Kenshi Ironman PC Sandbox RPG - EP6 - THE SHADOW THIEVES

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what's going on everyone welcome back to more kimchi iron med in the previous episode we left the city of Hub and went south to look for swamp turtles and different wildlife so that we could get enough food to survive because been having trouble feeding everyone and we were successful we found some swamp turtles in the swamps around this area and made our way back to the hub went over to the high village and got attacked by a bunch of different groups and we are kind of recovering here hiding in a hive little Hut for now because there's Grillo's outside roaming around you can kind of see one in the distance so kind of have to be careful but we got a lot of people wounded so we're gonna just stay here for now we also had lady Sharky get caught but unfortunately she's now an escaped slave or fortunately for us because I had to import the game so actually lady Sharky is back in action now but there was a new update that came out and a new import was required so we're gonna get lady Sharky to run back to us but that was kind of stressful because we're gonna have to try to plan a rescue or something for her but we lucked out this time and we'll hopefully get her back with us she lost her weapon but uh and her got shoes if she had any but um other than that she should be okay so you guys want to see more kimchi Iron Man in the future don't forget to subscribe miss any new episodes and yeah in this episode we're gonna keep trying to survive that's really what we're doing so far so good we've got some food over here on my character I've got a backpack full of food so should keep us going for a little while but yeah we're gonna have to train up everyone and we might have to let's see do we need to get anybody a replacement limb well we did get torque inator a replacement right leg so we got torque inator back in action and I think crazy lizard almost lost his left arm so he got lucky there but yeah let's get lady Sharky back and we gonna kind of figure out what we're gonna do from here I'll probably rest up a little bit I think we have apple eyes two sleeping bags so let's bring Apple outside and just start getting some people resting just put two sleeping bags here these are great to have if you have if you know if you're roaming around you definitely want to get some sleeping bags from a weigh station they're so handy I like to keep it at least like two to four depending on how many characters you have oh no oh no the gorillas back all right run inside quick all right just leave it tornador go hold everybody just pretty go hold all right nice okay yeah these gorillas they they do a lot of damage we're not able to take them down yet and I have to wait for them to go away it's good lady Sharky let's unlock your shackles get rid of those things all right let me go down and rest let's get Darth resting [Music] since we don't have too much damage shouldn't take long but uh yeah we're gonna rest here for a little bit and then once everybody's healed up we'll see what we're gonna do from there all right I think we're pretty much rested we've got kind of swapped out different people resting on the beds here mister killers got some damage and crazy lizard has his left arm pretty badly wounded but we'll be here way too long if we sit for that now you'll notice here that this is mr. killers chest is and if you look at say like this part here on a mustiness a lot faster and you have like a you have it's basically yeah it's gonna heal a lot faster because it has some yellow part there but when it's all black like this it takes a lot longer to heal I believe so just kind of have to there's little different damaged states when you're looking at limb damage but anyway I don't even know if that makes sense what I just said but anyway let's just mantle these beds and get out of here all right come on Apple oh wait Apple's got the spring Bratz spring bat prototype mm-hmm and ladies Shirky doesn't have a weapon we've got Apple using a will give let's see what's Apple stats sabers yeah let's give her let's give the lady Sharkey a saver or a ninja blade will get keep Apple with the saber and yeah that should work for now all right let's get everybody moving before I do that they'll hold on I think we need some med kits let me run over by some med kits and make sure that we're ready to go and we can heal yeah looks like we've got I'm not gonna be able to sell to them everybody get over here okay hold on I've can't go in they don't like hives that have are that are considered lost and they won't sell through them so you have to be careful there but he's freaking guerrillas man just always in the way everybody just go back and get somebody over here come here Amos time no go away hive las' he won't talk to Emma Stein either are you kidding so that must be a new update human welcome ok what now you gonna talk to me now ok nice ok so I guess you had to get your people far enough away from them your other hive members ok we also have Lantern of radiance which you can buy which is really awesome we're gonna get some of those let's buy two of those that'll kind of light up the night and double buy some med kits too so that just by a few med kits and do any bolts [Music] yeah let's see junk Bowl the junk boat takes bolts toothpicks so we need toothpicks okay Emma Stein won't you buy buy some toothpicks there we go perfect [Music] resupply our crossbow people all right I think we're ready to go let's get out of here try to avoid that gorilla - yeah we'll probably go back towards the hub area and not really sure see what's everybody stats right now we got everybody's at okay tornado definitely need some combat skills but other than that everybody else is doing pretty good so we actually could do some bounty hunting bounty hunting but uh fighting some dust bandits and stuff so yeah let's go see if we can find dust bandits and work on our combat skill a little bit more I also need to get I need to do some stealing and get some bags for us some backpacks well we were looking for dust bandits and loot and it looks like we found some camps over here so this is perfect let's see where are we just a little bit outside of the hub okay we might bite off more than we can chew though let's see yeah there's a lot of them all right see if we can pick off a few I have to see where are we gonna run to if we this goes south on us okay we have a direct line right up to the hub actually so this is perfect wait a minute who's this now the slave muggers just what we need they might be able to help us so all right well let me see if I can a grow a few let me go talk to this guy see what he says let's fight ok bring it on boys ok hold on I've got everybody holding all right let's get Night Fury over here and crazy lizard over here get them in position let's get everybody else in front of them get me down here all right we got we can't get anybody knocked out coz these slavers are going to enslave us so hopefully we can take them bring it on dude Wow hit me in the chest there we go shoot him okay hold on we got everybody on hold here take a take off hold and there we go crazy go oh his arm is hurting okay that's why all right so let's have him not hold and that should help him out there all right take this guy down take him one at a time oh good shot there from Night Fury I hit him in the helmet look at that he hit him in the helmet with the arrow or the bolt that's more like the neck but it didn't do any damage I don't know if you guys saw that Oh nicely done take all this stuff take all the stuff and sell it alright I don't think we took too much damage so I think we could take a few more go back up here and get the rest of them [Music] damn I got to put everybody on hold because they just want to run towards him I hit that guy alright come on plenty other nut all right hold on we're too far away I think it is to be executed properly buddy get up here [Music] ouch [Music] all right get in here kill them all there Emma Stein's going for the archer nice [Music] oh yeah taking them down [Music] the effluent is doing some damage with that was that cleaver or something yeah long cleaver we're gonna take out all these bandits oh they're still fighting down here Wow good job I'd fear he's gonna go through all his ammo oh this guy is severely messed up oh yeah but crazy has a mechanical arm forgot about that we got to get yeah I need another repair kit that's what we really need come here Darth let's grab all this Wow the middle the armor actually sells for more than the the weapons do nice night Furies getting better with that crossbow too [Music] oh the dust boss okay he's doing some damage to us oh we got more we got more incoming here now we got ourselves a pedal [Music] love I you can see his arm dangling crazy lizard though still in the fight Apple still going strong oh this guy's crawling hahaha oh yeah torque inators down okay oh good job Apple for mines [Music] Darth going one-on-one over here little they are having a good great sword fight Crazy's taking the beating [Music] so far only torque inators down those bandits are now hostile towards you oh I'm sorry oh I got hit from behind you hit him damn I wish like after they're out of arrows it would automatically take them off of hold or something like it's hard to know when you're out of stuff we gotta get I have Night Fury do some sword action for a little bit crossbows is up to 9 precision shooting 21 Wow height fury is gonna be our freakin sniper Wow good job guys all right so we got a couple people down unconscious but no big deal just get everybody healed up first wow that was an amazing battle all right perfect yeah let's get yelling over here just started looting everything take all the armor [Music] okay ladies Sharkey I'm down but I'm not out that's the way go to hell this guy says oh I really like how they get bloody now you can see blood all over them it's so sick it's it's really amazing how blood can just make things just more realistic and just cooler all right I think we're pretty good we got to get up let me pick up torque inator here Oh Burke inators up nice this is good because it's building up our stuff miss so we're getting getting people up their skills a little bit all right let's see mr. Wolfe is limping see if we can just blinked everyone's injuries all right we're on the move walking slow but let's see yeah we're gonna run back to the hub and rest up because I think we deserve it everybody is freaking wounded hardcore we also need to get repair kits I'm probably gonna do a stealing mission down here and squint and see if I can steal some stuff that you know just some basic essentials that we need I'll probably trade with Darth or something and have him hold all my stuff or maybe him and maybe me and Darth will go down there well we made it to the bar let's just go in really quickly sell everything that we got and then we'll go rest at the shinobi thieves lair bartender all right bye all my stuff all right so I went ahead and sold everything that we had we're up to 7500 now and I'm gonna go ahead and do a stealing mission down here and squamous er wolf and mr. Killer with me since they have some inventory space and they're not too badly damaged so we can get moving but yeah we could see if we can steal some more things the rest of the group is going to head over here to the shinobi thieves guild and kind of rest up maybe work on some do some training lock-picking and stuff like that in the meantime so yeah let's go ahead and head out we're gonna head southwest see if we can acquire some items here all right let's go in and utilize their facilities Apple needs to rest the effluent needs a rest a mustiness or definitely needs a bed all right so we made it to ask Wayne and we'll probably wait till nighttime and do some stealing but the Scheck are kind of down here in the southwest and they are a warrior race there they have natural uh-huh natural either they're tough they have 125 to all of their limbs so they they can take more damage than the average human or hive member and so forth however more squishy but then you have skeletons which have 200 health for all their limbs but it requires a skeleton repair kit to to heal the damage so skeletons are probably the most defensive they can take the most damage but Scheck get a get a bonus to it to attack I think so they're pretty good as well but every race has their pros and cons but yeah the sheykh are they're a warrior race they like fighting and that's kind of what you can expect when you come here some of them will even challenge you to a duel and you can fight them even if you're just wandering in their land you can be out wandering around out here and a one of the sheykh Warriors will fight you and challenge you which is kind of cool all right let me go look and see what we're gonna steal here see what you got for sale yeah at least get some backpacks this guy has a small thieves backpack Oh skeleton repair kits beautiful oh look at this tech hunters notes shoppers guide heft is the blase best place I've found can't think of any other place unless you count that stupid rumor about armor King robotics black desert city again has great selection taken from dead skeletons mongrels also a great source for robotics high demand for legs they're obviously the library of black scratch is a place you want to go they sell every book and blueprint known to man where is that I guess that's at World's End akha ton of course as the most famous weaponsmith don't forget hang hmm wow that's pretty cool what is this mercenary tent important for any traveler these tints are easily constructed out of spare fabrics and could save your life in an acid storm oh we're gonna buy that yeah let's buy that that's sweet oh nice we just learned that can we build it oh we can oh so sweet look at that so you could put down a tent and build it it takes one fabric and that will we'll high protect you from the acid storms oh that is that is nice so I've set up my guy with a black rag shirt as you can see it gives me a stealth effect bonus so anytime you want to do any sort of stealing you know you want to use the gear that kind of hides you as best as you can give me that food cube I'm gonna take that alright alright there's a guy up here I don't think he sees me I can't loot that damn oh there's fabrics all right I just took a fabric so we have a fabric that we can use to deploy this tent if we need it there's a chest right up here too and look at that dust bandits right outside wonder if I can get to that chest without being seen oh it takes us for this guy to turn around though and I'm toast well we got more dust bandits over there Oh jackpot what do we got [Music] Wow authentic skeleton repair kit I might get caught taking some of this stuff to be honest 73% alright here we go alright I took one I took two and I got caught stealing [ __ ] [Music] can I get out I got caught stealing I am on the move can I go down here and hide let me go around here and hide behind the little fence all right it took two authentic skeleton kits doesn't look like the alarm sounded though but this guy knows I stole from him now doesn't he is he gonna talk to me still no I gotta talk to me now my theory is at 26 now though all right hold on let me trade this with mr. Killer and mr. wolf and I'm gonna go back in and steal more stuff you guys take all this actually I'm gonna keep the food cube though in case I need in case I need it Oh more plate jackets that would be great to get some more of those because they're pretty good but those are kind of shoddy grade I like the drifters leather pants so I also have the weapons shop the weapon shop is great if you can steal fragment axes you can sell them for a lot of money don't think they can see me I'm gonna pick this lock back here I've noticed that the the shop stay open a lot later now I think that was one of the patch notes my lock picking is only 16 so oh actually let me take off my limb that might actually help shop shutting oh [ __ ] all right I'm out oh let me out there we go all right what the hell and I don't want to fight you he's mad that I didn't leave his shop quick enough alright okay it's going to sleep okay both guards went to sleep let's see should I steal weapons or armor I don't think I'm gonna be able to get away with the armor or the weapons rather but anyway let's go in there there's nobody around [Music] let's pick the lock lock-picking is 11 and yeah my my arm actually lowers my lock-picking so you want to take your prosthetic limb off if you're doing any sort of Avery stuff unless you have one that gives you a bonus estelle which there might there might actually be I can't pick that lock okay what else forget 62 percent chance to steal that okay here's the goodies right here we've got a weapon cabinet full of better weapons only a 55% chance to take one of these falling Sun man that thing is like really uh we could make some money off of that I'm gonna try and take it all right I got it I got it and I am getting out of here I had a fifty five percent chance that's pretty good okay let me run and trade this off with like mr. Wolfe I guess and I'll go back in and see if I can steal something else that way they have the equipment so if I get caught I don't I don't lose it and they can they just run back and I'll I'll go to prison I guess I've got much time oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's literally right behind me how did he not see me I am stealth mode man 44 stealth wow this is gonna be interesting [Music] all right it's daytime there's a guard right there and I wasn't able to get in so that sucks lock-picking is at 24 Thievery 26 stell 49 not bad but it's kind of a bummer oh [ __ ] this guy wants to oh god oh they're all attacking me now what happened all right I'm running what crime did I commit [Music] all right everybody run back to the hub then good luck kitchen me I don't know why they're chasing me I got an army after me right now Wow holy Shh wow that has got to be an exploit right here take a look at this my my stealth is 50 but it's going up like four percent every every second and it's because I'm still committing a crime but there's nobody near me so you can literally get your your stealth up until this goes away wow I guess it's an exploit I don't know yeah because how can they see me they're not even they're not even near me yeah 51 Stealth now Wow okay I got far enough away so I guess maybe it's not an exploit I guess you just have to get a certain distance away I don't know I've got a bounty of 200 and I'm wanted for trespassing I might as well just wait out that sentence let me just go back here you got to get close enough to the territory I think let me go just a little bit closer here yeah there you go so now when it turns that color kind of like a beige color or whatever then it tells you the bounty will expire in four hours so you have to be around the area for the the bounty to expire otherwise when you leave that territory you the bounty stays with you so I'm just gonna hang out here for four hours that way we're not a we're not attack on site with the with the Scheck and we'll get mr. wolf and mr. Killer back up here with the other guys we're gonna get twerkin aider over here doing some combat action everybody else is pretty good just get people working on some lock-picking and whatever else mr. wolf and mr. Killer I've made it to the hub I'm gonna sell this falling Sun sword you might be thinking well maybe we should give it to somebody but the thing is the falling Sun is really a good weapon but it's really early on [Music] you really don't you want to get everybody's dexterity up because the thing is with heavy weapons they're really slow to swing so you can see eight dexterity if mr. wolf was supposed to was going to use this I mean he would swing it so slow that he'll get interrupted all the time so you really want to start with unarmed or weapons that are lighter and get your dexterity up to like 40 50 60 even and then switch over to a heavy weapon if you want because then you start automatically with faster swing speed so anyway we're gonna sell that and make 3400 all right [Music] that is good we're up 3400 if we can just keep on I'm just gonna keep stealing stuff from them for now get us give us some money we could just buy the armor that we want probably actually have mr. wolf and mr. killer run back though so they could grab whatever I steal next meanwhile my sentence has gone away so I'm free to go back inside now I'm gonna stay and stay invisible or stealthy trying to work up my stealth while I'm roaming around uh let's see well this guy buy from me no so he still remembers me and he probably won't forget me ever this guy here though he doesn't know I stole from him actually I didn't steal from this guy stole from the other the weaponsmith it's finally night time and I'm gonna see if I can steal from this building over here take off my limb again [Music] if I can get in this building I might be able to get a couple more skeleton repair kits those are honestly to make money skeleton repair kits are like the best thing to steal I think because they're worth four thousand apiece so you can sell if you can steal a bunch of them you can make a decent amount all right door is open this freakin pack beast is just walking around lighting up my eye area try and do thievery here right doors closed nobody's in here all right leather that's all we got in here see what's in this chest whoa research artifacts only 60% stealing chance oh my goodness Wow it's not very good chainmail sheets oh these are nice too steel as well 2500 you can sell those for copper alloy armour plating is not bad we got robotics components these are good to steal 20800 you can sell them for I only have a 54% chance to get this stuff they've got to have skeleton kits somewhere I'm gonna oh they're probably in the freaking safe over here oh okay now I can start unlocking this alright well work on my lock picking skill while I'm here try and get that up I probably won't unlock this anytime soon but these safes are perfect to get your lock picking up because you just you you spend a long time trying to open it and your skill goes up every time you fail or succeed oh I got it I did get it oh yeah right here these are the best things to steal ever right here skeleton repair kits you can sell them for forty three hundred apiece and chain mail sheets alright I'm gonna try and steal few I got caught stealing damn it I don't care I'm taking them all give me all of them I'm getting caught come on grab it grab more quickly yes all right I got enough stuff I'm out the alarm didn't sound though okay I'm committing a crime for 13 seconds all right I'm hiding behind the building here hopefully they don't see me except the goat okay nice the alarm didn't go off and look at all these skeleton repair kits oh yeah and chainmail sheets and my lock picking set 30 theories now at 40 for stealing all that so stealth goes up as well when you steal things so I didn't sound the alarm thank goodness trying to steal that but stealing is definitely a good way to make money oh what's going on oh geez what is that is that just one bone dog or multiple all right everybody run in here run inside I don't think we can fool around with that right now we'll let them kill it for us Oh get it off me get it off kill it they won't attack it ah all right everybody just get out of here I think we got ourselves enough stuff for now we can sell we'll keep a couple repair kits you know what though while I'm here it's night time I might as well try and go for one more thing I'm going in in the building here and what can I steal really quick I'll take the plank I'm not skilled enough to take that whatever it is dude is still sleeping I wonder what time he's gonna wake up dragwon acts well [ __ ] he's opening the door alright I'm out I grabbed a fragment ax and I'm running I'm committing a crime now oh okay well see you later guys everybody else head for the head for the hub oh no oh I got I got hit dammit oh I got hitting a chest - am I gonna die Wow where are they taking me they better heal me up I'm wanted for trespassing I think you should heal you I think yeah they're healing me now okay perfect so I'm gonna be in prison for a little while unfortunately how long four hours okay meanwhile mr. Wolfie mr. Kindler will head back to the hub I would say that's we've been a pretty profitable day ah let's see mr. Wolfie mr. killer are in trouble who runs faster okay guys we cannot get we got a bone dog over here chasing us Oh No ah all right we're gonna need everybody over here get going guys all right just try to make it as quick as you can just try to get over here just try not to go down mr. wolf must have like ran into a nest or something and only aggro'd one of them Darth is coming in steaming give me that bone duck and then he's just running three hits in the chest come on unbelievable get in there kill this thing Oh what you got to escape servants now [Music] all right heel up guys all right yeah take out the bone dog [Music] focus on the bone dog and hopefully we can we don't get attacked by these guys [Music] all right good job yeah I think these guys would attack us if we had food in our inventory but it doesn't look like we do actually gonna make a campfire right here and cook the raw meat that we have I'm so happy that they automated the campfires now is so nice yeah people hungry over here we are barely holding off the starvation to be honest but uh one of the tile will you know despite killing random random things over time we'll get enough food eventually but now that we have some skeleton repair kits that we could sell we can just buy food if we want if we really need to alright let's go ahead and run to the bar and sell what we have [Music] given darf to skeleton repair kits so we can hold on to those we can sell the rest so everything else will sell wait a minute mmm no no no no no don't sell them here we got to go we got to go to the Ivar's so they're not gonna give us as much money here so we're gonna have to go back to the high village and sell them all right let's get everybody healed up again all right I've given everybody everything that we're gonna sell to mr. wolf so we have four skeleton repair kits we're gonna sell and two chainmail sheets so that's gonna be at least like 15,000 all we got to do is get mr. wolf to the high village he's got pretty good stats he's up to 15 strength toughness 21 at lettings 43 so you should be able to move pretty quickly that's one thing I like about the hub is that it's kind of centralized in the in the area and it's close to everything it's close to holy nation it's close to the high village it's close to the Scheck territory it's just kind of like a central area and I guess it's why they designed it that way but it's also a good spot for outlaws to hide out mr. wolf has tracked the guerrilla oh jeez come on just get indoors just run in there med okay Wow you lucked out there it's kind of interesting that the the gorillas don't attack the hive soldiers I just noticed that they don't attack the workers I guess maybe they're like a part of and maybe they're together I don't know but one thing I haven't noticed is a lot of beak things over here there used to be tons of beak things now there isn't and I guess it's a good thing I know where they are though well maybe go down there at some point beat things like - there's a ton of big things in this big circle down here it is a deathtrap though because they just keep spawning in so it can be very dangerous so we're not gonna go there yet but at some point in the future all right so as you can see sell value wow it looks like they've changed this around a bit so you don't make as much money anymore off of things that you steal like the price markup for the chainmail sheets is good 115 percent so we're making no that might just mean some their cell value I don't know anyway let's just sell all this stuff and we're up to 20,000 so it's not bad mr. wolf has made it back with all the other guys we're just kind of resting up now and we'll be able to head out we've got some money now that we can you know buy food if we need to that's good well I've been sitting in prison for a long time now it's wave passed for hours and I wonder if they're just waiting for me to get back up my chest is negative one once it hits there we go now I am kind of laying down in here I picked the lock and give my lock-picking skill up while I'm waiting but okay now they released me from prison okay so if you're knocked out unconscious they won't release you the one thing I noticed though is that the timer doesn't count down usually so you don't know when you're getting out of prison you just kind of have to like wait until they release you so if they haven't released you then it means that your sentence isn't up so if you have like a 40-hour sentence just wait until they come and get you like they just did there because I noticed on the left hand side it just doesn't say it says how long your sentence is but it doesn't count down the time every hour unfortunately all right so I've been freed and the guards took my armor apparently and I did put my cross my prosthetic back on so anyway I guess I will head back over although it was pretty good I got my lock-picking skill up my ass my thievery and my stealth so you know you might think of it as like you wasted time getting captured but actually you you really didn't because your character is still gaining skills so you got to think of it that way is every time you get knocked out every time you get thrown in prison your character is getting stronger every time no no matter what happens if you get knocked out getting thrown in prison you gained in your toughness skill you know maybe your dodge skill went up to dodging an attack from them and you know and if you were able to steal a few things before you got captured your thievery went up so just got to think of it that way and as far as skin she goes is like you know it's a journey it's an adventure and your character gets stronger over time so at the beginning they start out weak they can't do much but then they slowly get faster stronger they're able to take more damage and survive you know they're they're more weathered I guess in the the world they are able to survive longer so that's what I like to think of it kimchi is a kind of like a progression it's a nice progression system too because you definitely see your character getting stronger over time but yeah anyway we're gonna head back over here to to the hub and one other thing is like even though your character let's say my character here is tendon savers you know mate 18 melee attack if I were to use unarmed combat for instance you can see here my martial arts is too so even hungry bandits would probably beat me because I'm not trained in that that fighting style so you really have to you know train for the situation I like to train everybody and unarmed eventually so that they have a little bit of skill in it but unarmed just takes way too long I mean it's just it's one of those skills like mr. wolf is at eight martial arts right now so let's see I've been using sabers I'm at ten sabers so it kind of goes a little bit slower than all the other combat skills and I would say heavy weapons probably takes the longest because you swing them really the the heavy weapons really slow that's why I suggested earlier what to wait if you're gonna use heavy weapons just wait a bit until you get your dexterity up because then the skill will rise even faster - because you're swinging more and the skill goes up based on hits so if you're not hitting you're not gaining a skill percentage so with heavy weapons you know you got to make every eight count otherwise it's just going to take forever to level up but we finally made it back to the shinobi thieves we're up 20 K so we did pretty good here able to keep us alive and keep the group going and I think in the next episode we're gonna go and get into some more do some more dangerous stuff maybe gets to try to acquire better gear but we'll go exploring and I know this episode probably wasn't as exciting as the other ones but we will you know do different things in each episode some some episodes will be more exciting than others depending on what's going on so thanks guys so much for watching hope you enjoyed it you want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe I'll see you guys again in the next episode take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 30,432
Rating: 4.9754601 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival
Id: Ao72yHuDuqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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