Keith Eats Every Flavor Of Chips - The TryPod Ep. 21

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ramble shutout - Warby Parker rake on and zip recruiter for sponsoring today's episode [Music] cuz it's a white people taco night we're getting taco shells from the grocery store and ground beef from the grocery store and shredded cheese from the grocery store and Ortega sauce from the grocery store I love white people talkin aight welcome to the tripod we heard that's right guys we're boys who try stuff you know who we are we have a big ol youtube channel and we also did this dope podcast where we talk about our crazy lives we're here with everybody you love except one of us we got ned we got Zach got Keith we got miles over there he's gonna burst the door any second will be my ear don't freak out don't freak he look he'll be here he's gonna be here we have a lot of exciting stuff to talk about I bet he's coming in with some news I know he was out late with drag queens last night a common thing for him he's late does it definitely explains why he's late yeah but what are we talking about today boy first I got it Keith came out of the bathroom singing this white people tacos song like white people taco night I grew up with white people talking night and I do not have as fond memories of it as you do I hated it I hate ya what tell me okay okay as a proper debate tell me why you guys like white people taco night cuz I think it's trash okay well first of all white people tacos were the first tacos and only tacos I ever had until I was 16 yes understand that yeah he'd only talk I did not understand what a taco truck was until I was well into my twenties yeah so white people talking about is awesome because it's ground beef though boys love ground beef its strategies the boys love and it's like it's really simple and you as a child can help make it because you're basically just stirring meat you're like taking shredded cheese out of a craft zip bag and like maybe your parents trust you to cut some tomatoes and lettuce but it's also fun because you know like you get to play with your food because you use your hands to grab the lettuce like it just feels fun and it feels like there's a goddamn fiesta going on and you see the commercials we're all of the not white people are celebrating Ortega's products and the flavoring for the beef is like this translucent orange powder that tastes delicious white people taco no on that product it says like that you mix in water and the sauce and ended powder so that makes like a thick sauce house burger fam is like [ __ ] that we're just putting the package straight into the ground gun it straight up grease you said drain the grease in that water like you got a soft tacos you got the hard tacos you can bake it in the oven a little bit and then they're just all crunchy or you can microwave them yeah and a stack and then you can peel them apart and you can eat them it really Prime's kids to love Taco Bell as a college student oh I get that I you know white people talk tonight is something that I never knew had a name I never thought about it but I'm realizing is a shared experience really is miles did you have what people talking night oh yeah I remember I wouldn't have it necessarily my parents house but I would go over like my friends houses and there would be like a single bowl of guacamole that's very adorable about advanced white people yeah I used to have the romaine lettuce chopped very finely or the iceberg lettuce yeah as in my and white people talking that I just remember weeding weren't even advanced enough to do the microwave tortilla it would be like an ice-cold out of the fridge tortilla and then the hot beef and you're just holding a cold thing and putting in your mouth I do love that white people talking it is a dedication to the worst ingredients that you can get it's the worst type of lettuce the worst type of cheese and the most unseasoned of beef I mean it is it's great because parents are like this is the cheapest you know we've made in a month of course you don't call why people are gonna you just call it taco night because you're already white people yeah it makes the distinction calling a white people are gonna it makes it see makes it apparent that we're not trying to compare and contrast we can compare it to like casseroles I used to eat like six or seven oh yeah you're a growing boy yeah I would I ate a lot of French very cool too is that good very cool is that white people taco night is not just for white people you saw the chrissy teigen was doing white people talking that's absolutely true it's it's sweeping the nation you know what else is sweeping the nation secrets you guys left us reviews and the app in the iTunes Store we're gonna read some of those secrets right here right now on the air miles here's with a five star review speaking of five star meals like tacos you guys left five star reviews on our iTunes store and left secrets for us to read thank you so much for doing that we really love you and appreciate you here is the first secret can I get a fake name for this secret violet nails eyelet nails right this secret is called I hope Zak isn't offended by this secret oh oh I can't wait I love being offended and I love being the subject of hateful messages I hear I hear noise we think it's Eugene I think Eugene is arrived I held you to you it doesn't go through the door right now I will be offended because we all still have a lot of other employees and they should show up it okay they should okay miles here's me your worst okay so first off I love the podcast it always makes me laugh and I love to listen to it work here's the controversial part I always thought that Vin Diesel was dead only until I was listening who this week's episode and Zach is talking about him and rock and ran a movie and the rock and movie together that I realize he was still alive I'm not too sure why I thought he was dead but I've literally thought this for years sorry Zach I know you love him now I am seldom offended yeah you could say how [ __ ] dare you a blight on this man's career he's out here making hits for you and you're gonna tell me that he is dead you know what I'm leaving you one star in return whoa wow person I hope you're not offended violet I find that I find that secret very funny I don't know why that tickles me so much I got a second secret second secret second secret this one's called love and secret included dang it a name banana jam paulsen banana Jim - Paulsen banana jam is the first name banana jam Paulson's the family name banana I love you guys I'm following you since you started the BuzzFeed my friends now watch videos together or we call each other and watch them the same time that's very cute I'm so happy you made a podcast I didn't know how badly it was into this until you made it so fur and my secret is when my older brother would have friends over to play video games I would sneak into the basement and record them until I got something I could use against him I would show him the video and say what are you gonna do for me to keep mom from seeing this to this day my family doesn't know I did this and my brother did what I wanted for six years oh oh just incredible blackmail yeah familial blackmail I mean the voice you read it in was pretty intense yeah but the story backed it up I mean that's that's like what kind of stuff just like swearing yeah he's like oh crap he's like mom's gonna hate just imagining this very boring footage of like two guys playing video games shot from afar like what's what are you gonna get I'm sure it's are airing I'm sure it's like our host we're talking about blackmail have you ever blackmail the family member of course I have yeah thank you there tell me about it uh try to think of which blackmail I've done we had a secret where someone was secretly recording her sibling in the basement and it would wait for him to do something bad and then would use it against to their mom to get him to do stuff for him well I didn't do black well I I have to think more about blackmail but I used to do things to torture my little sister she had a closet that was at the foot of her bed and sometimes I'd wait in there for over two hours no well yeah like [ __ ] sit in her closet for her to get ready go to sleep and once it hit like 11 p.m. she was nice and tucked up in her bed I [ __ ] crawled out of her closet went under her covers and started [ __ ] scratching her feet screaming and she would just [ __ ] be terrified that is so much darker than I expected and scream you creep down and I would leave with the the words yeah it was [ __ ] dumb whoa yeah how old were you yeah like eight Wow yeah intense man you guys didn't do that to your siblings nah I'm bright hidden my brother's car one time when I was like young boy and he could drive and I just waited in his trunk right and he left and it was like a hatch it was like a station wagon so like you the trunk isn't that the car under a blanket he got on the road to go to his friend's house he started rapping along to the song and I just went hi it screamed and then he was just like what the what are you doing and say as a child you have more patience you're in it for the long con you know what you just described miles is Eugene's number one biggest fear in life is that there's gonna be murder my number one number one car fear that there's gonna be a murderous clown in your backseat well not a clown necessarily just a murderer oh so a clown is a separate fear no clown really wasn't that much of an actual fear I just don't like clowns I'm not scared of them but don't you you check I really like Pennywise yeah me we yeah I don't like I don't like friendly clowns you know the clown that beat you guys up during the signing video the book signing video I thought he was chill but the the nice like sweet clowns those the ones that creep me out because they're like designed for children but they're adult men it's like Ron MacDonald he's like there's something sinister there you don't like adults that are catering towards children no what's your inner garden teachers welcome oh that's different okay yeah there's still themselves but if they were in a clown costume teaching kids that would freak me out but when you check your back seat every time you get in the car right I'm not making that up yeah no I want to make sure there's no one sitting back there so they don't like stab me when I Drive so kindergarten teachers aren't actually being themselves they're like pretending to be super excited about letters of the alphabet and you know they're not you know they don't care about the letter J this week but they have to pretend like J is awesome maybe they care about it's not about the cheating the children it's pretty excited about letters we got these foam letters that love you son bath time you can stick them to the wall and make shapes or foam there foam so they like stick to the squishy well if they're wet yeah do you have the surface tension the puzzle floorboards that with the letters that pop out it's like a mat not yet but we're thinking about getting them you're gonna get one of those carpets that has little roads oh yeah a little roasted little town and that [ __ ] she was dog so you already have one and it rules yeah sometimes play with it even after he's wandered off yeah of course because you can like write a little car along the road yeah what is the toy that you are most excited for Wes to grow into so that you can just start playing with them again no oh I would say yeah definitely all manner of like ball games like you know soccer basketball all those could have like just general basic sports like once he can play catch that'd be so fun what are you guys doing this weekend and do you want to buy a big old Lego set and just [ __ ] crush it here's the question though do you enjoy building like a big complicated model or do you enjoy if I kind of freeform in it yeah I'm a freeform boy cuz I truly enjoy both like there's there's a satisfaction to completing a giant model but you know some of those interior compartments of the x-wing you're like I would never know to put these pieces here I'm just following instructions but free form in it you can really get creative I I one time free form made what I thought was a better design for a car would be more energy-efficient it was basically just uh nary a fan boat car yeah with like us wait how old were you I was young I was like probably six and then I put it in an envelope and I asked my mom if we could mail it to the White House to President Clinton because I thought that I could save the world and you're like the most liberal truth discover liberal people and we're sitting there making energy-efficient cars yeah it was more about the acclaim of being featured in Lego Magazine oh I got Lego Magazine as kid and every month they would have a page of fan submissions of people's amazing creations and I kept submitting to this thing I remember the one that I was like this is surely going to win what was it a giant mothership so it was like probably like 3 feet by 2 feet and then I had like 12 little tiny ships that could like detach and launch off of it because I loved all that was kinda Legos that was Cusco pretty dope right you have a picture of that that's dope I probably can find what I would love to see it yeah it was cool I'm noticing a real bridge it had like the cargo area had an airlock where people could you know do like kind of space missions you guys tell me Eugene and Keith are looking at each other like what the [ __ ] is going on you telling me that that is not dope that's imagination unlocks glorious what I was I was too busy torturing my little sister by hiding in her class Julie you know Eugene I think you would make a great sniper have you ever thought oh like someone who like with a gun yes hyper yes with a gun because you're fanatical devotion to Oh hiding and laying low I mean snipers like I'd also be a great nature documentarian and you're sitting around scoop you were good at hide-and-seek right oh it's [ __ ] great yeah dick no one ever found huh yeah but then there's something a little bit sad when you're so good at hide-and-seek because you're one like my older sister would say hey let's play hide and seek and she would have his hide and then just go eat somewhere you tortured them no I told you my little sister my older sister torture me one timing order as we were getting into an argument she got a pot and started boiling water and as we were fighting as she was like if you keep fighting with me I'm gonna throw this out as she threw it up no that's horrifying I'm yeah that's why I'm so [ __ ] hardcore yo where did it hit you um I closed my door fast enough so I hit my door and there was a door a hole I get burned there was a hole like like dent in the door my parents have to fix house yeah Zach I don't have the mothership but I just searched for Legos and those see all you can see all of the twelve little passenger ships and they're all a little different they all have their own pilots with their own personalities I'm into this and that's me posing on the front lawn well we would have hung out it when you wear glasses finding a pair is such a challenging experience it's like deciding your new face but Warby Parker's here to make it so much easier you know about Warby Parker yeah yeah where Parker was founded with rebellious spirit and lofty goal to create boutique quality eyewear at a revolutionary price point the Warby Parker stetic is vintage inspired with a contemporary twist every pair is custom fit with anti reflective polycarbonate prescription lenses Warby Parker has the home Tryon program so you go online you pick out five pairs of glasses you like they send it to you for free you try them on you see which ones you like if you don't like them you send them back if you do like them you got yourself a pair of new glasses I like trying new stuff hate leaving my house I'm lazy but I'm adventurous lazy and adventurous that is a quality for a lot of young keys yes yeah you want to say you want the thing to come to you but what you want it to be challenging actually we talked about this last time they have a pair called that Eugene that's about wearing a Eugene on my face putting on and actually one of you out there one of the tripod listeners tweeted to me that she got a pair of the Eugene so now Eugene is on the faces of many they also now are selling blue light glasses which if you get headaches cuz you're looking at screens all day you get yourself some blue miles was wearing them actually and his head has never felt better if you need help take the quiz you just answer a few questions and Warby Parker will suggest some great looking glasses that are totally personalized to your face and style classes start at $95 including prescription lenses if you have an iPhone X make sure to download Warby Parker's app where you can use their brand new virtual Tryon allowing you to try on eyeglasses seeing the realistic color texture and size of each style using just your phone damned technology mother order five pairs of glasses and try them on for five days there is no obligation to buy it ships free and includes a prepaid return shipping label head to Warby Parker comm / tripod to order your free home try on Warby Parker comm / tripod take the quiz to find a pair that it's perfect for you today speaking of kids and snacks Keith made a promise on the podcast that's right that today he's going to fulfill that's right Keith you promised that you would do a chip taste test yeah live on the podcast we stick to our promises I don't see any blue tortilla chips but you look like you've replaced it with a rice rice yeah all right listen let me so I got to the office these are clearly you can clearly tell these apart well I'm gonna close my eyes is that a tortilla chip a potato chip and a rice I know there's a tortilla chip a tortilla chip a pita chip and rice yeah it's correct I got everything that was a chip there's a yellow corn port tortilla chip and there's a white corn tortilla chip there's no blue corn cuz we didn't have any in the off miles you got a full week I know what is your position guys producer yeah I should have yeah I should have well no this would be a nice ASMR moment yeah and actually if keeps blindfolded it'll help the audience because they won't know what chip is either I think you probably hear the difference with the rice cake oh I think we're gonna yeah Keith just put a blindfold on okay grab the bowl for him but the glass is over the blindfold hilarious just to make sure everyone knows okay pick whatever you want need it try first and I'll try it well no you can't touch it you know exact you need to feed it say I have to feed it nothing would make me happy hijack is feeding Keith a chip coffee yeah he like didn't even chew it he just was you rubbing you were letting it go on a little journey around your mouth that you could feel got it yeah I want you to crunch it I think you need does that not house that against the route was it a white tortilla chip or was it a yellow tortilla chip um I would love to try the other tortilla chip as well okay would you [ __ ] also you you have some ginger you um you licked it so much with your tongue up top that we you you didn't give us the the crunch the savory ASMR crunch we all want to hear that hey we're gonna do it again it was a long day love I'm being honest it's probably why you didn't get the point you want it this is a smaller piece I want just the crunch none of that none of that tongue in it [ __ ] there we go I think that one is yellow and the first one was white they were the same chip well that's not fair great yeah so now it knows that it's gonna give you one right after the other and they're gonna be the different ones okay all right it has to be fair has to be fair this is a different one Keith all right a different chip than the first chip for sure yeah mmm I still think that the first one was a white corn chip and this one is a yellow yeah yeah that's good right Wow Wow I told you it's easy to tell them apart you know why you guys thought it was so weird my finger at the rice K guys went to here right so we're gonna feel achy before we do so this is option one okay one of them's a rice cake no use full option one Wow Wow ladies and gentlemen the amazing chip reader give him a round of applause a master chip Hollier yeah that was fun what our podcast has become yes become us force-feeding often one to shame rice cakes but this was pretty okay I think rice cakes get a bad rap I'm I'm all I'm on board they also I buy them they have a little furikake on top you don't eat the rice my dogs coming for your rice cake doc pesto don't eat the rice cake dog a Khmer pest I think if the rice still explode no that's birds Oh pick up the rice cake I've never heard that dogs would explode from rice but if that is a thing we should warn the people what if you made a rice cake out of popcorn kernels and then baked it and then you have popcorn cake that same thing that's what's fun that how they make rice cakes oh yeah it's puffed rice that's glued together somehow with Elmer's so what about popcorn rice cake cake corn cake well they have corn bread and corn hotcakes but that's all corn really different yeah I like this idea popcorn paddy their popcorn balls that's true I have quick zoom do you have white people talking right because you're not white people no we didn't do that well what did you do taco night groan oh you didn't - taco night no no not even like you know from the grocery story it's not a part of his culture something we do know it's true like for us we had like my mom attempting to do American food instead of Korean food for dare such a [ __ ] oh I tried to do burgers tonight oh yeah people burger night yeah no but for us it was really our my cultural food is my normal food which is why I say things like I don't think kimchi smells cuz like nope with kimchi kimchi thank you love kimchi but I definitely used to be afraid of it but it wasn't it was entirely because it was just I didn't have it and I know you like it cuz you like them pickles you like I love zina gir I love vinegars and I love Chinese vinegar is my new favorite sauce I've heard you talking about it and we still haven't been able to figure out what makes it unique you don't know right I don't it's it's a very it's a black vinegar that's very delicious typically you have it with dumplings but I whenever I go to a Chinese restaurant like I'll put it on my noodles I'll put it on like kind of everything so I just love the taste of Chinese vinegar you just love Chinese food I do I love real Chinese food I eat all the time I went to a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco the other a while ago and they didn't have they had cold noodles in the window you know what they didn't have cold noodles and that was the whole reason I went to the restaurant I was just real grumpy interesting was a saucy little boy because the food was good but it had the potential to be great it sounds like that place had a rumor of cold noodles which brings us to our next segment reddit rumors I went on to Reddit and I found several salacious rumors that people have been saying people say stuff on reddit all the time that's not true I found a couple things that are debatably true being hit us with the reddit rumors theme song [ __ ] this place is crazy we all lie but we pretend that were normal it's reddit well there are some bad people on there but well I think there's some wonderful things there's a lot there's some crazy things curious well you know the reason we're doing this is because I saw some people who were tweeting and posting some some screenshots there was essentially one that was saying like I was a server in Vegas where Keith's bachelor party was and they were dropping like hundreds of thousands of dollars so that must be rich and that means they must be like crazy which to that I say that entire video was provided by Magus BuzzFeed paid for it in the sense that BuzzFeed basically helped give them a bunch of anything that was literally Vegas provided they provided for free in exchange for a video that highlighted adding some features yeah it was a trade dope-ass trade so we're liars but we're not rich people rich people wasting their money so we did this video a while ago it was my bachelor party it was a real bachelor party and we went to Vegas so we lived it up in which we'd say this cool villa what did we call it it was the 150 $300,000 bachelor party so it had a big number in the title that we surprised you with dope [ __ ] like we got a private jet yeah that flew us to Vegas all of your buddies that you grew up with okay yeah give us some yeah we we I learned how to striptease from the Thunder down and does I learn I got lots of fried chicken had lots of fried chicken almost everywhere we had this delicious meal we went to cool clubs we went to a pool party where they had cutouts of my head which you know I love we went to this club and it may be one of the top memories of my life the club had these screens everywhere and they had a program where they can make it rain your name and if you know me you know I love my name and it was raining Keith all around in the walls and I in my mind I was like this has never been done before I am the most special man alive well actually to your credit it it had not been done before because it couldn't make it rain names it could make it rain custom messages and so Ned goes up to him and and he's like hey I want you to write his name they're like okay so what do you want like congratulations Keith Congrats on your marriage Keith and like he's like no just Keith and they were baffled by that like were you talking about no we need to do like a message and you're like no just the name Keith over and I think there was like a minimum character limit so we actually had to write Keith Keith Keith so just raining that it was a dream I dream the climax of this video is we did was it a hundred thousand dollar bottle service I think it's actually two hundred chef as the majority like the entirety of that that that price type we put on the video was only for that table at the Bellagio with the button that plays the the custom song for the fountain a giant bottle of champagne yeah like a Jeroboam or one of those weird names but it's bigger than Zac it's that it's me as a bottle probably can serve a hundred drinks maybe more and you sit at the the most premier table that actually isn't even in the club it is suspended over the fountains and you get a big red button that you can press it and you can pick any song you want for the fountains we later found out it's any song you want out of a choice of about twenty ludes the Christmas songs it's not Christmas he'd wanted said he'd wanted Santa baby in the whole summer Santa Baby is so funny in July July and I'm like Christmas in July come on that's the thing people like right would not do it apparently it's been only purchased but the the the reddit rumor was we are super wealthy and paid for it ourselves and we're not no it was a part of this rumor that we were not tipping well know that we were just like rich [ __ ] like the way people think about I guess members you're just throwing money around it was it was clearly just someone who was witnessing us having that table sometimes because it's an expensive table but without the context of it being gifted to us I doubt that a person was even a server there people just like to lie you know is this rumor true or false the rumor is totally false yeah we wouldn't we wouldn't do not have that almost everything in that video was gifted to us in exchange for publicity cool thing about making videos is you can sometimes do PR Exchange where you contact someone's PR team they say hey we want to get publicity about our new product or our new experience and we'll let you try it out and you know and we're like yeah [ __ ] yeah we're gonna dope bachelor party awesome you can't necessarily always do the real thing right like they they they don't let us actually open the giant bottle of champagne cuz I would like waste the product they don't they don't let us spend the night in the villa only hang out for the afternoon and double root like sweets yeah if we were acting fun it's because it was a bachelor party well you have a great was literally keys bathroom it was the best to the point that like I don't know what the point of having or going to another bachelor party is because it was so like it was the most bachelor party on every possible level where anything else would be a disappointment I feel like I need like if I want to have a bachelor party I just need to like I don't know like play board games and like go to a water park or something I need to do like the exact opposite I know your bachelor party's gonna be yeah you're gonna go to like a cool tea factory and they're gonna let you create your own Kornfeld blend of tea you should take you to the cat island in Japan I would love a full of cats Eugene did pitch actually a really good bachelor he's like the perfect party for you and it was either a birthday or a bachelor party remember Eugene no refresh my memory it's basically the plot of the movie game night well yeah we're gonna create a custom movie scavenger hunt yes we are go I like one very easy night and we got until sunrise to save the world but all the clues are based on my favorite movies that sound the year is 2019 everyone needs a great pair of wireless earbuds because if you have wires in your ears what are you doing what do you do it look like a machine you can fix it to your other machine we don't do that no more but before you go out drop in hundreds of bucks on a pair you need to check out the wireless earbuds from Ray Khan yes ray con earbuds start at about half the price of any other premium wireless earbud the company was actually co-founded by Ray J and celebrities such as Melissa Etheridge are obsessed with these bad boys you see Melissa a walking around with these little buds popping out her ears and she's rocking out ray cons wireless earbuds have totally changed the game for us we got sent the rake on a 50 wireless earbuds and keith has not been able to take them out of his ears because he has been using them all the time they've created a rift within the try guys he said these are mine now me and Melissa Etheridge are gonna go rock out to music you're not invited it doesn't matter cuz I bought a pair of myself because they are half the price of other premium wireless head bugs on the market yes and unlike some of your other wireless options ray con earbuds are both stylish and discreet with no dangling wires or stems and of course they don't just look great they sound great too down quality on them is fantastic they sound great they look great Rick God offers their wireless earbuds for everyone in a range of fun colors blue pink green at an unbeatable price go to buy rake on Comm slash try guys to get 15% off your order whoa that's buy rake on Comm slash try guys for 15% off rake on wireless earbuds if you've been eyeing a pair or earring a pair o is the time to get an amazing deal one more time by rake on comm slash try guys for our next rumor hmm to move us right along somebody unread it in the are applying to college red said curious as to how Ned Falmer got into Yale like we know he went to Yale for chem and stuff so he's probably hella smart but I just wonder what were his stats ECEs etc and then somebody commented I went to high school with Ned we're top ten in the nation on Washington Post for most challenging high schools everybody is either an IB and also takes AP courses or just takes a sports suck but we have lots of big clubs and whatnot he was also a science major was probably involved in science fairs there's something more I didn't know you went to one of the top high schools in the nation yeah yeah Wow yeah had great academics a lot of IB program AP classes I mean I took pretty much all AP and IB classes no Ned I heard that you had a fake lacrosse career and a fake rowing career and that you put that on your resume no exact that is a rumor I was on the lacrosse team and I you know I played soccer lacrosse I was in the Robotics Club I was president of the drama club and was a National Merit Scholar I was Intel semi-finalists at Science Fair get hit in the face with a lacrosse ball that looks like it hurts I definitely got a body shot they are very very can't believe there are people whipped those things around those things [ __ ] hurt yeah and you can whip it faster with a long stick yeah it's a whip they don't play much lacrosse in Florida but my school started a club sophomore year and I just kind of got involved and it's like I was super fun I played a little bit of lacrosse when I worked at that camp in Maine because all the wealthy Jewish kids played lacrosse and I I was like I will never understand this game and then I like started playing I'm like oh this is super fun and it is firm wealthy Jewish kids love lacrosse it's really fun to play and I was like I want to play I wish I ran around yeah it's contact but I mean I my advice to anyone that wants to go to an Ivy League school is to study hard take lots of challenging courses you know try and do as well as you can in school and study trying you know work on your standardized tests like you have to have good grades and standardized tests but then that's kind of what everyone knows like in addition to that you have to demonstrate things that you're passionate about and like pursue activities really badly and be a leader the rumor is that this guy went to high school with net yeah no I mean that guy is like is all true except for when he said sports suck our soccer team was very good our football team was very bad yeah that sounds like Americans values though like if the football team's bad the whole school sports betting the South could be told that's kind of all the time we have for now no I don't about well shout out the Stan college-prep thanks for a getting my back in the comments section this was a fun rumor section guys I just wanted to talk about how awesome I am at high school cool what's next reminisce about a sick bachelor party wow so when we're recording this now Keith this is beforehand before everything goes down with the show but if you guys stay tuned we're gonna kick it to the future where key is going to be discussing bring the funny yeah so we're actually recording this before the finale of bring the funny but you're hearing this right after it the day after the show ends so you know what happens I currently don't but in a few seconds I'll know so just stick around for just a few more seconds before the finale what would winning the show mean to you I've been doing comedy music all my life like I wrote my first comedy songs in high school I would stand in my room and watch Wayne Brady make up songs on whose lines anyway it was like clearly the most the best thing I could do my first album was Weird Al I've just always loved comedy music so if I could win this it was sort of like put a stamp on my band is one of the few successful comedy music groups ever which like is that you think about stand-ups there's millions of famous Antonis millions I'm a sketch artist but how many famous comedy musicians can you actually list out there's very few because it's a hard market to win at so if we could win this competition I mean even if we don't like we've already has gotten to perform on NBC five times that's crazy I never thought I would be able to perform five times on that show so it would be great if we could win I also think Alex and Hugh you work really hard they're talented dudes I like when other people can get some spotlight as well a very sweet answer and you know what now here and that I do hope you win thanks man if you don't win though it'll be a little sadder about five seconds yeah if you don't win what do you what do you take most away from the experience we don't win it was very cool to work on a network reality show to sort of see the ins and outs of it because we are an unscripted production company so it was I took it a lot as a learning experience like trying to observe how they were doing they're taping how they thought about their talent wrangling basically just how the show ran itself because it I want to produce shows like that eventually too so and now a very special flash forward to the future did Keith win the big award on NBC's bring the funny in three we lost well we didn't win III wouldn't say we lost I think that loss implies that you didn't have like an amazing experience and I think we did have an amazing experience but we did not win the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars nor the Just for Laughs guaranteed spot but I think out of all the shows we did that everyone likes it's enough and we've already actually started booking some touring dates so I don't skate just for laughs is out of the picture for us quite yet yeah so talk about the you know you did the final performance and you had a bit you when you filmed the results what's that like waiting on there oh my gosh the results first of all every day of a reality show is 90 percent waiting ten percent filming and nine percent of what you're filming it seems to be contradictory to what someone else thinks you're filming on the staff just because there's so many departments there's a story team there's the stage team there's the like there's two branches of story team and story is like interviews or like things that are behind the scenes that are like the film so they're not really behind the scenes but they're meant to fill that part of the storytelling of a reality show so it's like Lew Berg has been together for five years and that kind of stuff you know the decorative elements so so much of it is like being rushed to a place where that team's actually not ready for you and standing for thirty minutes while they get ready for you and then you start with them and then another other team needs you back they're like I'm not done with them like what would they need to be on stage right now in the stage that crew has prior priority over story team so it was just so much wrestling back and forth but the day that was the results was the most you know we were called at 11:00 and the episode didn't start filming until 6:00 mmm we just had actually seven hours of pretty much nothing but waiting around doing some little behind the scenes story beats and then we got I walked down into the theater and then we've you know found out and they took the top two voted people up and then they chose the one winner and that was it so as soon as they brought the top to vote of people up you knew yes so we were the five acts were seated in the front row they brought the two top up we were not one of those two and then they were like okay well that that was it you know we had a great run and we had a ton of our our fans vote for us and we didn't go down without a fight yeah but we were really happy with the experience we went on the show with the goal of doing two songs you know and also being like okay if we only did one so we got to do four and the last one was a song that we wrote for the competition so for us it was a great exercise and like writing something and then learning it the first time we ever performed it was on TV I thought it had no rehearsal of like an audience feedback like we entirely engineered it and wrote the most epic funny weird thing we could and then presented our concept to the show and they were able to totally blow it out of the water they really said what's your pie in the sky idea and I wrote down stuff that I didn't think they would do but you know I like well I want everything to like flip around and there's a band there and there's like there's like a drum set and then like oh you turn around there's like lights or there were some other extra things that I asked for I guess they didn't do but what they did was better than probably what I had come up with mm-hmm it was so cool I we have a ridiculous video of the type of performing we could do and I think our for our four acts show very different things like between the first two you could see how we can just play comedy clubs and in the last two you could see how we could do like Broadway theatrical review shows so right oh good about it now what's next blueberry you mentioned some touring dates but you guys are obviously going full force you have the momentum of this thing yeah we have a album that's gonna be coming out we're gonna release one track a time for the next several weeks following the completion of the show which is now because we wrote and recorded all these songs for the show we also wrote songs it didn't make it to the show just because we had to write a variety of things so we have about eight new tracks coming out this fall into winter and we're gonna be writing some more and then we're doing some touring in the East Coast area and then some in this sort of Midwest but we're trying to lock down more dates so if you have a nice comedy club in your town and you think they should bring out Lou Berger you should let him know to reach out to us and try to bring us out because we're already landing some dates and it's very exciting we actually booked a whole weekend in Rhode Island oh that's awesome yeah I don't remember which weekend it is you can look to my social figure out when we're like announcing all these we're trying to figure out how to strategically announce all the touring dates but we're trying to do mostly weekend's because we got a lot of Chagas work here to do so trying to make sure that we're spending enough time making video content and touring and giving Lou Berger its opportunity because it certainly has a lot of momentum right now mm-hmm and would you say like maybe give one or two of your favorite moments being on the show you know it's this very stressful experience but it's like a lot of highs and lows you know your Glee the best part about the show was that Jeff Foxworthy is incredible he is just like such a cool professional even the night after so last night so for us is just happened last night after the show he came up he just like got out he we were sitting on the street talking and he walked out of nowhere like appeared like a ghost and he just came by and just chatted and he just stood there and chatted with us for like ten minutes telling us how how highly he thought of us how he could tell that we were a group that had attention to detail that we were like really were focused and he was just very impressed with what we did and he was excited that this show exists to give more than stand up an opportunity for visibility because everybody has seen stand up stand up has a ton of visibility but there's so many other types of comedy that don't get that but he just was so genuinely nice and he hung out we met his wife he met my wife it was lovely and then after he talked with tennis us he went over to Kristen Paul and talked to like 10 minutes to that like he was actually there and I think after every taping or at least the last three tapings of episodes we were in he came out and chatted and just had real advice and was incredibly complimentary even showed me on his phone a picture like he's still writing stand-up and he had like a picture of him with a bunch of pads of paper he had written on a bunch of things that were printed out a cell phone with a Notes app up and a laptop with things written and he was also writing stuff currently and he's like my wife took a picture of this one it know is like this is just the side of comedy nobody sees and he said he felt that Lou burger had a similar attention to detail which we do I mean we'd do so much harmonic structure building and then spending time in the studio to like build out the tracks to sound like totally amazing and beautiful musically and then like tracking vocals and listening back and then going into re tracking vocals because I'm I'm very nitpicky on like I love syllables to a line and music I hate when they're even like a hair off yeah sometimes in like rock music that makes sense and it's like that's part of it but for this I always want us to be like as tight as possible just because it feels so perfect and I just love for the music to be perfect on a song that's like about a roasted dick or something yes right it has to be super tight yeah it's just part of that comedy of Lou burger is that the songs are funny and silly and relatable and stupid but the music is taken so seriously like the lyrics sometimes like we do have a song entirely called sausages a roaster dick it's a totally stupid song but in the middle it's just an acapella like three part harmony moment it's beautiful it's like why is it so beautiful it's so funny that this stupid song has been taking so is being taken so seriously recently so that's part of the comedy and I think Chrissy Teigen and a last performance said like it was so good it almost wasn't jokey and I which he and it was funny because the showrunner came and so I think what she was trying to say it's just like it was so good it was hard to tell it was comedy right it was actually a rock concert it was real and like I love that and like Tenacious D is like it's a real rock concert oh yeah it just is also funny right absolutely then the other other great moments for just everyone working on the show is working very hard and it's cool to see you know be a part of a an NBC production and a reality show like that you know making big unscripted shows is a goal of our company because it's a way for us to build up I mean to try guys is an unscripted show it's not a game show but like I personally want to host and make game shows so being in that universe allowed me to make some real connections and and also just see how it works and see how the flow and see who does what on stage and also realize how many people it takes to do a show like that yeah it just helps you think in that world a little more and now I've met like you know producers and showrunners and unscripted comedy writers that now I know and they know me and they we like each other so hopefully that will enable us to make more cool things as this company as well and I think what I'd really love for Lou burger is to create a comedy special because we've been wanting to figure out what our special would be and I want to we've been looking more like almost like a musical sketch review oh yeah so taking the really the last two performances we didn't bring the funny and approaching all of our music like that so it'd be you know just eight mini musicals with slight a slight storyline that connects them and that is our comedy special basically a review of comedy musicals because that that is something we can uniquely do and I think if you're doing comedy you have to find how you approach the space that you're approaching like even stand-ups they're different like the two stand-ups who made it to the end to car and ollie Takara's like very bombastic moves around the stage everywhere all these sits on a chair and leans on a stool like there's just different ways to approach it and like comedy music can be a stand-up person with a guitar or it can be people spinning a couch and throwing popcorn and like singing in harmony and running like it can be different and we can do that different thing and nobody ever has so we should really claim that space yeah that's really awesome well if you had one more thing maybe to just say some of the look out for for a little bigger before you throw it back come back guys look out for Lou burger I'm just check my youtube channel and our Twitter and stuff we're gonna be pumping out a lot more like live performance videos and all the tracks that I spoke of there's a song about rollerskates that I loved that was a potential for our finale performance and bring the funny it's a song about not knowing how to roller-skate but it's performed on rollerskates it's really high-energy and very low in the island and then there's a Christmas song we're working on that is so funny and when we record it you can look out for that this December or November you know it's a good Christmas song we've actually been doing Christmas songs like every year I've seen funny to do a Christmas song and and we have a really good one this year so I won't spoil it for you but it's very funny awesome well thank you so much and we're gonna throw it right on back to the end of the tripod take it away Keith Byron is challenging but there's one place you can go where hiring is simple fast and smart a place we're growing businesses connect 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approach that's zip recruiter comm slash 8 PP r o ACH Dib recruiter dot-com / approach zip recruiter the smartest way to hire Wow and we are back from the future back to the past back to the past my favorite unproduced sequel that was great you know when you're waiting to hear news of the future you could use some advice and when we like to have advice we like to go to the man with advice the youngest the least experienced the guy with questionable taste his name is Miles B and this is advice that will go for miles with miles bombs [Music] hey there miles nation howdy and a Western yeah do you wanna have a panic attack at 9 a.m. on a Thursday okay do you want to be Zen enough to meditate through the winter up you always is this a bear they're opposites don't drink cold brew I have been a coffee drinker for many a year I used to be a barista yeah I used to sling espresso for several years I was an I served espressos cappuccinos macchiatos and I've come to find that cold brew is just a panic attack in a glass cold brew has like four times the amount of caffeine that a normal cup of coffee has generally don't quote me on that if you're a professional - that's a lot of caffeine I correct myself on the bad so Cobra is so much more caffeine and it's ice - - which duh iced coffee breaks down slower in your body so the caffeine stays longer and so you if you don't have any food in your stomach and you're taking cold brew you are gearing up for an anxiety attack staring down that seems like good advice you can also sounds like a personal anecdote I used coffee I'm not perfect sometimes I get it I get called all the time and I have like three sips and I'm like that was too much I shouldn't have bought this this is like nine dollars this is a short iced americano which is a taste good it tastes great I hate Americanos like there I said it Wow I just want normal coffee I want you normal coffee Americanos what when you just dumped a ton of water in your espresso yeah yeah it's kind of like white people European coffee exactly but so an iced americano a shortish Americana is really just like an iced espresso so if it's good at coffee shop then it's really good if the bad coffee shop is really bad because bad espresso is disgusting or terrible yeah that's probably why I hate Americanos because most of the time they're bad espresso so it's just like really bad water coffee yeah for sure yeah I know me too and same for so many years of any cold brew but I just think it's not worth it for me anymore it's definitely funded if I have too much caffeine to get jumpy yeah big-time I don't know about full-blown panic attack but I was driving with our producer Nick back from when you guys were recording your audio book yeah and I had to pull over oh wow because on my vision went blurry my heart started racing oh my gosh I had a full cold brew no fool my stomach from like a new coffee shop that Nick had gotten us from and I like had to pull over and take a deep breath because it was just too much that the Cobra to the hospital I didn't need to go to the hospital I ended up being ok I think it was just cold brew because I never happened again I actually the time when it almost happened I just had a bunch of coal bro I think it's just too much caffeine I've definitely had times where I had too much caffeine and like I kind of start to freak out like I can't focus on things like I'm too stimulated yeah you're Bamonte a does that to me which I love your r'mante but i know now that i can only have about half a can because if i crush that whole can like my hands get jittery and like yeah my eyeballs start going back and forth really fast and this is weird my least favorite feeling in the world is when your brain is like [ __ ] jacked up but like your face is still tired because caffeine doesn't wake up everything it just simulates and it's so weird uh inner war going on I would really love to kick my caffeine habit in general but I just like the taste of coffee too much yeah and of course kicking it will give me some headaches yeah I mean I ever since tore up still I'm still weaning myself back to a reason or God how much coffee were having onto her a lot of coffee I was just having like fireEye's four to five servings of caffeine a day yeah and I had before to her I was having to you I would chug a whole 5-hour energy right before we went onstage yeah YUM then drink to your Vermont taste through the show oh my god oh but also remember I I'm I notoriously I go to sleep like late and I woke up every day like 7:00 a.m. I can't write in so I was wired the entire tour because I mean I was getting three hours of sleep every night so I had to stay awake so I was crazy but I mean I have I had a huge dance number I had to be like awake yeah I couldn't just like I know [ __ ] off I had a [ __ ] dance yeah the residents good [ __ ] I was I needed bugs you have a yeah I would say maybe my heart really heard after that and I found that like the adrenaline would also kick in to help give me energy so that I you know wouldn't [ __ ] off it'd be like caffeine mixed with adrenaline and then by the end of 2009 reserves are just kind of depleted like like didn't you say that you were lightheaded at one point during so oh yeah cuz we finished our opening number and then you sprint towards the audience right uh-huh I always get lightheaded because it's a very end of the show and then I started using my lungs to their fullest like capacity and I would always almost black out caffeine's that's right that means the drug we've all accepted in society is okay no it's literally we were literally drugged up it's a drug that makes you do stuff right it increases productivity it's the it's the drug of choice for the corporate world cocaine is too dangerous right if cocaine wasn't so dangerous we would that weird I think it was the original caffeine coach I was like this is great this gives people a stimulation that makes them excited and then people are like oh [ __ ] this is a real buyout of all the things that we will have wrong from today like in the next 50 or someone's like oh yeah avocado toast terrible first I don't know I just imagine you tell me there's gonna be like a million things I remember I was having like seven servings of avocado just a day what if I told you that you had to quit coffee tomorrow cuz this happened to me I had to quit coffee I was told this by a doctor it was one of the hardest things I've ever done what would you do there's other ways to get caffeine I would I would probably have a big tea binge like you yeah I'm a tea drinker if you told me I had a quick caffeine in general well that yeah I already know I would go to like like a detox retreat I would like go to a spa for a video we should have Harley back to like will maybe do like three days of old one serving and then the rest of the week know somebody like don't go fully cool turkey give us one little bit I think Gabby Hannah who's a good friend of ours did it she quit coffee cold turkey and like the videos just her breaking down crying yeah which in all fairness is most of her videos we love you Gabby but I I think that's a great video I don't know though I would have to go to a retreat like you said yet I couldn't be expected to come back into work and do things thing is I got headaches throughout the day already so I mean my I'd be better off after a week of going cold turkey well take care of your bodies y'all anyways you know if you if you're thinking you want something fun and exciting why not try white people taco name it is delicious it is fun it brings the family together and if if you remember those commercials I think it gives you the power to lift children up in the air is this possible you'll talked about before yeah so confused about what is that really a thing smaller white people talking night it's just called taco night but it's a it's it's the white people version of chocolate they think it rules I think it sucks I needed your backup here you weren't there when you're not here we just talked about white people culture it's tough it's all we know people know yeah yeah but you know I've learned that a lot of white families have what they call like cultural nights that's what this is yeah like oh you're like oh we're cooking like this tonight yeah but then I always was fascinated by what is white people food well you but that's a whole conversation isn't it usually like a like chicken with spinach and then like a dessert that doesn't sound wrong yeah well thanks for listening to the tripod we are the try guys be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube leave us a five star review and you might get your secret featured we're gonna be in Australia we're gonna be in Singapore we're gonna be in Seattle Portland and Vancouver come check us out and get our new back-to-school line at try guys calm I have so much stuff we're excited oh wow wow what a world what a life this has been a tripod Keith hit us with the official trap pop theme songs but people taco yeah it's white people taco night tripod until next time stay beautiful pester take us out [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 835,354
Rating: 4.8691554 out of 5
Keywords: Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, chips, lays, doritos, tortilla, salsa, white people taco night, ortega, reddit, rumors, bring the funny, finale, lewberger
Id: StdruO9MMfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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