Kenshi / EP 1 - Squadding Up / Ironman

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hey everybody running here today was the 1.0 release of kenchi that's a game that I've been playing for some time now I'm surely no veteran but I enjoy it and figured I'll make a let's play out of it so in this lets play i'll be trying to explain everything I know about Kenji which is limited so if you have feedback for me that would be much appreciated but I'll give you a quick synopsis of the game although if you're interested I really highly suggest that you watch videos and read up more about it basically it is a free roaming squad based RPG focusing on the open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story you can be a trader thief rebel warlord adventurer farmer slave whatever you want and has a little bit of a town building mechanic so let's get started there's a bunch of different types of starts but I am going to start as wander it's kind of the default and I'm not gonna touch the advanced option difficulty - scales I'm just gonna play straight up vanilla so that you can have a pretty good expectation of what to expect now I do want to say that this game is viciously hard it is very very very easy to find yourself dead almost immediately I just wanted to preface it took me a good long while for me to be able to survive in a sort of Ironman game mode so that's what I'm gonna be attempting to do and I'm sure crazy shenanigans will ensue because Ironman in this game is truly not that not that easy so I've already pre-designed my kit character looks nothing like me but that's fine naming him there are different races there's the hive they are sort of hive minded sort of stealth they're like Khajiit in in the Elder Scrolls series there's the Scheck who are like orcs I guess they're tough and they're strong there are skeletons who are sort of your Rangers they're a bit different they don't believe like normal characters and then there's your humans and there's subclasses of each so that you can be a hive soldier or drone Prince etc I'm gonna be standard human very boring just because I'm trying to cover what to expect in a very very normal game so this is the naming of your squads now you can have multiple squads you can have a guess up to 30 I'm gonna name my first squad the written which is kind of funny because it's really only me but I aim to change that and then my faction I'm gonna name the Raiden as well alright so there's a lot of different approaches to this game you start off basically pathetically weak I mean I'm talking I pick a fight with almost anyone and they're gonna kick my ass so you have to be very very very careful for a long time everyone is stronger than me if I look at this twitchy bar thug stronger than me this bar drunks stronger than me they're all stronger than me everyone is you basically start off as a toddler and there's no enemies scaling so it's actually pretty difficult to become strong enough to survive so what I'm doing here I started in a little town called the hub and it's basically a burned-out little nowhere town for lack of a better term and I'm sneaking into a little storage Jack and picking their locks to try to steal now I do start off with a fair amount of coin the weight the thieving mechanic starts is it's not starts you can steal anything if you hold left alt any items that you see that are red you have to steal so there's a lot of random junk here but in this building which is the only building there is some stuff that you're able to steal and I am just trying to pick this lock let me speed up time to try to maybe get through it as you can see my chance goes up and the reason for that is my lock picking is getting better every time I try all right so now there is a little emperor statue that I'll take a bowl of rice that'll take a random book some fabrics there's some reports here I'm gonna leave them for now I'm gonna take another gander at what's here maybe some bread another another statue a hacksaw I like that water jug wheat straw I'll take a little bit of everything oh I'm out of room here we go I made a little bit more room the wheat straw takes up a lot of room all right it's now I have an inventory full of random junk the hacksaw was actually just a hacksaw the hexa actually helps to take shackles off of slaves I just remembered it's not actually a weapon okay so I stole some stuff and the way the stealing mechanic works is you can't really sell it to the people you stole it from but you can sell it to just about anyone else and there's a lot of different factions in this game so as long as you don't try to sell stolen items from a faction back to themselves you'll be fine all right so let's go ahead and sell this stuff and as you can see the stuff that is flagged stolen he doesn't really care I just you know lose some markup I'm gonna keep the food and sell everything else now if I look I have 1,500 I'm gonna buy an Adachi kind of a expensive item but you know it's my sword I'm also going to buy now that I'm here I'm gonna buy some meds some basic first-aid kits and then I'm gonna look to recruit so there's kind of two ways to go about this game one way is to more or less grind your main character out to be somewhat proficiently strong so here as you can see all the right items or I'd have to steal and then the other way is to just go wide it's kind of the go wide go tall so I'm looking around and Hobbes here rambles on about a crazy story but if I sort of if I play to his psychosis I can get him to join and he actually has some decent clothing for me and I'm gonna steal I guess I'll let him keep this shirt I'll take his regular shirt I'm trying to make it so that my characters aren't overweight so right now I'm light weight I'll give them my bread now I'm weightless both are I'm right at the cusp of my weight limit and the reason for it is you move slower the more encumbered you are so my character now looks pretty ridiculous that was to be expected okay now I'm gonna look around see who else there is to recruit so you bought Molly Molly will join but not without a lot of money and I think I'm at my limit there's really no one else for me to recruit here so down here you can have the run together which I'm gonna do and I'm gonna head to squint squint is a Scheck city so this city as you can see is just basically burned-out crap there's really not much here but ruins you can buy these ruins and turn them into a proper city if you want I don't know if I'm me to go about doing that but there you have it so perception bonus that's good this thing allows me to perceive a little bit better than I normally would so looking at Hobbes here he is sort of a jack of all trades master of none so the first sort of thing that you want to focus on on a new character is trying to get your athletics up to about thirty thirty will allow you to outrun most enemies the way you grind out athletics is you just run around it's really literally that simple run around not encumbered if you're running around encumbered that will raise your strength not your athletics they're separated and that's a really good way to grind out but the way I want to do it is I want to gain a bunch of squad members I want to have a posse to start my faction off not just myself some people start off solo some people don't of course everyone has their own approach to this game but I think the grinding for skill initially is quite boring and I don't want to have a first let's play video of a new game that it's just me grinding out boring style so looking around here I have a bunch of hungry bandits that are going to cut me off from the town so I'm gonna tell every my guys here just to make a break for it because these bandits are gonna be hot on my tail try to beat me up with their clubs they're billy clubs and i cannot definitely not take on a group full of bandits in fact i'm gonna throw some food to hobbes to try to make my main character a little bit faster cuz my athleticism is pretty low and as a result they are hot on my tail but the thing is these town guards are definitely gonna come - well they're not eating me they're just they don't like bandits either and the use of town guards for defenses is very handy early on but we have one bandit that broke through their lines and I will try to defend myself from this one bandit probably hilariously so because Hobbs doesn't even have a weapon and as you can see I'm bad at fighting real bad I just got sliced in the stomach and here comes a guard to my aid and he kills him in one swing all right the way the health mechanic works is any injuries that you have that are unbanned äj-- these red bars are will bleed out and if you don't tend to them in a reasonable amount of time you will literally bleed out to death what I'm gonna do with Hobbes is loot this bandit so he's naked they can't pose a threat to me and then if the number here like 41 goes into the negatives you tend to get knocked unconscious if you lose up the guard is even throwing the bandit out of the town if you lose enough go far enough into the negatives you'll either die or like lose a limb for instance and that's kind of the way that mechanic works so right now I have my main character with a bit more armor I'm gonna give my boots back so I want to be weightless Hobbes here has some weight to him and I'm mostly concerned about the weightlessness because I don't want the enemies to be able to outrun me so let's go into the bar and see if there's anyone here to recruit now that we've survived our first little scrap with a single bandit there is a sheykh warrior here hot lungs or on King I have played this before I just forget who is free to recruit and who is not they want 3000 I can't afford that Ruka is free I know that for sure she was knocked unconscious I just like to keep her default she was knocked unconscious and lost her honor because they thought she fled the battle she was really just unconscious that's her backstory let's give her hmm move some pants around so as you can see I'm this one cloth was stolen stolen from hungry bandits but it's not like I'm trying to build reputation with the hunger bandits they're probably not gonna like me no matter what I do so I'm not all that concerned now I could make you close this door I don't know that's the other door I could make some scratch looting these bandits but they're hungry bandits the chances of them having anything even decent is really slim so I'm not even gonna bother wasting my time I'm going to head to another city for more recruits so so the way that I was I was talking about the knockout mechanic oh let's have them all run together and the way it altum Utley works is once you go into the negative you'll be dying basically unless you get health care and then if you get patched up and you're still in the negatives you'll slowly recover and once you hit zero you're conscious again kind of similar to Rome world in a way and recovering just like laying on the ground is slow recovering in a bed or a sleeping bag is a lot faster and that's the way that works it's checking Ruka here she is really only a fighter most sheykh are she's very bad at kind of everything else so we're heading into the swamplands which is potentially dangerous but I want to try to add until I have like maybe five or six strong in the squad that's a pretty healthy amount my thinking is some of the initial industries that you can do in this game like mining if I have six people mining oh boy there are crazy strong spiders chasing me that does not make me feel good if these spiders catch me it's probably game over I kind of have to want one of the strategies that you can employ is you can more or less feed the spiders one of your guys like just pick one to sort of sacrificial lamb and run away with the rest and hopefully nope my guy stopped running for a second that was really bad eventually I'll be able to fight these things but right now these things are like terminators compared to my skill they would shred me in mere moments they have an attack of like 40 whereas I have an attack of four I wouldn't even say they're ten times stronger than me they're more than that I'm struggling outrun them but as soon as I get to a city the city guards can help me out much like in traditional RPGs the city guards are very strong but they're not immortal you can raid cities in here these SWAT raptors are not hostile and I definitely outpaced these little spidery things travel is one of the most dangerous things in this game early on it remains to be dangerous depending where you're trying to travel like roaming packs of bandits or cannibals I mean there are so many different things that can kill you but initially I would say that you have to you definitely have to be careful and I forgot this little town actually doesn't really have anything of interest it has some of the cells backpacks and some of the cells drugs so we're just going to bounce out of there immediately and we'll head to this village here now if you're planning this for yourself definitely open a map you definitely are going to want to know your way around the the map is more or less static where are you going they turned around the map is more or less static and as a result knowing your way around is important so my swimming stats are probably going up a little bit yep and as you can see on my let's check my main character's athleticism 11 obviously I started off as one so that's been working and we'll poke our heads into the bar and hopefully there is more people to recruit and maybe not an extraordinary cost silver shade doesn't want to talk to me this person looks to be a snow no they're a pacifier all right there's no one here at all and I think that's pretty much the limit of the entire town I'll double back a little bit later see if there's anyone that wants to get recruited band of bones I don't know who they are uh no I don't want to fight you I think they're kind of um they're like samurai Ronin they have much much like in samurai culture when you lose you had your your hair cut as a sign of dishonor the shek including Ruka have their horns cut and they were then you know they're roaming around looking to regain honor by defeating people or something I don't know but obviously he's gonna kick kick my butt my starting character it basically has the fighting skill of like an underfed low percentile height and weight and strength toddler it's pretty much how strong I am initially all right so this is a a slightly larger City this is shark sharks likely to have more people for me to recruit than little mud villages who is here mercenary and blend who will talk to me mercenary captain bean hop let me select one character circle and circles feet is a little high what is circle skill if you click on the character you can kind of get a an idea of their skill he's a drifter and green I usually recruit green he's not too expensive so with that in mind I'll double back for green soon and let's go to the other bar which is in this corner two bars for one little town there's not much to do in this town but drink all right ears I don't care mu she'll join us all right she just joined us she was drinking her sorrows away but we encouraged her to give that up I'm going to share the weight around so I don't have any overweight palms [Music] I don't think anyone needs these pants okay so for that's pretty good and she wants to avoid the spiders cuz you know that was her sob sob story vomit ooh I'm glad I scrolled over him he is a very good fighter he's very against slavery but I just have to select the right choices to be able to recruit him and there we go there's hamat so he's a pretty good fighter he has obviously more skill than anyone else and there's five that's pretty good see who else is here I could still go for green that wouldn't be terrible I'd have to pay a little bit of money but I'd be able to afford him pretty quickly if everyone was mining ores and whatnot so when that with that idea let's go outside and prospect it's kind of just like honestly I couldn't really explain to you how it works is you sort of just sniff where there's ores it's magic I don't know but there is a node that it can accommodate three pounds right here of iron iron is not worth as much as copper though so I'm gonna try to sniff out some copper as well it doesn't seem to be any nearby so I don't want to split up the group too much I'm gonna send the other two over to this other or node and do some mining so the way this works is it is basically a laboring skill the drawbacks of mining is it requires a lot of calories to do it so here's the hunger bar for each of my characters and once they're about halfway down their hunger bar they'll eat something so it isn't free to mine but it is a very easy way to make a quick buck early on of course with that said I'm gonna take hamat who's the most combat savvy and look around for copper copper is way more efficient of an ore to mine than iron and there does happen to be some copper here said it no that's iron this is copper yep alright so my best labor should be on the copper so laboring is a skill leo mu is the best laborer by far so hamed's gonna go back to Ruka so i'm gonna have two people on each iron node and then one person on the copper node nowaday lee you'd want to find a place that just has copper that is the the best-case scenario this place right here actually has a lot of different metals but most of them are iron now iron helps you expand your base but it isn't worth very much copper on the other hand is worth a bit more so I was telling you about grinding out skill one of the ways to do it is to load yourself up full of ores that you've mined and run around and that builds up your strength and it works pretty pretty well so the reason I put me you on this copper node this copper node can only accommodate one laborer so I might as well have the laborer that is fastest and these pants are basically worth nothing compared to the copper so I just dropped them so they don't take up space now the real threat here is there are a lot of creepy crawlies in this swamp that could potentially kill me and I'm basically loading my inventory up full of heavy ores so if there was enemies who are you a hound good a city guard or out faction guard whatever if there was any means I'd have to like dump all of my inventory out and then run like the dickens I probably have enough already to to trade so I'm gonna reconvene everyone together in a moment what was that little bandit party bolted by one at one of the really dangerous things is to have be running at full speed because it's hard to react to dangerous situations quickly and appropriately alright so I paused the game and we're gonna reconvene everyone together and I am going to go to the general store if you hold left alt you can kind of see the store flags and I'm gonna go to the general store to sell off the stuff I have and now you can see the movement speed so like rod amount is really weighed down with all that or but as a result his strength is training now there's a sort of a soft cap of this of roughly around 30 when it gets a lot harder to sort of train up I guess that's true in real life everyone can you know open out a tight pickle jar but not everyone can curl like 75 pounds there is sort of a natural cap of human strength and you have to actually work pretty hard to exceed it and the same is true in this game there is a somewhat soft cap and if you want to exceed it I think it's a little bit more expensive okay so we do have enough money to recruit Green that's good I forget which bar keys in so let's go poke around all the bars sand Gustave and I don't know who he is what's your fee 6,000 nope now the thing with each additional pawn that you add you are feeding them so yes like it is pretty easy to add people at least initially ears okay I don't see green in here anymore but I will buy some dried meat I still have enough food to are enough money rather to pay green but I definitely want to keep my squad fed starving isn't doesn't doesn't look good on you I guess I'll check the other bar now Green is a hive which means he eats significantly less it's it's cheaper to keep hive characters however this game does have its own racism and people tend not to like hive Huibers every now and then and there we go alright so we have the six there's one more that I want since she there's one more than I'm looking for who's a doctor dr. Cheung but I haven't really seen him I'm gonna try back to mud town let me go on the wiki real quick to see where he spawns I kind of forget he spawns in the mud town okay so I'm heading in the right spot there's some big battles I really shouldn't have done that minimized who is fighting what a bunch of red side need to get out of here let's avoid this but uh so the red Sabres are kind of like pirates in a way they're like hostile not friendly pirates greens getting targeted by a swamp ninja okay there's a big battle going on there let me um really quickly bring everyone back together a worthy where we're basically at the edge of a town all right so if we're at the edge in town I don't have to worry about that so much travel is very dangerous and should be taken very seriously because it is not safe often so let's steal their ninja blade and I'll have to give it to someone the town guards don't care if I steal cuz that's a corpse so Hobbes could use a ninja blade he has this crappy iron weapon thingy so let's see I could use a trader and there's a trader here and we can sell off some of the ninja armor that we just got make sure they pack travel as a pack so although you would think you're somewhat safer in numbers which is true in fact most of my most of the free pawns aren't particularly skilled so although it there is some safety in numbers I would not really be able to take out very many people yet I haven't really trained my people to be capable in that way mud town bar okay so mud town bar probably he's gonna only be there at night and it's 1:00 in the afternoon now so I'm gonna hang around here so I don't have to return but this episode is over I'm already up on my half hour if you have feedback for me like I said I'm not super awesome at this game so if you if you if you know it and know it well and you're a veteran and you have tips for me I'd love to hear them and then just let me know whatever other feedback you have I be here to hear I hope you enjoyed it I hope you tune in for another episode in a future time I think two days from now is the next episode and yeah if you're interested definitely research this game up it's fun it takes a while to get into but it's definitely fun alright well thank you for watching and adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 419,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Let's Play, Ironman
Id: MzKhfU8-SwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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