Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 12 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares he conkright jack [ __ ] from hair chef ramsay goes head-to-head with Long Island's most arrogant chin I'm very excited so chef Graham see what I can do there will be no faults in what I produced whose business is clearly dying there will be plenty of open tables believe me no happy hour here is he sleeping over that Justin early bird special I feel like I'm in Florida his girlfriend not only supports him her parents have put their life savings into the restaurant as well my home my retirement and everything else on the line with this young man but this guy doesn't think he's doing anything wrong oh yeah if you cook in this [ __ ] off it's my restaurant my walls and that should be about Kent Gordon get through to him I wish you got your ass kicked in a [ __ ] kitchen you should be ashamed he can bust my balls but the name on the awning is trophy honest it's not ransom before he not only bankrupt himself you psyched Harper than your dollars into this [ __ ] but his girlfriend's family as well we're screwed we should never do this one thing's for sure there's a shocking conclusion that will change this family forever I am out of it knock somebody out Great Neck New York is an upscale community on the North Shore of Long Island for competition among Italian restaurants his fierce 12 Janos has been struggling to survive for the past three years owned by Anthony trow beyond oh and his girlfriend's parents they are now just months away from losing everything my desire to own a restaurant basically started right after culinary school working for other people and then I said to myself why am i busting my ass for everybody when I could be doing it for myself and then he came to me one day and says this place is available you want to buy it I don't know if it took balls or just plain stupid doing it hey go right over me and ask him having a business together you know you see too much it together too much there's a resentment because of it I heard you mean anything Medina for six years we used to never fight ever I thought he was like the best person in the world looking that we got to you're like who I going that way I want a whole new [ __ ] slip you should have true when it comes down to running the business it's really Anthony that runs it hey change the [ __ ] ticket bro come on it's my restaurant my rules and that should be the bottle at the beginning Charbonneau's took off we didn't maintain the food coming out fast enough with quality and from there our business decreased there will be plenty of open tables believe me the early bird special was my idea any place you like it's bringing in people to keep the boat afloat how are we doing folks everything all right forget about it I feel like I'm in Florida it's crazy I'm working killing myself to pay bills I don't want to live like this I don't I don't really want to live this way anymore it's depressing I put my parents into this position they were finally getting comfortable and now they have no choice but to work or are they gonna lose everything Anthony he's only my daughter's boyfriend I put my faith I put my home my retirement my wife's bull of being everything else on the line with this young man at the end of the day you know it is my name on the awning to think that my name is going down as well as the restaurant that would definitely be disappointing you guys have to run more food and think we are for the last three years have been rough by this time in my life I thought we've been married had kids already if we don't get Chef Ramsay's help there's no other options for us okay here we are oh [ __ ] it's for sale no that's an early bird dinner menu 1495 [ __ ] way is cheaper the sub shop right trouble Janos hello yeah how are you Gordon please first name is Joe Joe good to see very nice to meet you chef like why she couldn't see you too man I said when Chef Ramsay came through that door I thought it was a blessing I think hopefully he'll put us straight so who came up with a bright idea of opening a restaurants you bought a restaurant with your future father-in-law it was just an exciting thing you know you're able to purchase a restaurant as a dream of mine how old are you 28 well you see your 25 will you open pit which is [ __ ] young to open a restaurant yeah yeah thought that was ready ambitious you know I didn't be trained in Italian Russians no I've not I felt I knew everything I still do are you that arrogant possibly I wouldn't open a [ __ ] Italian restaurant without working in one I definitely think everything needs to hear that he's arrogant because I say to him sometimes if you take you said as oh yeah well you know much talking about I'm gobsmacked that's a young man at the age of 25 would manipulate his future father-in-law doping italian russian having never worked in a [ __ ] italian restaurant that doesn't make sense Vince I didn't pin him down and handcuff him and said you I need your house to put the restaurant you've got the house now Chef Ramsay was you know making me feel like it's my fault that the restaurant ain't doing too well I have enough pressure as it is you guys are talking to get married and you've been married for a long time you know that level of pressure how'd you manage that it's been rough because we can't do all we want to do anymore you just can't do it didn't say that's what I do I don't like it here it's not that I don't like working honestly sometimes having Anthony and my parents as partners tends to be difficult and he says one thing and my parents say another and you know sometimes they clash whose idea was put that pathetic side of the window me bringing some sort of customers in right yeah it seems everyone's in agreeance with you know the light-hearted decisions made by one individual which Chef Ramsay had to say the Anthony was on the point sitting back and just listened and you say to yourself wow what the hell are we doing why do we do this are we backing out Chef Ramsay it feels one way and I feel another and did the end of the day the name on the awning is trow be honest it's not ransom Travian owes has unfortunately become known for one thing and one thing only it's inexpensive early bird special are we doing the restaurant is only minutes away from its nightly ritual hello how are you wait early with your right by the window one thing all the family agree on is that the food is great and Anthony well he's certainly a confident guy now I may be in for a treat and right now it's time for the early bird here we go got that round er me what dirty 4:30 who eats there early right Wow the deck or matches the clientele drab fuddy-duddy yeah and seriously old-fashioned I feel like I've come to see my granny in a retirement home why can't he dinner at 4:30 in the afternoon I'm sure someone's recommend the trobee on a salad is excellent it's chopped why were you jumping people who seemed to love it is that because of their teeth maybe it must be a nightmare knife or maybe that's draw I can't stand still in a few minutes I know I think already alright would you like first thing eggplant tower okay then I'll have the chicken wrap shrimp please finally some fish would recommend the Salmons fresh it comes with potatoes and vegetables are passed any pass do you like but you wouldn't sell spaghetti with the salmon you have people get it all the time cuz I like to take the pasta home usually let's go for the salmon spaghetti with a nice okay excellent thank you Wow two-for-one you got it that table tents appetizers please I'm very excited to show Chef Ramsay what I can do I feel that there will be no faults and what I produced one Wow eggplant sour oh my gosh when Chef Ramsay appetizer coming out you can see his face like what is this [ __ ] I said oh my God we're dead that's definitely not homemade mozzarella is ghastly stone cold solid and tasteless how are you madam how was dinner fair hope you're in the bag what is that Oh lovely when will you have this for lunch tomorrow so you're not coming back tomorrow no because you got dinner there thank you I like your lipstick wait spending time in the company of the Golden Girls exactly [Laughter] Kevin bring it out Wow chicken wraps room Thank You chicken and shrimp my love the chicken and where's the shrimp bingo I'm starting with that looks like chicken tastes like shrimp or [ __ ] judge my own solo I've never had a shrimp that hard why would you stick a shrimp inside a chicken it's one of his creations I guess okay ready Jesus oh yes thank you thank you Jesus this trip was to hard rock hard like a bullet it is why would you put shrimp inside of a chicken he says I don't get it all right when I first this came back that was I was disgusted pissed off I wanted to prove him wrong I wanted to show my cooking skills you know are up to par that's the Bolognese thank you thank you okay christ almighty dry and absolutely hideous ready ciphers dry like really dry okay would you mind just would you like another piece I know that I'm okay if salmon was too dry he don't want another piece he said this was brutal there you go Thanks throw it out when it came back I was just too pissed off to even taste it I was furious at Chef Ramsay saying that my favorite [ __ ] personally I feel that it's the wrong opinion at this point I'm [ __ ] furious I'm Paris [Music] coming up Chef Ramsay tries everything to get through to Anthony give me something please but he quickly finds out that Anthony feels he's too important to clean you're telling me now that you don't clean that's what we have staff too confident to taste actually look at me tight I just didn't want to taste it myself and too stubborn to see that the relationships around him are on shaky ground you don't want to hear what you have to this arrogant chef may be the one that pushes Chef Ramsay over the edge I am NOT a vet and out the door with an extreme I just [ __ ] burned the place [Music] it's only 7 p.m. early-bird customers have now left and at a time when restaurants are usually bustling trobee on o's is empty all is quiet except it's time for the family to hear from Gordon let's go check em together yeah one thing that was absolutely amaze me this evening is the size of the portions when you serve an entree you're serving a second entree with it it's been confirmed to why we don't open for lunch cuz you're serving the lunch the night before so they're robbing you however that's not the biggest problem the food hideous the Leaning Tower of Pisa what's going on there with that the eggplant tower was wrong that's not fresh mozzarella I'm really sorry that's processed commercial craps [Applause] summer did you see when they went back to the kitchen yes yeah just because you may have the inclination and I'm acting like a dick it was dry and I think you're acting like a dick I just didn't want to taste it myself it's hard to hear him get yelled at but Chef Ramsay he knows what he's talking about so he should listen to him every time a plate comes back to my kitchen I taste it and then the worst dish the shrimp in the chicken where'd you go looking for the shrimp just seemed unique now I'm even more concerned about what you're tasting I thought you had a better palate than the [ __ ] customers in there this evening it was hideous you bust my balls about my ego but you should not be killing me over my food I know I'm a great chef and I think he knew what he was talking about okay I'm out of here it's been a tough day for everybody [Music] 1495 that's not easy that stopping a family in the face especially when they're half a million dollars in debt and it's tough I honestly don't know if I can turn this around oh dear dear oh dear oh dear we're so frustrated we're so worn out with so beat up we don't know what [ __ ] direction we're going anymore well obviously we have to provide the right direction because we're drowning very quickly maybe this was a god-sent that he came in [Music] do you know what there's no way I can sleep we're gonna go back to the restaurant and actually find out what this guy's kitchens like what's he working with before I start putting my pan together as Gordon ventures into the kitchen the family continues their post dinner meeting you need to take criticism better take criticism oh these people know what the [ __ ] you're talking about you don't want to hear it right you don't want to hear but you have to about like you got to take it and be like me I'm doing something wrong this was not fun this was played inside that the floor state to crime [Music] Oh [Music] smile you know what you do wrong takes more control of these guys and I feel that you don't if you want me to take the control don't go check and judge me about anything that I do behind there oh my god [ __ ] look at that there that it's mouse or rat droppings oh my god couple of hours ago I was feeling slightly embarrassed for them slightly concerned in a big way but now when a chef let go of his kitchen like this it proves he doesn't care I want to be more involved in the business end of things forget the business aspect and your portion is the host important I was going back to the hotel couldn't sleep how to look in the kitchen and I'm absolutely [ __ ] gobsmacked how can you do that that is so that again what is that what is that come here Anthony how can you cook in this when was the last time this was cleaned occasion are we trying to do it on a daily basis what I'll be seen under there underneath underneath here Joseph would you mind having a look I don't think you've actually seen this down there okay please Anthony talk to me give me some form of feedback don't [ __ ] me give me something please well they're asked to do it every day Steph they're what they're asked to do it every day we're on our ass with a half a million dollars debt and you're telling me now that you don't even clean that's what we have staff all right oh my god what's this then what's that on there the droppings they're not [ __ ] caraway seeds [Music] could imagine it was been that bit from the surface everything looks nice and nice when you start digging I can't just can't believe it isn't this your bedrock isn't this where it's all created from you can't create jack [ __ ] from here I swear to God I don't think you give a [ __ ] should be absolutely ashamed Scheffer empty came in like a bat out of hell and again just whip the living crap outta me there's only so much you can do or say it's a war Antony give me something please come on with an answer auntie although I'm [ __ ] out of it I swear to God I am [ __ ] out of there I can't take much more of this [ __ ] [ __ ] it you've got no chance I am out of there [Music] I am out of it [Music] Anthony's arrogance and his refusal to take responsibility for his kitchen have pushed Gordon to his breaking point I am out of air blowing Ramsey walk that I said that was it with finished room I just [ __ ] burned the place I don't know Ramsey you don't even want to help us when I saw Chef Ramsay going out to the street I was feeling a failure I had to tell him how I felt and just not let this slip through our fingers why have you given up then tell me there must be a reason because I'm the ambulance in there you gave up years ago Anthony that's your family in there right now each and every one of them believe in you yeah don't you feel bad honestly don't you wake up a sleepless nights you ever had that burden on your shoulders somebody's house not quite to this extent no I've been in the industry of 21 [ __ ] years busting my balls I've made mistakes yeah I've had failures but [ __ ] me have I learned exactly I'm trying to learn are you yes I am why that in there come on [ __ ] come on [ __ ] aah I think you've had it too easy you're one lucky [ __ ] boy to get hold of is resting at 25 and I don't see that [ __ ] level of humbleness slightly arrogant fine but a little bit of humility you know that forward yeah Chef Ramsay taught me you need to face reality you need to realize that maybe you're not the only one involved in everything time to get humble and turn the corner [Applause] we've just had a chat and now we're going to clean when that place is clean and you see the difference you will respect it from a completely different level not just the kitchen the ingredients if that's not working what chance have we got let's do it together let's go when I seen going around you come back in and I said okay there's still a little ray hope people answer everything be a bit of all the food first yeah we're gonna give this place a really good clean at this point I'll do anything and everything that's ever he does suggest it's definitely a shadow reality it's kind of just snapping me back into place [Music] after a stressful night Gordon chooses an unlikely spot to introduce the family to the first of many changes this is one idea okay in order to separate your restaurant for any other Italian restaurant anywhere near Great Neck what do we get from cows make milk the butter cheese what do we do with milk and cheese what do we make exactly exactly that whose mill to cow before no miss glamorous Pat gloves off please Gucci gloves on the gloves make sure your hands are warm just try and keep it in the bucket but this was so out there to look your own cow I never die see my wife milk a cow she's over there playing with the old song charts if we put both hands please are you doing that before no I you don't blaming somebody else again I gone you're the chef well done okay on the back of last night's scenario just bringing you four together and having some fun it's great because it looked like a family last night everyone was in their own little turmoil so today was really what we needed this now needs to be pasteurized we'll take it back and we'll start making our first ever fresh homemade mozzarella ready yeah that was pathetic yeah hey teats I'm not your strong point let's go back at the restaurant Gordon walks them through the process of making fresh mozzarella and si push all the way out so it gets really nice and shiny perfect hey yo look that's it you got it I did not make much myself we actually had a nice little learning experience 45 minutes a day Chef Ramsay's idea to make fresh mozzarella here is definitely putting a stamp on Charbonneau's it's something that people going to remember people going to come forth [Music] with a number of bookings for Friday night Gordon decides it's an opportune time to implement another one of his changes okay tonight take down that sign it's finished you don't need it you're running a restaurant not retirement home let's go now that the earlybird menu is a thing of the past Gordon introduces pasta and mozzarella specials to the dinner service okay spaghetti lobster I don't it's flooded with a heavy coating of tartar sauce yeah and over here homemade fresh mozzarella yes with caramelized red onions skl bang the autumn fire tonight's specials yep okay good hello ladies don't have to dinner service I'm real knows I got this buzz going on we got a lot of things on the line here so you want a mozzarella special yeah you can bring them out with you outside thank you so much specials taste taste taste yeah yeah I don't care if it's the [ __ ] sauce or a bread crumb we taste yes looking good looking good looking good come on mic spinach ravioli lots of ravioli eliminating our early bird special is a lot more difficult we have a lot more dishes to prepare for I need the last especially up let's go come on actually look at me taste you [ __ ] taste yes yeah I'm probably gonna make a big sign I think Anthony means it say you have to taste the food floor goes out I'll kick his ass okay we're coming here we go got like we got a side of linguini garlic and oil coming up it's busy this guy's getting absolutely slammed but we can move up he's definitely got talent but there's one thing this guy hasn't done this tastes a thing from a chef point of view how can you serve food out of the customers and not taste anything unacceptable beyond [ __ ] belief now now while Anthony might not be tasting his food the customers are and they're not impressed yes right yeah it strikes it's like it's been around not interested Cheney he wants to look at the menu so get him two menus Anthony yeah table 17 they're complaining about their food saying it's this is too dry there's two more gentleman said the same thing so they're gonna look at something else you gotta taste this food come on now we're playing games here we're in the business over here we're getting killed right now follow me it's an hour into dinner service and a kitchen that is not used to being busy is starting to crumble with my potatoes we've gotta be kidding cool Abby was definitely getting his ass kicked tonight please get it out come on the food was taking too long people were scrambling because they were trying to rush go go go go hurry up fire that's not good [Music] with the kitchen already running behind Michels burned entree has brought the dinner service to a grinding halt [Music] [Applause] we'll regroup here we'll regroup Hey on a night filled with more setbacks than successes Anthony is trying to salvage the evening by pleasing the remaining customers this leg of a ashamed of myself and didn't think it was as bad as the clientele found it to be you know could be I guess blinders that I was wearing tonight was a disaster you know it's depressing and I know we have to change things I just don't know what to do Tiffany and I his relationship has been rocky there's stress that we've been through over the past three years it's definitely proved to be the breaking point if the restaurant were to fail maybe we don't move on maybe that's the end of our road oh my god okay tonight didn't go by without its problems Anthony from the first place that left your kitchen to the last plate you didn't take a [ __ ] thing you can't be that [ __ ] arrogant it was a travesty that is your [ __ ] job and the minute you don't do that don't call yourself a chef I never really tasting things beforehand never thought it was necessary I guess that just comes with the cocky and the arrogance of me you have got to taste if you're not tasting it what the customers experiencing you know Anthony should be tasting his food you should know why the clientele is complaining it's just hurting my business and it's hurting my family tomorrow we have to be different Anthony it separates you from being average to something quite special if you thought tonight was busy oh hey god help me because we are relaunching this restaurant tomorrow I know it's late get some sleep a big day tomorrow see in the morning goodnight I feel like you can't get any worse than it is now hopefully tomorrow's gonna be a new beginning for everybody in preparation for the relaunch Gordon's team worked through the night updating trophy ah no stodgy interior good morning a lot of changes you didn't like this place when I first arrived yeah you didn't like the deco didn't like the lighting and it was bland are you ready for a change yes let's go it's warm yes I couldn't believe what I see I was definitely in the one place I was dreaming everything was unbelievable the chairs the table forts the booths I mean everywhere you look with beautiful restaurants so we're gonna have some authentic Italian pictures on the wall I used to hate this place I hate coming in here but now with the new decor everything just goes really well together so everything is just perfect it's romantic it's wood and more importantly it's sexy this is a great look at this that is a mozzarella bar wow that's awesome are you happy good bad good man I just give believe it's more than I've ever ever expected it's beautiful it's a total fresh start you know we're gonna take them today and just keep moving forward okay good the menu absolutely crucial we've condensed it and it's simple and rustic okay no more salmon and bolognese sauce it's authentic portal has been trimmed and they're sensible portions he showed us the menu ah it was downsized the prices were better it's beautiful it's all in place now tonight is where it's got to work I'm a little nervous for Anthony this is where he has to show what he's made of so hopefully he can get that done coming up with relaunch upon them Trobe jános is finally put to the test the editor-in-chief of the bun of a team magazine they want to join us for dinner oh my god this could be a great opportunity for Troy be a nose or it could be the final nail in the clock can Anthony and the Stamp rise to the occasion the most important results are made in your [ __ ] life or will they crack under the pressure what's the matter this was cold in the middle just what it was going perfectly well the [ __ ] soul comes back and at the end of service a shocking surprise that will change this family for years to come I was shocked I never expected this in a million years in preparation for the fit relaunch Gordon introduces the staff to the new dishes gone are the shrimp in the chicken and the dried out salmon in their place authentic Italian dishes the soul smacks of roast potatoes rosemary garlic salmon the rib eye steak and the lamb ragout homemade mozzarella we've got hundreds of balls of fresh mozzarella I have a taste taste a salad oh that's good oh my god everything is so delicious okay guys it's gonna be a very important night and it is absolutely crucial we stay together on it one more thing I had a phone call from the editor-in-chief of the Bon Appetit magazine they want to join us for dinner oh my god I'm very nervous about tonight you know when he just told us about the critic coming that scares the hell out of me this is a real chance to put this place on the map just under six million people read that magazine per month and I I have to make sure Anthony stays on the right track with his cooking which is tasting of the food everything is on the line this could be a great opportunity for Troy be a nose or it could be the final nail on the coffin [Music] hi Joe how you doing I just wanted to we're trying something new we have a mood Cedella bar here we go let's go till they got one each so six slices in there six slices on their excellent seed bank yeah thirty Seconds $80 off you go another one yeah before can't believe I wasn't Scott this is unbelievable it's extraordinary and they fill up on the advertiser chicken farm you got one coming up you're tasting the food please tell me you taste it taste the [ __ ] stuff man it's very important to keep the standard sign we have to impress a lot of people we got a lot of things on the line here I won't make sure they tasted this [ __ ] I gotta watch him now with Toby on Oh is busier than it has been in years the pressure is now on Anthony to keep up with the orders but his staff must come through for him as well Danny I have 216 does not make sense buddy what's going on here the wait staff here is killing actually you can't read the [ __ ] thing give it back to him yeah yes yeah make them rewrite it right here quick Kevin look at these tickets silted otherwise you gonna get [ __ ] in 15 minutes yes yeah yes while Anthony gets the staff in line are they finished with it so is it fired right away I need to know Joe scans the dining room looking for the bone Appetit table - Tony yes I'll push now these entrees now yeah all right enjoy can I make fish like this please watch that yeah potential yeah potential critter yes missing this very nice go go go go go is it really I'm so sorry okay no problem excuse me yes what's the matter this is cold in the middle what table is that [Music] hey just what he was going for penny well the [ __ ] soul comes back when this came back the only thing that was running through my head was whether it was the board at the tea-table the traditional stuff is very good yeah chicken parmesan very good we want all the pastas the pork chops lamb to give everybody a little taste he wanted one of each okay thank you okay no problem you're welcome aren't you nervous then ah they ordered everything on the menu questions they're asking questions they're ordering a lot of wine man is definitely a food critic Anthony Table nine there's six people yes one of them I think is the critical step it up yeah yes bounce back come on let's go okay we're gonna do Table nine a very very very important table all right here we go three minutes on the pasta Tony looking good fascinate yeah what's that risotto yes yes yeah yeah hey the most important result he made in your [ __ ] life beautiful table ninth risotto and Rangoon I need a second busboy please quickly nine please everything's on the line tonight and if we don't make it then you know it's just gonna be a disaster [Music] it's the relaunch dinner and Tiffany has just delivered entrees to the editor-in-chief of Bon Appetit now all the family can do is hope I'm very nervous about the critics I really do think that my business is at stake tonight it's either gonna make us or break us asking lots of questions and more importantly than passing food round which is a great sign yep not happy with it if you don't pass it how is the bass you like it very good right okay thank you [Music] any complaints no no no it's a dream the order for beautiful awesome I was at an all-time high with Bon Appetit knowing that if this positive review comes out that it's gonna put trophy Ana's above and beyond where we ever imagined with a wealth of satisfied customers and a good response from Bon Apetit trophy Ana's we launched is a success but Chef Ramsay knew that Anthony still had some unfinished business tonight prove that but there's one more thing [Music] each mile beautiful make an honest woman offer shaken this is unbelievable this is coming from you yeah to us you forgot about it and if there's one thing that's missing it's that and I know personally how long we've been putting it off because of the pressure up on the restaurant that is gonna put an into it okay yeah speechless thank you get up there stand strong Tiffany's a great girl she's put up with me for the past three years there was no better time than tonight to go ahead with this at ladies and gentlemen light reducing to a chef Pat Ron Anthony toreano I just want to thank everyone for coming here you can see we've come a long way thanks to Chef Ramsay here and we've moved in such a positive direction that there's just one thing in my life that it hasn't been official Tiffany [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was shocked that it'd be proposed to me in front of everybody it was just incredible I never expected this in a million years it totally touched me to see Anthony proposed to Tiffany and I know this is what he's wanted it's just unbelievable it's a dream come true you better make my daughter happy [ __ ] take us I have one more surprise for both of you I've arranged for both of you to get married tonight [Applause] [Music] we just totally shocked with all the excitement of everything else going on to top it off with a wedding come on oh my god this is crazy I love Anthony I've been waiting for this for six years we have a new life to start so everything should just ball to blows that Tiffany and Anthony have come together to proclaim their undying love through the celebration of their marriage I am so good so many emotions it was amazing night more Sun believable there's no other word to describe all of this really ladies gentleman I just like to say this family have been a pleasure to work with Chef Ramsay did definitely selves our lives you got to be kidding me he didn't come here six months from now we've been close I'm grateful my family's grateful and I hope this is a new beginning for all of us [Music] amazing I've seen many a dream turn into a nightmare tonight a nightmare turned into a beautiful dream [Music] next time on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon hits the Big Apple and takes on a lobster shack with three feuding owners you get mad at these two yet and you to get matter here they don't want to talk to me anymore one has thrown in the towel another is fed up with his portrait so I get mad at them because I don't think they're doing what they need to do and the third can't see eye to eye with anyone this question has every chance of succeeding you're wrong the great Gordon Ramsay is wrong that's next time on Kitchen Nightmares [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 2,278,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Id: 6Wznz49dUz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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