Donkey-Hunt with Psychic Powers - Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Ep. 2 [Rimworld Naked Brutality]

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hey there and welcome back to rim wells my name is Pete and today we complete the second episode of our rim world extreme desert naked brutality challenge before we begin though there are two things I have to say first I want to thank you all for the amazing response to the first episode last week I had assumed it would be well-received but I had not expected such an overwhelmingly positive feedback so thank you for that it is very much appreciated second I want to announce the winner of the royalty expansion giveaway with it and let's get right to it Eric you handsome congratulations you are the lucky winner of one copy of the rim world royalty expansion to claim your prize please sent me an email to Pete and Pete complete calm and we'll sort things out from there now with that out of the way let's continued the action last time we left off after stake here built himself a small shelter received his first royal title and successfully hunted a dromedary today we want to work on a slightly more sustainable food source and for that we can use the new fertility overlay this shows us all the ground tiles that we can grow crops on and as you can see those are both pretty rare and also not overly fertile as the yellow color indicates below than average soil where crops will grow a bit slower than normal still it's better than nothing so let's plop down to four by two growing zones we will diversify right from the beginning here to avoid having to harvest all crops at the same time and to potentially protect at least half of our plants from disasters such as heat waves in the first zone we will grow rice the fastest growing crop in the game rice doesn't yield much and it's rather sensitive to soil quality but it will still provide us with a quick harvest much quicker at least than the potatoes that were growing on the second field those are a little on the slow side but they're not so sensitive when it comes to poor soil and they yield a bit more so in exchange for a slightly longer wait time they are perhaps the better suited crop for the desert now stake is far from the quickest gardener as with all other skills he has no experience whatsoever but after a few hours both fields are full of small plants and our colonists can snack some dromedary meat afterwards he will mine a little deeper into the small mountain here not because we want to make this a permanent residence but simply because we need a bit more than three towels of inside storage space again though snake takes his sweet time digging away at the rock he is rewarded for his efforts however because he finds some steel hidden deeper into the hill once his mining skill has improved a bit that's going to be an easy source of building materials but for now we'll be satisfied with a slight storage expansion and there we are close to a mental break because of his tiredness stay completes his task and will now get some much-needed rest while we extend our stockpile a tiny bit now at this point we want to keep an eye on the dromedary meat because as you can see here it is going to spoil very soon this early in the game we want to avoid wasting any food of course so let's wake Stig up to eat as much as he can that still leaves 13 units of meat unused almost a full meal but we can't force steak to eat more than he just did so sadly those 13 units will rot away in just a moment that of course brings up the need for new food so let's butcher the two equal as we killed last episode and there we are just as a new batch of meat is brought into the safety of our small shelter the dromedary meat disappears not really ideal but there is nothing we could have done to prevent it the Iguana meat is completely fresh however so it will last for two full days but the animals are small and don't yield much so their meat will likely be consumed much earlier let's also get the lizard skin inside otherwise it will deteriorate but then again it's also not much and to craft clothing we need significantly more than 16 units even the 33 camel hide won't get us anywhere for the moment now while steak is getting some rest here I noticed that a trio of donkeys had wandered onto the map since it's currently nighttime they are asleep as well which might present an excellent opportunity to go hunting again we need to be careful though because donkeys can attack back when harmed and they are faster than a human so we should keep our distance and if needed use our new psychic powers to slow them down before we start our hunting trip will let's take rest a bit more and then give him something to eat as well so that it doesn't venture out to the other side of the map on an empty stomach shortly after then he sneaks up on the donkeys and will inch closer step by step here until we have a decent chance to hit with the bow alright there we go that's a hit all three donkeys immediately jump up and now we have to stick close to our target but again not too close just in case it attacks back we have already done a fair bit of damage here but so far it's not quite enough to put the donkey into a life-threatening situation so let's keep shooting alright now we are now it was only a matter of time but the donkey has had enough and is now charging towards us luckily it's two companions couldn't care less about the whole affair which actually makes things even easier for us since the man hunting donkey is now going to follow steak until one of the two goes down we can see though despite its injuries the donkey is still slightly faster than so let's try out our new psychic burden ability we can see here in the description this ability slows down the target for 30 seconds at the cost of 80 units of entropy entropy that is the cost for casting a psychic ability and stake here has an entropy limit of 30 so he could in theory cast burden three times in a row without going over the limit by default a limiters turned on which prevents us from going over the limit but that limiter can be turned off allowing abilities to be used more frequently that is extremely risky though as going above the entropy limit can cause permanent damage entropy is also reduced over time so casting burden once will raise the bar to eight but if we wait a few moments it will drop back down to zero all in all it's not terribly complicated so let's cast our first psychic ability here to slow down the donkey and continue the hunt since the animal is not chasing us we can also steadily move back towards our small base so that we don't have to carry the donkey corpse quite as far once we eventually get the kill now with the animals significantly slowed down we can actually afford to take a short detour here because from our Bo crafting action last episode we still have some wood lying around so while we keep firing at the donkey steak we'll move towards that small stockpile and then we will briefly take a hunting break and have him carry the wood back to the base the donkey is zoned in on steak and it will follow no matter what we do before we can set our plan in motion however we have our first transport pod crash of the series well take a look at the colonists inside of the pot in a moment for now let's send Stig on his way all right so while he returns to the base donkey on his heels let's see who the lucky survivor is gsella here is a scout with a rather decent skill set not overly experienced in anything but well rounded she is however a miss Andrus so she really doesn't like a man which could cause problems with steak but she's also a jogger in my opinion perhaps one of the best trades in the game her injuries are actually also very manageable she has one heavily bleeding cut on her leg and a cracked pelvis but she's not going to die immediately all in all I think we have a candidate worthy of rescuing here so as soon as stake drops off the wood we will turn our sleeping spot into a medical sleeping spot now if we check out zealous equipment we can see that she has clothing something steak can only dream of our first task will therefore not be to rescue her but to take her clothes and give them all to stake his maximum comfortable temperature is currently only 26 degrees this should increase that a small bit and make him slightly more suited to life in the extreme desert now the alpaca will Parker here is an exception it does not really help a lot it only protects against the cold but that is something we don't really need so we might sell it on one of our next trading trips to add some silver for the moment those they can put on all of the items increasing his temperature threshold to 30 degrees not much but it helps now we can rescue Zilla and carry her back to our small shelter all the while the dromedary is of course still filled with bloodlust its attempt to intercept stake fails however and as you can see here in four hours its injuries will be too much to handle it falls unconscious even earlier than that and is now bleeding out so we have a moment here to take care of our patient and bandage her wounds once that is taken care of both steak and Zillah will get some rest for steak I have put down a second sleeping spot right next to Zelly which is not a deal but enough for the moment while the two are napping we then have cargo pots drop down and inside 159 units of muffler wool one of the warmest materials in the game and an absolute game changer if you're playing on the ice sheet for example for us it will still be good enough to craft a very useful item but before we get to that let's for stake awake again having consumed the iguana meat and then he can also butcher the goose that was part of last episode's quest while he does that we can read that our patient has recovered but also that she has decided to leave and not to join our colony well that's her choice I would say it definitely means that her sleeping spot gets removed immediately so that we force her to leave right now despite her injuries still being far from fully healed slowly but steadily she will now wander off the map and we could of course also take her prisoner and try to recruit her that way but we have more important things to take care of at the moment a second colonist this early would have definitely been nice but we will manage with steak on his own for a bit longer I think now the muffle oh cool down here will be used to make ourselves a bed rule the only type of sleeping furniture we can actually craft at the moment a proper bed requires a bit of research first and yes we are going to put that sleeping bag down right here next to the wool drop that will turn 40 units of wool into a non deteriorating piece of furniture and we can haul the rest back up to the base with two trips instead of three the bed rule also allows stake to take a short nap between hauling trips and considering his overall state of mind that's probably for the best once he has rested a bit he can carry the first batch of wool back eat some goose meat as a reward and then take care of the remaining 59 units just one less than its maximum carrying capacity and there we are 119 units of a muff Ahlul in storage stake a now run back out to the bed roll and once again get some rest and we can check out the bed rolls stats which are not great considering the item is of awful still a comfort rating of 52% is better than sleeping on the floor and the bed rule is portable so we can also use it the next time we cents take on a short trading journey once he has gotten some sleep steak will now carry the bed rule back to the shelter and put it down there and now he can finally take care of the donkey that has of course long expired the animal will immediately be butchered producing a pretty nice amount of meat and 25 units of plain leather again not quite enough to work with right now after steak has then played some hoops tone to raise his mood we can once again increase the size of our storage capacity otherwise we would have to leave a meat or leather out in the open causing them both to rot quickly a few hours after sunset the stockpile has space to expand enough at least so that for the time being we don't have to store anything outside of our small mountain side Shack now the night passes by without any incidents and we rejoin steak in the morning as he starts in mining the rather sizable vein of jade just around the corner of our shelter jade is a pretty valuable material so even though steak is far from a proficient miner he will attempt to dig out a few of the precious stones which we will most likely use for trading because the donkey meat is all the food we have left at the moment and it will be gone before our first rice harvest is ready as you can see mining a single block of jade takes quite some time but in the afternoon we have off first results the 23 units here are worth quite a bit with one unit having a value of five silver compared to just under two silver for one unit of steel with both materials having the same weight as steaks mining scale increases he will also work a bit faster so we continue mining until the evening when an eclipse strikes the desert now I would consider this only mildly annoying yes it will slow our colonists down a little but the darkness of night would have done that as well so at least for the moment the klipsch is no big deal let's hope it doesn't last too long as it of course also impacts our plant growth after working through the entire night steak is then finally done with his task in the early morning and we are now in possession of 151 units of jade enough for at least two full trade caravans with the Eclipse still going strong steak should not have any problems getting some sleep now although he will have to interrupt his slumber shortly after because the donkey meat is going bad and he needs to eat as much as he can before it spoils we're now left with only three units high time to purchase more food I'd say but we can spare a moment to allow steak a quick prayer here with the donkey meat then rotted away we can uninstall the bed roll and prepare it for transport and also draw a stockpile around the Jade followed by a caravan packing spot then it's time to form another Caravan and we will bring the bed rolls so that state can sleep somewhat comfortable on its journey and we'll also pack the nine units of bird skin right now we can't use it anyway and it's unlikely that we find more anytime soon and it has a decent market value and low weight the rest of steaks carrying capacity is then filled with Jade and that's it off we go to our friends of the black rasca tribe of course we have no food to bring along so we'll have to send steak off without any provisions and so as nighttime slowly settles across the desert we can watch him go around ten o'clock in the evening then steak gets comfortable in his bed rule and get some sleep and then on the next morning he finally arrives at his destination although very hungry luckily we can solve that problem but first let's sell the goods we brought for bad skin and Jade we received 147 silver enough so that we can afford to buy some herbal medicine and still have money left for food as you can see the tribe has both meat and pemmican for sale and the choice is an easy one not only is the pemmican cheaper it also comes without the annoying taste of raw food and it will last much longer in storage so we'll buy as much as we can and with that the trade is completed the tribe doesn't have any other interesting and affordable items to offer so let's send steak back home and traveling light he makes it back in just a few hours and can now unpack put up the bed rule again and then play some hoops tone I think he has earned it and that's all he does before going back to bed and while he sleeps we can hover over the pemmican here and see food spoilage will definitely not be an issue this time as pemmican lasts for well over a year even in the extreme desert in the middle of the night then we already have our second round of cargo pants let's see what's inside this time okay this is honestly one of the best drops we could have asked for at this point a 166 berries that will put our foot problems on hold for quite some time in the early morning then a well-rested steak will make some room for those berries by moving both the bed rule at the table out of our small Shack before he then uses the newfound space to store the berries now berries actually have two big advantages the first one being that they can also be consumed raw without any penalties as a matter of fact they are actually quite tasty and they also last for quite some time in storage and don't run as quickly as a raw meat so definitely a very helpful cargo drop here although I fear that the good will soon be balanced out by some bad things for the moment though things remain quiet and after all berries have been hauled into safety we can watch steak ago on a deconstruction spree in the ruins to the left of our base we have a few steel walls over there but we can strip down for materials because one last thing I have on steaks to-do list for today is the construction of a proper building for him to sleep in one that is separate from the storage room the walls are quickly dismantled and stake carries the steel to the new stockpile half put down but is far from done yet in the area around this stockpile we have a decent amount of floor tiles made out of steel and deconstructing those is a good way to obtain more building materials as well still a task of this size takes a few hours and tonight steak will sleep out under the stars there is simply no room left for him in a small shelter as morning rolls around you can see I have already outlined where our first proper building will go but first let's collect all the remaining steel okay just as I had feared before steak can begin constructing his new home we have trouble arrive in the desert a single pirate Raider has decided to launch an attack but thankfully he is not cause for too much concern as he only wields a poor-quality knife he also has a stab scar making him a little less in mobile but he is a skilled melee fighter so we should probably keep our distance overall I don't think it will be worth it to go for the capture here but we'll see how things go for the moment he will wander around and prepare for the attack so we can continue working and with 278 units of steel we have plenty of materials to build something nice to get a started we'll just put down a simple seven by seven wall leaving a five by five room inside a room however that includes the marble statue over here and it doesn't takes take too long to finish the construction and put a roof of everything so now he can repair that marble statue and restore it to its former glory the reason we build around it is pretty simple the thing has a very solid beauty rating much higher than pretty much anything we can make ourselves at the moment and stakes new room will of course benefit greatly from that now up next we can order the construction of a steel research bench for 100 units of steel because we have to start researching very soon to make our life out here a little easier before the research bench is done however our lonely pirate begins his attack but it has a bit of a way to go still so we are able to finish the research bench and even have time left to rearrange some furniture now it's time to fight though and since we're dealing with a Mele enemy we will once again begin by casting our psychic burden ability to slow him down up next we can then fire away with the bow although with stakes shooting skill this could take a while alright it's two hits early on I had not expected that now it's time to start cutting though once the slowdown effect from burden has worn off our attacker moves much faster again despite a number of injuries so we'll have to cast the ability again here to get a few more shots off before we have to reposition okay this does indeed take a while it is already getting dark again and our enemy is still going strong our newly constructed house allows us to lead him around in circles however which from time to time causes him to stop his pursuit which then in turn gives stake a chance to fire and there we are finally our attacker is down and after simply sitting out our first rate in the last episode we have now officially fended off the second one our victim doesn't carry any valuables though like I said the knife is of poor quality and his light leather pants are almost destroyed so we'll simply carry the corpse over to the stockpile and let it rot out of sight after a quick round of hoop stone and a snack steak then moves the remaining steel out of his new home the knife is also brought into the storage room and with that night sets across the extreme desert and I would say we have reached a good point to make the cut we now have clothing a home some food supplies and two small fields of crops growing next time will then likely start researching and deal with whatever Randy random decides to throw our way for today let's wrap things up right here as always I hope you enjoyed the episode and if you did then I would be very happy if you can leave a thumbs up if you like what I'm doing and want to support me in my channel further then go ahead and subscribe to help the channel grow or you can also support me over on patreon and even get a chance to see your name appear in this series at some point thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time Jess
Channel: Pete Complete
Views: 288,941
Rating: 4.981463 out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld donkey, Rimworld psychic powers, Rimworld royalty psychic powers, Rimworld Extreme Desert, Rimworld Naked Brutality, Rimworld Extreme Desert Naked Brutality, Rimworld Royalty, Rimworld Royalty Expansion, Rimworld Royalty DLC, Rimworld Extreme Desert Challenge, Rimworld Pete Complete, Pete Complete Rimworld, Rimworld 1.1, Rimworld Randy Random Merciless, Rimworld pete complete, pete complete rimworld
Id: naqbX-j00eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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