RimWorld Star Wars - Empire Research Base Pt.1 - "Out in the Cold" [RimWorld Ice Sheet B18]

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everybody but from a star DS gaming here back with something a little bit different so I don't have a ton of time to watch other youtubers but I do occasionally and one youtuber that I really enjoy is Rikon role-plays and lately he's been doing a room world series based on Star Wars mod where he's making a Jedi Temple it was really cool and I enjoyed room rolled myself it's one of the few games I play in my free time outside of like mountain blade warband and a few others so I enjoy dreamworld I'm not that great at it but I do enjoy but anyways he's doing that Star Wars playthrough and it made me want to go back to rim world and play a little bit on my own and I always feel guilty when I'm playing something on my own time because I don't have a lot of time so if I'm not doing it for the channel I feel like I'm not being very efficient so I want to do something sort of inspired by that because he's a great youtuber I really enjoy his content but I don't want to just like straight rip him off because that would be lame so I'm gonna do a Star Wars inspired world playthrough - but I want to make mine as different from his as possible so what we're gonna be doing in this series if you guys enjoy and I decide to continue is rather than making like a Jedi Temple or anything like that I want to set up like a first order or Imperial I guess it really doesn't matter probably first order based on the characters I've chosen basically a research facility I want to be the bad guys and I'm also going to be doing it on a pretty difficult planet that's gonna be sort of a struggle for us to survive but I've got sort of a custom scenario made to facilitate that a little bit I want us to not just survive but thrive in this setting but I do want this survival to be a little bit of a challenge as well so the plan is or the sort of back story that I've concocted here is that supreme leader snoke has sent one of his force-sensitive apprentices one not so important as kylo Ren but you know somebody else they we never hear about because he's honest it's he can have as many apprentices as he wants and he sent a sort of like a research team to set up a new research facility for there there's a lot of stuff in rimworld that we can sort of use to justify this but I thought maybe like cybernetics and stuff would be cool because there is already a pretty extensive like what's it what's it called I'm blanking on the word prosthetics there's already a pretty extensive like body part replacement mechanic with prosthetics in the game and there's a mod that actually expands upon that and I have that mod installed as well as all the Star Wars stuff and a few others that I'll show you in a second but I think it would be cool to set up like an imperial cybernetics research facility now the thing is the research ship got shot down over a pretty inhospitable planet and we've only got three survivors so I'm gonna jump into our scenario and show you guys our three survivors and explain a little bit more and then we'll get started but before I do that I'm just gonna give you a quick peek at my mod list here because I know I'll inevitably get asked about it so these are the mods I'm running I'm not gonna go through them all but I will give you a second to pause and take a look at them so here's these and that is the rest so you can see I'm running quite a few mods a lot of them are convenient stuff and then of course I've got all of the Star Wars stuff happening and a few things that just expand on parts of the game that are really is fleshed out as others so as I said I've already got everything all set up so I'm gonna jump right into that scenario and we'll go from there okay so here we are this is our planet you can see right now that it's permanent winter and outdoors it's minus 17 degrees Celsius we are on an ice sheet so this is probably the second most difficult terrain that you can start on in room world the hardest being I think like the sea ice because there there's nothing for you to dig into you're you know just out on a frozen ocean with nothing so this will be a pretty challenging start but I have done a few things to make it a little bit easier for us first of all I've customized our 3 care and they're all pretty decent starting characters I've also given myself slightly different starting materials than you would normally get a little bit more food what else did I give I think I have slightly better resources than you would normally start with especially food I don't think the others change too much and there's no animal I didn't even bother with one because from everything I've read if you're starting on a nice sheet like this you pretty much want to butcher the animal you start with for food anyways so in this case I just sort of you know skip that I give myself like 20 extra survival meals and no animal and then what else did I do we have some extra components I believe we've also got a few extra blasters and some like stormtrooper uniforms I figured you know this ship crash-landed there's gonna be some stuff that we can salvage off of the people that didn't survive as well as the ship itself so from like a role-playing perspective it sort of makes sense so let's go ahead and take a look at our characters that we're starting with let's go - oh you guys haven't landed yet right let's let you get out okay there we go now I can click on them so um heff well let me view the whole name so rest in half is our force sensitive he's male 32 years old he was an orphan and is now like a force sensitive assassin type character his traits are sooth Inquisitor iron-willed and super immune so this guy is pretty damn durable it's hard to get him to you know lose his mind or whatever he doesn't really get sick or anything like that and he's pretty good in melee combat he's also good at you know sort of using the force to mind trick people and stuff decent mining because of course he can use the Force to lift rocks and whatnot and he likes sort of discovering lost knowledge as a lot of darkside users do one thing to note is if you've ever played with the Star Wars mod for this game that adds in force powers you can see there's a force tab here you basically have to awaken your force abilities and then you level up with them by gaining XP and the easiest way to do that is to give your character something like intellectual or mining or really anything that you can just kind of give them a job to do and have them do repeatedly for a really long time so research is a great one for that but if they're very passionate in it they will gain force XP really really fast similar lead to how they level up in that skill faster when they're really passionate in it the same is true for their Air Force XP so if you have somebody that's really good at researching that's really passionate about it you can set them to research and they're gonna level up really fast in their force powers whereas if you have them kind of running all over the place and doing different things they won't level up as quickly so anyways that's Rustin Heth our force sensitive now May is sort of the the star of this operation because she is the main researcher that was you know supposed to be setting up this facility Heth is just kind of there to oversee it because obviously you know Snoke likes to have his force sensitive people kind of in there running things and so she was a sort of child prodigy like a you know a real genius as a kid and now she's our primary researcher she's pretty but too smart so a little bit kind of rough around the edges around people she's a very fast learner as you might expect friends to somebody who has that background it's very good and passionate about medicine she's gonna need to be in order to do all the cybernetics surgeries that we're gonna be keep looking at she's also pretty good with plants she does have a little a background in you know biology and stuff so she's familiar with working with you know animals and plants isn't super ecstatic about animals in particular but she can kind of handle both and then she's also great at research as well in okay crafting now I'm not sure who I'm gonna have doing most of my research because obviously I want have to be leveling up his horse powers pretty quickly but she's better at it and equally as enthused so it's kind of a toss-up as to who I should be doing it with but we'll see and then finally we have Kenta Kenta is one of our stormtroopers he's actually part of the Stormtrooper Corps of Engineers or whatever so you know how you have like an army corps of engineers he's the stormtrooper equivalent of that if they're on a planet fighting a battle and they need like bridges built for whatever reason I don't know you have like hover tanks and stuff in Star Wars so it's probably not as necessary but anyways he's like a stormtrooper military engineer type person and so he's obviously good at shooting okay and melee but doesn't particularly enjoy he's probably the friendliest of the bunch because the stormtroopers are about as close to normal people as you'll find in the first order whereas maze kind of like a weird science savant and Heth is you know basically it's it that that assists why can I not say that a Sith assassin there we go if the Sith still existed Kenta is kind of just like a normal soldier guy he's not particularly evil he's just part of this faction and so he's going about his job so probably the more the most well-rounded character but you can see that he he's pretty good at shooting interacting with people cooking he's kind of got like a little hobby in terms of cooking but he's very good at construction and very passionate about it he's an engineer after all and the same is true of mining he's just as good at you know tearing rock down as he is building it back up or at least close a little bit artistic but he's also good at crafting you know engineers not just good at building big stuff but little stuff as well but not too into the like research part of it he just likes to get his hands dirty but he grew up as in Erb world army brat so you know basically he came from like one of those like really heavily urbanized planets where everything's really dirty and everybody's living on like these giant like habitation structures kind of you know really packed together like sardines in a can and eventually escaped escaped by joining the first-order military and became a combat engineer and so he's iron-willed and industrious so he's a bit hard to shake as well and he likes working hard so those are our three characters and as I said run a really difficult starting situation here although for the situation we're in this is actually a pretty good map for us to deal with it so as I mentioned permanent winter minus 17 degrees Celsius outside and keep in mind that that is the warmest we're ever gonna see it's only gonna get colder from here so we immediately need to get inside but the nice thing about this map is we start next to two geothermal vents so if we wanted to we could sort of enclose ourselves around those and use them for heat we've also got this nice little kind of cutout not too far away that we could use and we've got a ton of compacted iron exposed all around us so I think we're actually in a pretty good situation all things considered so the first thing I think I want to do is I want you guys to grab your weapons you can see we've got some extra stormtrooper helmets we should have some extra yeah some extra stormtrooper armor a couple extra officer uniforms you know clothes and hats and then these are like the under suits for all those we've also got you have a lightsaber kicking around somewhere I don't know where it is but I'm sure we'll find it but we'll need to track down his lightsaber as well as the crystal looks like the crystals right there and we're gonna give Kenta a blaster let's give him this one the t21 blaster rifle may I'm gonna give you the pistol since you're not particularly great at shooting and then hef I need to figure out where the hell your lightsaber landed I think that's it yeah all right so everybody go do that and I'm really gonna be microing these guys until we actually get started here and then with the lightsabers you have to select a crystal they don't actually need to go pick it up you just need to select it or they do go pick it up when you select it but you don't need to actually manually send them over there you just click it and they go do it so he's gonna have a red lightsaber that looks like Mace Windu's lightsaber go do that meanwhile let's see Kenta I need to have you start building some stuff for me so we're gonna do steel walls here everything I've read suggests that oh you know what we need to do we need to we need to put down a stockpile zone I'm just gonna throw it right here for now because that will encompass most of our stuff but we'll need to bring some steel into the area so I'll select all these in fact I probably should have just had it encompass this as well but everything I've read says that wooden walls in extreme cold situations like this or not should just die like that are not great so we are going to be making steel walls or basically steel everything if we can help it we do have a lot of steel and I don't think we'll have a hard time getting more on this map but yes we are gonna like going to want to make steel walls so let's have you guys hustle a bit bring those in there perfect I'm gonna pause because every second matters when we're slowly freezing to death and I want steel walls along here we may even double these up but for now that's fine and we're gonna have some steel doors there I'll also put in a steel door there we may need to drop a campfire in here to heat this area so we could go straight for the electrical stuff we already have the the research done let's see we're gonna need beds as well terraforming we can smooth stuff out yeah let's just throw a campfire down you know I have heaters yeah throw away I need electricity for that duh yeah put a camp fire in here but let's get to that and in fact I should probably queue up some beds as well while they're working on it I think wooden beds will be okay so we'll do wooden beds and see how that works kenta I need you moving a little bit faster they're moving pretty slow because of a the cold and B the fact that they're walking through deep snow oh come on man you're gonna fail construction with a like what is your thing again 14 all right that's got that fire down that door will be important because we might get to dangerous temperatures in here if there's nothing separating this room from that one so we'll we'll keep an eye on it this is unroofed should get roofed over pretty quickly and he just puked he's probably dealing with it's dealing with alcohol tolerance okay right well May what are you currently up to you're hauling steel that's fine are you cold by the way just a little bit not really bad actually I think part of it is the thing that they're wearing underneath what is this the Imperial body suits I think they keep them fairly warm although it's not gonna cut it when things really start getting cold let's see here we'll say owners so Kenta that's going to be you you guys keep transferring stuff in the meantime we're gonna need to dig out a sort of enclosed like resource containment area so that this stuff doesn't deteriorate or at least the perishable stuff doesn't is anybody gonna build these beds what are you guys doing wandering all wandering huh I you know what I probably should have taken care of this first so let's get these all taken care of put you on doctoring one bed rest I'll probably put it to flicking should be it one for everybody warden I'm gonna leave most of that to Hef but kenta might be able to do a little bit of it handling animals aren't really gonna be a thing in this one we might see some herds but for the most part I don't think we're gonna be dealing with too many animals negotiating I'll leave that to Hef as well cooking is gonna be kenta for now we'll try to get a dedicated cook so he can focus on building construction is going to be kenta's main priority as well as mining what else let's see hunting I'll keep that there for now but we'll see form a growing and plant cutting is gonna be up there you know what plant cutting doesn't need to be - smithing tailoring art and arts and crafts can all stay at 3:00 for now hauling I think I'm gonna put it to and let's see research is going to be a two as well and then when I decide who's gonna be my main researcher I'll bump them up to one and I should also set this I like to go zero to six sleep and then everything else is anything and they can kind of just work and do whatever they need to do I need you to oh no did we use a baller would already oh no it's just all you know I should have made wood beds anyways but since they're already there I will just leave it but I should have made steel beds that's what I should have done in fact yeah let's just cancel it deconstruct that we'll try to get some wood back cuz we're gonna need wood for other things and instead will be making steel beds let's cancel that one as well make some more steel beds can't I get to that there we go and we'll have him prioritize those meanwhile I think I'm gonna issue the order to start mining out this area something like that right there what's the temperature in here 29 degrees Celsius and minus 3 so that he is transferring a bit this isn't getting too hot but it may get too hot to the point where it starts to bleed over here even more but well again we'll see also I think I'm gonna ask them to double up this wall because we need to prevent the temperature from outside leaking through as best we can all right so Kent is moving into built-in beds I think Heth is gonna build some beds as well may just kind of hanging out for the time being so we're obviously gonna want to get her a research facility up and running as soon as possible so that we can start unlocking I think we're gonna want to go with hydroponics first so that we can start growing crops inside because if we can't do that we're gonna starve there's no animals for us to hunt or anything can you not mind let's see you know I don't care as long as you're doing something so it'll take her a really long time but at least she's you know sort of making some progress toward what we want to be doing let's get these beds of signs so the may and that will be kenta's as soon as he's done and I guess we're gonna build our base into this giant area here we can pretty much go anywhere we want on this entire like third or so with the map but everything is gonna be built into this mountain because I think it's just easier that way we don't need to worry about walls we just need to you know I should've left that double thick as well that was a mistake things are not really warming up oh these two are flirting with each other a bit we're gonna want that to get hold eventually but for now I'm not super concerned what sort of ground are we looking at here is snow oh it's snowing outside what is this let's see rough hewn marble okay if we find gravel in here we can actually use that as like farmland so we'll need to sort of pay attention any gravel that we come across we're gonna want to save I'm gonna build this into another steel wall right there and we'll continue to mine out the area around it trying to keep these too thick so I think I need to correct that one possibly something like that so go ahead and open it up in fact we can open this up as well but I just needed enough space to throw down a research bench let's see there it is simple research bench so I could put it there but then you know it's gonna take up all that space so as soon as they clear like this out maybe I'll drop it right there and then we'll have May just researching because I don't think heavy is gaining any he's gaining a little bit but I don't oh he does like mining doesn't he a little bit so his force powers will grow from that just not as good as they would from researching also I think we're gonna want to set up a stone cutting bench pretty soon here and have Kenta working on that whenever he's not building or mining for us oh this should be a Kansas bed by the way here we go so I think this area here will eventually be our storage because again we want to get everything inside so it doesn't deteriorate and then we'll sort of build the rest of our facility inward because it'll be easier to temperature regulate in here then it will be over here we're working it right on the edge and these two just continue to hit it off oh you're you're flirting with her she's just ignoring you and they're really hungry I completely forgot that I should allow them to eat some of these so I'll open those up and I should have them transfer them inside as soon as we can because they are deteriorating they're not nothing's gonna spoil these are survival meals anyways but if we leave food out here it's not gonna spoil because it is below freezing however it will deteriorate just from being outside all right so we're having a bit of a minor break risk with Mei here I think it's because she was really hungry so I think eating will help there let's actually take a look at her needs it's still too cold in here so I might need to remove that door for now we're also gonna need somewhere for them to eat because they don't particularly like just eating standing up let's yeah let's deconstruct that for the moment you're gonna go eat what are you currently doing relaxing can you oh you can't construct so why can't you construct are you just really bad at it you know what honestly I'll put you on like the minimum will put you a four so you you know if something desperately needs to get built you can do it but otherwise you're not gonna put too much stock into that so there we go and that should or that should start warming this up pretty quickly I'm gonna slow things down a bit here as well and let's see Kenta is gonna compete dig stuff up maze cleaning that's that's a good use of her time since she can't really do anything else but actually now that this is opened up let's go ahead and get that research bench going bad temperature well we're working on that we're doing the best we can I'm also going to cue up some electricity stuff because we have the ability to make a solar generator right away so we may as well I'll build them probably right here along this wall one two three perfect I'm only gonna do one for now because obviously we don't have a ton of power needs until later also I'm gonna need to tear down a lot of this rock and replace it with steel so I can run wire through it but that is not immediately important for now let's just do something like that and we'll run it over here and you get the idea let's see so you're gonna go are you building that I think she is Kenta what are you doing you are gonna build the conduits you build this first makes more sense to build the generator than the wire first right heffley's just hanging out you should be working on stuff as well no you're not in fact you would be better building stuff than she would be I'll I'll prioritize those so that they get done a little faster I'm gonna take things up to two times speed here just cuz remove a little bit slow at the moment but yeah we got to get power going and we got to get research going because if we can't start making food inside this base we are gonna be in serious trouble it looks like hats gonna go back to mining that's fine by me and indoors we're actually doing pretty well on temperature it's sitting at about eleven eleven or twelve it's warming actually so that's kind of good we just gotta make sure it doesn't get too hot all right so apparently we've got caribou passing through let's jump to their location the thing is we start firing on them they might all attack us and I'm a bit concerned about that but it would be nice to be able to grab some food or you know get a little bit of meat from these guys that we can kind of just store it's already freezing outside I don't need to worry about refrigeration or anything so if we can pick off a few of them that'd be great but I don't want to risk our guys getting killed or anything so if it looks like it's gonna go sour I'm going to cancel all that but for now we'll just kind of wait and see I've also got rabbits running around so there is you know I might just ignore it we'll see if they decide to get around to it if they don't it's not the end of the world but there are rabbits running around so we're not completely deprived of animals out here it's just we're not gonna be seeing very many of them so we can't rely on hunting to provide us any food really so let's see here I need you to mine through I don't know how I want to do this mine through right here and then I'm gonna have power conduit get built like that we'll build through there and then I'm gonna have a battery set up there actually I think I'll build three across so we'll do something like that for now okay so apparently Kent has decided to go hunting we're gonna see how he does they don't seem to really care that were shooting in one of them so that's fine by me these blasters have some pretty ridiculous range - come on take him down take him down where'd you go did you give up thank you just gave up was this thing nearly dead and no just some basic blaster burns all right so back over here oh we need to take care of that quick that opening is going to freeze us to death if we're not on top of it Mae what are you currently doing do this first we need that cap sealed like now Kenta I need you to do the same otherwise it's gonna get real cold in here it already is actually alright good that's sealed up he's gonna come around and build the double thick walls so that the temperatures a little bit more resilient in here there's our batteries now we just need to get the conduits laid down which shouldn't be too hard they've already started these - come on guys let's hustle there's one now we just got to connect him and we'll have power luckily the generator stores a little bit of power itself actually no sorry it doesn't this is a reflection of the output not the input all right so we'll see if we start picking up power tomorrow for now it looks like the temperatures starting to sort of balance out back to what it was inside so that's good we're gonna need to give them like a joy source or something so let's see what options we have hmm I'm gonna dartboard Oh like takes cloth book rack don't have any books how about a chest table then that's pretty simple we'll throw down in there with a couple of chairs I think we'll just do like basic stools right here you know what I need to cancel all that because I built it as wood so scratch all these and we want them to be steel that's really all you've got and the chest table will need to be steel as well there we go and that should give them something to do just so they don't go crazy sitting here meanwhile I should probably cue up some more mining just so we're constantly growing our base here and we can go pretty far this way now something like that I don't need to like get every nook and cranny over there but we'll do something fairly uniform like this just keep expanding our base and one important thing as we build the base larger oh you know what I should do the research right now as well so we wanted not terraforming hydroponics that'll be our first one and may you are going to be our main researcher since I think Heth is gonna need help need to help mining and he's he'll gain force points with that so it's really not that big a deal that he's not mining and or that he's not researching instead also that reminds me I should throw down at least a stool right here to speed things up a bit all right so Mays got to work on our hydroponics research meanwhile kenta's gonna start mining as well as half in just a second I think we're gonna end it here for today though because we are at a time I think we made pretty good progress we've got a nice little base started and we have you know electricity up and running so we can throw down an actual here in here and keep things nice and toasty for us we're going to really need to get that hydroponics research done quickly though because we are currently living off a very limited supply of food and once this is gone we have nothing so we need to be able to get that food growing quickly because if you know we don't get the crops down fast enough we have to wait for the crops to grow we could be well out of food by that point and it would really suck to lose just because we didn't get the food fast enough so anyways we're gonna leave it here if you guys have a lot of experience with drumroll feel free to drop some tips in the comments because as I said I play my own time but I'm not that great so I'm always interested in learning a little bit more and this is a particularly difficult start situation so if you have experience with you know Ice Sheet survival in rim world I'd be happy to hear it but I I did read up a little bit on my own so I have at least a vague idea of what I'm doing obviously some first-hand experience from you guys would be useful as well though so anyways thank you so much for watching I had a great time playing some rim world with you and I look forward to seeing you guys back here for the next episode you [Music]
Channel: AstartesGaming
Views: 79,319
Rating: 4.9580307 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, RimWorld Star Wars, RimWorld Gameplay, RimWorld Review, RimWorld Beta 18, RimWorld Beta, RimWorld Beta 18 Review, RimWorld Star Wars Mod, RimWorld Tutorial, RimWorld Tips, RimWorld Guide, RimWorld Lightsaber Mod, RimWorld Mods
Id: TNtp2VVk9zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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