It's Raining GOLD! | Noita Randomizer Run 2

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hello what's going on everyone it's fury i hope you're having a great day welcome back to a new neutra randomizer run but instead of just using biome randomizer randomized alchemy and random starting loadouts this time i'm gonna add arcane alchemy to the mix for hopefully a lot more insanity and chaos that combined with the randomized alchemy should make things pretty interesting you're a slime wizard nice that's actually one of my favorites let's see so we start with this one spark bolt with trigger slime mist always cast explosion on slimy enemies sped up acid balls that's all we need right there and then that and then these slime flasks and we start with slime blood and there's already a fire here okay well prepare yourselves this one should be pretty crazy hungry slime flask nice i'm gonna throw that in something's face uh okay we're gonna head down and to the right and hopefully uh get the tablet and try to get like 400 gold pretty quickly here oh hello here blow up down here no oh the gold turned gate opener the gold turned to molten gold the gold nuggets are melting in water that's great something's there things exploding all over the place uh okay i don't think there's anything up there nope all right yeah i unbound the s key on my keyboard or for this game because uh i'm doing a noita everything run on twitch and i've been uploading that to my second youtube channel theory squared if you weren't aware of that healthium oh we have healthium being created nice and dark matter not nice stop you want this here take that i gotta go this way here yes hungry slime it's gonna eat him he's gonna eat him and then oh or he's just gonna wash the stain off all right but this hungry slime i think grows as it eats things but yeah i unbound s so i don't accidentally hold down and eat things because i have over a million hp in that run and i accidentally drank some oil got like a split second of the poison debuff and it did like 65 i mean 65 million damage in one tick because in this game the higher your max hp the more damage over time ticks for each time all right let's get the tablet get some money we have midas raining from the sky it's raining gold what the hell okay hang on a sec we don't need this anymore get in there uh let me just empty this try to get some of this midas too lava is like turning into gate opener liquid and then as the gate opener liquid heats up it's making this potion gas and then the potion gas is rising and then condensing up here and turning into midas and it's raining gold it's raining midas that's insanity yes okay well look we already have i was like i just want 400 gold i want to get a couple orbs maybe because we started with acid ball so let's make the boss a little bit more difficult i think although i do want to make this a fairly quick run hopefully i mean with this we could we can melt through the entire world it's already over here that's crazy here you know what oh i have an idea i know exactly what i want to do let's go over here i'm just gonna afk here for however long it takes move my cursor down this way we can see like over there and i'm just gonna time lapse this all right so it's like a half hour later and look at this it's melting the entire mines eventually if i waited here the entire mines would just turn into midas melt away because look at this because this is just see it's condensing into midas and then falling down we already have a full flask of midas these guys are just like huddled in there hiding for their lives like help us look it went all the way down and i uncovered these glyphs right here glyph number seven why why did you look here what answers are you trying to find in here besides burning yourself that's crazy how far did it go oh we have jungle next it looks like here we go let's get out of here i have 50 000 gold 50 000 gold it melted all the way through to the next area i guess we could get back up from the second area now see you later you get to live up there here let's continue with this run shall we uh now that i you know we'll take that yeah i don't want to use that we may use that i'm not sure okay this will be cool nice pretty good not bad not bad this uh this wand is a waste i'll keep this just in case anything else good maybe bouncing burst uh yes i want that take this and so cool now we have a teleport wand we're going to go to the pyramid i want to fight the pyramid mini boss and i'm taking shield we'll reroll if we find any if we need anything and okay any necessary re-rolling uh i don't have melee immunity so let me out of here please should have gotten water although slime works just as well for us uh please don't kill me oh static don't ow 66 hp i don't want to use this static stuff so let's just melt through i just want to get out of here we'll come back down afterwards i bet what's that healthium wow don't kick me into look at this it is healthy um so it's like fungus is turning into healthium or something we'll go back up there and get that because i want to see what happened well maybe i want to see what happened to the lava lake up there uh like i really need that i'll take an extra life for now i don't want to reroll yet okay so this is normal let's go this way let's just head back up go to the pyramid and maybe get a really good wand there really good attack wand for basic enemies because we already have our boss killer wand most likely unless i'll try to pick up some orbs too [Music] a couple orbs we'll get the pyramid one uh i just want to get out of here we have more healthy and being made right there all right get away from me let's just get back up here pick up the orb over here go to the pyramid we might be able to uh get up over here we'll check we have a teleport wand so i mean we could get right over the cliff easy no problem here get some more levitation juice get up here whoops what the hell did the whole oh no this is the gold room what okay i'm gonna get all this i don't care we don't really need it maybe but i have to one does not simply find the gold room right here next to the mines and not get every single pixel or almost every pixel here's the seed 182 118 7594 and the mods we're using arcane alchemy random starting loadouts randomized alchemy biome randomizer uh they're randomizers i don't know if you're gonna get the same results as me though let me know if you use it if you try this out let me know if you get the same results as this this is absolutely insane all right we got almost all of it now i'm just gonna get this last bit right here and then we're gonna head up to the pyramid hopefully get a good wand from the mini boss we could totally destroy the mini boss right now i mean we got acid we got a drill yeah should be no problem uh let's see if we can cut our way through i mean we have luminous drill yeah ow 85 hp we also have you guys went nuts this one crazy look at all that slime that's my blood wow and then when we get back we're gonna look at what happened to the lava lake wait what the heck uh we're not gonna have a pyramid we don't have a desert oh we do maybe yup all right except what the uh so it seems the pyramid is randomized maybe like the exterior whoa yeah we have like mines in there okay uh well whoops this is still here i don't want this stuff at all that's just very dangerous molten glass though yeah static charge it just electrocutes everything no thanks if i was a thunder mage that would be cool stuff to have but i am not a thunder mage so we need to just okay let me in come on there we go perfect see what's in here i don't know if the mini boss is even going to be in here now because yeah look at all this i don't know um it seems like oh this is it right here yeah no mini boss we got a cool [Music] i don't know if i want the coup bom wands nah we have 300 000 gold look at you let's see if there's anything else in here we can get we'll just let the coo do its thing you know oh we have another what this is i could do the never mind oh thank you that makes up for the one we missed concentrated mana we'll drink all of that right now and yeah we'll keep the flask for the moment see oh another flask fire flask concentrated mana will help ooh i think we have dark matter over here yeah dark matter is very dangerous [Music] fight quite dangerous here we have over here i don't want to spend too long in here shrinkium yes yes i want that here thank you this stuff is incredible this is like my favorite liquid in arcane alchemy check this out it's one sip yeah nice little guy go away i'm just ow stop we only have 73 hp uh you know let's teleport up here hey i didn't even see you cool face got eggs i can make some egg shenanigans some deadly omelets uh i wish i could make like a shrinky and my omelet that would be incredible all right let me go let me go what the heck wow look at all the bone that's weird i never realized that i had that pattern in it before well that's hungry slime i don't want it to eat me so time to go and i want to yeah let's do this i love how the wand is bigger than me all right let's see what we have over here wanna see what happened it's probably all i thought i was gonna like teleport right into hopefully not lava look at this there is still lava here i mean that's why the reaction is still taking place oh my god there's a lot of lava uh let's not kill ourselves i'm gonna pick up this orb though and let's drink some of this and then just like kind of maybe we have one orb let's get this one too this will probably be the only other orb we get all right here we are that was pretty quick look at this wow it's just submerged here let's get more if i can no we're already full i mean i could throw out this ah we need something to put our fire out if we get set on fire this is insane i don't want to drown in that please drowning in midas drowning in greed although it would be nice to kind of work our way back out this way i'm gonna do that we're just gonna work our way it's right here look at this let's bring the midas with us all the way down to the bottom ah okay midas fall and it's on let's go i'm still drunk this is a good way to sober up though do that perfect nice thank you slime mist stop thank you slime mist uh i just want to get out of here i'm not looking for any kind of wand unless this no it's fine we don't need it let's just go oh wait yes stop well you're lucky that i didn't need the gold we only have 37 hp though i'm just gonna heal immediately and then get this stuff that's perfect now we have the perfect wand except it's shuffle perfect wand for well it doesn't matter it'll still kill the boss quickly uh for the boss and we have hollow egg in case i feel like carrying some kind of i don't know crazy egg wand uh ah all right let's just go see what we have next here i'm going to trigger the collapses because i want the music of the next area oh twisty passages make some more of this make sure our we don't get full wanna kinda there we go and let's not let's not be too hasty i don't want to have a problem with no oh drop the stain please thank you see look at that that's so incredible you could just squeeze through yes all right so that was area number three first we had the mines then jungle then snow so that was the fourth area already please yes please yes and like i need that wait watch out we got stuff [Music] i'll take this all right that helps i like being being able to move a little bit faster uh let's drink a little bit more of this stay small stay small stay strong now we have collapsed minds we're getting really good luck really good luck here i never went back for that health increase it's fine we shouldn't need it as long as we don't get eaten by frogs [Music] or kicked in the face by you uh hello um i just i have to do this i have to i mean it's funny how they're wow they get hurt from acid and they have their like big acid bags i'm on fire big ass bags i'm here i wish i had bombs right now oh you're on fire you're gonna get yeah hopefully my you're gonna put yourself out in my how smart how smart are you look at the big brain on brett brenda because you're the mom see all right that was a pulp fiction reference and we have more jungle there all right oh my god for a second i thought that was acid uh let's not die please i want to see what that wand is never mind i don't want to see what i want this let's just go oh my god this is potentially very bad we don't have immunity all right let me just take it back take a bath get up there get up 85 hp all right i'm gonna shrink down again ow 67 hp we don't have any good weapons to 58 let's just go what the hell happened there oh that was from 48 hp let's go that was from uh the dark matter i don't want any of that we still have a full flask of midas i'm gonna pre-roll hopefully get something decent i'll get the greed run is real yes okay i mean we have good look at that we've got a nice variety of powerful perks we just need a well we have that for the boss we'll be okay right we have here oh coal pits yeah so that means that the uh fungal cavern might not be the fungal cavern what did you bleed into lava is yes lava is just turning into gate opener and then so that's probably gonna we made more midas because the gate opener is just turning into midas that's crazy come on must be small let's stay small [Music] right out [Music] all right let's not be too hasty here not be to see look lava is just turning into oh look you can't even hit me it's just turning into midas that's craziness a little bit more gold thank you very much uh i'll take that i shall uh it out cut it out we're gonna do this there we go perfect here i don't even need this on there we'll trigger something else in a minute here wow 169 hp i want to trigger there i don't have melee immunity and we're not really killing everything i like kind of just avoiding things for now uh we could do this yeah and just one-shot things that means this wand i don't know we'll hold on to it for now wait let's see we just sliced your head in half love it perfect combination all right we have our attack wand for now uh and then let's just do this let me toss this one perfect yeah yeah the music stopped it's all peaceful here now not for long would like to get some strong levitation as well and more shrinkium what is this you're both dead all right nope didn't want to that so we don't have a biome over here it would seem let's get out of here put down we're probably almost out of here kind of just teleport through this oh hello water hmm i'll buy that i'll buy that might be able to make missed shenanigans or water explosive if i get explosive projectile might be able to make some kind of explosive material shenanigans oh my god get out all right whatever i don't care let's go ooh path of dark flame also very nice pretty pretty nice wand i will get that uh okay uh yes yes okay this is what we're gonna do take this i might end up using that um we are going to probably get rid of this wand what's the stats 6729 i mean it has good mana whatever keep this just in case i like this one that's all we really need we're gonna use this wand right here that's like a backup attack wand and we're just gonna toss all this stuff off of it and then we're gonna get this stuff these on here and we're gonna kind of do something like this and then that and then this and then okay that's all that's all she wrote and then we're gonna pick that up again because we want it and accelerating shot i'll buy that too in case okay we got a nice i mean we don't need a lot of this stuff but yeah that's a nice little attack one that uses up all of our mana very quickly we don't want that uh let's see we're already speedy i could get a little bit more speedy or we have more midas over here let's just get crets and trick greed try one more re-roll more hp i'm good with that 352 because we're playing pretty fast and let's go let's see what we have next oh this oh yeah we're at the end and there's hang on there's midas the whole oh my god the whole world is midas uh here we gotta kill some of these guys though use this wand for now that's craziness i want to kind of go back up a little bit not all right fine i'll go down here look at this the entire temple of the art is midas town i gotta find a way out of here though before we just do this i guess cut it out nope don't want you get out of here please thank you okay sounds good we have no no 211 hp the it is all midas that's insane we don't have melee immunity so we gotta be careful you just clear it like this we should be able to just you know kinda do that it's gonna be careful of these guys we gotta be careful of everything but we have decent hp uh water please for not water come you're not getting there we go can you please leave me alone ow 133 all right that up here a little bit yeah oh my god uh i don't want to teleport too much because i really don't want to get to a position where we get murdered uh we already have god wands we're you know boss killer wand so help me we're on fire again because there's lava everywhere 78 hp all right hang on your butt no i don't like you i'm gonna run through here can you please die thank you out we have 18 hp i'm just gonna be fast all right that was pretty clutch i can't believe how dangerous that place was for being full of midas nutty super crazy all right and this wasn't working one shot them uh i mean do we really need to do anything with these wait are you kidding me the whole pl all of hell is gonna be midas just to see that here let's get this which one did i oh we get always cast you know what whatever i guess we're not gonna be teleporting anymore with that anyway uh let's just here we'll put this up there or trigger this we're just gonna toss this other wand whoops i thought i was holding my first one all right i'm not gonna hear i don't want worm love happiness more love not worm love more love look is the entire arena gonna be i'm scared of this this might be all right let's do it melt look at it it's raining the that's hilarious that is absolutely hilarious or have take your vitamins pick your vitamins i need your vitamins ah wow i don't want to melt by ending up in here we gotta teleport look at this yes ending up in the lava come over here come over here okay we have that one look at this it's just literally all right you're dead put you out of your misery this is the most insane run i've ever had check this out i mean we could go down the hell if we want to [Music] i mean hell's not that far away i don't know how long it would take okay i'm gonna buy this wand right here and use these black holes put a freeze charge on them and we'll see to see if we can get down the hell with this all right let's see so we could get down to hell oh my god look at that just disrupting the lava caused that to happen i need to land on something please all right let's see head back over here look at this is it even yeah there's plenty of lava this is extremely deadly do not try this at home i mean but our chances of killing ourselves are very high right now um you just slide right off this and then oh look at that there's the edr i mean we could get down in there but well looks like that's where we're going ow okay we made it we may not be able to finish this run but what the heck it's he see bass it's not even hell it's not even hell because we're using random biomes who knows who knows where hell is to some of you pc bass is hell i know some of you non-haze fans are like pretty fitting pretty fitting but to me he see base is like my favorite area i love he see base okay well um we answered our question now let's try to not die let's try to get out of here please i think that would be the ideal thing all right we made it we made it we just got to get up yeah look here's what's left of the arena check this out all right now it's time to go i'm so happy that this was actually the end room and we didn't have to somehow find the end room well pretty cool uh you know what let's also since we have this we might as well want to check okay well whoo yeah i don't want to go in there look at that though it's all turning into gate opener it's like disturbing and now it's starting to turn all of this see who needs to activate the work we could turn the entire world to gold ourselves all right i would rather not here die that was a fun chaotic crazy run wasn't it boom now it's all over just wanted to make sure i did that yeah thank you extra life i wanted to officially end this run and not just kill myself bend it you know that was fun that was amazing i'll be doing more of these for sure all anyway thanks for watching have a great day appreciate it i'll see you in the next one [Music] peace you
Channel: FuryForged
Views: 99,052
Rating: 4.9250937 out of 5
Keywords: FuryForged, FuryForge, Noita, Lets Play, Noita Gameplay, Noita Mods, Noita Modded, Noita Randomizer Run, Full Noita Run, Noita 2020, Noita Early Access, Draught of Midas, Noita Arcane Alchemy, Noita Tips, Noita Secrets
Id: Uxmcmkp5vBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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