ONE ARM AND A DREAM | Kenshi 'Rock Bottom Start' Gameplay | Episode 1 - The Journey Begins

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Yea he's my go to when i want some more Kenshi but i can't play.

Really chill, keeps things simple. Recommended !

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/nyamuscarine 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/allnamestakenlol 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Definitely an entertaining guy. I enjoy watching his playthrough while I grind strength training haha. I hope he does more Kenshi.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Austin22788 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

They are great and have helped me too I had like 60 hours in the game a few years ago and this helped much

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Doomdog619 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Yeah I have, they;re really nice and got me into kenshi after I googled the game.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Vertanius 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Yeah, started watching him recently.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NeoTheShadow 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Avictus dragon I think his name is makes some awesome videos too, I have halfway through his ironman run. Like 40 1 hour videos.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WombatCombat69 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to a new let's play series my name is Tobal and we're going to be playing can she release 1.0 this is version 1.0 0.3 and it's out it's finally out it's been gosh it's been since 2013 this game has been in development I'm so excited and I've yet about 500 hours on this bad boy on Steam so it has been a long journey I'm excited for the team to finally have their day at release and it's getting a lot of great reception just because the game is so dang big there's so much you can do for with it there's so many ways to die horribly so we're gonna give it a shot we're gonna start with rock bottom you basically start alone unarmed naked hungry and you're apparently missing an arm so we're gonna make this happen I have changed some of the Advanced Options I do have the hunger increased because I don't want to worry about food quite as much maybe I'll bring that closer to the normal which is three I've increased the production speed research and building speed just a bit really building to be doesn't matter too much but I don't want to be waiting along especially when you're doing a let's play for too often Inc if I'm waiting for a technology or something like that so I'm going to boost it up just a bit I think a lot of this happens to just be waiting around so I don't think it's all that challenging I am going to leave the chance of death global damage multiplayer alone and I'm going to about double the number of default nests so I want to have a lot more things out there that can kill me horribly we also are going to leave bandit salute the player on and we're gonna have easy prospecting turned off so if you're unfamiliar with Ken Chi how do you even explain Kent Chi it's a it's a squad based or solo RPG or realtime strategy or city builder I mean there's so many things to do here in this game it's it's absolutely unbelievable we can make our way through this game as kind of a lone wanderer just fighting people and getting stronger or we can immediately try to you know fight everything out so I think I'm gonna change that stance since I can't cross my arms anymore right a little bit of lean-to a little bit of lien all right we'll just do a neutral stance here so my character will be starting with just one arm now that's okay there are ways around that and you can in fact find yourself a prosthesis so it's not the worst thing in the world it just kind of mostly sucks so we're here in the great desert as promised we are missing our left arm we have absolutely nothing and we're just a smidge hungry let's take a look at the map so at least it starts you off with the locations of cities right that's not too bad too bad let's make our way over here to show Bataille I think that's gonna be the best option I think that was this direction let's do it what's around us right now do we have anything that's going to immediately kill us now in the great desert there are quite a few random patrols of different factions so if I pause the game over in the distance here there's a pack of starving vagrants they're wandering around I think I saw okay there's a skimmer this is kind of like some kind of desert bug that does roam around up there so we've got to be careful about skimmers especially at the start of the game we are very very very slow and I don't think we can outrun a skimmer so I want to be careful about the skimmers that are out but also skimmers can bury themselves in the ground so we got to be careful about that as well it's a random starving vagrant running through the desert hopefully he can't chase us I'm trying to find I don't see any nests of skimmers that I could show you as an example of what they look like but they they kind of almost look like shiny silvery coins or flowers or grass and the ground and there's normally a patch of them so you could see them buried in the sand so you definitely don't want to walk towards it much like you could awaken a pack of starving you know bone dogs or something like that you really don't want to mess with them too much what's that over there that is a group of samurai which I think let me check my factions as well we are only okay so we're very neutral with everyone right now we've not discovered any other factions would we name ourselves faction name what do we want to name our overall faction here we've got one arm right so it's gonna be a road to recovery here well maybe something let's do something deep let's get let's get real deep in here let's do uh let's do something like the unbroken right right we've lost an arm that's okay we're naked we're alone we're scared we're tired Oh God we're about to get eaten by a bug but that's fine we're unbroken we are unbroken I'm actually making my way directly towards this where I thought this squad was this is gonna aggro me any second now if he's not already I can't imagine this is his normal speed this is his oh it is his normal run speed well you were slow so slow right now why are you slow he's only running into 15 there's another schemer that just popped out of the ground I must have missed that I'm gonna find protection in the company of some fellow survivors here these are all soldiers of the United cities faction so they don't hate us you know so we got that going for us which is nice and also before I forget I'm gonna drop a quicksave in here however I'm going to do my best not to ever do any kind of ski save scumming so I'm not going to die mid episode and then reload the game the only reason I'm going to keep a running save in the event that there is a bug and something winds up causing a crash or a unfortunate death due to some kind of weird glitch which I you know to be fair I play a lot of kenchi I don't think I've ever seen any major issues I think one time I had a raid hit my base and for some reason the Raiders ran underneath the walls do do some terrain issues I'm not an escaped slave oh god these are man hunters I thought these were freaking soldiers here the man hunter the man hunter packs if they find you alone they got their man hunters - the man hunter packs will basically say hey you know what you sure do look like a slave so they'll basically enslave you arrest us for what we didn't do anything all right so I think they have some people who have crossbows or no are they all melee are they're all Meili so I think we should be able to get to the city safely I hope it's safely I mean we're naked they may not even like us here at Empire I can't remember I think Empire one of the nations has a rule that you can't be poor you basically can't be destitute so you gotta be really careful about that I should make it and I don't know if this is gonna cause us to get agra by the gate guards or not or if they're gonna now here's the thing when in Kent see the way people intercept you is that they run in front of your character ow they run out in front of your character and okay so he said go on through but he's not gonna help us with this fight which is really annoying they'll try to intercept you by running forward of you because the game does not have any mechanic for attacking on the run so they'll try if you if you picture yourself running in a straight line they're gonna position themselves in that straight line and then they start their attack animation so what you can do is sometimes Juke that attack animation to get outside of their range of hit is a bit cheesy absolutely am I going to use it absolutely you can bet that I'm gonna use whatever cheesiness I can that is a part of the game mechanic to survive man are you gonna chase me all through creation here this sucks this sucks all right I want to hook a right let's see if we can like this dude out okay good now at some point he's gonna get tired of all this shenanigans and probably stopped a pursuit I think I hope I'm slightly that none of the guards are defending me but to be here I guess the Manhunters let the or the guards let the Manhunters do whatever they want I will wait for him to get up and then we'll turn around here like this I hope the rest of his pack isn't coming too I'm gonna be trapped in the city I thought this had an exit on both ends but it looks like it does not all right we need to yeah we need to get going here we need to get out this guy's reach because we need to start trying to loot and find people to to get their items I mean hey to be fair holy crap you are insanely fast 29 run speed I was gonna say he's a ninja but he literally is a ninja we need to start finding things to scavenge right we're basically you know picture any given apocalyptic movie you've ever seen and there's always gonna be that scene where you know they're running around they're trying to scavenge everything cuz they're I mean it's a horrible apocalyptic world right so that's what we are we have to be we have to be a bit of a scavenger in order to survive we have to find some things for us to make our way throughout life I got hit again I didn't mean to do that maybe you know what I'm gonna try to do is this the Manhunter pact this is a slaver caravan I don't really want to deal with them either I might try to bring this guy to I try to bring this guy to the freaking skimmers here to try to drop his aggro on the skimmer right here we go skimmer look at this delicious meal right in front of you it's me and him okay that didn't work out oh he kind of did all right so I'm I'm trying to get him to do make his attack so you get a little bit in front of me okay right there right there right there get on Skinner yes yes you are the best skimmer I will never hunt your kind at least for another like minute oh maybe he'll even kill him and I'll get his I'll get his gear oh that's where this is gonna be ultimate Karma oh god now you're coming for me that's fine we're close enough to the city we should be able to pull the guard to defend us which it looks like that guys coming out to do what I'm gonna do oh boy isn't this Karma or what this guy found some poor starving guy in the desert and decided to try to take his gear or take his gear he had no gear to take his life and make him a slave well you know what buddy this is karma right what are you are you unconscious oh what a pity look at all this wonderful gear that you've bestowed upon me I've just gone from rags to well not quite as many rags so here's the interesting thing about being one-armed in kaanchi you're missing your arm so you have this limb box now that normally it's grayed out like this but what this is telling you is that you have the option to put a prosthesis in this arm slot now of course we don't have access to that just yet so we are still dealing with the fact that were one-armed you have two weapon slots the first weapon slot is four I know I mean you can put any sized weapon in either slot right but you normally have to put big weapons two-handed weapons inside of slot 1 slot 2 is normally reserved for a smaller one-handed weapon this is what your character will use if they wind up be becoming injured or losing an arm which we are okay hi this is a pack beast from the traders Gail that's dying now it the icon turned red which means that if anyone sees me take from this animal it's going to be considered stealing so I'm gonna sneak and realize that okay I've got a blue eye which means no one sees me even though it's broad daylight please have a ton of stuff on you oh happy days alright we are going to I have a 100% chance to steal these items cuz I think the creatures dying we're gonna take some food we're gonna take some med packs okay I might have gone a little crazy with the med packs there should be enough food to last us a while I'm gonna trash these bad med pack so take the good ones sorry first aid kits so across the top what else do we want ration packs are better than the food cubes let's take the ration packs and one food cube and one more first-aid kit I'll drop the food cube these are some trade goods oh here we go a skeleton repair kit is worth for sale 1500 cats now I'm looking at this box on the right side there look at the cell value and it says 1500 cats the overall value is normally 1800 so it's it's actually you know we'd be selling it for less than it's worth with that doesn't matter 1500 you know cats to us is nothing a cat by the way is their unit of measurement for currency in the game we can also fit a couple of pieces of electronics in here and I think that's gonna be it for the moment now here's the fun part I need to I'm basically disguised as a Manhunter so the the problem is I don't know if that makes me you know if the Manhunters see me I don't know if that winds up making them angry towards me because I'm basically impersonating them or not so we'll try to avoid any Manhunter packs oh there they actually show up as allied because we look like them a little green icon there represents the fact that they think we are allied to them that's hilarious I wonder if they can see through that disguise well we're gonna find out the other thing I have to be careful about is that I have stolen goods here although I guess it stolen good from no faction because it's not gear so this basically says it's been stolen from the Manhunters but this says it's been stolen from no faction which means that it considers these Goods I guess free and clear so we'll try to sell these Goods at the store here in mobit I show Bataille ok we'll try to sell these at showboat eye and see what we can get some money off that that might set us up for a decent start so what are you running to or you're just doing your little patrol thing I'm walking slowly because I am an incredibly over encumbered my character is very weak so he doesn't have the ability to basically move with a lot of gear on him so I'm gonna speed life up a bit now I don't think I'm gonna wear this armor long term because it takes a long time for you to be able to wear armor and be effective so I'm probably going to sell this at the nearest store however I do want to have it with me so I can make that sale ok so this is a little you can see the sign hanging off here this is a weapon or this is a crossbow shop who that might not be a bad idea to get maybe we will maybe we'll trade in some of our goods and get ourselves across but right off the bat that will let us kite some creatures and maybe just help out with some fights from far away but not put ourselves in great danger oh I bet it requires two arms to use a crossbow huh that's depressing maybe we'll find ourselves a prosthetic arm dealer too that could be neat alright let's speed the game up just a bit come into the story here you can hold down the Alt key by the way to do a couple things the first is that it highlights any signs so you see how these signs are turning a bit yellow I use this to help me pop the signs out and so I can see where the signs are in a city the other thing is holding down alt much like a game like path of Exile it shows you what loot is on the ground now we could take all this but we'd steal it be stealing so you don't want to do that alright my friend will you buy this good stolen from know okay so the fencing chance is what we want to look at here it says fencing chance of 100% means that this guy is going to buy this for a hundred basically a hundred percent he'll he will buy it he has no qualms about buying this item however I think because it's stolen or maybe just because of the markdown on price he's only offering a seven hundred and sixty-five cats which is fine that's more than you know we have had awesome so now we've got sixty five hundred cats and can I sell you this okay I can't one hundred and ten chance to sell this maybe he just really hates the Manhunters we're gonna sell this we're gonna sell the helmet I'm also gonna sell the boots because the these types of boots the plated long boots they actually make your athletics worse so that's what that if you look at the skills under the right side there it says athletic skill or athletics effect times 0.87 that means it makes your skill worse than it normally is okay all these crossbows we have to have two arms these all go in your two-handed weapon slot so we're going to leave this for now let's see what else do we have here we've got an adventure trader here that's what this little guy I thought it was a backpack trader for the longest time but it's kind of like this adventure trader they normally have things like sleeping bags backpacks things like that we'll take a look at this guy as well see what he's got I guess we have to figure out what we want to do with ourselves he's got a bunch of backpacks hey do you have an arm you have an arm lying around no oh that's fair enough can't win them all he's got a couple of maps so if you for example if we let's buy this cheap one here tech hunter mat library map if you right click on this map so right now this is what we know in the game by the way this is a let's play series so as a fair warning right now it you know at some point we're going to be discovering new things so I you know a fair warning if you're not interested in seeing anything explored you know you probably don't want to be watching a let's play because we are going to go out into the world and explore things so let's right click this library map and what it did was added a location to the map and it tells you which locations are new by having a green rectangle around them so there are some ruins here ruins have items in them a value that are kind of more than traditional stores would have and some things that are missing I don't want to exploit that part we'll get there when we get there I kind of want a backpack but I want a backpack that yeah these are really nice the thieves backpacks are really nice because they they don't encumber you and they don't reduce any of your skills you see how the combat skills are all at one that means they don't affect your skills at all while a normal backpack would do so even the small backpack does that I'll look at joining the Thieves Guild perhaps later on and getting a cheaper backpack hopefully but for the moment I just wanted to sell those items let's see he doesn't have well we could actually hang out let me go back in here I do want I want a sleeping bag because if we have to recover out in the wild we would need to place down right here's the build menu for the game we'd have to put down a camp bed which requires one sleeping bag this will let us rest and recover health at 400 times for 400 percent of the normal rate of just standing still and recovering health Oh actually that being said I do need two medic myself so I'm gonna shift-click the medic button what that does is create a job for my character item I'm now a medic so anytime my character is standing still he will try to heal himself or others in his party these are trade goods so nothing really I see here of interest I could you know become a trader but it slows you down so much that number one I would get bored number two you would get bored number three we would probably just die because we're so slow without any escort let's check out a couple more of these stores speed everything up just a bit here to get from point A to point B as we run around the game our athletic skill will start to increase so we won't be as slow as this at all times where is our athletics understands and athletics here so it's already at 5 which increases your run speed your maximum run speed different things like that so I want some nice shoes there are some shoes that give you a bonus to running I'll try to find here in a bit ok nothing too amazing here either just a bunch of trade goods books are useful I will tell you that books are used in order to do research you need if we go to the tech tree for example to research a small house you need two books inside of your research bench and we are going to get into research and we are of course going to get into base building overall at a much later time we're definitely going to be spending I don't know at least a couple of good episodes we have to find ourselves an arm right that's one objective aha we need to we need to arm ourselves haha we need to possibly how nice they've got a bunch of neat hats are there any that protect against us storms there are 70% protection a dust storm will make you have some negative negatives 2-year probably I think it's your speed and also your fighting so I'm other that you can wear a basket for your hat I mean as shemagh is normally really good about protecting against the dust storm so seventy percent to 70 percent I don't think I see anything that's better than 70 percent protection and what I'm looking at there on the right side you see there were dust storms and it tells you that it's protecting you 70 percent from a distal so let's grab one of these little rags here tagil moost pretty cheap we'll grab that that should give us a little bit of protection from a dust storm and you can see when I come out here it says dust storm and what it is is it will give you some negatives so for example the weather penalty on the attack side of the house here is we're losing three skill points to the weather so we'll have just something to protect us now not that I want to get into any fights anytime soon honest so I think this is about about it in this town there's not really a weapons dealer that I see there's only the guy that sold the crossbow there's that traitor there and we've kind of visited everyone so I think we have to go we're forced to go back out into the wide world I will tell I will do this because it's smarter to be healed up completely I'm gonna show you real quick how we deal with damage so the gray area here indicates that art we have been wounded the yellow area indicates something that has been bandaged like maybe from a cut so this has been bandaged but we actually have wounding here this gray area is is basically like it's I think it's more like bludgeoning damage so we took like a I think he the guy actually attacked us with a club right so we he basically bruised our ribs and oh and pain and things so we need to recover so I'm here in a bar you can see most bars have some sort of upstairs area where they have beds so if you click on the bed you can see it has a healing bonus of times 8 so you'll heal 8 times as quickly on a bed then you will just standing still so I'm gonna right click and I will pay a little bit for the bed rental I'm gonna speed up the game here and I'll actually just go ahead and skip ahead to the point where I'm all healed up and we are good to go and that didn't take too long at all we're back in full health status apart from our missing arm so we are going to yeah you uh I love the physics you're just gonna do a little pirouette there that's fine well the guards are wonderful wonderful Guardians here I will say that it's always fun to have cities nearby because you can kite enemies and I will tell you this is a 100% legitimate strategy right if you're a scavenger in the world and you know there's a heavily a defendant fortress around and you're getting chased by something absolutely horrible aren't you gonna run to it for protection right that makes all the sense in the world to me oh hey here's our friend this is the guy that tried to basically make us a slave he's actually in a recovery coma so someone has patched him up and so he's knocked out though boy it must be real rough waking up naked huh yeah yep sucks for you okay I I can't be too cruel because the Karma will come back to bite me tenfold so and I will cover what the coma basically means in the recovery coma I will definitely cover that in a later video when we have probably a couple of more in a couple more squad members here part you know party members or faction members to mess with so I'm going to speed the game up a little bit I don't want to go too crazy because I really don't want to run you know headlong into a bunch of skimmers at all okay this looks like a trade Caravan that got split up a bit so they're trying to rejoin each other what does this look like it's something I guess not it's just a patch of dirt and leaves I am running what my goal is right now I'm actually trying to get out of the desert so I'm trying to go in this general direction I do know where the exit of the desert is of course there's right here this area all connects which is fine but trying to get through to more civilized areas there's actually harder to get to so we have to kind of pass through a little choke hold so I'm running towards that roughly we're gonna be running around really careful looking for I always when I run around in the game I always always in basically just doing this I'm always on the lookout you can also hold your middle mouse button or hold a left control key by the way because my finger gets tired because I end up moving my mouse around so much that it gets a kid sore from you know all the scrolling so I'm on the lookout for a couple things one I'm on the lookout for aggressive animals like bone dogs here or the skimmers the second thing is I'm on the lookout for other NPC groups because they often are areas of refuge in the in the desert especially that you can run to to maybe have you know that pack of whatever is chasing you peel off and attack them and instead okay so there's a camp up here I think this is a slave camp this is a stone camp normally those are their slaves in there also it is possible to become a slave in this game I joked you know that when I started out I said that the character was chasing me or the guy that was chasing me trying to make me a slave he literally could have knocked me unconscious and then maintain his slave and then you have to basically become an obedient slave to those people until you escape I don't like how this is laid out there is it looks like there's a gap right between the middle of all of these animals I want to try to run through hopefully this guy doesn't try to make me a slave I don't think they're got enough people to do that oh okay so we're gonna run close to the camp kill there are guards here and I think these are Empire no these are the the slavers but they will defend their area from enemy animals at any given time so we're gonna hug this base uh-uh stop chasing me I think I think we're faster than schemers though I want to say I'm not a hundred percent sure on that we just we just want to be careful right because this is this is I'm treating this playthrough like a full-on you know one death and we're done kind of a playthrough so now the thing is you can once you start having more characters it becomes less important because you can't lose your first character and then the faction still lives on because you have other you have other players you have other faction members so maybe we should look at getting a second faction member just to for the possible eventualities that our character dies these are herbivores it's a pack of guru or guru or whatever that happens to be I'm not too worried about those guys who are you just walking along here by yourself you're just Soto you're just a drifter just walking along in the middle of the desert no big deal that's fine I can't talk to him so it's she's not recruitable I don't believe all right we're in a little bit more spread-out area who are you city hero you're part of the United Heroes League okay uh that nomads ooh nomads are interesting group I believe they they behaved II actually just spawned here by the way that's why they were in such a weird pack but nomads are neutral to you they do have some camps spread around the map and they do walk in you know these huge groups here I think you can actually trade with them at any given time you can also trade with trade caravans if you see them around and sometimes they have some interesting things as well we'll talk to the guy in the lead here or gal you can see some skimmers coming to the caravan let's see if we can talk to him before the fight you have animals for sale what do you have for animals they've got a bunch of pack beasts here you can also hire and buy animals in the game you could this is basically the equivalent of I don't know camel cow what are you looking at me Gary were pretty ugly looking things it's like a weird dog mixed with some kind of pack animal they can carry quite a bit more than you normally can so you're able to use them to treat you know move your goods however they are incredibly slow you know what I kind of want to do though I kind of want a bone dog companion wouldn't that be cool so we could have a female bone dog she's just a pup she'll take a while to build up her stats but bone dogs can become incredibly strong now I don't know if this is the smart place to buy a bone dog though because we are in the middle of the desert and we still have quite a ways to go and it looks like there's an unpleasantness ahead of us so maybe I don't know I kind of do like the idea of having no we're out here in the desert alone who wouldn't want a companion right especially a cute little pup alright we're going to get this dog all right our bone dog what is a good bone dog name I've got nothing let's name let's name her Diana for the goddess of the hunt and all right so now we have Diana so now you get to see the squad how these you know these different characters interact within a squad so I'm actually pressing the number one key twice to pop to my character or the number two key to pop over to Diana so you can control your squads by just again giving them clicks like normal they are apparently a very well-behaved animal and cannot respond to your commands you can drag a box around them to select multiple at once and you can also press the tilde key to select all of them alright so how are you doing on this fight oh the little tiny goat sure it's getting attacked oh my god oh please don't die you're so you're so cute I want to oh god you're gonna get rekt oh you're so brave oh I want to hire you I want to buy you and keep you forever look at that in one bite it almost lost its entire left leg okay so the nomads here look like they have won the day there's a bunch of skimmer bodies here starting to rot I'm gonna take some raw meat in case Diana's hungry now we are let's see there's the that's the pack right there the last time we looked out we did see quite a few skimmers in the distance so what I'm gonna do I mean look at the map are we heading in the rough direction I want we are I'm going to use this command you can hold right click and follow and I'm going to set our characters to follow the pack leader here and I want our folks to walk with him because it's you know there's safety in numbers right so we're gonna do that the other thing I'm gonna point out real quick and I think I'm gonna end this episode here pretty soon is you notice here if I just have two both of these selected and I right-click the distance Tobal is running faster than Diana because his Athletics are higher than her athletics and I think these creatures have a different run speed by default so she can only run she's a run speed of 8 I'm a run speed of 9 so I will be a little bit faster than my compatriot here you can tell your characters to run at the pace of the slowest person in your selected group by changing this icon here to this shadow 1 and what this will do is it'll tell them hey I want you to run only at the pace of the slowest person so this is perfect this is a good way to have them stay together the slower person will still continue to build up their athletic skill because they're still running at their full speed so I think this is a good stopping point we did cover quite a lot of items in the first episode and I'm so excited to still be alive and that that guy decided to try to make us a slave because we're a little bit richer we're a little bit fuller we've got a companion and we're kind of ready to face the world so I'm gonna go ahead and put a cut in right here and I hope you do continue to join me for this next let's play series with Ken she one point out
Channel: TobelPlays
Views: 455,560
Rating: 4.8999281 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi 1.0, kenshi game, kenshi gameplay, kenshi guide, kenshi lets play, kenshi let's play, kenshi part 1, kenshi playthrough, kenshi review, kenshi rpg, kenshi steam, kenshi walkthrough, let's play, rock bottom, tobel, tobelplays, tobel plays, binary, binary legion, back to kenshi, let's play gameplay, kenshi roleplay, lets play kenshi, let's play kenshi, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi pc, kenshi 2019, kenshi episode 1, kenshi full, kenshi ep 1, kenshi iron man
Id: ebXO6S7up2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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