Keith's Deadly Bee Attack - The TryPod Ep. 13

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bramble got out to Wix Mac Weldon and recon for sponsoring today's episode [Music] welcome to the tripod we are the try guys Keith met Zach Eugene but Ned's not here today later Ned so we've got our producer Myles be entering the big boy chair congratulations Myles this is a huge day for you we're the try guys we try yeah thank you I wasn't gonna give you a chance I'm just gonna cruise right through it with a try guys we try stuff to the Internet but today we're gonna be answering some of your burning advice questions that's right more questions that are burning a hole in miles is computer a couple weeks ago Myles made an email address called advice that will go for miles so we're doing this as like a a monthly bimonthly special little thing that we do now when we run out of other ideas there's a lot of mileage out of oh yeah but first we're gonna talk about the weekend right before we started we were talking about flossing I have thoughts yeah let's just jump right into philosophy the topical content that people need everyone wants to talk about flossing and we're not talking about the Dan kid sit the [ __ ] down out put your arms down keep your arms at your sides look there's nothing that makes your breath smell worse than not flossing starting with some advice it's the truth so you get all that gunk that's in there if you don't floss you just cannot get it with brushing mouthwash does not make it just disintegrate you've got to floss to have good breath it's one of the most important parts of having good breath is flossing I recently found out I've been flossing wrong my entire life because you're supposed to go down in like to the sigh you got to get up in there is it like underneath both sides the sides go up down side up down side yeah I like to the yeah left right it is you're scraping the tooth under the gums which is so [ __ ] mean and pulling it out yeah it's weird how the teeth work I guess I always thought it was forgetting it is weird isn't it though because that you can that you can't like just go under your finger you know like if you're cleaning your fingers you can't go in under your bone and connect to but on the teeth you can go under flesh yeah and scrape but that's because everyone thinks the gum is where it like there's like a hard line but no gums are like sleeves there likes Lea so brush I love it you're sticking the floss under your sleeve these all sound like motivational quotes it's weird how teeth work question than normal it's weird how teeth work hi guys I I don't know I'm excited you brought up flossing I'm obsessed with dental I'd you're a big I love a sometimes I'll just brush my teeth or floss in the middle of the day after I eat just because I want to have am I the only one I think it feels great I think I love amazed actually it should feel good because if it hurts every time that means you're not flossing yeah and you know I have actually I was at the dentist very recently water picks are not you should not be just using water picks why picks are intense they're super intense but like I was there and she was like your gums are not as great as they were last time I was like well I have this water fix she was telling me that you can't just use it it doesn't do the same thing as wow flossing yeah I always thought that the point of floss was to just get food at particles out of your same yeah that's like growing and that's all I thought no it gets it gets the under gum plaque that plaque also so I don't know if anyone else has this I have one gap of in my teeth that always catches food yeah there will always be this big sweet nugget of gross and if I miss a day god forbid because that thing has grown to two days of gunk and you know have braces Graham I did okay but he's gone one it's all it's all the way in the very back so it's you know braces are cosmetic yeah so they don't always care that much about that it's the last two teeth it's just the last gap and I don't have wisdom teeth anymore they're gone they're gone no more wisdom for me they're gone I said goodbye but and now but I never flossed I was like I hate flossing and it's because I had a little strand out but around my fingers put my my hands are as big as my mouth if not bigger so flossing is like I have to put my hands in my mouth like both of them have to go deep in my mouth you use that little pick thing now you know I used a little I got it right here what are those called again floss picks effective there we [ __ ] morphic cuz you're supposed to you're not supposed to reuse your you just wipe it off no no the string gets duller Oller that's what they tell me you're no not one not in one pass you don't suppose to change the different that's why you have a hole like but long I thought they did that because you need put tension around your fingers now have a lot of little red lines on your fingers because yeah if we have any dentists who watch the show or dental hygienists yes feel free to call in kids acts phone number is nine one seven yeah there's only a million options left I think there's certain things that signify adulthood that are very small flossing is one it's something you hate it as a kid and if you don't floss as an adult you're still a child it's like salads it's you know when you hated salads the kid and then you suddenly realize salads are great when you know I didn't have a salad like I did not eat a salad until I was 22 well that's crazy nutty bent a little too old not even like you're at Chili's and they bring you a salad that's basically just ranch and cheese you know I didn't go to a Chili's until I was twenty I probably ate like clean iceberg lettuce but I thought I would like to order the clean iceberg lettuce because she wanted please well I'm just growing up I had this I was very picky and I had this idea that I hated salad dressing because my dad is an insane person and he hates salad dressing so he'll eat salads without dressing he'll just like eat it's like a horse yeah my father's mr. ed oh my god I would love to serve our horses I just had you guys probably had those foods that you were just convinced that you hated and you never it never touched your tongue you just like oh I hate that no I'm I was like I put everything in my mouth pretty much yeah I leave my mom also like when you're the youngest of three boys you just don't win a lot of fights when you say like I don't want it it's like great you can eat nothing am i okay I guess I'll eat it then like that's that's there's just a hard line for me as a child like there is this food or there is no food and that's your option key a hell of a way to parent is yeah mine was actually I didn't like salads as a child because you know green stuff yucky there but then my dad force-fed me coleslaw one day because he was just over it he said you're gonna be healthy it was it was a gateway yeah it was a gate like Caesar salad is the gateway salad because it's just fat yeah it's just fast delicious fat but um yeah I remember this distinctly he had bought coleslaw for us cuz he was like my kid's gonna be healthy and I said you know gross dad and then he just grabbed my head and he took a huge spoon he he just put it in my mouth and he started doing this like he was like horse chewing me cuz that's you know Asian parents and I was crying and as there's all this coleslaw my face and I was just weeping and I started barfing and he was just a shut up you're gonna eat the coleslaw after that the next day I was like huh that's pretty good and I like to salad every day but I was got a more like you know it was more it was more was looking back it wasn't because I was disgusted by it was more um traumatized [ __ ] you dad I'm gonna yeah I'm like mad at you so I'm gonna be vomiting whatever you put in my mouth I think about those all the time the like the non trauma traumas that parents had where the first time I had a lot of them are food based the first time I had miso soup I was in a restaurant I was by the river on a boat you see and this other boat came a mermaid came by like to try some children of miso soup oh the Japanese mammy oh yeah I was in the Japanese ghost me so scared that's why the soup is so cloudy it's actually a little ghost blown stir it took a very weird turn I frankly have no interest in the story I was a how was it traumatic I I looked down and I saw this little cube floating in it and I just go what is that chicken or something my dad doesn't even look at me yet chicken just eat it and I bit in and it was a mushy cube of tofu in it I just kid it just like it freaks you any of those betrayals because your parents are supposed to be the ones that tell you what is right and wrong and safe and unsafe in the world and so even this little indiscretion of like this food is what you expect and then it's not as a child yeah it feels like the world is crashing down on you yes actually there's an interesting thing about your brains expectation and when it doesn't get what it expects it doesn't understand so like I remember I had this science bug as a kid and had a picture of a pizza there's a scratch-and-sniff any of you scratched it and sniffed it it smelled like chocolate chip cookies and if you didn't know that it's not like chocolate chip cookies you didn't know what it smelled like like your ear couldn't figure out because you look at it like this you smell like pizza you smell it it doesn't smell like pizza but it's like what does it smell like you know I I don't [ __ ] know my brain is broken and then they're like it smells like cookies in it and then immediately the smell makes sense and you know what it smells like cookies there's that I don't know if it's an experiment or just a prank where if you blind some fold someone and you tell them they're about lying someone told somebody it would work both ways yeah if you blindfold someone and give them tell them they're about to drink milk but give them orange juice they'll just start vomiting immediately right I was told that and then we were like that'd be a cool no that's not a cool video I think that's a cool video it might be a good that's like early like that's like mm dresses she hangs dad and I'll feed him orange juice and it'll start barfing okay that sounds way more awful than it actually well it was it's funny it's funny if you're in a strict household it's a funny story also because it was happening he was yelling at me I was crying and my sister's mom were just like eating they just weren't paying attention I ain't give a [ __ ] cuz you know sounds horrifying yeah it was hilarious when I think back I have I can think of multiple crying food-related stories from childhood yeah really yeah I don't relate I didn't like eating Oh mine was because I was picky is because you know I was being force-fed stuff yeah well I was picky and then they like just [ __ ] eat it and they forged a you know whatever well I parents are lovely humans so I know that you're sisters and I guess you always say the Asians are general can eat like a crazy amount of food yes so even though yet all Asians or is that Koreans it's most East Asians yeah particular I think it's also the way that we eat but so I grew up in a 3boy3 son household yes and there I think that is a typical norm that like dinner is a little bit of a race because if you don't finish your portion first you can't get seconds next and the when there's three giant guys they're like you're like racing to eat your hamburger so you can have one of the few extra hamburgers the dad made was that the same having two sisters no that would be the same I think in a family of boys now we're talking about gender yeah gender and the way that the patriarchy the patriarchy so they weren't a tree aki-chan we're gonna get into it y'all know about the patriarchy what no let's just mantle vision let me tell you what's [ __ ] up because this is also indicative of culture patriarchy all Asian culture and having sisters and being the boy we all could eat the same amount and we loved eating but they never got seconds because you would push the seconds towards the boy right because the girls need to be skinny so it's and then it's also weird because Asians love love when you can eat a [ __ ] ton but also be skinny it's like ah it's like the prize you know that's just a lifepro everyone loves that I I get so sad when I'm full and there's still delicious food I want to keep eating my favorite thing now is I try every time I go out to dinner is I want to just go with as many friends as possible yes I adore I love my girlfriend but I feel like when it's just me and her it's a waste because there's really we can we share every meal we get it's very cute we go and we always buy two dinners that we both want and we go halfsies on both because I don't want to eat just one thing that's key fatigue and I want to thing I want to go to flavortown I want flava flav up in my life you want to go to the Twin Cities of flavor but yeah I want to wavers but when you like go out family style the greatest thing to ever happen to eating yeah I'm almost every time now that I go out for meals with groups I've just become food captain and I just order the food for the table and everything's communal there's so way to be yeah then sometimes I go with Alex Lewis [ __ ] Alex Lewis is like I'm gonna order my own thing for myself and I'm like everything you can't order you're boring because also he's one of those people and I imagine you were this way as a child like I have a turkey sandwich I don't want Tomatoes I don't mayonnaise yeah I actually just want Turkey cheese bread and bread yeah and I want to be sad all my life makes could you make sure you give me a sandwich that keeps me sad now what I want to stay sad I mean this doesn't include true dietary concerns or being vegetarian but it that type of pickiness it makes me embarrassed like I'm embarrassed about yeah it actually I think is just one of the like one of the most striking indicators of ignorance so it's a couple things I was that so I'm gonna talk to someone who was an M reformed I went to a food conversion cam yeah a lot of they cooked me up and you baptized in the miso River support for the tripod comes from calm with wicks you can create your very own professional website you choose a template you love and customize it by adding your own text images and video oh yeah there's so many intuitive design features you can tell your story exactly the way you want I mean and like why would you have a website well you could easily start a blog you can launch an online store create an event and you can share everything in a click on social media and drive even more traffic to your site with SEO tools to get found on Google do people know what SEO means of course they do that's right basically makes it some people find your site over another site so if you had a site I like about cool plastic bags youíve used Wix you'll have better SEO results so like your cool plastic bag site will show up better than for other peoples cool plastic bags yeah you get it and Wix has all the tools you need to create the exact website you want you can even create a beautiful website while listening to this podcast already just did oh my gosh plastic bag yeah I mean that's a pretty good business here's the thing over a hundred and fifty million people choose Wix to create their website so why aren't you everybody else is doing it follow be a sheep no no that's what I do I love being a sheep sheep first of all cheaper delicious she'd give you cool clothes sheep are hysterical your your count laid to sleep your two the same be a sheep you're telling them to be a follower get Eden and also get their hair to be made into sweaters okay so maybe don't be a sheep but you want to be a wolf you'll be a wolf you'll be like wolf the other 150 million wolves out there rushing in yeah but over 100 million people choose Wix to create their website it's so easy it's obvious that it's easy so many people are using it it's so great and you can get started right away simply by going to that's w i-- x comma promo code try guys to get 10% off that's WI XCOM promo code try guys to get 10% off oh wow that's beautiful yeah it's not a full excuse but a lot of people of Ashkenazi descent have very weak bellies we can't handle eggs fun crazy flavors because for hundreds of years we had the blenders [ __ ] in our diet so now like I eat the most delicious thing in the world but it rocks me yeah like my body what my body craves is bland [ __ ] but I so wonder what part of it is the way you were conditioned to like it out then it goes to the ignorant side which is just it's what we first and and and different foods and flavors and smells are scary and so your body wants to stay in this realm of life these are familiar and won't hurt me the one good thing about somebody who orders all the good flavors on the side of their food is that you can dip your french fries out their Astra flavor mmm so that is the best so Alex Lewis he gets his breakfast burrito and he gets the chipotle mayo on the side what an idiot it's the best part of the whole burrito but that means I could put my breakfast potatoes and his chipotle mayo and then I'll eat all his mayo and before he realizes that he did want it and then it doesn't matter what he wants cuz already Alex remove us I am in charge of the friendship I'm actually thinking now back you used the term seconds and I realize I never understood that as a kid because I'm Korean we don't have seconds or thirds of seconds have you been to a Korean restaurant you know when Korean restaurants that's how we ate well it's just a waffle it's a waterfall of food so there was never when I went to action remember this now when I went to a non-asian person's house first time for dinner and they asked for seconds I was like what the [ __ ] is a second and they would get another plate of food and I was like that's you have to ask for that that's a thing just because and that's the first time I saw casserole I was so shocked I was like what's a casserole I used to eat fourths of spaghetti or worth yes what does that mean I would get four full plates oh wow I would oh that's so much so you've been working out recently right yeah you're buff now how much have you been eating more like carbs and protein to get big so I I do try to eat more protein but I try to eat like the healthy protein so I have a lot of nuts I have a lot of salmon you getting at that avocado your healthy fats sometimes that avocados are like two dollars in avocado right now at Albertsons so no I'm not having avocado but I am having olive oils and we had some avocado oil for a while have I given that advice to y'all cuz avocados is the greatest I know it makes you sound like the bougie most la piece-of-shit in the world but it has a higher boiling point so most people don't know one a lot of olive oil in this country yeah thank you super important olive oil goes rancid and like we don't have a defy us into this on a podcast yeah olive oils rancid and we don't have a refined enough palate to know but avocado oil it's delicious and you don't [ __ ] smoke it out yeah because you shouldn't be sauteing with olive oil right there it is is it its carcinogenic thanks for filling that in because I actually was starting to talk and I didn't actually know what I was talking about temperatures what it really is is that if you know when you so I don't make much meat anymore which is very sad I make it for very special occasions but when you make a large roast you're supposed to sear the roast first and then cook it low and when you see it with olive oil it creates a tumultuous amount of smoke yeah because it has this smoke point that just makes it like it just is like unbreathable in your house and canola oil has a little bit better of a smoke point but it still does the same thing but I guess that the the avocado oil and some thyme I don't know if it's coconut oil another one coconut oil is fine is good it's tough though because you do want that really high temperature and you want that char ability me don't all that smoking your my advice is everyone should invest in always having sesame oil out there hell yeah because it is a magic magic liquid that if you have any Asian dish particularly a rice dish you just dump a bit of sesame on top and it is yummers and big advice any Asian item you buy don't go to [ __ ] Whole Foods go to an Asian market because you will save so much money yeah like a boy sauce is like eight bucks you can get a jug of that at like H Mart or a Korean market yeah I just find your local Asian Mart go there I'm lucky that we live I live near a Thai town and once I want to do a Thai mark and I'm like oh nothing cost anything and the produce is way more cheap to get your produce in Asian market when we did that and this but now that Lilly Singh video is out or the listing video is out and we went to that Indian market and I was like walking around and I was blown away at how cheap like a bulk thing of turmeric is there versus a bag of turmeric at like Whole Foods yeah was unbelievable I could have bought a bucket of tumeric I don't know what I would have done with it that's obviously the only thing that keeps me from shopping at the Asian markets is that they seem to only sell gallons of spice there's no like little shaker there's only and I like I don't have room for a gallon of tumeric in my closet that would be the only spice I add I get so much spice baby I want it I just like I did there's limited space would it be fun if you had a whole garage and in your part of your car you just had buckets of spice yeah oh I would go nuts for that oh my goodness you know it's weird because like that's your future yes nice bucket ice bucket I am the bucket king of Los Angeles that's true so that would be how I would actually be the bucket everyone who came over my house as a kid said it smelled weird and I always thought they were weird but it's because we had literally like buckets of spice in closet yeah yeah I guess they were pride not weird it was different speaking of people who are different we got some sweet cues and we're ready to give him some a's mmm sounds gross when you put it that way mouths I just want you to know you're in the big boy chair today that I'm not a lot of power I know it's a lot of responsibility yeah normally I'm like in the corner yeah you know what is funny is that without Ned Zac has become the nasal one because you're surrounded by three very deep voices well it's because I I'm also sick sick for two weeks I caught the sick there's a sick going around in Los Angeles Becky had it has it worse than me I don't give me it's a little sick but I'm pretty good my immune system is fairly robust and I can normally get rid of it in a couple days if I self-medicate medicinally weakened I I'm the medicine that I'm on the result of the medicine I'm on because I'm weak I'm immunosuppressed so that means when I get sick you know like that little cold that goes through and like two to three days it's just lingers for a week and a half for me at least it's I've been on the last day of a cold for a full week now yeah it's a tear it's [ __ ] awful when I've had like a little bit and like I don't know I'm not really feeling that well you've just been like go home but yeah I'm suppressed no it's a weird thing I need to tell everyone we work with like don't be a [ __ ] martyr don't come into the office because you will put me out for two weeks so you like if you feel anything go away god I hope now we get sick on the tour yeah it's uh right now we're gonna just strap you to the top so this is a pre-recorded podcast we're film this a few weeks earlier because right now we are on tour we're on the road we're on the road and we wanted to make sure you guys had dough potties Oh before we get to the questions we found out our true mess today and I went to the tour bus I and I just looked at the two of us yeah this is so cool so there's really socks all over that thing just rip my socks off and hurl a monitor so our tour manager is someone his company they work with like [ __ ] rock stars yeah and the funniest thing is they've worked from everyone from they've worked with everyone from kiss to Kidz Bop and we're kind of right in the middle but because of their think we're above kids but I think we're like adults pop yeah yes we're a lot actually weirdly the the DNA of our show is literally right between kissing kids I was adult you at our live show our tour show yeah yeah yeah yeah it's meant to be a it's our original concept was a [ __ ] up at kids show for adults it's evolved certainly but now it's like an interactive Rock viral concert yeah [ __ ] dope it's crazy but because of our connection to these guys we're getting like hookups from like the kiss world and so we have it's not confirmed yet but by the time this is out it is confirmed we have I'm just gonna say a set piece that is borrowed from kiss like kiss made a [ __ ] super no one knows what this show is you guys have no [ __ ] idea how cool your tickets if you're on the fence for any week oh my god up over the fence because the show is ridiculous this kiss made this [ __ ] dope thing and then was like hey we're done with it we're just gonna put in the storage facility and we're like we will take that thank you for free so we're definitely because of just our connection we're affording a show way beyond our reach I mean I was looking at like the eyelashes set I'm like is our show cooler than Billy I was like no like she's better than us I would rather see her show but like it's no [ __ ] amazing such a limited offering yeah I mean we yes true we have we have four times the Billy's yeah and also it's just like we're gonna do these 20 shows hopefully we do some more shows in the future but like a musician does like 200 shows a year so like if you don't see their concert you'll see them at a festival next year you'll see them like us like we can only do this so many times so I really would urge listeners focus yeah the show I would urge you sell your Billy Eilish ticket come see us instead we dad Billy 18 night you'll have plenty of time to see her we're pushing 30 something how long are we gonna do this you know realistically I mean Zak's gonna catch a cold and die all right let's get to those got a sweet question as always we set it in a advice email advice it would go for miles of and you guys answered you tuned in and you emailed your questions we've got some hot ones for you can I get a fake name Eugene um Japanese mermaid Japanese mermaid we cannot drink water when you say fake names that was almost very hazardous hey miles my fiance and I are getting married in two weeks and we've been dating for almost five years now his mom seems completely delusional about the fact that her baby boy is grown up and moving on so she's done some crazy stuff during our engagement most of it I can let slide like walking into my room without knocking late at night but she just informed me that she plans to wear a white dress for our wedding how do I tell her it's inappropriate without setting off her crazy thank God Ned isn't here because he would be screaming I gotta say like that is ultimately unfortunately the the man's responsibility to tell his own mother yeah she cannot wear that no one's allowed to wear white except for her it's just a thing it's just a thing and it's like it's not this Mother's Day no it's this it's this woman's day it's Japanese mermaids and she needs to have her a date also absolutely not she can walk into your room late at night without knocking we need to lock that door I haven't what I feel more like set up like a home alone tripe trap like so that she grabs the handle and it burns her hand and wife learns what's the context that the mother is lurking around that house and is able they might live in the same house do you think that Japanese mermaid and the future mr. Japanese mermaid to be live together mm-hmm mother is hanging out in the house maybe yeah well you know first and foremost this seems to be a grand tradition in general to have tension between the bride and the groom's mother it just seems to be most weddings I've been to it just happens you know the mother has a lot of opinions it is the bride's day what this is doing is clearly crossing lines that the mother of the groom is hyper aware of you don't you're not grown you don't grow up a white society where one can't wear white so she's being a straight-up [ __ ] like that that's like unacceptable hopefully the tension will subside to post marriage because that's usually what seems to happen Japanese mermaid here's what you need to do you need to sustain yourself out of that River sprout yourself some legs you're gonna walk up to the mother you're gonna say you know what I'm about to marry your son and you're being a little bit of a [ __ ] right now and you and then you look her dead in the eye and say if you ever [ __ ] with me again I will make your grandchildren hate you that's interesting I think the groom is I think you should just say honestly you should tell your husband say he has a handle this and if he can't handle it you should be like look I really don't like this this is hurting my feelings if this is our one wedding and if he can't get over that you should punch him in the mouth I'm kidding you should actually touch yourself and you're just gonna have to say hey you can't wear white well because in the end I mean here's a find you another dress there's always the tension with the quote-unquote monster-in-law but it comes down to the relationship between not the bride and the groom's mother but the groom and the mother like that's where you have to that's the fix you know because if he do anything then there's some issue there already that is bigger than just the wedding you know well we'll wrap these all up with a nice platitude the try guys say just say no to the dress looks question miles beautiful Keith I was telling her not to get married just say no say no to the mother's dress oh that was mm-hmm I just I I could I was for seeing us talking on one topic for 40 minutes that we had already yet found me out this next one is from a girl named tribbles support for the tripod comes from Mac Weldon don't you think that clothing should be easier to buy I do I think so yeah I wish that all my basics and Beyond were smartly designed and that shopping for them was easy and convenient and guess what Mac well then does that it solves my dilemma Eugene it does it Mac well then believes in smart design premium fabrics and simple shopping you just go online you look to what you want you figure out what you want you browse through it all so easy throw in your cart bada bing bada boom it's gonna be the most comfortable underwear socks shirts under shirts hoodies etc sweatpants it's really everything you could ever want to wear it's gonna be the most comfortable version of that they also have a line of silver underwear and shirts that are naturally antimicrobial which means they don't smell which is great because I sweat a lot so I that be good that'd be good for you and that oh oh my god we're on tour right now and man it's clothing here's the thing Mac Weldon wants you to be comfortable if you don't like your first pair that you order you can keep it and they'll refund you no questions asked that's pretty that's a pretty good confident brand right there not only does Mac Wheldon's underwear socks and shirts look good they perform well too it's good for going out going to work going on dates just everyday life it's just good clothes just for you guys just for our sweet little tripods our little try puppies for 20% off your first order visit Mac Weldon dot-com and enter promo code try guys you get 20% off that's pretty great that is Mac well then com enter promo code try guys and that's it all right back to the show three bills subject is lying about having a twin sister oh this is exciting hello I've recently reconnected with a middle school best friend and I remember that she lied to me and all other her other friends that she has a twin sister she's used to she's used this to gain attention popularity but as we moved on to high school she suddenly stopped talking about her quote twin sister end quote none of my friends or her friends have ever seen her twin sister her background story about the twin was that she was separated at birth so she stayed with her parents but her twin was separated this doesn't sound logical now it didn't sound true in the past we're now graduating college in a few of her friends are talking about this twin and how dumb it is to be lying about it which used to over 13 what should I do in the situation like this should I confront her or should I wait to come out of the lot wait for her to come out of the lie that is if she ever does love your videos loving the podcast you guys are amazing the try crew is awesome regards tree bull's wait wait I just need to clarify they're about to graduate college but this girl has been lying since they were 13 well it sounds like she also dropped the line yes it's not talking about it but she didn't say she was lying yeah yeah so in in middle school she pretended to have a twin sister but no one met the twin sister because they're separated at birth in high school stop talking about it college doesn't talk about it now that about to graduate she was just talking with other friends like hey remember when [ __ ] Stephanie was like I have a twin sister and then she clearly didn't write very impressive to lie about that like in this age because if she's graduating college now that means in middle school social media was starting and to lie about a twin in the social media age is amazing well I assume though just oh yeah but my twin we were separated birth that means the twins growing up with other right sammlung but parents don't do that no good point it's really not a common thing you get separated when both children are adopted and somehow they're adopted different families did you ever see three identical strangers though great movie did you ever know I really want that she's crazy I really wanted to see them I spoil the whole movie because it's crazy what if I want to see it you should don't see it because they're three smart hook smarts but in three identical strangers they were three brothers that were separated at birth and then they found each other and they were like they found the ways that they were totally similar but also the ways that their nurturer had made them totally different super fascinating yeah well there's more to it it might be our wanting to watch it I forgot about it if I can watch it in my home on Hulu there it is free free little Hulu plug well I watched on a seinfeld last nigh on Hulu and that show is still hilarious and there it really is about nothing yes also the first episodes are almost half stand-up it's unbelievable isn't that how you first found out about you thought that you didn't know what Jews were growing up yeah but you thought you thought that Jews and New Yorkers were synonymous yeah Seinfeld was like oh that's New Yorkers that's New York and it's not not true yeah it's pretty close it's a lot of New York and like they don't really speak about especially you know what they don't like constantly speak about Judaism no it's just inherent that they are and like some episodes are about it but I just didn't click with me most Jews don't talk about yeah you know as yeah most Jews aren't like hyper religious in America at least most okay anyway yeah I think it's crazy to be bringing up something that happened when they were 12 yeah not hurting anybody it is a curiosity but it's also like it sounds like if you're doing it it's just to embarrass the person yeah let her get away with it yeah it's kinda like think of your dumbest thing in middle school and think about how you would feel if someone exposed that now yeah especially as an adult and I think we can all agree twin girl [ __ ] crazy dumb thing when she was in Middle scrape from what she's probably insecure she wanted like something that made her different stand apart she made a lie and she started a lie that the whole world started believing they took on a life of its own I've seen this movie you know we know what strikes me about this story is that she also clarifies that they're not really friends like no they're not really close to her yeah they're not close to her I mean think I think if it's someone that you're close to like a best friend then you get drunk and you bring it up a pilot it's valid to bring it up but if someone who's like kind of tertiary or a little distant then it's just you know there's no point but what if it's like burning up and inside and she's like I know no it's a hilarious bar story you tell other people and if she's just like I need to know the truth yeah what if she will tell me the truth yeah what if I mean I wanna go it would be like you could just do it casually and be like remember when you used to say you had a twin sister have you heard from her lately and just be like not being like you're trying to trap her just be like you can make I was here you here you go I just met a set of twins that had been separated and it reminded me of yours did have you tried to reconnect with yours or what if even because it's been so long what if she was even just like did I do I remember you having a twin am i making that don't have a twin cuz I was seeing you have a toy I can't remember if that was you with someone else and then you give her the out and that's your like asking in a way and then she could be like no it was a dumb thing I said when I was I wish this girl though if she wanted to keep the light goes the graduation and then she like runs the bathroom parent runs the bathroom and it comes back out out of the Rope like a cowboy hat and she goes oh hi it's me the twin gratulations graduations what's your favorite twin swap movie oh oh the original Parent Trap wrong it takes 2 starring mary-kate and Ashley Olsen cinematic masterpiece but the first Parent Trap is so funny I gotta say the Lindsay Lohan one is also pretty good that's good three boys three answers yeah Oh such a weird thing that everyone wanted as a kid you wanted a twin yeah of course mary-kate an F but as an adult I'm like you know what I it's it's always like it's not as impressive when your child it's super impressive when someone says I'm a twin and as adults my twin you guys got a big deal when you're good older yeah I'm explaining you well we all we all that thing though we're like you kind of part of you doesn't totally fully trust twins right because there's something going on at a fridge something you do actually have weird connection and I like I just you don't know what's going on we'll never know mm-hmm I dated it to it and they do have something called twinspeak which is like their ability to communicate non-verbally like in a room like they can actually communicate just look identical fraternal or mind there I think they're fraternal they're very they looked very much alike yeah I don't remember anyone I have family members who are twin so I can say this they're twins so I'm allowed to say derogatory things about twins but the best thing this is what I always wanted I didn't want my delicate ring so that was cool I wanted it because you could like me tough know you could like test how things look by looking at what your twin does so your twin got a shitty haircut you'd be like well I'm never can get that haircut when you guys were meeting twins growing up oh I there was these two twins that went to school with that there was kind of like one that was really cool and nice and the other was like the bad twin uh I'm they're kind of the bad-boy no mostly twins I met are pretty similar no I the twin I dated like one was like much like Shire and the other was much more party yeah I was a big one and a small one yeah I know I have a mite one of my buddies in college Ben Ben danger [ __ ] dope guy was like the metal twin and his brother was like clean-cut collared shirt Charles danger you like tax tax twin Wow like that very different guys you know what's a good argument for being gay being genetic is that most twins I know who are gay are both gay mmm Oh interesting I've never I've never met like a gate win' who had a straight win they're usually both gay yeah I know three pairs of gay twins well yeah three pairs of gay twins is a great name for a play sized in the miso river well then everyone's gonna blame the haunted river Oh for ghosts make you gay Oh Spanky gay alright what's the next clear miles let me pull up a juicy one hang on can't believe you guys aren't literally the title of that one is this is a juicy one yeah this is a juicy very forward guess so is this one juicy way to get read on the pie everyone's just trying to get there their question read they're doing clickbait subjects is this is a juicy one trust me is I would love just we're gonna click page email headlines like you won't believe what's in this email emotional that's how they scam you twelve secrets you won't believe help this emails buying my friend of new Tesla oh yeah that sounds great I had to get my credit card information to a bunch of these guys because they were like princes from other countries my bank account I know I love any of those TED Talks where people follow ya that thread you're like I I would love to make a video on that actually like we can afford to give a fake Prince a couple couple hundo all right this is this is a juicy one trust me hi miles oh we need a fake name gay twin gay twin hi miles gay twin rights a couple weeks ago was summer camp I go to every year since seventh grade there was a guy there that I had been friends with for a while but started to catch feelings for he lives several hours away he lives several hours away and I only see in that camp I told him that I liked him and turns out he liked me too oh this podcast is getting hot well this guy I thought I knew is insane he calls him text me non-stop oh and if I don't answer he threatens to drive down and break into my house whoa whoa he lies about everything and his super sexist and tries to flirt with me when I'm not in the mood and gets angry when I don't flirt back I would say you're fun tone is no longer appropriate no plus every time I get upset what's going on boys I don't want to read that if less every time I go to say real he asked me if I'm on my period what I think with short answer [ __ ] this guy report him to the police [ __ ] him and know it sorry yeah like this guy sucks report him to the police have him arrested and put him in the in the clinker you can okay we have someone for that your oldest how old is gate when two cats every you can drive down so they must be in late high school yeah this is a comedy podcast we're trying to keep it light and fun but this is a question that requires a little more tact a little more serious of an answer so we're gonna answer seriously but in disbelief this is emotional abuse this is [ __ ] up yeah it's especially when you're younger I think it's easy to think that like like he just is you know he's just like that or he's emotional I there are people that can answer this better than than we can but you know involve your parents if you feel unsafe you can call the police you can if I think you can once you report to the police once and you have that record then you're now able to get a restraining order so there are options and if you feel unsafe like we've hit this behavior that's being described not okay yeah yeah but everything in your power one to inform people that you're close to so they're aware of the situation but also to you need to find the quickest way to disengage oh that's a great point you don't [ __ ] you don't want it entirely yeah if you can if you feel safe you can be safe you need to ghost this dude yeah and like don't don't think like don't even respond like hey I don't like what you're doing don't talk to me anymore just cold cold drop him he's gonna continue to text who's gonna continue to call block his number and then like the texts are gonna get more rec like I can't believe you're not talking to me whatever just let it let it go let him keep but if he actually follows you or like come somewhere that you've an you look at the police there and you get your dad with the bat like that's that's a situation where you're totally warranted to god that just makes me remember how shitty somebody dudes were somehow there's how gross they still are yeah these were like people I knew some guys like this you know everyone knew guys like this going up and you're like man you're gonna grow up to be such a grew up in this f it starts it's a star just out I think just a you know there's a lot of different people in a lot of in places and it's just there's there's bad people ever there's bad guys there's bad girls there's bad people the bad guys in my high school were just dumber and I think that they like they didn't yeah luckily they're worth I didn't hear as as many of these stories that were as as horrifying luckily the worst though is that it's the guy who seems friendly the one yeah there's especially like at a camp right because nobody knows you are really right you closet I'll get a week to kind of reintroduce yourself to all people and that's like especially like shitty people are able to take advantage of that and create this mystique about them that they're like not not shitty and then once they go back to the real life they're if they're they show that they really are I think you know I think there's also like woke villains now where people they come off super like wow like I actually love tea and matcha and I'm really respectful of women but like in private I'm gonna be a dick and actually women are weaker and like you know there's this guy's ya know I know people exactly my spot but like you would cast me as the crazy guy like it's not like them it is some of the meatheads but it's also like the ones that you think that you can trust it's like Oliver in the OC season one a great show while we were talking I got so distracted by eugène shoes because he crossed his legs and he has new white sneakers and I always noticed people's new shoes I noticed oh they're nice and I'm now wondering how long you gonna keep those bad boys clean it stresses on the hours anymore I love them but it's it's it's just a ticking time bomb you know Eugene it's 2019 everybody needs a great pair of wireless earbuds but before you go droppin hundreds of dollars on a pair you got to check out wireless earbuds from rake on Eugene don't you like earbuds Eugene Oh key key key break on earbud started about half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market and they sound just as amazing Keefe I've been using them I've been using them I've been using them on the bus I've been using these wireless headphones from recon there oh great those are from recon yeah oh you've been using a little blue line I actually been using them yeah of course I've been using them these come in a little case I pull them out they connect to my phone I can fall asleep on the bus while were tour and listening to them it's great the ring cannot eat 50 wireless earbuds have totally changed the game for me you know I'm I'm in the bus I'm sleeping in my little coffin I'm feeling good I'm listening to my podcasts I'm listening to my music I'm falling asleep and then I wake up and I find where they've fallen out of my head because I roll around the crazy person while I sleep so you know this company was actually co-founded by Ray J and celebrities like Snoop Dogg and cardi B are obsessed and you want to be like cardi B I know I want to be like cardi B pretty much in everything that I do and she likes these headphones so I like these headphones unless some of your other Wireless options Rae Connie airboats are both stylish and discreet with no dangling wires or stem oh yeah the weird little stems some of those headphones have stems I don't care for the stems for those you know they look like you have like like something growing out of your ear almost your Frankenstein oh yeah and of course they don't just look great they're sleek they're black they have all these different sizes so you can pop them in your ears because I got big old ears they sound great too they look good they sound good and they offer their wireless earbuds for everyone in a range of fun colors at an unbeatable price go to buy rake on Comm slash try guys to get 15% off your order that's my rake on Comm slash try guys for 15% off Raycom wireless earbuds you've been eyeing a pair now is the time to get an amazing deal one more time bye recon comm slash try guys and you can look like he looks just like me my my white shoes have wine stains on them I've had a pair of suede yeah they're six months and I haven't worn them once because I'm too afraid you know what happened to my suede boots I [ __ ] warm out to to our friend Katie's birthday because I'm like I'm gonna wear my nice boots even though I knew it wasn't a nice a bar a darkly lit bar and I was eating broccoli me off a table because I was like wow there's a plate of broccoli near this is [ __ ] dope no I get home and there's the fattest oil stain like the size of a of a coin dollar and I like a Sacagawea a full [ __ ] Sacagawea on my food and that's it's just done that's it that's it and these we're going to dip the whole boot in oil now yeah I should've made out that's nothing you can do you've had that thought right where you stain your shirt and you're like well maybe I should just like Jackson Pollock this [ __ ] and just keep going I've decided every time I have a shirt that gets an oil stain on it I don't freak out I've decided those shirts are for eating messy meals I will just wear that oil stained shirt to Korean barbecue and I'll like wear a jacket so you don't see it all the time and then I'll just not worry about it and I'll just be like this search already [ __ ] up so yeah it's already [ __ ] up I was a white shirt yesterday and I came home and I had like all of these little just specks all over me and I couldn't help but wonder am I just filthy every day and I have no idea until I wear the white shirt or am i more clumsy with the white shirt because it's it's unbelievable tell me when you pee in a urinal in shorts for the first time I realize that urine has been splashing on over your legs always all your life our female listeners will not understand it's not a good thing it's a thing and it's awful there's no good way to pee in a urinal and that's all I even ice and miles you may know this too Oh as a taller man it means we have more time for there'd be more gravitational forces on our urine so the splatter is worse so I find that if I'm in shorts I'm just gonna pee in a toilet yeah just on ya the toilet sometimes the toilet though give the splash oh yeah hey so what is the name of that experiment where they first showed that that is it protons or neurons always fire back it's like they date do you know what I'm talking about was a famous science experiment that showed there's there's always an element of randomness where when you're firing [ __ ] I don't know if there's protons or neurons it's almost science with Zak almost science they always they shoot like randomly shoot back I think about that when I pee every single time where I'm always matter what I do there's gonna be a little speck of urine that comes right back in it would try to find the best best part to pee straight into like sometimes you mean do I ever I'm actually you're like oh this looks like this would be a safe spot and there's no it's passion how about those are those like weird little comb spongy things in the bottom or supposed to be nice I do have a lot it look like little bb-8 from sir little balls the balls it though they're fun guys there I love little games in the urinal there need to be like little skee-ball games now we Elian 808 journal add just like little rungs and the ball you would just kind of like a pachinko it up into the Oh run thrilling and then you could not get back off and play again and you could try to get it up oh oh what if it just every Yertle just is a pinball machine and you can't you play pinball of your pee ball every time you want the one like the carnival game where you you shoot the water oh yeah thing goes and every time you flush it restarts Oh Keith and I go to the bathroom at the same time and the race starts over and the little horses are off and then at the end after you wash your hands if you wash your hands like a good boy you get a prize stuffed animal I until I was in middle school used to whisper waterfall to myself and even in public so I'd pull my pants down did I hear it and I'd go what a foul and then one day one of my friends said what the [ __ ] did you say and I said I didn't say anything and they're like you just whispered waterfall to yourself and I'd look like grating to myself and I was like a little I was a really [ __ ] weird kid it kind of seems to me like you were thinking you were a Pokemon and this was your uh yeah I kind of I don't know I was like I was weird and alone a lot but I was just like I would go a lot of foul and my friend said that's weird you can't do that so I stopped doing it but I think about that every time I pee okay well let's move on to the next question yeah is that all of our questions no we have another Q we have one more kids before we go ahead or we get miles is exclusive my advice column is this periodical of podcasts this is a short one but I think it's important it's called help is that can I get a fake name what a foul whadda file Jones water fowl Jones writes help help what are some ways I can get that summer body without putting a whole lot of effort oh I know you wait Eugene okay diet yeah one yeah food so a lot of effort but that's reduction as opposed to going to the gym it's true so when we can we I to go back to having never eaten salads until I was 22 I ate only like microwave pizzas and pasta and college and like and that's all I knew how to make yeah and I moved out to LA started eating salads that was the only change I made dropped 20 pounds Alma college fat went bye-bye and people thought I was dying women are gonna hate you because that doesn't work for women yeah but there are certain things there are certain things that I think a lot of people are like unaware is actually making you look potentially puffier like um one cut out alcohol if you want to beer yeah you don't that was your thing Keith right you cut out I try to not drink beer I just drink whiskey if I do drink I drink cocktails I drink try doing just whiskey and just the beer alone is was a huge thing all I did for my wedding was not drink beer I mean honestly that they again you know why you have to drink if you have to drink you get vodka soda that is the the quote-unquote skinny drink but because whiskey is actually really highly caloric - yeah yeah all the booze just drink that and don't would you have a whiskey coke yeah it like quadruped don't drink soda and the big thing don't drink juice juice is super super juice orange juice I also in college was a big Newman's Own pink lemonade fan we called him a pink drink I would go down the hill lived on a big Hill in Boston and I would basically the groceries it was like okay I can carry two pink lemonades and Exce food so I never had enough food because I was always carrying these two giant pink lemonade and then in the entryway of my apartment was like an elephant the elephant graveyard from Lion King but it was just empty Newman's Own I could build a throne with those [ __ ] I also like right now I'm a weekday vegetarian and that has been a vegan really we did begin by circumstance sometimes I'm a weekday pescetarian like I allow myself to have like salmon a couple times during the week but pretty much Monday through Friday it's all vegetables it's all vegetables it's no dairy it's no eggs it's just it's vegan for all sense of purposes and then Saturday and Sunday or even Friday night I'm like it's fine if I have meat it's fine now that doesn't mean that every meal you know the weekend is meat actually it's still like breakfast is still pretty vegetarian or vegan lunch is is either/or but dinners typically so three or four meals a week aren't sentient them on the weekend I feel like I'm still having as much fun and eating social and having cool fun meats and different experiences but during the week when you're busy just get a salad for lunch or just get a vegetable sandwich for lunch or just get like stir-fried veggies are delicious so good so good now for exercise in terms of less effort if you're not going to the gym one never take things like if you can walk somewhere walk there if you can avoid things like escalators and elevators and take the stairs super good I actually never take ask I always take the stairs just because I'm like a little more exercise if you're watching TV plank during it yep that's a nightmare you got any time you mercial break here's the thing is that people binge watch now and that's like gonna be the worst thing for your body you got to do something during it and if you're gonna at least like between episodes do 10 push-ups like you got to do something if you're sitting on the couch for three hours every night that's like a huge waste of you know what I might bring us back to and we're on tour something I used to do it on tour so it's spend so much time driving and then we would do this big performance so that would be a lot of exercise but it's tough because your body's locked and then it's like totally loose is every time we stop for gas all of us would get out and do like 20 push-ups I love that Jackson just get your blood flowing just do something that like gets you get you invigorated this is why I'm hilariously like almost like a toy slashed his headphones out of his ears and they popped out perfectly you gotta check out the YouTube clip at whatever timecode this is a question for you though because I've been thinking a lot about exercise on the road because like my body requires movement so that I don't hurt but like I don't want to exercise so much that I am now sore during our show so what's the level well this the show is gonna make you sore yeah I think gonna be way more stretching yeah okay so we're gonna be doing restorative yeah so you really just do it honestly we only did the push-ups almost as a joke but it then became like a really good thing for us and you want me to bring my yoga blocks so that we can like put them under our sacrum and like do something good do that on the body actually use the perfect pushup you know the thing that it's like oh yes and we did that because we didn't want to put our hands on the dirty gas station ground and also we did it in the winter so it like you can't put your hands on the ground and see your degrees but it and it is like a better pushup because it just makes you rotate so it just works a few more muscle groups at once okay for this person for this last piece of advice Eugene because there's different there's like aesthetic work out there's like you know biceps emotion weights or you can do like things like I feel like all the exercises I do are the muscles in between the muscles you see so what kind of exercise would we recommend it should it be like Pilates and yoga or should it be like go to the gym and bulk up or treadmill as long as the goals are but it seems like he's trying to ask for the the shortcuts like the easiest way unfortunately in the end you just well in that case you get that belt that just vibrates really fast hard abs play games with your friends get friends who want to throw a frisbee around it's gonna be nice now in the summer so like just do activities like that you'll work up a sweat and you'll have fun great sexy get a dog and that's apparently the only thing they'll [ __ ] just force you no [ __ ] here's just one thing I want to say about this I think people really disregard because there's getting jacked and there's getting fit mole people always regard healthy posture mmm-hmm which is like very little effort posture you stand up straight and our heads are out of the frame yep posture and flexibility I think that there's a lot of people even like rip people they don't have stamina they don't there aren't flexible and you know I'm I'm talking on sex but you it's it's something people disregard but it's so important because it it changes the way people look at you like when you see someone who has great posture and can [ __ ] touch their toes hmm back that like is that trumps someone who's like jackster can't get any touch my toes yeah and with that the way you use your cellphone we're all getting text Annette cuz we're looking down when I had I had neck problems and the guy was just like hey just stop using your phone for one week see how that goes I didn't really do that but I did notice a slight difference even if you just put your phone like up in front you look like an idiot that's gonna help your posture yeah that's never gonna happen I'm not gonna play my switch for four hours like [ __ ] yeah but you do with your home plug it into the TV so you don't sit and stare you're laughing because you were someone that I look up to someone that I feel like I could go to for advice and in this next segment of the podcast every week we like to let miles the youngest and least experienced of us give some sage advice yeah that'll really take you somewhere advice it'll go for miles with your host miles bones in your day what's up miles nation yeah jinan do you want to be brought back to the the special days of America well we just endorsed you do not [ __ ] this up for us do you want to find out what it's like to be a father oh is getting watch Friday Night Lights uh I have recently started watching Friday Night Lights I'd never seen it before it is a [ __ ] blast apparently don't if you don't like football you're gonna love this [ __ ] show all about football I don't like football I'm not a big fan if you are that's great but this show cuts of a match of football into four minutes and it makes it rivet it is fantastic there's fun characters there's sexy teen drama really there's a big fan a sexy teen drama I love I'm also watching this society on net all that on your Instagram please out of [ __ ] control it is about a group of plucky teens that get transferred to an altered dimension and then have a prom Wow there's no parents no parents that just like oh we still have to have prom like that it's fantastic it sounds awesome yeah yeah Becky watch the whole thing about me it's Becky crushes well I Friday Night Lights I'm surprised I thought I was gonna get yelled at by Eugene because Friday Night Lights is the one show that like people like scream at me that I have not watched with your eyes full hearts can't lose I know the reference right your your wife is one of them she's liking it every time it comes up and we're at a party she's like Zack get go the [ __ ] home right now and don't talk to me until you've watched the whole season it's one of those shows that like not everyone watched but now firstly has a claim it's kinda like the Americans hmm amazing show no one really watched well Friday Night Lights came out I want to say like within a year of lost and it was a contender I mean they're very different shows but it was in that serialized era and I really only had a room in my heart for one you want to hear a fun bit of trivia real quick absolutely so they filmed the pilot of Friday Night Lights in Austin I and what happened was me being like literally one of the first people might town to ever go be in I guess Hollywood to pursue anything in entertainment and I had no access to film guess where they [ __ ] shot the pilot the year after I graduated my [ __ ] high school Wow that's VE uniforms they use in that show and the Panthers blue gold that is my high school uniforms they literally just took the football teams uniforms and all of the people in the school got to be extras and I went to fire yes furious I was so no wonder you've never watched the show yeah cuz it's too close to home but they did look around they're like what's the most like you know country high school we can find around the area and they pick mine Wow cool yeah but I wasn't there anything ever film in Carthage gore is from there so sometimes the news was there when he would they were campaigning back in the 90s how far is that from Nashville it's about 50 minutes even or that's not too bad you know it's like one of the last towns of the Appalachian mountain and trail so like it's right right at the end of it you know what my mom reminded me of recently uh because we we were this is now months ago but we were at the Shorty Awards which was hosted by Kathy Griffin and when I was a kid I was in an infomercial with Kathy Griffin what and I like I kind of have a vague memory of it but I don't even know how it came about it was like some sort of charity that maybe my mom was connected to and like there's like a shot of us like sitting on the steps and I'm like hanging out with Kathy but the only thing I remember from that day is that they wouldn't let me bring my can't my can of coca-cola into the school whether we were filming and I'm like I can't leave it outside and like you have to I was crushed and I left it outside and when I came out there were bees crawling in and out of the coca-cola and I was like I told you I wasn't gonna spill and now my soda is ruined well once I had that happen I didn't know the bee was in it and we drank a bee yeah it was in a Pepsi can my face with my hand in my stubble scratched it and I got scared that there was a bee now it was a fuzzyby it was a it was a bumblebee face puff up like his dog no it was dead oh you didn't spit it out I think I did like coughed it out but it got in I went like had you have spit it out to know that it was a pig have you ever thought about how many little gnats and flies have died in your eyes oh yeah oh God you know when they hit your eye they go into your eye like and they die in there how do we not your eyes on so many delightful ending with Keith vomiting and now I'm now I'm grossed down although I remember exactly where I was the day that bee was in my mouth I was at a little Autumn Fair somewhere in Tennessee and I bet you wouldn't have even remembered Kathy Griffin being there because the bee stole the show I really did I mean it I it's like a vivid memory yeah childhood man spitting out a dead bee it's just like a smear of of like blurry nothingness and then these super hyper vivid memories of the dumbest moments ever of yeah scary or amazing times water fall anyway this has been the tripod thank you so much for listening keep on sending those questions advice that will go for miles at we'll get to them in the future we're on tour right now it's real exciting we got 20 cities across America try guys calm slash tour and let me just tell you every show we're getting better and better I assume this was filmed in advance we haven't done any shows yet I'm actually very stressed out right now everything is is that we're in a frantic rush but it's gonna be dope nice pitch deck Thanks alright till next time we are the try guys Keith here's with the official tripod theme song in the deepest parts of Japan it is a river filled with ghosts the tripod oh my god that's not here we don't do this stupid ending and don't stay beautiful I kind of think miles maybe did it a little better than Ned no I don't think we should ever have the ghost we'll turn you gay [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 355,711
Rating: 4.9169831 out of 5
Keywords: Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, advice, tour, bees, attack, fan questions, seeking advice, guidance, help, fake twin, twins, conundrum, problems, fixing problems, fix my problems
Id: MS3hSj0UGQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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