Sexy Drama Teen High School - The TryPod Ep. 29

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yeah we got all sorts of pop culture Trisha Paytas is in the news Bishop hey this is Logan Paul and at his fight oh he is fight he lost boylar we only care about the first couple things he said yeah but this is exciting for all of our listeners because it's another Keith and Eugene led podcast which I will say is one of the most successful podcasts we've done in the last couple months so props to you guys for knowing who the true leaders of the hope really are really cool try guys the hot try guys you know not saying the other guys aren't cool or hot but are we what what are we talking about what's this we had a long weekend it was Veterans Day hmm I celebrated the Veterans by doing my laundry and watching a lot of Silicon Valley and no I looked at the nice thankful posts from people I liked seeing those things it was nice mm-hmm so you guys have seen the Sonic the Hedgehog I did watch the revamped trail it looks it's the most one it's the hardest 180 I've ever done absolutely looking at a trailer I think part of it is because I was so disturbed by the first trailers 3d rendering of Sonic that by seeing how much money they poured into improving it it actually makes me want to go see it I don't think I'll go see it but I'll see it on my TV later I don't think I'm like I have to see it now to support out of just the concept of them actually listening to people online you know help it make money and then other studios will go oh I guess if something does look shitty up top maybe we should listen to Twitter maybe we should change things I mean I'm sure that costs way too much money and thank God for the VFS our artist who came in and yeah we've never gone back and changed the way that Zach looks in videos even though there's lots of complaints no 3d model of Zach you know devlins cartoons only zach has complained about how zach has looked yeah that's typically true I am curious about the man-hours that have been put into changing now it must have been crazy thousands of man-hours especially since they only pushed back to release a few months oh yeah yeah but it looks like they added like scripted elements into some of those moments like I was watching a little side-by-side analysis today and then like one scene in the trailer he's like holding a ring and he wasn't holding the gold ring in the previous trailer so maybe they changed even storyline elements just to make it more Sonic II but I mean already Jim Carrey looks pretty funny in it yeah and it's exciting to see him do something wacky and weird because he's only been doing like sad yeah he's painting very angry things which I like I like but I also like seeing wackadoodle 90s Jim Carrey want to see him be Robotnik and yeah you know twirl his moustache and get bald yeah I'm excited he's gonna get ball towards the eight has to get balls you see a shot of involved yeah in the first trailer not first trailer it seems like there's dimension thing going on like maybe there cuz he has Sonic's from a different planet is what I've seen yes the Rose rings that open portals now they're gonna have tails and that's what I'm curious they've shown no sign of tail or knuckles no sign of knuckles no sign of his girlfriend Amy wait here's a hammer I know Amy as a hammer yeah I always forget about the girl fryer get about her and there's no tails a knuckle yeah there's a comic book there's like 20 different characters how many corn dogs do you think he eats in the movie cuz that was something he loved in the cartoon he ate corn dogs like crazy if you watch the cartoon no but I'm that about it I guess I did watch it there was like a cartoon block that had Sonic the Super Mario Brothers show what it was hosted by the two dudes and it went into that and an old Zelda cartoon that had linked who always went well excuse me princess well excuse me princess I don't remember that show well excuse me princess what channel was that on mmm probably got kind of a B C Block or really like a Fox block it was a morning cartoon block huh I'd have even been on PBS for all I know and speaking of the Mario Brothers we have a very special sample they like to use today listeners are you in for a treat I know so far you like this podcast meandering they're insulting the other try guys and they're jumping topics left and right but it's really because we're so excited for you to hear this thing that was posted on the internet years ago it's a YouTube user called melancholia and you spell that with aah at the end and they apparently love to do these renditions of toad from Super Mario Brothers singing pop songs as if at karaoke the chandelier one has recently had a Twitter resurgence but here's a sampling just for your listening pleasure I would lower your volume right now if you weren't listening I declare this is toad from the Super Mario Brothers universe yeah the mushroom headed or added individual go subscribe to melancholy yes the funniest thing we've heard maybe in the past 20 years it's the sounds that he makes what like most people refer to toad in Super Mario Kart yeah yeah like because he screams a lot in it yeah he has like a rattle in his throat even though he's like such a tiny baby human yeah which like he should have a very clean pure voice unless he's like a chain-smoke haven't there been questions and um like game theories about is it a hat or is it impart of them head there is an amazing game theory about if the mushroom people are actually like parasitic spores yes everywhere and like they're all like there are actual rooms yes yeah but so it's not a hat it's part of their head yes it's their head yeah and they are mushroom people yeah it's the Mushroom Kingdom right and Peach is not a mushroom no but all of those creatures are spores and all the villains are also a big arse in some way like infected mmm the a by by some sort of Spore but I'm from King Bowser obviously yeah and Mario's name you know this his name is Mario Mario yeah Louie's an Italian plumber well right actually recently it came out that he might not have you um er it sounds like he was never a plumber there's a note there are different Mario's in the universe so there's Mario jump man Mario yeah that was the first Mario who was in Donkey Kong yes and some people suppose that he's actually Mario Mario's father man Mario's Mario Mars father yes because Maurya that that is that Donkey Kong there's something to it so damn the girl you save in that game is Rosalina Rosalina is the girl in Super Mario brother honestly I watch a lot of game theory I love Matt fat so much I think he's amazing but Rosalina's older than peach yes yes but Rosalina and luma that's from the Super Mario Galaxy yes yeah but Odyssey also has her in the nude all princesses or are they related maybe or some princesses like her daughter well York City she's just a mayor Mario is in a polyamorous relationship with Princess Peach he's like with any princesses he wants whoever he saves over he saves always like adventure time save the princesses yeah hero's quest actually today weirdly enough I was looking through some Google Docs just to like look for something else and I saw that I had written a song in 2012 or 2013 that was from the perspective of Mario after he killed Bowser and he has nothing to do and what's sad and his like life is falling apart because peach can't disassociate him from the horriffic part of his life for Bowser you know was always capturing her and she sees him is connected to that so for her therapist therapeutic healing she can't be with Mario so Mario is like super sad but all the monsters turned back to people and all the people are confused that's great interesting song it's not that good of a song but it was a good premise very if I need to sing a part of it you're okay just went when Mario killed the Bowser all the world changed is very sad one yeah it was sad who's your favorite player to to use when you play Oreo games oh yeah well that's for Mario quest remark right which is more the ugliest of Bowser's he's one of Bowser's kids browser has like six kids who yeah who's Bowser [ __ ] to make these kids that's a great question it's actually the Y's Bowser jr. such a higher status child Oh interesting I'm sure there's a game theory about it I mean perhaps all of those children were from different mothers different princesses that's [ __ ] around yeah yeah that's the dark gritty or at least I need a joker style movie poser that would be awesome yeah I'm surprised there is no I mean I guess I understand why it's such a ridiculous universe last time they made a Mario movie whose didn't work it's very hard to adapt video games into movies yeah they have to have like a certain amount of tongue and cheek camp to it which is why sonic I'll give it a chance yeah it looks pretty corny but I think it needs to be corny yeah Mike detective Pikachu decided to just go completely off the bike the the beaten trail with what you would think for an anime adaptation yeah they do gay meditation it didn't use the original story why would detective Pikachu which is this crazy other game then not everyone's played but that was smart because it would they could do whatever they wanted with it and you have any expectations we're not as high but imagine if detective Pikachu trailer came out and picket to look like as [ __ ] up as Sonic right yeah that was just a bad decision from the start the speaking of movies that are coming out Disney Plus launched today Disney wow wow wow it's huge we watched the first episode of the Disney High School Musical to show the musical the show oh it's out its out whoa and guess what it's shot like the office what it's a sock you see it's like they have cutaway interviews and it has the same like weird punchin style of the office they don't look at the camera in the scenes but in the kind of ways they do in the cut but they talk in the car wait wait I have an interview like confessionals yes who camera just like the office yes I heard that uh High School Musical the musical de series is actually much better than people expected idiot well the first episode was that armors are good and acting is good I think these tie has never oh here comes Sam Sam Sam come on in our special guests alright Sam you're a resident pop culture expert yeah we just start talking about Disney Plus and High School Musical the musical is beautiful Sam very deep in row M are you Disney boy I mean like cool yeah I feel like they're totally a Disney character oh you can totally be like the goofy friend in in the sitcom you know who falls down a lot carries a couple binders too many vitamins get this one time in middle school I decided I wanted to race a kid to class and he like we were like having fun we're racing we have full binders in our handy kind of like nudged me and I just full-blown into the locker splatter painted and he was just like oh I thought this was like I thought you were like sturdier dirtier brah yeah yeah I mean I watch I catch like all like the classics like Lizzie McGuire Raven Yap Hannah Montana and they're bringing those all on to Disney Plus all your shows and Disney's Lizzie McGuire I didn't watch Hannah Montana oh I watched a lot of Hannah Montana season 1 and 2 her little brothers a piece of [ __ ] and her best friend is awesome um that's every dismal Disney Channel original series the little brothers [ __ ] and the best friend is cool yeah like undercover cool not as like oh I'm the star of the high school cool but best friend is like you know the actor they hire who actually has like a lot of personality and airy like approachable and chill did you know that even Stephens the older sister Wren has a YouTube channel that's like a baking channel Christy Carlson Romano yes whoa she like makes food she also was like a Broadway singer for a while yeah yeah she was beauty and beating the beast and stuff like that yeah very talented okay so I just remembered that in 2010 my friends and I in Chicago reported a podcast called the best of both worlds which was at a which was a commentary podcast of watching the trip the pilot of Hannah Montana oh yeah and we watched the pilot over and over oh that's so every episode was us watching the pilot again discovering new things that's phenomenal and I think we did like five episodes of watching the pilot recording commentary and what do you remember about it I remember that we hated it and then we loved it like slowly we liked it more and more I bet you made me think of it when you talked about how shitty the little brother was that's another stock Disney Channel TV in America like remember beans beans did not Longbottom no did not grow up to be a hottie he's today short he's short duped beans today short time Google no it's so lawful I will say and I remember in Hannah Montana there's another character maybe his name is like shmoo who's the hot one he's like the swoopy here I mean he's like always hot there's always that hi there's a hot guy with a soupy haircut normally he's like it's too good for any of the other characters Zach now I know you've heard me talk about this a thousand times but I love Rea cons wireless earbuds you know how much I love them I love them you know why they're half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds that I've used and they sound just as amazing and if you listeners out there haven't bought a pair today is your lucky day why is today so lucky Keith tell me because Ray Khan just released their best model yet the e25 e25 they have six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit I love when my noises isolated they have those different sized like rubber things so you can change it no matter how small or big your ear holes are these were that your buds are so comfortable they're perfect for on-the-go listening and for taking phone calls I've been listening to them while I cook because it's every time I was cooking my arm would like jab out the wire and I would spend half the time cooking plugging my earphones back into my phone it sucks this has been a perfect solution and unlike some of your other wireless options ray con earbuds are both stylish and discreet with no dangling wires or goofy stems we're all about a good discreet bud you've heard us talk about how the company was co-founded by Ray J but other celebrities like Snoop Dogg and Melissa Etheridge come to my window are obsessed with ray cons pick up a pair and see what all the hype is about and now is the time to get the latest and greatest from Ray Khan get 15% off your order at buy rake on coms last try guys that's by rake on Comm slash try guys for 15% off rake on wireless earbuds buy rake on Comm slash try guys wait but what was your show Sam you're a bit younger than us so what was yours for sure that's so raven raven and chelsea and then we watched actually you know what sweet life and Zach and Cody Brenda saw write a song and yeah classic classic sweet life is a read on wait didn't didn't make a way so they had a second series I didn't see that where they're on a cruise ship where their mother so please explain this does you guys listen up if you are not in tune with Suite Life of Zack & Cody it all starts out where they are living at a hotel because their mother is the like a cabaret singer like performer Knightley wait like that's why they're at the hotel hotel suite by the way is Sui T yes yes and when the out stars perspective I thought they were rich that's Brenda songs care London yes so okay so they're at the hotel their mother's the lounge singer my mother is a lounge singer so they do a couple seasons there it's great it's a hit but they're growing up they need to grow they need to venture shall we say hmm so where do we take them to the see their mom is now moved to the same businesses where Brenda's songs family owns the cruise ship direct right yes it's amazing it's so called suite life on deck because are there Suites on a cruise I suppose yeah technically yeah yeah as sweet but there are there at school on the cruise right yeah but they just get to crazy high jinks right that's the idea of this whole time and it's so strange because like the same hotel manager I guess just gets promoted to cruise director house be it's it's beautiful and they just you know for how they can all stay in touch bringing the entire cast over to the sea that's really unrealistic expectation work out when they grow up and work you do not keep your employees it's not like high school and you'll go from middle school to high school and it's pretty much the same group of people and it's totally different when you change jobs it kinda makes me sad because if you really watch back I just recently watched some of the high school musicals again they're good but bad and a lot of the stuff we watched I think in the 2000s especially was good bad the new high school musical the musical the series has the expectation I think now that we are in the golden age of television to actually be good you know like now we won't accept things as it's so crowded with the streaming wars coming up with the 20 billion platforms you can buy you you want good good stuff so I think that like going back and being able to watch the shows that could just live in that kind of weird camp area where you're not quite sure why it's on but it has mass appeal but clearly it's it's catering to the lowest common denominator I miss those days yeah yeah I don't think the kids these days will get much of that they're gonna get really good TV mmm you know almost like they used to let kids like actually be kind of goofy bad kid actors where now it seems like all these kid shows come out and these kids are like let kids be bad I think no like for example didn't you watch the are you afraid of the dark reboot yes it was amazing and apparently was amazing was amazed are you afraid of the dark even though we talked about it like with nostalgia it was not really well acted it was not very good it was like good but good bad some episodes some of the sheds were good some were not good yeah there was an episode with Tia and Tamera Mowry where they were one was an evil lizard sister twin lizard literally a iguana from outer space and at the end of course it was the whole like the brother the sister of them was like oh you spray one with water and that person is the evil one you have to decide who's the twin and of course they end up spraying the wrong one anyway again the the new one on Nickelodeon they had like a mini series of three episodes was apparently really good super good I watched it I can vouch for it I will say that there's like two old episodes of our you fear the dark that are legitimately terrifying and one is the the clown knows it a comments good yeah and then one is this like blue who's like it's coming out of his mouth and he's these like he looks like this classic gesture okay and he came up what it's called but it's a blue and yellow gesture and he has this crazy amount of slime and he has the ghastly grin err it's called the episodes called the gastic and any and all these parents get succumbed to his like virus and all these adults are just smiling and they're like totally like crazed and blue slime is just dripping out of their mouth and it's horrifying it is so scary what what else is going up on Disney Plus besides the old shows are ours Star Wars the Mandalorian is down out it is out old one is out and that is what did you think of that because we're so pretty we're pretty overcrowded with Star Wars stuff in the past few years it's a lot of star is the Mandalorian good it looks amazing it's like a Western so that's like a Western see that's what I wanted solo to be so maybe I'll like yeah exactly always a little bit of a slow pace yeah I want it but see that cuz that review makes me wanna and also it follows a different Fett or is it one of the fence it follows its way first of all I think it's even older than boba and J episode 100 prequel pretty even longer far away it's it's way earlier and it's just set in the same universe obviously but it's it's a long long long long time when when I saw a rogue one a Star Wars story they were like this is gonna be a different type of Star Wars movie this isn't going to do with the Jedi and stuff and it kind of did but I want like something like that where it's just like about a guy selling beans on a different I wanted to be about a guy becoming a stand-up comedian he's gonna come the most famous stand-up comedian and all of [ __ ] galaxy Dantooine Sam do you like Star Wars you guys are gonna drag me straight to hell you never seen the original Star Wars I don't know hey Sam which makes me think no that's okay you give when you haven't okay I don't want to sound like a boomer but not not to bring in a hot keyword but a Sam regale us tell us the plot of Star Wars yeah episode 4 a new hope just tell us what you know about Star Wars okay bring it back so all I know is they are on this big big circular ship some would call it the moon I don't know then next thing you know they've got these little light sticks and they're like watch out this is my planet get out of here and then it's like zoom mm-hmm next thing you know the one thing I do remember is go to this random desert next thing you know there's this big slug and he's just like king of everything but then at this same desert there's like this giant a flower that eats people and next thing you know they're back in space and then it jumps a couple years and and they made peace wow that's that's so not an Jota Li off okay so major plot point you definitely member like one of the main movies Sarlacc yeah yeah you got that you got Jabba Jabba the Hutt but um yeah this is potentially new series I like making people explain things that they've never seen before yeah that's great yeah yeah it's a classic format Sam explains Classic Movies well Sam give some context for some of our listeners who might not know who you are yeah okay I'm this hot young newly single oh okay working for the try guys and um yeah I like to have fun yeah I like to read and is this becoming her dating profile yeah I'm on all the apps check me out check out Sam on the ass Sam loves Lord I do like Lord Lord's a good a good poet I'm gonna call her whoa yes got some sick beats with some cool lyrics for sure Sam Bowie listened to her entire album melodrama again today and what's the first thing you're gonna watch on Disney Plus I'm actually quite excited for Nat Geo to be on there yeah because the greatest documentaries ever you see the umbrella of Disney owning the world and they always list it goes Disney Pixar Marvel Star Wars something some Fox Nat Geo yeah yeah Najee was the last one I too loved Nat Geo that's awesome that's what I'm they're producing the Jeff Goldblum show yeah the world of coke it's basically him doing what we do which is like going out and trying cool stuff and dipping his toes into culture and being [ __ ] a good move for him yeah I love like nature documentaries they're like one of my favorite things good-natured doc there's a lot of cool behind-the-scenes nature documentaries about how they shoot them and like these equally interesting equally totally interesting these guys will be like sitting in an igloo for four months waiting to see like Arctic snow ferret poked his nose out for the one second he does a year and maybe they'll capture it it's like the exact opposite of viral video making oh shoot it like thirty thousand frames Pursuit aful camera do you want to ski see a mosquito breathe yeah how do they get focus on that how most cutting-edge cameras I think the other offering they have is the ladyandtramp movie is on Disney Plus the animated one the well they made a new kind of like live-action lady in the [ __ ] with the CGI dog mounts moving Oh dogs making out real pretty keen to say yeah I love letting the tram that was kind of like Oh because I'm I love his knee cannon at all I'm a big Disney file when it comes while like animated movies a lot people don't knows a lot but I watched like everything animated I'm like really into that universe but lately tramples on my favorites as a kid my favorite is the kind of like sexy dog in the in the pound oh yeah he's a [ __ ] but they love him I I don't remember anything about the movie except for the icon a sexy dogs D oh okay lady dog is also very pretty there is her name lady yes his name is train [ __ ] his name's you don't remember this movie at all yeah there wasn't a name to [ __ ] by anyone he's he's on the streets did you explain the plot of lady in the [ __ ] yes okay wait you don't member it okay yeah this III I assume I know what it is God was a rich family they have a pristine ass dog something happens and the dog gets lost this dog is lost and meets some Street dogs one of them being the [ __ ] they fall in love but just like Romeo and Juliet at some point they are divided and she is brought back to their home and he has to go free her and then I assume the family adopts him totally off right that seems like a class yeah it's probably Roman Juliet not the spaghetti make out oh yes oh I didn't need to mention it yeah they have a romantic dinner yes very broad italian-american characters and like are obsessed with giving the dogs this romantic night it's very bizarre Tony come here we got to give these dogs the best romantic night so they can do it at Breeders whatever it was it was clearly like they were all about getting these dogs to get it all do they have puppies they have puppies in the end of the film but they totally [ __ ] at the end of the film yeah because it goes to the next I think Christmas and in the sequels there it's all about their puppies but there's a sequel yet on Christmas but it is weird because I don't like when they show things like ladyandtramp are obviously different breeds and then when they show the kid versions of them it's just the same versions of them they're not mixed right if I remember correctly I hate when people do that I hate it sometimes bobbies mixed erasers come out looking only like mom and dad yeah well these are different the people yeah I'm excited for I think Disney Plus is gonna be a very competitive because it's 699 compared to now have you signed up before if you yeah they're gonna lose a lot of money but they're doing it because they want people to sign on it's only that's really cheap yeah it's really cool you know it's gonna increment is Nikken it they can afford it and they know people income but between that I think I think the stories and this is getting more like insider e but over the streaming wars which is happening over the next few months by the time we hit summer next year we would have launched about I think 9 to 12 major streaming platforms oh and the studies show that people are only probably willing to pay for 4 max yeah which means that eventually a few of them will have to die well we're you know I was when you sign into Disney it has nothing word they have an option where you can bundle Hulu Disney and ESPN so don't you think it's gonna start turning into that well Disney's cable yes I have I have Keith zone which gives me access to Hulu Amazon Prime Disney Plus and I add it on the max pass for Keith Zone which gets me which gets me eight speedo hey this is Keith and I'm Zach and we are the hosts of the tripod if you've ever wanted to start your own podcast you might think you need all kinds of equipment to set it up and it turns out all you need is anchor anchor is an all-in-one free tool from Spotify that lets you create your own podcast and get it hurt anywhere with anchor you can record edit be heard on all listening platforms and they'll even pair you with sponsorships to help you get paid for you show it all works in your web browser are right from anchors mobile app and best of all it's totally free start your podcast with anchor today by going to anchor FM / tripod that's anchored out FM / tripod I feel like Netflix is probably gonna be the one to go and I say that just cuz like there's stuff like is I love Netflix shows 13 reasons why the society they're terrible I love it but I feel like there's not much keeping them there and if people like there's not like didn't even have they just have like syndicated stuff no but it's their tentpoles now for their original content which is kind of probably at this point the one thing that flicks has is that has a proven track record of shows that people think are actually good like what though really terrible shows like stranger things cetera so they have like these shows that sorry to say a lot people have said not the best things about even like Apple TV plus like people are not really into these prestige shows everyone's trying to put out which in a lot of ways is what's getting eyes on the platforms at the very least Netflix has terrible Christmas movies with Vanessa Hudgens about a night that comes through time okay I'm gonna totally watch it oh by the way I saw the first called it Christmas night yes before Christmas and it's an actual night wait it's gonna be great she's doing it right is is doing it right so bad again I know that now you know the night you know friends with Alex Lewis Alex Lewis met him in a movie that Alex Lewis was in called there was a remake of valley girl I don't know if I can talk about yeah it's probably fine isn't I got a while ago that is yet to get a release date because Logan Paul was in it and he's awful you know you get a late ruin the movie so but they made friends they made friends and I was hanging out with him this weekend because here's the night I asked him how it was he was like it was good I even asaji was doing a Christmas movie last year yeah and it was called a Christmas ran Christmas prints and it was to Vanessa Hudgens is yes and one was rich it a parent trapped it but they also Freaky Friday it was a prince the popper yeah so these slot places it's been like almost there was magic it's crazy because Netflix is doing being smart about making themselves also like the new Hallmark Channel yes so I think Netflix what they have is it they just have the the benefit of being older and having a diversity of of content the others are trying to come in really hard with prestige and that's gonna be really difficult cuz not everything's gonna be Emmy award-winning worthy yeah I mean I'm curious about Disney's like Disney is going probably like alright cool we're going to five hundred million dollars over the next three years giving people this product at like whatever it is six dollars you just said like they're gonna lose so much money because they they are big enough that they're too big to fail and they'll wait till everyone else is gone and then raise their margins right like they just there's no way we're a place where Disney loses I know they're they're fine that's why they can premiere it at $6.99 because they're not gonna they're losing money but I mean and like it's like a leaky faucet in this you had bought like a disney land season pass like they mailed you earlier and being like do you want to join for $4.99 speaking of Disney let's give just a minute or two to the ksi look and Paul fight just because it was a big event that is hilarious and I think totally rigged I didn't watch it no I didn't watch it either no I just heard that look and Paul lost but the way they did it which is brilliant actually from a scripted perspective so first one goes down in London alright they didn't they'd draw right which already you think probably scripted right yeah that's brilliant for both of them brilliant business move this one in LA they Logan Paul lost but it was a split vote so two out of the three judges like marked his no marking points and boxing whatever to the retreat judges were like yeah guess I won and then one of the three judges like Logan Paul won so that way they both get to be like add the judges are [ __ ] like they can keep going on having won and you know making millions of dollars yeah right isn't it illegal totally wait what's illegal it's illegal boxing is one of the sports that like it's illegal to have fixed because people gamble on it yeah I feel like unlike you know professional wrestling which they admit this is storylines it's written it's it's acting out things boxing is and you know MMA fighting is not allowed to be Rick just like baseball is not allowed ready but just like football is not supposed to be rigged because it's like it's a major sport that actually has repercussions to the people who play who owned all those things yeah yeah no I think there is a sliver of a chance that they both just happen to be evenly matched maybe trained a lot certainly they did train a lot they're both rip dudes yeah and I did hear that ksi refuses to have another match I mean he's coming out on top so yeah yeah it's yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know it's hurt for me we always joke we want to do something like that but we don't want to do it with the bravado the limit cheese mo yes we want to do it with a battle of the brains we want to have a YouTube wide right and bad live don't give away what can we not say we can't say well we can't jinx it Oh someone you think that's okay well we have a good interaction with after ideas look look at Jeff Goldblum it is try it all show that's ours Jeff you could have guessed it in art we'd add you to the cast no problem never be the leader of the try guys you know miles you didn't mention some of your favorite shows 13 reasons why society that brings us to our nut top next topic and Keith's favorite topic sexy teen murder high school it just seems like every show nowadays has beautiful teens played by 33 year olds and they let they're in high school and someone's been murdered and also Satan's there yeah and there's black magic everything from Pretty Little Liars to Riverdale to I don't know other ones they're all the same Becky watches them all and I was leaving my house this weekend to go have practice with blue burger and as I open the door I heard the line Melchior will be pleased where was that chilling Adventures of Sabrina I think it was yeah yeah and I liked it and then I turned on the TV and she had been watching it as a brie and I'm like you giving this another chance she's like yeah I'm trying she just hates the actress who plays Sabrina oh I didn't understand oh I liked Kiernan but I love mad mad yeah I'm all about it no Sam what's your favorite sexy teen murder high school show okay um I think have you guys watched on Netflix it's called end of the [ __ ] world yes but that's different okay it's it's true teen murder okay and not said in high school with sexy people who are trying to just I [ __ ] each other very important the spirit of CW yes well then easily hands down is Riverdale and specifically Riverdale compilations on YouTube or P but we'll just be like did you guys check out this episode in all these weird lines that they said and there's just hundreds I can't because it's ideas of just like these horrible complex it's gone batshit crazy right okay Karen now it's Eugene's turn I only watched maybe the first five episodes of the first season so let me explain what I think is happening on Riverdale right now which is a season like six or something five okay so this is what I know I know that okay cherry blossom Cheryl blossom pretty redhead uh-huh pretty cheerleader mean redhead who probably ends up being very likeable so for some reason I think that whole story about the dead brothers done that must have been like first two seasons or something then okay maybe not but then I think there was also a cult that happened I heard about a cult so cult comes to town that's involved with snakes or something and then the gay guy named Kevin and his boyfriend deer he's an animal of some sort deer deer joined the cult and Betty and Veronica are still fighting over hot ass super hot redhead hot as hell Archie so hot Jughead who's like the Sprouse you know who was not Suite Life of Zack and Cody is it them yes oh my god full circle how did I not realize Cole and dylan sprouse or sweet life - psycho - crazy why they've come a long way he went from living on a boat to solving murders in Riverdale well he is now with Betty in real life but they broke up and then also didn't break up and then not but they're always together and they're very cute I like them both and Veronica is now with Archie maybe but Archie might also be with someone else who knows he was with a teacher in the first season that's all I remember and Josie the Pussycats are playing songs randomly here and there because you have to have characters of color somewhere and I'm sure someone else got murdered and maybe the sexy parents are also doing stuff to that bad cuz there's also sexy parents one of which was recipes Luke Perry because he was Archie's dead Archie is still hot though that's all I know he's hot he's high he's yeah mystery it's pretty good unless his name dear most most I knew was a big creature in the woods yes yes here is how life in society have changed since the late nineties - now they sell riverdale t-shirts at Hot Topic Wow they sell like the chili they sell like they have a whole Archie in like Riverdale section topic cool has become cool yeah hot topic not more edgy high schoolers but it's not for outcasts it's like fan cult it's like it's totally fan culture up still still of mostly the spooky variety but it is not like where you go exclusively to buy black t-shirts with red stars and like ripped hosiery but you can they have that yeah but it's not like that's I don't think that most of the business comes from that I think yeah business comes from seed shows I think because now alternative pop culture is blending with mainstream because I think people are more exposed to different I mean even in TV the world of TV is so at your fingertips the internet so you can like something like Riverdale and like something like end of the [ __ ] world you can like them both at the same time I think before my little pony when we were young you kind of had to like you had your thing you know you were an emo kid or you were a jock or you were into mainstream nerd culture like it was always like a one particularly I think really the thing that pushed it over the edge which I always joke about is once we all decided that everything that people used to be made fun of for being nerdy became so cool like the Star Wars and the comic books and the cartoons it happened once we all decided that oh these all work great with CGI and they're gonna be our temple films then it's like oh you know kids who like spider-man if you used to like spider-man even before our age when you were like comics in the 60s you were a nerd you know you are spider-man the TV show as an animated series in the 90s you were like nerdy but now you like spider-man you're just everybody you know what happened we didn't stick to the status quo like in high school musical that's true that's a great draw action to the fact that everybody has to stay in their Lane yeah and they that movie told us we didn't have to stay in our lanes and now we're allowed to have CW sales at Hot Topic high school musicals changed a new and they say you can be a nerd and a jock you can be in the band and you can dance on a table in the lunchroom you know what's what's weird though is that I I kind of feel like is huge you can like Pixar we're all the tastes in one but I do wonder if the product of that is is hot murder teen high school shows yes because before you used to have hot teen high school shows like the originator of all this I think was really The WB which was a short-lived television network if you don't remember it it was the the Frog and it shared the channel with PBS kind of UPN you piayed blended into P n so then it turned into UPN at one point but it was actually only on the air for like six to nine years or something very much like late 90s early 2000s and that's when you got Dawson's Creek which was a huge huge one yeah the ocean no The OC was Fox oh yeah so it was way before and Buffy the Vampire Slayer I think was the true first like murder high school sure totally right that is sexy teen murder high school 101 but like the the the best it's like the original because it was like good but now it's like every time you have any show about high school they're just like we got a murder people and maybe there is magic I don't know if Gossip Girl ever got to that point did it Gossip Girl definitely manage a murder a murder yeah I like if you see - meanwhile of those shows I went to a high school with like 40 kids in our graduating class and we weren't we didn't have to wear shoes it was like a hippie dippie little private Trio treehouse school that my dad taught about wait wait rewind the tape yeah did you just say you didn't have to wear shoes over ice oh no I did but there were kids who did not oh wait we're kids you know I don't mean to drag my school but I was I wore sues you did not have to wear shoes that's kind of quick strange you have a tree in a tree house yeah it's kind of a tree house type deal it's a Quaker school in North Carolina shout out but I so I did not have the quintessential American called a high school experience so I love sexy team or high school shows because he never got to watch sexy team murder high school shows I never got to be a sexy teen murderer no one ever no one ever was in a sexy place I scrub go and visit like high school his classmates are like a school like was outside like the locker banks were outside when for reference who where is he from Chris Ryan occurs from up in he's like you went to the same high school as [ __ ] High School Musical yeah he did he was best friends with [ __ ] what's his dad kept from Efron haha beautiful strong Zach effort was like a dorky pic of him and Zac Efron they were yeah Beach partners I think heat it in high schools to be together it's dinnertime but your stomach is rumbling and you still don't know what you're going to eat tonight what am I gonna do sound familiar it does well with door - you don't need to get up from the couch to get a meal cooking I don't know Zach you don't cool door - connects you with your favorite restaurants in your city ordering is easy you just used the door - app and choose what you want to eat and add a sure but bring it to you anywhere you are what's great about door - it's not only as that burger place you love on door - already but over three hundred and ten thousand other amazing restaurants are as well door - can actually with door to door delivery in over 3300 cities in all 50 states plus bonus Canada I just don't even understand how we lived before door 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Sunnydale high school which was shot like here in LA but I guess before that it probably was Beverly Hills 902 know what - oh no which is more Gen Xers but we were just still used to seeing 30 year olds playing 16 year old Friday Night Lights the same kids are there for like nine years yeah and they were all very sexy they're all hot though what I like about that shows it looks almost a Kentucky memories so like they're hot but like they don't look super hot they don't like Riverdale kids look like a movie poster ha oh yeah oh yeah there are way too hot yeah yeah it's too little like it the first season is like sexy cheerleaders Megan out like what is going on yeah that's happening here yeah baby man you know you can never that's what you just never should the pressure of outside even just your own school popularity sucks but like the pressure of watching media never feel like you have to be anything near a movie or TV show with high school because once you get out of high school you're just gonna look back and go like we're children we're literal drah NAND you're watching shows where people are having sex and doing drugs and murdering people and having magic and it's very fun and romantic and that's probably what I loved watching that as a kid yeah I wanted to slay vampires but my god none of us were sexy no and none of us should have been sexy and none of us were cool I know I'm not speaking for Sam how sexy were you you know I think I was kind of similar to today where I was just like dripping way ahead of my time you know just like how murdery were you oh my god so mysterious what was he up to oh my god who and what sexy state was this this was in the great state of shout out Wisconsin may be the hottest murderous state yeah god we just had the most warped view because I think like you must have been the OC age right when you was out that was also like totally unrealistic yeah and watch that I mean like Seth Cohen who's a coffin sites as an idol was is Adam Brody who is hot he's a hot guy and he and that show was portrayed as like the weird nerd which makes total sense cuz then he gets what's her name summer and it's like clear like we're all just like on living my fantasies I get to be with a very beautiful girl even though I'm the nerd and you watch that back him just like he was objectively like would be the hottest guy your high school yeah big gaudy yeah arguably hotter than the hot guy hottest guy your high school oh that's a great question we think I'm gonna think oh none of them follow any of this in my house no no well I'd say the hottest one of the hot air goes in my high school when I moved was Ryan Garcia and he lives out in LA and he's a total hottie yeah he looks like a like a sexy like strong Cuban Joseph gordon-levitt yeah well are you having at all those words I know right he's like all those things and he's also very very nice yeah one thing I appreciate about like modern depictions of schools in most shows is that they're getting away from the stereotype of like the cliques being solely about what you focused on high school because even in our experience like the jocks the football players were not necessarily all the hot guys like it did that wasn't a rule and that tended to be a thing back in like really the 90s TV shows but now it's like oh the hot guy is just the hot guy it doesn't really matter if he's an art kid or whatever there's always like the hottest guy or girl who's a cheerleader or a jock or a theater kid but um certainly not the way we're you know old shows were always like and the cheerleaders who were all the hot girls it was never like that my high school and we don't like that really yeah I also went to a Southern High School like you did but but you went to a very small one or very small Tennessee Southern High School I would say that yes the cheerleaders were the hot popular girls I would say they yes a decent amount I would say most of the hot guys are spread between the basketball team and the football team either or some both there was a couple guys who played for both and they were laying ultra-hot because they were like just [ __ ] working out literally all the time cuz their plan to bury ten sports yeah there's a there's definitely a I think though the larger your school is the more you have like a diversity of yes of people who land in different areas but liked ruling for us was so hyper competitive that most of them had to be like gymnast basically yeah yeah so our heart our hottest people I think we're I don't know I remember their names were like Luke and Kevin oh those sound hot yeah Luke is always a hot guys a high name but they were know a lot of ugly Luke's yeah yeah what about you Sam hottest guy in your high school hmm Oh Sam is younger too so that wasn't that long ago right still fresh um I'm gonna give a shout-out to a good buddy of mine named Wade Salvi yeah what was his name Wade Wade and yeah he was like and I think more so he was probably just like a nice guy and oh that's like very well rounded by everybody just well-liked in general so maybe hoarsely everyone it's capable I would say there's no way your name's Wade and you don't skateboard at once and I feel like that's the one name that I can throw it without being or having to come back to me most murderous hot sexy [ __ ] in Wisconsin Wisconsin yeah you know I think overall a hard fast rule though is if you're super hot and trying to milk it in high school you're not always the one who ends up being the hottest as an adult you know you really made it work he's out old some people are just high up he's here yet now he's like so he's ripped and he's really funny yeah he is funny are his brothers funny too oh the younger Efron isn't that a guy I don't know so no younger I think you think I might go ghost digging of dave Franco yeah but hanging out with Zac Efron in movies I can put him together I was in coops you know sometimes I make mistakes and I need some [ __ ] advice and we have a great advice section here on on the tripod it's where we have miles once in your a the least experienced and youngest of us except for today today we have Sam give us some sage wisdom about life in a segment we like to call advice that will go for miles with miles bonds senior no wait Sam has never seen this happen in real life watch watch mouse's face just watch mouse's face what's up miles nation how's everybody doing great do you like to sneak a sexy little peek at what do you you like to feel fur on the back of your neck yeah disclaimer listen to the whole advice before you judge animals are good cages are bad but I love to sneak a sexy little peek at a bird or an orangutan at a zoo so my advice is a to farter today go to the San Diego Zoo and donate money to a Nature Conservancy animals are good you don't want to see them in cages okay I get it all you cage monsters out there go off my Twitter you're gonna want to go and look at the capuchin monkeys you're gonna want to look at the elk wildebeest sir biggest [ __ ] and they're kind of scary but you're also gonna want to say hey animals shouldn't be in cages it's good to have them out in the world but you like to peek don't you it's like to learn you like to learn and it's good to learn and zoos are a good place to learn for it so my advice to you is to go to the San Diego Zoo I went last Friday it is phenomenal it's one of the best news in the world it's definitely voted like what the best view in America and it was so cool I learned so much about the animals but then I was like man like get it animals are in cages that's not so good but the San Diego Zoo themselves donates a lot of money to Nature Conservancy's and like they do a lot of work around the world which is really cool so you can feel like I know this animal might be a little sad cuz in a cage but they're helping animals at large and that's good those are animals that they like find and they're like animals don't have parents they're about to die in wow so it's like now I guess we can give them a goofy home yeah bad zoos are bad because these are good that's true that's what they do for ya it's just like you know that hot murdered teen person in your high school if they're bad they're bad bad but if they're good like Sam and they're real good good so um did you see the pandas I did see the panelists I saw the red panda oh they're so the red pandas are the best animal period yeah yeah I won't go to a zoo that was only red pandas literally it's just awesome you are late let's go see these red pandas let's go check out the other red pants they're so [ __ ] cute the best way to describe a red panda Dukies yeah there's new key ringing it back to Mario Brothers you've never seen a red panda Google and now but the look of it is think of a panda that made it with a raccoon with the color of a fox mm-hmm beautiful yeah so they're so cute in fact I think cuter than pandas themselves way zero they're probably the single cutest lemur adjacent animal at the zoo because they're normally near the lemurs I don't know you stood you you staked your claim for cutest animal and red panda oh they're so [ __ ] cute and they're so beautiful like their color is like your suit they're like this beautiful maroon they have these gorgeous tails they have these very like active faces there's basically a dog dog like yeah and they and they zoom a zoom around wait Sam you've never seen a red panda okay yeah I'm just like reminisce the show do you like any sort of like rodent type looking not calling this that oh it's not a rodent no but I will say threw in a raccoon and it just that's all the raccoons are so so underrated even though they're trash pandas literally that's the nickname have you ever found one in a garbage can I have I have a great story this would be our last story for the podcast it's very quick once I was in Hilton Head and I was taking out garbage at like 4:00 in the morning Reich right before we were about to drive home cuz we always got up early to drive for him so we'd do the whole drive in one day and I looked in the lid of the temp stir and a raccoon is in their habitat I'm looks up in me screams screams a raccoon scream I also scream I dropped the garbage next to the dumpster and I just run back and my parents are like did you put the garbage away I'm like uh-huh yeah let's go and I it was great was the scream like this well this has been the tripod keith is the official tripod theme song and sam since you you're here you could be Ned and say until next time stay beautiful because that's some stupid shitty who says every time until next time stay beautiful have to say it like Ned oh say it no though don't do a net impression to do it in the sexy high school murder Sam voice that was that was here clearly hit me net B be sexy high school yeah you just murdered someone but you're totally gonna do it with with until next time boys stay beautiful my nipples got hard [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 231,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, full episode, sexy teen murder high school, disney plus, netflix, streaming, sam johnson, pa, office pa, stranger things, gossip girl, zoo, go to the zoo
Id: bSo8U7LfSeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 41sec (3701 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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