everyone clearly overjoyed about the physical changes of the restaurant take a little line up have a look at this amazing food Chef Ramsay is now ready to unveil the revamped menu okay let's start from the top shall we that's chili beef tomatoes onions peppers cheese service and cornbread traditional and classic huns hot crab dip this one's done with Maryland crabs delicious next to that you've got the mini shrimp and crab rolls delicious new entrees obviously the Maryland crab cake this one's gonna fly out the door oh yes looks that classic fish and chips crispy delicious there is no soggy batter there let me tell you absolutely amazing mix that's got a delicious meatloaf wrapped in bacon so in mashed potatoes green beans and obviously ketchup oh that's beautiful there's so much better knife and fork and dig in dig in dig in amen mmm really good this is so perfect this is better than I hope there could ever be we could never turn this around right agree don't you feel better streamline we're suffered a brand new menu it's just really simpler but it's better food and it looks better so we're all psyched to serve it it's gonna be fun oh my god in that awesome I'm having a mouth party huh [Laughter] now that the restaurant and menu have been vastly improved Chef Ramsay knows that it is critical that the niece reach out to the community and so he has made arrangements for her to do just that this is an amazing opportunity we're about to go live you ready I'm ready let's go No Gordon Ramsay's been filming here in town over a weekend we've heard that he's bringing Denise whiting the owner of cafe hung with him and that they're gonna make an announcement of some sort on our show and they just walked into the studio thank you it's been a busy couple days for you we're sure very busy yeah we've-- yeah we've-- gone to hell him back it's been a tough week I'm gonna hand you over to Denise she's obviously very excited to be here I just wouldn't say trademarking the word is not only almost killed me but has just about killed the business I didn't understand the whole culture and how passionate everybody was about you know hunt is in our hearts and now I get it I was just doing what business people do and it was a misstep I am so sorry for the animosity and the hatred and everything that trademarking a word just a word it's done please forgive me that must have taken a lot of courage to say that but you never said you were gonna give the trademark back is that what you're doing you mean actually physically handing over the trademark yeah will you be handing it back do I want to do this maybe I don't [Music] [Music] after alienating the entire city of Baltimore Denis has an opportunity to make amends do you never said you were going to give the trademark back is that what you're doing you mean actually physically handing over the trade part yeah will you be handing it back Wow this is amazing I am taking that piece of paper that says it's registered I'll get it from my attorney I'll take it off the register I can do that that's that's kind of stunning this is for rubies nevermind to have in the first place it's just a word it's just wonderful to have this opportunity to be here to get I get a second chance please forgive me for everything that I've done Denise I got to be honest I wasn't on your side over the last year I'm on your side now thank you guys Thank You Gordon from the bottom of my heart thank you so much this is an incredible opportunity that I've ended and I'm not gonna take it for Brandon all right well thank both of you for coming in this morning appreciated I appreciate your time thank you so much Maria's coming up next it's ten o'clock immediately following Denise's announcement on the radio Chef Ramsay arranged for a press conference to make sure that everyone in Baltimore understands that Denis is giving up the trademark of the word hunt I didn't mean to steal something or to take something and I for the remainder of a stay Gordon and his team got in the trenches with chef Greg and his staff work as a team work the team where he implemented a new system tomatoes Eve no cost enough done call come on back in and his Cafe hon became a fun place to work at once again the people of Baltimore returned I really want you to do well and the business is clearly headed in a positive direction [Music] Chef Ramsay took a lost owner and put her back on the road to success and nobody realizes that more than Denise whiting with all the odds stacked against you he pulled off I feel amazing I've been given a gift great tips and an amazing opportunity and I will be forever grateful my life back I have my restaurant back Thank You Gordon Ramsay thank you for this opportunity Wow good night hon next time on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon maybe in the City of Brotherly Love right now but no one is feeling the love at chiarella's Chef Ramsay is in for a major struggle with a husband-and-wife scene the food was disgusting I disagree with you what one deals with the failing business by fighting back the other has given up just so much I'm afraid off for this Italian eatery failure might just be an option [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 2,298,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Food, Dining, Cuisine, Restaurants, Cooking, Unscripted, FilmRise, Free TV, Free Teleivision, Television, Classic Television, Classic TV, TV, Full Episodes, Full Episode
Id: IomdsjX82OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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