Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 10 - Full Episode

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New York City home to thousands of restaurants the most competitive city in the world but there's one restaurant that needs my help more than any other and it's right down there tonight on Kitchen Nightmares New York City may be the mecca of fine dining but in the heart of Manhattan is a restaurant in such bad shape it may prove to be Gordon's biggest challenge yet oh my god Dylan's an Indian eatery is not on the verge of disaster we need a death in the restaurant before some [ __ ] gets a grip it's already there it's rotten man the menu is confusing Italian anything is known here is Chinese the food is awful green burgers kill people there is a language barrier tell him in your language he'll kill somebody and as far as the cleanliness goes holy [ __ ] oh my god it's not a pretty sight and what makes matters worse the numerous managers don't seem to care nothing to be guilty of he was getting served on this [ __ ] bashing tonight get ready to witness one crazy week in the life of Gordon Ramsay [ __ ] live ok as he attempts to turn around a Manhattan mess can you gonna tell them that the kitchen is closed tonight on Kitchen Nightmares [Music] yes Lisa how are you with Dylan's this is an American Irish restaurant with an Indian nurse connected to it [Music] it's hard for me to believe that Dylan's has lasted this long and you had eight people leave on you yes we kind of lurch between catastrophe and disaster my wife my family we started this restaurant to make a new life but the restaurant is not doing that world dealings good evening how can I help you we hired Martyn to take care of this business objective the idea was to capture the best of all worlds we have beef lamb chops shepherd's pie the wave of the future hamburgers I think people are a bit confused as to like what kind of restaurant this is I don't know what each manager does specifically on the jello manager I'm the operations manager and I'm a floor manager nobody really knew I was a manager he doesn't do anything yet I don't like to work here because everything's so messed up I think in an ideal world Martin would be an ongoing character in a reality TV series my responsibilities include an awful lot of things I make sure that everything runs something's broken I fix it then make sure that there's toilet paper to wipe your butt with frequently I will have to cook something because the cooks who make the Indian food don't know how to make American food if we get customers in here I will walk up two tables serve them their food and I'll be sliding fly-ins away it is disgusting the kitchen's Mark Twain the problem has been eradicated now I think it has mr. flood for last six months we are losing like to need $30,000 a month I cannot continue losing money like this I don't want to continue with this nightmare I'll do anything and everything what Gordon Ramsay asked me to do to make this place as successful [Music] ironically Gordon's successful New York restaurant is only two blocks away from this kitchen nightmare Dillons well it can't fail you'll tape town and what the [ __ ] is that sign they're like a school board hello Gordon Ramsay Martin general manager this is Dylan's women's Indian restaurant Indian restaurant yes does he sound like an Indian does it no no Dylan's no when I first met Gordon I assumed to be a fairly intimidating guy and ice exactly what he was Mahmoud Islam the owner of the place mammoth how are you fine thank you hello Jenna nice to see Gordon definitely has a presence about him I don't know whether or not I should be terrified or just relax and go with everything manager general manager operational manager yes one rocky table trust you to pick the worst table of the house let's sit this table shall we yeah thank you yes [Music] Martin yes we're such a huge menu mmm am i writing thing there's two kitchens there's two different chefs in one kitchen they work alongside each other British Italian Buffalo yes the only thing is normally is Chinese you know with this busy for lunch actually it's a little busy today we don't have people coming in because they see an empty restaurant sometimes I don't get a table at all from the main menu assorted vegetarian appetizers and in four main course the lamb biryani and the buna from the American menu I'll go for the semi nice one sir please thank you god I'm lonely [Music] I'm quite excited to see the reaction got like great service great food so it's a win-win situation wars are ghastly the site's been plastered with hospital liliane that's where the customers go after they come out of this restroom of course there's no [ __ ] salmon why would there be [ __ ] salmon when Gordon Ramsay ordered his lunch he must have looked into a [ __ ] crystal ball because he orders something that we didn't have let me just make sure that I can order something that they don't have [Music] watch there's two fritters those ones both with our vegetable vegetable yes may the Lord above not poison me amen in terms of beauty there's not exactly an Indian classic is it the lymph nodes are dehydrated turd [Music] his meat in there that one's got meat in there it's not much time tastes like bland if he were a vegetarian I would expect a lawsuit it's gonna be fun to ask them about you guys are killing me right now assorted fng Tyrion appetizer plate has to be vegetarian welcome what the worst is over right beef buna lamb biryani remember she's bringing a plate for you thanks Donny would you would you mind get me a clean [ __ ] is that always worries me when they stick tomato roses on top of Feridun and the tomatoes rotten [Music] that is not a piece of beef does that look like a piece of beet to you my darling it's dry it looks like pork there's that beef then I I was born in Bangladesh he says to try this it's pork pretty sure it's pork beef what no yeah it was lamb so now it was lamb Gordon didn't seem to enjoy much of anything and that's how it usually goes with customers where do you start with this one potatoes are sick Martin they look like they're cooked at least a week ago well that's good and frozen salmon to undo that's good you have come to the rescue once again one of the greatest chefs in the world wants something to eat and I had to make it thank you so this is from the American kitchen just like a doormat fly this normal yes it is who made this I did so you're the operations manager you're yes the chef as well yes we haven't got any other chefs in the back that can cook this food they don't know how to cook any western-style food we do me a favor yes either that was pleasure pretty much everything they could go wrong when horribly and catastrophic ly wrong Kalas juice yeah recently you Gordon tell him in a really nice way yeah she'll food is [ __ ] last time we put the same person to pollinate pretty plant old-fashioned I've eaten it I don't feel too good portal clinical MRC photos you know give me shake this [ __ ] on the dummy what it says that that lamp is probably the old lamp and serve me old lamp I embarrassed to see the situation mr. that girls nervous as that they made a mistake in there my name is time may be dished and that cotton has a very high compared to mine I didn't expect this gonna cover that bad coming up Gordon's nightmares are realized that as poison as he takes a look inside this kitchen three burgers kill people will Andrew and Martin survive the night I've never met general manager so [ __ ] as you and later what filth will Gordon find lurking below on Kitchen Nightmares after Gordon's lunchtime fiasco he now tries to understand how this restaurant is managed I'm not worthy of sparking water this table eeny meeny miney moe can't you manage it by the toe you are what's up there the floor manager manager holy mackerel when I came to work I was nervous but at the same time I was happy because I have a chance to work with Chef Ramsay so you can fix up lady you think he's not funny I need you to do everybody here hates Kahn and I can't fire the guy because he's protected by Mohammed now we have a full manager operation manager and general manager I was resting just thinking of various things I've gotta sort out one of the waitresses was rubbing my hair it was a natural thing how many managers this place need I found a new manager we now have a full manager amongst the operation manager there's managed by the general manager three [ __ ] managers and they're all [ __ ] they are there with a better understanding of the staff structure it's time for Gordon to see the staff in action at a dinner service welcome I see you are used to looking over the menu the Indians very good well we choosing from which menu it's also becoming clear to Gordon that the multiple styles of menu is not a positive but a negative okay ready okay Farooq holy Moses oh dude [ __ ] me off the floor and don't put on the floor hello manager Operations Manager general manager anybody Mammon can you explain to Gomez yes yeah that we've got to stop putting things on the floor uh hi Jeannie I'm hiding again it couldn't get us to it's very dangerous there it's 40 minutes into the service and unbelievably no food has left the kitchen my first table still hasn't gotten there Andre one of the major reasons for the delay kitchen chaos who's in charge chair I'm taking over expediting here your expedite sir yes ma'am is what are you doing in here you've got three managers two chefs eight girls out the front and no one can [ __ ] delegate oh my god okay kids one order of salmon left one salmon special let everybody know and when the information is shouted from the kitchen Martin is busy again not with customers but with his phone before this goes ultimately Martin doesn't belong in a leadership position this place is running in chaos it's totally dysfunctional and there needs to be leadership here so what are you cooking tonight nothing nothing at all yeah the general manager Martin place all right Gordon Ramsay was really getting under my skin okay right this young man's here he's standing here and he has learned to cook is this how you run a place no I don't want to play this why did it take me to let you know that he's standing there playing with radishes because you're busy that's a horrible thing to say but I was busy in a fun day yes he was bleeding - my relationship with the waitresses yeah you get off on it girl stoking your hair massaging your [ __ ] ego you're such a fake fake and just why why you say on the fake you've got members of your team standing here getting paid dude [ __ ] off I've never met a general manager so [ __ ] as you if this is your money would you let me stand here play with us dick that's what you'll do you're riding Muhammad you know you're skilling that poor man yes you [ __ ] are you taking advantage of a weak rich man that's what's just [ __ ] clicked in my mind he got personal he was accusing me of riding Muhammad this type of thing and that got me because how the hell if you've got the right to say something to me they'll even know me we've got more star because tonight and we still can't go [ __ ] right general manager general an hour and a half into dinner service and only a few dishes have made their way to customers who are not exactly thrilled with Dillon's dining experience and those who haven't received food are getting ready to leave in two minutes really serious really what I can do for you right now so we better make you happy I'm sorry ladies I can just count your bill [Music] it's day 2 and Gordon has already been appalled by the food and dismayed by the inadequate management time to do the thing I've been dreading most yeah getting into the kitchen I am NOT looking forward to this part when were these change loves Danny while he's there flies look fresh oh my gosh I have no idea why is the Flies there was a lot of flies here what is that I don't know you don't know moldy that is quite frankly the worst hamburger I've ever seen in my entire life oh my god these were my [ __ ] potatoes for lunch you do me a favor yes either thank God I saw the little [ __ ] down to eat them that's not a potato green chicken what goes on down here [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] jokes oh look at that cockroaches [ __ ] my god that is the worst hamburger I've ever seen in my entire life having discovered the terrible conditions in the kitchen Gordon now ventures down to the basement of the restaurant to check out what's lurking below what is that that for rats or mice food for to get you there so we have got rats here [Music] [Applause] that is all over the place [Music] his rat droppings look at them all everywhere that's rats oh my good god look at the cockroaches oh my God look I've got one in my [ __ ] hair it's cockroaches boxes full of them look look at them all oh my God look there they are they're in refrigeration oh my god [Music] there you go I was shocked it's like a nightmare no ma'am it it's not even a pepper it's rotten I'm worried about the Flies in the dining room I know where they're [ __ ] breeding now look at it I'm eating here come on Martin we all miss you hopefully see you soon take care bye okay yeah I need Martin urgent he's a general manager yes yes good yeah you're needed right now I mean you might know needed in the kitchen urgently are you in charge of this are you responsible for this that is the salad I had lunchtime it's opened the bag and bang out comes the Flies gentlemen gets worse than that is green it's beyond edible it's disgusting look at the color of those chicken wings everything in there was putrid how long has that been in their shitty mice yes there's a head chef responsible for this final race if I kill somebody we're not passing the buck but I know my general manager knows what the [ __ ] going on in my fridge is where are your standards are standards look at it those Chinese fungus I'm eatin here when's that frog that's been sliced that's gonna help was that where is it a madam where's that tomato God look it's [ __ ] rotten you [ __ ] idiot it's rotten and the castle had just been served a slice of tomato so where is it oh my god [Music] things are looking pretty glum look it's rotten Muhammad's tell him in your language you kill somebody what we need a death in the restroom before some [ __ ] gets a grip how many tables are out there three you tell those three tables this is the luckiest there they're [ __ ] live okay the only thing worse than having tables sent away is knowing that what I was going to serve him could make him sick no one is getting served on this [ __ ] mission tonight let's make that clear yes or no anyone against that no no good that didn't go down too well he was extremely angry extremely pissed off we are not ever again serving any of this food I don't give a [ __ ] what anyone says can you go tell them that the kitchen is closed right now out there and telling the truth tell them now Gordon was so outraged so angry I've never seen anything like it I'm sorry to inform you that we are not going to be serving dinner this evening Chef Ramsay shut down the kitchen it's just disgraceful I feel terrible that it's gotten to this point I'm [ __ ] speechless is it nightmare this is so horrible I should close down this place this is worse than a nightmare [Music] Gordon has encountered one of the most disgusting kitchens he has ever seen oh my god and so he must take serious actions let's go on these guys to know I mean [ __ ] business a clean means are properly [Music] right you doesn't little [ __ ] well I was just looking at him and thinking okay once I clean I mean clean yeah guys let's go these guys are professional steam cleaners earn guys you see straight through there it wasn't just cleaners it was cleaners plus they're dressed like people from Star Wars for God's sake and you guys [Music] phase one of Gordon's mission to seek out and destroy all moldy run and contaminated foods it'll work the next phase of operation sterilize steam clean every square inch of the kitchen now it's time to enlighten Muhammad and his managers with a little trip a couple of blocks away to the kitchen of Gordon's New York restaurant okay I want to show you something the difference between night and day this is a kitchen grasp [Music] all kitchen should be like this Gordon's kitchen is absolutely spectacular no matter what size restaurant you are you can keep a clean shop and you can keep it organized open the fridge door massive we went to the London that was a walk of shame twice a day these fridges are cleaned this is heaven that was hell [Music] in order to reach out to the local Indian community and New Yorkers at large Gordon has come up with his strategy for the menu contemporary Indian cuisine does he know we're in Broadway where are we New Jersey New York we are the New York they're still making that right with the salmon we're gonna make a bit of a broth dry coconut and tomatoes and onions Dre the secret behind the scholar is nice and pink it's sweet a little bit of curry powder yes yes and then from there just sit on top of the chutney pan-seared scallops a walnut chutney wonderful crispy salmon with a tomato coconut curry broth he just opened my eyes to what can be done Jane modern way to serve Indian food very good look at me oh jeez okay very very good Julie's only a scholar yeah we haven't lost our children okay okay here they go now you know I can let go now you can let [ __ ] go now I'll take yours [Music] to help execute Gordon's menu makeover he has enlisted the help of one of the top Indian chefs in New York City Vikas Khanna good to see buddy are you welcome I need you here to work with the team of chefs and to get this place back on the map yeah it's beautiful location we had in heart of Manhattan you can do it you later in the night Gordon's design team is brought in to dramatically transform the restaurants interior and exterior it's a new day the tacky electronic sign is being removed and the restaurant is given an authentic Indian name for NEMA which means full moon blindfolded much to our chagrin do you okay on the count of three take off your blindfolds one two three haven't they done an amazing job great job amazing job Momo never look from down here wow what a difference is there beautiful beautiful it has a nice clean crisp look it looks now like it's been done by professionals the way it should this is beautiful I'm happy to come into work now and not see the material it's so much more than I thought it'd be neat as new pockets new linen new pictures and it looks like something that is classic yes he just timed this restaurant from zero to 200 Fellini up Outsiders have a quick look outside [Music] stand back a little bit there's no confusion the colors beautiful yes I'm not gonna miss that sign I'm so glad to have it gone it looks like a real restaurant again the amazing job after working through the night veikkaus is ready to present the new menu he designed with Gordon the old menu has been replaced with classic Indian dishes that have a modern twist everything is done very simple according to American palate I didn't know that Indian food like that existed Kerala fishermen's curry okay that's a very basic curry we move to the next test we have quraysh shrimp here after the trio we have the chicken korma we are using saffron real saffron for this flavor mr. B cos is so cute he is a magician to me and Gardens recipe of saffron cauliflower the menu reflects these values of freshness and food vibrant flavors and it's very approachable for everyone [Music] with the kitchen menu and decor all in good shape it's time for Gordon to turn his attention back to the staff big big big nights yes this place is about to be relaunched properly tonight it has to work okay what's your role for tonight general manager I'm in front of house I'll be meeting greeting we do me a favor when the customers sit down we're not sort of be so false when you jump on just sometimes I feel it so in your face it's intimidating for them yeah watching your performance I'm tacky will you promise to keep your phone off in the middle of service you must be attentive to staff knees when necessary yeah when you attempt to act as a general manager the first time ever stepping into this business as your caffeine hangout area [Music] that is a great morale booster before the opening of this amazing new restaurant well you actually treat it as a business if you could try to make some improvement this evening please Martine is not qualified for a GM I don't see the confidence that he Nene Martin's not full of [ __ ] okay you're giving him such a hard time it's making me angry I'm frustrated for the the lack of respect this man has that's with him not with you so would you mind keeping your nose out of my business don't try and interrupt me excuse me this is a loyal worker oh yeah no I'm saying you don't need your minion to try and convince me how good you are on the back of what I've experienced is that clear madam please Garden help us to achieve that one an amazing no yes yes Lube ourselves we do did job right absolutely different and then we see this garden we did it Thank You Mohammed I've been waiting for that for the last week I'm really pleased that it came out so now I want to see positivity from everybody absolutely everybody if there's anyone who doesn't think they can pull on the road by that look for a new job it's the morning of relaunch and Gordon has organized a plan to spread the word in Manhattan it's a poor NEMA parade [Music] Wow what a brilliant idea are promoting porn in my restaurant awful Joe I will jump on yes it's amazing music before asking where the restaurant is and it was nice to be able to do something together we needed that more than anything because I think all of our spirits were so broken it's only two hours to go until the doors open and the restaurant is booking up the future of Purnima rests greatly on tonight's reopening for Mohammed tonight is a golden opportunity but he needs his staff to rise to the occasion I would say this table right here I've got a table right here for you this is very exciting to see this restaurants a fool again if the kitchen is under the strong leadership of veikkaus but Gordon will be keeping an eye on the general manager Martin the success of Ponemah depends on the teamwork that's the crucial point of running honeymoon yep give me the phone is it on is off okay yes once you can take a feel this is the new style Purnima musical new menu contemporary fresh and how exciting it's all fresh all new and wonderful everything's just going perfectly well but [ __ ] [Music] excellent nice that must be in the dining room nice Epis customers are responding well to the new menu and the first wave of orders is now hitting the kitchen piping hot please take this take this we got a chance in custom tonight we've got a turntable yeah but as the orders start to pile in Martin's lack of managerial skills start to show and the waitstaff becomes confused which is causing disorder in the kitchen and everything is starting to back up Marty kaan the food sitting here no one's moving their ass yes good cold a cold and cold [Music] I need another rice please mouthing please act quickly everyone's standing in it Donna can you get out of the rice please do something so we'd have to send more food to the rats that's great finally found a job even on a night with a top chef at the helm Martin's mismanagement of his waiters has caused problems in the kitchen and the customers are paying the price okay we're now just starting to turn these first tables but panic sets in customers are complaining about food being cold and these staff are not used to being busy especially like this [Music] oh yeah let's go race is cold cuz it's [ __ ] lying around just take this please service please I never sold as many customers before who's running the restaurants Martin gone yeah somebody ordered this 33 I'm not gonna say anything negative about the restaurant but they don't understand this restaurant let's go on there you go rather than a big straight right where you going what table what was that for Bacchus Bacchus freak-ass I don't think that that Martin understands what a general manager really should be doing don't make any phone calls along the way straight to the table why is that rice gone cold now why isn't that we served nice especially burning yes sir she burning I want the customer to experience it hot customers are complaining about the food cold my man I believe cool just trying to get me angry iron annoyed or whatever and I wasn't taking any part with that [Music] Gordon has seen enough of Martin's managerial incompetence and believes he may have found a solution be honest with me Jenny manage this place yes they can so stop blending in and stand on your feet okay yes I can do them I will try my best to convince of Chef Ramsay that I can run this restaurant with Conn taking the reigns food is finally making it out to the customers Thank You Isis hold on water use the tray take it to the down there each and every time a table 44 need there all check perfect all the Western with Khan in the dining room and Vitas in the kitchen the restaurant is beginning to run smoothly it was a very very good expense for me and my whole team and then make me feel good the grand opening of Purnima was bumpy in the middle but finished on a high note I'm a makhovikova really pleased however Gordon knows his work is not done this place can be phenomenal the locations extraordinary this is a new start if you have to treat it as a new beginning of course I mean in a perfect world I would sacrifice one of your managers to employ Vitas you cannot carry driftwood in your business out of the three managers one has to go between you and I Martin has an amazing way of manipulating you and he's not worth his weight in terms of what he brings to the table hearing Gordon Ramsay say that to Mohammed and that makes me upset and angry the frustration just boiled over yeah I've never used it I've respected you I'm proud of what we've done I've never teachers from that day you'll be accused me of margin chief in this band is what you said to him mugging so let him go on you've accused me of riding on this money show boys pointing like that look at them angry okay you want to see peasant given you passion this person I've respected you've it the audacity to accuse me of like taking his mind off his back riding off his back is what you've said is disgusting you ever write you don't know that what do I don't know what everybody nothing to be guilty of you want nothing you sat in it it's rotten [Applause] yeah you run it you Saturn yes you wasted it yes I would say you encouraged it like this it's piled out of control and I are so glad not guilty I mean like not guilty they're nothing to be guilty of you want nothing you sat in it yeah you ran it you sat in it yes you wasted it yes I always say you encouraged it always like this we miles go piss spiraled out of control and IRC you tilt one bottle and not peel tea I'm not guilty I'm not gonna take this put down any more and nothing to be guilty of listen this is my last night and you said it was you last night yes yes miss you staying tonight why is it tonight okay please tell the owner not me this is my last night an outfit I quit [Music] when Martin left actually under shock I didn't expect his gonna call dad but I think Gordon Ramsay is full of peace and I'm extremely angry extremely pissed off and I now turn my back and walk away [Music] with the success of the relaunch and the change of management for NEMA has beaten the odds and is now looking to a bright future in the following days poor Nima's contemporary Indian food and atmosphere continued to generate great buzz throughout New York City the restaurants revenue increased and naturally so did the service tips and chef Vitas accepted an offer from Mohammed to be the restaurants ongoing consultant thank you so thank you let's be honest it's not exceptionally well yes yes yes Cray foods great their core great buzz happy customers I really mean it thank you bloody good job I'm very happy with the changes Gordon is made here he has given this place an opportunity to thrive and be a real restaurant well all of us over here I thank you very very much listen you're very welcome you've got all the tools now do it you stop working hard Gordon did what I thought was completely impossible with the restaurant calm my expense with Chef garden was wonderful I got the computer then we can run this business we can run this place right success P okay [Applause] good to see neighbors yes next time I'm coming to eat I'm not going to work yes yes I like to thank Chef Ramsay to being a part of this great success before I thought he's crazy but he said no he's a very passionate man I like that very much [Applause] oh what a transformation I honestly didn't think we could turn this around to this extent from what I saw my first day here my god here we go cue action drama I thought your food is crap I thought it was a pile of [ __ ] your foods crap your food is [ __ ] general manager no general tosspot this guy is seriously office [ __ ] trolley I missed I am gobsmacked what not happy I'm [ __ ] happy that's every time I see you running around like a [ __ ] baby why not I was trying to have a [ __ ] shut up christ almighty this is a joke [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 3,370,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Id: wNxwrSjtYIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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