Kenshi Ironman PC Sandbox RPG - EP4 - THE WARRIORS OF FLOTSAM

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what's going on guys ad here welcome back to more kimchi Ironman in the previous episode we made our way from the hub all the way over here to ad mag but before that we tried to attack some bone dogs and unfortunately Apple one of our other members was captured and sent to rebirth however she escaped rebirth and headed her way over the mountains here to the flute some safe house house where she is kind of hanging out right now looks like I've just been released from prison as well but yeah we're gonna have Apple just kind of hang out here for now and rest up our other group is out here just kind of camping out while I tried to go and steal some things in AD mag and got sent to prison but apparently I'm no longer in prison anymore which is good I only had a four hour sentence for trespassing they didn't actually catch me in the act so we'll see if maybe we can steal some more stuff and acquire some better equipment so if you guys want to see more kimchi iron man in the future don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any new episodes and let's go ahead and get get on with this episode we're actually going to try to acquire some more gear and see if we can train up some of our men as well let's go back over here to our group and let's dismantle this fire yeah we did get some food so these guys aren't starving which is good so it's good and dismantle that and yeah we're gonna head back in to add mag and I think we can get some training by entering one of the one of the faction buildings I think you can't actually enter probably this building here I think is set to the public so if you actually click on a door and it'll tell you if it's open to the public or not so that means that you can go in it so other doors like say this one here it says it's private so if you try to go in there even if the door is open and it's set to private you'll be trespassing so want to be just careful of that if you're new to the game and just try to you want to be careful what doors you're going what buildings are going into because you could be breaking the law I'm also I kind of positioned my microphone a little bit differently so let me know what the audio sounds like if you guys like it better than the last episode trying to get a better position for my for my voice they got training dummies up here so we should be able to practice on these and these are great because your skill max skill levels 15 so let's go ahead and get everybody training oh we got to get you feeling a better weapon I forgot I sold yewon's weapon the other day in the last episode well yeah this is a really good spot you can train in here for free and you can get your skills up to level 15 now this only increases your melee attack skill it doesn't increase your weapon skills so even if you are using a katana it will only increase your melee attack so that's what training dummies are good for you actually have to use those weapons out in the field to get experience with them but if you take a look at melee attack its your general general melee combat skill so this is the frequency of attacks chance of attacks not getting blocked and so forth so definitely a good skill to train up at the very beginning and I think there's many there's plenty of faction towers like this in other cities so you don't have to come over here to add mag you can go to other cities as well let's see meanwhile that's the faction take HQ here Dan this guy's got 96 attack holy [Music] it's one of the five invincabels okay I need to get a skeleton repair kit they cost a lot though I kind of want to steal one instead but um it looks like they've beefed up the security cuz look at this there's there's three guards now in this spot I always like to steal from this building let's take a look at the weapon Smith it's not too too guarded but uh ad mag doesn't really have a lot of variety of weapons they have pretty much two-handed weapons mostly so you're not gonna be able to find like katanas and stuff like that so you have to travel to different different locations to get different types of equipment authentic skeleton repair kit oh okay this is like a mini sized repair kit I guess it's got a hundred charges instead of 500 charges okay so yeah I mean this is a little bit cheaper mmm I kind of need to repair my arm well I'm gonna buy one glorious holy map I don't think we need those we could get some backpacks and stuff I kind of want to steal from this shop all right let me trade this over here with Hobbes or Darth I think Darth has all my stuff all right hold on to that Darth we go back we're gonna do some stealing so I think what you need to do is get this guy's attention and then run upstairs and then I think he tries to follow you sometimes it didn't work that time all right anyway he can't he can't see me so I'm gonna get I'm gonna try to steal something here trying to get my skills up nice I just stole a medkit and stealing you want to start small start stealing things that are where you have like a 50% or greater chance so normally you have a 50/50 chance at the beginning until you get your skills up you can see my thievery is at 8 now so it's going up really quickly just by stealing like one thing but yeah we just got to try to get away with stealing a few things at a time and we'll get the stealth up alright the Epsilon's had 12 melee attack got 8 Darth is a 10 mr. Killer at 9 we're probably not going to go all the way to 15 because it does take a while so we're gonna go ahead and switch out crazy will get it's crazy lizard here and we'll get Hobbes up here and I'm gonna get I'm gonna go up here as well and get some training in so that way everybody has at least ten melee attack that'll be pretty good apples just kind of hanging out over here we're gonna get her moving she's got a lot of stuff that she looted which is great she's looking pretty boss I really like this outfit just kind of looks like a ninja just with the stuff she's got kind of needs some shoes or something gonna be a while before he come back here take that let's look at look at these barrels here it doesn't look like there's anything good except for a monk robe all right yeah I think we're good all right so let's get let's get Apple moving now Apple is really far away from the group our main group is over here in AD mag she is all the way up here in the float stops safehouse so I think what we'll do is maybe recruit a few more people over here at the float Somme village and I think we can well we have 8,000 so that might be enough to get maybe one or two people just have to be careful over here because there's usually some iron spiders roaming around this area which are they're pretty difficult enemies especially early on in the game you don't want to encounter one they'll crush you and kill you so got to be careful of them but they're pretty slow so if you have decent athletic skill you can kind of outrun them the other thing we have to worry about is cannibals though and they will definitely catch Apple since she's not running really fast right now her athletics is only 16 but you can see there's cannibals right over there so we're gonna have to just carefully ignore them and get to the floats off village the bullets off village is over here to the northeast so just gotta go a little bit north all right we finally discovered the village the floatzel village is right here kind of let's see World's End is over here on this mountain so it's just to the west of worlds and we haven't discovered World's End yet but it's literally right up there on the mountain so there's a trail just going right up there worlds in there's a really cool town I love that town but I also like the village here you can find some nice recruits and you can also a lie with the floats on ninjas if you'd like which we probably will do so that we can utilize our training facilities and yeah we got to talk to this guy I'm sorry my sister but I can't let you leave this place alive without knowing who you are and where you come from this private land what are you doing here I'm a traveler seeking rest and supplies swear to me swear to o Crenn on Phoenix's life that you are no more than a traveler that you have not been sent by the holy nation so if you if you go to the float Psalms safe house and you read the you read the note that is left by the float Psalm leader Moll you'll know that it's he's kind of asking he's kind of tricking you when he says this swear to me swear to Okrand well you don't want to swear to o Crenn because that's a holy that's what the Paladins believe in so you want to say o Crenn is no god of mine or Never I guess that will do because if you had chosen one and they would attack you because you would be they don't like the holy nation all right so anyway we're free to go in now and yeah he's gonna like following me around I'm not sure if we want to go do we want a war the holy nation right away it would be good to have some float some allies and one of the things that I've noticed is that the if you do ally with the float some ninjas you'll see them a lot up in this area and they do they do travel up and around here up to the fishing village so they're actually there patrolling routes are a lot further now because before they just use the patrol kind of like this area and now they patrol like all of this so they've kind of expanded a little bit so they are around basically to help you out if you need it in more places which is kind of nice and there's really no reason not to ally with the floats on ninjas unless you like the holy nation I don't like those pagans all right where's the ball at I can never find her when I come in here there she is no we're in this world is safe people are either trying to burn us at the stake or they're trying to eat us alive but at least the cannibals are good for one thing target practice target practice is all fun and games so you find yourself boiling in a cooking pot well you're no fun are you they try stuffing me in a cooking pot and they're gonna find out that I bite back hard anyway you're here in my space so I guess you want something yeah you can ask her a bunch of other stuff I probably won't go through it but let's see can I join the floats on ninjas well in a world of fire happy religious zealots and flesh-eating nudists we can never have too many allies so your allegiance to me and your defiance to the Phoenix and I'll make sure that ninjas are always ready to protect you together we can take down the holy nation I swear my allegiance to the float slob otherwise you could swear your allegiance to the Phoenix and fight them and then you could turn in Moll to the holy nation if you wanted for a bounty and to get positive relations with them I think so but anyway we're going to go and swear fealty to float some ninjas don't let me down sister Wow vault looks different this time around alright so now you can see everybody is Green to us holy nation is hostile so when you ally they become green on your map but everybody else turns red apparently except the towns aren't read to us yet because we don't have actually they should be read I thought well they will be read to you eventually kind of like rebirth there's Reva a woman from the godless land so don't get many of those wash up here hopefully you'll talk more since and everyone else around here sure talk away I learnt the hard way that there is no god but a lot of the refugees here they just can't let go their belief in Okrand even after Okrand betrayed us all abandoned us to be left at the mercy of man I just can't live amongst this nonsense any longer I despise it alright you sound good you're hired oh crap I don't get to rename her so anyway I guess we'll just have Reva and Apple for now just start training they'll be in here a while doing their thing meanwhile back here at ad mag we're still doing some training I'm gonna try and steal some more stuff maybe get thrown in prison work on my stealth well everybody's still swinging away their swords alright she doesn't see me picklock success Oh 35% though to get some of this stuff skeleton repair kid is 35% I'm gonna get caught stealing some of this alright let me go for the plate jacket and see what happens I guess alright hold on everybody else we need to have them go into hold mode and block so the reason I'm doing this is in case I get I started I'm gonna go hold and block as well I don't want to attack them and if they attack me because they catch me stealing I don't want my other guys to attack or anything so that way hopefully they don't get in a fight and it's just me that goes to prison so that way I don't have to have everybody like leave the area alright let's go ahead and see what happens here I guess I'll take the play jacket I got caught stealing I keep getting caught oh I took it okay I grabbed both of those okay I'm committing a crime but no here comes the guard six seconds committing crime okay he didn't catch me what happened this guy is not gonna trade with me anymore I think I'm not sure but I just took two of those plate jackets which are really freakin good I love them so let me let me trade with Darth kind of some armor buddy but yeah let's see you're gonna have to hold on to my stuff all right let's take a look at my skills now my my stealth is 24 Thievery 21 holy hell it went up like I don't know 16 points something like that it's kind of funny I can pick the safe from here but I'm gonna try to open this one 40% and I think it's 40% because you it's closer to that guard so the further away you are from somebody the better chances you have I think of stealing those items alright so we're gonna go down here and try to steal I guess we'll try to go with got some armor plating splint kit steel bars armour plating I can sell basic first-aid kits we get that armor plating all right I got a couple splint kits I got cactus Rama we can make a little bit of money there with that oh oh no holy hell how did he not see me how did he not see me that was he went and opened the door I don't know he he must he had to have see me wow we got lucky there got really lucky all right let's go ahead and well I'm not gonna be able to sell this stuff here anyway I think we kind of overstayed our welcome but I did get my thievery up to 23 stealth 438 which is great and lock picking up to 14 already so not bad all right anyway I think we've overstayed our welcome here now I don't think that shop keeper will sell to me though let's go back real fast let me just let me just see let's just see what happens because I think he knows that I stole from him but he won't I never forget a thief leave right so this guy will not sell us stuff anymore so we might be able to if we use the disguise or something maybe we could buy from him again but since he caught us and the guards didn't catch us though he saw us though so now he's not gonna sell so that's one thing you have to keep in mind if you're stealing and you get caught you're you kind of ruin your reputation with that vendor now keep in mind that when I became after new updates it will reset that setting but when the game is finally released that's going to be crucial because you won't usually be importing so yeah you won't be you won't be importing after release so you won't you know you want to be more careful like whose reputations you tarnish alright I think we're gonna head east over here back towards Quinn Waystation see if we can fight some lower level enemies some dust bandits or something acquires some gear and weapons cuz apparently Elise I sold all of ours alright looks like we oh yeah it looks like we got some hungry bandits here alright we're almost to the hub we're right outside and we've got some enemies we can fight perfect we should be able to take them even though we don't have weapons with everybody who cares attack them all take em all out we've got Jeff Lynn with it's a Yewon or oh my my party's got mixed up right the crossbow Oh crazy and Night Fury okay hold on let me move them around there we go all right we'll have crazy and Night Fury do the range stuff everybody else move in try not to attack hit us guys hey they're actually doing pretty good with those little crossbows Oh nice hit mr. kiler well I hope over here swinging away seven damage I'll work on the unarmed for a little while it's like it a weapon Hobbs is about to go down I think there we go oh good job good Dodge come on dark don't take that all right Tracy is switched over to his katana now oh what was that oh my god what oh right everybody run get out of here oh my goodness everybody get out holy bone dogs all right we're gonna have to come back for Hobbes but hell yeah get out of there how bad is Hobbs negative 19 they're all chasing me - oh my goodness man come on keep going I think you guys catching up that Darth is limping he just he's limping faster they can run Oh mr. Killer went down come on man get up all right everybody get running up there all right mr. Killer do you have a med kit no you don't dis Hobbs he does oh we got to get Hobbs we gotta have him drop this stuff all right let's run back for Hobbs [Music] and see if you can avoid that all right come on now are these guys catching us as soon as these boon dogs disappear we're gonna we're gonna kick this guy's ass these Lucky's getting free hits Oh Hobbs is up Oh all right mr. kiler Hobbs is running all right get up here I want to kill these bone dogs all right Hobbs damn I want to drop all this loot - I need that weapon grab that oh yeah I get that saver take that all right keep going guys there you go we got it we stall him with the bone dog he's gonna kill that guy oh [Music] he's still chasing us run come on guys all right mr. Killer is he's got bone dog hot on his trail [Music] gotta have everybody run fast sometimes I forget that setting down there if you have everybody running at the same speed times it doesn't matter but goodness Oh [Music] I make fury just just get it back just get out of there because you're gonna need to heal everyone I can't have you going tell Mike all right go to the bar hopefully they help you there I think we're all dying down here what's going on here Wow where's the guards at oh Jesus wow they have there's no protection at the hub anymore there used to be some guards that would go out there and help Wow okay all right grab a medkit where's that bone dog at we got to lead him away he's coming back this way - all right Hobbs let's have you trade with crazy lizard and let's give him this stuff so we can sell it and trade with me give me that saver all right you're gonna have to run man you're gonna have to lead this thing away now you guys just heal up Hobbs will lead this away Night Fury is alive and OH Night Fury is crippled heal yourself if you can all right run Tilly of ninjas over here keep that thing busy while we heal all our people crazy lizard is down all right let me pick him up let me just pick him up let's get out of here Wow this was this was dangerous man bone dogs are crazy especially early on I feel like they've beefed up the the damage on some of the enemies as well Wow we got lucky there you got really lucky Oh No here they all come everybody get in there get inside quickly I don't think they can go indoors come on Hobbes upstairs oh my goodness they're just like coming right into the town they don't even care okay well one of the important things is getting up your toughness getting knocked out is really good because you want your toughness higher anyway because it it increases your knockout points so you can take negative whatever 25 this guy crazy lizard can take negative 25 before he gets knocked out so it's really it's really important because this is what determines whether or not you get back up or not and early on in the game you you really need to get your toughness up to like 40 50 so that you have some survivability you can get knocked out a bunch of times before you won't get back up again but early on in the game with your toughness solo you get knocked out once and you probably won't get up until you get that skill a little bit higher so yeah we're gonna have these guys rest let's take a look at what's going on back at their other guy Group right Apple in Riva our training apples melee attack is 14 Rivas at 14 as well so they're working on their last one which is actually probably good enough I really want to get a couple more people on board here before we head out with them because we're in some dangerous territory I don't even know if they'll make it back by themselves without another couple more people so we really need to rely on our other group to make some money and now we could sell one of these skeleton repair kits and make some money that way and we might be able to hire on someone actually we could just sell both of them you know I think I might just do that it's go ahead and just sell both of those skeleton repair kits and see if we can get at least one more person on see if we can hire two people worth 3000 only gonna get to 2200 for it damn all right well we're up to 6,000 it's not bad well they have black plate jacket oh that's sick black plate jacket oh nice how much are those thirty-nine hundred and they have black and Jane mil Wow they have some nice crossbows too all right I think that's good though we'll see if we can recruit okay so I think Swift is 3000 there's a couple other people roaming around here who's this girl all right three thousand yeah went up cool so we can rename these people as well when we when we get to somebody that can rename people so we'll have three recruits here available alright let's go ahead and head out we're gonna go to World's End I guess since we're close go up there and see what's going on yeah let's check out what kind of robotic limbs we can buy you can see there's a robotic limb sign now oh man ex-slave undiscovered I look like it's a slave for 10% no yeah Apple asked us to be careful cuz she escaped rebirth and it takes a long time 44 hours still remaining so I gotta not get seen oh wow look at this stealth leg stealth 9% swimming negative 25% Wow thief's arm okay so this doesn't have this doesn't have a negative penalty to thievery like some of these other arms do so the thief arm is actually not bad for if you want to do stealth thieving and stuff well they have thieves backpacks here and then oh this one increases athletics by one percent that's cool as you can see worlds in you can see so far we've got a long way to go we got to go all the way over those mountains kind of exposed out here with this group so we're gonna have to keep an eye on them otherwise we could lose them very quickly since we're in holy nation territory okay well our group is in trouble because we just ran into escaped servants uh this is gonna be interesting okay now we're gonna keep running everybody just run and I don't think they'll be able to catch us hopefully I'm not about to fight him though because they they're a little bit they're pretty good they're not bad and the only person that's got good skills is Riva and Apple and Pia and digne are not very good at all right now so our only option is to run traveling light does come in handy from time to time and if we run into the holy nation that's gonna be really interesting Oh God Oh dad we did all we did Jesus we did [Music] oh no everybody run as fast as you can oh my god how did we do that we ran right into them Oh No where is the other group while they're fighting them over there damn it how did we run oh my god all right Apple he better run Pia is safe because she's got a good athletics digne is down Oh even dodge that oh no come on Apple come on you got this [Music] P is safe just Apple that oh my god digna are you up big-nose wanted shoes are like I don't know the leg is hurting all right that guy up come on Reba Oh No all right damn it keep going Apple is in trouble apples never gonna get away from what this guy is too fast all right hold on sopia distract him we're gonna have to just run all right enough dodge that all right Apple you're gonna have to drop some stuff and frayed all right drop the sleeping bags all right hold on go back for the sleeping bags just since they gave up all right hold on wait for Pia or meet up with P over here all right so Riva is down and Riva and digna are both down are they gonna heal them or what doesn't look like it all right we got to go back for him [Music] let's see if we can get back to him [Music] first of all let me have Apple heal heal herself and heal piya as well real quick [Music] all right out together let's run back see if we can heal them at least so they're not dying all right digna why don't you go sneak mode and sneak back this way are we doing back here alright they're distracted up there so we have time oh she lost her leg oh no oh she's losing blood fast oh my goodness Wow she lost her right leg oh my god all right Pia he look does Riva have a medkit no Oh Apple hasn't all right heel up Riva [Music] all right got a hurry [Music] all right pick up pick up digna [Music] all right hurry up Apple damn you got a heel P digne there you go all right oh Apple pick up Riva come on quickly quickly there we go okay good all right we are running slow as hell because nobody has any strength to strength digna or ps22 strength Wow okay we are gonna have to be super super careful here digna has lost her leg though she's gonna need a replacement limb alright so Pia and Apple are both carrying digna and Reva and they're just kind of heading heading along the the marsh here kind of like following the stream trying to avoid any holy nation patrols I haven't seen them yet but they like to patrol this area and we have quite a long ways to go we got to go all the way through this ravine all the way down into the hub so if we can make it through all of this carrying Reva and digna we might just make it digne is in trouble because she has no leg that means we have to carry her yeah that's that's about it Reva almost lost her right leg as well it's funny how they both almost lost their right leg but yeah we're just gonna try to avoid any patrols under the cover of darkness well we just discovered a holy farm there's a large a very large holy nation patrol right here that looks like we're bypassing there's a holy farm up there looks doesn't look like there's anything else around yet so we're doing all right once apples strength gets higher right now it's at five but the higher it gets the faster she's gonna run and they'll be running a little bit quicker so this is good strength training for Apple but I yeah we're not gonna put down rivo or digna because both the right legs are tarnished oh wow we got a big patrol up here as well thank know there's a river Raptors nevermind all right I think we're good yeah I just keep going along the road [Music] we've almost made it out of this territory the coast looks clear the most part let's just keep moving the other thing we need to worry about is bone dogs which like to kind of roam around this area Oh hungry bandits oh boy okay you got a hungry bandits over there so let's try to bypass them if possible [Music] and it looks like we also have hungry bandits over there as well wow this is gonna be this is kind of like the crossroads area I like to call it the crossroads because it's you get hungry bandits escaped slaves escape servants and holy nation all in this one area so be careful and bone dogs [Music] see if we can just slip by these guys would be awesome all right yeah we're just gonna sneak through they're gonna fight some bone dot or some Bulls maybe I don't know it's kind of funny they don't fight bulls and they're hungry bandits you'd think they'd fight anything all right continue on we're doing good we're almost there if we can just get through this this rough spot we'll be all right okay so funny thing is we were coming down this road here ahead I just noticed the distance what could we see slave traders Apple has 13 hours remaining on her undiscovered ex-slave so we need to go back the other way here if they see her they will probably recognize her and that could be bad so let's go back this way try to avoid them possible it's also a tech hunter guy out here just kind of roaming around but we are very close to Earth we're within range so if we can just get to the hub from here we'll be all set alright we finally made it to the hub Wow I can't believe it honestly we went from all the way over there over to here it's it's kind of amazing how large the world is it took literally a long time I kind of cut between spots as you know because the traveling just takes way too long if I were to just watch if I were to just throw that all in with the video so I like to cut out a lot of the traveling because it's a very large world and to get from point A to point B could take 20 minutes so yeah anyway we got here we met up with our other squad which is great it looks like everybody is starving here we got to get some food that's gonna be crucial we're gonna have Pia do some scouting out here to see if we can find them yeah that's a big nest there's a ring saber a ninja blade really big nest though I don't know if we could take them it's FP elite a few out here okay and see if we can just take one at a time and if we could just take down a few at least we'll get enough food to last a little while [Music] all right attack via Wow 31 damage unbelievable how much damage those things do and that's a that's a baby wolf that's a baby wolf the big ones do even more damage it's taking all of us to take it down Wow okay hold on okay we got another we just aggro it another one okay all right everybody heal up all right it doesn't look like we did okay all right let's we got three meats not bad yeah it looks like we me and Darth eat the raw meat oh damn it alright well we're gonna have to kill morale alright P is down for the count she's her left leg is hurting already alright hold on let me let me move squad's back together combine these squads there we go if we can run and grab those ninja blades and stuff that would be pretty ideal who's fat let's see who's fast how fast is Hobbs were about Riva it's somebody with really high athletics dan Pia was our girl that should be pretty fast now all right let's look let's hope I'm fast enough oh I'm gonna sneak in give me that ninja blade and the animal skin how do they not even see me holy I'm like invisible well they don't even see me that's amazing I just looted that entire nest okay well that works all right well we got ourselves a let's see rings say yeah ring sabers 46:47 okay let me go back in and see if we can kill a few more all right yeah threes good two or three there we go just to just aggro two of them hold on guys wait for him to get up here all right a tackle oh my goodness peow get in here man pretty good [Music] nice somebody hit that with a crossbow Oh dodge Hobbs dodge that I think it looked really cool all right good job good job wait oh no oh no okay time to run [Music] it is time to run fellas all right pull up everybody run up there Darth leave this this corpse real fast all right nice let's get out of here everybody run as fast as you can there we go all right cool we killed a couple of them and we didn't agro the rest not bad we're we're holding off hunger for now but people are starving we don't have a lot of money we're gonna have to do something fairly soon a leg at some points so we're just not powerful enough to take out the entire nest which is kind of a problem right now we need to make some money I guess what we'll do is we'll have to go back and resort to some mining here just to get us some food to keep everybody alive for now cuz that's really the biggest problem is food right now but so far we're doing pretty good we got ourselves a group of eleven so we'll do some renaming hopefully maybe in the next episode if we can make enough money to join the join the ninjas up here shinobi thieves will be able to rename people so that'll be pretty cold you guys can follow along with their characters I am going through and adding you guys as we need more people but I'm gonna keep the groups kind of small until we start losing people so that we can kind of you know enjoy the adventure of that group and then add morris as the numbers start to dwindle so we'll be doing some more riskier types of things in the future but hope you guys enjoy the episode if you want to see more kimchi ironman in the future don't forget to subscribe I'll see you guys again next time take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 43,596
Rating: 4.9524212 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival
Id: XwpZwX_O5VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 47sec (3527 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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