Keith's BEEF with Taco Bell - The TryPod Ep. 31

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never pay together just save together you know what they say friends that save together stay together save together plus with party pay you can save with literally anyone friends frenemies family significant others total strangers just walk down the street and scream who wants to save money on your phone bill even internet randos like us get started with party pay at visible dot-com / try guys that's visible calm / try guys one more time visible calm / try guys thank you - visible Dollar Shave Club and once upon a time in Hollywood for sponsoring today's episode [Music] Happy Thanksgiving welcome to the tripod we are the try guys for guys that try things but today we're talking about stuff ya got Keith oh you got Zach thank you you got Eugene hello and this is your host Ned we got a very special Thanksgiving episode we're gonna talk about what we're thankful for like pumpkin pie family and Keith hey and then since Thanksgiving it's time to be holly jolly and Mary we're gonna read some of your drunk emails hopefully if you're gonna have Thanksgiving and get a little little toasted tonight I want you to write one of those mmm okay and then finally we're gonna play our long-awaited the whole week in the making suspenseful game trending page or trending rage but first hey guys doing what so what's the Thanksgiving plans we were recording this before Thanksgiving so are you where are you right now as people are listening to this I am on a plane or a series of planes to Rhode Island to do some shows the blue burger on Friday and Saturday night Black Friday and whimsical Saturday yeah we're doing four shows two shows on Friday two shows on Saturday in Rhode Island and so I'm traveling for the first time ever I'm traveling all day I'm Thanksgiving I'm doing nothing Thanksgiving related it's a little bit sad but I have already at this point celebrated my own Thanksgiving which is going to Korean barbecue on the Tuesday night before Thanksgiving would you guys like to have joined me say probably not okay just being real okay coming down and I just my mom doesn't eat red meat so I'm just thinking about the reality or say normally normally kppq invites go out like day of I'm thrilled I'm thrilled that I can you know I can get a babysitter I can rearrange my schedule I can make it happen so me and Keith laughs look I would have loved to have been there in the past of the future but I just couldn't in the in this past which what are you doing Wednesday if you're doing your Thanksgiving on Tuesday and traveling Thursday and nothing on Wednesday because I have to wake up at like 4:00 in the morning I was gonna do it on Wednesday night participate in Black Wednesday it's black out Wednesday it's like super super [ __ ] up before Thanksgiving we don't in don't condone that we don't have donate don't and donate we don't endorse endorse they own it we don't endorse it nor is it a little bit I think it's fun I've just never been able to do it I've always been working on Thanksgiving and this time I'm not working on Thanksgiving but I have to be up so early anyway so I don't get to do any of the Thanksgiving stuff I have to make my own yeah but also that black out Wednesday which I haven't heard that name it's the ideas you're going back to your hometown and seeing all your friends right yeah we got a condors that yeah basically you're getting so [ __ ] up because you're in that life stage where you get to spend the night at your parents house and you're gonna wake up at noon and someone's gonna feed you a ton of food so it's kind of like amazing in terms of like hangover food it's a feast it's a hangover feast I've just fatty dairy filled everything how about you Eugene well first I'm glad that you're starting to eat Korean food for Thanksgiving I feel like I've actually done it for the last I'm Marshall irresponsible who are since my goal is to always introduce people to in LA to Korean food miles I need to take you out to Korean food I would love that I need a guide yeah I will [ __ ] you up with so much for a proper [ __ ] you have ever gun [ __ ] up by Eugene goodbye your boss of Eugene's people yes the meat of my people which people don't know but Thanksgivings in the past most of mine were half Korean food people of color usually have like mixed Thanksgivings if you're American so you know my South Asian friends have Indian food my Southeast Asian friends like David who I also introduced y'all to and cuts your hair now I might not mine not you are letting my hair look I'm not I'm not having a family Thanksgiving this year because one of my best friends is having her wedding on Thanksgiving weekend so that's crazy yes she doesn't [ __ ] care she's like I'm gonna have it on Thanksgiving weekend [ __ ] every was it on Black Friday Friday Saturday it's on Saturday night but it's in Arizona so unabashedly crazy I yeah she doesn't give a [ __ ] I love it I'm going to wedding but for Thanksgiving I'm gonna go with David or Kalyn Ellen invited me to his Thanksgiving so I might kill em for a second okay yeah so I have like a pretty fun friendsgiving I guess before David's it's gonna be Vietnamese food so I'm pissed can I say something yeah I'm poto do it man okay welcome to our next segment last night I saw online that Taco Bell hosted a friendsgiving this is two giant Taco Bell events that I have not been invited to also I found out because Kelsey Darragh went to it that the Taco Bell headquarters plays Keith eats everything at Taco Bell on a loop every day yeah right as you walk in so they know who the [ __ ] I am they know I am the only person who actually reviews fast food I are they afraid of me well why am I not invited to cool Taco Bell events can i pee are you a little more yes I wasn't you were in I was invited as in fairness as Kelsey's plus wine well to the target strength it's a friendsgiving but is yeah Taco Bell through [Applause] [Music] I'm good thanks John cut me up some celery and little raisins all right cuckoo cool yeah that would be a great audio experience yeah she invited me to this friendsgiving but it was in I think I wanna say like Irving and it was at 4 o'clock we were filming a video yesterday which is why were surrounded by black oh yeah this must be a very different YouTube experience for the YouTube podcast fans I'm still hyped up from that video it was so funny I just can't believe that I wasn't invited like twice because I tweeted it then the last time I was like hey next time you do this you better invite me how dare you not have you slid into their DMS no but they shouldn't have to they play my video in their corporate headquarters play like only your video on looper is it part of a play it's part of a playlist with other Taco Bell aficionado I don't know if you're you're in entry point isn't a save from pride I think you have to slide into their DMS but I should be I should get a golden invite I should be there should send a courier to my door knock three times and sing to me and tape it and hand me a check to cover my expenses to get there well you're the bucket king of Los Angeles exactly yeah I'm surprised that Taco Bell plays your video on like half of their food all tasted the same I think that's their pride as I say I think it's impressive that they've been able to recreate so many items that are the same base and a massive spin out of it yeah but yes I totally I mean I realize menu because they need a good kick in the butt gentle ribbing yeah yeah inspiration to do better Wendy's is afraid of me well you know maybe they think you're too famous and they're like Oh Keith would Keith would never wanna know you didn't Geoffrey start go to tell are went to the hotel Rosanna pants you know went to the hotel Lord yeah why would no no way more famous I'm not more famous in them but some of the other people there yeah so Keith in case any Taco Bell corporate employees are listening do you want to write a little letter to them right now please invite me to events also how dare you not have done that yet love here's the deal you Taco Bell you messed up you did not invite Keith of the friendsgiving but there's still more holidays in the year if you want to throw a Taco Bell Hanukkah party Chris live Moss Christmas and by the way if you're listening to this why don't you go ahead and check on that turkey you know we know we assume that you might be cooking maybe it's time to flip the casserole yeah I don't I don't know how to make stuff you guys watch football on Thanksgiving cuz the aerials family they were so surprised and shocked that I was like hey guys want to turn on football and they're like what what do you mean this is formally on Thanksgiving Oh like yeah football is an essential part of why the Lions the powers and the Cowboys think they all play this year is that what you two are doing on Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving I've had to spend Thanksgivings at places where like wasn't one year I spent it here with my grandma oh thank you Jonathan Jonathan thank you Keith okay you look a little parched no I'm wonderful I will say Jonathan texted me from the other room and he said that Ned tried to make coffee without a filter and it exploded the coffee machine so he said he said it's a little bit of a mess back here it's gonna be a second before Ned give I was wondering I was early early to record this episode we were the first people here and normally our office PA Sam makes coffee and I'm not gonna say that I know my way around a coffee machine because I don't I know around my coffee machine I'm looking everywhere for these filters and I'm like come on Ned you're an adult the father that company you gotta know where the filters are but I couldn't find them I'm searching everywhere I thought about using a paper towel but then I just looked at the basket and it looked pretty you look like a tit tiny little hole at the end so I was like maybe it's one of these baskets where you don't need a filter you just dump the comment company that would have that advanced an art or something and so I just dumped the coffee right into the basket hit play and then we hit record on this podcast that was later like those hits that water and I'm sorry Jonathan he's gone yeah I mean do you guys know any coffee hacks our paper towels better than no nothing absolutely yeah they're better than not better than nothing yes I'm not a good paper toast is always better than I use the Chemex filters no we have regular coffee there just somewhere that I couldn't find yeah yeah what about washcloths I mean you guess you could it probably tastes like washcloths to you squad would be a good one that'd be fun no I don't want cheese in my coffee well you're gonna have to have it you had an idea once we were gonna do a month-long video where I want to do a month-long video or it's called guess what I was in the coffee and every morning I make a pot of coffee with a somewhat tainted water like boiled hot dog water or - yeah and it's there's a totally dedicated pot for this coffee and everybody sips it and they try to guess and it's just a fun game but it's a taste test where everyone is it's at 9 a.m. and no one's had their coffee yet so there's like the game show hot dog water it's what's in my coffee everyone has a headache entirely with milk I mean it's basically just a latte but Zack we got derailed you were telling us about your thanks guys not a good story I was happy to derail it well mine's basically normal Thanksgiving - I used to have a great Thanksgiving you last the last couple years I went and I hosted that 360 you Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade oh yeah not this year for uh unspoken circumstances but you know that's sad for me because it was like a tradition obviously this this year my family's here renting a house in Malibu which should be nice but I do I have a sense of guilt around Thanksgiving because I might my horrible stomach ruins the menu for people there are so many things that I can eat that that my family has to kind of curate a menu around me you know they point out that is like a baseless tradition in genocide oh that true well I don't feel I don't feel personally guilty for that with uh my stomach doesn't feel guilty for that but I suppose I have the general white guilt associated I feel like when we talked about though it was like where we teaching the children what to be thankful for where the kids are we over for miles yeah how do you thankful for I think I'm thankful that I work here okay thank you I'd answer I think I'm thankful for like my health I think that that's a very underrated thing the other year you're old and broken like us I guess that's true yeah I'm guys I'm saying he's Banks miles you are barely hanging on by a thread over the pokemons the new Pokemon I'm thankful that you started it yeah I mean I'm did sword I'm shield and wood that's good so we can trade and also like all everyone I never got one no there's only two don't should be shield because most people have sword okay cool but I'm starting it tomorrow morning on the plane at 6:50 with the other guys of Lu Burger all agreed we aren't starting until the exact same time when you say tomorrow do you mean tomorrow when this yester tomorrow okay which is Saturday Saturday before Thanksgiving we're starting and then we have the Rhode Island ship Rover continuing we're only gonna be playing when we're traveling together it's growl though that we like sort of staged it all have different starters yeah which one are you picking I heard that you can actually hurt original three in shield I know how you do it no I'm going with squirtle you know at the beginning of the game I think so really one of those things where you have to like reject options and then they'll give you other options I have to read about any that's really cool I just saw it and even in the article you sent to me it showed yeah you could get one of their it shows my boys yeah but I'm thankful for that I'm thankful for my house I think that's pretty much it what do you guys think your house like I live in a really great place right now I didn't buy a house like you know most some of you guys but I live in a house with my girlfriend the top of a hill with two of like okay I don't want to dig this back up we're just gonna you're gonna answer the question that will move right on when we were talking last week about the school when you said that people don't wear shoes yeah I was picturing them without socks is that the case yeah yeah okay just making sure making sure I just commute if people just have their socks out not that crazy little toes twinkling around here I thought it was definitely with socks the socks are all carpets oh no ok moving on alright you guys know what movie I saw recently that was just a delight what once upon a time in Hollywood you can see Hollywood's biggest stars Leonardo DiCaprio Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Time magazine says DiCaprio and Pitt are marvelous together and New York Times says it's not going anywhere it will stand as a source of delight for as long as we care about movies and it's true it like reimagined the story of all these old murders the Manson murders pretty much sounds like well you know it's only it's IP I mean it's Tarantino but like at the end it gets crazy and it's just like this friendship between the two guys it's an enjoyable now with over 20 minutes of additional scenes and exclusive access to the set of once upon a time and Hollywood watch it now on digital rated-r that brings us to our next segment hmm trending page or trending rage Papa bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump traffic in the year 2019 the trending page on YouTube is crazy there's all sorts of wild stuff on there mmm things about celebrities things about personal relationships youtubers I don't know their names and the try guys it's full of all sorts of stuff but sometimes it's full of a key stuff yeah so we're gonna play a game that we first debuted at our VidCon podcast in front of hundreds of people who couldn't really hear us thousands even thousands even that was an abject failure it was bad but so I'm gonna give you guys 6 video titles and not gonna give you create her names and you're going to tell me which three of them are fake okay 3 and that makes us mad is that the rage yeah a racist mad that well it's these don't exist it's almost like I'm so it's trending page or I'm so mad that I made fake titles yeah I'm so mad at the training page that's all you mean you don't like the training page yeah you're like I can make these come on guys Susan come on I can make these but they do feature our videos a lot so like what's granting you Matt oh yeah no it's like number seven whatever happened to our number one two sly I've been there never gree it like doesn't matter and here's a it so to check have you guys checked the trending trending page in the past couple days no I probably I look at it most days okay there you go then then if you if you feel like you know the answers then maybe take a back seat yeah you know that's crazy though I think a lot of listeners and people just broad YouTube knowledge would assume that like getting on the trending page it's like oh man that's your ticket but we really have found the trending page does not affect views at all like document row at all yeah because in a weird bunch it just brings in trolls to be like who are these [ __ ] like yeah my YouTube I should be number one 5% if even that like I mean really like cuz you see you have your real-time chart and there's no bump it does not go up that's the trend a tiny tiny bump there's usually a tiny bump this bears it goes down it sucks views out of your I want to start the game okay so additional caveat after I say them I want you guys to explore what the video would look like if it was real and some of them are okay first page or trending rage number one Dennis Rodman becomes supreme leader of the cold tub coldest balls yeah oh that's that one of those Kevin Hart series he gets people in ice baths and interviews them and they all go oh it's cold what the fit but did but did Dennis Rodman was he in it yeah that's a good question I don't think so it seems unlikely number two giving my high school bully a Tesla Model X yeah that's a good but it's so straight up maybe miles thought of it is the creator still in high school I can't tell you number three recreating Snoop Dogg's Lobster Thermidor by taste I'm what nerd or I'm enjoying this Webster Thermidor that can't be the mean Pomodoro I'm gonna go yes cuz I think I've seen Snoop Dogg on the training page but everybody door what the hell is a third is that a food yeah I'm not sure if you uncultured swine it's like I don't know what that is either number four baby wants to come early all cats Jennifer Garner gets destroyed in fortnight I can't imagine there's a reason for her to be relevant right now and number five I got dumped at a wedding all caps that seems likely probably like a Gabby Hannah type creator I'm gonna take a back seat cuz I know a couple of these as actual videos oh you do eventually you should lead the charge brah no no cuz I'm heat the rules are if I know never sure real if he knows for sure I know for sure okay I'm gonna go next level here and I'm gonna not play the answers I'm gonna play the man which miles yeah I think what do I think miles thought was a fake title and so the very specific ones like Dennis Rodman mm-hmm and lobster thermidor and Jennifer Garner I'm gonna say those three are real and the other ones are fake the more generic ones come even though they sound like really good video ideas I think though you know it's like I was really gonna like write all that stuff it's like you know yeah I just want to jump in real quick and take umbrage with something that has been said by one of my colleagues Keith said that Jennifer Garner has no reason to be relevant right now I find that deeply offensive because I think she was and continues to be one of America's several sweethearts also she's been killing it on the IG TV oh really yeah she does uh cooking videos that are that are just delightful huh so I I just okay I don't think the Fortnight audience would care about Jennifer donated by the way I agree I don't think it's a real video and I don't think garner would get in that situation where she's playing for tonight especially with someone that would title it destroyed by what yeah so funny that's a good title man it's real if you made that one up on Pratt good work I can't say if you didn't make it up then i rescinded i'm not proud of you and also to back up the video as i have to defend all the videos to be real would the creator know that the fort and that the Fortinet audience would not be into that video I feel it's a creditor is the Ellen Show oh that's done like that I don't know if they would say I was dried by but I think it's like one of those you know talk show circuit type of things so three of these are real three these are fake yes all right Keith what are your three real okay well I can I can tell you what three or fake right so I can remember I don't think fortnight is fake I think that the wedding one is fake just because like too boring easy and I think that maybe the Snoop Dogg thing is fake but that seems he does do cooking things with Martha Stewart so maybe not the Tesla one's fake the Tesla yeah that's uh no I think what I think one of those cook baby titles has to be real and I think give me a quick quick rundown again okay so number six yeah absolutely Dennis Rodman becomes supreme leader of the cold tub Rio's balls I'm cambrie don't give me giving my high school bully a Tesla Model X fake recreating Snoop Dogg's Lobster Thermidor by taste hey baby baby wants to come early Bri awake Jennifer Garner gets destroyed in Fortnight Bay hey I got dumped at a wedding oh that's real I'm calling four of them real I'm calling the last three fake there could be real first year I'm gonna say Dennis Rodman Jennifer Garner and a snoop dog are all real okay wait I'm revising I'm going wedding baby and Dennis Rodman I don't think that you have are clever enough miles to pull Dennis Rodman out of the back of your memory but I think that you are clever enough to do soup dog but then maybe got the name of the dish wrong and made that up I think that one's fake because yeah because none of us know what the [ __ ] thermidorian I think that tampering with the title is should be not allowed in this game but I think you can't take half a title and just falsify what's like half in a title Snoop Dogg well no you said that you think the recipe is different right no I just think that there are Snoop Dog videos we don't need I'll say this I'll say this none of the titles were tampered with okay great that baby one that baby one could be fake Eugene you've been quiet for so long yeah what do you think okay so I will say that Dennis Rodman Snoop Dogg are both real and then I think that the come on Jennifer I think that though honest that's hard between ones give me the old Tesla's but I don't agree with the idea of giving a bully a Tesla it's a great which makes me back it up which make awesome just did that blue series I know which makes me rage I see why I'm raging because I could see why a youtuber would do that I'm gonna go with go with this baby came earlier or dumped it a wedding baby wants to come early I got dumped at a wedding they're both yeah I'm gonna come early totally one of those yeah family vlogger I think baby wants to come early is real yeah no I think that is really a afore Garner's fake for Eugene what are your three might be right I say Dennis Rodman snoop and baby are real all right to reveal mmm the first fake title giving my high school bully a Tesla Model S great idea miles thank God it was real thank you we should find it bully and do that but because all of your fake ones are gonna be taken up by some youtuber oh yeah within the next year all right the second fake title Jennifer Garner gets distorted voice a once again she's been killing it on the IG TV really delightful content way to go Jennifer thanks for listening to the podcast she's doing cooking content christy carlson romano gordon geeta a lot of people getting on it why can we do it too now apparently are we about to have a whole bunch of cooking stuff okay the third fake one is I got dumped to the wedding that's all right okay I thought that was fake so I got I got to correct a bomb guys can I share I I had a Tesla giveaway idea that I think's really funny oh yeah so um yeah obviously you you've been on YouTube I play with clothes pins during our podcast I don't know why I just like the fidget boys age it was [ __ ] so like Tesla giveaways or the are like the biggest YouTube trend right just thanks.thanks dobrik and all those people like just giving away cars and so Keith and I were in an uber that was a Tesla a couple weeks ago it was thrilling as an uberx Tesla Airport and this guy if he wasn't on loads and loads of cocaine he was doing a really good job auditioning for the role of someone on telling us how great the Tesla is and we were just like he's like oh you see how much pickup and flooring it to the red light and then breaking but he used to work at Tesla spent the entire time trying to convince us why we should get Tesla's Wow I by the end kind of convinced was onboard and then I went and saw how expensive they are slow did he have we had the newest ex yeah right under three you guys not seen the Tesla truck I have crazy listeners will be a week ago you guys all saw it yes look we're windshield broke or something it looks like the Homer since the opposite of the Homer Simpson car but just as ugly it looks like it was in the first PlayStation and hasn't finished rendering yet yeah this was unveiled for us last night as Yvonne's new truck was it called Ezard like a fiber truck looks crazy this is like a rejected Rick and Morty plot right well it doesn't seem real no he's just smashing it with a hammer showing how the other door sucks and this door wha is it Elon Elon Oh some other dude with a hammer well the funniest is in the presentation they were supposed to show that the windows were so powerful it at it and then it wasn't shatterproof oh no yeah it the one that we were in though the entire roof is glass which is so cool it's so funny it just shatters the glass oh Jesus well what a huge error in their planning it's got actually its temper says maybe that was a little too hard he threw like a big metal ball at it and then it just shattered I want to shatter no matter what happens I just want to bottle up how I feel right now and know that that is an ugly truck I know I kind of like no you don't - I'll leave the color I just think that anything that looks like it was made in a sci-fi movie but like it looks like goo looks like gonna dry it like one member Judge Dredd mmhmm yeah it looks like the what the 80s thought the future looked and I'm super down with stuff like that like anything that's like DeLorean desk I'm going okay this looks like someone in his cyberpunk mind said this should be a truck it's obviously I don't think it's gonna do very well but like imagine driving that in your residential neighborhood and parking you drive yeah it's like on top of your neighbor's car but actually this is the first non electric car it actually eats other cars for energy I must press that it's it avoids looking like a traditional truck while it is a truck it feels like it's not a truck because it will more than the Ford rammers like yes yeah it's big - it's bigger than a ram the living thing is their advertising like how like damage resistant it is but like you don't want to even come close to damage like if you're if a tree falls on your truck or like if you hit a mailbox by accident like that's not good yeah like what kind of what what application do you have where you're taking an errant sledgehammer and then you're like alright I'm ok let's keep going honestly I think it's built for youtubers right it's literally built like I think most people drive like trucks and h2s or give them to their kids because they don't lose in an accident yeah as weird as that is to say like they are unbreakable giant heavy machine so if you're kidiot kid hits a tree they'll be fine in a Hummer yeah [ __ ] I think that's true going 70 miles an hour back saying you got [ __ ] up no matter what you're driving but I think also truck culture is much larger than people like on the coasts realize like when I wear I grow yeah half of the high school student body had trucks hey it's a big hole that you have tailgate in the parking lot all of us understand except I actually grew up really wanting a truck I never wanted a truck I just thought they were so cool like but the classic trucks you know the classic Ford trucks they have the beautiful like oh those are beautiful eggshell colors my dream world we're all driving little smart cars we can own you can barely fit two people in it you're just zipping around and you don't need to be afraid that a truck is gonna come Bowl you over we're all just in little go-cart zipping around wait but I want to tell you my youtube idea okay it's a format that's a twist on the giveaway and it's we can either do it to our significant others or to our staff so it's surprising our staff with new Tesla's parentheses best reaction gets to keep it and you keep you keep surprises people keep surprising people so first you surprised miles I'm you film his reaction then we go miles that was great now hang out over here we're gonna do the same thing to Rachel if her E is better than yours she gets to keep it and we bring in the next race but the same person is always gonna win well no they don't know they don't know but that means the same person who always win well you only do it once it's gonna let me do it to our wives the next time you do it too strange Jesus cuz I mean you can already envision a group of people and know who's gonna have the best cameraman yeah absolutely I think if you told me I was getting a Tesla and then you told me I wasn't good at this I'd go home for the month with it might be the best reaction like this for we didn't say positive it could be positive or negative if we time it with Christmas break then that's fine yeah I just think of the Tri staff and just immediately think of who you know would have the best on-camera reaction to getting surprised by something well well yeah Alex might have a good no no it's well unless someone like actually yeah yeah like it's was the best reaction someone dancing or someone like genuinely like crying and be like thank you will will for people who don't know is our amazing what post editor and he basically is like a human morty from rick and morty in a lot of ways like he just he's more like a human muppet because he's he like is he's just wonderful he's wonderful and once you get him on a tangent he just goes forever so sincerely shocking him lee something yeah as a tesla i think he was brain would implode and it would we've been meaningless meaning to do a will exclusive podcast on our patreon so we'll invite him on on maybe next next we got a great one with just me in here we did it yeah the what with will alright we'll get that up but we'll bring them onto this pod sometime well well boys some drunk email yeah let's pop over to you know thanksgiving some time for you to drink with your family check on that turkey real quick oh yeah everybody check on your turkey check pumpkin pie [ __ ] you sure whatever you want to shoot carve up your turkey before you you cook it it should not be whole interesting unless you know what the [ __ ] you're doing I know but most people know or the flavor in huge Thanksgiving it's gonna be dry at some point oh you can make turkey tastes gonna get a beautifui brides and she cooks at home mommy does well I'm ami Brian's at net and enlike I think it's like an apple yes either think probably does the Alton Brown one which is why does daddy do you need to take it out periodically and base of course route you of course route the roasting process bacteria shave your face a couple times a week I can tell ya you look good well thanks man I like being smooth well something I've been using lately is Dollar Shave Club and now when I talk about all the shave club I can't stress enough the quality of the products baby the race they've spent years developing crafting and refining everything is this true it's true they have everything that I used to look feel and smell my best you name it they have it I use it I have been a Dollar Shave member for years and what I really love the most is the shave butter ooh I have super sensitive skin and I've been able to use that and it's been like so much better for me as a shaving cream as amazing as their shave stuff is Dollar Shave Club is way more than just razors they got you covered from head to toe they have everything you need to shower shave style your hair brush your teeth and yes Zach even wipe your little bootie they just call it the dollar life club and it can keep you automatically stocked up on the products you use you get whatever you want whenever you need it whether that's once a month or a few times a year I never have to waste any time the grocery store wondering if what I'm getting is any good because as a Dollar Shave Club member I know what I'm getting is the highest quality and right now little Triceratops you can put the quality of Dollar Shave club's products to the test their ultimate shave razor starter set has basically everything you need for an amazing shape the executive razor shave butter prep scrub shave do a pop the best part is you can try for just five bucks after that the restock box ships regular size products at regular prices get your ultimate starter set for just $5 at slash try guys that's slash try guys so we're a little behind on movies these days and Arielle suggested we go see a date night movie as the Joker Oh night movement you have until you haven't done that haven't done it I will tell you it is absolutely not and then you see like last Christmas that's totally a date mmm you should see parasite oh it's nurse also not a date night movie per se but it's a joke a lot of comments the best yeah yeah and there's gonna be better and better movies I know Chris good you're like my best movie that's fun okay it's the Korean film no it's like it was a really good movie but like you have to focus no no no Romo is like Roma's homework that's rewarding parasite is beautiful moving fried we're gonna disturb the [ __ ] out of Ariel mm-hmm Thanksgiving is a time for you to drink with your family and when you drink with your family we encourage you to email us in at a time drunk try guys at you've done that and we have some great little drunk emails for you I got this first one Eugene would you care to read this one please I'm amped for our post Thanksgiving drunk recap I want to hear next week about this [ __ ] that went down write some stuff with your family write some stuff against your family let's have some like dueling banjo emails going let us know how Thanksgiving went yeah I want to get some family emails Alan writes a line that's cute I need a fake name Elizabeth Banks Elizabeth Banks in grandeur of Charlie's Angels writes in the subject line is yo dudes yeah Oh drag is an old drunk I'm through visiting Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest Wine Festival for five hours a day it is the Poplar Forest festive hours poplar hi Patrice poplar or swap Euler misspelled poplar is a thing you don't upload the temporary poplar fir East was all TJ's I'm her home that problems was the he died in a shit-ton of debt but he did grow some dope-ass grapes and made lots of wine so you would think he would have made some money from nemah it's not maybe his once sucked maybe people maybe people didn't want to buy it because he owned slaves FairPoint not cool there's a Z if he were alive today I wouldn't buy his mind probs would taste like tears of the oppressed Wow well gotta go crack open another bottle of wine though I should email you before I get so loaded that my fingers become link sausages and my norm gibberish becomes not understand boo love you guys all five of you hippie holidays Elizabeth Banks thank you I thought such I have had the wine that the founding fathers drank they drank Madeira a lot the founding fathers drank a type of wine they often referenced Madeira which was this sort of some sort of old sweet wine and I've had it because when we did our founding fathers show we like bought some old like wine just so you'd be like oh well this is red or white it's a red need to come in a cask no it came in a wine bottle it's still like a type of wine you can get now but we found some old like expensive bottle a cask it's like um like a fat fatter jug isn't it like an old timey wine bottle yeah but it was good well I don't want to say that it maybe there was oppression in in though I don't know how to balance I don't know how to tried that line well you're not a sommelier so you don't know yeah flavors of but it was odd I think if you haven't had a Madeira wine it's quite delicious a little um on its way to tasting like a desert wine without getting all the way there it's definitely sweet um I did not know Thomas Jefferson died in debt suck it Tommy J I mean pretty good way to go I did that is true does it get passed to your family I don't think so you so like if I'm like I'm gonna bet you don't get to pass anything to your family oh great point but I don't think the debts no I think you're doing here at people's debt oh really I think that's a thing no way yeah there it's not and with that we got an email you don't want to talk more about the oppression don't I want to glaze over it it makes me think about like the the like corruption of heroes that you have to deal with at a young age where like you're told like hey these are the heroes of America and then you very slowly throughout childhood realize they weren't great people and then as you get older you start liking all this music and all these movies then you find out that their shitty people too and it's a very for most I feel like it was a gradual scale of awareness where is it I think it should have been more harsh I don't know why they didn't teach us when we learned about them in the beginning that they're just not the best people we should idolize better people yeah yeah I think we should be we should have more female heroes I mean I think they are starting to teach that more in schools like the Christopher Columbus thing like you know when you know 30 years ago they'd say Oh Chris Columbus is great and then like when we were growing up you know we got like elements of like naturally there's like my school is pretty on board with him but like that's such that's like a gym the fact that some of us had that some of us didn't that's like I just huge in culture broadly I do wonder like as you now like you're raising a kid we are going to raise kids and so it comes back to this day Thanksgiving which you touched on earlier Eugene it's like you want to let us have the fun of like Thanksgiving and thinking about like the hornucopia is the festival but then also at one point there's the harsh reality of oh yeah I mean I know I just explained how it's really become more of a secular American holiday but it's based on a kind of a difficult history and when he's old enough to understand what you know a smallpox blanket is and on that Keith can I get a name Elizabeth thanks Elizabeth Hanks this is entitled hello sir singular hi I'm drunk and you're watching Disney Channel I love you all very much indeed and I really love your content I love to play cards and I have been playing many of them with my C equal friends do you like cards also I wonder if we're in the time vortex and see past things what things would you like to see also tell me secret because of spam yay way go team best yeah girl Elizabeth Hanks definitely drunk he actually attacked there wasn't a lot of X added like humor to prove that she was drunk you know that's and we can tell listeners when you're writing those drunk don't add extra [ __ ] you can just be your drunk self mm-hmm so you guys think try guys play bridge is a good video Wow I actually do think old card games could be interesting no but I have been telling our production team that I want us to learn mahjong which i think is a great video mmm we just do poker we are gonna do / focus reading it that's the current plan but while we're set up maybe we should just play rummy the Eugene if you could go back into a time vortex and see something specifically a vortex that's a one-way ticket bro I'm howtechs what would you want to see dinosaurs Doki obviously well which dinosaur yeah probably a Diplodocus cuz it's the longest ever a longest every living creature and at a tiny brain at the smallest brain compared to the mass of its body like it's huge and the tail had to balance out the neck which was extremely long which brings us to our next segment Eugene Wow's you with how much he knows about dinosaurs no I just like dinosaurs a lot you know all of their names like everyone loves dinosaurs you [ __ ] know [ __ ] about dinosaurs yeah I had like posters of dinosaurs I just liked animals but dinosaurs especially weird uh I'd go into the library at Emory School and get the Encarta encyclopedia when you put the cd-rom in the old computer yeah but then I'd also just look at the dinosaur encyclopedia and I was the stupid little jackass kid who raised my hand in class and be like you know dinosaurs have feathers no one liked me you know sores had feathers you know that it was a further distance between Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus then Tyrannosaurus to us wait really something like that yes basically certain dinosaurs lived further apart in time than the last dinosaur to our existence I thought you meant evolutionarily wait you mean end of time actual time yeah shut up we have been on the earth so such a tiny little blip but like I knew the woolly mammoth was closer to us than dinosaurs but that their dinosaur closer further from other dinosaurs you know Jurassic Triassic and all that like I was or span millions and millions of years like hundreds of those eras span like hundreds of millions yeah they [ __ ] wait we're gonna destroy ourselves before I thought Satan buried all those bones yeah yeah well I did confuse you I was I was filled with delight when you said Diplodocus I just liked a lot it's the longest night well I mean there might be a new one I record but that's conservatively I'd say that's the one that's usually recited as the longest top top three favorite dinosaurs ready spit it all right you do not have a way of framing it in a way that you'll like because you can win this game we're each gonna go around we're gonna say dinosaur and if you run out you can't say one you're out okay I'll stop hmm Triceratops Tyrannosaurus Rex Stegosaurus brontosaurus pterodactyl I don't know if brontosaurus is still technically yeah it was if they prove that it wasn't a real wait what a Brachiosaurus which was also like that it's a very compelling argument creation wait are you kidding wait whoa whoa whoa you're telling me the brontosaurus is not a thing I think it's a lot of times they find a certain bone and then they figure out different I thought it was the same dinosaur so it's like neck was just impossible they were like no this next not really it can't be probably like 15 years ago yeah I think I think clearly I didn't know all right I'm out Eugene your turn Zach you're still in I am shaken to my core I need don't quote me Lex I don't want this but I think I think it is yeah it's certainly I think there's like four four different for different pata sores basically that are like looped together that actually were the same species but brontosaurus was like an old-timey term that is no longer used in paleontology I think yeah they were basically like this next not real somebody put some extra bones in and it's not real buddy because basically it's just some person like who finds bones and they're guessing what the puzzle is and if like two animals died together but some of the bones washed away you got all these extra neck bones I think one they must all be this guy's neck man this guy had a crazy neck I guess I'll put it together I was at the zoo did you know that they are Jurassic parking endangered species no yeah they're bringing them back so they are taking endangered species DNA and freezing it in embryos and so they hat like for the white rhino they have like a bunch of frozen white rhino embryos and they're trying to genetically like be able to bring those species back I think though dope yeah it's pretty crazy but the implications are interesting interesting yes there's there's always the one person in the group that when you bring up these things amelie turns to you and says so you think humans should be God now you can play it it happens every time I bring this up here's one very interesting thing related there's a new story this past week where for the first time in history they were able to cyst put a human in suspended animation so now it's a noble cause so what they're doing is they are filling the blood of say a gunshot victim with this like it's like a frozen liquid material so that it suspends and like the heart rate goes so low that basically the human can't decay enough to die within say the typical 15 minutes that they would have the surgeons have say two to three hours to operate and then they restart the heart and refill the body with blood so it's suspended animation whoa isn't that so cool all right we're now gonna wow you with all the stoner headlines we read this way I read that the universe may not be expanding times actually just slowing down I read that scientists have observed that our galaxy is like super [ __ ] old I read that the president bribed Yugi I did read that there supposed to be some like unicorn meteor shower this week or month it just means it's gonna it's gonna be very unicorn meaning it's gonna be very visible and unlikely to occur where can I see yeah in the sky got all the light pollution yeah we're not gonna see it you gotta get a frickin Josh maybe in the plane on the plane I'm fine during the day they should have sunroofs on planes no go play at a glass possibly blinding good Jesus look up this meteor shower so I can give the deets of it and I think our listeners it's too late really interesting about meteors but you know sometimes you need some advice about meteors and for that we turn to the youngest and least experienced member of us miles with a segment we call advice that'll go for miles with miles bonds senior a oh oh happy Thanksgiving miles nation yeah how are you little boys and girls have you a succulent little kiss yes lock lips with a flavor so big it'll make you Thanksgiving is a holiday food goes in your body and out your ass what you're gonna wanna do is a special little treat for the boys who want to get salty yeah here's the plan cook the turkey even though Eugene said not to do it cook it with vegetables put the vegetables in there get the turkey baste the turkey once the turkeys done pulled the turkey out put it on the table that pans gonna have rendered fat on it [ __ ] you're gonna want that [ __ ] take the rendered fat if you cook two turkeys gonna have more rendered fat and vegetables you can take the vegetables the herbs the brine that's come out onto the pan you're gonna put it into a tall pitcher you're gonna get an immersion blender but before you blend you're going to take a turkey baster you going through suction off the top part of the fat leaving only the Fond and the juices from the turkey so you're not doing it too fatty a gravy you're going to emerge and blend the carrots the celery the herbs all this stuff that's been under and inside the turkey any leftover bits of burnt stuffing that's also gonna be immersion blended into the gravy you're going to cook it and add salt and pepper to taste and you're gonna have a [ __ ] bomb ass gravy that your mom's gonna scream about make your mom make gravy no the advice is make gravy with an immersion blender I get that nobody has an immersion blender well use a freaking mixer bit yeah you can do it with anything that chops up down but yeah that's a great tip I have a turkey tip as well Oh everyone always is like save your carcass and boil it make soup that is a great idea you should save the car gets boiling soup but the soup you need to add some sort of tomatoes crushed tomatoes or great tomatoes will add the extra acidity because Turkey is kind of not that fatty and when you like and the bones aren't that flavorful and you're gonna cook and you're gonna add your vegetables you're gonna drink it you're gonna be like soup kind of sucks and all that really is missing is Tomatoes it adds so much extra flavor and and vitamins it's a really great healthy addition to the soup and it makes it so much [ __ ] better I learned this like the other year and I made turkey I was like man this sucks what can I do and I read online tomatoes are the missing ingredient for your tomato your turkey soup Wow and I've got a tip turkey tip turkeys are basically dinosaurs which means that there were living in the Triassic period still mm-hmm and I have an editor's note because I hate spreading misinformation especially uh something I care about oh yeah brontosaurus was declared real again did science so they're constantly like was he real I guess he's real now so they just didn't know they were mixing up all their bones but MERS did think they had there was a long time where they declared brontosaurus a different dinosaur dude my heart was a key British horse you can still say brontosaurus as a dinosaur and then you listen to the end there's Diplodocus is not the longest dinosaur on record it's something called an Argentinosaurus Oh duh I don't know what that is so but I want to make sure the audience knows the that's why you're wearing a suit that is why am i yang I want to make sure we provide our own cliff notes and corrections in the comment section does not have to well thank you for watching and listening to the tripod be sure to subscribe and rate us a five star review and what exact what color what day is it tomorrow oh and tomorrow is Black Friday we're gonna have a crazy sale on try guys calm select items of our new line will be up to 50% off that's crazy yeah a 3-ethyl crazy there's some really cute Styles coming up yeah very we've saved for over a year that are very cute not to mention we got signed books on there these are things that you should buy for yourself great gifts for those holiday stuffers and I think and so visit please visit try guys calm and to take us out everyone just say in one word what you're thankful for opportunities family love practice all right the podcast listeners thank you so much thank you so much for listening until next time everything's giving it's not to be tripod all circulate why isn't it tripod [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 189,152
Rating: 4.9571838 out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, full episode, dinosaurs, keith, taco bell, beef, friendsgiving, thanksgiving, gravy, trending page or trending rage
Id: vdG8GMQOaxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 49sec (3409 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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