Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 2 Episode 9 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon heads to sunny South Florida but ends up in a gloomy situation how's the business ever work to none yet now at a restaurant called la bistro don't you dare go there own table in spite of the business failing miserably this chef/owner still operates like a stubborn dictator who doesn't listen to anybody not as employees Alex this is your fault you sorted out not his wife you [ __ ] up enough tonight and not even his customers he wants me to read tonight Gordon is in for the match of the year it's like a competition between you and I you don't intimidate me but he is not backing down treat your wife like a [ __ ] dog don't you [ __ ] go I'm gonna do it get ready for a head-to-head confrontation electron just touch it as Chef Ramsay attempts to get through to a man so arrogant I don't like it part of Aryan and so resistant to change this is one person cooking that's me that his restaurant may be impossible to rescue blatantly ignorant that's tonight on Kitchen Nightmares lighthouse point an exclusive community six miles outside of Boca Raton Florida lined with large mansions pristine beaches and home Toula bistro after studying a top Michelin star restaurants throughout Europe Andi Truesdale met and married the love of his life Helen Andi and I met in st. Thomas at the restaurant that he was executive chef and I fell in love with his food it was love at first bite Awards in a chef in many different areas in big hotels small hotels little restaurants and I can run rings around it anyone anyone tired of working for other people they moved to South Florida in 2001 to fulfill Andy's dream of opening up a restaurant of his own that one myself decided to buy a restaurant because shelbs he tried my food she realized how dedicated I was I'm very on the ball with everything hey what's that [ __ ] over there get off the shelf Andy is not only a chef he's a creator don't forget my operation you got balls cut three nice rings I would really say he's a master at what he does and if I didn't think my husband was a brilliant chef I would not be in this business with him I'm right here [Music] there seems to be a lot of wealth in the area so for some reason the people that live in Lighthouse Point do not seem to appreciate Indies food they do anything else right the problem is he think he's perfect so we really don't like it when the people send back the food that's beautiful gifts online Alex this is your fault you sorted out my foods perfect I've worked long and hard and pay for the right to have what I want be quiet whether people come and like it and love it or hate it it's my business it's my reputation is my food I'm the chef and I'm the owner that's what I want I really wish I knew what the major problem with loo bistro was I can't say it's the food of course I can't say it's me I don't believe it's my staff I just don't know what the problem is be happy don't be Sabae stro it's fun it's upbeat right now I can't keep up with the debt and I don't know where we're going to get the money to pay the debt off it's going from bad to worse for the work and their fur and everything would do and everything we've put into this would definitely off benefit anything if this restaurant closes the last thing I want to do is go and work for some idiot somewhere else I hate it it's [Music] South Florida I'm known for many great things great beaches watersports and a place where people like to dine out Labiche throw a chef phoned and he's on his ass now today he's closed for lunch who's holding a cooking class I'm about to pay him a surprise visit here we go the menu is a goat cheese that we have on the menu and we pull up a B Palomar you arrange it so it looks like a flower [Music] good afternoon ladies nice to see please don't be stopping hurry yeah and a bomb that's me yeah very done of you happy what's not just right in the middle oh okay first impression I had when Gordon Ramsay walked in the door was what the [ __ ] is he doing here so what's wrong trade chef I just thought would do like a luminous take little sirloin nice so maybe like a large dice bring them to the boil and simmer for about 15 minutes turn in there that's okay he obviously just a little smoke I felt like Gordon Ramsay was just being an actor thank you very much I've enjoyed a nice to see you so how do you think that went not really [Music] those cooking classes go very very well furs I don't you to [ __ ] it up to try and make a mockery of what I'm doing in front of these people Jesus are you always like this or always like one so defensive you asked me a question I'm answering you okay so let's line up a little bit so what do you start cooking at me I've worked for Mashiro in London you work for Michelle why did ya miss exactly what happen to me so we had a very similar sort of training honestly from our chefs point of view you've got your stripes so in your mind the one single reason to why the Russians not work in Ellen will be was some reason people don't find it appealing to come in here and I mean the locals with our bread and butter clientele don't seem to enjoy the restaurant they're not biting people really and truly are pretty demanding I'm fed up with it how the business ever worked in nine years now it's gone up and down it's never been great Andy and it said your dear wife said very quickly know if it's never worked don't be embarrassed I'm not but I'm just saying that she's wrong right I'd like I'd like to eat seen the cooking class fantastic resume and I'd love to taste your food anything yeah showoff show me what you're made of I just take off the me yeah I don't know what Chef Ramsay is going to say because Andy's food is very good and he somehow manages to stay ahead of the trends all the time with his menus and his recipes we don't have two or three people cook on the stove it's me on the stove listen you're gonna hand me that [ __ ] out of a fridge but I know [ __ ] around if I say I want it this way I want it that way because I said I learned it I'm paying for it okay just a minute for the lamb and everything else going right out nice to meet you that was delicious Gordon [Music] ha let's do your job let's go okay no he is there yet Bon Appetit thank you you chipped my tooth like duck cartilage Christ show him the bone as well Jesus just a man here phone get bones under the duck doesn't going go away he doesn't listen to nobody that's it that's the way he is cannot change 89 Jesus coconut curry I like pu my job garlic coconut lamb inside the it is huh did you search it for ecology I did he told me to let go go away I really want to talk about it that's the truth so rubbery huh the texture of the lamb by robberies good at rainy and crispy fried lamb curry roll Florida not in Mumbai this is [ __ ] this is just a focus up I'd stop right there for you go away Gordon Ramsay trashed everything I did I think that's his whole goal is to [ __ ] all over you make you feel bad okay right that was interesting so that was you at your best I wasn't my best that I've ever done in my career he means the best here or is that the best food we have you know yes or no was that I asked you to cook for me and butter yeah just tell me how that was for you that was good for the special a scripture here [Music] here's the problem the foods old-fashioned and totally totally out of texts in terms of where you are that's the food is sad stuck in the 80s possibly the most shocking dish anywhere in Florida the crispy lamb roll what in the hell was going on we'll put that one together shredded coconut horrible rubbery texture almost on the verge of being depressing anymore you want to put me down for the brihat I don't anyone give you feedback but it was on the verge of breaking my tooth all right I'm supposed to believe this you're not looking at me now as if I'm exaggerating was full of college i'ma listen to what you sayin nobody died didn't know no one told me no one told you [Music] you found the bones on the duck doesn't going two seconds sir yeah do you not tell the chef that the first mouthful was full of college yeah I did we had told him to go away when your waiter comes to tell you valuable information you should know those kind of things right coaches have a two minutes with and in my own word you might say Ellen would you mind honestly yeah straight up I'm here to help so far all you're doing is just slam me down that's all you've done with me I think it's about you blame me I know yeah it's not my shirt it's not we don't look for him you're the chef owner but so what will you take responsibility I'm the chef you don't like it that's fine it's your opinion you don't like it we're [ __ ] we're no good I'm lousy whatever what made you have issues coming up Andy is ready to make a confession I'm a loser everybody but that doesn't mean he is ready to change go back and tell her choose something else as he continues to battle with the patrons the waitstaff get back here you [ __ ] up enough tonight and Chef Ramsay that's next in the short time that Chef Ramsay has been at the Bistro he is already feeling very uncomfortable with the arrogant owner that cooked the food you don't like it with folk but no good I'm lousy whatever now it's time to see how this tiny South Florida restaurant handles its customers in a dinner service I gotta think the owner may have come to you okay I'm the only one with things do it why I do it I would love to be able to just take the orders but Annie only wants one person write the checks Alexson they want to take two orders in there yes one person takes the orders and it slows down things for Andy I just know these two tables are waiting to get that authorization [Music] do you know what you like okay I would like to start so what you usually pull out everything when he calls an order on the heat can get it on the fire so did you actually cook as well no I can well handy does not let me cook this is definitely Little Kingdom here isn't it we do one-man-band we don't have time for talking I don't care if it's in with a queen just keep going over that refrigerant and go over everything [Music] whose is this writing why why are you doing that you're going against everything we set him in we did I'm sorry [ __ ] you [ __ ] up with us tonight people are really dumb sometimes and I think with their ass rather than their brain it's an hour into dinner service and this part chef part dictator has now allowed a few entrees to leave his kitchen thank you for your patience that's the medium well let's meet him well what's it more I don't know so go back and tell her choose something else houston we have a situation I'm very sorry but the chef he'd like you to make a different choice this is unbelievable because there's a lot of similarities you Nandi and I were both English and we both studied in Paris but there's one thing we don't share a common I care about my customers here clearly doesn't give a [ __ ] what a shame seis terrible well it's terrible about it he wants to meet her well son go [ __ ] himself you know why you looking for excuses and every [ __ ] table has came back all you want to do is argue with them look at the changes they're black so [ __ ] sad well all you've done is Slammys the second you veneer that's what you do right why are you acting like this [Music] you don't give a [ __ ] big boy you looking for justification every time you [ __ ] up a man that can't even accept his own mistakes I'll get you stuff that's white you're a centum it's brilliant chef you're amazing treat your wife like a [ __ ] dog you [ __ ] go there I'll just calm down I just asked politely don't talk to like that if you ever got respect for her I can get people working for you whatever this is [ __ ] after getting nowhere with Andy in the kitchen could you before you leave would you be so kind just to fill out these customer comment counts sure Gordon steps outside not only to cool off but to get some feedback from the clientele something Andy has never done I ask your customers leaving the rest of the seedling to rate the service out of ten to rate the food to rate the experience took on average four out of ten for the service on that note why'd you take all the tables order that's what they want whoo Oh me so what's the rationale behind it the logic it helps the space a little bit buys a few minutes it's three of you in the kitchen like I said I don't know if you hard of hearing but there's one person cooking that's me food they're rated 3 out of 10 but the most important question was would they come back and about 78% of them said no and the weird thing about the whole service tonight every time something comes back as far as you're concerned your customers are wrong oh that's your evaluation that's why I watched don't make you write a meet wrong about every single thing it's like a competition between you and I you don't intimidate me what happened bully me that's all you're trying to [ __ ] do you're so wrapped up in a deluded little bubble I'm not one person has got the balls to tell you the truth is not working you are blatantly ignorant whatever [ __ ] you commander do one sided that's what you wanted for printing [Music] it was a miserable evening in which Chef Ramsay tried continually to get through to Andy that's your evaluation oh my god but this stubborn chef flattered refuses to listen I just I want to get better d you've never ever ever understood the value of your customers let alone your staff because you don't give a [ __ ] about them I'm a loser everybody and the worst can you give me two minutes on my own please guys you just back off please [Music] would you mind yeah he's an [ __ ] we could never tell because he won't listen we won't listen to nobody do you want your restaurant to work yes or no obviously yes okay good but stop there that's the most honest you've been all day you don't need to be so defensive with me tonight was about observing watching the [ __ ] setup you have crazy that monster here was just just are you committed to making this place change that's all I need to know before me out there that is it you you you you you Andy use thank you I'll see in the morning good night get some sleep gentlemen tonight one stubborn [ __ ] andis statement that he has opened to change has kept Chef Ramsay around for at least another day but Gordon is fully aware that he is at the beginning of a huge uphill battle facing sit down and relax how cool is this come out and clear the air because of this stigma and your training and the proud nurse that's defense mechanism but before we start changing you have to understand and we have to identify the problems with the restaurant you've got to understand where you've gone wrong that means come downstairs me I've got a little surprise me sandwich would be nice sandwich stop think about your tummy yeah come down because in this door okay I've arranged for you to meet yeah some very special people in this room are your previous customers they've got some very important information to tell you about the experience the last time they ate at the Bistro madam tell me the experience what was it like it just in general did not live up to our expectations it was not at all what we expected for a Bistro what was the biggest distance woman across the whole experience I think I need to say nothing to say nothing anyone else we were there a year or so ago none of us can remember the experience we didn't even know the restaurant was still in business until this I don't really want to comment because I don't want to get into it it's valuable information when did you eat - The Bistro was last time last time is probably about a year ago I'm describing the experience you know you walk through the door it's kind of dark gloomy there's no one in there at all you know and then you sit down and you know it's like you have everyone's staring at you when you're sitting there eating you know it's very uncomfortable mostly dude ah you're looking for naked women dancing on the table they don't want to see naked dancers on the table come on Andy these are customers you didn't want to hear about it it was a wall that Andy had around him but he needs to listen to what the people are saying why did you tell you so personally this is really not nice for us so I gotta suck it up right now so again you guys here today was valuable for me to understand where we're going wrong I'm sure Andy and it will take the information the right text but thank you in spite of Andy again refusing to take advantage of any feedback Chef Ramsay pushes on to another problem in the restaurant and he's inability to delegate anything to his sous-chef to make his life easier yeah I'll do the dish with you then tonight as we service Henry so is he gonna do that dish he's gonna purely cook one snapper just to make your life easier are you very happy you seem like you've got into a default good getting on the stove be nice tonight cooking you know snapper dish help speed up just to get food out you square up the fish cooks evenly yes fishing always they away from you side down my concern was is that I'm gonna cook the fish properly and get it out at a time take your fish beauty glaze and said that on top of even eager we like a little taste first yeah yeah [Music] and more importantly right now pretty good for the bottom line in terms of profit-wise love the dish was delicious hopefully will sell most of the specials tonight and Hendrick will be taking some of the pressure off of Andy Andy I know you're busy chase [Music] the battle between Andy and Gordon escalates to a full-out war and when the bistro hits its breaking point it wasn't given to [ __ ] Chef Ramsay gets devious we need to show you very quickly you won't believe what he does in order to get through to Andy I'm so sorry on Kitchen Nightmares in spite of his frustration and disappointment with Andi Chef Ramsay has taken a number of steps to make sure tonight's dinner service will be smoother would return forcibly stuff to Monica Gordon has created a new tasty profitable snapper special lay away from useless flesh he's insisted that sous chef Hendrick will cook and lastly he's made sure that both waiters will be taking orders which are your tables productors side with different waiters taking the order at the same time it's easy to accommodate customers the whole place should run as a team we have some great specials tonight the local caught red snapper I detest this handle irritation finish the thing you are now that both waiters are taking orders one of Chef Ramsay's goals has been realized orders are getting into the kitchen much quicker fool Bistro is a middle one money on three snap up welcome pop show on a scarguard order guys heard the only question is can Andi handle it [Music] I need to fire that staff are no hang on don't fire on me being ready 30 minutes into service and the kitchen is already behind Hendrick is waiting on the sidelines for handy to tell them what to do and Andy is still cooking one dish at a time I'm still missing am I on the last table of cam on order it's like a whole potato yeah I know I still think Andy needs to get up to par he can't do everything himself Andy needs more support back there I need all the entrees now oh and don't make matters worse in my house this is a joke that's one hour ten minutes now not one entree served he has a restaurant next door to him I'm about to prove a very important point [Music] are you busy night tonight would you mind if I order to go I will go for the said tuna thank you very much still no long trace you believe that well that's ten minutes this restaurant on average 75 to 80 minutes for an entree let's go [Music] the food always come out that quick yes thank you be credible well that is absolute delicious there's somebody else that really needs to know about this now [Music] still not on trace [Music] Oh God something I need to show you very quickly out of the frustration in terms of wife who's taking so long I decided to do a little experiment running there ordered an entree tuna they came out ten minutes they are full I'm just trying to show you what's happening on your doorstep we're going out to have a serious talk by the way it was delicious you know what I need to send those snapper if you're ready I can just give me a sec just I'll get these out yeah send this snapper so you can focus and get quicker out of the box Joe don't go after Chef Ramsay's constant prodding Hendrick begins to cook one snapper go free you reclaim your position as a sous chef do your job you'll trust you more it's not missing a window and now that Hendrick is focused on cooking his specials at least some entrees are leaving the kitchen Chef Ramsay snapper cooked by Hendrick is getting positive reviews in cook my fish like this but the original menu is getting pan always undercooked no give me the plate it was pink he never cooks there with you one I'm really sorry I cannot believe that you're happy to serve that if they wanting more cook what kind is cook it I don't need to tell you big boy this is your restaurant I'm so sorry but now you've overstepped the mark now we sell that my dog [Music] after another dinner service filled with customer complaints Chef Ramsay tries once again to get through to handy tonight honestly I've disappointed has you proves yet again that you don't give a [ __ ] about your customers you in the service industry customer relations what you want to hear anything on I have to say about it so it's all answer oh please there's no point it's just badgering me you don't hear anything I say talk to me chef my name's Andy isn't one of the problems that the customers here are different than your experience of customers in your that is that is part of the truth people don't here understand any form of food or service really and truly but you can't afford to be a snob I'm a snob you just told me you know they don't know what they're talking about you just said it yourself you've got to come down a peg I know chefs that would give their right arm to have their wife or the front the chef at the helm and a neighborhood family-run business it's a dream come true for any chef I wasn't [ __ ] given answer I earned it good it wasn't given to man a [ __ ] you're about to blow it completely burn at that point we're at that point you you brought it to light you've came and you've told us and your shoulders and you've brought it to light you can win if you want to and wipe the slate clean and start again [Applause] that's the best thing to do tomorrow together all three of us are gonna relaunch this restaurant tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter wipe the slate clean good night with Andy's first real commitment to change Chef Ramsay brings in his renovation team to work through the night to transform the Bistro [Music] right good morning good night oh yeah probably yeah just how are you great yeah good you look great now Andy last night you told me you were committed to changing this restaurant yes good because the day's about change yes this is your new restaurant have a look at your new sign oh my goodness oh that's fabulous modern legible is it nice I love it it's well over - I love the sign it seems like easy on the eye ready to go inside have a look oh yes let's go [Music] Oh beautiful wow this is great Donna the booze oh thank god in comes this wonderful leather upholstered wall comfy bulkhead seating take you see like this happy happy happy I took four words really because it's a big change for us I mean I've been here almost nine years to see something in just a few minutes it's like a shock oh my goodness it's great it was great to see Andy as happy as he is I'm so relieved I'm really looking forward to see him in the kitchen I think he's truly capable of change they see the beginning of a new chapter that's what we nearly let's be sure I see what you need it and if this doesn't rekindle that spirit and that level of passion I don't know what will chef ramsay spent most of relaunch day cooking side-by-side with Andy what's your pan yep what you like to do for service in the polenta Gordon is hoping these new menu dishes will be just what the local community wants that's great is it lovely the gazpacho perfect for a hot summer's evening hoisters local oysters extraordinary steamed mussels our order there perfect never tastes Andres local snapper big hit last night its remaining on the menu burger it's quite straightforward and for me the secret tonight is the speed a little apprehensive because someone else's menu but time for change and change it better of course we're happy that it's so good now everybody this is crucial tonight each one of your tables will play host to a phenomenal VIP that's gonna spread the word beyond belief over there the Chief of Police over there that general is the city commissioner over here we have the host of the top Radio Morning Show and is also the local renowned food critic from the newspaper it's this fabulous thank you pretty excited to be cooking for the VIPs obviously they have a big pour so looking forward to keeping them happy I want to know why that be there before with a completely new game plan in place so when it comes on you put on that you just take it right absolutely beautiful The Bistro is ready to open its doors and there will be a local VIP at virtually every table in the restaurant oh I'm so anxious I'm glad you're here we have great new summer menu they snap beautiful comes with allâh bistro success tonight rests on Andy's ability to cook you never go to connecting area and its ability to delegate you ready filets a risotto o'clock a snap on a burger yes Hendrik make sure the nice gonna be fries for burger we got right away [Music] and II got off to a good start and customers are enjoying the new menu but back in the kitchen things are starting to heat up now let me know when I can fire that second snapper and Andy is slipping back to his old ways we need chicken risotto lamb burger they've just gone silent last 15 minutes not saying a word but we're going as fast as we can Andy don't go back the old ways you're doing table 13 14 and 5 has been cool that's what we're doing don't you dare go the wrong table come on hey come on y'all go go go go go where's the [ __ ] snapper I need two snapper on my table ready or not come with it jump believe it I'll do that you'll want to send these to you they can go with these they're just gonna wind up we go with these come here two seconds please yeah what the [ __ ] is going on there this one's more [ __ ] Amish ever come here a minute cricket just just 30 seconds I need to snap from I've already or not there it's relaunch night and the pressure is starting to get to Andy come on give enough [ __ ] thing they can go with a they're just gonna wind up old habits are returning and the food preparation is suffering I think this one's more phenomenal chef give me a minute just just 30 seconds [Applause] [Music] you John just sent [ __ ] why now do we do this so she ever let me do one why do you have to cook every [ __ ] order we're just about to serve to place of [ __ ] one mushy [ __ ] useless piece of [ __ ] crap betta fish and one cook - [ __ ] why are you looking away talk to me chef I didn't quite catch him there's no excuse sir you were running around doing everything I don't get it where's the standards you're right I admit ah you come in here big eye-opener Gordon Ramsay's up mean nasty son of a [ __ ] it's a lesson in tough love it's a wake-up call just that I didn't see it right to the very end we come this far now flake at the end [Music] you know I know because this has to go and I sorry I'm sorry don't be sorry well she's also full night you cook like a star and then look we come to this you've got no proudness in you the dance not to snap is in the other no right yeah that's it yes yeah you know what you could do is be nice maybe put the spinach on for me let's go this time Gordon has clearly gotten through to Andi he's on top of the kitchen again and food is getting to the dining room quickly did a really good job Gordon Ramsay is very insightful he knows and he can cook he knows exactly what Andy needed he saw the rut that Andy was in it's been a dream come true we break down after a successful relaunch night in a restaurant full of VIPs Chef Ramsay wants to have one last word with the owners his good news about tonight the relaunch was a success absolute success not one plate came back that is incredible you seriously can cook but Andi here's my confession to you there's been many times this week are you frustrated the hell out of me you know that right on and honestly I finally saw the man I've been dying to see you go brilliantly well you're a different man you just got on with it delegated and pushed them I don't say hello and I don't smile all up I think I appreciate it I really do without you possibly we appreciate it I was real down in the dumps I mean ready to get the hell out of it well with Gordon Ramsay being here this week it's made me think we can make a better life and a better business here I just can't wait to get into this new restaurant we have a long way we have come this week yeah take care of that stubborn mule yes [Laughter] well done good job good night good night up until tonight's dinner service I really didn't know if any could make this work and honestly I'm still not convinced is where everything here to make this place a huge success I just hope that his own stubbornness doesn't get in his way in the months that followed Andy and Ellen continue to embrace Chef Ramsay's changes like stop a filling risotto away 'la bistros food is light and fresh and customers are thrilled and there is no better indication of that then the bistros repeat business I think going round and saw that we just haven't been doing too much and it was hold me back I'm really hoping to progress and move on and get bigger than better Gordon Ramsay's welcome here anytime here's to a bistro a new beginning next time on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to a Mexican restaurant that is going south in a hurry this dysfunctional iterate is only months away from closing and Gordon forces this owner that I've not had chat material I was looking for a cook that can cook to make the toughest decision of her life that I can just cut [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 4,098,015
Rating: 4.881135 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Hell's Kitchen, Food and Cooking, Dining, Food, Cooking, FilmRIse, Free TV, Full Episodes, Free, Full Episode, Uncensored, Restaurants, Television, Le Bistro
Id: 9wlLEJMswN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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