Keith Tries Living At The Airport - The TryPod Ep. 79

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ramble thank you to liquid iv cuts clothing and core seltzer for sponsoring today's tripod hello and welcome to another episode of the tripod we've got a special day planned for you all but first introductions who am i pointing to the host of today's episode eugene and who's that hey what's up i'm zach i'm playing for uh everyone watching back home thanks for thanks for watching thanks for believing me i'm gonna make you proud and over here we have i'm keith i'm from tennessee and i like balloons and running the ones and twos what the [ __ ] up it's your boy i mean a fig cake okay yeah you got extra nah there's some in the kitchen if you want a big cake i can go get you some yeah i'll wait okay gotta be covered in ants and our final contestants and i'm ned i like warm hugs and tax returns filed on time all right hit us with this game show theme song what's word what's the word what's the word with you g yeah what's the word what's the word what's the word with eugene miles give us some background on this uh where did this game come from hey big boy hey what's up this is a game that we popularized in episode 77 of the tri 78 of the tripod um where eugene brings in a special secret word and everybody takes that word brings it into their brain and spits out some garbage what's the word what's the word what's wrong with eugene but this time because zach started a contestant identity thing going we're gonna gamify it yes and i am going to decide by the end who is the winner and who's a shitty shitty loser wow basically based on whoever happens to have my opinion yeah and that's the word yeah that's the word that's the word eugene so i'm basically just doing this word random generator i'm gonna say the word y'all are gonna discuss your opinions on it and i'm gonna decide who's right uh you know because this is where we're at now we're just having fun yeah this is what we need all right all right it's time for the first word the first word the first word and everyone at home start placing placing your bets on who you think will win because it really truly is anyone's game because we are making this up as we go welcome to what's the word here is your first word your first word with eugene is cruise ship oh boy controversy go ahead zack buzz cruise ships suck okay we should outlaw they're done there's no room for cruise ships in the year 2020 of our lords and savior they're just little [ __ ] cesspools of a virus and then people vomit and also like the [ __ ] you doing on a cruise ship it's a floating hotel with with bad amenities the only thing you ever hear about cruise ships is everyone getting norovirus and [ __ ] their brains out and that was before coronavirus where then you just hear everyone getting coronavirus i was a child and i went on the big red boat and i had a [ __ ] great time there were looney tunes characters what is the big red boat the big red boat was the like warner owned property like uh competitor to the disney cruise line it wasn't actually owned by werner they just licensed a bunch of like those types of characters however i learned the macarena on that fake truck well then that's a pretty big deal and then after i got off the boat we went to disney world you're kind of selling me on this cruise ship maybe you guys want to take a cruise i got lost on the boat and i it was big and i was nine and i was so confused because it was a big red boat and then they had little shuttle boats called little red boats and i got seasick on it it's true i've been on a cruise ship once and the only thing i could think about was this would be great for like a nine or a ten-year-old because they're old enough that you can just you can just let them go you can just let them run around do whatever because they're not going to leave they're not going to fall off i just remembered that i crashed a bingo tournament on the main deck and i sat with some random old lady and uh she said i was her good luck charm oh no she did win and i got five bucks wow dude cruise ship sound i had a great time zach have you never been on a cruise ship no so my parents my family has always just been very anti-cruise ships they're like that stupid like why would we go there we can go anywhere else and not be on the water maybe my mom gets seasick maybe that's part of it so i just i've grown up in an anti-cruise ship household and to be honest growing up i'm like i kind of want to go on a cruise ship i want to know what all the fuss is about yeah i mean in terms of like seeing culture you're kind of you're in a it's the anti-culture yeah yeah you're in a kind of a sameness void you go to the bahamas yeah but you're there for like three hours it's not the same as like living in a city for you know four or five days that's true by the way there was a norovirus outbreak at my college it was wild every single person that i knew was like you're sick it's like yeah but yeah i guess i could still take a hit of that joint and then every single one of my friends got norovirus three days of non-stop [ __ ] and vomiting uh welcome to the tripod uh it just was the worst thing that i've ever experienced personally miles you've got a horse in this race i wanna hear your cruise ship opinion you're a horse miles i like boats yeah i've never been on a cruise ship but i've always thought it'd be cool because then you can do like a slip and slide but you're on the water but you're on a boat yeah there are water slides on a boat how [ __ ] nuts is that that's cool should we start the tri-cruise okay hear me out it's a big but rob gronkowski did did a cruise why can't we weezer did a cruise why can't we we're just like them we're exactly like them yeah exactly yeah uh we have a cruise where there's different quarters we actually we split the boat into four quadrants right okay yes based on each of us in my i called the bottom i caught the base of the boat suckers that's all the bedrooms are blue that's the most dangerous part you want to do when there's a lot of titanic situations but the thrill seekers out there all right so i've been on a cruise it was an alaskan cruise oh i would do that yeah so it was very um the crowd was older there was lots of seafood when in your life was this this was when my little sister biked to alaska from austin for charity oh oh wow that's awesome crazy but it was good it was for cancer research is that the bike ride where she like the birds birds oh she she put a bird out of this misery with her bare hands yeah uh oh my god that's a difference she's got a different story she got very in touch with her nature side yeah did she put the blood on her face she did yeah um okay my family is very sorry okay we're gonna brush over that freeze buy it but you know i found in front of our live studio audience in orlando florida i said well well it was it was boring but it was also beautiful because alaska is really cool you went to all the islands so i think cruises also depend on where you go yeah i think the actual cruiser itself the idea of it is kind of gross so i'm kind of split between you know i'm going to give keith first right now because i his story made me laugh i'm going to say you know even though you've never been on a ship i'm going to give zach the second spot i liked your opinion but it was not as funny as key stories okay but miles is going to be in last because he just said he likes boats i do like votes without any votes without elaborating eugene somebody described me in the comments as a simp for eugene and i i would just like to say thanks for including me oh you know you know maybe okay you are now you get the two points and i'm bumping at the bottom oh rough oh i get to be on the bottom of the appreciate all right so do you see titanic they were partying the hardest in the bottom they were the coolest people i'm just saying yeah they weren't going for it but then then they all died sure but most people died anyway yeah you watch titanic and you go i want to be billy zane or like i want to be having dinner where i have to like know where my little forks to go you want to be leo decaps you want to party on tables and paint naked ladies right yeah why don't they make a tight well i guess that's probably why they wouldn't make a titanic experience cruise line but where it's like the experience but it's sinking the titanic that would be fun the first half of titanic yeah first act they made a cruise where you do you do the same voyage without the sinking and the iceberg and you dress up in the old school like vic post victorian garden yes it's awesome yeah and scary my favorite my favorite story about my mom uh that she'll be furious that i'm telling uh she and my sister went to the titanic exhibit in new york and they have a recreation of of the stairs like the beautiful staircases you know how your parents like when you sometimes like when you tell them to be quiet they just get pissed so my mom goes to the tour guide and goes now excuse me is this the real stairs from the titanic and my sister goes mom shut up what let me ask you mom shut up and she got mad she's like let me ask the question is this the real stairs and uh no ma'am they're on the bottom of the ocean and then she uh broke down crying in real life or laughing crying and realized that was the dumbest thing she's ever asked the dumb question but funny okay what's the word what's the word what's the word with eugene oh [ __ ] word number two and this is just a random word generator on some website it's like the pictionary word generators oh word number two if this is a game maybe we can make a board game out of this just let's talk about here's a word i believe it's disgusting i think last card entry i don't think this is not a game there's ice breakers cards against humanity but about your opinions about things also you need a friend named eugene to play this yeah yeah well it comes with a little action figure of eugene and he and you push the button and you hear the song and then you throw out a word that you recognize and then we release updates it's like with over 150 new words kind of like screws okay god i just i just burped right as i was running out of breath your last breath my last breath was a burp ugh this game show's already off the rails i love it the word is nap i controversially do not nap the only times i ever nap ev anytime in a year is if i am sick and i did not rest properly the night before that is the only time i nap i never nap i'm a no napper i didn't nap in kindergarten i didn't nab in college i don't nap now i don't nap heath go the [ __ ] off my dude naps [ __ ] me up if i take a nap it ruins my whole day if i take a nap something bad has happened and sometimes i want to take a nap because i don't sleep well right but it it wrecks me look you guys are correct and all like factually uh but naps are my dirty little secret my guilty little pleasure i know it's bad for me i know it's not actually gonna go off yeah yes but if it's like a saturday you don't have anything to do okay or like even a friday and if you took the day off like you're talking about like 2pm ish a little 2pm now just getting lunch and you're like it doesn't matter if you don't feel great afterwards because you fell asleep in the middle of the day i also imagine as a as a parent naps huge for you that's that's a time that you get back uh that's true when west goes down that's the sort of time that you just don't you you lose forever because you're just asleep but oh i meant when west naps yeah well that's true yeah when west naps that's you can finally do whatever you want so even if you want to sleep that's great if you want to like do something else that's great too now naps yeah bad knapsacks awesome what a fun word for a backpack oh my god [ __ ] awesome i love a weird sleeping bag okay so there's one type of nap that i can admit that i do sometimes and that is the watching a normal procedural drama sitting on the couch dad nap where you fall asleep like this you fall asleep just with your head sort of back on the couch and you it's an actual little cat nap it's like 15 or 20 minutes and you're just lulled by some t boring tv show into a pleasant upright seated nap i can get down on that from time to time y'all want a nap hack oh yeah knapsack nap pack have a little bit of caffeine oh yeah then take a nap the caffeine's gonna kick in in about 20 minutes or so you're gonna wake up and you're gonna be ready to [ __ ] today uh advice has always made sense like in my mind but when i put it in practice it does not work because the first sip you're like i'm ready i'm good yeah yeah and just the just the idea that you're drinking coffee wakes you [ __ ] everywhere miles what's your nap opinion i wake up real sweaty from the nap i do agree naps are warm i'll wake up sweaty and kind of disoriented and if you go more than 15 minutes you're in no no no no no trouble you sleep too hard you sleep too hard yeah nap too hard i did take a nap on my birthday recently and recently birthday now you know my more recent birthday was my birthday reasons and it was good it was a good nap i only did it for like 15 minutes and i did the caffeine nap i took a coffee and then i went to sleep and it worked okay if you're to nap what's what's the time threshold what are you aiming for two hours ten minutes no way two hours yeah yeah whoa dude if you're gonna go for it you gotta go for it that's like two minutes it's like what's the point i did that in college when i was pulling all-nighters when i'm a big man adult i do a two-hour nap i figure you're a dad you're getting it while you're getting's good right you got it yeah that's micro sleeping at that point i don't know what that is gene i don't sleep so this might not be common knowledge but i suffer from insomnia yeah go off naps are wonderful respites in my day especially with the 2020 having us inside most of the time i enjoy a nice siesta in fact sometimes my body just happens to force itself to siesta i'm going to say i'm going to say you don't nap you collapse ned you went from last and now you got the first place oh wow wow i liked also how sexual you made it i do yeah it is a little dirty because you don't feel great after a nap that's true you guys are correct um you know i think i think miles i didn't understand what you were talking about but i kind of liked this your enthusiasm and also that also you're a symptom so i'm giving you i'm giving you the second place i do stan eugene i enjoyed uh bo both keith and zach were anti-nap up top but i'm gonna say keith set that tone so i'm giving him the last place points oh no that's true i came out the gate being like [ __ ] naps man this is anyone's game that's like totally turned wow everything's on the order in his head wow [Music] i have trouble staying hydrated throughout the day i'm always trying to chug my water bottle always trying to do what i can but 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at costco and target or you can get 25 off when you go to and use code try guys at checkout that's 25 off anything you order anything when you use promo code try guys at get better hydration today at promo code try guys okay i just have a nap question uh for the nap kings over here because i always okay so they say like a 15 20 minute nap or like a 40 minute app those are the perfect units of time i know you disagree with two hours i just always have this nap anxiety perfect for what i mean like i said two hours is terrible for you it's not good the best thing is to go to bed at exactly the same time every night wake up at the exact same time and have that time be enough sleep that you need to go through the day but ned what i like about why you're getting top scores yeah is you know it's scientifically bad yeah but i do it anywhere [Laughter] [Music] the word is i found velcro on the floor on the floor the wood is sweater best you'll like this sweater vest wow sweater vest sweater vest two words well it's two words this time we're going crazy wow what's your opinion you're not a sweater on a sweater vest i'll i'm gonna go ahead and say i've probably worn a sweater vest less than three times in my life wow like when would i have worn one recently it's to me it's it's pretty popular toddler apparel and um snarky ivy league school student apparel or hogwarts student they wear a lot of sweater vests or a step brothers halloween costume yeah uh-huh uh-huh it's typically i guess it's associated with intelligence but like douchey intelligence yeah like wealthy intelligence old money old money brainy because you want to keep your chest warm but like leave your uh leave your hands free to like push down the the people don't have as much money i want reverse i want sleeves but nothing in the middle of the sleeves because my torso always hot you should get basketball sleeves my limbs oh is that a thing i could do yeah they have like compression sleeves first to get you better at shooting you need the opposite you just need the sleeves yeah i need sweater sleeves sort of sleeves because somebody who's listening fastened me a pair of christmas sweater sleeves ooh like a strap yeah there was like a string that connects the two arms so that they don't slump down my hands i feel like i should be getting more sweater vests ivy league douchebag i'm afraid of it you and wes could match i could match west we do dress wes up with a lot of sweater vests adorable but i feel like sweater vests are the fashion moment that i'm i'm afraid of that i'm not fully embracing um my people [Music] i just like it phonetically i have nothing you know i don't encounter sweater vests i'll never wear a sweater vest but i'm always looking for very specific words to use in comedy and a sweater like someone screaming like mom grab my sweater vest it just is a more specific funny thing and i'm going to incorporate that into some of my life what about you miles we're smart guys like taj maori yeah they're for smart guys i feel like for sweater vests like i think it's correct that if you wear spider vest it's sort of a symbol similar to how glasses also make you a smart guy but i feel like glasses are for the people sweater vest is for the one percent yeah that's true they're elite smart guys i don't think i could pull off a sweater vest but i'd be willing to try picture someone wearing a sweater vest in your head right now is it bill gates you bet it is dug funny dug funny i do like dug funny you know i think based on all your answers i gotta give it to keith cause the sweater sleeves is a very very funny product [ __ ] yeah that's a good idea eugene do you think you could pull off a sweater vest you know i used to wear sweater vests in college occasionally yeah what i just had i just had two that i got from my step-dad because he used to wear them in like the 70s the 70s and 80s they were kind of big so yeah i'd wear them with like a button down sometimes i put a tie so it looked very very like ivy league but it was very much like me being a naughty schoolboy you're bad you wear a coat over it probably sometimes i put a coat over it yeah zach i'm so sorry it's taken me so long with this podcast to say something but the flap of your collar is up [ __ ] and you look like an idiot are you kidding me you look oh no [Music] i was like i should tell him and then we would then we would sing the funny song and i would forget you know what would help you know what would help keep the flap down a sweater a sweater mask man exactly i gotta i gotta give you the lowest points on this yeah i think i think i should be just i'm gonna leave no no you're still in the game you're still in the game i just i feel bad i it's still it's gonna get [ __ ] up again it's probably a jacket take my bandana and put it over the collar there you go just like that just like that yeah that's cool yeah there we go okay what do you think if i tie it are you thinking like this yeah so if you're not watching on youtube yes i read comments uh zach is now wearing it like oh your collar got all [ __ ] up underneath okay it's [ __ ] up underneath but it's fine yeah all right now i'm like now i'm a bandit i feel like eugene pulls off that look pretty good and you're kind of rocking it now what the bandana look around the neck you're such a sim for eugene this is my moment yeah i love it i love this deep bandanna ned i liked i like that fashion edition you just suggested you're getting second place nice and miles thank you again giving you the third place i like how [ __ ] you are over there you're having a great time i'm having a ball i need to you know what i gotta get the mirror out i gotta looks good zach i like yourself you're just saddling up for dessert at olive garden it also looks like you could be like hiding a goiter because it's very like pronounced yeah you know what the neck growth from a lack of iodine okay that's what that's from yeah that's why we don't have them anymore that's one of the reasons they made iodized salt is because people just didn't have enough iodine people got goiters and now we just keep iodine in our salt for really no functional reasons we have plenty of iodine in our diet yeah it's good to have oh we have plenty you shouldn't be you're not using iodized salt well of course not that's how the government controls your brains i'm not [ __ ] i have some iodized salt but i also have sea salt i have multiple salts yeah i okay here's a question for you guys i'll like you know you salt your yourself to your little pot and pan to bring your water to a boil so we have our fancy salt like our himalayan pink sea salt and then from without a recipe that we filmed at home i have like that big old [ __ ] morton's tub and so i'm like yeah i'm just going to use the morton's tub for for the pan and maggie's like no you got to use the good stuff i'm like this is water water seasoning no she's wrong he's wrong you listening don't listen to you can sit with us maggie's sad advice you're wrong you're crazy i mean sure like maybe if you're like a rich sweater vest person you can use your fancy salt in the water yeah i dip my rock into the pot and then i put it back in the cabinet the reason you salt water is to make the temperature it boils at higher it's not to impart a ton of flavor to the noodles well that's controversial some people say it is actually to season the noodles well it does noodles but that's not like the primary reason i think what is the science i know that it does bring the the boiling temperature boiling point easier but why how it raises the i think as there's more like particles uh in the uh in the water itself quite remember it's a lot easier but there's like a couple like it like it'll make the freezing point lower it'll make the boiling point higher eugene is bored this is not a word what's the word you choose the word okay you saved me from my dead sea story yeah i think it's called le chatelier's principle the word is i like that the word is chick-fil-a that's not a word that's a proper noun it's a pictionary okay here's my thing about chick-fil-a bigotry might just be the secret ingredient that makes it so delicious you know do i want my chicken to be made by bigots no is the chicken objectively phenomenal yes i don't think the employees are the bigots no but the chickens gotta come from somewhere yes maybe the chickens are bigots that's but i want to eat if i'm going to eat a chicken i want to eat a bigot chicken because i want to be like you should die you're killing bigotry by eating all those big headed chickens exactly i would say as someone who knows a lot about a lot of different fast food menus uh i think that now that the popeye's sandwich is so good and now that the carl's jr hardy's chicken tenders are so good i no longer see it as like a problem that i can't have chick-fil-a because of the big you know the the you know the bigotry so because i have other i have other chicken outlets that are not bigots now you know can i just rev i want to add a short statement for people out there i did stop eating chick-fil-a when it came out and it really hurt me because i did not grow up with chick-fil-a so i moved to l.a the first time i ever had chick-fil-a was here in hollywood i'm like holy oh that must be crazy this is incredible i've been eating this burger king chicken [ __ ] yeah and then burger king chicken was your frame of reference oh god it's some of the worst on the market it's better than mcdonald's but then wendy's i got wendy's pretty good mcdonald's got better too like maybe seven months after i moved here eating chick-fil-a is when this whole thing came out and i i had to like sacrifice this new love and and rip it from my sacrifice things for what you believe in they also have really good delicious a full rainbow of sauces it's crazy i like it and all but like it's nothing compared to shake shack's chicken sandwich that [ __ ] slaps and shake shack right now is offering a promotion of their spicy chicken sandwich which i have do you have a secret sponsorship i [ __ ] wish i know i know i just had the spicy chicken sandwich and it was very good it was very spicy even the mild sorry you're saying that's a promotion like it's cheaper than normal no it's just they only have it right now a shared hot take amongst us four levels of spice yeah it's a whole thing a shared hot take amongst us is that the chicken sandwich at shake shack is the best thing on the menu i mean that [ __ ] slaps ordered 32 of them for a party the only thing back when parties were a thing the only thing that that really parallels it is they have this uh the smoke shack burger which is the burger with these like red peppers on it and it's spicy but it's so delicious and nobody knows about it i feel like nobody knows about it i discovered it in the eat the menu shake shack and it is now the burger that i order really yeah and i had never had it sounds kind of gross to be honest it's really good they have these cherry peppers on it so it's spicy and tangy and boy oh boy is it delicious check out your local shake shack today tell them keith sent you miles what's your chick-fil-a opinion it's hard not to buy [ __ ] from evil billionaires it's like really hard it's a great point that's true cause most of them are evil yeah yeah it's like yeah yeah they're really evil you ever been to a concert a lot of stuff was made about coachella but that dude also owns live nation which runs just about every single concert so what can you do it's tough i mean one thing evil billionaires can do is not be so openly bigoted about their homophobia secret big just like yeah they have a lot of money and a secret like super pac to advertise or whatever but i will say my one chick-fil-a thing because i grew up in texas i grew up with chick-fil-a i always wanted it on sunday yeah that's the issue so that is the problem it is delicious but [ __ ] chick-fil-a for that already i was upset same with in and out have a need in it after wait they're closed on sundays yeah dude on the bottom yeah on the bottom of the internet no they're not close they just look yeah they love these can we can we on the bottom of the in and out cup it says john 3 16 whatever one of them they're 16. you just said three eight times i don't know i got that right yeah 316. john 3 16. is that jesus died for your sins forgot so loved the world that he gave his only son yeah they're all boxing that's whoever be so blessed but have everlasting life thank you christian boy i had to say it for everlasting life john 3 16 means you can be born again there's very few moments i've hated on the show as much as that that's the word listen uh so it is the word none of us are act are eating chick-fil-a ever since all the homie homophobia transplant came out so everyone gets top marks on that answer gay rights all around i'm so proud of everybody but i don't believe in jesus so i get docked a point yeah no it's okay it's okay we're ever so it's neck and neck guys rendering that last round completely meaningless what's the word what's the word what's the word with you judy was like come on now that's the only way i'm activated yeah it says it's like how superman is powered by the sun [Music] you wear clothes right of course you do if you don't you aren't really accepted in society well let me tell you about some new clothing cuts clothing has completely changed the game their t-shirt has enough quality and style to wear in the office on a date or anywhere in between i actually have myself some cuts clothing shirts i've enjoyed them immensely i feel good also i'm a big boy right like i'm a tall guy and i found that the t-shirts really fit me really well like their sizing is just awesome for somebody like me you don't have to choose between a classic look and a modern feel you get both at the same time and you can shop by cut so you can choose your collar a crew a v-neck or a henley you choose your cut elongated split hem or the classic curved hem it's the steve jobs advantage stop looking at your closet and deciding how you're going to look just make it simple make stuff that's going to work for everything put on a nice shirt walk out the door have a great day all those reasons and more is why cuts is the only shirt worth wearing loved by your favorite athletes entrepreneurs and even podcast host winky winky it seems like everyone is wearing cuts these days get 15 off your first order by going to try guys that's try guys for 15 off the only shirt worth wearing the word is this is two words so the phrase is leap year oh what's y'all's opinions i'ma go ahead and say [ __ ] leap years also [ __ ] daylight savings time why we got to get all wonky with the calendar very different things same thing very different you know who had the calendar figured out the mayans you know who killed them colonizers you know what we should do we should go back to that standard they had dope ass calendars our calendar is stupid and therefore it needs a leap year i do like the circle calendar the shape is beautiful i agree with that uh i agree with daylight savings times and i think some people have been saying you know the pandemic this is the perfect time to kill it yeah right it's everything is all [ __ ] up anyway just get rid of it no one will notice and it'll be great because we won't have to live like these crazy like dark mornings where like it's well it's eight o'clock but it's still pitch black outside i guess i just i hate that but i think leap year is awesome and necessary otherwise we would slowly uh ever you know every four years get like shift seasons and be confusing to us in the calendar year and eventually christmas would happen in march season that'd be pretty cool though because the world observes it would be weird right the entire world the whole world yeah because the whole world doesn't observe because there's actually it's 365.25 it's down it's the solar system it's not about the clock it's bigger than us the time table it's bigger than that that is kind of beautiful yeah there's very few things that the entire world agrees everybody's gotta do it and that's pretty okay i agree i think it's pretty freaking awesome and the reason is that but then also if you're born on leap day i mean it's first of all it's a whole extra day that you just get as like a bonus and if you're born on leap day that means you're technically a quarter of the age of everyone else you're a 40 year old man nope guess again you're a 10 year old boy here's my problem though leap the leap year day leap day free day how dare they make anyone do anything yeah it's true it should be an automatic vacation days for the world it should be called boinko day it should be the purge and it should just be everybody knows whatever they want no no no no no no we should be able to murder no no miles what's your leap day opinion boinko day amy adams is like super excited that's nice is that the leap year movie with matthew good and amy adams yeah yeah and also you that show you saw sharp objects yes she was in julie and julio at the same dude yeah i love this amy adams conversation yeah i love amy adams is awesome um you know what i already have some points so i think uh what do you think about leap years i think that they're necessary for for science based on what we've already discussed i think that gives just because ned had a really great joke about the 10 to 40. he's got your first points keith you get the second point oh yeah you know uh miles you pulled ahead with that amy adams reference whoa got my gay ass on that and stack you've got my gay ass on that new t-shirt a new casio keyboard i think you came out strong but you did conflate daylight savings yeah so you got to start pulling up the rear i believe in you hey that's fine man i'm going to pull up that rear i'm going to get your ass get my gay ass what's the word what's the word what's the word with you gene the word is voicemail voicemail okay voicemail is the absolute worst all right like er it's great that you can leave me a message but the like everyone takes so long to get to the point in voicemail messages when i have to listen to a voicemail message and just hear someone be like um yeah anyways um we were trying to uh it's either like a spam caller or someone that really could have communicated the point by texting the the minute they they invented like voicemail transcription services brilliant changed my life i i no i don't think i ever listen to voicemails i just read the transcription and i either delete it immediately or call the person back i am such a staunch opposer of voicemails that i do not have a voicemail box you can't leave me one whoa uh and there's many reasons but mostly it was because there's so many ways to contact me and that's the worst so i'm gonna remove it and then second was now there were public figures i didn't want people to know if they had correctly found my name oh yeah so i it doesn't even say you've reached this number it just says the person who has this has not activated their voicemail oh i didn't know you could do that it's i'd never set it up i got the new phone or like never set it up genuinely probably a bi-weekly conversation i have with my grandmother or she'll send me a text i'll miss her call cause like i'm in the shower and then she'll send me a text like hi sweetie your voicemail box is full i'm like yeah i know that's the point huh but it means so much to her to be able to leave me a voicemail and actually okay we all are anti-voicemail however there is something about voicemails that i do like i have kept voicemails from all of the significant people in my life uh uh birthday messages this is actually maybe a little dark but like i have ones from grandparents who have passed away and it need like and in my mind this is where it gets dark i'm like i want to have a record of their voice in case something happened to have this recording of them uh [ __ ] i do that too yeah it's sweet right yeah i have like my mom calling me after wes was born i have the first ever voicemail message that ariel left me when she was one of you just playing phone tag to like we had we like started dating right very close to christmas holiday and so we just like called each other a lot in our early you know dating we just had like phone conversations as dates for like hours uh you guys on that [ __ ] zack that's romantic dude that's a good point miles you you romantic with the voicemails you hate him i love a voicemail i really do i think that's a good opportunity to leave your friend like a silly message so sometimes i'll call a friend and be like yo your [ __ ] feet stank perfect and kind of like dude me and my friend did like a tag team rap battle over the course of a couple months we just call get the voicemail and then he called me one time and i picked up and he was like hey hang up and then don't answer my next call so i can leave you a voice that's cute yeah you guys on that voice memo game where you go to your text messages and then you'll just send off like a 30-second uh voice text love that [ __ ] and then it disappears yeah yeah like you can be a secret spy i like that i like that it disappears little spy in disguise sorry will smith i don't know did i i'll do like little video video text messages which is basically like snapchat except through text messages it's it's betraying my age but all my friends are not on snapchat so what can you do hmm this is interesting i think zach you're going to get the top points you brought up the the sentimental swerved with that sentimental baby sometimes i will say i do personally dislike it because there's this phenomenon that only affects asians oh yeah i have a chinese i could have be chinese because my last name is yang so there's this whole scam where they have all these like automated machines with uh chinese voicemails telling people with asian last names that you owe the chinese government money oh man so they make millions of dollars a year because they leave all these mails and they just are targeting hopefully illegal immigrants that's like the idea in their head that they're gonna get their money because they get scared that oh china needs your money so i used to get like five a day at some point that's [ __ ] up but also should we start doing that ned for that you're getting less you say like millions miles miles i liked your weird silliness with this i'm giving you a second keith just because you ended up talking first you're getting second to last but this is anyone still third still anyone's game still anyone's game [Applause] i can't do it unless you're in unison the word is layover oh you know what you know what i kind of like a nice hour and a half to two hour layover because i like to explore the airport uh sometimes airports have little wine bars and some of those wine bars do like flights and you can get like three glasses of like three mini glasses of wine or you can go have a local fast food chain that maybe you don't have here when i go through atlanta sometimes i get the bojangles fried chicken because i have no access to bojangles anywhere else so i kind of like slightly longer layovers they also give you a padding if your plane is delayed but i kind of like airports i know that's weird but they're kind of fun keith i'm with you yeah 45-minute hour-long layover no good you might as well just get non-stop but a two-hour layover where you can just like get a little funky with it like have a nice relaxing like four glass of wine lunch uh-huh that's what i'm saying that's good and also one time when i flew to south africa i had a four day layover in paris wow that's not a lake in paris it's a state and it's a state but it was the same exact price as because it just sort of like counted as a layover in the system wow that's awesome it was pretty cool that's a very cool i know i've heard of people who use there's a way to buy plane tickets where you actually you like you buy something with a layover but then you actually take a second flight as your second half so you don't use the second like part of your flight right so i want to go to florida let's say but um i i don't know yeah let's say i want to go to florida that's a great idea but i could buy a ticket to chicago through denver and then actually take a flight from denver denver to florida that would actually be cheaper somehow too much work it's so bizarre but people do that or you know what it is it's the opposite it's like i want to fly to denver but it's cheaper for me to buy a ticket to chicago through denver don't completely wait how are you getting to florida that's i i gotta drive do you have to re-enter security no in florida yeah well yeah but no the idea i mess it up it's that you you jump out halfway through your flight that's crazy zach growing up i loved a good layover you know you stay over with your friends you stay up all night you make popcorn whoever falls asleep first you dip their hand in the hot water make them pee their pants you're watching that staticky hbo channel trying to see the new anyway i did it again oh i'm so silly a sleepover daylight savings layover i would i will always pay more money to not have a layover uh direct flight because like most of my flights new york to l.a if you're telling me i need to add another two three hours to that journey well certainly it's just a red eye you don't want two hours in the middle of the night i do wonder though as i i'm older though like i have chronic pain and i can't be on a plane too long so maybe you know having a layover so i can pop out do some yoga in the terminal crush your legs a little bit yeah i do i will always take a layover to fly into burbank rather than lax because i'd rather do a layover absolutely oh for sure now i live further i live further from the airport than you did you live in different places than we we live 10 minutes away from burma airport don't shake your head that vehicle yeah if you might understand but the question is would you do a layover because you can go into a preferred airport that's kind of the oh yeah how long are we talking here uh well typically this is this scenario is typically going to chicago it means i'm going to lay over in vegas uh and it's i will take a short layover in vegas also sometimes this is the kind where the plane lands then you keep flying if it's scheduled appropriately around like lunchtime or dinner time a long layover is great also none of you guys have kids but if you did you would understand that having a kid and entertaining them for six hours on a plane flight pretty tough yeah but getting all their [ __ ] off the plane and getting a little knapsack like i said baby seeds you had a kid you'd understand my life no no miles what's your layover uh opinion you can find me in the hudson books on my tummy meeting entertainment yeah queen am i the only anti-latin that is crazy to me direct flights all you know i'm doubling down sorry miles go on of course direct flights are better but like if you're gonna there are here if there are times stay away there are times when like yeah don't be mad at it just embrace it get it you know overpay for your chair massage like i said four glasses of wine at lunch i like it to feel like castaway where like i kind of live in the airport you mean the terminal the terminal yeah that's a good point it's kind of like a layover yeah yeah terminal where he kind of lives there because then it's like i'm there for a couple hours then i got him like he was uh you know the flight attendants and stuff like i know him not only do i hate layovers i want my time in the airport to be as minimal as possible i cut it so [ __ ] close that like i want to be the last person on that plane i want to basically miss it every single year you're such a risky flyer like that about you yep travel together quite often well guess how many flights i've missed one two two it's happened listen this is all very intelligent discussion i gotta say if you're closest to my opinion i am notoriously not very big of a much of a fan of flying so i'm gonna have to give zach the point that makes sense yeah i'm gonna give miles the least points for fair for saying he's gonna stay in a terminal and be cast away and scare people okay and then i you guys just can you guys rochambeau real quick for a second you're on good shoot yeah on shoot one two scissors shoot oh time scissors shoot oh now got it all right were you about to say the same story was it when we were landing in texas eugene hates flying oh this is good our airplane was landing and so you're going down you're going down and then all of a sudden that was in new york i think was it yeah accelerating like crazy and rips up going north oh my god and we all just were fine it was like literally you know you were maybe 100 feet off the ground almost the runway and then it accelerated like i've never felt before and then took off again because there was a plane on the runway so so it was a swerve and everyone on the plane went we're going to die like it was a moment accelerating for some reason about this excited and yeah i looked to eugene and i felt bad because i knew that he was [ __ ] bricks it was like it's the only time i could be called white because i was a ghost [Music] course elser ain't your average seltzer baby rooted in core's long history of sustainability they were inspired by a generation that wants to do good in the world with a mission to restore america's rivers course seltzer is launching the world's easiest volunteer program whatever you're doing by simply cracking open a can of course seltzer you're volunteering look our waterways are at risk 80 percent of america's rivers are drying up through a partnership with change the course queer seltzer is helping to protect and restore america's rivers there are four refreshing flavors and one cool cause enjoy naturally flavored black cherry mango lemon lime and grapefruit the specks are in coarse seltzer is 4.5 abv and only 90 calories count them i mean i'm so into the cores seltzer train they're delicious and also the fact that that there is an environmental cause aligned with it i think everybody can get behind that right now the environment is something we should care about and we need more and more big companies to care about it and do something about it coors is leading the charge both in flavor and sustainability we love that baby join the world's easiest volunteer program by simply drinking core seltzer you can volunteer to restore america's rivers you buy quartz seltzer you help restore 500 gallons of water into america's rivers it's that simple visit to find course seltzer near you that's for every 12 pack sold through august 31st 2021 coors will purchase services from change the course to restore 500 gallons of fresh river water details at celebrate responsibly coors brewing company fort worth texas [Music] i was gonna say is the one we were in the singapore airport and we were on the way home and we walked around for hours trying to find these secret massage chairs that were supposed to exist and like we're carrying all of our luggage around so it's hurting our backs becky and i were adamant on finding these and then eventually we gave up and just bought massages from the massage guys in the airport because we were so set on getting a massage a free massage that we just painted there's something free like sit in chairs it's the decision point where you've spent too long on something so then there's a point where you say i've spent so long in this i'm going to keep doing it even if it kills me or you give up on cost value videos the best massage i've ever had you know how when you get a massage and you want them really to work on like one area like just work on the problem area but they do the whole body no this guy worked on the one area for 30 minutes that's awesome it was incredible and he was a strong old asian man and he ripped my back apart now if i could do a layover at the singapore airport that's different that's what i wear the whole time it was awkward but it was good he was looking awkward it was awkward it was like really intense grunting but he worked the knots out of my back it is funny your love of layovers i recall you went i think an hour or two hours earlier 20 hours earlier in the airport six hours early i i'm like maggie and i were like well i'm not gonna do that let's go to a hawker center and get like one last girl singapore airport's different that's like a theme park we got such good xiao long bao at that airport it was probably some of the best showing above i've ever had in my life and it was in an airport it was so good did you make it to the pokemon store oh we did you did it so many pictures took a lot of pictures also had a great time also the lady at the zhang bao place was like that's too many and we're like no it's not she said she said that's too many and i said no it's not and she said okay you're gonna be wrong and we ate them all yeah of course you did she was like and you looked her in the eyes and you said now what now what now what give me another i wanted more they were honestly some of the best i've ever had what's the word what's the word what's the word with eugene oh [ __ ] whoa this one's going to be i think people are in a fight whoa atlantis oh the lost city of atlantis i always think of the commercial of that one resort somewhere in the bahamas that had the water slide that went under the sharks that's all i ever think about my sister got to go and i didn't kidding i'm so mad it's real it's real classic resort did she go down the slide of course she went down the slide what does he [ __ ] do there and you know who else was there while she was there oh that'd be so cool no uh phil of phil of the future fame and she stalked him all weekend long yeah i'm so sorry phil if you're watching uh stephanie apologizes wow did you guys ever go to any of those things you saw on a tv commercial i know this is sort of a side tangent of atlantis but like a place you saw as a kid and idolize and imagine would be amazing and actually went oh yeah splitter bun oh god is cool in texas yeah best best water open up privately for us if we made a dope video there having a fun time listening maybe this is your mom road trip i will drive yeah there hundred percent hundred percent i will i will take y'all to schlitterbahn one day we're gonna be 80 years old we can't go with we have it has to be closed down just for us for many reasons but by the time we're aiming by the time we're 80 no one's gonna care you know that's true but then my body will break out [Music] already i mean already i i have a mixed feelings about water parks because when you're going down that slide the little ridges in between the tubes just like rip your back slides those are better on an inner tube love they're faster they're safer they're fun especially when it drops straight down that's so scary i love it i like the the the like the vert ramp back to atlantis i mean look do i think there is a lost civilization lost to time hidden under the ocean absolutely absolutely i do there's more people for sure there there's so many cool things about believing in atlantis it's like why would you want to live in a world where magic doesn't exist just think of it as if it does and then it make it true like there's so many things we don't know about ancient civilizations damn right you know just because we can't find it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist and there's all these there's all these stories of of places that fell into the ocean either comes like there's a volcano or there's an earthquake or landslide where on the map do you think it is ned uh the mediterranean oh really okay cool cool cool do you you think is there a like young adult like fiction series that's basically harry potter but mermaids and they go to atlantis and there's like a place to learn to be a mermaid it has to be instead of getting a letter in the from an owl you just get a fish flopping down you go you know and the fish just like coughs up uh like a medallion and you touch it and suddenly you grow a tail i just want to say uh underrated disney film you know they said that the golden age was over sure that's true but milo i feel like i look like a poor man's milo i wish that i could pull off that look it's a pretty good atlantis isn't bad it's not a good disney movie i will say since we all have childhood wonder and we're not dicks we're gonna say atlantis is real so what my judging will be on is tell me what sort of sea science do you think that they have down there and give me the one example you think is the coolest that it combines technology and something in the ocean uh fish uh fish powered turbines where there's just a bunch of fish and they're like mice running in wheels but they're just fish pushing with their little tails to push a big gear and that's how they pay power they enslave fish got it okay cool fish slavery okay that's that took a hard turn okay uh they they they researched the deep sea vent creatures that all are all psychedelic and have weird eyeballs and then they cut out their own eyes and replace it with deep sea fish eyeballs so that they're seeing the colors of the rainbow they're seeing all everything all of it it's so dark down at the bottom of the sea but if you got angler fish eyeballs you can see everything you can see heat you can see color so genetic modification genetic modification and you're you have like glow-in-the-dark tattoos got it damn i was just gonna take like little sea horses that give you massages or something that's not bad i wouldn't bail on that idea okay you got little sea horses and they give you massages it's also kind of fish servitude probably like a tuna nuke [Music] weapons of mass just like yeah like a nuke that's tuna that kind of destroys civilizations made out of tuna made out of tuna fish falling on yeah the fish kind of goes and then just detonates and it sort of it's like fish bombs fish nukes yeah fish tuna nukes men yeah rain from the new casserole yeah yeah exactly wow wow that's uh all very dark answers you know i think i'm gonna have to go rank from darkest to lightest but i'll do lightest in top top place so you know you know we want to make a nice place so uh tuna newt goes to the bottom [Music] okay yeah i guess weapons of bass destruction wow okay so i didn't like i didn't like fish slavery but that pun put you at the top you're all the way up you know uh zach see cute little seahorse with massage but you get to wear a seaweed robe and they fellate you yeah i think i think i'm gonna have to give you i'm kidding i'm gonna have to give you second place ned i'll take it the the fish eyes also kind of implies that they then kill the other the other creatures no if you take it from cadavers baby oh still still somewhat dark as long as they're organ donors on their on their mercard you think in atlantis they eat fish obviously but then they also they live with fish they live with fish so that's like they are fish so yeah is it cannibalistic to eat fish shoot we skipped over gills lungs we eat mammals we it's a given i always think about the future on the lost city of atlanta episode it's great great episode oh where they yeah the classic how do we do it how do they have sex i think the coolest thing would be like little films of like bubbles where you can like swim through the bubble and then it's oxygen on one side and you're just picturing in the first star wars yeah man gungan city [ __ ] bro gunkin city i as much as the gungans were confusing i loved their reality it was awesome every time i go to disney on the star wars ride i only get guns everyone gets [ __ ] are they are they they're amphibious but they're like just they're like frog-esque because some of them are more frog-like i mean they're very fairly like caribbean right yeah they're whoa [Music] am i not they're misremembering it that they have their there are some problematic racial things yeah yeah for sure ethnicity perhaps yeah uh i just like boss nass and the ending so you're basically saying that maybe the prequels as they age the gungans were the best part yeah i think so i'll defend that the world was the best the ships were cool the tech was dope in the naboo starfighter and also they all agreed that jar jar sucked uh so they were the rest of the guns this idiot he's really an exception to who we are but then in the end he became like a senator didn't he yes yeah well i mean jokes on them well as we've proven this year it doesn't take much intelligence to get elected hey the final word with eugene i'm gonna show you this because i am not even joking wait the word is trust the word is i feel like nothing we say can live up to this no well this is kind of open game good work let me know what you think about the word try wow i cannot cannot speak to it because truly the only way to experience the beauty of the word try is to embody it and and if there were a quartet of beautiful boys that tried well dare i say that would be the greatest channel in the history of the internet it's an action verb and then miles four hot bosses hey man miles you got top points you are such a symp for eugene i did like in school learning about action verbs it sounded like it was a more exciting moment in english class action verb you know maybe because i was it was i was kind of drowning in the sentimentality of the previous two answers i'm going to give you second place yeah yeah it really perked me up i basically just copied net i'll take bottom you want to take bottom yeah this in this cruise ship yeah that's working i can hang out with keith you get to dance all right you know what you and ned can both take bottoms bros i was really banking on third place there i needed it i needed it all right i'll give you i'll give you the third i'll give you nice all right so uh i'm going to tabulate these as we go too of course uh what tripod is is is complete without advice that will go for miles with miles [Music] i'll make a new one this is the so the same people have been sending me something that's been fun yeah why aren't you playing those well just because this stop the music we're gonna sing you a new theme song right the [ __ ] now all right i kind of like it though it's always the same you know it gives me something to look forward to advice that'll go for miles you can put have you ever wanted to be a confident little man yeah have you ever wanted your feetsies to be sexy yeah big old dancing shoes i gotta go i'm supposed to be on a call oh okay big old dancing shoes big old dancing everyone's on their phones every single person i'm worried about every single guy is on their phone am stylish high tops sneakers you stinky wiener you want high top sneakers i wear high-top sneakers and it makes me feel like a confident little man but the tongue is so big that's big but keith you also have cool sneakers and that's part of the thing is your very cool sneakers you're gonna have a big old dick and you're gonna be cool and hot yeah okay so i think that it's kind of like you know sneakers the sneakers make the man etc but if you have a cool sneaker if you feel like i can't really be confident in my clothing people are gonna tease me get a sneaker that fits the vibe ned yeah you know what i'm saying yeah man and you can wear that sneaker and be like look at me i'm kind of a cool guy but i skateboard maybe but i don't actually those sneakers look nice thanks man they're skateboard sneakers but i don't skateboard but i am trying to learn you know who doesn't wear high tops what's that the guy who just left the podcast yeah because he wants to show off his ankles i know but i feel like when i'm wearing high tops it's like wearing big old moon boots i like the moombu feel yeah so i feel like i enjoy that it's too big for me i do want to learn how to skateboard and i think that i bought them initially being like they're skate shoes yeah i never did that i would have anybody ever thought drawing guys tried skateboarding i always liked the vibe of skateboard shops in malls but i personally never had a desire to skateboard but i liked wearing vans i liked being uh adjacent to the culture of skateboarding but it was not i was always afraid i'd fall down and get hurt yeah i tried it once and i did fall down and get hurt and then i was like oh i don't want to do that again yeah it's dangerous you know i like the high top advice because it's kind of like the sports side of getting used to an ankle boot oh i think men look very dashing in a good ankle boot definitely i can i can get behind taller boots and like fashionable boots suede boots leather boots i'm very into boots i'm looking forward to being cold again yeah get my boots i do have a new pair of suede boots that i haven't worn i've had them for almost a year because i didn't like weather treat them and then i got them in like january when it's rainy all the time so then i put them in a closet and forgot but i got these new boots i've been itching to wear and high job sneakers make you feel like you're good at sports like i can feel like i can pick up a basketball and feel totally at home you know but i can't you can't did everybody assume though exactly people always be like you probably play basketball right but in high school i play ultimate frisbee that's also good for being tall also good for being tall but not as respected as respected what if it's tall guys who can't play basketball play basketball um i want to see like keith versus miles one-on-one basketball it's non-stop the last time i played was almost a decade ago and we i played with some friends and i was beat red i couldn't catch my breath i was like this game is demanding it's like you're uh it's exploring a stereotype a soft stereotype in a fun way like it's like like stereo hype yeah oh you're defying all that stereo hype yeah you're tall you must play basketball yeah that people think that you'll be like no miles and i we're going to prove you wrong right now sure it's not going to be good it's going to be embarrassing slow-mo shots of us just kind of leaning down and taking a deep breath oh my god remember i almost passed out i like i was like losing my i was seeing blurry vision i was like i was so tired is it full court yeah it was full court it was but it was it wasn't even a full-size phone call it was a smaller full court it was like a marriott though you know it's like a residence in how they sometimes have basketball one thing if it's half court where you're just you're like moving back and forth is the main exertion but if you got to do all that jumping back and forth and then you have to do go a jog back and forth like the full court eventually you're just like that's so tight let him score speaking of score oh oh my god hit me with that score what's the score what's the score what's the score with eugene um do we need a ranking or should i just tell you first yeah tell us first place all right so the official winner of the first what's the word this is the person in the game whose point of view is the most similar to yours and therefore they're all the opinions yeah that person is mr keith habersberger wow you are soul mates you get for your prize um pride wear that on your sleeve chick-fil-a yeah suck it you got my gay ass good keith oh thank you man yeah i think this could be a limited edition shirt well i guess i guess that's your prize is my gay ass oh yeah that's a good price treated well i will well thanks for listening everyone be sure to subscribe and rate us five stars check out my new podcast baby steps search for baby steps or baby steps we got new merch at you can wear it to support the show and we got all new extra exclusive episodes and bonus content at try guys join our community of 5000 triceratops strong with that said i'm wrapping up my game show hit us with the tripod what's the word with eugene theme song keith when you're riding on your bicycle and you think of a really funny word you could send it to us at one of our emails or maybe a new one that miles makes we've got seven emails for the tribe they're all slightly different but they're all the same and if you want to hear this show again just remember that show's name it's why it's the word with eugene until next time stay beautiful miles you got last place oh i love you maybe now you go maybe you got first place now
Channel: TryPods
Views: 418,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, singapore, airport, international, gameshow, game, whats the word with eugene, whats the word, nap, lunch, cruise
Id: -txBGYei21k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 58sec (4258 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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