Ned's Stolen Identity - The TryPod Ep. 40

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ramble shutout to sleep number and bake by Melissa for sponsoring today's episode hey there world welcome to the tripod tripods are stands with three legs that you can put something on top of to hold it and just like that I am currently being supported by three legs we got like number one wobba wobba wob we got like number two oh hi there and we got leg number three long as an ox and of course we're also joined by Miles Bunsen joy who is operating this current tripod Hey like the tilt on the tribe yeah I'm the rabbit head right and that was my analogy for our podcast opening you're welcome really good thanks every time you intro the podcast I hold my breath and I just hold on tight I thought I feel like I'm just like cupping your little butt just holding you up just lifting you into the air yeah we should redo our channel art no you'd probably the one cuz you're the smallest that makes most oh you don't want to be laughing there should be a lopsided put what I guess a lopsided tripod is fun that's why I said wobble wobble wobble I'm the wobbly leg hmm a little too short or a little too long you never know we should do a cherub photoshoot where we all are like gracing our nether regions with our triply draped clobb that dude playing around with bows and arrows and all the way on board for that Valentine's Day you have to phone religious Renaissance art style cherubs yeah oh yeah okay I'm down with that yeah I met like just general baby photos well that's funny to know there's a very specific type of baby that we're talking about here I actually I was at the getty museum this weekend with my grandmother because I'm adorable that's cute I'm a cute mother [ __ ] you guys and it always strikes me how ugly Renaissance painting babies are they are just the ugliest most horrifying little thing true to life drawn with like adult faces that was a common in the common like way they drew things back then is that they drew babies with old man their hands their hands are like clothes because they have adult hands as well you ever see adult knuckles on a baby it looks really weird also the cats are ugly how can you how dare and they put they sometimes give them humanist noses yeah they yeah like there's like whole tumblr liking casts yeah you know human cats the movie always great I don't know what you're talking about high art high Renaissance film that's all right some of those high four so we had a bunch of stuff go onto the news this week guys do you want to talk about Kobe Bryant unfortunately passed away it's very very sad are you guys big basketball fans fans of Kobe Bryant in general uh no I'm not a basketball fan but you know he's like one of those people like you know Michael Jordan and you just know him it doesn't matter if you follow the sport you know who he is and he clearly was very impactful for a lot of people so we're very sad he's just so young his kids and the wife that's so sad yeah we're filming this Monday so we're not even 24 hours removed from from the news and it's pretty shocking I mean one yes he was so young the fact that it's a daughter passed away with him is absolutely tragic I I drove into downtown LA last night and driving down the 10 the entire skyline of downtown where he played at the Staples Center was lit up purple and yellow Oh every single building that has variable lighting shows that and there was this weird moment where I was looking at the sky and for some reason my brain expected to see his face like a giant box yeah and I can't explain it it just felt like that but the world the world lost a giant you know and and for so many people he defined big parts I mean for the past 20 years he has embodied the dominance and and perseverance and work ethic and so I know a lot of people are hurting there are also people that are pointing out his a complicated legacy that he leaves behind but right now if you have hurt feelings your valid in that I mean you you've lost someone that felt like a constant in your life and probably was a North Star as as far as you yeah point two four four ambition and what that looks like yeah I just think it's crazy because I mean I've lived in LA since 2005 I've only lived in two cities really in my life and this when you came here you had to like you had to like the Lakers like it's the only sports team we really had like that we really rallied around everyone I knew at USC like you had the the Bryant Jersey he was not just like a sports icon he was like an LA legend you know and he was so associate with the city when he passed I was just in the general Hollywood area and immediately within 30 minutes the streets were filled with people with within Lakers jerseys like people put them on and started marching around yeah his his impact was it's interesting because when you have giants like that with who pass away so suddenly and so tragically it certainly does give you this sobering sense of reminding yourself particularly with the fact that there were a lot of families on board that helicopter effectively commute yeah the Train Deering basketball tur yeah you a glacier in Alaska erase dogsleds yeah they were just going to take their daughters to a basketball practice so it certainly just kind of reminds you to you know appreciate life and hug your family and you know take take take advantage and carefully I love make their decisions cuz there were other helicopters that were grounded because of how foggy it was and that one wasn't for some reason so like you know just be cautious it's a very moving tribute in an actual basketball game the game that was playing that night the players were you know understandably having difficulty just playing a normal game way on this news and what they did is both teams agreed to have this first shot clock just be a moment of silence so it was a moment of silence in the actual game that the game had started and then they should let it run for 24 seconds exactly on both side well right that's been the number of the shock yeah yeah let it run out completely everyone just stood there holding the ball and it was really cool to see that like a moment of silence happen you know in the confines of an actual live game rather than like outside of it or I wasn't worried every game warm up it was actually cool said like I'm not doing this I'm guys the person who scored that point would've been like what do you think Kobe would have done yeah he's like Kobe wouldn't wanted me to do this and was like no I'll say Kobe's impact on beer pong in college was huge oh shoot anything throwing trash away every time you're that trash can anything before Sunday just like Kobe yeah now you have to you say mm-hmm I think we can use a great legend yeah his legends never die yeah he'll come back but you know for now I can rightfully doubt Kobe as I throw away trash throw away anything you're gonna give it a solid two weeks maybe then afterwards you say Kobe it's a little more determined it's a little more remembrance well since that happened also this weekend coronavirus came to LA everybody we're starting this out like a party yeah baby we're talking about viruses and mourn Fletcher it's crazy there's just like the death toll or like the people who have contracted it toll in China is like wild now and it like from where it was last week it was like under 300 and now it's over like 2000 so it is rapidly spread it spread inner is accelerated but but I think I've heard that it's not you know it's it has a normal like viral percentage of how you contract it and yeah I think from it it's like kind of getting the flu or getting a really bad cold in terms of like it really is a it's certainly are hurting a lot of people it's affecting elderly and like little little kids which is very scary but it's not like the black lung and so as you guys know I have a little so I went to a playground this weekend and there were some kids there with like flu masks on little like the you know the mat the sickness masks like the high Eugene got to where just a few weeks ago right and made me think that oh maybe I should be like protecting Wes but he wouldn't want to wear a mask like that he was wrecked a time right he rip it off yeah didn't he have trouble wearing pants in the houses weekend oh yeah that was fun Wes like is going for no-pants dance off phase old funny yeah I was over at Ned's and Becky and I watched cute little baby Wesley on honey night and at one point it was like he got naked for bath time we were still getting the bath ready and he runs out of the room he grabs his scooter and in comical movie fashion he scoots with one leg up in the air naked passes so perfect and like we were in the bathroom so it was like kind of a tunnel like our frame the vision was framed by like the door and the couch and so he's just like scoots by like the enters frame and leaves frame with like one leg back in the air and we we hanging out and he's just smiling looking directly at us being a good we laughed very hard which causes him to know it's funny and he also has a very hearts we're all just laughing and he's naked it's hilarious that's great around this age kids start to develop personalities West's personality is no pants father - I put on pants this morning I was like it would have been nice to just not wear pants today yeah I want to hear more about babysitting but also back to the coronavirus real quick I've only read about it on Twitter and I've actually tried to not read about it because I'm like II don't I don't want to get too caught up in hysteria I know it's time to get caught up in this area it's the first time I've said it out loud it's pronounced like Vin Diesel's favorite beer Maronna how thrilling yeah yeah piranhas means crown right Oh does it yeah so pretty good sponsorship opportunity no no I've got coronavirus because part of the Eiger Beach the viral cell looks okay around there parts around it looked like a crown yeah I I might be wrong with this and people in the comments can let me know I think the corona virus is a general virus huh and I believe MERS and SARS both mutated from the corona virus like it's a pretty general but the current strain is they know it's new so people in the medical field are calling it the some sort of like Nouveau corona virus they're calling it like basically like an or novel coronavirus they're calling it new but they don't know yet if it's gonna be taste anything that's actually very very serious all right so it's still kind of like floating around in this amorphous also why won't it like you don't want it to mutate into the Bud Light Lime virus people should worry too much yet you know and Chyna definitely is the the country that has a lot of a lot of things in place for these types of epidemics because that happens a lot I'm sure they build hospitals in a week yeah I'm see that they're building a new yet so they build buildings with pre fabricated pieces of building so like there's a place that basically like almost as if they like build walls and then the walls can get shipped and just put together huh but basically they can put up a hospital they've done it before in seven days they were trying to do it this week in six days whoa and it's crazy you look in the pictures they just have a million little various you know equipments to bear bulldozers and all sorts of other things just to flatten out the land and they're just gonna build pieces of building and bajjis i speaking of viral hits group billy Eilish swept the armies this the transitions today yeah so Billy Eilish Billy Eilish is both the first female and youngest artist in history to sweep the big four categories oh so she won best album best record best song best new artist wait what's the difference between album and record I don't know I always forget but there is a distinction between it album and record I've record must be like I suppose a single yeah I don't know how the song here - she went song the Grammys are a mess I'm gonna be I'm brave enough to say it I'm not trying to say that I'm thrilled for Billy Eilish I think that she's wonderfully talented I've been on that train since but since her first LP well after it came out but I've been a fan of hers for a while I think the world of her music that being said that organization is a nightmare I think that that show is a joke their awards or joke please invite me next year I would love to go what's cool about Grammys is that there's like a billion Grammys actually they get given out like so there's the televised Grammys and there's always like that like Oscars like there's none televised Oscars but the Grammys are so extensive like I have a Grammy it's not hard to get a Grammy yeah yeah I have I technically I'm a Grammy winner because I don't need another guy know my high school has a band program background time ago won a Grammy so identically I was part of the winning Grammy team but you have like one one-hundredth of Grammy yeah my name is on the back of the people who are in those recordings of that so I'm telling I was aware accounts a Grammy why is that not in your byline Grammy award-winning internet New York Times bestseller so what album was ecchi well it was really very high school 2009 winter concert they have a high school concert Grammy yeah that's what I'm saying so there's Grammys there's almost every level of music for every type of music there's you know this Latin Grammys there's just so many Grammys that's why I remember watching like the Simpsons a long time ago they were always ragging on the Grammys for being like a Grammy who cares this is because there are a lot of Grammys we should win a Grammy we should win a Grammy I I think I take back what I said it is the most prestigious award it means a lot to me and I would like to figure out how we too can win a Grammy win a Grammy I bet there's do they give Grammys for audio book readings they do yeah they do we didn't submit again is there a Grammy for best viral fake rap song yeah right cuz that's a lot on YouTube I bet there are various other like streaming only or like there's like best actual New Artist Grammys that aren't like new because we just you started making enough money where we consider you an artist now but like actually you've just done your first album ever and you weren't known yet but it was good so he's a Grammy I do like the Grammys because there's a lot of performances pretty drinks like performance performance award performance performance award so there are some good ones last night Demi Lovato was amazing I don't know if anyone watched invite I didn't watch any tell us everything well everyone was great a lil nas ex performed Alton Road featuring BTS which was bloody explosive they knew how to break the award show through the internet Wow but listen lil nas ex won his first Grammy Lizza won her first Grammy I don't know if a lot of people remember Jojo but she won her first Grammy wait you're talking too little too late yeah leave get out right now she's an incredible singer but she was the featured singer vocalist on the best R&B song winner so she technically won her first I don't want a Grammy yeah too much right on time yeah a lot of firsts nice SEC nice that was a stretch but I don't see us I want that joke I didn't get but ya know I won't bother explaining it it's not very good don't need dude who is your new who's actually your favorite artist this year oh that's tough I because we like the standards that everyone's like super into you we love Liz oh we love Billy yeah I mean my favorite a long pause I mean I had I feel very mainstream now which is a weird thing for me because in college I was all about being like the alternative music but Vampire Weekend is now mainstream and they were nominated for album the year and Billy Eilish and Liz O are are two people that whose careers I've loved watching so I'm as [ __ ] mainstream as it gets now I've just make up a name yeah like oh yeah I love this band bony bears album I thought we were totally phenomenal and that was I know but I don't know even know who won let's see what I listen to this year you should make a Zacks best of the Year playlist on Spotify should all have our life tight also I'm intensely contrarian I know it's terrible I was joking okay when Beyonce when lemonade came out I wanted to have lemonade streaming so I got actually also this is gonna give me a bigger boom I wanted to listen to Kanye's album when it came out so alternative Zak's a and then she's everywhere now and I'm like well all my playlists are on this so I just haven't switched over but it's a it's a terrible app if they like my most listened to this year I liked Claro I liked FK twigs and liked big thief that was interesting radio hmm you're welcome for that that's good well we're gonna get you guys try of the week but first we're gonna take a little break and thanks um spawn C's boo delicious I just tasted I just tasted the most incredible cupcake guys I gotta tell you about these little cupcakes maybe you've seen them maybe you've heard of them they're called baked by Melissa that these little bite-sized cupcakes and they are unbelievable they're like as good as all those treats you see on your Facebook Timeline look they're so good they have plus they have unique flavors they've seasonal gift boxes so you can like mention what you what you love and they're like sort of give you a nice personalized gift box I like to the season they're easy gift baked by Melissa offers one in two days shipping nationwide and remember the last day for standard shipping for Valentine's Day delivery is February 12th at 2 p.m. Eastern oh that this is a perfect Valentine's Day thing this Valentine's Day send your loved ones the perfect gift with Bic by melissa go to bake by melissa comm slash try guys today and use promo code try guys to get 15% off your next order this is a special offer exclusively for podcast listeners so make sure you take advantage that's 15% off at bake by melissa comm slash try guys using the promo code try guys [Music] something else we literally just read a Spotify ass I will tell you that there is nothing worse than title how much is the subscription it's the same price there's no reason to be on it yeah at first I thought it was funny now I'm trapped I'm trapped in my own terrible joke you know there's a there's a fine line between acts irony and just being the worst yeah right I ride that line all over it all the time he's always like oh you know titles terrible I'm on it you know this is terrible I do that I do that yeah it's the worst movie ever seen you guys should go see cash yeah speaking of terrible vine is back yeah how is that how is that possible so one of the creators of vine one of the Coker's vines started bite be yte this weekend it is it's 6-second looping videos but now they're vertical because tick tock works discuss so isn't it part of bite dance or no it's just called bite I don't know because bike dance owns tick tock I know probably not oh is it a cadet etre because it felt like they were like is like tick tock but no music this time seems like a competitor okay cool but I don't know you can you jeans looking at them wow that's that's nuts I mean just here when I'm getting wrapping my head around tick-tock vine is back yeah cuz this week you tried on tick-tock right yeah we were all trying to talk it's for a video it'll come out in a month but but Ned has had some great success and some great sadnesses I mean if we want to launch into my try the week my try the week was trying tick tock I had been resisting it I thought I don't know maybe it's a waste of our time I may is this a platform we really need cuz I you know it's if if you got a build following yeah make a lot of stuff yeah I don't got that time time but I downloaded it and I was originally confused I was like these videos are all random I don't like these and I started Harding things and then I started getting served every single hilarious dog video ever and I was like this app is amazing what I want to pause though though because you'll see on camera in our videos Ned's first 20 minutes is like dejected I don't like this I'm trying to be positive for the camera but I this is what is this garbage I was like net just go into a room by yourself for 30 minutes mm-hmm go watch it yeah a TV I had some secret tick-tock time and there's a door is closed and you just hear a lot of funny videos so then we tried to make our own tick-tock so I made my first tick-tock my first tick-tock was mega viral it just popped off like crazy like over a million likes over 8 million views yeah no we had yet internally talked about me is the little tick tock e master yeah Ned that doubled my output in one video my high watermark blew past it was unbelievable though I had this rush I had this thrill and then I felt this pressure to keep up I was like I either have to never post again or I have to my very next video violated the Terms of Service the video I was waving a gun at me and then it was a bad choice yeah no it was a bad choice milk was a bad choice yeah you know it seemed funny at the time I think it was about the gun it turns out I threatened Keith you're not allowed to threaten people I just actually think it's about lactose intolerance is a sensitive issue on the platforms yeah but you know I was already feeling a little wary about even featuring a gun in a comedic way and so then they were like you know what you're right you shouldn't have posted that please take it down but then my next one you know I like a hundred thousand views I'm like what the [ __ ] is this I mean I know that the second one isn't as good as the first one but like oh man one game yeah how many followers did you get off the 8 mil via so I went from 0 followers 0 likes to like the 135,000 followers Wow and 1.2 million likes that's crazy that's the explosive potential of that platform that's that's why we're talking about it cuz it is this I've realized for me it's like a slot machine and that's what makes it so addictive oath as a viewer but also as a creator because you really can hit those jackpots and then that gives you feeds you enough that you keep coming back to to pull the slot again and again you hit big I'm just paying penny slots over here you know even my jackpots or our pennies well you're putting in a small amount putting in a small amount of work and I'm using a small result but that's what I want to do here people like Ned said we have jobs we have other things I'm not I can't spend on my time thinking about how to blow up the tick tock and now there's bite now a vine is back and but I bet that all the Viners are gonna stay on YouTube and not go back to their house they should all close their youtubes and go back home now they have it back they can all go back over there and again fire it up and they can throw things rakes it their friends and they can set mattresses on fire and they can leave our beautiful little house alone over here in YouTube land well the audience can find more about Ned's tik-tok adventure in an upcoming video where we actually try tik-tok yeah yeah so you can check out more of that on our YouTube channel in the future mm-hmm you will be happy to know that I put one video on bite that was already made it was me recreating you're already on it well it was that we had recreated a vine for a video that we did a while back oh yeah oh I have a vine let me just throw it on here that's cool fun and I wanted to look I looked at it for 10 minutes put that bite up it got three likes Oh so [ __ ] that oh god I'm gonna go ahead and say that he's not promoted on any other path I did not did not care to I just wanted to know what it was and it's we I don't know something that now I know the possibility of 15 seconds and match them to songs I'm like this don't have the luster that it used to oh yeah I feel like you guys should go on there and get like at do you have at Zach or was oh no I only ever go for ed corn Diddy yeah kept my [ __ ] username somebody else doesn't that's what I do now is like I just go in and get absolute don't mean a mark on yes I go by my domains let I whenever I can but so you got to do that's why I've been getting at West foamer on every platform oh you know all of the other people that did that need this oh yeah I've been sending out like takedown requests left and right oh geez stay out of there yeah okay I'm hooked a tick-tock though I've been I've been posting like every day I went to the beach and I was like Ellaria you wanna help me film with tic toc real quick like we are at the beach I'm like yeah everything funny and it was funny keith was retry of the week this week I try the week cuz I'm still hungry I'm still doing in a minute fasting I'm still hungry I think it's yielding results it's only been a couple weeks so it's hard to say but you know I've gotten more used to it but it is tough the mornings are the toughest because you have to wait and I have a delicious smoothie waiting for me but I can't have it until 11:00 and it's tough because you we sometimes have shoots like tomorrow we have a shoot that maybe goes really late like what am I gonna do well you lie to cheat on a day where you like really need to eat yeah but you're so yeah but then you're supposed to push back your start time the next day even so if I go eat three hours earlier you have to not eat till 1:00 right yeah like no it's like yeah yes yeah kind of like that so if I so right now I'm doing 11:00 to 7:00 right so I eat between 11 and 7 so if I waited to eat until 11:30 it means I could eat at 7:30 but if that day I started 11 I eat it like 8:45 then the next answer was to wait until 12:45 to start eating then I'm supposed to work it back to still ending at 7:00 so cuz it's like you did it wrong there's a lot of math but it you know mostly it's just you know trying to make my metabolisms work harder so they burn through mark yeah I haven't done I don't know I didn't try anything new to be honest this week you know we did a lot of work we did tick-tock I tried that you know I don't think I did too much new what actually shows nothing well you know what I started watching that new every week to try even the smallest tries to try worth highlighting shows and I tried a babysitting and then I watched started watching a new show which was it's the one though I can't remember the name and its really it's good it's but jason bateman oh it's so good it's confusing yeah yeah because you talked about the circle so much last episode I watched it last weekend yeah beds conversation topics are catching up I got just downloaded byte and I'm getting wait it just says In loving memory it's got like intro credits yeah it's in loving memory of somebody I don't know but it was weirdly I sounded so callous of me it's I don't know I've just never had an app that had like intro credits that's it was and they're like faded in and out like a movie I was like oh like that wait did you like your show Keith so yes I like the show it's good good try it's good and I feel like I tried it it was good it's confusing you were also a nurse this week I was poor for Becky last weekend she sprained her ankle so we couldn't go to Eugene's cool party we didn't do much last weekend but I had to take care of Becky and keep telling her to ice it and she wouldn't and she doesn't wouldn't then like it's really gonna help it heal better she's mostly good now she's up and walking around we went out this weekend so she did some walking but what I was gonna say this related to this that was good let me think what was it if I had something to say about about oh we went to the dentist Becky and I went to the dentist that was our try and Becky had zero cavities that I also had zero cavities but I never have cavities she always have cavities I'm like I'm I'm surprised that that's a in a previous podcast I talked about how she had many cavities in her last visit and his visit she had zero so we're very proud of her yeah Becky very proud of her yeah something horrifying I thought I was developing cavities because I can kind of see like in my mouth this like it looks greater esque and I went to the dentist as well this week you reminded me that I had to when I saw it on your calendar and they go oh no you're not right you're you don't have cavities you're just grinding your teeth down and I'm like Oh wonderful so I grind my teeth who are you gonna have a nighttime mouth guard I do and I couldn't sleep with it so I took it out ivory committed myself somebody has my username wait oh hey how did they get it so quick someone not fight stall at key that I think some people just buy out it just launched I mean I don't do these apps why me why let me see if you gene Liang's available do they have are you gonna take that just to see yeah see if at you know other large users know you're already in use may be is is do I have a saved account from vine Kalyan maybe Kalyan made our accounts your gets its unique it's a new app it's not actually vine he just some people might going by some like notable online people's names right the rock at Jason Statham I guess that boomers already in use Ned I got a question for you okay did you know that 9 out of 10 couples prefer a different mattress firmness oh I didn't but that makes sense yeah I always wonder if like Becky and I like we found a mattress together but like I do feel like we don't totally agree a nice often as we make some compromises along the way of course we did but from feather soft a firm you can adjust each side of your Sleep Number setting on the Sleep Number 360 smart pad so it's just right for both of you I personally I'm a soft mattress boy I like to sink in I like to be a little cozy I wish my whole body would just fully imprint into the mattress and I could like get in and each night it would become more and more like a coffin around yeah I like it a little firmer you know it's supported like I go for the firm bottom but with a pillow top so it's plush you know the Sleep Number 360 smart bed is super dope it's got adjustable comfort partners snore technology it senses your movement to try to better educate you on what you'd actually like your Sleep Number to be and with sleep IQ technology inside of the bed it tracks how you're sleeping and gives you personalized insights for your best sleep discover proven quality sleep and save 50% on the 360 limited edition smart bed now during the ultimate Sleep Number event only at a Sleep Number store or Sleep Number comm slash cadence that Sleep Number comm slash CA de NCE you can do real Ned foamer at the real oh I think so on Twitter for a long time my name was Medicus because I created a Twitter account if you're a poor guy media influencer don't I but I've kept my dumb one yes that's right you did you did and we emailed someone at Twitter and they were able to change it for me wait really yeah they were actually able to kick someone else that was you know camping as Ned Fulmer off I have had me as my 13 year old self has been parking on my username with a dead email for years on Twitter so I can't get out my lobon on Twitter I don't understand no you're just saying you don't remember an email password no the email account is wiped from the internet right it was like an old hotmail that doesn't exist anymore and the account is suspended but I can't get the username because the account is suspended I had that recently another app of mine I forget what happened one of my apps was my college email and it was like that's gone yeah there sure yeah that's it's gone Eugene what does your try the week this week yeah I moved into a whole new house [Applause] don't you open that door whole new house like an actual I sit on the floor actually Indian food on the floor is fun Wi-Fi is not coming for a full week yet the you know sometimes when you can move somewhere new you want the fastest speed of something and they have to come and like install it in a special way are you getting fiber yeah whatever that is whatever the fastest one is there's no way they aren't available today yeah they're not of it company reforms oh we definitely available higher so yeah I call them and tell them that my jewelry would like to have a word with them but yeah this weekend I'd also had broken my phone during our tick-tock video shoes so I was without actual internet at home and I had no phone so I had no you couldn't even do a hotspot access I mean mine I could use Matt had a hotspot but I also like he was using his phone like he I'm not gonna steal his phone work so I was in a cafe for like six hours each day working how did you break your phone making a talk no no I know stupid video no but like how did it break in the together I had to I threw it up as part of like a oh yeah you had to pick product videos amazing I'm like not into tick-tock for you Josh well I saw the talks on it a lot of ticks on it decent talks yeah it doesn't interest me very much but I think the connected to you don't you know that your talk is that a phrase can we to make that tick tock dude your talks I didn't think I would like it but I do it's like it's a different challenge it's a different like like medium it's the form of like joke telling in like content creation an exciting channel or a bunch of fake tick tock phrases for VidCon and just like assault tick stalkers with things that I think are real renegade oh I've seen your dog they tickle they jiggle jiggle are you through your phone up into the air and it broke yeah but basically I have an entire new house that's amazing that's a huge life step that actually told someone I said I think I'm just gonna die now I think that's part the reason I also avoid the idea of marriage and babies because I'm like in my head maybe I'm just a Victorian woman I think what are the big steps you get married you have a baby you get a house you die yeah so you're complete like the idea of owning a house to me makes me feel like under 10 I'm just gonna be 90 tomorrow so I get like weird so I did like so sometimes I just did stuff where I was just like okay it's fine that it's not done because the renovations are still going on for like another week while we're in it which is kind of awkward or so I'm like walking on my underwear with people working around me you're not okay to me a conveyor music video yeah yeah right Camilla Camilla Kamiya what is Camilla that you pronounce the L guy only if it's - yeah yeah it's not news three L's no she has two L's in her last name but not in the first no the first name is pretty sure if it is two L's then it is come here me look of a house if I can get his whole life and I think it's Camilla how many of you are followed by cameo kebaya Twitter expert here are you right it is Camilla definitely Camilla how was your on Twitter yeah I wait DM her and ask her to be in one of her videos hey I don't think it's that tie do you pronounce your name I it was absolutely a follow and mute immediately situation but I'm honored nonetheless it was why would you bother then because we're good friends no oh because you met her at the red carpet that one time that virile time okay and she said Zachary my dear so lovely to see you again Wow hugs she's professional Wow Eugene let's stay with your house and I don't want to talk about in there there's two beds right now but one doesn't even set up because the one room is being still renovated we actually have like beds in the living rooms nothing is we can't unpack 90% of the boxes because the kitchen is also still being done so we just have everything sitting oh yeah in boxes while we're living in the space so it's very are you sleeping we set up in one bedroom but the guest bedroom not even the master bedroom oh yeah we're sleeping in one bedroom is like where is our house and the rest is just construction we did that too we waited on the master bedroom just slept and maybe a guest bedroom for like months and you you got our your couch from the same place I got my couch and I know that it's going to take 8 to 12 weeks yeah we have like is infuriating it is like the minimally customizable like you just choose the pegs for the leg and what cloth you want what do you take me as someone that enjoys that process I love furnitures I love shopping for furniture right I don't I don't like that unpacked boxes and but now I actually enjoy the unpacking process more than packing process because I like the design of things in a space but big tip if you are graduating from Ikea furniture is very expensive yeah and it takes a long time of it's custom which a lot of the cheaper furniture that's nice is coming from outside countries so the couch that we both bought it's gonna be until April or May is it coming from I believe they constructed in China what if it I've got the virus in it couch has the virus the couch rona virus that's what they're gonna hit totally they say was going to evolve into something more dangerous all the couches in LA start getting sick let's stay with this more about couches let's talk about guys I got a good couch ok here's my tip on couches I got actually got real tip on couches here you ready oh [ __ ] ok you're gonna be like I want a custom couch and I want a couch it's got buttons on it because that looks so cute right right right because if you got buttons the buttons are inevitably gonna fall off and top your buttons on your buttons on your button on your back but buttons and also your pockets you're they're gonna snag the buttons when you sit up and sit down and this stuff like that and you're eventually eventually you're gonna lose a button and then what you're gonna do now you look like a [ __ ] idiot because your couch less ruin because it's missing a single button so you put pillow over it right you put a pillow over you hide it and then you break another button oh [ __ ] it's on a whole different pillow so you came to just send one kill it again from deep rebut and you gotta do it so you flip it over cuz there's buttons on the outside too like ha I beat the system and then you break then then you realize that the buttons were connected by single string between the buttons are connected on each side so as soon as you flip it over the whole button system falls apart and now you got lots of missing buttons and you keep putting pillows on your couch to hide the buttons because the people who built your couch guess what they went out of business so you got nobody to couch back to and now you got a couch that's got some buttons so you know don't be like me don't get the buttons real traumatising story why I would just get the buttons for you back keep your butt buttons that makes me think of some of my couch advice so I got some I says you're losing all your buttons your couch is falling apart you your upholstery is getting ready or whatever you don't like your couch anymore before you throw that couch out consider reupholstering your couch Oh new fabric got a bing-bam-boom that's cool and then you get it looks like a brand new couch pretty cool that reminds me of my couches I don't watch TV laying on your side because you're gonna fall asleep on the couch and you're gonna wake up and you're like what [ __ ] year is it your face is gonna stick to the couch you're gonna have to peel it off slowly even slower if it's a leather couch went one could dream one could dream up and you know you just gotta sit upright keeps you engaged the second you commit to laying down it's lights-out couches you ever been a shirtless boy sitting on a leather couch oh my god well experienced ok my old apartment I lived with two other dudes it was a house of three boys we shared a courtyard and one of my friends mostly worked from home so it just became this open door policy where the other people that didn't quite have jobs would come hang out all the time and there was one kind of only technically worked they were working on the tick tock thank you go and there's one dude never wore a shirt I'd never seen him with a shirt we had cheap downtown LA leather couch and like lazy boy style you pulled the lever your feet popped up it was wonderful the perfect out fresh out of college couch and this dude was always sitting shirtless on my couch well I'm watching his pasty body stick to my leather on a hot summer day and I had to be the [ __ ] of like a man wearing a shirt I felt like a jerk I felt like this cup but come on I know you gotta work come on yeah unless your couch and then your skin I stick to it guests don't put your bare skin on someone else's pleather yeah yeah that's rough you should get a lazy boy know what's gonna be your favorite room in the house um probably the room that has a washer and dryer in it oh never had a washer and dryer in my place I have always lived I always still went to the laundromat for the best success crazy yeah me and I've never had air conditioning oh my god not really yeah first time I have like central air and you had a window unit but you didn't have like central window unit no central a/c no heater window unit wasn't in his bedroom no it's you know living it was mine mine yeah that's far from MIT so put on the heater like yesterday it was I was standing on going why am I not cold I was so confused and then I realized this is a big-boy house and I'm probably just and then I'm my life's over yeah it is tough for you because yes you bought a house it's a nice house so now going back to the earlier point there's an expectation that the furniture you buy has a permanence to it and that means money money money yeah you invest in furniture yeah oh yeah you don't invest in furniture we're just down payment no it's the down payment then it's the couch payment yeah yeah then it's the sit down payment pillow yeah as down is a stuffy eggs yeah yeah well boys before we get to the end of the show I wanted us to answer one advice question people have been emailing us in at advice and ignoring we've been ignoring we get so many emails so many email aliases to chat with that's true you have many and I'm sure we'll have more by the end of our lives this is at advice advice they'll go for miles female comm you bring in your questions and the boys are gonna answer them on the pod this one is from a fake person or give them a fake name is Zachary what's the name gumbo mixer on jumbo macaron is writing in asking for advice and this is advice about a family matter I have a virus sorry I have a phone virus and need advice jump omicron says please give a fun fake name I love them all hey miles yeah well I'm not reading this hey what's up for us it's for miles hey miles I really need some advice from you and the guys so basically I'm in acting and I was looking at monologues for a little bit of practice and I ended up on this super sketchy web site well I clicked on a monologue and it took me to a porn website and now my phone got a virus from it how am I supposed to tell my parents they're gonna think I'm a porn addict in reality I'm just a 15 year old girl whose phone is acting weird what should I do I'm sorry right now your parents don't think will not think you're a porn addict it's a 15 year old girl does that mean that's a I'm a general assumption of me but I think you can just tell them what happened yeah yeah yeah I'm on the tell them what happened Camp two I was looking for my log I accidentally clicked on a porn website and that my phone has a virus I didn't know that phones got viruses like what I remember like the the windows I remember the PC days all of our computers I assume were wrought with nasty yeah my mats and you know your friend wood your your hooligan friend would come over and be like yo do you want to see what boobs look like and I'm like are you allowed to do that and he would type on my computer and my dell computer just got and just got pop-ups all day every day oh yeah it badi hooligan friend yeah it wasn't me definitely not me no mom my friend was over and like right it was I was like we I thought we were just going to Nickelodeon and like we're gonna play games and then like I don't know like somehow like we were on another site and loaded like 20 pop-ups of just people with boobies I'm not standing here and telling you that I never searched for it I'm just saying that Alex Tomasi came to my house and showed me porn before I was ready to look at porn I wasn't ready yet I had an older brother I was the eldest it would it shocked me but now it would be shocking it's scary imagine having to hide gay porn right now cuz it's like I mean it's embarrassing oh my god you found the boobs mom right yeah but then this is more like oh [ __ ] looking at actual anal sex between a man did you do the thing where you heard like footsteps in the hallway and you quickly yanked the power cable give one one family computer yeah that everyone looked at yeah yeah had one computer in the house terrifying but I don't never do the power cord trick because what if you plug it back in then just loads all the stuff up it didn't I you know yeah Windows Windows XP om I believe it'll restore you know if getting away from porn from a question from a 15 year old girl do you have any monologues that perhaps jumbo Mick Tron should try out oh good monologue for a young lady I mean well there's a lot of American classics by Tennessee Williams he's got a lot of really good lady monologues I'm sure you've already considered there's there's some in view from the bridge that's a classic American story there's a would always have a contemporary monologue and a classical monologue you know make sure you have at least one Shakespeare soliloquy down like good have a back pocket Shakespeare Lady Macbeth mm-hm Juliet Juliet probably better for you but you know were watch that porn video transcribe the scene yeah then a deliverer the most thrilling and confusing highschool soliloquy in the history of theater right in front of my salad I watched that whole porn most people stop after that scene it's a funny time for the highlights as it's a gay porn scene yeah mmm have y'all watched gay porn before just out of curiosity I'm sure you never just like you're jogging man-on-man yeah I I cannot you've never seen the oh I got to show you also I've seen it because I've like we used to do this not the crazy ones I talked about like into the typical ones yeah I've seen yeah cuz like there's like there's been some gay porno scenes in some really weird movies that I've seen obscene just like I used to do think up weird Wednesday's where we watch really weird movies and sometimes they they had porn scenes sort of in them kind of like how like the room has softcore porn in it like there are a lot of like foreign films that just have full-on like oh wow this is just actual sex than real this movie yeah Wow Wow yeah all right well that's that's a future video that's a great video that's good yeah I mean I should introduce it oh why should I show you there's so many different Studios guys in wipers I want like a BuzzFeed a point thousand seventeen people great guys a foreign teen with Eugene more like Johnny 15 yeah that moment of like you know I see now the similarities I didn't like this coming in but I really respect now maybe you'll like it more who knows it's a little more equal footing some of the straight porn because I like to dabble I like to look at lots of types of porn some of the straight forms a little horrifying a little horrifying horror I can imagine a woman I'd be like no yeah well I don't want me even as a man son I'm like this is - yeah a terrifying way more choking then I am not kidding as a kid it's some of it frightened dead sorry yeah yeah every now and then oh you want us to wrap this up yeah we know and then there's like a man in a lizard costume and it's like what's who's who oh those are funny if you keep about hello that's like the really low-rent fairness of the parodies of big films so when they do the porn version of The Avengers those are always so funny because cos dad is so mad yeah yeah yeah there are some like legitimately like funny like porn things like it's this is funny yeah yeah fun thing to combine yeah a friend showed me one where there's this guy in the bath and this woman comes in and she's like I'm the lifeguard she's like what are you doing in my house and she's like no swimming without supervision and he's like I'm just trying to take you know it was fun to give you some advice but we're [ __ ] not good at that are we we have an expert in the room who gives advice that goes for miles and this is that segment advice that will go for miles with our podcast gremlin miles bouncing your name over there one you ready my old Nations clearly now does all the small thing oh my god it keeps going [ __ ] flat what's up miles nation how we all doing tonight where did that come from I took a youtube brief royalty-free song are you sure it was royalty-free positive and then I sang over it in the wee hours of the morning that was me yeah that was me yelling into my cell phone and punker I do like pop pop yeah I like the genre you chose maybe mm like mm-hmm sum 41 yellow Park Ocean Avenue one of the unsung greats of the last decade Tony Hawk pro skater Tony Hawk pro skater what's up everybody how y'all doing tonight in the morning okay have it y'all ever wanted to get healthy baby I mean yeah tell me more do you want a little green sludge to trickle down a year you Villa okay I'm I'm out do you want to steam your pores so big you could fit your dingle in it okay that really big pork graphic or a small one depending steam those vegetables is break it down a bit aggressively peaking throughout this entire yeah okay I like to peak in that way I distort the audio it gets all compressed more it's more rock and roll my advice to everybody out there who's like how do I eat vegetables and still be a sexy little green man well here's the [ __ ] deal you're putting vegetables in the pan I mean don't do it brother here's what you're gonna want to do you take a metal Kyle or put it into a pot a big [ __ ] colander and you put it into a pot and you boil the water underneath and then you put a lid on the colander and I know what you're thinking calendars are for steaming for pasta straining no uh you can put cucumbers you can put squash eggplant you you can steam it and if you put salt on that it's gonna be just like popcorn oh it's not I like steamed vegetables but also here's a better advice using that same technology that's how you read your frozen tamales baby you put them in a double boiler super so here in LA we have a tamale guy most farmers markets he makes amazing tamales he also sells them frozen it's really hard to make tamales at home because you know you actually they need to be steamed but that is the best way to do it the way you have vegetables is what you see miu tamales I'm file saving that from when we do it to male without a recipe yeah you want to see them oh you can steam vegetables without a colander if people only have like the plastic ones you can just put it in a [ __ ] pot and put water in there and cover it wait that will steam your vegetables wait isn't that boiling I see what you're saying a pot of boiling water with no colander I'm talking like if you just put like a quarter cup of water but if you just put a little bit it'll just create that same effect you can actually put a cucumber in the bottom of the pan that steam you're probably true well yeah cause isn't the point that you want the steam to cook it but you don't want it to be submerged okay I see you're some steaming rocks put them in the bottom of a pot of boiling water they'll lift the vegetables high enough oh that they can I don't know I just made this up but gravel in your pot but rocks in your car actually in your pot I I will say I like sauteed vegetables way more than seem veg they're better they're not as healthy but they're delicious and ultimately you're still eating vegetables which is no but steamed vegetables are definitely better than boiled vegetables oh yeah boy it's like you get a nice little exciting what about cabbage though boiled cabbage I harvested some cabbage from our garden this weekend and I made coleslaw yeah did you bring us slaw yeah you want some slaw dude i [ __ ] with slaw it's at my house and we got to eat it because Ariel said I don't like cole slaw why did you make this I was going to because Ariel yankin cabbage out she's like we don't need this anymore I was like that's a perfectly good carrot but honey what are you doing why would you just start away cuz I looked beautiful of competitor in cabbage so it's not quite as tasty as normal cabbage it's usually used as a decoration hmm so I saved it I rescued it into the kitchen I cut away that on you the tens you know there's green parts and all of the nice white like kind of more more tender less bitter parts we chopped up and made coleslaw that's awesome so yeah I'll bring it because right now is just me who's eating it Wes also doesn't like it I made a lot tell me oh man Mayo base or cream base Mayo is that something you can eat Mayo I can eat okay I'll get down with the slaw all right yeah well thanks for listening everyone this has been another episode of a tripod make sure you subscribe to us on your you know your podcast or rate us five stars subscribe to us on YouTube check out our YouTube videos if you're not a fan already and also get yourself a tripod t-shirt a little dinosaur out there on try guys comm support the show we thank all of you for your support on slash guys oh I might get another dog this week well tell us about it next week thank you listened about Hung's you know why do you do that let's talk about [ __ ] well it's a finally talk and then we it's time to wrap up if you want to listen to more head on over to guys we'll be talking about Eugene's dog as well as our latest video on the after pod sorry I suppose thoughts prayers with the official tripod theme song did you have a good time today boy until next time stay beautiful hey wait a second if you're still listening I would like you to make us some tripod songs because if miles has yet one I want more to make us some intro songs put that [ __ ] in the pod a smile I love that
Channel: TryPods
Views: 236,301
Rating: 4.9535689 out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, byte, vine, camila cabello, punk theme song, punk, pop punk, steam your veggies, vegetables
Id: W3E6EGnOxwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 45sec (3705 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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