Ned Fulmer Is Falling Apart - The TryPod Ep. 69

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ramble before we get into the episode let's thank our sponsor Perry Mason HBO's next must watch series Perry Mason stars Emmy winner Matthew Reese in an origin story for American fictions most legendary criminal defense lawyer catch up on the series Washington Post describes as superb and Vanity Fair Lots as engrossing and unpredictable set in 1930s LA Mason finds that uncovering the truth means exposing a city full of corruption and everybody is guilty co-starring fellow Emmy winners Tatiana maslany and John Lithgow Perry Mason airs Sundays at 9:00 p.m. on HBO and stream it on HBO max thank you to HBO Ray Khan and hellofresh for sponsoring today's episode hey Ned would you want to introduce this one miles I thought you'd never ask what's up everybody welcome to the tripod we are back baby you've got your four tires here you got Keith oh yeah yeah you got Zach hey I'm Ned Eugene's in Korea and we've got our podcast bond senior miles howdy yo miles we didn't get to use our Eugene soundboard at all last week and we drop in a little check-in with Eugene right now go off miles hello Eugene what's up everybody we're talking we got a special game that we're playing that Myles has devised for us but first I got I got a little bone to pick little correction bone we have been picking some beef with you can sit with us our significant others podcast that over dozen widely more popular than ours oh here we hang out recently told our very cute how we met stories I gotta tell you I remember it a little bit differently well cuz I listen to this Ariel said that you what you rolled up to the party with a half bottle of tequila like you own the place well I like that second part I did have swagger but remember rollin up with a half-drunk bottle of tequila why would I have to I remember that I brought a nice oaky cab you know you know a nice bottle of red wine if you're nasty yeah I remember it as half drunk bother too cute maybe it's possible I brought both and I was merely returning the tequila to the party host perhaps Ned on the way over in the taxi you got bored and or cold and started to dip it to make sure the quality tech that I drank it in the car ride over first of all certainly could not have afforded a cab at that point as in a taxi cab so then you were walking even more reason to drink no that's illegal but I do think it's a good idea especially for those without a ton of money you know you got a half bottle tequila left in your home right you're going to a house party it's a BYOB it is kind of weird to show up with half a bottle but what you do is you show up and no one knows even what you brought and you just sneak that liquor bottle into the collection of other liquor bottles and then later on some of those did you bring anything oh I brought that tequila oh my gosh people love it it's like our new hot drink I'm gonna drink whatever I want here so nice I loved hearing that story cuz every time that I've heard I've only ever heard you tell the story of meeting Ariel and it is like and I saw her from across the room and I we locked eyes and I knew and I made my way over and I said hello Mademoiselle may I have your hand girl and then she was like yeah he was kind of hitting on my friend for a little while but that is true it looks but the reason I was doing that was that act so that I could appear cool right like this guy everybody loves this guy loves this guy we immediately had something in common me and her friend and so I was just like oh I can like I can just start talking and it won't even be like I've entered the party awkwardly classic moon girls love it when you hit on their friends and Stan you are yet you know they don't know who you are yet it's not like they don't own you and own your actions at the party I don't know if she mentioned this but she was talking to my friend who was gay I don't know if he was hating on him but I think she thought she was hitting on him if he thinks talking is hitting on you know it's funny cuz I was struck listening listening to their podcast I was struck by the fact like you guys can ragging us all you want it worked you know Becky likes to tell her story about me not showing up to her birthday party now let's just say what if I had and made a huge ass of myself we would have never gotten together because here are the facts we were not dating at the time that it was her birthday party we had hung out a couple times we had not kissed we thought but Keith this was that if I'm getting this context right you suggested a bar for her birthday down the street from your house so she thought oh damn it's my 21st birthday I'm gonna get a little kissy kiss that was just like a recommendation without an invitation yeah it was the holiday club you know like it's a bar close to me it's fun it's cheap it has karaoke sometimes and yeah I was like I thought it would be great for her to have a birthday and I was like I will go I also had another friend's birthday and moving in party that same day here she goes this is my you got to tell your story I'm telling my story she was like she was like why don't you set the podcast up in the living room today I'm like well I don't really need to know about you'll be out you'll have you know you need to amuse the house and then this is why I tell you what I get you can sit on my podcast my pocket my pocket but I was going to I was at another party now that she showed up I think at the Holiday Club much earlier than I expected people to show up at a bar right especially the Holiday Club which is a renowned late renowned last option type type employees oh that's where you end it's not where you write in so I was it I was at another party like a eight or nine o'clock I was like I'll probably roll at a holic lager out 10:30 11:00 in those now eight or nine o'clock is like pretty close to bedtime early twenties that's like wow the night is just getting started right so I'm 23 or 24 so I'm at a friend's place I'll go there and I'll go to the holiday clip that was sort of how I saw it but I think Becky saw as she would show up at the Holiday Club and I would be there and it would just be us hanging out with her friends at the BART which makes sense from her point of view because sounds like a lame party but I was like well I was like I'm going there I'm just at here now and I'm going there we were not romantically involved yet you know I liked her a lot I certainly suggested that bar because I wanted to hang out with her but I was going to another friend's party first and I was going however Becky was very upset and texted me and or call text or called I can't remember we were drinking that she wanted me to be there why wasn't it there like oh well I can head there now I didn't know you'd be there right now I'll go and she's like no we're leaving this far and I'm like okay well where are you going and that I was like wow and then she just then that was just end communication radio silence like well I don't know where you are anymore she went to Boys Town I don't know what bar you're in what can I do but stay at my friend's party and be like well I there's nowhere for me to go I say I'm glad we got both sides of it they know the kid you know for most of this story I was like well Keith if you said you were gonna be there but it seems like she kind of early and then tell you why she went you know what this would have been saved if we just had a start time to the party you know if we just had a nice nice invitation maybe some some Manilla serve some legal papers though just like a nice like kind of that that printed like paisley wait no not Paisley you know where it's like kind of like it's dimpled but it's it's cream-colored and then if there's a nice the the part where you lick the envelope is gold yes picking up what I'm putting down and maybe a little periwinkle lettering very weak a letter a nice birthday invitation with some dusting of yeah I'm talking about imitate I think honestly if either of us had just been a little bit bolder on our feelings because like we had been flirting a lot and neither of us had ever made the move to kiss one another so it just left it in that ambiguous I think we like each other but we had no confirmation that like I thought that I liked her and maybe she was kinda interested me and I think she thought the exact same same thing that she really liked me and I was only just kind of interested in her that's why we got to be more like birds there is zero gray area in the bird Kingdom you fluff up your feathers you do a ceremonial dance you gift some twigs there's no confusion there birds know how to [ __ ] that's now what I learned about in my bird classes right we got it we got a pause for a second what's that I got my I got a nosebleed which is gonna be weird to include some podcast that's pretty good drama there are a lot of dumb things that bodies do nosebleeds is gotta be tip the top of the list I used to get them all the time but no other part of you gets so dry like your ears never like oh my ears are so dry they just start bleeding like what a dumb in the bathroom while we wait for that I got an eagle fact for you now again I don't know I don't know if this is totally real but it's one of these animal sex facts that I heard years ago and now I repeat forever and ever I refuse to google it Google's right here I don't care Eagles will meet at extremely high altitudes and then they will I think we gotta keep it in now I have not been able to stop the bleeding it's just it just keeps going on me and we got things to do today we got it and that has eschewed after this I have some eyes you know dangling out of my nose yeah I'm not like one of those people that's like oh I get your I mean I get nosebleeds all the time I don't this has probably gotten like I don't know five nosebleeds in my whole life in your whole life Wow so upwards in this up upper 80s I would say at least really yeah it's a kid I used to like probably 180 this is also a lot that's like the other end of the spectrum I feel like I get one like once every couple of years I haven't had one in a long time but up and through high school in college I was still getting them like at least once a month in high school I remember one time specifically was very funny I was driving home from my friend Ryan's house and I just my nose just was like time to bleed [ __ ] and I like streaming down my face I'm driving I'm like what do I do I can stop light and I'm frantically looking for like a did you it is pretty dry out and I have been doing over the last couple days I have been doing a lot of woodworking so maybe I you know got some sawdust in there but yeah check this out boys I built myself a custom wine rack seven inches wide and I've got these like I did a nice antique stain on these little slots they're kind of poles I go backwards and it looks like just a bunch of little pegs and then the wine slides onto the pegs finished it up just this morning because people were coming to put the countertops on the the garage renovation project which slowly but surely coming together you may if you're watching on YouTube see that I'm also I'm not in the the room of the messy room of the Room of Requirement from Harry Potter I'm in my bedroom because it looks a lot nicer but hopefully next week it'll all be done wow what a we got two new podcasting backgrounds this week it's like who even are you God yeah whoa we get it guys you can sit with us is doing well you want to mix it up add kind of ice back into the relationship do I look like a cool like still Wester Salone like boxer like I've just kind of like been you know gone like 12 rounds and a fight and look exactly like so that's cool me I have a little like ghost haunting your nose Oh haunted oh you look like 11 from stranger things yeah that would that fits maybe I was just exerting all of my secret superpowers I think and like nose bleeding superhero would be funny just like yeah it's like blood out of his nose at his villains I think that's pretty funny that's a good thing we're in British funding Japanese anime right yeah well it's whenever they're super horny oh well guys I mean it's a hot and heavy episode in the tripod you guys know it's Thursday you know what that means is the subjects there that the the blood is rushing so intensely through their nether region that it then rushes back up their body and shoots out there knows that yes you would think it would be like the the blood would be drained from my nose need it all to inflate that big boy this is a family podcast is the family show Keith is that while we take a break I hope you notice what might be in my ears during this episode that's right you see them there the rake on earbuds they're crushing it from me the wireless earbuds from rake on you already know them we've talked about them on the podcast before but the good thing about them is they start at about half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market and they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know you got to know that's true I'm using them right now you can see them on my head and their newest model the everyday e 25-year buds are the best ones yet with six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass in a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit and they're so comfortable they're perfect for conference calls or doing our podcast or listening to other podcasts maybe while you're doing some chores it's unlike some of your other wireless options rake on earbuds are both stylish and discreet with no dangling wires or stems to distract anyone during video calls they last really long I rarely charge them and I use them for these podcasts and since I mostly use them for that I maybe charge them once every month I mean they get six hours of play time but they really do super well guys I've heard us talk about how a company was co-founded by Ray J and celebrities like cardi B are obsessed with ray cons pick up a pair and see what the hype is all about so now is the time to get the latest and greatest in break on get 15% off your order at bi recon comm slash tripod that's by rakin comm slash tripod for 15% off recon wireless earbuds by rakin comm slash tripod that was did you have any bones to pick with your story with did that check out all kosher I mean I know you guys relative to Keith in me or are moving that honeymoon phase relationship Maggie told the story of the time she found a dildo in my bed and I believe but two episodes ago I believe I've told the full story back when we did this as a patreon podcast her telling of it's great so I'm not gonna go back in but it was this the latex smell of that dildo was so intense it was it was a big floppy rubbery I mean it was like it was a very funny toy and I had a suction cup on it so you could really hide it anywhere you know you open the door in surprise dildo it was great a lot of fun was had with back any time you flick the end you just have to say yeah 100% Ori it's the kind of thing that you can only get away with in your early 20s but if you touched it your hand smelled hopelessly of latex for hours no matter how many times you washed your hand it was just it would not escape you and so I just remember in that moment being so mad one because my girlfriend found a dildo in my bed and and I don't even know if we were again because okay so the game if you didn't listen to that episode the game was that we would hide dildos in each other's rooms and because of the suction cup you could really hide in fun inventive places like you open the medicine cabinet surprise dildo yeah you uh you you go home for the weekend to visit your parents open your suitcase surprise dildo it was a great it was a blast and we had such suction cup mark around her seat yeah ready walk in to drive and you're like oh hello it really helps with the carpool lane it was that big but I was so mad when she found it one because I'm like okay now I need to explain either that I am into this sexually or that I am a child plays with giant dicks either also the smell they're gonna be on me forever and Maggie also said that I mean she she revealed that moments after meeting your Mac in the miles I don't know that we need to go here and that's chill and that's fine and that's we're good we're good I look I know the dirty laundry of the other fellas and I'm not spilling it I know that Maggie's too kind to spill some things that have been done so I don't know why this light is being cast in my corner I actually I will say though that there are definitely other stories that make me look like an idiot from early dating and I'm thrilled that those have not come out yet completely inept I'm sure that Becky will do is about me being an idiot and dating and like I didn't walk her back to the train but I thought I was like being empowering I thought well she is from the Chicago area she's an independent lady she doesn't need me to help her the truth was she did not know how to get back to the Train no he like felt like you must hate me he wouldn't even walk me to the Train I'm Jimmy like I don't want to make her feel like I'm trying to be like overbearing here she is printing off Google Maps right she's like an old man getting out of buzz excuse me okay I'll tell this one before she has a chance to tell it I want it I want it so she told the story of our first date after we met at that bar about how he went to get ramen and then we went to go get ice cream despite the fact that we were both I took some dollar in and just didn't want to tell the other person yeah she suggested it I'm like yeah okay yeah so we're getting out of the car to walk to the ice cream and we we had to walk a couple blocks cuz it was in an area that has shitty parking and I'm like hey you should grab your jacket you might get cold she's like nah I'm good I'm like alright it was this conversation where you know I'm not dating her yet but I was like you should bring your jacket you're gonna get cold she's wearing like gonna catch a cold out there like the cutoff arms right so she did not do that on the way back she makes a little reference to like almost a little chilly and I say I'm wearing my jacket and I go well I'd give you my jacket but then I'd be cold and it to me that's great like like pro feminism joke of like I was poking fun at the fact that that you know that I told her to bring her jacket and she didn't and then I was also making fun of the fact that that like well you know this is 2020 whatever you know we're in the 2000s now we're not going by that antiquated [ __ ] where guys just give the girl jacket you're your own woman I thought it was hilarious she thought I was a total douche she thought I was such a dick for that and did not let it go for a long long time while Ned's other nostril is now also pouring blood yeah I think he actually left because his zoom ran out of batteries but I'd like to believe that the backup of his left nostril has now for this is Russell to become that very superhero I spoke of earlier I decided to just continue with the story to the audio listeners didn't even know that I didn't know driving in their car headed back from a cool trip to a park to a place you can go anymore don't even worry about it that's like take two my right nostril is now furiously bleeding no no more nostril bleep that would be funny though if I just start getting caught with by the other side just a little running out of battery I'm gonna blame Arielle for this one you know because she was the last person that was using it like that we're doing twice as much battery use for the podcast recorder in this household now okay so because they're now recording the podcast yesterday Maggie forgot to bring her SD card to give it two miles to offload the footage normally normally we upload it via the cloud but we were gonna drop for the job so anyway she brings the the SD card but this it was this whole thing miles had to like drive for us say then girl sang because of that Ned I did I woke up this morning and I didn't have an SD card to record so I'm like oh [ __ ] so I had to go over to you hate to see it when we matt is home I had to bed to hide go digging I mean this is 8:00 in the morning I'm digging through Eugene's stuff to find an SD card that boy is not well organized I had the foresight to as soon as Becky was done I'm like give me that SD card I'm putting in pocket and taking it to the office I'm just like I'm you know she doesn't know yes and why should she know how like what to do with offloading footage that's not a course that's not she's Talent she's Talent she speaks her mind she tells she tells disparaging stories about me and the people of it yeah I guess the podcasts are both gonna be just us like ragging on our significance we change ours to ragging on ourselves way harder they got no material that's right that's right let me tell you all the mistakes I've made mostly drunk bottle of tequila boy rolls up with like sloshing around empty backwash thing of El Diablo yeah Akilah it was just a tequila bottle filled with water I was that big of a dick yeah I forget what I was going to say well I think that means it's time for whatever Myles has planned ladies and gentlemen it has been a minute since miles a segment with paper because we've been doing it online but as always a longtime listeners know sometimes I hear things I love paper sometimes I prepare things for the podcast and today we have a very special segment planned I have been getting thousands of emails from Powell wondering are the try guys fine are they having fun and so I thought it'd be fun if we did a game show with a cash prize call try guys more like try this a quarantine check in with the cutest boys in town except Eugene because he's in Korea well he's not in town so we are now the cutest boys I sure do now these questions there is a right and a wrong answer I will be awarding you points on your answers and so at the end of this whoever has the most points I'm gonna venmo a crisp dollar yeah like this right make sure to submit that for reimbursement and you pay I'm gonna do all the paperwork what's that Eugene shut the [ __ ] up Zach haha thanks Eugene aha that's Eugene soundboard all right everybody our first question had to be buzzed in or how the [ __ ] is your gonna buzz in but I'd like you're gonna buzz in and let's really come on let's focus up because I need you guys to take this seriously okay I want it seriously right I'm imagining that all the questions are just kind of like how are you feeling today I'm fine and I'll says incorrect you're not feeling something's wrong question one whimpers all right you got answer now what's your answer the year 2020 that's correct but let's hear the rest of the question going to a dollar for every question miles just reimburse it and it's good oh you can't afford $8 prizes just can't afford to give us I tell her this is a 40-minute long segment yeah that's $40 okay here we go okay when was the last time you flossed was 20 20 20 20 I've lost this year I've lost last night I've lost every day I love it it's my favorite twice a day or once a day once a day I ain't no narc Keith two nights ago I did not fly so today I was like [ __ ] it [ __ ] it tonight we had a crazy shoot day and my teeth are gonna be fine okay Ned pretty great next next question next question do you not floss guys I have braces and for about 20 years I had a bottom permanent retainer this has me to have a very difficult relationship with flossing I often forget I have tried many systems try and remind myself I've gotten even the bottom permanent retainer I'm just like a piece of metal wire that's just stuck in your teeth forever I've gotten it taken off and I now we're just you know disposable it's not disposable I should keep it but I wear a you know a temporary retainer in the evenings do you what about a Waterpik what about a Waterpik miles you know I've tried so many different things and I just cannot seem to get into a consistent routine it's genuinely my favorite part of self-care like yeah between washing my face brushing my teeth showering all of those whatever flossing my teeth is my absolute favorite thing Zac and the rest do you guys have a spot in your mouth that always yields a juicy juicy treat when you go yeah all right here this one right here is got a little always patch and it feels left out I think yeah I do I don't understand it used to be the retainer would always have juicy nuggets in there cuz it's so hard to get them out but the now that's gone it should be easy for me to floss but I can't I can't I I've tried I've tried putting a little sticky notes I've tried putting the flosser like right in the sink and you know nothing works give us time i flossed was last Tuesday oh we gotta get you on that train man you know net I don't know about you but I've been making the same food over and over and over in my house and I'm getting bored with it gotta get it out of that rut I have found a great solution and my solution is hello fresh with hello fresh you can get fresh pre-measured ingredients and mouth watering seasons recipes delivered right to your door and it's America's number one meal kit I mean hello friends lets you skip those trips to the grocery store and makes home cooking fun easy and affordable there's so many recipes to choose from each week and helps you break out of your cooking right you know discover some new things maybe some things you didn't even know that you liked until you tried they're something for everyone including low-calorie vegetarian and family friendly recipes each week and over 90 percent of ingredients are sourced directly from growers to ensure the freshest recipes are always delivered to your door and you know me I'm a big sustainable boy in this household we're always trying to have less and less waste well hello freshest pre-portioned ingredients means there's less prep for you and less food waste I got to say my favorite recipe is the pork carnitas tacos I love carnitas always have always will and I gotta say you know when you're we have a long shoot day or you just have a lot of chores that day and you're like I really don't want to think about this it's great to have a recipe that's so convenient just to put together but also is very delicious so you can help yourself to go to hello French comm / tripod 80 and use code tripod 80 to get a total of 80 dollars off including free shipping on your first box that's hella fresh comm slash tripod 80 for $80 off and free shipping on your first box additional restrictions apply please visit hellofresh com for more details I'm gonna drop something for the rest of my homie sorry Ned doesn't apply to people who don't floss I want to floss I her the rapport the suggestion of my dental hygienist I upgraded my floss she's like yo this is gonna cost you more it's called cocoa floss it's made from coconut and it's it's like eight or nine dollars for a pack which is more expensive but okay that ribbon [ __ ] once you get it first of all it lasts more you know cuz it's not cheap so you actually are I think it's getting a little closer to it was a reusable floss no no not reusable it just is high it's thicker it's higher quality and like the ribbon stuff you smell like a whisper on my roll faster uh-huh no it's so good guys you have never flossed before until you've tried this it is like it's got the ridges it just [ __ ] you edges it's like a torture device it's uh it's like a little more extra measure than the rated yeah not fully but yes it just is more substantial I'm telling you if you try this and then go back to your shitty cheap little ribbon you're like I'm not what am I even doing what's the point of this I'm ready to award my points oh yeah I want to know did I win okay so you all did really great but I'm gonna say I have to give 10,000 points to Ned Wow oh my god thank you I see how this game works because Ned gave or kind of had like an emotional reveal slash breakdown and I think we all we all learned something we either skipped ahead to this moment or really skipped past it yeah and the gun how we feel about flossing yeah Keith's gonna go ahead and get a hundred points in same for sack honor points all right you know what I don't need the validation of your points miles because the validation of how my teeth feels is reward enough and I have Zacks points yeah go ahead yeah Keith has 200 points zach is in the bottom with zero Ned is holding it up with a pretty substantial lead I mean you guys better step up your game cuz Ned I'd say insurmountable but you just came out with 10,000 out of the blue so who knows where this will lead right yeah it's hard to say um okay mm-hmm this next question I remember there's a right and a wrong answer for every one of these yeah yeah for sure were you ever afraid of big dogs no okay yes Zach no but I found them very irritating they slobber and they their barks are so deep and like just just like just a not even aggressive is the word just a paw just bad it's like nails on chalkboard like oh my god I get it you're alive please [ __ ] off this question feels targeted at Ned Scerbo II a big dog no Boies a medium-sized dog but that's why I work very hard to not let him bargain okay other bad stuff because that shit's annoying and anyone who does not take care of that [ __ ] annoying yeah a little different for me game definitely been afraid of big dogs I think people know that I've said my videos I had a rational fear of dogs for most of my life still do a little bit but you know I've been trying to do systematic desensitization which means any time I see a big dog I try and go over and say hi try and pet it miles did you look up a bunch of info about Ned and like put net on the spot what's this game about points cuz he had another emotional reaction you did thanks but never be sittin at a clean 20 think miles just wants to know more about his father figure exactly yeah Zach I'm gonna have you get a hundred points Wow thank you I'd like to donate my hundred points to Keith Keith you're holding it down with Zach's hundred from this one last time you're going for 400 points but that's only got another congratulations on YouTube can they leave a comment as to how to make your dog less protective of the house oh yes Bheem is like a little just doggie like guard and he just oh my goodness anyone even just as like walks by on the other side of the street and he'll just be like I can I can offline you with some tips if you want so we had to go through that yeah how do you do that with a doggy cuz I'm about to which Sarah and I are thinking about getting a dog oh boy what you want a cat okay you can just leave the house for like three days it's awesome yeah you can that is well I'd say now is the time when spontaneity doesn't really quite matter cuz no one has no one can be spontaneous right yeah given the world but cats are the guitar the friend of spontaneity and just going out and living you can just yeah three days easy they don't even know you're gone leave some food out or not they chill friends want to grab drinks after work I can go for I want to turn that into dinner hell yeah maybe you're gonna go do karaoke now [ __ ] live your life baby that'll be fine for our next question and by the way Ned's really kicking your asses so do we know yeah describe your wedding day what was it what did it feel like to graduate from Yale University Wow targeted towards me huh okay when moving to Chicago from Florida would you describe how it felt the first time you saw your son mm-hmm what was the last vegetable you've eaten and how the last one of your balls got it it was potatoes and they were as french fries BAE's delicious since kovat began since the pandemic I've been really afraid dealing with a lot of anxiety you know and and not fully able to you go out into the world yeah so slowly but surely though even though cases are surging in California I feel like some places have had figured out the ebb and the flow that the dance so to speak and so I've tried to make a point of getting a little more take out trying to support the local communities around so last night I went to a Mexican restaurant right back here and I got cauliflower tacos and they were so goddamn good so I ate cauliflower as a taco both to overcome my crippling fear of this pandemic as well as to support the community in which I live thank you for your time all right yeah pretty similar for me about supporting local economy but a little different and that I was so hungry and my takeout wasn't ready yet it gotta do like they were taking a long time you ever put it in it's like 6:45 then it's like 7:15 years like where is this thing oh yeah I know I was getting so hungry that I had a little nibble of my leftover pad see you how old the broccoli cuz it just didn't wanna eat noodles when I had fried chicken and waffles on the way and so I had a little bit broccoli and that was the last vegetable I ever saw and I hate nothing but fried chicken and waffles after but where'd you get the chicken and waffles from home restaurant in Los Feliz Oh yellow boy Oh yellow pajamas you know before Wes Shirley derails us I just want to say that I really appreciate the emotional bravery and honesty of sharing the frustration with delivery and I would love to go ahead and bow out and give Ned the 10,000 points for that round as well yeah it's for me thanks Oh frustrating you know but the broccoli tied to me over check it was you're so brave to share I because Jack was so generous just that 25,000 points Wow I would like to give my dozen points to keep dad away with them for that twenty five thousand more points okay I'll keep oh no I'm gonna give it to charity give it unbuttoned 'td all right so donating my points to UNICEF so Zack is in the last place with twenty five thousand Keith is now Rock and twenty nine thousand with Ned and a close follow up with twenty thousand one hundred points because he got a hundred points for that question Wes I'll answer my next question okay that's good to hear yes Wes I Wes guys Wes Wow twenty twenty-nine thousand this is a high scoring game I mean it's crazy only nine thousand now I'll take it because you already had the e/m ever yeah math works but I'll take it oh yeah baseball whatever the umpire says first that's how it is now that's how it is now miles where we going with this quiz is there like a more salacious the points are all over the place I know yeah points are quite hard to follow even yeah look I just I mean I like math I just I just work here man I don't even [Laughter] take it up with the big man upstairs am i right yeah you got the big guy okay so running then ones and the dues here's another question here that we just got in from the Institute wait at one point where are we being asked questions from our email friend did that go away we have questions from the yeah we have I've got a I've got a question okay different things okay nice yeah that's it sorry this is I understand you just came up with these questions randomly and spent 80% of the time talking about how much points we're getting yeah well this is my made-up numbers this is a game this is try try guys more like try this at quarantine checking with the cutest boys in town except Eugene cuz he's in Korea you're thinking of mail mail bag which is well write up which we did one and then moved on and I don't even remember if we answered the question I don't think we did mail bag today but we don't know we're okay okay we're gonna okay great keep going keep going okay I'm back on board all right you doing great miles thank the good work hey thanks thanks dad but okay mm-hmm chief Oh buzz I'd like to steal the point okay I'll answer it for keep as Keith this is unprecedented this is never a question for everyone I shall answer as Keith okay question ever the question is Keith how you doing buddy dad Keith is feeling a little vulnerable we've done this podcast in a new room and knowing that Becky is just hiding right behind that door ready to pounce at any moment dad I as Keith yeah a little different but feel free I'm party boy had a good solid breakfast this morning cats doing well yeah Becky's in the other room but I got this room to myself in you know it's gonna come over later and we're gonna like hang out that every time you talk I'm desperate for your other nose to start bleeding right now I'm like come on come on buzz you know I've been doing okay I you know I think my diet is gone a little off the rails I was you know a weekday vegan and I was a weekday vegetarian and then I was a weekday pescetarian and now like I don't know foods almost like all I got left for fun in life anymore so I feel like I can't restrict my diet like yesterday I a burger and a chicken sandwich and fries for dinner right so that was two different kinds of meat and also you never know good dairy there's eggs in the Mayo it's and then I'm still intermittent fasting so I'm still I'm eating less food overall in my life but and I'm also and I'm not exercising I think I gotta get mob my ass back into shape if I'm being honest but it's hard without things to look forward to without an event to show off my rippling bod why should I have a rippling bod for me seems selfish Heath whoa I mean that was emotional and for that a hundred thousand points I this is this is never happened before but a hundred thousand points to you and honestly though that puts you at a hundred and twenty nine thousand points and you just won you on the game show Keith I believe you get one dollar for every point so that's one penny for tax issues yeah I'm gonna submit that for reimbursement and we'll be it will be clean you guys know when people when people win money on game shows they gotta pay taxes on that [ __ ] it's like if you went up if you in a car on a game showing all of a sudden now you got a pay huge stack like that sucks its up but I've also always thought about that whenever david dobrik is going and giving cars to people there now saddled with tax that's not that's that's not a gift that's a burden you just gave someone the tax of a Tesla like a sixty five thousand dollar car you have to pay 40 percent gift tax on that so you're gonna have to pay like twenty five thousand dollars more than the car you would have bought I looked this up because I was curious you cannot write off like giving someone a car as a gift I thought like oh don't ryx brilliant he's just tax write-offs every time not if it's for someone else no it's you and if you buy it is company property and then they give it away as a prop in the video so you can like I believe you can get one company car and write it off but every other car I trust me I don't remember the exact but I did ask her shared company accountant cuz I'm like hasn't given away all these cars how I there's got to be some tax loophole that I could take advantage of and cars yeah it's uh he's just burning holes in his pocket and the pockets of his friends unless he's paying the taxes for them I I have no idea can't well I mean he they would still have to pay taxes on that gift money yeah the whole taxation is rough man there you get you tax when you get paid to get tax when you pay all otherwise and yeah it like you unless you make you know very little money then you don't pay taxes because if you like there's a threshold for how much you have to make but that's not a livable amount of money so you shouldn't hope for that and nobody should ever be in that situation anyway right baby he's all using those you know capital gains I think Ned's lost a lot of blood a fifty percent threshold that's how those rich people do it yeah they they put their money makes more money and then it gets taxed at less than everyone else's really messed up I've lost a lot of blood you guys I would love to talk about the tax code more but I can't because I don't want to and so let's move on to the next segment hmm that takes a nap thanks segments is when you guys ask us questions that I'm drunk drag eyes at and or like I am feeling right now and we answer them completely sober unless you have a nosebleed somebody wrote us in and people ask for advice our guidance hey miles and try guys this is called tattoo help hey tattoo hell that's your first mistake you should miles is the afterthought yeah okay that's right there's something a burning question in my mind I'll remember it no I won't I'm gonna ask it now I'm gonna delay this question let's go we when we became Webby Award winners we got a try this question we got a trophy it's a beautiful spring trophy in huge letters on the front it says winner best comedy podcast whatever in all caps miles and the try guys and the try guys that are your backup singers so I want to ask a question I didn't know was it to submit the form award processing not me it was Kalin I didn't do that I didn't a minute I didn't ask him award Kalin submitted us I saw that and I mean don't get me wrong I loved it but I loved it but that was not me and I saw it and I immediately thought they're gonna think that was [Laughter] request that but I did not request it did I earn it who's to say the truth he says but who's to say exactly it was very funny and immediately made it well I'm like well I guess this is Miles his trophy yeah oh they said I know you can buy you can like buy you they only gave us one trophy and you can like buy another one buy more I was like maybe I can buy another one to keep on my desk or something I'll buy one that says Zack and miles on the trucks that question time tattoo help your content has definitely helped me retain my sanity through lockdown and I cannot thank you all enough well thank you Fame I would really got love to get a triceratops tattoo to remind myself that trying and maybe failing is better than not trying at all like hey I love that my question to you guys and Myles is where on my body should I get this tattoo right across the bellybutton like right so then the belly buttons right in the center of the triceratops a bit like it's like really cute and there's got a little belly button maybe it's like a mouth yeah yeah oh I was thinking more like it was like its side of his stomach but yeah you could also put the belly button as like the butthole or is like eyeball to eyeball or you know there's a lot of options you you I think part of body art is incorporating the body into the art right it's not just art on the body it's it's a it's a it's a like a unison like the entire body is the canvas and the art is merely the paint you know I think I think this person is looking at it as something they want to remember like a mantra right so no not think about the lips the lip like on you're gonna do you know maybe like on your kind of you know your inner your wrist your inner forearm where like hey maybe you're looking down at your phone and you're like not wanting to put yourself out there and then you see it and you remember like hey maybe I should do that thing that is a little scary for me that's yeah it seems like wherever you want it for the meaning I think that's right you want to be able to see it so that would be that maybe the forearm maybe the ankle do you guys I'm certain we talked about this on the podcast cuz this is I wanted to get our Triceratops tattoo in fact one of the I'm certain I've told this story one of the first videos we were gonna make on our channel was gonna be called I let the try guys give me a tattoo and I found a tattoo artist who was gonna let each of you hold the gun at one point and it was gonna be like the Triceratops plus and I just I was totally down I had no fear of it except I didn't know where on my body I wanted it so I get your concern I just that to me is the hardest part and you've already got the smiley face on on the back do you make do you balance out with the budget but she combo I wanted the the forearm but I'm like I don't have the forearm for a tattoo like I feel like yup see that so yeah the bicep see that's how little I know about bodies on a dude a really sexy soft spot for the tattoos on the on the calf muscle like right on the back I think that's a hot spot you could get the the line you could get like the the Triceratops walking around each other a little wrap around oh that's oh that's cool I like that that's cool yeah I mean Keith show off your sleeve that's also like not a terrible placement for one right yeah that's right you know for tattoos I never thought I wanted one maybe someday I've had a few groups I've been a part of where like we were like yeah this makes it so far let's get a tattoo and then it made it that far then we didn't because like how well do you really want it's just hard to make a choice for the next 50 years about how are you going like something that's gonna be on your skin for me other people they love it and they you know that's totally cool I you can do whatever you want your body go crazy but it's hard for me to I changed my mind a lot you know so I I just don't want future Keith to be mad at past Keith for something that past Keith has done it's also I don't have any tattoos so it's kind of like I'm breaking the seal type of thing like I'll tell you once you get one I get pretty hungry for another as soon as I'm gonna get that but sleeve yeah a bull butt cheek of art is your right butt ass artwork is so funny and I'm so dead I got a full chair the wraparound Wow just keep adding to the butt that's a really well body art is something that we need advice on clearly but maybe there's something else you need advice on in your life and you've heard a lot from us intelligent super beefy hot bros but there's one also sort of intelligent sort of BV sorta hot bro who hasn't given advice yet his name is miles this engine is called advising over my house with your friend and mine miles on singing it's advice it'll go for miles tune in to your ready up station as if ice it'll go for miles everyone you ready miles nation miles nation what's up miles nation how y'all doing tonight sweetie stinky cuties have you ever wanted to be smothered by ants have you ever wanted to have a green thumb in your mouth the older I don't even know what that means celery and peanut butter my name is celery Arina there's a million things I haven't been just you ray just few raisins wash away my celery my razor copy didn't you talk us about apples and peanut butter last week and I'm talking to us about celery and being mother's week is that I you just like like that you haven't gone grocery shopping but you got a lot of peanut butter you gotta eat like what's happening just like a pumpkin I'm young scrappy and hungry I'm not giving away my ants on a log you're like a pumpkin I have been eating ants on a log hold the ants and it is better celery and peanut butter yeah that's correct it's a good snack that's gonna make you say ahh so I have been doing that it's a healthy little thing celery is negative calories you eat it in your body says whoops there's a pound so it loses it and it's weight loss in a way but peanut butter gives it that spice that you're gonna dig I also think is a gateway for flossing you know yeah it's like the little strands of celery kind of get you little cleaner maybe I should start there daddy you should just do what you do best and eat like beef and cuz the beef is like and corn on the cob stuff that gets stuck in your teeth and drives you crazy so you have to floss that's true any time I do corner of the Kaaba I'm like oh right I gotta remember to floss tonight I just gotta have a healthy like a cob a day y'all [ __ ] with celery on peanut butter or what yeah it's good I like it it's got a good crunch sometimes I just dip a knife in the peanut butter and just suck it off all right not a spoon nah man I like to live dangerously I definitely licked my knife when I'm like spreading peanut butter on a sandwich and I'm you know before I go to wash it I'll eat that rest of that up but I typically if I'm just snacking on the peanut butter I get big old spoon and make like what I call little peanut butter lollipop yeah and I say Keith I'm a bit of a bad boy if you're looking for a healthy snack I find that it's good Dunc the celery unwashed into a jar of nut butter almond or otherwise and slurp it down bit of a misunderstanding in the veggie world sometimes a little dirt does you some good you should wash your fruit you should wash your fruit and vegies because of like pesticides and [ __ ] but like you don't need to peel your carrots with like the you're like oh it looks dirty with your fine but how sexy does a [ __ ] peeled carrot look so hot you look naked they look gross it makes me uncomfortable it's gross have you ever shot a bunch of baby carrots out of your mouth like a little like her dough from Mario - I have done the the boba and the straw it makes a little you can do with grapes - I used to put like eight eight to ten grapes in my mouth and just go outside and shoot them out like a machine I feel like you can put like 40 grapes in your mouth video maybe that's on Facebook live 2016 I'm a great skin I fit in my mouth well guys this be a really fun show make sure you subscribe wherever you're watching rate us five stars you know you're like why because it helps up people discover the show that's why and you can leave us a cute little message Maya your chance to that will read out your secret if you leave us a secret in the review next week in another episode and also check out a merch at try guys comm we got the keep try in line if you're like I want to tattoo but I'm not ready for it yet try haven't keep trying on a t-shirt it will do a lot of similar things and you do it okay Ned I've lost a lot of one-lane having something up your nose and you know it makes you talk different if you thought I sound like Squidward now wow-wow only sound like now check out our significant others podcast you can sit with us check us out on all the socials you know where we are yeah we're still released in two podcasts a week two videos a week on YouTube on the try guys Channel and you know where we're trying to keep you guys entertained through the constant ebb and flow of kovat and other things going on in our wonderful country guys I'm gonna hit us full circle before we end this I'm gonna hit you with my Eagle sex fact so Eagles will meet high up in the sky and they engage and they they enter one another and then they they just dive to the ground they just freefall and it's called the roller coaster and then sometimes they'll go up and then down and they just tail dive down until they finished and sometimes they don't finish in time and they hit the ground and die whoa Keith here's with the official tripod theme song when two eagles fly together they do not do what Zac said I've looked it up it's a lie it's a lie it's a falsehood they be talking about it toward the ground when they look you talking about its unsubstantiated next week to resolve this disagreement [Music]
Channel: The TryPod
Views: 244,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, ned fulmer, breakdown, freakout, outtakes, roasting, ariel, maggie, becky, try wives, relationship, girlfriends
Id: WhEyM5n274k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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