Kenshi Ironman PC Sandbox RPG - EP1 - THE DESERT POWER

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what's going on guys ad here and welcome to a new series in kimchi as you guys know kimchi is about to hit version 1.0 coming very soon hopefully within the next month or two I'm getting really excited there's a lot of new things added to the game we've got blood we've got dismemberment and crossbows so I'm really excited for all the new features in the new map world to the southeast coming out soon so I saw I thought now would be a good time to do a new series on this game and do something a little bit different than I've done in the past which is an Ironman mode where we don't we don't reload the game at all so whatever happens happens if people die they die and hopefully this series can last quite a long time going in beyond the release of the games it's getting very close so hope you guys are excited for it and this will be really good for those of you who are new to the game and you don't really know much about the game and you want to know how to get started because she can be very difficult at the beginning if you don't know what you're doing you can it can be kind of off-putting to those that don't know what to do and can die very quickly so this will be a good series to watch if you're new to the game I'll be going through tips and things in just the way that I start out and I just wanted to say I really appreciate all of you guys support in the past I took a break for a little while the summer starts to get really busy with my hot sauce company my wife and I run that in the summer so I'll be releasing episodes every once in a while maybe once a week twice a week I don't know whatever and I don't really take YouTube too seriously you know I release content when I have time to do it and I release things that I am passionate about so if you guys haven't heard I'm also working on a kimchi animation kind of like a celebratory animation for kimchi hitting 1.0 because it's been in development for a really long time so I'm going to be releasing that hopefully within the next couple months it's it's a lot of work but I've been working on it on my in my spare time and I think it'll be pretty cool I'm so learning animation but I think it'll be a pretty cool little story and something that's just kind of celebrate the launch of kimchi and and hopefully get people excited about the game so all right let's go ahead and get started here with the episode we're gonna go ahead and let's see we started out here in the desert which I was not expecting so I can't use the basic strategy of going to the the hub and kind of mining over there at the hub so if you start out here in the desert you've got a couple different locations I'm gonna try to make it to show but I this might be quite difficult though I gotta avoid these guys at all costs but you'll notice that I am missing an arm I started out with the rock bottom start which is usually what I like to do it's the hardest start to begin with and yeah I'm really excited to look at more of the robotic limbs it looks like we can get limbs from maybe the Huibers or some some other races probably worlds and has them but I'm not gonna be able to talk to the hybrids unless I get somebody else on board so our main objective right now at the beginning of the game is to get enough money to kind of feed us because hunger is definitely going to be a problem I didn't change the hunger settings at all so this is definitely gonna be a survival mode we're gonna have to keep an eye on hunger we might starve if we don't get food so we're gonna have to be careful there yeah I want to avoid these outlaw farmers these guys attack on site the the slavers over here I don't think we really have to worry about them too much the sleeper caravan not right now we would have to worry about them if we get knocked out but yeah right now I'm just gonna keep running and you're gonna try to bypass this group here and head off to show but I'd I'm gonna have to be careful like probably not going to do too much fast forwarding just so that we don't run into any groups that we don't want to at the very beginning of the game you had your skills are pretty pretty low athletics is low and it's gonna be a hard it's gonna be hard to get away from people I decided to start as a hayver this time because I usually start as a human and I thought it'd be cool to do something a little bit different from my main character I didn't want to start as a robot or skeleton rather because I wanted to be able to see like the robotic limbs on the arms and stuff and I thought that would kind of like defeat the purpose and the coolness of it so I thought going a high of soldier the sign will be pretty cool and also it'll be a little bit more difficult because we won't be able to trade with the hives unless we get somebody else on board and well are also going to be at war pretty much automatically with the holy nation because they don't like hives anyway so we're not gonna be at war with them but they're at attack on-site to us all right so we're goals made it to show but I we have no money we have literally nothing so this is gonna be quite interesting with a really cool thing about show Bataille and I'll show you guys this is that they get a lot of attacks from the wildlife and this is a really good spot for you to get food at the very beginning of the game and this will keep you guys alive at the very start and you'll you'll notice that some of these creatures come in and attack we'll see them here eventually yeah see they're over there and though we could actually lead them in let's actually try that see if we can lead them in over here all right just get a little bit closer there we go all right now let's run as quick as we can we're not running fast but might get to the gates in time this is how you're gonna get some food and some money at the very early beginning of the game here these skimmers got to be careful pretty tough at the beginning pretty much anybody is tough for you and we have no weapons either so maybe we'll go some unarmed action but anyway we got the skimmer over here if the guard should try to take care of it they're just looking at me there we go all right let's get some combat with some combat experience into oh yeah all right anyway we're gonna loot him raw meat foul meat and animal claws a nice thing sell for a decent amount and the cool thing is with hives we can also eat foul meat so that's kind of cool so that worked let's actually go inside and sell some of this all right so yeah let's just run over here to the little outpost hello customer show me your goods all right yeah let's go ahead and sell so the animal claws will sell some of this meat so the raw meat too I'll just keep a couple fowl meat for now so we're up to four hundred and seventy nine that's not bad we'll be able to buy ourselves a weapon and maybe some armor here and a little bit so now what we can do is keep leading in the men here and keep doing the same thing that's gonna get us started at least and it's also going to work up our athletic skill that's going to be really important too to do that but we have to be careful if we get knocked out we're gonna be in trouble now one of the other things we can do and if we can find it oh we got skimmers hiding in the in the sand here you got to be careful of them yeah one of the other things we can do is look for an ode to mine and oh there's one over there perfect oh we got some oh we got some combat going on over here let's run back this way yeah it's run over here and see if we're gonna loot these guys see what's going on here help they're stealing people but taking them prisoner damn I can't even see anything oh here we go these guys are starving vagrants sir probably could I have any good gear but a better nothing Oh give me that got some paints and I'll take the staff - why not looks like the the color of the gear has changed a little bit too it's kind of cool got myself a mace see it's a rag shirt better than the now keep the black rag shirt and see as you can see we've already got ourselves a new weapon you know spiked club we can sell some of these and actually the black rag shirt as you can see it gives you a better stealth effect so that's cool but the sell value is only 26 or as a cell value for some of these iron sticks are like 20 45 and 25 so I'm gonna keep those and get rid of the rags see these guys appear Manhunters I have to worry about them unless we have a bounty on ourselves I don't know what these guys are doing either they're doing something to somebody oh there he is he was in the wall okay so anyway we've kind of upgraded a little bit this is good this will get our strength up to now you know as you carry more items your strength will go up a little bit better since you're kind of overweight so that's going to be important as well but yeah we can sell some of this stuff and we can learn we can learn the Sabre I'm really a fan of the Sabre and you guys have seen me in the past I've always used to two-handed weapons or like a katana but actually one of the best weapons in the game I think personally is the Sabre and especially the there are more specifically the longsword because the longsword has a 20% damage bonus to humans so it makes it the best one-handed weapon against humans and it does a ton of damage so wait until we get a superior longsword we're just going to destroy stuff so it's really good that I have a saber I'm gonna keep that and that'll get us going oh we got copper right here this is perfect we have a copper node right outside perfect okay so let's go up here and let's run in here real fast sell the sell our loot and yeah I'm gonna get rid of the clubs get rid of all that stuff and that'll give us some room and yeah let's run over here and start mining a little bit since this is uh since this is copper copper actually sells for a lot more than iron and so copper is definitely the resource you want a mine if you can find it I wouldn't waste your time with iron it just doesn't it's for like two copper equals one iron I think or maybe it's three copper for one or three iron for one copper or something like that what is that a bone dog over there Wow so we're gonna have to be careful make sure nobody sneaks up on us though we are a little bit of ways from the gate it's nice so we have samurai police roaming the area so that's pretty cool yeah look at that 180 we can sell the copper for and I think iron you can sell it from ninety so I think yeah it's like to iron for every piece of copper okay I just don't it's um thing over here I was lost with mining there's a slave trader hole wow this entire group is getting ambushed by skimmers but we got a guy down over here and I wonder if I can loot him quick enough ah they're gonna rescue him damn it I was so close okay he's gonna be oh he's dying oh I attack this thing alright let me attack hopefully I don't get my ass beat I gotta get some combat skills in though or I'm gonna die out here in this one you definitely want to at the very beginning try to oh god this thing is crushing us dude oh man I'm getting out of here this thing is destroying these people and I don't have a med kit so yeah I'm gonna have to I got to be careful though because so one of the things is you want to actually attack these guys when they're occupied by another group to give you it give you a chance to even take it out because oh god oh god no no come on come on come on alright come on keep going run right I'm running the thing is not catching me but I got to be careful really careful but yeah if you can attack the attack the enemies while they're distracted it kind of gives you a chance to get some combat skills up so that's how my god the guards are not doing anything to it alright there you go there you go thank you alright let me load all this take all that now let me run back let me see if I can loot these uh these traitors real quick they got some loot down there I gotta be careful though I got a sneak make sure that nobody sees me stealing their stuff but this is perfect these guys are not gonna get up for a little bit alright sneak mode activated and boom okay what do they got they've got a small backpack I'll take that traitors leathers oh it's a faction uniform I better not take that small backpack doesn't matter I got a first aid kit I definitely need that and I'll take the mercenary Club but yeah you want to be careful not to take a faction uniform unless you're going to be doing some like some sort of infiltration or something like that where you want to infiltrate a a faction that you're at war with or something like that so anyway we were able to steal from them without them knowing and we got ourselves a little bit more loot and this they just ran into a nest they're getting destroyed out here look at this the entire slaver Caravan oh is that a special skimmer yeah they're just getting they're getting manhandled Wow they ran right into a skimmer nest and their God they're not gonna make it but we are gonna profit a little bit now I should heal myself got about that give myself a little healing action got to protect my right arm since I only have one that could be quite interesting when yeah if I lose both arms that'd be kind of hilarious how would you even mine or with no with no arm I guess I what if you I don't I wonder what happens if you can mine with no arms you'd be totally screwed if he didn't have enough money to hire on somebody all right so let me see where's the bar at I'm gonna go to the bar and sell what I have all right nice matey all right let's talk to this guy let's trade and we're gonna go ahead and sell them we're not going to be able to sell the mercenary club are we damn since we stole the mercenary club from the slaver Caravan guard from this out from this area they know it's stolen so that's gonna be a problem we're not gonna be able to get away with that right now so I guess we'll sell our food and stuff we'll hold on to these things for now you can sell them later hold on to the backpack and yeah we've got ourselves a backpack though so we can store some more ore which is good I probably want to avoid that the head area over there but uh I don't know we could we could check it out and see I think it looks like there's some more and we could go loot those skimmers get all their get all their teeth looks like a big war habit occurred down here look at all these people they got slaves tons of slavers Wow okay this is perfect so this is really what you want to find at the beginning of the game is like a slavers nest or something like this has happened because you can just run over here and look you can find these animal claws which don't take up a lot of inventory space what they sell for ninety gold apiece this is a really good way to get started just take all these claws and we're off to a really good start here well that skipper is keeping them busy you got to be careful though because at the beginning you don't have you don't have a lot of strength mmm got a severed left arm but yeah you don't have a lot of strength so as the more items you get in your inventory you start becoming overloaded and you might get into trouble if you run into some enemy said attack you so it's got to keep that in mind but yeah we're gonna get we're gonna make up a ton of money here getting all these skimmers oh I think I just saw somebody's leg hold on oh no he took it down wow these skimmers are unbelievable it's funny that only like two people are are fighting them oh my goodness another one good I hope they ignore me yeah it looks like a lot of people lost their weapons maybe they lost their their arms and now they're fighting 180 I don't know the slaves are just like I don't know what to do Wow everybody is limping though these guys are limping but they're not damaged oh this guy is all right well anyway we did we did pretty good here take some food for the road want to overstay our welcome I would try to steal more stuff from these guys but they probably don't have anything super good slave traders don't really carry really good weapons but as you can see we're super overloaded and now the skimmer is yeah we got to get out of here [Music] let's just try to sneak our way back to the gates try to avoid that there we go in our strength up toughness is at 3 dexterity at 3 not bad getting there but we're making some money which is good alright let's go back to the bar and we'll sell all this stuff and we should be over 3k probably see if the bartender has enough to buy all this oh yeah all right [Music] all right so all these claws oh we were way over three K might be a 5k well they don't give you money for the foul meat okay well I guess I'll hold on to that then [Music] alright damn I can sell that backpack for 500 but yeah we just made 4500 and yeah not bad hunger is going back up so we are eating that food and as you can see though with the weather effects our attack is negative 13 so we're losing negative 10 attack 2 due to the weather penalty so gotta keep that in mind if we find ourselves if we find a gas mask or something like that that'll really kind of negate the the dust storms but we're a little bit ways off from that right now we're just gonna be making some money here and how this thing is bleeding Oh got an army got an army as samurai it's funny how they don't attack the the skimmer on sight all right well we're gonna go back to mining here and of course this is gonna be important in this play all the skills are gonna be important we're gonna need to level up everything pretty much but I guess my goal for this series is probably gonna be I think starting out I would like to do some sort of like bounty hunting and maybe get like a group of 10 together and then go out and start trying to find some of the bounties that are out in the world because there's quite a few of them out there that you can find and of course I always want to try to take down the bug master at some point since we didn't get to do it in the last series so I think that would be pretty cool and yeah so I think we'll do maybe some bounty hunting we won't like start off with a base or anything like that until a little bit later and we'll just kind of like roam around it's kind of be like rumors for a little while get our skills up a bit and and then try to take down some of the bow that we can find because there's quite a few of them out there well I've been hammering out here for a little while and it looks like I've got my backpack kind of full but before I fill up my backpack completely I'm just gonna run back to town and sell this stuff I want to get too overloaded but this is actually Oh God who is this hero boss the United heroes League leave my sodding women alone with your sandblasted hands he says that's hilarious bloody twig man's yeah you guys are racist against Huibers are you gonna get you later bug yeah watch your back peg leg all right I'll see you guys later then just wait until I get some combat skills all right let's head to the bar see how much money we're gonna make now all right so let's see sell some copper boom we're up to 6000 sixty-five hundred already not bad that's not very bad at the very start of the game our laboring is at 14 so cut that up a little bit I got a couple skills up that's about our athletics we really need to work on we just got to keep running around to get that up higher so that we can kind of escape the enemies that's gonna be crucial here at the beginning but other than that we're gonna work on the strengths almost little three but not a bad start so far we'll probably higher on some more people maybe one or two in the next episode and kind of get get a group going so that we can kind of overpower some of the enemies because that's that's what I usually like to do at the beginning is overpower the enemies that you fight just by having more numbers in them because you can't really overpower them with your skills so you have to overpower them with numbers and I don't know if it's gonna matter they're here because we're not going to be able to fight skimmers at the beginning we're probably gonna have to maybe move from the move from the desert and kind of escape off over back to the west side back towards some of the easier territory over this way because the desert is pretty dangerous there's a lot of tough enemies and being out here at the very beginning can be quite quite tough but also trying to get back to the west side and the borderland that's gonna be difficult as it as it is the borderland is as you can see in the mountain range it's way over there so it's it's gonna be a little trek and we got to get our athletic skill above probably 40 before we make the journey we might be able to do it with less if we just kind of keep an eye out but if we get our athletics over 40 we'll be able to outrun pretty much anything like chases us so not a bad start hope you guys enjoy the episode if you want to see more in this series as we continue this Iron Man play don't forget to subscribe and I will see you guys again and the next one take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 132,263
Rating: 4.9170508 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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