Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 11 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares this was a mess Chef Ramsay faces the most stubborn owner he's ever met for they change all to please no have nothing to say his Long Island restaurant is crumbling but he refuses to admit anything is wrong you can't think this is good it's not bad and everybody's opinion his wife is a mess I don't know what to do the chef doesn't care I don't want to be a chef and his staff is just plain angry when Gordon gives him a dose of the truth this is embarrassing so what can you I like a man and do something about it it's more than this owner can handle I wouldn't talk to my dog the way you talk to me go [ __ ] yourself I'll make it work myself without his help with only one week to turn it around everything coming out and this place is gonna get clean Gordon Ramsay's demands for change may have this owner on the run been a batter with these people and this restaurants doors may be closed put the place up for [ __ ] sale I'm done done Mount Sinai New York an upper-middle class town on the North Shore of Long Island inhabited by the working-class tent city commuters with no shortage of trendy eateries and then there's the handlebar build Laroy of former construction worker and his wife Carol and bought the handlebar just one year ago oh boy the handlebar blue is a really nice place and when I saw it was for sale I jumped on it and our specials menu when we came into the handle bar we saw that it had been run down but Billy being so handsy another we saw the potential of having a great place in its heyday this was the place to be this was the place that the judges came this was the place that the lawyers came the doctors came now it's not like that anymore the nightmare began when a 70% of the money was coming from the bar and almost nothing was coming from the dining room when you can't turn 18 tables on a Friday or a Saturday night you're a lot of trouble bill is an okay manager kind of bother you make me a cup of coffee Billy usually stays at the bar but being an owner he has to be more involved like answer the phone so we're on the phone sometimes he can be very grouchy like his mood things change I've had it with these people this place is gross like dirt filth that had been built up over the past 20 years the interior it looks dated the decor I think it's great the core menu is basically the same as I inherited with the restaurant they look disgusting I don't know why anybody orders it melissa is an excellent chef I'm not a chef I don't claim to be a chef I don't want to be a chef I not very creative five minutes the food is crap I think hiring me wasn't necessarily the best idea I'm going here I don't intend for it to be my career I really don't think melissa has any weaknesses as a cook the day we call it quits is the day we have not one penny to put into this place we took out equity line of credit that's almost maxed out and drains our savings account god help us if the handle bar fails we risk losing our house then I'd never want to lose my house we need to worry about you and me and the handle bar bottom line if Chef Ramsay doesn't come the air our time is very limited I definitely don't think it's another year [Music] chef Gordon Ramsay is on a mission to turn the handle bar around except he has one small problem handle bar I'm lost and what if you could help me I'm right on the fork but do I go left do I go right because they both say west' okay so you're gonna bear to the right right okay there is their handle bar there's going Ramsey how do you know cuz I just talked to him on the phone good idea yeah yeah handle bar finally now we're in Mount Sinai just outside New York Matt Sinai sounds a little bit like cyanide who doesn't taste like it I'm a little nervous to meet Chef Ramsay I'm Carol no the man is an expert at what he does the man is a a well renowned chef be owns beautiful restaurants because I've seen them on the Internet whatever you like you don't get that way because you're an idiot scorned and he's like really hot he has like a nice body and stuff like for an older man he's very very hot I didn't want to serve him because I just talk and I just don't stop talking so I was nervous if I said something stupid that I just wouldn't stop and I would just keep talking and talking and talking this is up to the menu but we also have our price fix menu and there are early bird specials okay great well have a quick look thank you one menu to menu three menu for menu right definitely quantity let's hope it's quality I need to continue to cook this because I [ __ ] it up Pizza fondue philomene your fondue Swiss cheese fondue wait are you ready yet I'll go for the soup of the day today I'll go for the seafood crepe as well then I'm gonna finish with the filling menial fondue flaming young please thank you no accident nice and busy dining rooms empty look at the place the decals ghastly it's so 80s even the fish tanks been here longer than me what gosh I think Chef Ramsay came close to ordering the worst things but you know everything LEDs here was pretty much crap food thank you no problem New England clam chowder when Chef Ramsay was sitting there I was just praying that he was gonna be happy with everything wait bill let me see thank you God would like to see great first thoughts that went through my head was oh my god and just like saying that that's a nicely seasoned them they tasty and perfect for winter's day I'm glad you enjoyed it nice to Melissa does a nice job perhaps well I'll check on the rest to you food thank God he said your soup was fabulous yes he loved it I think melissa is a great cook I think she's very creative I think melissa underestimates herself a lot I thought it came out pretty shouldn't mister yes there's crab in there there's Lobster and some shrimp in Elsa but no problem oh yeah yeah Chef Ramsay seems to have a habit to take his food apart before he eats it so I'm looking forward to hear with what he has to say how is everything and the scallops are the prawns are why ever cooked and the crabmeat it's plastic it's imitation a beer yeah if you told me the invitation crabmeat I would have ordered that help me well that was a zest seafood crepe yeah that's seafood crap this is the worst of it I'm sure I'm waiting on my beef fondue filet mignon fondue which is war so one of 80 so long there's the steak and this is the oil thank you no problem nothing like waiting to cook your own meat use that time for a little prayer [Music] comes out looking like dog food [Music] that was rancid pointless tasteless my complete utter joke why would you deep-fry the filet mignon while the country's best thanks deep fried of a stupid Oh No I wanted him to be happy with us but I kind of knew deep down inside that there has to be something wrong with the restaurant and otherwise he wouldn't be here oh my god what a disaster after an underwhelming first meal okay pull together Gordon realizes that the owners and the chef's are oblivious to the restaurants real problems what's wrong with the business it's test room as you see it and we can't fill 18 tables on a Friday night that's the problem no the problem here is the food the foods bad bill I never really had complaints about the food so that was never really an area of concern to me when the fondue arrived and that's just a joke I don't enjoy the fondue either but you're the chef on your the oneness yeah you're you're running it as the head chef right that that's the intent so change it I don't know what to do about it have you lost your passion I never had a passion to begin with but I don't want to be a chef [Music] I was really shocked that that's the way she felt so you're not sure yeah I had applications for the job here as a chef when she approached me and said would you give me the opportunity I mean you don't ask for that opportunity if you don't care what you're doing why do you say the job Melissa if you're not a chef the other guy was going out and that was here okay I didn't think our situation was as bad as I'm finding out minute by minute coming up oh my God Almighty Gordon shocking kitchen investigation this place hasn't been cleaned in years that's disgusting leads to a wild showdown between Billy and Gordon I wouldn't talk to my dog - why you talk to me go [ __ ] yourself with the future of the handle bar on the line I don't know what to do it's less will Billy be able to put his pride aside and accept Gordon's help I'm done I'm done so done the hell with everything or will he give up on the restaurant for good I don't care if it's all for nothing Billy you're not going to believe what happens tonight on Kitchen Nightmares having exposed Melissa's apathy in the kitchen Gordon observes a dinner service to find out how her attitude is affecting the food I know he was here to help but it's still very nerve-wracking having someone of his stature standing there staring at you what they do mushrooms is that how that goes out like that yes holy crap stuffed mushrooms customer why one just now actually that's a recipe of my own I made it myself I was very disappointed that it wasn't presented to him all right why people eat that [ __ ] potato mash potato french fries rice little veggie we use half instant half with fresh potatoes why do they make the powdered mashed potatoes with fresh mashed potatoes that's a way of reusing the baked potatoes so you don't even actually make fresh match play this No you want mashed potato baked potato french fries rice or vegetables a little more done than usual but other than that just an hour into dinner service and the restaurant has run out of basic vegetables cauliflower and replace them with an unusual substitute radishes how are you radishes of course and that's how I always you know expect with my steak you want some veg right yeah to keep him happy have we checked with Melissa so customers are complaining about innovation any broccoli vegetable carrots or cabbage Wow there's thoughts yeah that's a frozen bag that's why it's even though melissa is managing to keep up with the orders the customers are still not satisfied and Gordon needs Billy to finally understand that the food is handlebars biggest problem really customers are complaining about the food you can't walk around oblivious the fact that you think this is good never that's not bad in everybody's opinion you can't take care of everybody's taste buds something that some people like other people aren't gonna like that at all no one's got any control and basics here that I've just gone completely [ __ ] wrong if you accept it everybody else has accepted it and truthfully you've accepted it so I've so we're not I was kind of really disappointed I knew we needed help I didn't think we were that bad I was quite skeptical about his intentions whatever really starting to dislike him [Music] after witnessing last night's pathetic dinner service Gordon comes in early for a kitchen inspection what a mess nothing labeled Portia is taken out that's dreadful broccoli last night we run out of vegetables got the chef can't be bothered to cook fresh broccoli the reminiscence of Exxon Valdez oh my god when was the last time the back of the fridge was clean you look at it what is that in there oh my God Almighty that there was a clam what a mess the state of the fridge Mellisa coterminous has only confirmed Gordon's belief that the restaurant lacks true passion and leadership so you're in charge of the kitchen and the general hygiene yes why is it in a mess it's a hundred times cleaner than it was six months ago sure okay what was last time you had a little wipe down there in here just my you're unbelievable oh this is embarrassing okay I'm glad you start to make excuses for it you know if you thought this was bad have a look at this Chef Ramsay seemed to feel that I was making excuses for everything really had no idea of the past practices that had gone on here okay last night we served frozen vegetables to a customer and we've got two boxes of broccoli there you were happy to serve frozen broccoli over fresh properly I'm trying to open up your eye filly and explain to you you know what the current situation is when was the last time this trade was cleaned oh come on this hasn't been cleaned in years no I know that no it hasn't I'm sorry 21 years in the business I'll bet every [ __ ] dollar I have this [ __ ] place hasn't been cleaned in years I'm disgusted put your hand down there you still never didn't bend down and touch it it was a big feeling denial for him I'll take responsibility for the fact that I haven't changed it but it's not all my fault you know everything's coming out and this place is gonna get cleaned I wish you'd give me a little more credit for cleaning it up as much as I had so far it looks 60 70 percent times better than it used to look in the air really that's disgusting no it's not fine big problem when was the last time that fridge was steam cleaned I had the kid in there doing it last week did you check what he'd done obviously not so what can you act like a man and do something about it oh my god I just don't even know what to say anymore he just keeps tearing apart everything that wasn't done and not giving me credit or pat on the back two things that were done un-fuckin'-believable so that just proves and confirms how weak this guy is he's not running this place this place is running him and is in need of a [ __ ] serious clean that is appalling prompted by Gordon's shocking discovery Melissa enlists the waitstaff to do a thorough cleaning what do you used to clean the bleach and soap it's disgusting but really wish I had a mask on me right now [Music] just two seconds in I was hoping he was gonna tell me I understand Billy that this isn't your fault but it really needs to be taken care of so let's take care of it I'm [ __ ] pissed off and I'm upset on the kind of [ __ ] I've just discovered in there time to drag me through the mud some more there's what it is you don't you seen one [ __ ] ounce bothered about it believe you can't just stick your head back in the sand ignore it Billy what do you want me to do flip out and yell and scream like you do that's not my way there's supposed to be this is yours Billy I guess you want something done right I guess you have to do it yourself I just get rid of everybody in the restaurant I'll do it all myself oh yeah then when it doesn't work out and then when I drop dead because I [ __ ] sleep two hours a day then maybe it'll get done or maybe who cares once you're dead it doesn't make difference anything oh come on now so you're coming at me now because now I'm just getting dragged through the mud there weak man Billy I really think that you had enough I was not gonna be ridiculed just for the sake of needing his help finish Keeley's told to it no Billy keep talking please nope I have nothing to say Billy I wouldn't talk to my dog the way you talk to me go [ __ ] yourself that's right the hell with everything I'll make it work myself without his help everything in my life that I've ever set out to do I did on my own [Music] I'm done for a week man ballet [Music] unable to accept Gordon's criticism bene Billy decides he's had enough [ __ ] him [ __ ] him [ __ ] them the frigid disgusting bastard to be claimed he's telling me I'm dragging through the mud any [ __ ] walks out right now he's 16 to admit it I just want him to act responsible while Gordon tries to make sense of Billy's actions like a baby Billy rehearses a speech to Gordon I am so done there was nothing in my head that made me want to think and reconsider about doing this can you go out there and just you know have a word then you guys are the backbone of this place Sean just throw the towel in I knew Billy would get mad done just [ __ ] done with all this [ __ ] but honestly you don't face the truth you can't do anything about it we've been busting our ass trying to help you out you're giving up on yourself this place and all that I wouldn't talk to my dog the way that jackass talks to me I'm done he's telling you the truth okay like greatest ways to go about it 46 years old never been talked to like that by anybody and you know what the only thing not to keeping me from [ __ ] hitting him with a [ __ ] baseball bat he said I'd go to [ __ ] jail for it I'm done done done finish bucket I'm done [Music] yeah you know put the place up to [ __ ] sail I can go back to construction and enjoy my [ __ ] life the way I used to before all of this [ __ ] will go to bankruptcy court and just give it all up [ __ ] it I'm done bye so help me God I will not open the door tomorrow you can all go [ __ ] yourselves and I don't care if it's all for nothing do not care bene you know what I'll survive somehow Vinnie [ __ ] you unbelievable having just missed her chance to defuse the situation Carolyn now faces the prospect of running the handle bar alone very upset I have a husband that's ready to throw in the towel so here I am stuck holding the bag let me help you I want you to help me but I don't know what to do I have a job that I have to work so I can pay my mortgage okay I don't know what to do why can't we work at turning this around I would like to work a turn this around okay let me open the restaurant tonight okay I'm feeling that I'm gonna do what I have to do to make everything work because I'm not walking out now and I'm not flushing the last 17 years of my life down the bowl to further inspire Carolyn to move forward with the plan Gordon shows her the dedication of her staff what a difference is looking great he's done a great job we will clean the wok in a few or more or less just doing it to just show that like we are dedicated and we do want this to us Billy's gone whether he comes back later or not it's not gonna affect what we're doing tonight we're opening and we're opening with a clean fridge healthy attitude we're hungry to get this place full yes let's go her courage now bolstered by her staffs support Carolyn leaves Billy a message Billy I'm not gonna stop now I will do whatever it takes to make my restaurant succeed with Chef Ramsay's help I'll succeed I just told him my determination that I'm going forward with this regardless if he wanted to or not the restaurant is about to open for dinner but to get the handle bar moving in the right direction Gordon make some quick additions to the menu Melissa let's do a special tonight some fried clams with a homemade tartar sauce it's fresh clams Chef Ramsay he's one of the best chefs in the world you know standing right next to me and was very surreal generously season them with a flair straighten edges of fire and then again a nice little season there yeah the minute the customer rises a table they sit down and we need to give them fresh hand-cut homemade potato chips a warm welcome oh those are good this place is more laid-back so I think the chips are good ideas different hi good evening reservation I thought it was great that Chef Ramsay could show us how to make such a simple thing like potato chips that everybody would love we do have a special appetizer today deep fried clams with a homemade tartar sauce well special is going well keep it going yeah nice atmosphere today I'm really good clams that's the best thing that they've ever had here so it's going really good we're not serving dirty bones the table let's go valve yeah I didn't think he was gonna come back I was really really surprised that he came back so quickly I am angry about things that transpired earlier in the day still [Music] hours after threatening to sell the business owner Billy returns to the handlebar just in time for dinner service there was absolutely no part of me that still wanted Chef Ramsay and to be here I wanted him to be gone when Billy came back he had his bad attitude of yeah whatever Billy that's all that matters I can honestly say that I love my wife more than anything in this world so I came back here for my wife while Billy tries to reconnect with his restaurant I need Melissa struggles to give the waitstaff complete orders I ran half the [ __ ] order I need the rest of it there's a lot of problems who's this for here Melissa that's been here in 37 minutes I don't know the creeps I forgot half of it so Melissa just stop communicating I mean that's just how melissa is and I think that's when we ran into problems or any of my foods coming after you may be able I have no idea oh and I was now in the weeds so much I really couldn't tell who was waiting and was wanting I need salmon potty area twas the salmon on that I think Melissa got very flustered back there this place was total chaos with the orders backed up in the kitchen killing me killing me whatever God helpers impatient hungry customers begin taking out their frustrations up your mouth [Music] it's a total disaster and really think I'm to the point now that I don't know what else to do come on for me can we talk about it Billy has no choice but to listen to Chef Ramsay because if he won't listen then we might as well just shut the doors and walk away right now I have never ever ever seen my kitchen fall apart like that ever ever on our busiest night never have I seen ever melissa has to talk now this is the most crucial stage of the service where she has to open up and and talk and get help from the mr. delegate with so many tables on the man is one of the top chefs in the world and maybe I should um put aside to ill feelings and listen to what he has to say Melissa may not be communicating but the menu it's faster I see what you're saying at that point I was very open-minded to his ideas seriously I'm pleased you're back yeah hey you're the foundation of this place a little chat with the staff because I think they would like to hear that we're all on the same track the first hour of service was amazing and then we got back to up we got backed up bad Melissa you refuse to communicate I don't know what the [ __ ] was going on yeah I agree with you honestly this menu has to come down yes that has to be condensed it'd be appreciated new small dynamic menu a menu that we can push out it'll be real nice to get a new menu that'll be more concise in an order it'll be good relaunch tomorrow night we have to make it a success get some sleep yet in preparation for the relaunch Gordon's team worked through the night updating handlebars tired dated look ready my god it's gorgeous awesome it's fresh its new Billy it's Paul there's nothing that's antiquated oh my god Wow feeling wow wow is all I can say wow wow wow yeah Wow what about the lamp we're no longer stuck in the eighties look at it wall bright vibrant happy everything's awesome it's incredible I'm totally blown away look Billy you have Long Island's first-ever gastropub gastropub what the [ __ ] is a gastropub what's a gastropub good question good question I've never heard of a gastropub Dave we're the first on Long Island that is so incredibly awesome a gastropub is warm open all hours come and relax and enjoy with no intimidation we cater for everybody it's perfect for the neighborhood there are 25 gastro pubs in Manhattan and they are doing a phenomenal amount of business a hob with an emphasis on fine food at reasonable prices I kind of hit home was exactly the type of place that my wife and myself will look at the turnitin too knowing Billy and Carolyn's love for motorcycle riding let's go ready make some noise yes Gordon has organized handlebars first annual motorcycle rally to help spread the word about the relaunch a static staff but what Billy and Carolyn don't know is Gordon has reached out to another bike enthusiast and rock and roll legend Twisted Sisters [Music] coming I never would have imagined here I would get on my bike and ride with Chef Ramsay and Dee Snider's like oh my god how cool is that really it's probably ready yes we are was phenomenal that Gordon Ramsay got him to come here and help us kick off the new start of the restaurant [Music] [Music] it was nice to go out there right it was nice to see that chephren's he could ride a motorcycle and enjoy himself there was a lot of fun right let's go get these out the grand reopening of handle for tonight desert handlebars reopening tonight grand reopening come on down come on down I'm smiling because I feel that the handlebar is pointed in the right direction now we have some place to go in some place to look forward to [Music] now that the word had spread Gordon gets back to the crucial task of introducing the new gastropub menu that's the menu in front of it look at it there is nothing complicated on there whether it's the steak muscles the salmon the sausage everything is so simply done the new menu I think is phenomenal he consolidated it down to a lot of the comfort food type favorites just served in a different light Melissa this is the night that we make the statement and when we start getting in the weeds you have to come out yourself and open up yes sir Chef Ramsay but his effort into this to change us so when I try not to let him down we're gonna start confirming first-ever gastropub in an island after the bar last night I'm sweating I'm nervous to see how my kitchen pulls it together make it work [Music] its relaunch night welcome welcome welcome and there's a lot of questions still to be answered with Melissa be able to handle the pressure sound looks black underneath I'm gonna hang myself will Billy lose hope and will the handle bar finally have a successful evening I'm sorry I'm not serving [ __ ] like that or will it go up in flames that's it find out next on Kitchen Nightmares yeah it's the grand reopening of the handle bar I say my golly welcome welcome welcome and Chef Ramsay's motorcycle rally has clearly spread the word about the relaunch with Billy appearing to embrace Chef Ramsay's changes everything's homemade everything all eyes are now on Melissa to step it up in the kitchen all right stay focused - Joe everybody is excited to come in and see how it looks now and see what's going on with the menu and everything else I have a portobello mushroom melt grilled chicken sandwich salmon goodfeel all will be pleased the food Smith thank you Melissa any of the shrimp cocktail and then the salads and then the entrees alright Melissa Melissa listen to me I want this communication or amped up tonight you need to connect the minute you stop talking with Fox I think Melissa needs to be more assertive and keep everybody under control let's go to quiet for me as the restaurant fills up and customers embrace the new gastropub menu Gordon takes a moment to make a special announcement ladies and gentlemen please welcome a local legend Twisted Sisters yes Dee Snider [Applause] you can't pin through the door on that fight it was just amazing everybody was clapping and cheering and having a great time how cool is this hi here's the deal in honor of the grand reopening of handle bar restaurant we're gonna be auctioning this bike off so if you want to bid on this beautiful Holly Davidson Sportster you can go to a handlebar restaurant website and put a bid in there and all the proceeds will go to the March of Dimes with Dee Snider's family and friends now seated I'm of a portobello mushroom melt in the first fully packed house in over a year the kitchen is about to be tested the salmon looks black underneath Melissa [Music] I don't think it's burns honestly pass through the spatula I think it's okay no way madam yeah I'm not serving charcoal [ __ ] by that [ __ ] disgusting Melissa thought she could just take care of everything herself and she had two other cooks and didn't ask to their help Zuri cook I'm very sorry Beth I hope it is better me too Missy I'm so sorry in her rush to fill orders frickin salmon melissa start sacrificing the quality of the food that [ __ ] salmon roe salmon look like what you'd find in a seafood section like it was shiny and it would cold they could be [ __ ] kidding me the summer we sent came back [ __ ] raw so we're doing it again for the third time freaking salmon let's do this I think Melissa got very flustered back there where is my salmon for the freaking salmon belly if it's burnt it's raw again I'm gonna shove it down so he throw it everything just kept compounding and compounding to the point where it was a total disaster because of me I'm gonna hang myself I burnt the [ __ ] out of this after first overcooking that [ __ ] wife then under cooking the salmon raw Melissa hopes the third time is the charm so she's got to open up and [ __ ] communicate if she doesn't start communicating now with Fox yeah please yeah she needs to utilize the other two cooks that she has in the kitchen it's not a one-man show and it could never work if she thinks again be honey let's just get it right this time nice use these two guys and try I want to hear it open up communicator thank you I will take care of the bench good go I realize I can't take care of the line on my own salt and pepper please are good I don't really need it to open up and communicate and get things going your salmon is coming honey I'm very sorry lovely good to go thank you very much honey Gordon's persistence with Melissa appears to finally be paying off all right we gotta get this together I need three yard price right now at the moment I understand Chef Ramsay's call concept is to communicate and keep everything in order and gotta get it going as long as I can communicate with the guys next to me it will get it working properly I need to concentrate on these table yes yeah we are doing it Network take the two burgers whenever you can Melissa really shocked me tonight where she was able to ax Arak and George oh can you do this can you get this without doing real well let's keep it up that's good tonight we had a couple of really large screw-ups putting the end it all worked out a great venue right everybody was happy I feel very excited I feel good that's it in the next couple of days the word continued to spread throughout Long Island about its first gastropub reinvigorated by the new direction and updated menu melissa has found her passion again one small Caesar one small house chef friends are being here it has definitely brought in life into my job chicken sandwiches up and out burgers up and out I do have more passion about it I want to make sure everything is good I'm surprising myself now even the waitstaff has taken it upon themselves to maintain the cleanliness of the restaurant we're gonna make a list of what needs to be cleaned every night because we want to keep it clean and we want to make it look like presentable and Billy with renewed hope and determination is moving forward to enjoy while they're waiting to take your order inspiring everyone to make the handle bar a success well done this place is gonna be a success I tell you great location great food great gastropub my wife and myself a very appreciative what he did seemed like there was a black cloud hanging over the handle bar I think the Sun started shining congratulations on being Long Island's first gastropub [Applause] Chef Ramsay came to my restaurant went above and beyond anything I could have possibly asked for and I know this restaurants gonna be successful from here on out I was tough very tough indeed we made a lot of changes change the menu change the decor but there's one thing in there that I thought was completely unchangeable and that was built and we even managed that [Music] next time on Kitchen Nightmares a restaurant that is tearing a family apart were losing our house as well as in our lifes we're losing our everything there's a stubborn father who is impossible to please sois downtown and the son was unable to step up what can you show me the same fire I add and just go up there and try it chef Gordon Ramsay is their last hope though I had a job to do but now it's just become 10 times [ __ ] Vega get ready for a very special Kitchen Nightmares dad I really truly only want you to be proud of me you don't want to miss [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,732,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Id: Z21e_TvusP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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