Kenshi Ironman PC Sandbox RPG - EP14 - THE THREE GUARDIANS

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what's going on everyone ad here welcome back to more kimchi iron med the previous episode we decided we were going to leave our base in moonshine over here into the Northeast and we got into a battle outside of our base which kind of left us pretty wounded but after that battle with the band of Bones we headed out down south here where we are in United cities territory so we're down here in clown steady now so we passed the swamps and went towards the manhunter base and then to the west over to clown steady and we're gonna be doing some adventuring and trying to find some engineering research and ancient research books so that we can bring those back to our base and get crazy lizard working on researching some more items that we need like heavy building foundations and large building shells and even tech level 4 requires for ancient science books so we've got to go to some lost libraries and gather as many of those books as we can so if you guys want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes coming out before we head off here I think we're good on food but I wanted to just check this building over here and see if we can get another backpack or two we've got the money for it so we might just buy one backpack if possible kids you came out with a new update that fixed a few bugs so I had to reset the game again as you can see we're back to day one but we should have everything all the research that we've done and all of the stuff that we've built should still be intact but hopefully this new version is not buggy alright let's go ahead and talk to this guy see if he has any backpacks it doesn't look like it let's see is there a backpack trader that's a building materials guy doesn't look like there's a backpack trader here however we do have the shinobi thieves so let's actually talk to these guys we can get a thief's backpack at least see is that the that's the plastic surgeon let's talk to there's usually a trader that sells stuff here he is he's all the way up top Manning the turret all right let's see he's got a thief's backpack all right just I don't think we want a small but we could buy a medium for 2,500 that's not bad we'll get one of those that way we can give somebody else a backpack I'm probably not gonna buy the small ones just because they're they're not as good as the mediums in my opinion whereas the small gives you no penalty but it has less space it's like half the size so for negative 2 it's so it's worth it to have the medium backpack in my opinion all right let's see we're gonna give that to I guess we'll give that to Apple straight down the line here oh where is Apple Apple is Apple is betting their doctorate let me take off that job that's hilarious somehow she decided she wanted to man their stuff now one thing is when you import the game you can see it says operating machine all of these jobs tend to break when you import not all of them but some of them do so you're better off just getting rid of them in and redoing them when you import which is kind of a pain but at the same time you don't want to have kind of some bugs or anything like that and plus they won't really know what what farms you meant and so forth after you import so see it says hauling - it doesn't even know what the haul - alright anyway we're all good let's oh wait it's straight with Apple and give her the backpack perfect all right so now we got a little bit more room here in case we gather some supplies and equipment when we're out out and about and those people just roaming around that you can recruit like we could talk to this guy and maybe recruit him if we wanted but again trying to keep the squad size small when we lose people we're going to replace them with other other members but I'm trying to keep it like 11 or less for right now because I think when you get a really large party it makes the game a lot easier this is this is actually a lot of fun just kind of being overwhelmed at points alright somebody is walking really slow here who is it is a torque inator oh yeah he's full up on samurai gear hold on a second ah alright yeah we're gonna have to sell that stuff real quick all right torque inator has sold some of that equipment we we also traded the new dachi with lady Sharky so she's gonna use a better weapon and Adachi and also with Yewon so Yewon is gonna switch from the hacker class to the know da cheese for right now and get some skill in that way get some skills in katanas something get a little bit different maybe get his dexterity up cuz it's pretty low and the other thing is I just noticed that torque inators missing an arm again I forgot about that so we're gonna have to get torque hater an arm when we go on our way back but hopefully we can make some money too while we're out here adventuring so this will be good gonna have to be careful there's gonna be a lot of enemies out here but the first stop is we're gonna go to the northwest here a little bit up in this spot there's a work up a workshop complex that we can visit that usually has some really good stuff so we're gonna check that out I didn't realize it that there's a there's a lot of swamp turtles out here that's great there's there's tons of them in this little ravine so we can we can always come back here for food if we need it Darth actually has tons of food that we haven't cooked yet so we're pretty stocked up right now so we can keep everybody fed for the meantime but yeah this isn't a little bit bad spot if you need food come right over here to the northwest of clouds steady this is known as a grid because it's kind of like a big maze but yeah if we just keep going along here we should find the workshop complex I don't know if there's gonna be enemies there we'll have to be careful but the big thing is beat things be corralled you can see ones over there yeah there's a bunch of them when you get closer to this little this circle it's kind of a death trap up there so don't go up there unless you're like super powered and you have a lot of good gear and a little bit more experience because the beak things I think just keep on coming and you got to get in there and and get out if you can because there's a couple ancient libraries I think in this little crater I guess and yeah to get in there and get out is definitely a hard task we're moving in on the workshop complex we're sneaking because I saw a beak thing run around I don't know I think it was back behind us I don't know where he went but anyway and we're just kind of sneaking up to it I don't know if there's gonna be any robots here though that's the thing sometimes they have these skeletons kind of I might just be in a different spot but not in this one but you have to be careful because sometimes there's broken-down skeletons that are really powerful that have turrets set up in these kind of things and they start shooting you what I think that's only in the black desert city area I think it's only in in the dead land area that you find that not sure about the the new area that's opening up but I have a feeling that's gonna be a very difficult biome to traverse but so far so good I mean there's no enemies here and you can just come in and loot this stuff all right let's go ahead and check this stuff out hopefully I can pick all the locks oh I'm not skilled enough all right let me take off my limb there we go all right because nowadays you got to come when you have lock it lock picking skill otherwise you won't be able to unlock anything well while we're waiting for me to pick this lock it's taking forever I'm gonna have Darth place down a couple campfires and cook all this food and cook all this way we can kind of be productive oh nice all right I got it oh yeah this is what we need right here engineering research we have five of them this is what you need right here and look how expensive they are they're 8,000 you can buy them as well from various spots I think worlds in you can buy a couple and also in black desert city but finding them is cheaper we got a press we could sell that three hundred and twenty gold and we got a book assassins rag specialist great oh that's nice I'll take that and also a horse chopper wow that's actually better than what I got I'll take it I don't have the room okay nice I'm gonna have to trade this stuff with torque inator all right let me give him all this stuff he can hold on to this for now bounty books we're gonna store those and back at our base a little bit later all right nice all right cool now I got some room let me go up here and try not to miss anything all right got some more more uh chess over here one thing you can get is a thief's arm if you have a limb that's if you need a replacement limb you can get a thief's arm robotic replacement that gives you a bonus to your thief and your thievery skills stealth skill and so forth so that could actually help you if your lock-picking skill isn't high enough you could put one of those arms on and that would help you out oh this is good we got a motor is not that good but we also have an ancient science book we definitely need those so that's great another chest here I don't know if I'm gonna take the motor honestly it's only 400 and it's 5000 it's only 1.5 kilograms I thought it said 15 kilograms never mind all right picked us luck this chest and another ancient science book we've got some tools and a copper alloy plates we'll take that that that's useful for selling see what else do you have doesn't look like there's anything else over here but usually I missed something there we go there's an electrical component all right and don't forget the other side there's usually two sides of this so let's run over to this side the the path thing is a little weird on this this area all right nothing in these little boxes let's check this metal box another motor I know we need the money though not about to complain I'm gonna take everything at this point another ancient science book steel spring okay I think I think that's everything over here ooh steel bars there we go all right nice that was uh that was pretty good good little I mean there was nobody here so you don't really have to worry about enemies but I think there's another workshop somewhere over here let me just see yeah there's another one over here there's two of them actually so we're gonna go to that other one too let me just uh have darth finish cooking this food here and then we'll go to that one oK we've cooked all the food so we've got plenty of plenty of meat to keep us fed let's go ahead and head over to that other workshop try not to run into any beat things but we should be also should be able to get a couple more ancient science books which are great so if we can get out of this with some money and that's what I really like about adventuring and kimchi is that you actually are rewarded for finding things and and visiting these different places once you find them on the map by exploring you you actually get a lot of decent loot now there's other work there's other places that are more difficult than than this of course there's there's some places that you visit have security spiders and things that can really hurt your party members so you have to be careful but there's some of them that that are pretty easy you just have to get to them alright let's go up here and do the same thing pick this lock or pick this chest it might be here a minute all right I've opened the chest okay just make sure my other limb is not lowering mice now okay it's lowering my stealth but it's not lowering my lock picking hole Wow oh my goodness old-world bow mk1 masterwork wow wow wow wow nice that's awesome let's take that a CPU unit hold wow these are these are worth a lot skeleton for pickets engineering research all right let's have tornador come up here and grab all this to be honest I'm just gonna unlock them we'll have to work an eight or grab it since he's got the big backpack that is amazing yeah take all this stuff that is awesome and I guess we'll give that yeah we're probably gonna give that the torque inator to be honest give him let's see that takes regular yeah we'll give him what's his uh precision shooting maybe we should give it a Night Fury instead let's see what's oh yeah Night Fury has way better shoot ink well we're gonna get everybody that you shoots a bow a better one anyway but I think I'll give it to Night Fury for later all right let's see what else we got in here so you can find some really good stuff as you can see master work items and oh yeah another book damage book we don't need that another motor I'm not gonna take that one it's taking up too much inventory space but we might sell it on the way back to because we're gonna have to go back south we're not gonna go west I think so alright I think we got everything here sometimes there's hidden chests but uh yeah let's go on the other side and do it everything electrical components I'm not gonna take those gears we don't need not worth the inventory space for the amount it sells for but yeah that was good another good run there got a nice decent horse chopper weapon and also a bow out of this run and also tons of engineering research how many is that we have nine nine engineering research in this one little run here that's um that's great but we still got more to do alright let's head out and oh let's not forget to work inator it's working eight it's really slow but he's gonna get his strength up being overloaded with all this stuff all right yeah let's head back we're gonna probably run back to clown steady because we're gonna go south around the crater and and then hit up a bunch of libraries and stuff down here in the southwest so I'm not gonna go west because that's into skin spider territory and that's gonna be pretty dangerous we're gonna get to it anyway but I don't want to go West right now I want to free up some inventory space first well we're getting attacked by big things unfortunately there's it looks like there's two of them and they just annihilated an entire group of swamp Raptors oh my goodness wow they didn't even do that much damage to them all right we got to win this everybody attack do some damage there you go oh yeah crazy lizard night Oh crazy lizard is dying - crap Yewon get over here helium quick Wow he took a hit to the head damn these things just you so much area damage all right crazy lizard is healed there you go nicely done all right let's take its tickets let's see take all their animal skins we're gonna need those and yeah we're gonna heal up and I guess we'll probably attack this other big thing and take it skins to trying to make some money on this trip while we're at it and yeah I want to stock up on I want to stock up on medical supplies too before we head out you just feed no that's on that Raptor I gave torque inator the samurai plate chest to try and compensate for wearing the large backpack so it seems like it's working out pretty well oh yeah mr. kiler going from the back you go guys nicely done some reason I can't splinter okay alright let's get out of here we've just run into two more big things I can't believe it we just we just ran uh oh my goodness alright come on guys attack all we gotta win this we are we're already hurting bed alright come on come on get some hits get some hits the f one's hurting pretty bad left lay off the F one's down oh no we have got to win this come on my left arm isn't critical let's see Amos teen is right leg oh jeez apples one-on-one up there just just keep it busy mister killers going to save you order to help you out all right we got it down just got to get this one which is not damaged too much come on there you go get some hits on it Oh mr. killer wow these beat things are crazy oh yeah oh we got to do this come on come on keep it busy my guys keeping it busy while he's distracted oh I'm using the I'm using my katana because I my other arm is is hurting okay we did it nice nice okay we just got to get out of here before anymore own oh my god oh no oh we are in trouble okay we got to get out of here Oh No all right heel up everyone and sneak over to him you've gotta get out of here take the food make sure it's dead oh my goodness all right Darth is staying low right Darth thick door can't do it mr. Killer take this guy's food take his animal skins okay we cannot be caught by these things all right hold on before we do anything uh we got too many people down okay all right just heal up all right they're feeding over there though you've got to remain out of sight we got to get around them we're the we are in the clear it's just right there we just got to get out of here quickly twerkin aider is down a little bit okay twerkin aider can't carry anyone with that arm pick up I'm crazy what the hell is this what and the why is Emma Stein hitting hitting his own why was Emma side fighting yewon that was weird what the hell that was amazing all right ladies Shorkie let's pick up night guess you can't pick them up when you're sneaking like that all right who will be missing here Darth run back get crazy lizard oh no no Oh No well they're coming damn it no no oh God oh man all right keep going guys keep going everybody's run come on Darth dodge that come on Darth come on in keep going guys keep going Darth has taken a beating but we got to get away from all of this all this stuff right now all right oh come on come on get it you just got to get further enough away from these guys all right it's just one I think we could take it all right do some damage I think the other ones left so if we can just get this this one down quick we might have a chance here Darth took a beating oh yeah get that work inator is just taking it man oh good job take all that take the food take everything all right we're gonna have to get these people up let's see ladies Sharkey grabbed crazy can anyone pick up Darth torque inator can't let's see how long is Darth is down forever okay all right let's just uh let's just get out of this ravine let's get down here and we can I can run back for him wow those beak things are crazy uh you just have to be really careful like I said I wasn't expecting them to be that far that far around the crater but they they find you and they come after you now if you get the robotic legs the athletic legs you can actually outrun the beak things with them but because I think you can get a run speed up to like 45 or something something pretty high so you can be like super fast since we don't have any beds we're gonna have to try to limp our way back to clown steady we're not too far away from it but anything can happen from here to there this could very well be the end of us we'll see we've got blood spiders hot on our trail as we're we have clouds steady in the distance over there we'd still kind of a ways away all right let's see if we can attack them not gonna be able to outrun them so that's all we can do just try to land some hits oh my god I just got drilled alright okay we took one down two down there you go nice all right not bad the thing with blood spiders is they're kind of squishy they don't have like a lot of health so you can take them down pretty quickly it's just they do a lot of damage and they attack really fast so we better pick these up we're feeling these our guys are gonna get up on us all right let's have everyone keep moving and Night Fury is just gonna run around grab all these little teeth make sure they don't get up and follow us there we go nice all right I mean we're definitely getting stronger though that's that's the big thing like our progression like that mr. wolf has 40 toughness 26 dodge 23 martial arts everybody's got toughness in the 30s and 40s now because we begin it knocked out left and right and that's the really cool thing with toughness is that it it lowers your the damage that you receive so damage resistance 21% so the higher it gets the less damage you take so it makes you stronger over time but not only that the biggest thing is the the knockout point because when you have really high toughness your knockout point gets higher and so that means that negative 48 for my character I have to receive damage into the negative negative 49 or higher to to knock me out for good and put me into like a recovery coma or I die if I took too much damage but I have to take take negative 48 for it to knock completely where you're basically waiting to get back to zero again now that doesn't mean that you don't get knocked out it if you take take the damage but yeah it just it's it's better overall if you have higher toughness but now we're gonna get tacked by freaking red savers oh great beautiful alright attack all let's kill the stragglers I don't think we can I don't think these guys are any match for us if we took down the blood spiders we're just crushing these guys they haven't even been able to swing at us oh look at that we took him down quick ok the buddies are coming though yeah take this guy down all right let's do it Oh nice hit mr. killer one-handed over here [Music] there you go half full well she's had a good battle over here she can't land a hit oh wow how many hits is she gonna oh there you go it's working aider took somebody down Knight furious pegging people from back here see what he's aiming at see if he's actually hitting anything well that looked like he hit torque inator [Music] all right we'll take take their weapons and sell that to make some more money [Music] nicely done all right good job guys let's just heal up and get to town I honestly didn't think we're gonna make it with those big things coming after us but we did if we made it back to clown steady so we can go to the bar and just kind of hang out and recover from this and sell everything that we have to all right I'm gonna go ahead and sell all of the loot that we have now that everybody is rested I think we can get out of here and continue on but let's go ahead and sell everything that we don't need to the bartender here all right Night Fury and tornador have just finished selling everything so we are up to 44,000 now which is great so we are definitely making some money here that CPU unit sold for 6,000 which is really amazing so ruin hunting is really great now you guys might be wondering does the loot respawn and the answer is no it doesn't and it's just kind of like if you were traveling in well I guess if you could relate to if if you could say that this was real life you know nothing's going to respawn you know you find it and then it's there and then it's gone so it's the same way so items do come back if you import the game but for the most part it's just a one-and-done kind of thing because you can find some really good stuff and that makes it if the loot respond then it wouldn't be you would have no reason to explore and a lot of a lot of these these books these are these engineering researches these are very rare and if they were to respawn it would kind of defeat the purpose of you know exploring all these different ruins and things so oh [ __ ] you got caught no narcotics what what narcotics oh we don't have narcotics what that's not mine all right what do you want for me then you it's a setup oh these guys smuggling is a serious crime here you could spend a long time in the cells for this but you seem like a shark a sharp lady pay the fine and we'll call it a day mm cats corrupt [ __ ] now um all right fine we'll pay you the 2000 man they are really corrupt out here in the united cities but or not let me catch you getting any more into more trouble we don't have any narcotics I don't think I think you just kind of planted that on our on our on our person so anyway that's what you get being out here okay we're gonna head south west and yeah there's a bunch of ruins down here we can hit up so we're gonna continue on oh wait hold on before I forget we need to get some sleeping bags Oh hold on let me run over here and see if I can find some okay I couldn't find any sleeping bags but I think there's a way station to the southwest of us so we're gonna hit that up and buy a few there so I'm really curious guys since you've been watching this series I want to know what your favorite biome is in the game so far do you like this territory here do you like the swamps what's your favorite biome besides the southeast because we haven't been there so out of what we have available let's see I guess my favorite personally my favorite area is I mean I do have a lot of love for the great desert it's it's really awesome but I think up here in the northwest is pretty cool kind of where this floats some area is I really like this kind of territory and over here by worlds and it just looks really nice but yeah second best I would say is the the great desert I really like the desert honestly now I gotta say yeah the desert is probably my favorite so far it they did such a good job capturing the the old essence of what can she was at the very beginning when it released on Steam you know so they they did really good there I mean just crafting this entire world it is it's one of the best looking worlds I've ever seen honestly all the biomes are so different from each other like no biomes look the same it's just completely handcrafted epicness alright let's see yeah we got to go buy some oh wait I think it's yeah let's go in here talk to this dude Damon he doesn't maybe it's the bartender that has it there we go one sleeping bag well alright well one's better than none I guess ooh cap shelter new building flat shelter important for any traveler these tents are easily constructed out of spare fabrics and could save your life in an acid storm ok well we're gonna buy that and research it all right well let's carry on gentlemen we can see drifters last in the distance that's the southernmost United cities town and if you go further south I think there's an abandoned town on the on the coast so I don't think we're gonna go there though last time I checked there wasn't any loot but maybe we'll check it out just to have it on the map and just to have it discovered but yeah there's there's a bunch of ruins over here somewhere we'll find them I think a couple lost libraries so we just need to grab a couple go into a couple of those lost libraries and we'll have plenty of research books and and stuff for us when we get back to our base looks like who do we have here slave hunters okay I don't have to worry about them it's funny we haven't ran into any sort of enemies or anything yet so a couple slavers a couple mercenary good mercenary guys but other than that nothing nothing too crazy if you're new to kids you might notice that some of your stats actually change the look of your character so as if you look at your swimming skill for instance you can see that it slightly affects a muscle definition athletics does that as well and martial arts affects your visible muscle muscle definition however if you have science it mega typically affects visible muscle definition so the more the more you do science stuff you'll be more sciency you look a little thinner so that's pretty cool like and kimchi has its own muscle definition system and you know if you starve your body starts to shrink and you can start seeing your rib cage and I think that's a pretty neat thing that you don't see in a lot of games because over time your character just gets freakin huge like you get big I think my character if we take off my armor like hey you might yeah I mean I'm probably a little bit bigger than I used to be when I started it's harder to see on a hayver but if you look at like make mr. wolf let's see him he's doing martial arts let's take off his take off his stuff here for a second let me see take off those wraps yeah you could see he's got a little definition there but not not too much yet but his skills are pretty low in martial arts so the more he does it he's going to get that up also dexterity effects muscle definition and strength affects physical bulk so the the more strength you have the bulkier they'll get as well as will start getting like really stocky but yeah overall pretty cool system all right yeah we're right next to this Rouen over here so we'll check this out I don't know if it's empty or what I haven't been to this one in a while and you know with the development of kimchi everything changes so you never know some of these ruins that you went to what in the past that didn't have anything maybe they've changed because the developers of kimchi they add in all kinds of things like little hidden things that they do that they don't really tell you about in the patch notes so if you're just reading the patch notes and going oh this is all the added yeah think again because they really change stuff that they're not saying it's just like you know they they do fix other stuff other than just like they only list the main things that they've fixed and and like bug fixes and stuff but you know they add a lot of dialogue that I've noticed and a lot of you guys have noticed it as well a lots more dialogue in the bars and stuff so yeah there's just all around there they're getting this game complete I'm telling you that much but yeah what do we have in here this is looks like a bunch of damaged books doesn't look like there's anything good here nothing on another floor all right I guess we'll keep going so if you have also mentioned that you'd like it whether or not we're going to get into weapon crafting and armor crafting and envy it and we are gonna do all that and especially in this series we're gonna do everything it's just that I wanted to start off doing some stuff that were different in this series that I've done in the past which was smuggling and doing some other other stuff but yeah eventually we'll get to everything so people that are new to kimchi and you're watching this series you're gonna see everything that that can she has to offer as we do it and and you gotta think of it as a progression and a story we're going to get into more difficult battles we're gonna start taking more risks and trying to survive in this world with this group and you know as people if we lose people you know we'll get more people but you know I like to think of kimchi as creating your own story and following along with these people and and really getting attached to them because you know you can't lose people pretty easily especially when you're doing an Ironman play like this like I've had to be really careful traveling around not to lose anyone so far and I'm pretty lucky to be honest we've had some close calls but again I like to keep things interesting and keep things exciting so we are gonna take more and more risks as we develop our skills and and get better items and gear and stuff we're gonna start you know kidnapping Nobles and trying to do some other crazy things that you can do in this game so it's gonna be a slower build up but then we're gonna start later on as a series grows we're gonna started getting into more crazy things and it's just gonna be super exciting so hope you guys are enjoying the ride so far but yeah we have plenty of more to do with kimchi in all aspects of the game we've discovered the the town here it's an abandoned town on the very south end of the world and this was probably like the first or second empire town or something like that from a long ago that's been abandoned but we'll check it out see if there's any loot name a Stein is like hold on guys I'm gonna use the bathroom oh man what the thing is floating in the air oh well that's crazy ha oh that's that's funny gotta fix that little bug right there it's gonna drop that down just a tad all right then you loot in here it doesn't look like it I think this town is empty so yeah we'll continue on we're gonna head north now I think I know of a few more spots along the coast all right here we go we got ourselves some outlaw farmers which looks like they're charging in Oh are they going okay yes they're gonna charge us perfect these guys have ya anywhere from like six to twenty in stats so they're not bad actually but they have no armor get some combat in I just love seeing the robotic leg it's so cool all the robotic limbs all right oh yeah 54 damage that's great oh we're Canadian a beating down here with one hand one-handed oh we got the samurais sergeants out what Oh no why are these guys attacking us now what in the hell we're fighting the samurai oh no I think maybe Night Fury hit one of them with a a crossbow oh all right I'm down well that wasn't cool Night Fury I think you you did a sin man wait a minute wait a minute samurai conscript is now fighting okay no okay it looked like he was charging after this guy all right yeah we're down for the count but that was that was pretty interesting I don't know what happened there we are on a new version another version so who knows United cities so we have four faction relations with them I don't want to rest right here we'll probably rest a little bit further out of the way we're getting attacked now by a outlaw swordsman he got up and we also have band of Bones now which are great let's go guys quick before they get here oh they're right there quickly quickly gentlemen quickly sneak around the rock hopefully they'll attack this dude down here oh he's down [ __ ] oh this is gonna be close oh my goodness hahaha you're that sneak action oh great looks like Manhunters says these guys kind of look like escaped slaves to me oh come on are you kidding me these guys can just go around and enslave people all right what are they gonna attack us they're actually actually not that good however there's a lot of them they have armor and we are freaking all wounded so ah man wow that's some dangerous territory out here we can't get cats workin a tour cannot get captured I'm carrying tornado right now we've got all of this stuff right who else can't get captured because pretty much nobody can get captured but we definitely can't have to work and eat or get captured because we got all of this cool stuff all right I might have to I might have to run with Torque inator alright let's see what happens here so you're gonna chase after me all right you guys just grab that slave come on unbelievable all right we need to run we can't fight these guys everybody just run this way as fast as you can't I'm gonna have to run that way too and we might have to have a mustiness who's got some hits on him amis Tyne all right come on bud you fight him hold it hold him back out mr. wolf is hurting though and Night Fury as a right leg that's damaged boy these guys actually don't have that much gear though Night Fury doesn't as well got a couple med kits but um on standard grade chainmail that's fine all right we're gonna have to have Night Fury mr. wolf stay back and protect the rest of the group all right just hold them back these guys I don't know what they're doing but take this guy down protect the group Oh make sure just peg mr. wolf in the back yeah come on keep hitting them keep hitting number these guys are not they're not paying attention to us so I just take this guy down and we can escape I don't know no amis tine oh oh damn it all right attack all then you guys can't escape and I'm all right you might have to do some breakout stuff later we can't take all these guys [Music] because everybody is like one hit away from yeah everybody's one hit away Wow all right we're gonna have to do a rescue mission or have them break out how much we can do here my fury is putting up a fight with a mustiness fury go man leave this boss look at him go just doing some damage over here oh he's doing really low damage though gotta get him a better weapon oh my goodness look at this just take it on all of them all right we're gonna just hang tight up here though just wait for wait for him see what happens and we'll try and rescue these guys if they're not taken but uh he's probably gonna get taken here I don't know though they're carrying yeah they're gonna enslave all right so they're gonna enslave all three of them oh my goodness hold on a second though oh we got the mercenary guild we got the mercenary guild hold on who's is quick Operation Rescue here we go all right who is not damaged pretty bad we're going in we're gonna we're gonna rescue these guys all right Darth put down crazy lizard we're gonna need lady Sharkey and yeah Flynn an apple tornado just hang tight with and we'll take mr. Killer crazy loser just hang back all right let's go everybody run fast we're gonna rescue these guys [Music] i'ma Stein and Night Fury are oh they were slave okay that's fine we're gonna rescue him where's the mercenary guild is right here I got to talk to this guy I'm gonna hire the mercenaries and then we're gonna kick their ass ha ha I'm looking to hire some bodyguards um let's see I only need these guys for maybe just one day all right now let's kick their ass come here it's ass-kicking time that's the great thing about the mercenary guild they just fight everybody where am I going here attack this guy we're kind of stuck on the plant or something all right come over here the hell are they doing over here tonight fury attack all get in here kick their ass hell yeah there we go what I mess with the mercenary guild guys are screwed now don't worry I got you mr. Wolfe I got you a messiah in Night Fury Oh the mercenary guild is just cutting them down Emma Stein where you going Matt got here with that obedient slave [ __ ] you don't need that unlock your shackles Night Fury is currently down right now mr. Wolfe is down as well okay oh nice okay and the good thing is that they will go around the mercenary guilds will go around and heal everyone - if they're wounded all right Emma Stein got rid of the shackles we're gonna need to grab your gear though we took it let's take their that's a faction uniform tell me it took a mustiness boots and weapon all right hold on I'm gonna have to run around and find out who took all this stuff all right here's a horse chopper all right let's get out of here let's pick up Night Fury darth pick up mr. wolf and apple pick up a mustiness get out of here before they come the wake up all right now the problem is is - had we got escaped slaves now so we're not gonna be able to go into the town we're gonna actually have to go probably to a weigh station and hide hideout Wow that was we were lucky there you're definitely lucky I think what we'll do is keep these guard these bodyguards around these mercenaries and help us go to all these ruins and stuff and we'll pay them for another two more days and that way we don't have to actually worry about resting we can just keep going because there's still some libraries up here I want to hit up we've made it to the lost library Rouen where there's a ton of blood spiders surrounding it so we'll see in the next episode if we can take this on and continue our travels I want to thank you guys for watching now see you guys in the next episode take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 17,796
Rating: 4.9717813 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival
Id: uVLwebuGddI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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