INSANE Try Guys Holiday Party - The TryPod Ep. 33

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ramble Zach do you like being stupid I hate it me too I love to learn and be smart there's a place called Skillshare which is an online learning community for the Creator in all of us they have thousands of classes and everything from photography to creative writing to design productivity and they even have a class on how to make fried chicken are you kidding me they really really do I'm they have they basically of classes for almost everything I'm gonna get on Skillshare and make some fried chicken especially with us doing without a recipe right now I think if we had some better education we'd probably make better things is this call without a recipe that doesn't mean that it's without training intentionally for a year using skills share that could be my ace in the hole that's why Ned's doing so well their glasses are on demand so you can learn at your own pace you can get inspired join a class and create something you'll love I actually well a long time ago you learned all of my video production from stuff online and if I had had a one specific place to go instead of like piecemealing a bunch of youtube may be so bad at it right exactly that's what I'm saying but I mean I definitely am a big proponent of learning online it is how I learned to do what I do now for a living and if I'd only had Skillshare I could have done it even faster you know there's a lot of people on there is a great community that you get feedback on things it's just it's awesome so what are you waiting for join the millions of students already learning on Skillshare and get two months for free when you sign up at Skillshare comm slash podcast that's two whole months of unlimited learning so much learning access to thousands of classes for free for free just get started right now go to skill shared comm slash podcast that's Skillshare comm slash podcast y'all better watch out cuz I'm gonna become a smarty [Music] thank you to anchor Skillshare audible and Raycom for sponsoring today's episode [Music] they drive about listeners before you the episode started we are doing a big best of episode that's a compilation of all your favorite moments from the podcast this year and so what we're gonna need from you is for you to go onto our social media platforms Twitter Instagram and fill out our Google form just gonna say your favorite episode or your favorite part of an episode a favorite bit a favorite take from Keith a favorite thing that Zac said a favorite rant from Ned anything and everything is great so once again if you love the tripod you can help us out by going to our social media platforms and filling out the google form on there to let us know your favorite moments from the podcast in this last year thanks so much and here's the podcast welcome to another episode of the tripod you've got all your friends the Tri boys here's Zach the smiler Cornfeld oh hi Eugene only whispers li yang Ned daddy daddy daddy former daddy daddy daddy and of course your host not really just me Keith and also miles everybody's favorite beautiful hero we learned a lot about his mythos in the summer of Troy video that came out this week the miles nation is is strong and seceding yeah for seceding from the union yeah it's a rift yeah mistakes with the past and we're just gonna let you go yeah I appreciate that yeah it's an exciting week you know it's it's yeah few weeks till Christmas a few weeks to hunt car it's gonna start it's starting to and has been snowing in many parts of our beautiful country not here though off in the distance though yeah and the rain here has been quite wet you can see the snowy Nardi no mountains that's my nickname for the San Bernardino Mountains oh no it sounds offensive well yeah it's probably not the best name but your no no you make your choices and you live with them mm-hmm well it's an exciting day we've got a lot of things to cover obviously TV shows are out movies are coming out Star Wars is almost here that's a week from oh it's a week from today with no podcast listeners or listening to this episode yeah last oh wow of the third trilogy of the new nology whoa that is Star Wars is now the time we should apologize for an incorrect thing in the Star Wars universe yeah absolutely so I found out because people have been emailing us on one of our seven email accounts that the Mandalorian does not take place in the past takes five years after the events of Return of the Jedi I was wrong yeah I was wrong it takes a big man to admit he's wrong I was wrong man I thought it was before the four five and six I thought it was before one two and three well technically it's before Episode seven eight yeah I know I was wrong but he thought baby odor was actually Yoda no no no no I just thought that no because he said before one two three yeah I don't I really general it was supposed to be a grand prix cur I mean you can't fault him for thinking it was a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away yeah I'm surprised it's not Yoda I'll say it and I'll be the man enough to say that I thought it was Yoda no but then ever you have to be like a reincarnation of him well no I thought it took place like eight hundred years before that's why his armors so shiny cuz he's also focused it all makes sense now I think that's a totally logical right and he's gonna be older don't have first from the end of the first episode - you got nothing we're not gonna talk about the Mandalorian yeah I'm putting my foot down you're starting the conversation talking about Star Wars coming up this is like the fifth episode just a pop I haven't no exact hates Star Wars you heard it here first I'm special and this way - Star Wars there's a lot of secrets and we know that fans who listen this podcast we like to dole out your fans secrets that you write in when you write a five star review on our iTunes podcast store so we have a special little secret from can I get a fake name for you will burn little granion the Mandalorian the min we're not in a sec about Star Wars but this is the Mandalorian writing in yeah the Mandalorian Baggins actually wait I was in a restaurant when we were in jail at the end of our tour and I never told this on the pad cut on the pad cast some gr denier on my head guess I was in a restaurant and there was like one of those like like slit dividers between us in the table over so you could like see through it and someone just came over to the slit was almost like a confessional and she went I don't have a secret to tell you in real life but I just wanted to say I like the podcast which was almost like if you see us just tell us a secret in real life that would be that's what we now you hear what it's like to be Catholic yeah I was that's thrilling oh so this is from Wilbur the Mandalorian Baggins so I'm hoping that you all read this review and read it on the podcast my name is as we read your junk email this is the secret sober supers my name is insert name given by one of y'all well bird the Mandalorian Baggins Wilbur the Mandalorian Baggins and I am a music teacher in California I literally listen Andry listen to the tripod every single morning when i drive to work and then when i go home so like thank you for keeping me sane as a music teacher i spend the entire day listening students and opening up my room during recess and lunch for them this podcast just really helps my brain chill out for a minute sometimes I pretend to sit in the parking lot if I get to work early and put on my best serious teacher face and pretend that I'm listening to something really serious oh yeah here's my secret I once ripped a juicy juicy toot in my room and another adult came in and smelled it so I blamed a student an easy and right thing to do yeah that's right yeah well shout out and props to music teachers everywhere some of my favorite types of teachers like all teachers but music teachers have a special place in my heart I'll have to say too if you can fill up a band room with one fart that's crazy yeah normally some of the biggest rooms in the school powerful to me there are very big rooms because they fit a hundred kids at a time and a bunch of instruments yesterday and they're used to getting a lot of air blowing around that's when I'm playing my brass instruments have we insert a tuba sound effect I can repeat the joke again let's see if it's better what is it what was the thing I said I said there's a lot of it there's a lot of air blowing around download a sound look here's the deal we don't have a sound board yet but maybe in the new studio I can have a fun little sound board board yeah so we're building out a new office a new studio it's exciting news but one of the rooms it's gonna be dedicated to a podcast are you telling me we're not gonna film in this confusing we'll still film here for several months perhaps a long time depends on how construction projects go witch notoriously run on time and under budget that's a home renovation joke for you I'll be here turn that tuba act and I have he do what's a onesie uh have you guys ever farted and blamed another try guy Oh ever farted and blamed one of you yeah have we ever been in that situation I have definitely farted in an empty room and hit somebody apologize oh no oh there's a look you watch someone walk right through the path I think once you are at a sibling type relationship level with a friend then you kind of do the opposite you want to own your fart in fact you want to just rub it in their face I don't know Oh guys I'm sorry well we had a thing on tour where we tried this is gonna get gross we're gonna be doing gross fart talk now right I'm in the UH Wilbur star wars are fart fart awesome gross fart talk with Jay but were we in New Zealand when the two of us and he came up to me he's like hey man before we go out there I just wanted you to know and he wound up his arms like this and then animaux clamps down and it was like a Superman flex yeah with a big old fart let out and we laugh pretty glorious and farted every time our holiday party was just this last Friday I'm sorry miles are you not interested holiday far yeah we had our company a holiday party and it was nuts it was very fun I got lit I don't know if you guys saw on our Instagram stories but are some of our staff all of our staff surprised everybody at the party with a choreographed mean girls dance oh my god it was amazing so bad we'll put that on our our socials put on Instagram I do TV for sure oh yeah it was very very cute I was very no it's like a very special sweet moment does it go how nice this is so cool and it was you know we've been doing this for almost two years and to have a little you know staff that puts something special together puts a nice - the performance to get right like a community has built up around our office in a way that is now like bigger like we didn't we didn't know that was coming I feel bad the the pride I imagined that parents feel in this different way where I'm like wow my little babies are growing up and they have a life of their own and they're doing all this Jim was out of it like yes of course they are all full grown human adult's and of course they have lives of their own but to see them interact together and create something was really neat something for the people also we found out that like they were very upset that we were working until the end of the day on Friday because they wanted to rehearse yeah - last week was filled with lots of lies and surprises that you'll all find out about later in this release schedule but last week was so there was so many secret plots happening and one of them was that the office was trying to find time to rehearse so when we went and were on the matpat livestream last week that was their main rehearsal and that's why that that's why YB was here and she said she had a meeting with rachel and why he's just sitting on the couch which why he's never sitting on the couch she's also couch he's been working from home because we've had all these videos coming out and I go hey why be what's going on just like oh not much I'm like what are you doing here she's like oh I'm meeting with Rachel E oh cool what about unintentionally I was just like so excited to see her because not everybody's in the office because we have so many videos were working on right now mm-hmm Sam and Kalin led the choreography teaching yeah that's correct good yeah I was watching the performance and I was like everyone's following Sam and Kahlan Sam is very into it yes I saw everyone put on holiday hats Santa hats and I was like we've have to get Mean Girls and I said as a joke and then it happened well Becky came over and she said Keith you need to sit down I'm like why just sit right here why and then no one would tell me why and she knew but got you first she made me just sit down I'm just sitting for 10 minutes while nothing happened and she also she like sat me down and then turned away from me and talked to Maggie and I'm like why am i sitting down sorry very impressive like why I was having a great conversation over there and that I also thought someone was gonna get proposed to and then I thought who the [ __ ] would want to propose now dimly-lit Hayek far oh god my house is gonna promote Ono maybe Haley's come oh god who could it be and I start looking at all the couples and trying to figure out who was the most nervous that's so it was not a proposal no at Bossa pretty sure Elliot's already engaged yeah he going I thought so too yeah I thought he was like wait no I think they're okay no so then but it was your girlfriend was very upset that I did not remember her name on the podcast okay yeah tore into me about first of all no you have not matter more than four times but I thought it was funny that Eugene brought it up with Ned standing there like it doesn't know you girlfriend a bunch and I'm like I am going to make no indication that I've ever forgotten your name she hasn't listened yet no she's unless you know we all forgot her name or what if Eugene hadn't said anything in the moment at the party I would have gotten away scot-free yeah name is Rochelle right yeah her name is Joaquin Phoenix I just thought it was just a natural question like Oh miles basically created the tripod you ever get to listen to it you know we talked about you during one Mike you know it's just something sometimes tell you it's really great just fire it up in your car anytime you turn your car on you turn the tripod on that's how cars work these days it's just an ad for the tripod yeah man we should name all of our tripod episodes with a z' like a bunch of a that way when you start your car it's the first song that plays oh yeah is your 0 1 a it's that time of year everyone's running around going oh no how do I get a gift but what am I gonna do I forgot to get a gift guess what the perfect gift is waiting right there think about giving yourself and those you love the gift of an audible membership and now is the best time to do it with a special offer of 53 percent off your first three months you know it audible is is our favorite place to get audiobooks online they have an unbeatable selection of audio books including bestsellers motivation mysteries thrillers memoirs and the hidden power of effing up which is great because I mean you like our podcast right you're gonna like our book even better it's about our personal journeys and grow through bettering ourselves last year and the coolest part about it is that this book actually changed all of our lives forever it's changed a lot of other people's lives might as well let it change your life too huh you can choose three titles every month one audiobook and two exclusive audible originals that you can't hear anywhere else and you can listen on any device anytime anywhere with the audible app it's great while you're commuting or maybe you're at the gym or maybe you're just trying to ignore your family's chitchat over the holidays because they talk about things you don't agree with with audible you'll also enjoy easy audio book exchanges and your own audio book library you keep forever even when you cancel and that is a deal that rocks right now for a limited time you can get three months of audible for just 695 a month that's more than half off the regular price you choose one audiobook and two audible originals absolutely free visit slash try guys or text try guys - 500 500 once again that's slash try guys or texting the word try guys - 500 500 a buddy of ours Sameer made something I forget what it's called but it's like a blank song and it's a AAA and it's ten minutes of nothingness so that you don't have your favorite song ruined for you when you get in the car it used to be a punk by Vampire Weekend for me which is a song that I love but it played every goddamn time I turn my car on and I started to hate it and then Maggie's car plate burned up by the Jonas Brothers and every time I got in the car I would get stoked and then she would get pissed and I'm like no you better leave that song on Oh also I got sent Jonas Brother beer this week it was here for that Eugene yes I got a Coors well I'm not gonna give him the free advertisement [ __ ] it course I'm the Coors Light okay the taste of the Rockies if somebody a course clearly listens because they say you this beer it's it's uh instead of the mountains it's just the Jonas Brothers faces I bet our face look real good on those mouths yeah I bet if Coors Light wanted to put our faces on some bottles and send them our way that wouldn't be unappreciated I bet you'd get an Instagram story at least I also take course banquet I did likewise which I prefer and that I'll access trip to people - the Jonas Brothers concert in Denver Colorado well speaking of your songs that you love we always end our parties with the karaoke bar yeah and it's interesting I don't know what your history with character so Korean people and Asian people like Filipinos and Koreans especially and Japanese people actually are obsessed with karaoke so in my house growing up I had to carry machines my stepfather's house he has seven karaoke machines Wow and you can play the music from every floor while you're not performing the basement he has a disco ball that comes down this is like huge cultural thing for Asians we just love karaoke no no white people discovered karaoke about four years ago wealth also got a got a okay which is a Japanese word every time I say like that you get very you've told me Eugene that that your your stepfathers karaoke would play into your bedroom he put speakers in every room so you could hear what what music he would play from either his computer his phone or the karaoke machine so I it was mainly Celine Dion which is why I love Celine Dion so much I'm trying to fall asleep during his parties yeah and he could he'd blast it so we couldn't fall asleep he also wanted us to party with him my step that's crazy but I've been curious well what what I'm curious about and you had this experience recently with Maggie's birthday I just assumed everyone is organically designed to love and appreciate yoki that everyone like even nervous Asian people go up and sing songs but then I started seeing things with non Asians who like are not into singing in public and it's like a it's like a minority of people who like karaoke I don't that's what I've been trying hell you guys this whole time like we like her I'm a performative guy that likes getting on stage and I don't even always want to sing in public like there are many many people who are absolutely mortified at the thought of singing in public with very minimal accompaniment the words are on the screen doesn't help that much yeah I did I wasn't aware of that holiday party you probably don't want to sing like with all of your co-workers now if you have enough soju anything can happen right that's what helps what other like what other activity like for a holiday party even makes sense like you could go bolide get you could slip and slide I guess ice skating but I think that the why karaoke so good is it's basically a bar yeah with what with a light added performance and you don't have to sing when they're supposed to when there's like 40 people in that bar like you can get away with not singing but it's so funny and also nobody knows the bridge to any song which is my favorite yeah urging people to get very drunk and just let their inhibitions go like when you're saying hey jump up on stage and sing you're saying hey just go nuts yeah yeah but I just have found now that a lot of people don't like won't do it at all even if they're drunk they won't do it but I guess now it's silly not everyone is into like public performance which makes total sense but it was just interesting for me growing up because like people who are shy and don't are not performers still did karaoke like in the family some people don't even like talking to other people at parties what makes you think that everyone's going to want to not only talk but seeing not only talk to one person but sing to everyone I'm especially cuz Asian people notoriously are like we are more rigid when it comes to social hmmm things like we don't just talk to random people like culturally it's we're more we're more reserved but karaoke everyone just does it so it's interesting there's a disconnect there it it's like the opposite of Western culture you guys are will talk to anyone but then not go up on stage I would talk to everyone yeah that's why when you see all the videos of people drunk in like Japan during Kyrgyz all like businessmen and stuff like they just do it I wanted to tell you guys a story about my dream last night because of a very specific moment that made me I woke up and I was like why did i subliminally think of this I was at a show in a casino and Lou Berger was setting up for the show however everyone was late except for me we also had like a 10-piece band that was playing and they were all waiting on Huy to show up because you know why he runs our tech finally he shows up at the time were supposed to go on so we started doing tech right there and I just said to Huy Huy you really [ __ ] up man and he goes I [ __ ] up like I got it's like it was that [ __ ] monkey puppet I'm like he's like I get that that puppeteer I just got stuck in the show that like purple monkey puppet it like drove me I couldn't get out of the show and like what are you talking about Jeff Dunham the ventriloquist who has a purple monkey puppet and in my dream Huy stonefish was in Vegas went to see Jeff Tottenham's like awful mojo and couldn't leave and my brain last night in my dream decided that was a storyline it wanted to write for me to like experience and even thought about Jeff Dunham and so long and I'm upset that you've brought that thought back you know that's why I was like there's no reason for me to have thought of this man it was a sensation Jeff Dunham was the the comedy stand-up I don't give a [ __ ] you know there's another there's like a new Jeff Dunham they advertise them at the Burbank Airport and it's another guy who does puppet comedy that is clearly racist just following the footsteps of I'm going to do racist caricatures but it's with puppets so we're gonna laugh about it but it's weird how like puppet culture there's there's yes I'm very ready there's a there's a disparate gap in our perception of high versus low end puppetry because the Muppets and Jim Henson and Sesame Street are like like top tier gold star level media and entertainment and then there's like nothing in between and then there's people I guess sitting in a comedy bar with their hand up a butt of something making races just I don't know it's just it's hard for me to to bring those two together but it's one of the mediums that I just feel like I'm sitting here like a doing around the one hand you're cool and then on the other hand I'm like oh I don't want to go to that show with that guy the the right I don't know it says ventriloquism versus pure puppetry your puppetry I guess you see there's a director ventriloquism is about the ventriloquist but I guess South Park oh so this one guy's a ventriloquist having a cue okay he's okay but he uses a puppet right yeah but also I wouldn't go to someone's puppet show are you guys not gonna come to my holiday puppet show yeah I would absolutely come to your holiday puppet yeah Zak's Hanukkah show I'd rather go to a puppet show I'd be upset that I wasn't involved yeah yeah I bet you would should we make a try guys try puppeting parentheses not racist puppets that would be cool yes aw that Tyler Oakley I think just like had a puppet of himself made like oh you should try guys puppet set and do an entire video as puppet yeah oh my god I think you should be like a claymation holiday special like try guys fast food tastes stale don't put that out in the world we can't get that done and then max are you gonna have the great stuff David for Nick tell me in January and I'll be that's a good idea we'll get started on it but we really enjoyed doing play with dolls where we got to improvise on the fly scenes with these characters so might as well like we should just have puppets at the ready at on hand and in the morning this has been the tripod if one of us are out of office that day we just throw in a puppet no where that actually is a great idea even just to say like and I'm gonna be sitting this one out I'm not gonna be here next week for the podcast I don't think so could you get a puppet replacement for yes and it's someone that looks kind of like you and is doing your voice but it's not you like the puppeteer I mean right yeah we're uh nominated for show of the year again at the streamys this year which is awesome and I believe it's the day after you're listening to this but Keith and Eugene will not be present they can today both are unable to come to the award show so I've been thinking about either replacing you with puppets or having stand-ins with paper masks ideas are great and we could get a puppet in time because I want to walk the red carpet with different versions of you what's grant from CollegeHumor oh yeah we always you just get your doppelganger yeah yeah and we'll get Lucy Liu my dream was a little different last night I dreamt so Wes woke up at 4:00 a.m. and then he wouldn't really go back to sleep I think it's cuz I fed him some boba tea which is probably not good matter baby caffeinated learn my lesson yeah but then when I fell back asleep I had this like dystopian wasteland dream it was like I was in Waterworld cuz everyone was competing for water and fuel and like I was on this wagon like shooting at people and like fend enough people off but everyone was like competing for resources cuz it was the end of the world and there were these like these like just shadowy figures that didn't really have faces that were trying to steal everything Oh like Mad Max versus like Dementors yeah I was like Mad Max with Dementors Wow cool sounds good actually it was exciting it was a real real back-and-forth there for a little while it's this dream yeah yeah yeah I guess I thought you guys with this but I I think like 95% my dreams are nightmares oh that's like my brother bro were able nightmares horrible but I'm just used to them now but yeah I've just I'm just like I have to Rack my brain to think of like a good dream I've ever had well give us a normal dream for you I mean last week I did this weird dream where I was in a factory where I was being forced to sew these like weird like these like stretchy fabrics together by this almost weird oak another Harry Potter reference but like this uh Umbridge esque like dictator in this Factory and then it dawned on me slowly that it was human skins oh my but all the human skins were of people of color so there's this like really weird thing and in some of it worth my family's because I would like come across my sister's face oh my god but yeah but I mean I just kinda was like oh there's a lot of dream there's a lot of stuff they're unpacking but I've just gotten really used to just having nightmares but so I'm not like scared anymore afterwards I'm just like okay that was a strange one yeah when that one was really weird yeah a dream journal cuz that's like some and tent dope [ __ ] well my main one growing up was my teeth falling out like every other night I would dream by the end that my teeth would fall out and occasionally that my dick would fall off but a lot of people someone told me once that all that represents like great change in your life so teeth funny on I think is you're where you're gonna die well it's one of them I just googled it I know it's one of the most commonly occurring dreams and I've heard that teeth are like it's like an exposed bone basically in your mind and that's part of like the fear of vulnerability is like you can see your inner skeletal self literally never happen to me like shadowy figures chasing me all the time that's that's yours teeth they say often could indicate a dealing with some kind of loss or abrupt change or end in your life who knows shadowy thing I don't know if I have what does it say about somewhat racist this podcast called try guys Google the first result of dream definitions there you go and go know if I had a dream about a racist ventriloquist wow the first article is how Jeff Dunham's offensive puppets became the voice of trumps America we're gonna we're gonna move on for that it's about I impeachment hearings oh maybe about all the discord in the nation right now now Ned knows who Jeff Dunham is you've heard Keith talk about ray cons wireless earbuds and how much he loves them and that's because they're half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds that I've used and they sound just as amazing and if you haven't bought a pair baby baby baby today's your lucky day they just released their best model yet the e25 they have six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice little noise isolating fit you know we're all about that bass I mean I've been doing a lot of traveling lately and it's just so helpful to have earbuds in your ears so when you're getting on and off the plane you're not trying to wind them up over your fingers stuff them in your bag and then they get all tangled I just in general it's been a great simple experience they have a very stylish little carrying case I can keep them in my top pocket on my backpack it's just it's just better great consuela earbuds they're comfortable they're perfect for on-the-go listening and for taking phone calls and unlike some of your other wireless options or weird stems or whatever array cons earbuds are both stylish and discreet no wires no stem ease no I don't know antennas who knows what people are gonna come up with next you know there's other celebrities who like it as well celebrities like Snoop Doggy dog Brandi Brandi I love brands they're all obsessed with recons and now's the time to see what the hype is all about you our listeners can get 15% off your order at buy rake on Comm slash try guys that's buy rake on like purchase that that's how you spell it buy rake on coms last try guys for 15% off rake on wireless earbuds buy rake on Comm last try guys if we're moving on from dreams which it seems like we are I've got a bone to pick Keith's been picking bones the last two weeks I have beef you have bones to pick that's what I have beef and that's my thing but you can have Zach's bone picking moment this is ex boner of the week there you go there it is I I got a pretty pretty hard on bone to pick with with quads every year Sports lets out the 30 under 30 list I have a 29 year old man child boy beautiful boy and I'm gonna tell you what this might sound like a bragging maybe it is I have three friends on that list I know three people in my life in my orbit who made the 30 under 30 list and I'm happy for them of course am i proud of them you bet your little confused miffed you betcha cuz I I know what they're up to and I know what I'm up to and I think I'm doing pretty damn good I will say you're a number one New York Times bestselling author keo an international touring sensation thank you over almost 7 million subscribers on your YouTube channel independently owned a company damn right you have a beautiful tick tock president I did I did a text totally out of the blue I just said you my 30 under 30 I was also like on this list I missed the boat I had my success just too late to be under 30 and be like let's be clear I am way more successful at 29 than you guys were absolutely and like I was mad for you because if you if you got it it's gonna done it yes I live through you like we're 32 year old man we've had three roles you're done you have to make peace with the fact that hey you know what maybe this year isn't my year maybe this year isn't my year when we do that ten times well really 22 I wasn't expecting much but I was not I did not deserve it so maybe 29 but even then I I hear you just got a no Forbes editor or something anyway shout out to Ross Liz and Caroline very proud of your accomplishments girlfriends I value you and your Congrats I think it's cool I mean there's obviously I mean there's problem there's thousands and thousands and thousands of people who are crushing it under 30 years old I know I need that list every year and I'm like this is crazy there I mean I don't know it is spanning the number of people it's not just 30 people in it yeah it's like 30 people in intech specialized automotive technology for Derrick's that's what I'm saying there's there was there probably was 30 under 30 in Numidia you're telling me I couldn't crack that nut I know that's why I got a boner over here you gotta pick yeah yeah it's funny cuz like I am one of the people nominated for 30 under 30 for new media so it's weird that you're not nominee I'll shut the [ __ ] up ya know the miles nation there's a moment where I'm like oh my god first of all before you said that I was gonna say miles you're our only hope now we're gonna put all the eggs in your basket after that joke you can go to hell - boom bring in the tuba 2022 in the pockets and all these people were like I can't believe you're 22 almost two years I've gotten that job I'm 2017 I'm seventeen and a half 26 you got three more years yeah can we keep looking at that list right now trying to confirm that all of them are more more impressive than me I bet you there's one of them that I'm more to tell here's the thing we have three years left to get miles on that list yeah and if we can get miles on our list that means we're on the list yes so what sort of crazy honor should we just start making up and giving two miles so that he has just a clueless director of new projects yes that second try Myles has been the director of new projects such as new things what about you just making it president you guys are the CEOs of all vice-president we can still get the cover of Vanity Fair it's tough because there's like we don't really fit in a good category right they have like actors all right that's not us right there's there you got like I have to be media right there's youtubers but then I really like there's I think the issue is that you you would have had to have someone pushing forward as media as opposed to Hollywood entertainment because all of your all of our contemporaries are under Hollywood entertain so much usually like digital journalist or I'm like yeah owner of this app or their first like buy line is producer of something also let me be clear despite my faux outrage it's very clear that my success is buttressed by some over 30 people and that just clearly disqualifies me I I I'm using the aid of those who are old and withered and I'm your [ __ ] their life force - yeah my under 30 little rent or yeah that's your dream maybe I'm the Jeff Dunham huh huh exactly I uh well anyway my life's over I'm about to turn 30 and I'll never make the list it won't be 30 until next later on I forgot yeah I told Maggie and I'm like yeah well I got one more year and she's like what you talking about I'm like well I'm 28 I'm 29 no it's hard to remember how old you are sometimes is that is that that must be common right I forget my age constantly no not once you turn 30 you know I don't know I think I'm like counting I make I'm just making sure I'm like what 30 am i right now cuz 32 you're only getting closer to 40 I'm excited for 33 because I didn't think it was an important birthday until Eugene had his 33rd it was super dope and I'm like you know what it is because there's two threes in a row so that's cool so that means it is good so I don't know what I'm gonna do yet for my 33rd but I also feel like I lost my 32nd because the book came out and it was just like it wasn't and then and it was an amazing gift right to have published a book on your birthday that's actually pretty dope but I didn't get the party that was all about me that I felt like I needed you loved a party I do love to party you're a party boy I'm not a party boy and what'd you find out I was trying to every single person's profile and find something to criticize like oh they're all pretty more then they were all pretty remarkable some very remarkable about this yeah I wanted to criticize I didn't I felt bad about but there were some people that I thought you were far more remarkable Jeff Dunham was on it I was gonna see you know they okay so Jeff Dunham is on a Forbes list no but it's the 2012 celebrity 100 earnings for Bliss it was number 94 making 22 million dollars in 2012 and his my favorite thing is just fun his bio he developed a knack for venture comes an age 8 when his parents gave him his first dummy today he builds his own dummies including the popular Achmed the dead terrorist who has garnered some 150 million views on YouTube oh he developed puppetry at age 8 and developed his racism at age 10 I'm sure that his parents helped no here's the jump out of here Zach I think you're remarkable and I just hope that you know it doesn't have to be capped off under 30 you're gonna you're gonna show the world I'll be 31 over 30 I'm gonna make my own 30 under 30 list do it it's gonna be speeds people who are dope under 30 and sometimes it's gonna be people who were over 30 unfortunately it will not publish till next year and I will have missed the cutoff yeah come out in the summer right before your birthday July 25th just be Zach 30 time that dream probably came from the fact that I am going back on tour so I'll be on tour in Chicago on this coming Tuesday and then st. Louis on the next Thursday and then Phoenix on the next Saturday so you can catch me if you're in one of those areas that's probably why I'm dreaming about being late for performances I have like three more this year youth can't stop won't stop yeah don't don't miss your flight and I also got to talk about on the podcast cuz that's how like half of the audience of my last shows knew about it and they also said I know that we're gonna do this favorite moments thing in the next couple weeks but their favorite moment was the giant but fighting bugs episode oh that's awesome yeah that was so random oh it's very funny for someone to be like I loved it when you talked about big bugs the fighting bug yes plug anything else for yourself well we may not have gotten 30 for 30 booth under forbes or whatever but we there is still a chance to go to for to a try guys show the year make sure to tweet you have one day yeah one day so do it do it today and probably the voting cuts out guys for streamys know it's its own hashtag vote try guys at streamys Oh hashtag vote shy guys ask or just retweet one of us yeah well you know we won last year so I don't think we're probably that harks we feel like other people should also win so we aren't like yeah I'm fine well I'm fine with you know everybody the support is very well I wanna three-peat you guys keep saying that I'll put it out there into the universe I want to be the most hated villain I want to be the Patriots of digital board shows the three of us were talking and I was like we probably shouldn't go like too hard in the paint this year cuz like that's kind of like people gonna think we're dicks right and Ned's like you know like yeah we should give it a try a good fight and also it's really not to us it's up to our fans it's it's more for them than for our show is really good it's pretty good I mean I like winning show of the year is odd because we have many shows on the channel and like and a lot of those people also who are up for that like even like rhett and Link you've been up for it like they do have a clear show and that like okay well there's one show that they make but we have like 6 shows yeah but if we're up for a creator of the year then we have to go up against Tobruk and we don't want no we don't want see see he's not mad about always winning that's true do we hate him no we respect him ok who's one person we should meet this year whoa Wow we might win ensemble and by now we would know because they moved ensemble to the off televised awards show which means we might finally win it now that's not important now that it's not as important as the other main categories they might give it to us they might still not I fact I think that that mr. beast should probably win ensemble because shoot their show is all ensemble based as well yeah and what's the category you guys always wanted to be nominated for anything editing editing did that peak hey this is Keith and Zack and we are from the tripod if you've ever wanted to start your own podcast you might think you need all sorts of equipment to set it up it turns out all you need is an anchor anchor is an all-in-one free tool from Spotify that lets you create your own podcast and get it hurt everywhere with anchor you can record edit be heard on all listening platforms and it'll even pair you with sponsors to help you get paid for your show it all works in your web browser or write on anchors mobile app and best of all it's totally free start your podcast with anchor today by going to anchor FM slash tripod that's anchor dot FM slash tripod well we are editing I think our editors are amazing our shows have different edit styles between the shows I just do not understand and no respect - Emma Chamberlain I think she's like no respect no no no I just don't understand like trouble she won last she wanted she just her editing is funny but it's not as complex as weaving together a ton of footage for like without a recipe like and to give people some context like we are 99% positive a lot of our peers who we think are great probably do a very minimal amount of notes personally for editing and also work with you know great editors but with us we have a tendency to go through a billion rounds of notes with really fantastic craftsmen crass people using get recognized for wasting all that time making a project marginally better cuz it is marginally better we hope everyone listening appreciates it so unsung art exactly you know what here's what I'm kind of Gathering is that there's some injustice in the world we weren't nominated for anything we haven't won ensemble and I'm not 30 under 30 so we're gonna win show of the year again this we're gonna win the one that we can help engineer to win well forgive about designing meet gang I don't care you go 30 under 30 and the future 2021 winner miles bond senior a he'll probably win for giving the best advice that can go for miles with miles bonds in your day howdy y'all Oh Oh welcome to my hometown miles appleĆ­s metropolis big city but you're a small-town boy do y'all lot your house on fire I can breathe it into your little sinus hard smell the smells of baked beans I do like babies and enjoy the flame of heat so hot it'll burn your little tush what are you talking about get candles [Music] that's the advice gaped handles go to Target and get candles candles smell good they provide light and brightness and they smell nice you should have a candle in the bathroom you should have a Kimball address you should have a gamble in the dining room hey if you got enough candles it's gonna smell real good we were not nominated for podcast of the year and right now I can't imagine how that's possible especially after this character is my favorite one I only think you should just make a like hyper short form youtube series called advice little go for miles or you just do this type of character he's director Canberra 60 second long videos you know partner boys what flavor - candles come in orange I actually get black bamboo whoa and brown sugar just and vanilla birch and coastal driftwood Becky just buys expensive candles I do believe you need to spend more than ten pesos on again make sure you don't burn your house down well it's part of the thrill that's part of the fun okay sometimes I will leave a candle burning and right before they go to bed I go oh that was always a conflict for us during Hanukkah is you don't want to blow the candles out but you also don't want to burn your house down so what do you do yeah what do you do I think you belong or you or you put like a big tin foil moat around it and you know that um Christmas also has a like four week long candle lighting ceremony thing back off I'm just telling you like Christmas also has like a big candle lighting entire month honestly it's kind of a buildup it's called add you know you know well there know what your light at every Sunday leading up to Christmas your religion does have a candle lighting ceremony because y'all got our Testament too so you best represent my holiday Hanukkah is your your [ __ ] too yeah we don't we don't really we really don't talk about it that much I did learn I did it growing up ya know I learned every yeah every year we any kids we'd light Advent candles yeah Advent is the [ __ ] is it's just like Hanukkah but it's not I know advent calendars is Advent a holiday event is the lead-up to Christmas yeah got all the little cute little doors that you find but that's like a time of year in the church calendar we should have a try guys advent calendar that would be so fun because you open those doors and there's like little stuff there's either like candy or like things but we can make it just sexy pictures of us oh no this is bad Oh once again my calendars are becoming secular once again yes I know it'll be next year we already missed the first never eat chocolates every time you open up mine I go it's not Christmas yet yeah actually this is probably one of the last chances that you have to get some try guys calm swag before Christmas yeah what do we got Ned well we got these really cool super suit color-block hoodies they're black with four bright colors on the outside if that doesn't fit your cup of tea we got mugs for your cup of tea hey those are those are older but we have these brand-new navy blue with tiny little Dino princess my favorite refresh we got signed books it's a perfect stocking stuffer we got you got a lot of greats the hot sauce should be back this weekend yeah yeah sold out in like 24 hours yes maybe you like socks anything you know it's a good stuff guys calm guys it feels like webisode I don't trust when people have a lot of candles you think I'm like a witch no I like witches what about in the bedroom how many cans no mini candle I think more more than like three expensive ones some people put it like in every know like those Yankee Candles people like put them everywhere but there's a sub sect of people who are like obsessed with candles they put like a significant budget towards chaos it's like people who have like 20 decorative pillows I don't trust I don't like another people who people who buy lots of bath products excuse you because I wear socks I think there's a way it went from me imagining someone 50 candles in their house to like basically everyone I know I find it I find it a bit gaudy I think there's a certain level for comfort like a bath and then there's just exorbitant excess which is like the bombs and you know with red shoes you don't like lush no no no you're basically just soaking yourself in weird chemical I realized that most of Myles his advice is stuff that like 20 year old girls learn just like hallelu feh take a bath candles like it's like very like oh yeah it's wisdom yeah it's smart that's why I'm getting madness from your girlfriend Rebecca excuse laughs from will in the background I'm feeling good yeah no yeah candles are good I get those big [ __ ] with the two wicks and I got it from Target and also well here's my main thing it started it's just a bathroom thing because if you don't have like stuff for smell like get rid of that bar it's good in a bathroom for poo every time I go to a bathroom and there's not that stuff I'm like this just like I'm jumping out of a plane without a parachute here and people can come in and know I pooped yeah i okay I believe you guys are this is Keith's post poop etiquette how to make the room totally rid of your smell yeah now before you poop I want you to light the candle yes before you poop now when you're done you're gonna blow out that candle I'm gonna pick that candle up and you're gonna move it across the room so that the fresh air will keep the Ember of the wick lit that will get the maximum of the burned candle smell throughout the room which is like the most intense poop destroying smell you let that waft around you just like literally stir it in the air and the circular air will keep the Ember glowing for like 30 seconds and then you put it down and then you realize the candle yeah again so you have filled the room with candle smell you've then filled the room with smoke and then you were filling the room after that again with candle smell there's no way your poop is getting through that smell you should also crack a window if you can I would like open the window literally all the way up 30 seconds you wash your hands that will actually do a ton and then you just close it back to that little crack to look like being I gotta do the pre flush oh yes well if you are gonna sit there for a while don't let your poop sit - they call it a courtesy flush for a reason your pre flush in get it out of there and start the cleansing process that Keith just there's also the poo pourri thing but if you don't have poo pourri which is what you spray in the toilet before you poop you can spray any of the air fresheners that you buy onto the toilet water it will do the exact same thing yes you can just do that with Febreze like you don't have to have a specific thing it will all be oil-based and float on top of the water and when you're done soak a rag in vodka light it on fire throw those in the corner burn that whole [ __ ] down yeah and just vomit right at the doorframe give a worse Keith I'm sorry that I left a huge dump in the toilet I was at Jeff Dunham's puppet guys I had the craziest dream now let's end there this has been the tripod keith is with the official tripod theme song guys now and then and why not this one the tripod until next time stay beautiful and a round of applause for Zach making keys 30 under 30 list [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 206,331
Rating: 4.9532304 out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, santa, holiday, christmas, forbes 30 under 30, snubbed, zach
Id: EaInvYpgp-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 48sec (3408 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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