Zach Meets The Pornstar Next Door - The TryPod Ep. 28

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bramble thanks to native deodorant for sponsoring today's episode [Music] Oh welcome to the tripod the greatest podcast in all the land from people who try who are named Zack Keith Ned and Eugene and their friend miles today you've got Zach and Keith we gave Eugene this the day off cuz he's sick and we've got a lot of travel coming up this week but Ned he's not here it's it's 9:00 a.m. on a Thursday and we had a verbal agreement from him last night that we would all show up did we wake up early and he's nowhere to be found he's not here hmm he didn't come no let's just send Ned a photo of how much fun we're having yeah let's see if we can change his mind I don't want him to come it's gonna ruin the flow we're having we have this cool vibe right now cool guys like what miles has his chance to be 30% of the podcast hey what's up everybody welcome all right that's enough we have plenty to talk about and you know what we are all living there we've had very busy week so I get why anybody would you know forget about something it's been a crazy week this week has been exhausting and I've got two mics so I might use both to tell you about two mics to tell these stories baby and then real quick before the week coming up this next week we have a book signing in San Francisco actually never mind by the time this podcast come out it's already have you had this amazing one would assume and I think next week or the week after I'm gonna be in Atlanta we've got book signed by all of us I'm gonna be doing some a little meet and greet opportunity so go find the info you're doing a solo meeting great yeah I'm gonna be in Atlanta so we're like hey let's let's give them you're so busy you are going to a wedding I'm gonna go visit my family I'm gonna go seem a little cute baby cousin on the east coast life is life's wild man but let's talk about this week Keith what's been happening this week we shot four special episodes coming out this December of everyone's favorite series on our YouTube channel slash dry guys without a recipe yes the most incredible baking show to ever grace the Internet's presence without a recipe a show where four idiots tried to guess their way is way Manhattan hi Nick it's not net try to guess their way into making basic foods that we all consume every day I won't give away what the episodes were about but let me just tell you they are dynamic they are exciting they are unbelievable and they are full with incredible victories and devastating losses really so once a year or I guess a couple times a year we try to make a series that is really a show and this is something that we poured a ton of our resources into a ton of our money into a shout out to the people that support us on patreon who made that show possible yeah but it really it's a TV show I don't know how long the episodes are gonna be probably 30 to 40 minutes huge but we have multiple cameras on set like I mean this is one of the few times as as youtubers that we get to have gaffers and key grips and a director of photography and like all of the actual roles probably about so many people 20 people on yeah we had a whole food team three or if there were like three or four people just working on like prepping the food and all the resources there were seven cameras running at any given yeah cuz there were four of the big guys and they don't probably GoPros it's gonna be nuts I every shot two and a half terabytes per day oh really yes Oh a terabyte is how many is it a thousand gigabytes yes yes which is itself a thousand most phones just have self 2,050 gigabytes then you you know it takes you like five months to fill up so this is basically ten new phones a day of data how many kilobytes is that that's like how many bytes that that's like how how much memory it took to get to the moon thousands of times the most time oh yeah because the first moon landing computer could fit in a calculator right it's like not even like our phones are so much more powerful than that right no more information it was so fun it's probably the most fun that I've had filming with you guys in it kind of like made me fall in love with you guys again is that way to say no it was it it is a great cast driven show it is like watching Great British Bake Off but everyone's terrible at it and if if great british break off is break off that's a great british break off as their breakdancing competition where everyone's very polite as they dance if the great british side would be grind up if that show is like neutral good this is the chaotic evil of the same format yeah but we had 12 hour days 7 a.m. call times for us and there was 6 a.m. call times for some people and then we were working until 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. Ethan I've been talking about how jacked up we've been from just like the the adrenaline of of baking but also the the results and so I have not been sleeping well and I wake up in the middle of the night and I just am thinking about baking and and for context I don't bake if you've ever watched our episodes you know that the bread episode the first one is like the first time I ever baked and so I've been learning on the go I've picked up some knowledge but it's going from never thinking about a thing to spending four long days where you're only thinking about that thing yeah and so my mind is racing with like how many parts butter how many parts sugar okay we got to mix that up what does I am I gonna do in the morning and so I wake up at like 3:30 in the morning and I'm just wide awake thinking about piping and not the sexy kind no not sexy I think in a sauna every single day I'm sorry what I've taken a sauna every single day where hate this sauna I take a sauna but that's the right to verbiage yeah I don't think that's correct I have a song I get in this song I draw a song I drum song I sauna because I would be working like 13 14 hour days and then like I would go directly to the gym on the way home from work so my gym is like where we're shooting now I would thought about doing though and it's very close to here yeah it just didn't seem like it offered me enough one time they have a sauna now I do something much more expensive yeah it's just glasses I like it but it does it I think it cost too much so you've been drawn asana I've been drawn asana every single day cuz I'm like my bones are so tired and I'm going to a wedding tonight I find oh [ __ ] so I am married I'm getting married no I'm roasting one of my friends at the rehearsal dinner they don't have like a best man maid of honor thing but I like he had me write a roast for him and his wife so that's I'm doing but I was like I don't want to be sick because I'm gonna be drinking all weekend so I had to like I kept feeling like oh my throat's a little tickly and I would just I love watching the evolution of miles he can't he the other one day he's like you guys know that like you could put greens in your juice that's true you're getting all the toxins out of your body you're sweating them out and I like I mostly use my gym for the sauna like it's rare that I work out there but but I've been $40 a month asan afterward you go straight there it's right there sauna sweat mhm and usually what I do is I forget my workout clothes so I will take off my pants be in my underwear sit in the sauna take off my shirt cuz the wood is a little too hot on my butt I agree put the shirt on thing get really sweaty and put my pants back on and put my shirt back on I get back in my car well I don't drive ever get my working but when they came jeans yes shower there um well I didn't bring a towel and it's also like it's late at night enough that like I'm like well I'm just going right home and I'll shower at home look I've done it I get it it's gross Piscotty I hate putting you're sweaty but also he did just go into a sweat like literally couldn't be sweating her that's the epitome of sweat but I want to change the subject give me the top joke from the roast I was gonna give me the top joke okay and if you want to we can workshop it right now that's yeah oh I would love this what's his name hi there Brandon and Jenny mwah Brandon give us some context where'd you meet alright so Brandon and I met at an improv in the improv auditions my freshman year of college and he was a sophomore and we've been friends really since then here let me pull up my best joke there's a good yesterday Brandon his name's Brandon yeah yeah you come up with Sukup is that we all know the brand and love Super Smash Brothers yes I bet you're all expecting me to come up here and talk about Pikachu and Ness but let me tell you when I say he is the epitome of Fox that's pretty good yeah all right yeah probably loves he loves mash brothers related roast everybody he loves he loves all that stuff okay cool so Brandon getting married the jigglypuff of our friend group these are all really good okay so Brandon just for a little background on this Brandon works for a marketing agency and they spend a lot of time like on social media platforms like LinkedIn and all that stuff like dealing with how to hire people for different businesses Brendon spends his days making brands look better too bad he couldn't do the same for his own wardrobe oh that's bad all right Brandon's a real piece of [ __ ] here we go Brandon told us he didn't want to do improv anymore which is made me sad you know because he's so gifted he felt like it was a lot of time spent on something that was so like felt like a slowly dying art form this sentiment means so so much from someone who spends most of his work day writing thoughtful LinkedIn posts wow that really did work there is not a harder app to unsubscribe it's impossible yeah it's I had to make a LinkedIn first of all they have the gall to send you emails before you're signed up they just start being like hey it's it's the only social media platform where others draw you in and give you this it's like it's like passing on the tape in the ring mmm you know you get this email and now you're just sucked into the world you didn't ask for it but it's just happening yeah why doesn't Google have like Google work Google+ got plenty that's the Google pluses I love Google I'm happy to let them have it all I had a choice between buying a movie on Fandango or renting a movie on Google and I'm like you know they already got all my information I love oh no I love Fandango but like the puppets were cute and they got the the dumbest name like Google's got all the information so let's just keep it there I'd like Google I like I like Google too are they one of the evil ones oh well they're big I mean probably but like they're not the most evil one yeah they're not the most evil one oh here's a fun thing that I did right before you came in Zach yeah do you know about the website have I been poned com okay so have I been poned com wnp wned I was listening to reply all shout out another podcast not ours not ours hope you get a shout out back yeah I want you all to send them in fact go to their store leave them a review no this is cyberbullying I don't do that I love it but that on there they talk about this website called having been poned where you can type in your email and see if has been involved in any data breaches and an eyetie from my email this morning and I have involved in eight data breaches with my emails and passwords and so in some information Wow yeah so what does angle wasn't one of them Google was not one of them is a good guy so they're good what does that mean for you you've been poned i've been poned and a lot of them are up sites I haven't using a long time but it means that they now have my password right from those sites and so they could use that password for my other accounts cuz like if you use the same password you have the same password for everything no I for my really important things I have a a password system that's a number combo and a a theme that rotates but for the general things I'm talking your Neopets your clubpenguin I have the same password but the line of what gets grouped into that has been expanding and I'm certain that a couple of them have my credit card information so yeah a good type of password is one that's self demeaning because no one would guess that you your password would be like I'm a [ __ ] loser for you know what what special character do you use for your password it's not your dot your data sometimes I'm an exclamation point yeah I like the excellent music song all right we've we're getting you a little bit closer to guessing our past underscore sure oh the little wavy line that is the cute way - is that considered a tilde even though it's not over a letter I think so I call it it - no or the week at tilde tilde til is what Hilda I've got two stories one one sad one fun I guess one yeah once had one fun just to set it theater masks right now just the drama faces yeah I'm gonna do sad face first I like that exactly I just had backwards I got which is sad because our liners grasping on to Forgotten youth and it's not working mmm why it's that I got hit and run my car got hit oh yeah I know about I told you maybe you haven't seen it right it's like a serious because we were filming this thing it's like someone like punched over my wheel what it looks like is that someone's doing a three-point turn and the corner of their car on my back wheel just jammed it I'm like what happened by the gas it's on that that one of these we're in by a bunch of narrow streets and there's a lot of people who really fly down them and there's a lot of chicken going on where do people refuse to like pull over and what happened is this definitely somebody at the last minute pulled too far to let another car by I think is what happened do you think this is the front corner yes I near dry yes and I think you're lucky that they did not hit the tire I know is hitting the tire would have [ __ ] up the axle and it would have potentially actually totaled your car it takes very little the total car and that is totally a fine damage together it's so not yeah go ahead is that the street that we were shooting on like yeah so on that same street I was shooting something with Ned like a year or two ago and no not my car but Katie from BuzzFeed her car guy sorry Katie got about this a giant truck was playing chicken and just hit her car we were all staying outside and it shattered her windows and like ripped her door off it was insane but like the guy just let him we were just like it's such an annoying time now too because like this is I think purely cosmetic damage first of all anything happening in your car is just now it's a person I got a try the other city I gotta leave it and do this whole thing but it's cosmetic damage and like I don't care about it I don't care like I have bumps and scratches and all this [ __ ] on my car feels stupid to fix it cuz it's LA it's gonna happen again as evidenced by this but now I'm gonna I'm gonna be driving by and people are gonna judge me they're gonna think I'm a shitty driver I'm gonna be like oh that guy's reckless he must have [ __ ] up his car and it's like I hate it I hate it so much do you fix your car I don't know what should I do miles you gonna go fix my car now fix your I definitely don't fix my car my car is like a hunka I'm waiting till it just drops off like I love your car thank you so much what yours it the car I used to have is 98 I mean what year right now is it your car's a 98 98 Velva station wagon to me and when I was a kid the car learned it can drink but when I was a kid I learned to drive on a 96 Volvo station wagon that looked exactly like that car I got hit by a mail truck once what it was a similar road where it was one of those very like roads that I don't know why la is obsessed with these roads that they they're insisting that two cars can fit down they can't like cars fit on Park on both sides it is barely wide enough for one car I'm at the stop sign this mail truck comes roaring around the corner whipping hits my sideview mirror scratches my back of my car screeches to a halt they refuse to give me their information and said oh I'm not allowed to cuz I'm a federal employee my supervisor was coming I'm a kid I'm like right out of college so I don't know any better I called Geico and I'm like hey they sell out to Geico what up little lizard boy and they're like um I don't know if he's saying thorough employee I don't know I guess believe him so his his supervisor comes he says I'll take your information we have to file it through the government I don't know and I believed him it took me nine months they wouldn't they wouldn't contact me I kept calling them I had like the case number and everything wouldn't send me money so finally Geico goes like you just I'm sorry like you just have to go pay for it and then we will now have the legal option to go after them but like we can't do anything because they're holding up the process luckily it was not bad you know it's a couple hundred bucks it was a scratch and a little bit of a dent but had like a mail truck [ __ ] up my car like total error if I was really hurting for money at the time like that that would have really sucked yeah that was sucked mmm so if you ever get it by a mail truck don't let him leave and ah I normally love post awful work you know I tell them postal well I was my opinion has been mired by your experience obviously subliminally I now hate them no I like people who work for the post office I think she's talking their hardest shitty job I think no one gives them respect I see them out there delivering mail all day long and in LA they park at the end of the street because there's no parking anywhere and they just walk like like six blocks and then they come back to their car go ahead but it's real it was a people like this podcast is real I helped to blow my nose well we can edit it out most popular podcast was the one where I sneeze blow your nose so you people come for this they come for the body sounds they thought they loved it right now there are so many people in their car listening and they're smiling smiling they're like that is so me I'm about to blow my nose and anyway I love the mail post office and my funniest post office memories that I used to babysit a kid and his name was Zach it was me it was and he collected stamps and what a nerd he was such a nerd it's such a cool kid yeah um but I do I would always go to the post office with him and he would like look at the stamps and see if there was anything new and he'd be like nah I was not good like like an old man being like now that was no good or with anything and then he would even like try to haggle and like packets of the stamp they will not there's no it's literally 25 cents also its currency yeah stamps are currency so you can hear yeah it's super weird apparently I've always wanted to test this but there's this old myth that um you can buy things with stamps at government offices so instead of using money you could use stamps as money what things you buy the government office I guess I got the DMV you mean could I pay for my apparently it's technically American currency oh come in here get over here producer rate okay the cats out of the bag we're filming this early on Halloween because we're gonna be out next week traveling our producer Rachel's here dressed as Glenda the Good Witch Linda Linda Linda Linda it's just my accent yeah Glendale the good way that dress is amazing the top does not read to me good witch she's got the poof iasts skirt are this big and pink and a custom-made crown and then like a fall pumpkin spice latte sweater on top it does not match but it's funny it's very there's gotta be a pun that matches Glinda the Good Witch and like Glendale well and like no one thought Glendale people look like they're Oh oh my goodness Halloween just changes when you're when you're in a fam that's a Rachel we didn't talk about without a recipe but we did not give it up to Rachel who ran the entire production and really knocked it out of the park for very long days with lots and lots of moving pieces and she crushed it Rachel II want to join the podcast for a minute over there here let me just try to get her hoop skirt over the chair this is a disaster just in case the Rachel I'm curious we were talking about without a recipe and kind of from our perspective were there any behind the scenes calamities or anything that happened that we don't know about or I guess in general what stressed you out the most the last four days I guess the worst thing that almost happened is we got this giant convection oven for the guys to bacon and it was really important to the schedule that they had I know you're thinking it's the thing you did but it's actually I did I did several things that oven I look out in future videos I've got matching burn marks on both of my forearms I'm sorry so so convection oven so we got this convection oven commercial size which was really important to bake things together and fast because you guys had like a lot of ooh can I say what you had we have it yeah oh no you can say one no no you had a lot of bakes to fit them together and the little oven was also on camera on the other setup and you couldn't like it was down behind the island you can see it was not so it was really important it shows up on Friday during the pre light and it's run via propane now I don't know if you know this but you can't put a propane tank inside and run it well you could no this is sort of more of a garage though yeah but it's not it's if without ventilation and the guys who are delivering it we're like uh and I was like yeah that would poison people yeah we got to send it back and call the company and the woman who had sold it to us will was like well it's propane's slash electric I was like so can I run it fully electric that's what we wanted that's what we talked about and she was like no you have to use the propane and I was like well then it's propane and you're going to murder people and so they were like well no electric ones exist so I had everyone on the phone trying to find an electric convection oven commercially sized for like hours finally this company sources s-one and of course it runs off of like a generator that is eight or ten times the size of our current generator they can only be delivered with a tow truck so this wondering what the hell that giant generator was powering the giant Tower was powering the oven that burns at so then they powered a little too well and they delivered the generator but this is an $80,000 generator and because we didn't spend that no that's what it's worth and because it was outside all night you have to have a it's called a tow park you have to have a someone tow it in and park it and bring it out but it was Sunday we started on a Sunday and because they delivered a Sunday I couldn't get it insured but then I was like what am I gonna do am I gonna leave this $80,000 thing on the streets of out water village oh I think not we have no Baker's among us that would use it recklessly that would throw pins in there that could possibly break it so we were safe oh and Zach dumped a million toothpicks into it at once well you've got a lot look those up stuffs come out in December it's gonna be a fun you baked we laughed some cried so many guys a few people screamed and not judging I got burned maybe I screamed we'll see we'll see we'll see Rachel if you could stick around for another minute yeah something very exciting I found out our neighbors were filming a porno what our office neighbors no wait wait we have been old people I guess I should clarify our neighbors my neighbor's next Dorothy's sweetest old I want to say Filipino couple that they just garden all day yes the cacti people constantly they really are they okay and they always warn you if you're like parking on the wrong side of the street used to like street sweeping times we're like the anti Jake Paul our neighbors adore us they are this like we are running a company out of a house and our neighbors are just the most sweetest most supportive gentle people they did one time throw a giant branch into our backyard but I accepted it as like that's the currency we exchange they didn't make a point no it was not the old people and it was not actually our neighbors it was a couple houses down must be an air B&B because while we were filming okay I gotta back it up I had to I was a single parent this week this is huge this is big I know there was penetration in the air around us like like porn that happened gonna air we breathe right now okay I was a single parent this week because my girlfriend Maggie and Becky's wife Becky Keith's wife Aggies wife they I mean Maggie is kind of Becky's wife so that centers work they went to Las Vegas and party together without us Maggie may or may not have forgotten to tell me it was happening you know I knew that Maggie was go tells me everything your wife does got to keep some secrets when you're still dating like hey I'm gonna be out of town for a few days to go party so I had Bowie I had to bring him to the office bring him to set during this intense shooting so I come back on a couple days ago and I'm walking Bowie around the block and I see this big motor home outside of houses a few down and it's a film set motor home I recognize those I know it they're two human beings hanging outside it's their break I look inside they have the craft service table set I mean this was a real film shoot we're talking about our production value they had it just the same I'd say there's very little that separates us we can pivot if we needed money used to be a bedroom Zack has had some slips lately oh yeah that's right you had to fill my nutsack I did yeah that's about the porn stop distracting from the porn tell me everything so I had Bowie and Bowie you know loves saying hi to people and the two girls were so excited so can we say how your dog like yeah so we're chatted we're hanging out and and I go I didn't know there were just two nice people look like yes they were wearing like 80s inspired short shorts and a two-top but it could have been anything it's Halloween week I say what are you guys filming in there and they go oh um stuff whoa which is an answer you only give when the stuff involves clothes being ripped off oh did you dive into it so I'm standing there and they're petting my dog and I kind of like I had to play it cool so I'm like oh enough said I get it and they kind of nodded and laughed like yeah and then we're hanging out always taking turns in between turns no it was like two girls one dogs and they're just hanging out and they just pet the dog yeah it was I've now that I'm talking about this this was like the beginning to a porno itself right yes with a fluffer joke and I felt too weird to dive in more because like Here I am this like dude walking down the street and I come across two female porn stars I'm not gonna be like they come across [Laughter] God Zack you stink oh don't say that that's not true actually you have very little body odor but you know who does that body odor you me that's right me know why you're projecting your problems on the me dude but you know what Keith you don't stink because you've been using native deodorant now keep the night wheat we're sensitive skin boys which is why we use native it is a safe simple effective product that you can use every single day on your body that's right it's formulated without aluminum parabens and talc it's filled with ingredients found in nature such as coconut oil shea butter oh yeah and tapioca starch does it work yeah it works you're gonna smell good you're gonna feel good you're not gonna have all those bad ingredients all over your body there's over nine thousand five star reviews AK and you can check out native deodorant on the Today Show in Elle magazine and PopSugar refinery29 I mean that's just a couple of the places it's a little something for everybody you got a wide variety of enticing sense for men and women plus they released new limited edition seasonal scents throughout the year they do offer an unscented formula and a baking soda free formula for those with sensitivities it comes in coconut and vanilla lavender and rose you cumber and mint and eucalyptus and mint you could smell like a little koala my favorite is the unscented deodorant I like it I keep it in my backpack for emergencies it's nice to have a little deodorant on hand because we you know we're always traveling around doing stuff and sometimes you just need an extra hit and later in the day for 20% off your first purchase visit native deodorant comm and use the promo code try guys during checkout that's 20% off your first purchase at native deodorant comm use the promo code try guys and if you're in the u.s. you get free shipping and returns and that is an unbeatable American offer okay so we're back we're still laughing about this I hope you enjoyed that plug for roughly headphones no I and unfortunately that's where the story ends I didn't ask more details cuz I didn't want to be that pervy dude even though in my mind I'm like genuinely interested in it as like from a human to human perspective but the optics were too too much for me to overcome right it would have been weird if you asked like explicitly what type of scene they were having that would have been right or like how'd you get into it yeah I want to know production questions like how much does this cost I have so many questions did you I guess what I'm saying if any of our listeners are porn stars and you want to come chat like I I got questions yeah also there's an Airbnb that we could rent to shoot at on this block yeah yeah that's good to know about this yeah there's one also like a even further down Hannah stocking who's a friend of ours who does a lot of comedy sketch she's been filming on this block a couple times I've seen we got sketch we got porn we got whatever the [ __ ] we do wanna film in the porn house yeah oh come on now I heard of someone come on right now come on no it doesn't matter I'm sure it gets cleaned there's always like a 300 dollar cleaning fee for Airbnb so if do you think they had to tell the Airbnb that they were shooting porn there it has to tell them there's so many yeah maybe not I mean I guess you boot head by feeling it's like a biohazard there's like yeah the porn industry especially in California is very regulated did you know that there are more more pornography as filmed in the valley than anywhere else in the United States really I don't know it's so hot there's so much so many out-of-work actors I think yeah yeah that's just where like the pornography industry is is in LA and in the valley specifically can I talk about Airbnb really quick yeah airbend I like the service I like the novelty of staying in homes when I travel and I love it but recently I had my first negative review on Airbnb someone gave you and they gave me a negative review what did you do I it was totally bogus where were you staying I was staying in Nashville for and it was a bachelor party so yes like we were messy but we actually like cleaned up really well I thought the things they complain about were anywhere should be prepared for a bachelor party it's Nashville it's literally at the point also it was clear to me that people underneath me we're making meth anyhow it was incredibly clear to me I know what that looks like I grew up in Tennessee so but I was like whatever we're only here for a couple days this place is very nice downstairs and very scary but this place is very nice and I so that from Corinth America are the complaints that they listed about me they moved blankets between rooms what I said okay I'm like are you kidding they were like there were sheets and blankets and pillows in opposite rooms of where they were supposed to be and like yeah because one room had literally all the blankets and people were sleeping other places so I moved up I didn't think that was a big deal another the how they had made bacon before they left and the house smelled like bacon my kids that's what [ __ ] happens when you make bacon and then they said they left like some of the dishes had to be hand washed I said the firt there were no cleaning instructions left either way though we took out the garbage we loaded the dishwasher we hand washed the things that did not to be and then we like clean the counter like we did everything you would need to do they did not ask us to you dirty bacon you cocaine not like it's natural [ __ ] they said there was wine spilled on a sheet like we didn't have wine cider and beer there's no wine what do you there's no wine spilt I looked I walked rather there's no wine anywhere so what are you doing that situation are you able to contest I wrote a counter review that said it was totally bogus and I said like this is crazy you left no instructions how many stars did you get I I don't know they like I got a dinked like review oh and I was like so mad because I have all these positive reviews I've stayed someone here meanies and then like this one it's like I'm like I even wrote like this is inaccurate and rude there's like I just don't even know why yeah they like we're so mean it just didn't make sense doesn't do for them to be like right mean to say it was not their fault their hopped up on meth it was summer in Tennessee and I know that means that there's ants I get in the house that's just what happens in Tennessee there's but there were a lot of ants that kept coming in the house and I like sprayed around to like get I bought ant spray to like while I was there and spraying it around you and proved that I didn't even like in my complaints I didn't list that because I knew that that was a thing but you bet your ass as soon as they left me a negative review I said also your house is cracked to the outside and infested with ants oh [ __ ] you did you let the cat out of the bag about the meth I didn't tell them about the meth I assumed they know okay yeah they must like hearsay and here's how I know we were outside on the deck and I dropped like a cop and I like knelt down to pick it up and I look at in the moment see through the wooden boards to the lower porch below and it kind of looked weird down there there were like some old cars and I'm like it's Tennessee and I looked down and I saw eight empty gasoline cans yeah and so much rubber tubing yeah and so many jars with various colored liquids and I'm like I are the signs yeah well yeah so like it just that's a sign for amateur chemistry I wouldn't know you need you need something that burns you need a lot of tubes for the fluids to flow through and you need like glass jars to collect the stuff they make homebrew they could be making beer or alcohol what about kombucha I think they didn't look like kombucha with all the gasoline how do you know they're not making kombucha their gut health beauty of meth heads making kombucha the counter yeah you're getting super hopped up and [ __ ] up doesn't mean you don't care about your microbiome do you know that there are as many something's inside your stomach as there are in your brain I don't know if it's neurons or I forget something your stomach like a second brain apparently I read the headline and about a paragraph into the article and that's where I stopped anyway that was my experience and like and I'm rude I haven't booked another air B&B sense and I'm really worried yeah it's someone's gonna look at that and think that I'm a bad like a guest so I I was when you go like on a bachelor party or a wedding weekend I was grouped into an air B&B where someone else booked it but she wanted to like split the rent through the website as opposed to just venom owing me like a normal person like all of our listeners do and and she even though it clearly said no dogs she brought her dog her dog sheds a [ __ ] ton and so now on my air being right I have heard negative review attached to me forever it sucks that's the same that's the same thing - like I always in the person who like by Z a rabies so if something goes wrong it's only gonna reflect on me and I didn't like I don't I don't maybe some one of the guys did spill something on the sheet and they like hit it and didn't tell me but like I I just think there's a possible cleaning fee regardless like if there's a cleaning fee no there's no cleaning instructions you can't dock somebody for something being unclean you know what is the cleaning fee go to because I feel like then you shouldn't be expected to clean because nobody just lists please do this and I do it and they didn't have a list they had a place where the list would be and I think the only thing was like make sure all the doors are locked and that thermostat is at this temperature and like the windows are closed Mike got it do you guys want to get on Airbnb right now and then also go get a blacklight and go to that house with the podcast equipment that's investigative podcast excited you know like in real time see if we can find the marks of leftover fluid see if we can find the pornos that they shot it yeah you like trace the footsteps and be like okay well she was mounted here and he will be reverse image search a picture of the interior of the house and see if we can find what was shot and oh how quick do you have a turnaround these are like four and a half hours long I don't know much but I do know that they're exorbitant ly long videos so I don't think I don't want to so they score it like the first minute yeah it's as you walk in like and then it just stops yeah one angle yeah okay well what do you think a try guys porn would be about arrives at this house is it is it the four of us realizing that it's time to have sex with each other I think it would be like you're alone in your house can you yeah oh wow and you delete a text you're the protagonist Wow yeah you get a late night time that's huge - because that means people watching either once like I'm the object of desire I'm the the vehicle right of what would you call that like I'm the one that you see yourself in yes yeah and Keith can't sleep obviously you're the vehicle to get to Keith yeah real stuff it is a weird thing to meet we'll stop talking about porn in a second but that you find the person that like I want to watch this person have sex with that person and I'm going to pretend that I'm that person isn't that weird yeah you want to find like a surrogate for you that's what I think that's what people are doing you want to see yourself represented in the porn representation matters well it's it's been such a fun episode we had didn't have net who didn't have Eugene we got a great visit from the Good Witch Glinda Glendale and it's so exciting to have guests this is fun it's nice to have you join now Rachel I don't know if you need this but you know tonight is Halloween it's a time of spooky scary stuff and you know if you don't know what to do because it's your first time taking kids out trick or treating you might need some advice and we have a wonderful segment on this show where we allow the youngest and least experienced member of this podcast it gives some sage wisdom and in in a column we go yes advice that will go for miles with miles what's up miles nation Rachel have you ever listened to the podcast it's okay y'all doing tonight do you have any idea what's about to happen I don't I guess no this is like at the end of it so you probably have no well I've seen I've heard and seen lots of parts but I know I'll start over today no classic what's up miles nation how y'all doing tonight have you ever wanted to hibernate like a big-ass bear do you want your stomach to be filled with larvae sleeping is good for your brain that's the truth [ __ ] so my advice to you is have some tea before bed tea is a good digestive your body likes to cool down to sleep so if you have tea before bed you're gonna raise that body temp and then you're gonna drop that body temp and it's gonna help you sleep if you've had a meal or a dessert before bed I'm looking at you Keith you're gonna want to digest that ginger tea oh yeah it's a great thing to have before bed mint tea mint tea is also a good thing to have before bed turmeric tea tumeric tea now I'm a wreck ginger turmeric ginger not my favorite but it exists and that's a good thing for your stomach to help digest so you feel clean and your bowel feels nice and as we've established there as many some things in your stomach as there are in your brain that's true yes that's very true so I've been having tea before bed recently it's really been helping me especially when I have a late night meal we've been having these late shoots so I have a late night meal and then I have a tea and it just kind of sits on top and sifts down and it really helps you sleep and make sure we should state the obvious yeah you got to have that herbal tea we're not talking about I can happen you got a nice herbal tea there's some sleepytime tea there's I also I like the digestive tea I'm all about getting my tummy feeling nice and warm I will also say if you are drinking alcohol tea is crucial I've recently in my in my old years of the age of 26 I I have been when I drank beer are like a liqueur or something like that I have been waking up in the middle of the night and like being like oh my stomach my stomach it just like I know it's not fun but but because I've been drinking ginger tea there's something about it that's just like it's just helping my stomach be at ease before I go to bed I nightcap is T my neck at misty sea my nightcap is a hot toddy okay perfect yeah to toddies last night and especially because it's you know that cold season is about it really helped me feel a little you know Bri I breathed easier before going to sleep as you know I adore this advice I'm a Realty advocate yeah and I would say that is the tea I was expecting some Halloween advice well this comes out we're expecting some tailored advice to me coming out in November we set it up as if it's for you but it's always just generally so is just things I've done basically what miles did this week that he thought was a positive that was our food-related yeah I'm cooking related anything related bathing a lot of bathing a lot of nice human functions yeah I just want to throw in really quick and so we're trying to live a better lower footprint life in the hoppers burger household and because Becky and Maggie are married so are we yes so switch back to bar soap which I don't love as much but we got this thing that's like a I don't if I can it bag the you bar soap into so it still scrubs like a loofah but you have the bar soap inside of the bag and it it's like awesome I really love it it does work through the soap a little bit faster than I like so what I do now is I I scrub like my top half with the bar in the bag and I take the bar out and scrub the bottom half without the bar in it just because there's still enough lather on it but it's like really great I feel like we're it's it's a better material than the plastic of the loofah it'll last much longer you can wash it itself rather than having to throw it out though it's reusable so machine washable sound the song I want you to send me the link because Maggie's been on that same kick we got a machine washable loofah first that's just like silicone something that you could just throw in the dishwasher it [ __ ] sucks it does not sun at all I had it all on tour which is when I was the dirtiest boy I've ever been and it like I have to use three times as much so because it just disappear it goes it just Falls right in so then she got these gloves that are like it's not the glove it's weight it's like sandpaper it's so rough it's a it's a loofah glove but it like rips your skin exfoliate maybe once a week to like a but it is it it's like at Korean spas when they like just [ __ ] it is too raw I'm at to a sensitive a boy yeah me too so I just I I don't know I've been living in this loofah limbo over here so I need that yeah the soap keith is this because the bar soap has like less additives than a liquid so yeah it's just a better quality healthier soap and at Whole Foods you can buy it not and I like plastic yeah yeah so we were buying we're trying to do all that we've got even am a reusable bag to like put produce in at the grocery store now I'm not even used as little plastics you know the little plastics they like gunk up recycling machines oh gee you can't put that in recycling it's hard person taking care of the world is hard it's all Becky I'm not as motivated as Becky is but I'm very glad that she motivates me to be better yeah well I say that was some real advice yeah my bias was like well beyond his years I feel like you don't get into t2 later yeah that's true you know you may think I've been on this t train all my life but I was not mr. t all the time he just came because you couldn't have coffee my favorite one of my favorite tweets of all time is Lord Miller who made the lego movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs that one of my favorite directing teuvos they worked with mr. t and kind of the chance to meatballs and they were going mr. t he was getting ready to film admit go hey can I offer you a cup of coffee and he goes fook I'm not gonna do my mr. t do you ask mr. coffee if he wants a cup of tea that's so good how many times has he delivered that joke I I'm sure every week for the last 30 plus years yeah what an icon amazing well that is it for this week's episode of the tripod thank you so much for listening be sure to subscribe to us on youtube check out shy guys calm for lots of very very cool merch and look out for our without recipe series coming this December plus we have on Australia series it's just about to roll out so much incredible content coming to you those book signings we told you about or comment so just pay attention our social needs and if you're in some of the towns I'm going on tour with my band blue burger wanted to talk about well I was just in I just did the 3 shows before this came out so I have three shows this weekend but I've got some in December so some Rhode Island DC Chicago st. Louis Phoenix maybe Kansas City working on that one right now so you can find me and listen to some funny music that was like the only thing I wanted to talk about I guess and then we just talked about porn and mail trucks and math and math well what an episode what a time Keith hit us with the official trap pop theme song I got that loofah limbo I'm living in loofah limbo I can't decide which one to use I'm living in loofah limbo tripod until next time stay beautiful yeah do you have an outro message for us Rachel are you a good witch or a bad witch [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 371,646
Rating: 4.9213691 out of 5
Keywords: Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, pornstars, next door neighbor, unexpected, filming a porno, behind the scenes, glenda, rachel cole, sauna, tea, airbnb
Id: r68NUKq9q3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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