Zach's Taylor Swift Twitter Feud - The TryPod Ep. 17

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grandma thank you - door - for sponsoring this episode welcome everybody to the tripod you got your favorite tribe babies here you got your Ned looking fine hello you got your Zack looking hot hey we got you eugene looking pretty good nothing else Hill what hello in Korean Oh how many time well hello to all of our Korean listeners listeners we're so excited to be here it's Monday we're just waking up but we're feeling pretty good miles is not here his flight was delayed from New York which means you get us getting to do you get us doing an impression of miles at the end of this podcast it's just one of our favorite things to do but what are we talking about today Zak's got a few agenda items but I haven't thought much I had a nice weekend great well we'll just figure it out yeah I want to start with miles because he went to a bachelor party and he said invite us said he's yeah what's that about Miles said that his flight got canceled this morning cancelled this morning I don't buy it we knew about it last night you know a friend of Mines flight got canceled on Friday on the way to Denver stuff is going on this weekend is going on is mercury back from retrograde no it's when it's in retrograde welcome back mercury your mom back it's it's you're in future grade now rather than retrograde I think Zack wanted to talk about internet stuff yeah bring into internet topics Oh cavity will be a podcast about the powers and the dangers of the internet yeah but first each week you leave us five stars that's right with that you leave some secrets and I bet you none of us picked out a secret for today they're gonna realize how much that miles it does for us that's his job here's one you mailed us I haven't pre-screened this I just saw it it's one first secrets I saw so I need a name a Lululemon man yeah Lululemon man so once again you guys left us five star reviews on iTunes thank you so much helps other people discover the podcast and if you leave a secret you get a chance for us to read it out so Lululemon man writes its lemma man and what it's like one word Lululemon man Lululemon yeah I was flying home for spring break what from college when my flight was delayed causing me to miss my connecting flight Wow the airline was very accommodating and put me up in a hotel room for the night it was about 11 p.m. by the time I checked into my room I walked in turned on the hall and bathroom lights and noticed that they had given me a handicapped accessible room I turned to see a wheelchair in the room accompanied by a man sleeping in the bed oh that's terrifying you know sitting to the person in the bed not to those really yeah I guess he didn't wake up but I panicked and ran out of the room leaving all of the thirty lights on behind me I was embarrassed and a terrible liar so I spent another half hour trying to think of an excuse to ask for another room how about hey there's a sleeping human being in my what they don't have to come up with a why some people are conflict averse yeah eventually I came up with one and never spoke of it to anyone sometimes I wonder what the man thought when he woke up as he clearly didn't sleepwalk to turn the lights on wait a minute but they they said they did finally come up with a lie that got in the room they didn't tell us that which would have been the secret cuz the everything else shouldn't be a secret everything else is a great story that you should always be telling yeah what was the secret part that should be your number one party story you all remember this happen to me on tour I'm very say yes cuz this way yes I would tell of us but we were in it must have been Phoenix Albuquerque was in Albuquerque and the first room I went into that they gave me I walk in and I was like huh the showers running the person in there was actually in the shower with the door open which could have been very bad but I have you know like I'm pretty environment aware as you guys know so right when I walked in like three steps I stopped and I slowly not even looking right because I was like what if I see the person naked I just tiptoed backwards out of there like a ninja Wow then I went down and I said I'm sorry there's just like a ninja yeah I was like there's a person in the room I didn't say they're in a shower but I yeah I almost saw a stranger naked Wow I think it was a man though because I saw the bed and there was a like suit-and-tie laid out mm-hmm I could have turned into something yeah like a porn but yeah it's definitely the beginning I don't think so I don't think it would have been because I would have been terrifying for that guy except if it were a porn you would have walked in and been like what why is the shower running oh so we know I would have come in to throw in there a dog I just let me put my stuff down right here okay oh my god sir what are you doing in here no no here to turn it off and now I'm putting you on hey why are we both masturbating whoa what a jump net have you ever seen porn before no one ever says anything like that that's too on the nose that's my goodness has anyone ever even uttered uttered that sentence before in the history of humans oh no we're missing God and the title of the porn is room service or housekeeping that is good no housekeeping is the first thing I say when I knock in the dark House housekeeping housekeeping housekeeping Oh too early I'm sorry I'll come back later you walk in and you just imagine that the hotel puts the shower on for you yeah I feel so sorry for a hotel staff who have to clearly walk around on a schedule between probably 8:00 a.m. to noon just asking for housekeeping because most of most of the people are probably staying yeah of course I'm still sleeping it's 6:00 in the morning and this is a hotel they gotta get like four feet any time housekeeping knocks and I'm not ready it's like knock knock housekeeping and I'm just like Oh cause like you normally don't hear the first two knocks cause you're still and then this are opening the door and your body always hears a door being open later know you've not spoken any words yet so your mouth is not ready to speak and you're like oh you know Anson we just wanted my life I want to let the door open not to say anything and then when they see me in bed just go hey I think me and this secret holder Lululemon both experienced what hotel staff must experience all the time how many times did they probably say housekeeping walk in and there's just someone asleep right the shower yeah I should be expecting that whereas when you walk into your room you expect it to be like that's why I always put the I always put the Do Not Disturb thing on my door if I know I'm sleeping oh you got immediate just out actually more to courtesy for the the staff so it's like they don't have to drop by even if I'm up early with a baby it's still like it's my favorite thing you've said we should watch more porn you've never watched yet but I think I'm gonna enjoy your commentary that's a video the try guys watch porn we've never done that strangely enough Keith you and I have for a video we should bring our purse on you should bring your personal porn selection so it's like funny your person I don't think anyone I don't think the viewers eyes yo back in the day people always made those videos to get views only watch people who dress up as bats yeah and then they have sex with each other as bad it's a cheap move though I think we can just do it in the privacy of our own homes together make it a podcast exclaim John exclude hey I like that idea I did one time walk into a hotel room and there was just a giant turd left in the toilet and it was that really fancy hotel in New York that our former company used to keep us at right you would never explored never such a fancy hotel it's such a nice hotel and I kind of wanted to change rooms cuz like yes I could flush it yes they could come clean the toilet which they did but I'm like I know that someone took a big old deuce in here and the room felt tainted yeah that's what something I think about you know how when you're going in in public question let's say at the airport and you walk in and there's one like toilet oh that toilets in a horrible state there's paper everywhere I don't know what's going on in there let you go to the toilet next to it and it looks pretty okay but every toilet has been in that horrible state every toilet has looked like it's been covered in crazy paper and like oh god what a nightmare something has something's happening there but just as long as it isn't when you see it currently but like of course every public toilet has looked like a nightmare just statistically they must all look like nightmare like one must look like a mere everyday and that the number goes up for like music festival toilet oh boy music festivals I had a dream about a music festival toilet until a couple nights ago I don't I just all I remember is I was ready to go it a girl comes out she looks horrified and then I go in and it looks like it's in bad shape but then I had like an airplane flush button like an airplane would have and it flushed and then all of it went away even though it's a porta potty I was like well that's a great invention this is a nice new porta potty but I was wondering why the girl didn't just use the airplane flusher did you guys see that it's the 50th anniversary of Woodstock it is when they were supposed to have Woodstock and it got canceled oh that's so it was a Woodstock really the festival was overwhelmed with people and then they just started making it free I never knew that that's like part of the mythos of Woodstock was it was just kind of like way it was basically the fire festival but if everyone ended up having a great time and also all the best bands came and played unforgettable music right it's like fire festival but instead of during the time of self-important social influencers it's during the time of free love and drugs and the creation of rocket the explosion of rock and roll and yeah yeah it's the I mean when you see photos of it you're like oh it was just a muddy mess with people trying out of their mind and half naked yeah but they were dog food very quickly and then we're kind of saved by a commune of people giving out food for free and local farms donating vegetables I'm totally imagining like some weird College paper Woodstock was the fire festival of the sixties yeah recontextualizing America's Nev actually I think I have read I think I think about that or no it's one of the documentaries that they made about it reference how like a lot of music festivals have a really hard first year and Woodstock was like it was also like deemed as like a failure but we look back at it with this regard because people still had fun because the band still showed up yeah that was the difference yeah when you have Hendrix like hit one of those most legendary sets how bad could the weekend be although I like thinking about where like people are so famished that farms are just sending vegetables because I like imagining people being like does what you cover left it's like someone's got a head of cauliflower though like yeah Stonewall was also 50 years ago so 1969 great festival that sounds like a great festival name a lot of [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] went down in 1917 there is a reason they consider yeah 1969 ultra revolution let's talk about other things we did in 1969 went to the moon oh yeah hey 50 landing I know that because of that even-steven song we landed on the moon 99 went to the moon 1968 a year later have I told you how much it pisses me off as some people don't believe in the moon landing it's I mean about that that so-called conspiracy theory is at in any way has acceptance amongst the people is ridiculous and insulting to all of the science nerds out there like come on what would be easier the you know it would be harder to fake a moon landing than to actually go to the moon it's impressive that they faked it really just takes everything that the scientific community did in the 60s and just kind of just squashes it and just says I don't care about that I rather come up with [ __ ] conspiracy theories and I get it I mean there's probably some shady stuff going on in the government yeah I mean ladies who knows was that was was it one bullet or two for the Kennedy assassination what maybe the boil maybe it was a magic bullet maybe the bullet curved like it wanted but when you come at science like that I get a little ticked off and it makes uh it makes things like the Flat Earth [ __ ] slightly more acceptable because you're already questioning science with this amazing feat of it's like beat the people that went to the moon they took like a rickety bunch of metal and bolt it's like it was it was it's like you think about what technology is now the technology that got us to the moon is like way worse than a calculator like a graphing calculator that's the [ __ ] that blows my own whenever they say that there's the computer the Centers of the moon is worse than my ti 89 calculator how in the [ __ ] is that possible you should just respect that ti 89 so shitty is that the calculator is so [ __ ] amazing anything may hear somebody say oh I kind of doubt that we went to the moon or like Oh blah blah know this or it's a conspiracy because of the something crosshairs I'm like go to hell oh really shocked to hear this strongly from you as you know the three of us are renowned the moon don't eat see it's looser he's joking about that makes it like more acceptable to be I'm telling you right now I'm planting my flag on moon who doesn't wave I'm saying it's not okay to doubt that we went to the moon have you ever encountered someone in real life who's yes really yeah we had people didn't fully believe they made that whole video that must have been by the time I said stop the videos I think our trip to the moon and space exploration in general is inspiring awesome oh my gosh are you having a long day at work oh the school was so dumped today on maybe you're still stuck in the office boy wouldn't that suck Eugene yeah I'm here stuck with you improved our situation with food and food that we didn't have to cook maybe our favorite restaurant could get us some food with door - baby it's cuz door - connects you to your favorite restaurants in your city is easy it's so easy Eugene you just download the door - yep and you choose what you wanna eat and a - or a very dashing Dasher will bring it to you anywhere you are oh he really of this wait my god cuz not only is that burger place you love on door - but there's over three hundred and ten thousand restaurants on tour - that's crazy it connects you with door to door delivery in over 3,300 cities all 50 states and get this you can get door - in Canada you can also order from your local go-to steward shoes some of your favorite chains like Chipotle love it Wendy's support of it and the Cheesecake Factory that's right don't worry about dinner let dinner come to you let it walk right up to your little mouth with door - plus right now our listeners can get five dollars off their first order of $15 or more when you download the door - app and enter promo code bye guys ery GUIs that's five dollars off your first order when you download the door - app from the App Store and enter promo code dry guys again that's promo code try guys five dollars off your first order from door - why don't you download it now oh yeah yeah let's not get coffee cuz it sounds like you've had a lot I've had two cups I hope this ad read worked it worked great why don't we - on back into the pod you know what's so what's interesting about this is people talk now that you know back in the day during the moon landing even or even prior to that conspiracy theorists were very fringe and you'd have to go to like I don't know a actual like secret meetup and find each other through years of like searching through word of mouth in FOIA does this person have a tinfoil hat - what a rewarding moment that must have been they must have to find their like their identity but nowadays because of the internet you just I mean I don't want to get into things like si maxing but it's like you have a group that says something they find each other immediately online they then reference people who have like non peer-reviewed scientific articles and then share that and then you just have this tidal wave of people who get there like one weird notion in their mind validated without any sort of scientific backup so that's where we're at in very scary places now that people are jumping even before sea they see the news with their own conspiracy theory right so I mean the whole like denial of the legitimacy of media plus the rise with conspiracy theorists we're kind of in a place now where it's it's it's just hard because everyone thinks they're right what I always say about this Ned is just as not everyone is very good-looking some people are just really [ __ ] stupid that's true they're just really [ __ ] stupid and I just think one's think they're smart they I know anyway really it really is scary because you know I grew up in an environment where you know people were like just saying all the time I'm right about this I'm right about blank you gotta listen to this without even having like opened a book or looked at the world or talked to someone else who's different and so I just because you know we have access to the Internet one thinks that oh I read this somewhere so I'm right so we're very it's gonna be really hard to see what happens with the next generation it's a real challenge for people that work at YouTube trying to create a discovery algorithm for people to you know oh I like this try guys video right let me watch other try guys videos like look we're youtubers we want that from the people that watch our videos but it can also lead to mmm you know oh I watched this one thing that was slightly controversial and then I get recommended another thing that's a little bit more controversial then there are so many stories of people falling into rabbit holes where through the basis of an algorithmic suggestion right I don't know if this very you can quickly go from just I don't know one like Fox article to then anti-vaccine Flat Earth all this like conspiracy stuff the worst ones are all like the school shooting conspiracies that think that like they think those are you know like that's just disgusting or then they immediately share like lies about it right it's just like poking the yeah the political kid pretend the earth is a disk surrounded by mountains that keep all the ocean and that's that's at least I can laugh at you but I can't I can't find any humor and those other kinds of conspiracies were there any maybe conspiracy theories the wrong word but fringe theories about the way the world works that when you were younger you were like oh this one I [ __ ] with like I'm talking Bigfoot I'm talking Loch Ness those those types of like the there's a secret in the earth and I can want to find it what was your favorite taking a hold of China it was pretty cool as a kid you thought that that would work that was just like a common phrase I won't be dig deep enough you'll just be on the other side of the planet I was pretty into the Loch Ness monster I loved learning about dinosaurs as a kid I had a big book of all the dinosaurs I tried to memorize as many as I could and the thought that Nessie is out there yeah the Loch Ness was like a dinosaur that was still living was so cool to me yeah I don't know much about the Loch is it does it have access to the ocean or is it uh no it's a contained a lock is it a lake of a some sort I think yeah yes got a squirt for Lake maybe you've seen the footage of the giant squid that they've been finding like there now hey giant squids have been proven real that's awesome really and there's an terrifying there's this little glimmer let me see if I can find it it's like very short and it's brief and it's like oh [ __ ] big squid and then it just swims away and you get a bond you get like two seconds of it you guys know that the ocean is my biggest fear right just the idea should clarify you've always said what's the part of the ocean that makes you scared well it's the unknown of it but it's the idea of being in open water with big ol [ __ ] fish and really any fish I just feel so wildly helpless that that it's like I won your when I'm on the ground I'm used to things coming at me from like all around me maybe above me sometimes but in the water it can people though you it could be behind you and my mobility is slow and also like I don't I don't win there's no battle in the ocean that I will ever win very few battles on earth that I would but it's just it's such a vulnerable state and so I growing up would have vivid nightmares that I would be in this underwater Faye it was like everyone could breathe for whatever reason but it was in this Kade and then it was like oh you got to go to the surface like and I would get to the mouth of a cave and it was just this giant expanse in there whales floating in barracudas and that it's like a mile to the surface that was my number one most recurring nightmare hmm I'm freaked out right now I think I found it footage aside yes fuel my nightmare oh boy and I looked up Locke and it is the Scottish word for Lake and a sperm Nessa Scottish word for big ol [ __ ] monster okay here's the we're waiting for the squid where is that piece the one on the boat it's underwater this is from June this is very recent but I don't have a I don't have a sense of scale yeah but it's big monster movie it's a lot of Silence videos just giant squid so where do you think wait Zach click on some suggested videos let's see where this rabbit hole that's what Eugene watch so I'll click on what there's like AI number to suggest is pretty out there suggested videos and see where we can get well I think it's so cute wait till he gets his home do not kids are cute yeah they were like really yummy well that's different Wow sure I normally don't judge the flavor what if this was the size of a bus anything the size of a bus would be scary maybe not a puppy but you know a squid I'm not really scared of squid a puppy the size of the bus that would be a nightmare Eugene what other things [Laughter] it's so [ __ ] big so much sashimi what other things do you think are cute that it also looked delicious to you cakes so cute okay I know you know I don't know Asian culture we like to like you know every little animal likes to make cute and I just think squid or just a cute shape you know I don't know octopus 30 you like are goofy the way they're goofy yes yeah okay I'm gonna click on five most mysterious and unexplained secret years you know that's a classic how many clicks until conspiracy theory okay and I got the next one is 15 incredible recent discoveries okay we're gonna get to a positive direction actually the third video of that last one included what I think was a moon landing no hello if can I go back we were one click yeah it was like it was like the second suggested we get immediately to secret underwater government lair if I go to sea creatures what's the next what's the next a thumbnail I'm looking that so I switched to five strange phenomena that baffle scientists I've got then the option of 10 most dangerous water slides these are all just sort of lists these are this there but I think that's a good that's a good way to get it away from water and let's see water slices gonna get us to Disneyland hiding murders deadliest rollercoasters yeah this is forget cats funny kids were zoo animals are way funny 160 million views so that's a lot and the thumbnail is a giraffe swallowing a child's arm it looks like so that's pretty funny that's wow pretty hilarious yeah I'm in wow I guess I'm going down that I guess to put a cap on this I would say to all the young listeners out there if you ever read something or see something on the internet put it in your own research after that I never read one article and then say oh that's fact like I know I have to go and like do deep dive research before I say I'm gonna repeat this to someone exactly unless you hear it Bato you can totally a hundred percent believe it like olive oil at all we got you covered yeah but it's it's crazy that you have to seek out yeah feeling like you're being good or legitimate and be aware of the quality of various sources you know I don't thing that's like somebody's blog is not necessarily verified it's not peer-reviewed it might be totally wrong yeah you got your media and not that like scientists are always right but they have a code of ethics and they understand that science is constantly changing and at the very least you can at least keep up with that community is like learning every day instead of right yes fact scientists are often wrong but they are aware of it yeah to the fact and admit that they're wrong and then as a community move forward oh this isn't change it this is I think being able to admit that you were wrong previously because of new information is is important very important yeah which scientists do all the time like indignantly defending science but I guess that is where we're at in 20 well listen this steams my buns - very steamed I felt your anger and I was like I need to talk about this years of y'all [ __ ] questioning my boy buzz - walking on that moon I'm not having it well we're speaking about internet stuff Zack you have a couple internet stories for us right oh boy I do Keith I do think while we continue the podcast maybe you just keep looking I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep clicking and and by the end of the podcast let us know where you're at yeah I think I've been a fun place now which is turtles eating popsicles before that I I try to click some things that I thought would get me some more suggestive things it was like conjoined twins they were like so like I was like oh this is getting into like people learning things they don't know about but now I'm just with Turtles eg obstacles which sounds adorable that's very jealous I was bitten by a radioactive spider I'm gonna keep going you guys keep the conversation going if uh if the sound is bad for the rest of the episode just know that Keith is doing something far more important Zak you have a couple internet stories for us that you are itching to tell right yeah you know I had two things happen to me on the internet on Twitter it really showed me the the power of the Internet and what can happen when a joke gets out of your control both in a good and in a positive wait wait why me not in a not way and you said both in a game all right you're right yeah they were both great and they're positive and a negative Wow my my brains really trying to catch up to where my mouth is trying to catch up to my brain I'm tired the first thing that happened you know what would help what oh no we were masturbating oh oh no we're math Oh No see whatever should we do now wow he's perky that'll wake ya up quite like accidental masturbate I don't often laugh on the tripod but this is that one really got ya yeah that one toasted your buns no it's steamed my buns good themed your oh so you have steamed buns yeah you know I have fries yeah yeah yeah I fry my buns alright tell us a story so the first thing that happen is I have we have a couple show formats on the channel and I have one called candid competition it's it's a show just to get it as quickly as possible where we compare brands against each other in the dumbest way possible without their knowledge so one time we did a pizza episode but we had the pizza people try and recreate my face using pizza toppings like a pepperoni for eyes and little onions for mouths there's like how good they are but dumber not really it's a genuine competition that has nothing to do with the thing that they actually do it's a very fun show and there's this inside joke where we can't sold the show at the end of every episode so I made that's a joke yeah yeah or no it's very serious but I call it a journey to get over how sad I am compensate with humor yeah so so I have a new season out right now the second episode three episode season so not much of a season but the second episode came out yesterday the finale comes out next Thursday and to kind of hype it I was doing playing on that idea of canceling so I had was tweeting like on google limit on Google search you it'll autofill who canceled candidate competition which is very exciting so then I found a petition that actually Ned tipped me off on that that was a year old and I just tweeted it out and that was like to me like the the the teaser of like hey I'm going to announce tomorrow that this show is coming back that petition ended up getting over 70 I think over 80,000 signatures in a little over 24 hours which was unbelievable but also like started making me feel guilty of like oh no all of this goodwill I'm putting towards a fake petition well I can't I mobilize people for something better well now we did leverage that not just on Twitter right that was on our YouTube channel and Instagram as well the the petition well so I saw I did it first and I are the person who runs our social media I think solid was blowing up cuz it got about 20,000 signatures in an hour and she was like oh [ __ ] this is the thing so all of a sudden like we we we kind of turned it into this narrative that if we hit a benchmark we would then release the episode which some people were quick to point out wait a second you [ __ ] made us sign this petition even though you already had three episodes locked and ready to go the answer is yup now I get why people believe in conspiracy theory yeah but it was this beautiful moment of like oh wow this was a joke and the internet took took it on and it got a life of its own and that was a magical thing to see I imagine that what do you think the ratio of people that were in on the joke first thought they were sincerely helping us convince a shadowy unknown figure called the network to greenlight a show that we were already making ourselves you know I have no idea certainly at least 10% maybe as high as 30% don't get the joke at all and know what's going I'm sincerely trying to help us out or genuinely confused how a show could be canceled that we make now I think I would say core audience at least 95 percent are aware of the joke at least I think that what I think that the the disconnect people have just as viewers of digital content is that they think anything that comes out was just made the day before right that's I think where the big disconnect happens which because the daily vloggers a lot of times it is a bloggers have created that culture yeah and their footage to the UK do edit overnight they have simple concepts that can be edited in a day which we we have the capability of doing but with as a show slate we have things shot maybe upwards of two months in advance but yeah I think most audience was aware of the choke which is why it was silly though I think's general YouTube people stumbling upon the video or the petition were like why how did this come out and you guys were begging us to sign something you think about though the percentage of people that are gonna like click through a link and actually do something you had to write your first name your last name your email address and uncheck a box to get notifications like pretty impressive it's as far as conversion rates go it is like the best conversion we have ever has it is free yeah but it was but I couldn't believe well maybe we should do that towards something like I don't know proving that the moon landing was real will make a new change or make daddy Ned happy about that moon landing yeah we love the moon and all that was called we love the moon don't bring that so what was the negative thing that happened to you then then on the other side of the spectrum Keith and I went to outside lands this was now two weekends ago we went to a music festival had a great time and while I was there people kept sending me this photo of Taylor Swift dressed as Paddington and she came out and and made a statement that she loves the moving Paddington you guys have heard me talk about how much I love the movie Paddington and I was seeing it on my discovery feed and I in a quick joke thought it was very funny the last thing that I thought about Taylor Swift is that people gave her a lot of [ __ ] for not taking a stance in the presidential election but he or she was taking a public stance on Addington I thought there was a joke there so I tweeted something out very quickly that Taylor Swift didn't take a stance in the election but she did take a stance on loving Paddington so we love her for it my actual phrasing which we can pull up if we want to was a little crass err with the phrase I I don't I I you know I it was a quickly done tweet and I've gone back you gotta give a phrasing so we understand okay maybe not the best worded Ned's gonna pull it up I stopped looking just as my and I just I got to a place where someone's trying to convince me the unicorns are real and I'm like ah this is kind of conspiracy stuff but now what I'm looking for now Keith was on his phone the entire time by the way looking trying to get to a recommended video that was a conspiracy I got similar unicorns being real what's the closest to a conspiracy theory conspiracy theories about about video games but nothing like nothing like exciting okay I have the tweet so the tweet was Taylor Swift refused to take a stance in the election but she's now publicly stand paddington so we thank her for her service a little a little shadier than I intended it to be but a little joke I threw it out into the world didn't think much one about my day had a lovely time listening to music and dancing got a twist it's based on truth you know the commentary yeah yeah and it was genuinely from this place of like yeah we got what someone else loving Paddington and it absolves her of the other stuff you for your service seems a little no it's definitely blah blah joke joke joke shade yeah yeah commentary is often shade commentary can be shade so I come back to I didn't quite get ratioed but like over a hundred and thirty tweets from angry Taylor Swift fans wait sorry what's ratioed ratioed is when a tweet has more replies than retweets and likes so it's Mitch McConnell will tweet something shitty and he has you know 35 retweets but then 2,000 replies calling him a human turd which he deserves every time yeah so I mean we can go through some of these tweets but lotto Swift fans they are protective of their baby girl and I think they've seen her dragged through the mud enough and anyone coming at her in any way whatsoever I was getting but it was this weird delayed wrath where it was I wasn't seeing it until about you know six or seven hours later and so they were just having this continual the snowball became a big big big snowball buy and then what compounded this is that I did not realize that she had had her article come out where she talked about the election it was just a coincidence that that day like two hours later that article I was already out before I was like a few days before and maybe maybe I was like Inception in my brain yeah just I was you know it was just fresh on my mind but I didn't see it and then after my tweet kidding out and tweeted something horrendously offensive about her did you guys see the Kid Rock yeah it was pretty bad his tweet was was framed by he's she's pretending now to be liberal in order to get opportunities in Hollywood but like more disgustingly worded no just suck the knob off of Hollywood yeah it was it was great no literally the warning where's Hollywood's knob hidden now all of a sudden I'm on Kid Rock's side I did not mean to be yeah so it was it would never want to be done kid he's never one of young kids well that's the thing is you can't really because you can't really come for celebrities even if you don't mean it because every celebrity is a huge fandom like huge aggressive fandoms on Twitter but I was getting people telling me that that I was cancelled that they were gonna subscribe from the dry guys because of my tweet side Rotter I brought our whole ship down because of it wow this cancel culture thing I'm very late on even understanding that it's happening I just don't seem I just doesn't seem like the thing that'll last just that people like oh you made a mistake canceled canceled yeah like it's just a crazy thing to be yelling at people as canceled I'd certainly agree with when people are horrible yes we should admonish them but people are trying to like fully like cancel someone over like small things to they're like oh you you disagree with Taylor Swift you're cancelled you're canceled you cancelled you know I should go cancelled I should go on record and say that in the days since she came out with a new song and I'm not just saying this I thought it was really damn good I thought it was boring oh yeah I was like it was fine but it didn't didn't bring energy or anything it made me feel like warm and bubbly and must I'm much more interested in what Miley Cyrus is doing I'm right now always I'm a always more interested in these guys hires her music I love the I love country disco as a thing I want more country disco from everybody yeah it's really fun and then she had like a slower song that came out this weekend that I liked more than Taylor's it like hers I wonder if there's a connection because it's hard to think that one cannot be cancelled when clearly things that you know go viral on Twitter or have like huge grass roots moving behind it can create change you know like people people like [ __ ] hated the sonic trailer and what does the studio do from seeing the Internet reaction they've spent millions of dollars to redo the entire film so sonic doesn't look so scary which is like setting that was sonic was cancelled and now he's there they're responding to it so there's is when people do that there's always every day like a ariana grande's over party does that Cornfeld is over party they they get to hashtag got into hash you know I just got like a goodbye Zach yeah so I mean think that people try to to upstart those things as many times the big thing though is that when someone starts that hashtag mode most people use the hashtag asking why this is happening they'll be like why is Taylor Swift over right now so I don't think that's quite effective but I do think that the core of the idea is because people have seen now that if you get enough momentum on something it could create potential change like can't yeah so yeah I mean the interesting thing is if you are not looking at the internet you don't know it's happening but sure you see with like you know people losing massive amounts of subscribers or this thing about Sonic getting recut which is very interesting you know it can create change so generally the question is and now you're saying really nice things about Taylor Swift so it always a deal where you change it totally worked them them like hardcore don't say they bullied me but them coming coming at me made me make to public and now three public Pro Taylor's so statement so wait it did make change yeah is this your moment for an I'm sorry video an all lowercase Wow star star emotional ah hi Taylor Swift I I know you're listening to our podcast and first of all I want to say thank you I know you have a lot of things that you want even try it like you can't mean it yeah yeah okay yeah that's how I'm sorry I'm sorry people were offended by what I said I'm sorry but the core of this is what we're discussing is very interesting because you came in with a story about negative Internet reaction but what's more fascinating to me is that us someone who has I have known not been a Taylor Swift fan in general you you don't listen to her music you don't have her honor she's just not your your your style of music that you listen I'm a big into I don't love Old Country Taylor I'm sorry I said it my sister was big into her I know but I am I like blanks teardrops on my guitar I like blank space and I like shake it off I'm into that but the but the overall idea is that you did come back with these like very proto so treats you never would have done so it's very interesting because in fact the cancel culture even on a small level like it works at Cornfeld it works like it unless you totally deny it and make people more mad you did sort of cave in a way and I'll tell you only cave even though you didn't mean you didn't mean any ill-will up top to the anyway yeah now you're gonna comment about old Taylor Swift on this music video and then you're gonna say something about old Taylor Swift yeah by the way old Taylor I mean I respect the [ __ ] out of her of course I'm just preemptively getting ahead of that all right let's try your apology again I had music I'm sorry that you thought that what I said was negative that's more than what you're looking for I what's crazy about and everybody's general core statement and want is I want everybody to think like I think yeah like everybody's like of mine and the people I disagree with like everyone should think like me they should like what I like they should eat what I eat they should pray how I pray everyone should agree with me and but then there's the same thing of like but not everybody like like exactly what I like because then I can't get tickets to the movie I want to see and I can't get tickets to the concert I want to go to it so like well don't everybody like what I like but also everybody think like me I will say there's some from this and I've had it before in the past when you get any sort of negative tweets or comments directed your way even if it's you know we talked about this like all the time with YouTube videos worth if a YouTube video gets a million views they're two thousand three thousand comments that's really bad data even if you're only seeing a hundred negative comments that that's such an minuscule amount but those negative comments feel so they are so powerful and disproportionately powerful we made our respond to comments but we read comments fairly often and you can read a ton of positive comments but you read a few negative ones and you feel like garbage yeah yeah and it sucks which is why I don't use the internet yeah I don't read the comments pretty much anymore unless it's like something that I genuinely like I have no idea what people will think of this so I'd rather go look at it and see what they think but I think the Internet is a clear place where it does reflect this idea of you you you get what you give you know like this idea of what we've fostered as a sort of try guys fandom is surprisingly extremely positive and very caring and I think that's partially because we try to push that outward in our work because if you are being an incendiary then you're going to get incendiary feedback so I think that you know if there's any advice to give is just to say that like you just you can be positive on the internet even if it seems like it's impossible to do so and I think that you know at the end of the day we should take advice from mr. Paddington himself eat marmalade and be good to people and you'll make the world a better place watch Paddington too yet I haven't well yeah of course it's amazing I know you want me to think like you I just don't always have time to think exactly like you they have you at least watch Paddington why yes and it's beautiful it's [ __ ] great right it's so fun I agree I just you know I I also want to see other movies that are in the theaters now and I'm gonna miss out on some of those I just can't do it all we're going to see it chapter two this week oh that's right that's time yeah yeah I have plans I just want throw it out there right now I have definitely have plans except other plans yeah I invited Ned knowing that I didn't have a ticket for him but just to be kind because it was like I knew that he didn't want I knew you didn't want to go you got tickets for all of us right yeah yeah nice I'm also seeing scary score stories to see in the dark tonight oh nice I've done so I'm living in spooky town boo-ki bill I wanted to see that no you guys have to be romantic her if monsters I get off I get off on practical effects yeah good old costumes I'm excited we are getting down here to the end of the podcast it's you know and it's so sad though there is one wonderful thing that happens at the end of the podcast and that's when the four of us the most experienced and the oldest four members of the five podcasters give their advice on things you might need help with and when we do it like this we do it one sentence at a time so that we really don't know what kind of advice we're giving until we've already given it this is advice that will go for miles without miles bonds singing all right all right keep start us off are you often dry as a bone do you wanna not have cavities like a clean little boy do you want your skin to be as plump as a grape and your teeth to be pearly white crap now I'm trying to connect it oh it's good I have one that would work for those what would it be an apple it will clean your mouth and ol nurse Oh [Applause] apples help to brush your teeth when you do not have a toothbrush and the vitamins in fruit helps your skin to be nourished there also they also work as dr. repellents if you're like me and always have doctors trying to get all up on you apples scare them away they're like bears with mace and don't get the Red Delicious apple get the good ones yeah from a farmers market but what do we well how do I end this do you believe in you think like miles no okay think like miles don't have an apple try to find an orange but don't use it on your teeth because it'll burn coz there's more citrus so don't hit an orange at all miles does this it's fine uh-uh no we forgot to do what's up miles nation how you feeling tonight no it's more of a yeah you might try let's at Maya's Asian he's been doing that he does both he does both things so yeah we also forgot the just like do you want your skin to shine like addley Cooper always with some celebrity uh what a time did you guys go apple picking us kid no no that went strawberry picking is that's lovely strawberry farm some apple picking huge huge thing in the Northeast that's like yeah number one school trip activity just plucking those [ __ ] but you always get the mealy ones that are over I hate Neely apples I cannot with them but you hit those with a baseball bat oh they explode good we should do a try guys game time baseball fruit where we just played bass oh my god I see that all the time okay put fruit addition yeah no you can do that we had a baseball bat and you just hit fruit okay yeah so fun it explodes we were coming up with some good bad video ideas of the day Keith had Keith just wants to make a video called how many Forks can you put in the microwave before it explode just like let it run baby I'm super into you know I don't want to call someone in my life microwaved with a fork in it and was like it was only for ten seconds I'm like that's not I don't care that's clearly marks up the first second that's hot I'm never even trying you ever put the wrong kind of mug in the microwave like a mug that has a little oh that's metallic design oh no oh yeah you just aren't thinking and it just starts within one second just borrowing I did that accidentally with my wedding China oh that's the kind of stuff that you don't think about and you have like a couple mugs that someone gave you for your wedding that is like oh it's I'll give them a fancy one with the silver K on the side sure on forever yeah I don't ever know how long to put things in the microwave yeah 45 second increments you have no idea microwave things all your life and developed a general rubric well I just put 3 minutes on everything oh that's too much for many that's absolutely too much poison stuff we all have our number i feei always want to know so you always do 45 seconds 45 second increments there's like 45 or a minute and a half I'll start a minute happen which I do 45 seconds after that I typically do 90 seconds and if it doesn't allow you to put nine zero in as some microwaves do I'll get all messed up I'm like oh no I do the 30 30 30 you know there's a button it's like 30 30 that's the that's a dream I like that my and this is a I swear to God very real I can only put numbers that are a combination of the numbers from lost 4 8 15 16 23 42 so I'll do like 42 seconds or if you add them all up that's 108 so I'll do a minute eight like those are the combination of numbers that I do for my microwave and it's not like an OCD superstition thing it's just something that I definitely not what I do always all the time and if I don't do it then the world will burn down around me yeah no I just it tickles me and then now those are like that's like programmed into my muscle like those are just the numbers that I do well I guess this is too long three minutes to on a frozen frozen oh just something yeah that's too much maybe because I really I have like a high tolerance for heat oh that's like temperature heat as a Korean but I am deathly afraid of something being cold in the middle I guess so yeah there's always we should do little casts of the roof of our mouths to see who has the most permanently boot burned roof of their mouth oh my that's hurt my eye because the way that works I still have scars from when I burn mic mine's pretty rippled yours is probably finally sucked up mine's why we just full-on scar tissue it feels pretty smooth I have a crunch of it front of mine is all crippled oh yeah I figured I don't think that's from burning though it is oh I I have a pretty high heat tolerance should do it we should know that I'm not gonna say that I have as high as yours I don't we should do yeah boiling water try guys really hot water but you know me I drink hot tea every day it's like a dumpling video yeah really good people yeah I couldn't take that I couldn't take that we did an eating contest but with soup dumplings not realizing that 2-speed eat soup dumplings I have to have just inhale boiling soup review was a mistake that was beautiful that was my bad my bad on that one but I thought it was a good idea but we got to wrap this up well make sure to subscribe wherever you're listening to leave us a review 5 stars we will read one of your secrets out also we just launched new merch we got a back-to-school line we've got our tour line and right now right now for a limited time only it is 20% off what addi are you kidding are you [ __ ] kidding me percentage off G that's it's a conspiracy use the code we did not land on the moon we're also we're coming to Australia we're coming to Singapore check that out all this stuff you can find out more about at tri guys calm and also subscribe to our youtube channel we also have this podcast on youtube if you're listening off of YouTube you can watch our beautiful faces as we slowly wake up throughout our conversation to all of you this has been the tripod Keith's hit us with that tripod theme song is the tripod really real or is it just a government conspiracy yes that's Rob until next time stay beautiful with your fingers there I needed the hands to perform you got anything you Teen People still think the earth is flat [ __ ] yeah
Channel: TryPods
Views: 317,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, taylor swift, twitter, drama, canbcel culture, cancelled, fan questions, conspiracy theories
Id: e_3ph_2mI54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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