We Got Into A Huge Argument - The TryPod Ep. 82

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party uh so we have ants all over the kitchen apparently there are ants all over this couch i prefer ants to rats any day of the week i agree with that i could i would be okay if my whole body was covered in ants the whole body yeah for a minute or so then i'd want him off but i would eat an ant one of the neighbors and said that one of our rat traps caught a big old honker really a huge boy and they yelled at us well they wanted us to make sure that the exterminator all these problems are fixable if uh you you know frequently call exterminators and uh if you list control people you live in a house you make sure that they come quickly i will say that this bat this back studio is probably the only like safe space that doesn't look like a wasteland in the entire house yeah it looks a lot better than the rest of the house the bathroom's hilarious right now it's like slowly trying to look more and more like a like an office bathroom like we finally got toilet seat covers but they're just sort of stuffed into a basket and like it's like when did we get toilet seat covers i mean i guess it's good but no one's here well i mean how cute it was when we first moved in and renovated it it was it was so cute it wasn't built to the last one man now it's just as soon as you don't take care of something apparently it falls to [ __ ] so connecting ants and the bathroom have you noticed that the ants in this house are a trick attracted to our pee-pee there are ants crawling in the toilet yeah i haven't noticed that there are ants crawling in the toilet i'm like the ants is a new thing for me it's weird like what is it do ants wanna are they just trying to drink the chocolate they're thirsty are they taking a bath or maybe they just think are my pee pee taste good they get too hot and so they would go inside for water they want a bath no it's true they they need water they need water just like us urine may contain large amounts of glucose which can be attractive to ants and glucose and sugar wait did this does this podcast start yeah i just killed an ants on my leg without noticing i don't know if you're recording or not yeah we're in then we're in it that's part of okay we're like two minutes in yeah i did the intro we just [ __ ] cruised by it baby like our like in the south and their ants come in this summer and they're very often the tiny ants yeah they're also called sugar ants uh and can be a sugar they are itty bitty ants and they just love your kitchen in the summer and there's nothing you can do about it they're gonna be there whether you like it or not tennessee has lots of sugar ants like that's what we have someone like spray the outside of the house and it takes care of it you can but they'll still find their way in because they come in through the drains they're smart too i left ant traps no go i left an interrupt because there were ones on my desk i left antrap here and i left one down there no ants no apparently it is uh more we've had a whole big renovation right and i was like how am i having ants i have a brand new house but apparently it's you get more ants in new construction because you know the like little cracks aren't sealed yet or it hasn't been like sprayed yet all the ground has been disrupted ants are incredible they are they are go off kings tell me about them eg tell me about them ants they can move together as one unit you talking about toil water they can float on top of that create a body raft so cool that's cool they're like little like zombies yeah i see one working together like what is keith there must be something on your body earlier i said i'd be comfortable with that so i'm sticking they're not going to do anything to me there's nothing an ant can do to you but why are they only now i feel like unless it's a fire ant the fire hands [ __ ] you up yeah fire and suck the ants are only interested in you and not at me what's wrong with me he's glucose sweeter than you yeah everyone's tasty well you call mcking but this podcast i'm the queen because we're gonna play a little game called master debater yay master debater a present a controversial debate topic and by the end after we argue about it we're going to decide which is actually factually forever correct oh so you're going to be the arbiter of this debate we'll see we'll see i think we're going to feel out by the end if there's a majority role this is a democracy after all and you should you know vote with the people i'm going to suppress zach's vote okay here we go you know what i'm just kind of ripping i didn't really prepare anything we're talking about bugs yeah people love spiders right yeah people respect spiders you respect them i appreciate what they do if there's a [ __ ] spider in your house yeah do you kill it or do you let it out oh no can i ask him clarifying questions yes uh how big this spider we talking actually what the [ __ ] am i talking about i never let a spider out i definitely just kill it you always kill it ah i always kill it the only spiders i let out are daddy long legs and they are spiders although those are like the the safest ones to have they're good because they hey i'm saying i don't kill them oh right because they they eat other bugs i've i've caught bugs and released them but for whatever reason at this moment i'm struggling to remember what kind of bug i would catch and release maybe ones that fly i've caught one to release one last night it was a big ass [ __ ] cricket and it was on becky's pillow and she didn't like that but she understood that crickets are harmless to us so i caught it and put it outside however so if i find a spider i catch it and let it go or i'd let it stay because if it's in the house and there's only one of them he's actually there to keep your house bug free but if becky sees a spider right i have to kill it now why do you let the spider free what is the reason because spiders are are not interested in humans and they eat the other bugs that get in your house so like he's basically a free insect trap but they could bite you so rare they get into your blankets and bite your little leggies a lot i know that's the thing spiders do yeah i never wake up with a little hurt yeah bug bites all over your legs this [ __ ] hurts this morning at six a.m i hear on the baby monitor need data need data okay i walk in wes had found out how to turn his light on so i walk in it's like bright lights of a full light in the room and he says dada i have big bug bite on leg he speaks like a caveman he can talk articles are top fluid last words you learned miles where are you on spider i like a spider but if it's a black widow then i'll kill it well yeah if it's one of the the lethal spider if it's a brown it goes a black would of course kill it there's a threshold here right like a big scary [ __ ] you kill little one i'll just i'll look the other way i always say the little ones that are in the ceiling i kind of sometimes let them kind of play around with them because because my reasoning for that is i feel like if i kill one his friends are going to be pissed and they're going to come around it is true that spiders smell dead spiders and they want no [ __ ] clean no way no [ __ ] yeah there are some not all sweaters that was a cockroach thing that's that's them too but some spiders species do are attracted to the smell of a dead spider [ __ ] i'm like i'm like almost a thousand percent killing him every time like maybe that's why so many spiders are coming after you they're so mad there's not that many can i ask you is there a spider fear like if you see a spider out in the wild are you like go away or are you because for me when i see spider out in the wild like building their web i'm like oh you majestic little creepy oh yeah and out in the wild i'm like oh cool look wes it's a spider web even the scary ones basically any bug in the house i'll seek and destroy it gene where are you at with this i don't i i'm dying you know i i think i'm conflicted eugene probably lets him live or catches him and puts them out he catches them and keeps them and makes a little it builds a little city for them yeah i'm a catch-and-release type guy i got some spider webs in the backyard i watch them very closely sometimes i feed them some of the flies we catch a sport fisher that's awesome i just like really like where you feed them respecting their little houses yeah we have to do like flycatchers because of the massive amount of house flies that are like crazy right now in l.a so they get on the sticky pads sometimes i just like flick a little dead fly on there just to watch them have fun give them a little meal that's cool watching a spider do its thing oh my god that's intense yeah i dual-wield fly swatters in the house i'm just like bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam ba bad so i as much as i respect spiders i did just as last week have a spider repel from the ceiling and becky saw it and did not convey with very good english what was happening she said keith is a bug headed towards your lap so for me that means i'm looking on the ground right because i was sitting on the ground but what she should have said is keith there's a spider repelling from the ceiling headed straight for your head because that's how it happened heath spider ceiling yeah that would have been better it literally as it descended it brushed against my ear and landed on my shoulder and of course in my periphery when i turned to look at my shoulder it looks eight times bigger than it is yeah and i full on spider freak where you get up and start screaming and start wriggling your body and saying somebody help somebody help and then i stopped wriggling assuming i had rid it from my body and i look it's still there in the same spot unbothered and then i swat it off it lands on the ground and crawls under the couch never to be seen again listen to this when my sister was growing up my sister my her whole life deathly afraid of spiders as i'm sure many of our viewers are and uh are very mad at us for talking about spiders for this long spider spider uh so she had this this light on her ceiling kinda like that one what would you call that material it's like um semi-translucent anyway frosted glass yeah nice a nice frosted glass but like a big one on on the ceiling of her bedroom and a spider laid an egg in there so one night she is screaming bloody [ __ ] murder and we all come in and there are like a thousand little shadows crawling around and that and this is one of the things i'm like stephanie i get it why you gotta merc that's true it's so scary spider eggs squash those [ __ ] yeah they're in your house because that's not that's no longer a spider is protecting you from a couple bugs that is a spider is creating a universe of its own i still remember it all right so final verdict is uh charlotte's web situation maybe respected space but once it gets a new viewer touches you or has babies then all bets are off yeah if this spider touches you sorry you got to have some some uh some personal distance with a spider now did you just mention uh black widow uh have you grew up in north carolina yeah they got them oh you ever encountered one oh yeah i haven't got no dude there's black widows in l.a yeah and but there's also brown recluses in north carolina if they bite you it it like rots your flesh so in hours an hour it starts to deteriorate the poison drops your flesh they are one of the most poisonous spiders if they bite you in your neck you like very well may die you will die you will die so if they bite you in your hand and you don't go to the hospital your hand will fall by tomorrow your hand will die you will not have a hand yeah it's [ __ ] up that's why i just kill them all and they don't trust myself to tell what the brown what a brown recluse is or not it looks the problem is it looks exactly like a house spider yeah listen identifying poisonous animals and plants pretty cool to do as a kid very cool it's a fun game copperhead y'all [ __ ] with that you yo we had so many snakes in texas yeah oh my god snakes everywhere rattlesnake you don't walk dogs and when you hear that terrifying next debate getting bit by a snake awesome we all agree so there's some like rhyme for like like the pattern like red before white or like white before red and you're going to be dead or something beer before liquor makes you never no it sounds like that but i think it's about like the pattern of snakes i could never remember it so i'm probably going to get bit by a snake this looks like the what spider is that keith that's the black widow it looks like the spiderman red hourglass yes yes they did that on purpose did you ever think that was a kid like if i let the spider bite me all the time i'll be super cool yeah when i got my first firebite i hoped i would become spiderman i always hoped for i anything bad happened to me i'm like but maybe i will get radioactive power so i guess the yeah it's a master debater verdict is depends on the spider yeah it depends on the spider it depends on the spider all right the head has a little violin on it so it's not that the body's a violin it has like a violin print on its head and neck and it's very but it's a very tiny little violence so it's you have to get pretty close to [ __ ] find out all right speaking of violins is classical music the best music oh the passing yeah that just came in my head huh my gut i'm gonna say yes oh surprising because you know it's not my favorite music but music faz changed so quickly and you're telling me that we're still bopping jams from the 1600s how much music like we're not still jamming out to gregorian chants over here i uh classically that's an interesting question because classical music would be like it's literally spans like so much a millennia yeah like what defines classical music is starts in like the baroque and before that so like that's old [ __ ] and let me just say baroque sucks but it's technically a classic music i hate baroque it's the worst it's the one that's like very like it's like it's like it's flutes and it's um what is the processional what is that stupid harps love it i hate the heartboard unless it's used in cool rock then it's like kind of cool again but harpsichord with flutes and [ __ ] it's just all soprano sounds mixed together and it's terrible but then you get into like obviously i the reason i would say classical music is the best is because it's the hardest to do you've got to get like 60 people together you got to [ __ ] everybody has to learn a part there's 60 parts played at the same time one guy has to read a book that literally is like 60 lines of music at once and tell everybody what to do [Music] i love listening to music we all do i listen to podcasts as well i listen all sorts of stuff and how do i do it by putting little speakers in my ears but not just any speakers i'm talking about the 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wireless earbuds make sure to check it out now all the deals running baby by raycon.com slash tripod [Music] this is such a funny leading question because if you ask me what's the best genre of music in a million years i would have never started with classical music you're like is it the best and i'm like you know what eugene yes it is i also think it's the best but not necessarily the uh the style of music i think the the concept of a symphony orchestra is kind of like the pinnacle of like executing music just because it's so many people it's all the different types of instruments and you could have a more modern symphony or a more classical symphony but i think like that like you know like 60 people playing all the instruments on stage at the same time gotta be the best it's cool counterpoint ska sometimes feels like there's 60 people up there i love you miles uh well is han zimmer considered classical music hell yeah like because of course modern closer to classical then yeah not then yeah because i feel like the pirates of the caribbean scene [ __ ] lit dude good argument yeah jack's bro is so funny but i think that like yeah i think so i've also started playing jazz in my house like freaking soft smooth sweet little jazz and it makes me feel real good you do it while taking a bath [ __ ] yeah sometimes and sometimes usually it's just in my living room and it just makes everything feel like very cinematic and fun and good jazz is dope we don't give it enough props yeah yeah yeah jazz is good i want to say my favorite favorite symphony everybody should listen to you should listen to the hosts planets suite oh yeah song for every planet they're all [ __ ] dope and when you listen to it you're like wait a minute a lot of movies have stolen some themes here and gotten away from it with it like no one of them i want to say jupiter yeah jupiter is very known yeah it's really great it's like really impressive it's basically like listening to a movie score that's not to a movie like it's just like it sounds like movie music and you have definitely heard it in some films here and there uh and then a lot of modern composers have stolen themes to make like really cool smaller themes in our movie music you know i think about a lot is uh classic rock it was such a clear definition when we were growing up but now like is not like at some point is is nirvana now classic rock you know 90s music and then yeah right and that's weird where classic rock stations on the radio which probably won't continue to be a thing forever but that shot like i feel like classic rock needs to end classic rock needs to just be no from like 1964 to 1978 that's classic rock sub names the way that we can go back and like now like put all the classical music in their own sub genres like uh i don't i baroque is only when it comes to mine but it looks like i'm supposed to nirvana's grunge but you know it's all starting to please like the music that we grew up with at some point is going to be considered classic rock and then i'm going to uh cry i think i think about this way too much and it really [ __ ] me up it seems like classical music the true bops of all time coming from these symphonies sorry katy perry that's the verdict hey guys check it out you know a lot of the classical music is by all these like crazy you know german or swedish or other names but there's some awesome uh american composers yeah aaron copeland is a great one philip susa i'm not a copeland guy you don't like no it's always a [ __ ] prairie and people like staring off into horizon while they're like [ __ ] telling the fields and [ __ ] that's where you get the famous i think that's copeland uh let me look at that i don't want to be an idiot eugene you asked this in a very leading way to us but you are a classical music nut which is why yeah i'm super down well my mom was a pianist so she was i was exposed to it very young but you know our idea of classical is very limited too most of us think of just like the romantic composers and it's like very much like you got beethoven mozart tchaikovsky and bach they're like okay that's it but you know there's so much it's such a broad thing if you include zimmer you can include like uh philip glass if you include contemporary browsers cardi b yeah exactly there's it's it's kind of like are we talking just basically music with a symphony or is it the era of classical that we always say dude we got to get cardi cardi if you're listening we got to get cardi to throw down over some classical music that'd be funny that would be awesome oh there's remixes on youtube yeah and they're always great yeah they're just like here's uh here's cardi over canon d it's just like that it's cool you google remixes like that they even have broke remixes of things i think actually i would be more into a baroque uh cover of pop music than a traditional baroque music i'll send you some links i would love to i would love that that'd be great all right so uh classical is great but baroque is broken now uh back to the house y'all believe in taking off your shoes when you go in the house every time oh it's so tricky what okay miles do you have the floor here's my thing oh i get it all right and i get the shoeless house i grew up in a shoeless house i don't have a shoeless house right now although we're reconsidering it we're bringing it to a vote because we're becau because it's a heart it has to be a group decision it can't be one product society there can't be a solo chaos agent running in with boots on okay so you have to all do at the same time the problem is if i'm outside i'm inside i'm doing it you just don't want to be the person that's like oh actually i'm so sorry can you take your shoes off you know that's a bad person to be miles i am that person and i delight in it i love the [ __ ] power that it gives me when people come to my house and go oh oh actually uh maybe just stop right there shoes off [ __ ] you've got carpet i've got carpet that changes the game a little huge i'd say every carpeted house should be a no shoe household so much harder to clean it's just it for sure it's also just like yeah it's never coming carpet is going to act like a brush for your shoe and it will literally steal the dirt from your shoe whereas a hardwood floor or a laminate floor is much more excusable to be a shoe in-house i have the most controversial painting i [ __ ] love socks and shoes i want my feet to be in socks and shoes all the time except for when i'm in a shower except when i'm in bed i want to have socks and shoes on all the time you're the opposite of those bearings i'm barefoot right now on the couch look at me go and you barely wear shoes when you do you're wearing those those i'm wearing my my birks your birks love it i and becky also doesn't want to wear shoes only wears like birkenstocks now i'm like no i want socks i want that hug on your foot i love you and my my feet as a result are the softest feet in the world because they're always socks and shoes they're never get feeling the strain all right take them out let's feel them they're well they're gonna they're hot they're in socks and shoes hot and soft they're gonna feel like slightly warmer yeah look how soft they are like they the callous parts are barely softer than mine i don't think your feet are soft like this i don't know i'm just feeling it this is the second time we've had the feet out on the pie yeah you know what i'm going to admit something his feet are softer than him you will feel funny put your feet together you're all right oh that's a very important thing so here's something crazy you've got pretty big feet for your height thanks man like like really good now do you take off your shoes you look man i would love to be able to take my shoes off but with the two and a half year old running in and out all day what's the point i'm gonna be sweeping nearly every day anyways so you know i don't make a big deal about it if i'm planning on going right back out the door i'll keep my shoes on if i forget who gives a crap uh but like my you know if i'm home i'm gonna stay home not only do i take my shoes off i take my pants off and i put on my sweatpants i'll call those my home pants my my home attire i like if i'm if i'm done for the day and i'm like in the house i try and get as cozy as possible dudes you gotta get some house slippers you gotta get those little slippies for your house you're walking around it's it's you're living your golden guy yeah a little different for me i don't do house slippers but they sound nice sure they're great even have pajamas no of course no and i never have when i was a child i slept in jeans i was on your team and i was ready to follow you to valhalla but what the [ __ ] dude when i was growing up whatever clothes i wore though i slept in those clothes weren't you sweaty eventually yes i would learn that i would i then i switched to like okay i'll sleep without a shirt what you slept in denim in all my clothes just because like i was like what who cares why would i change my clothes to sleep well i didn't find them that much more comfortable and also just the the act of changing my clothes ugh you're too busy playing i was like busy [ __ ] watching tv or playing frisbee or unless i was like especially filthy then i would not then i would like change my clothes but i would just change my clothes into other clothes which would inevitably be normal pants and a shirt and that would be jeans most of the time it is funny i think as a kid i associated night clothes like nightgowns and pajamas as adult stuff or old people yeah i thought it was like grandparents had pajamas well let's throw this next one down pajamas yes or no eugene now no i mean i'm an underwear guy i sleep underwear or like naked or maybe maybe like maybe a shirt so wait you can oscillate between underwear and naked sleeping like it ain't no thing yeah do you ever get i can't i mean my problem with sleeping naked because i want to be the type of person who does that but i find that like i'm rolling over and my dick's right you know i just like it's too much it's too floppy i am certain i've talked i've talked about this on the podcast i am incapable of sleeping naked i wake up my body feels like exposed and weird and things are going places they shouldn't like i need it to be controlled there's some dong flippage happening then you just you know you passed out you wake up at 4am you're like shoot i should drink some water and put some pants on i hate the feeling i hate it i love pajamas pajamas are the best i don't sleep in pajamas because i get very hot at night i usually sleep in boxers and a soft t-shirt but i love pajamas sweatpants cozy clothes like it's just like i have a whole drawer dedicated to cozy clothes and it's called my pajama drawer but actually there's six pairs of sweatpants in there so it's all you know i kind of loop sweatpants in but like pajamas are the best they're soft they're cool you don't sleep in them no no they're for like they're for hanging out you wake up you you want to hang out for a little bit you put on your cozy pants you get home you want to watch tv put on your cozy pants now tell me i'm a wake up hang out of my underwear for as long as possible kind of guy i do i do yoga in my underwear i don't i don't wear a shirt or pants like when i'm my morning routine is like an hour and a half of just underoo time will that be forced to change when i have a child uh no in in fact it accelerates however once it gets older yeah i hang on my underwear for longer five hours of underwear it's a lot to leave the house uh but once he is old enough to want to like go outside and run around then it's a little tricky i don't really want to be that guy just like cruising in my front yard with my boxers on i do it fairly often but then he wants to go out on the street hi mrs murphy good morning thanks i have a a hedge uh but yeah i'll i've often if i'm planning on staying inside i'll just put on my pajama pants if i'm forced to go outside i'll put on workout shorts and then you can leave the option of like oh maybe i'll exercise later maybe maybe yeah workout shorts for me are just shorts any old sh i could work out in these shorts if i wanted to i have a belt on a little workout with a belt oh if you squat though do they rip open i don't squat miles you used to go into the sauna and put your denim back on all right yeah that was a hard time in my life now i don't go to sonic because the gym's closed but yeah i would do full body leg sweat put my denim back on get in my car stop being wet and dry i know i know how do you even get your jeans on same way you get to carnegie hall oh my god [Laughter] i know i think would be a really funny like obstacle course would be something where you start in your underwear and you have to put on fully drenched clothing like trying to put on a pair of soaked jeans and a soaked sweater is so difficult and then you'd have to like run another place and then take them off and put on another stopping item it just if you've ever done it it's impossible to put on a pair of soaking wet jeans that's what wet t-shirt contests should be yeah right look at a chapstick of course stop getting nude put on some clothes put it on come on uh you know masturbated verdict uh depends on the house for the shoes but generally i'd say uh you know respect the person who telling you you're telling yourself but this is not a shoes off house matt wants it to be i'm the rebel but i grew up i grew up in an asian household so i never you ready i never could walk in the house with shoes it was like i'd get hit if i did that so i when i got out of when i went to college you better believe i [ __ ] walked right into that dorm with my shoes on the bed and i would sit on the bed with shoes i was like shoes everywhere now though matt like enforces the shoes off policy the thing is you guys got a patio so yeah like you say you have us over we go inside it's hard we're going inside outside inside outside that's a little tough we can't be taking our shoes out that's a little tough yeah but i would provide everyone with house slippers with the sleeping situation everyone's right except for keith they probably shouldn't be sleeping in your jeans i mean haven't done it anymore it's just crazy that's up there with my old sauna jeans as a child i just did whatever was the laziest option i can't think of a worse experience than sleeping in denim i was asleep you know i was like i don't experience the night oh here's a good topic is like morning verse evening showers because ariel dragged me for this on you can sit with us do not go listen to it okay well she dragged me for sometimes taking two showers a day three that's not what it was man it was like three or four years okay like exaggeration because she exaggerates were you sweaty drag her naked if you're really [ __ ] sweaty and dirty then a shower is warranted yeah yeah it's you know one for working out one because you're taking a bath with wes and one cause maybe yeah you have a little sexy time and you need to like have a shower after all right good job i understand all of these reasons i i am as a hot person who sweats from sitting and doing a podcast sometimes i will take a shower at night because i was especially sweaty at night and then like in the morning i'm like i'm going to take another shower i know i showered last night initial question is morning or night as your prime shower yeah what's your problem morning is top shower and here's why just real quick is the morning is like the last chance before i see people to get myself clean okay so i'm going to sweat at night because i get hot zach what are you uh i'm firm morning i rely on it to wake me up also to like look even remotely presentable but it i think it triggers something in my brain maggie is a night showerer and has strong arguments against mine so i i know the debate i am a night shower okay taking shower because i don't want to go in my bed dirty that's her thing yeah because then your sheets get dirty right but okay but then my counter to that is like you sweat when you sleep you're laying in like most people don't sweat like crazy when they sleep but you sweat comes out of your body like you are laying in a thing you're going to get filthy and when you wake up you've been like laying in one position with stuff yeah you you are grosser when you wake up than when you went to you should do better why would you get even more grow like yeah and also i'm already getting swamp ass here just sitting for an hour and i think especially you're dropping mental images [Music] we're all just consumers of the great world wide web aren't we and we all get to that checkout we're almost there and we see a place for a coupon code and we're like dang it i gotta go find a coupon but you can't and then you're like i give 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sweat and then like sure and the evening's great too have lunch a little afternoon make dinner while dinner's cooling quick shout out yeah i often have a bath with wes that's like you know we just like play in the bath or whatever so that that counts are you evening or morning then all of that i would love to see every shower today it's just like socially i think if i had to characterize myself it's tough because if i'm sweaty if i'm sweaty it got all sweaty during the day i have to shower before bed but my preferred way to wake up would be like bam shower like let's get going we all showered yesterday night right yes so yesterday we had a very sweaty day filming a video yes i had to shower but then i woke up took another shower start my day off morning i did not shower i also did not feel fine about but i i ned i didn't want to say anything it shows miles my hair is mm-hmm what are you doing you can catch me at the tub and don't breathe i shower rarely these days so when do you go in the bathroom that is it is your cleaning time i go to the bath usually at like 10 p.m night okay so evening pretty late to be honest evening washing but you scrub your body in the bath like i've said before i don't know he's scrub queen he's actually said before that he takes baths without soap sometimes sometimes i'm looking for the heat i'm not looking for that's what i do to me a bath is a you know a luxury experience a water sauna it's for your body for your muscles it ain't for the cleaning we're also forgetting like when you're an adult or in a relationship when you have sex typically also determines because you gotta like wash up after sex sex is not a clean experience most of the time do you guys wash your full body after sex well how else are you gonna get all that honey off yeah i get that but can't you just kind of like slide around with some water i mean you could do that type of bath which is like a very quick just balls and butts but um yeah i'd say that i typically do it more in the evening so it just makes more sense to you know you get a workout you get a really [ __ ] i get good workout and then you get another workout in it this is why i feel like i was being dragged for three showers it's totally when you put the sex angle in which she did not discuss and you get the workout angle in and obviously having a bath with wes is totally cool so like that's like three like easily explainable you know the only thing it's not weird at all from that perspective this is the one thing i don't ordain because i think it's your choice but people who go in showers just to like stand there for hours like people are like i just took a 10-minute shower i'm like what are you doing you're wasting water and you're standing in a hot shower yeah and people do that because they're like that's how i relax right now i mean a little different for me again more than 10 minutes about more than 10 minutes but like at least one of those three showers is gonna have some meditative qualities are you in the shower for 50 minutes a day how much time is spent i'm saying i'm not it's like some of them are washed up but sometimes you're just letting the water wash over you and you're thinking about stuff that's how you get some like creative ideas happening you see the connections you're kind of meditating look i don't do yoga i don't take a bad shower except with my son like a shower is a very meditative moment if you're mischaracterizing it ariel by saying he's in there for 20 minutes it's not true it might be on occasion but i think 10 minutes is totally reasonable yeah if if i'm just in there to wash and then get out that's a waste of time that's like oh i'm just wanna drink soylent for my meals like sometimes you gotta enjoy your moment okay here's one thing i will say about showers is i used to really hate showers because i had a bad shower like it was it was small it was cramped i have moved recently and i have an amazing shower and it's just totally changed the game like i i i love taking a shower because in there i don't have to both step over and duck my head at the same time which is what i used to have to do as a giant i don't have to lean over to get my head to reach under the the spigot because i'm so giant and also it's more spacious i don't have to i feel like when i used to shower in like a bathtub shower i i was crumpled up the whole time yeah the whole experience i'm a crumpled version of myself and now i'm finally free i'm free i can stand i can walk around i can take a step that's good to the right to the front to the back master debater verdict everyone's opinions are valid except for miles is weird batshit you don't even clean yourself drag me [ __ ] do you are you one of those people that unplugs the drain and sits in it while it empties hell yeah yeah are we broken sitting in the train watching the walking dead season nine uh oh getting close to the end the water gets out and i'm in the tub fully just in an empty wet tub like a rat for like an additional 10 minutes oh my god not only i hate how much i share with miles because hearing him he's [ __ ] clearly crazy but i do the same thing it's a joy and then but then you got to fill up some cold water because when you're soaking in that tub for 20 30 minutes your body temperature rises to an alarming level and you are very hot talk about sweating in the bed yes you got it you gotta cool yourself using because we talked too much about bats one more here's here's they don't wash their legs in the shower here's a good question i do now because you guys shamed me into wasting more so here's a great question wasting soap yeah my legs how dirty could they get just cause they're covered in hands sleeping i don't anymore that was a child what is better word while you're in the bath that's what is better what is better being smaller or being taller oh it's a totally different topic well it'll take me a second to get out of bath zone small vital it's mulvaney tall what is tough because we're all people experience i guess i've had the short experience in my life and now i don't anymore but you've never had the tall experience right zach well i'm taller than i was that's true i'm taller than people here's the deal when you're tall you got back problems you're you're you're looking down on people all your life you got that little hunch also you hit your head on stuff all the time that's true when you're small you're great at hide and seek you can shop in every clothing department uh you can wear the fun shirts that you wore as a kid to sleep that were too big now they fit you because you're just a regular si you know what i'm not small i'm regular size thank you and uh it doesn't have to be from you i can crawl into burrows and hide i think it is mostly advantageous to not be tall in society however i think people envy the tall experience counterpoint for every inch higher you are you make on average seven hundred dollars more a year which is crazy to me yeah tall people are more successful in life it's better to be talking yeah but but sorry but like they're more likely to die yeah tall people die but less likely to become astronauts oh i'm split on the matter it's almost like what do you personally value do you want people to envy you and your hotness and your seven hundred dollars more or do you want to fit into places that the space [ __ ] that's right i like the tall experience it's my only option first of all but i do lo i love when someone asks me to get something from a tall shelf in a grocery store i get it i'm a hero in that moment and the games i mean legs just great it does make pant shopping a little tough in your formative years because you have goofy waist and length ratio and even now it's sort of difficult to find you keith i believe we talked at length last week had a hernia from being told it's true tall broke your body i agree that's why i said i think generally it's better to be small because it's more average and i think average is is good in a lot of scenarios like and your circulation works better i also when you visit when you zac visit a colonial house guess what you don't have to duck i go to historical houses there everyone used to only be five feet tall apparently about a hundred years ago or three hundred years much shorter people were itty bitty people and they just they didn't have to go through doors and i go to those places i can't stand up straight the ceiling's not tall miles you're a big boy yeah how do you feel i think that it's better to be tall because people think that tallness equals hotness but if you've seen some of the tally guys they're freaks like i think uh i think it's better to be tall because people are always like hey do you play basketball and i'm like no and what about that disappointment miles yeah that must sting you know what people expect from me nothing they look at me and go you're probably like not great at most things i'm like you're right but maybe i'll surprise you yeah and i think a lot of like people of the opposite sex are like somebody's tall that's like a really key criteria yeah or so of her yeah and it's tough for where we're we're bringing up women like a lot of women don't want to necessarily be taller than all the men in terms of like traditional social constructs because it's very hard for a woman over five nine five ten to be like well [ __ ] like none of the guys want to date me if they're shorter than me are you an area about the same height what does she she's like an inch shorter than me okay does she have the thing where she uh maggie's often will not want to wear heels at a certain height because she doesn't want to look taller in photos no it makes her feel like a supermodel but that is a legitimate thing yeah ariel's sister who was i think like six foot or six one maybe she like set her dating app selector to be like find men that are only taller than me yeah oh interesting yeah i have heard women who are tall being mad at short women dating tall men because they're taking away the man who's taller than them like they're like just go a couple inches taller you want a short girl date someone who's like over a foot taller like that's not fair like you don't need that much more height than you i've got no selection that's and that's because there's a lot of couples like that there's like my older sister she's five two and her husband is six four yeah that's a big oh wow they get looks from some people wow being like damn there's so much gap between how do they them how do they you know you gotta listen it's like being in a colonial house all the time it's tough man i feel like that's just asking for back problems you don't stand up and make out he gets on the street what's the height difference between you and becky she's like short-ish yeah she's i think seven or eight inches shorter than me that's not that cool that's not crazy though that's not crazy but it it's a it's it's sizable it's pretty crazy how about you miles yeah sarah is shorter than me but not it's not a ton i do think that she likes to get on her tippy toes and give me a little kiss yeah it's good that she yeah she thinks that that's that's like fun that's fun for her i think and i think that i do have like i have always i'm [ __ ] huge obviously like keith but i slouch i'm [ __ ] huge i slouch a lot and so i have bad posture because i want to be at eye level with people when i'm talking to them yeah and it makes me my bad bad my back bad but i'm on the same level same yeah there's no there's nothing that's the biggest thing there's no world that's built up here right like when i go to gas station bathrooms my face is above the mirror yeah i can't see myself i i i'm bigger like there's those things that are like there's nothing up here why would i live my life up here the whole world's down here yeah gas station mirror yeah typically the gas station mirrors if they even have mirrors a lot of gas ladies don't have mirrors i guess people break them and kill people they do they're just hidden underneath the sink where you'll never find them i would never find them pee on your legs too there's because you're pissing in the toilet it's like pissing off a building oh yeah there's splashback yeah that's what you're not considering that being tall you're gonna get pee on your legs yeah stronger splashback yeah and you can see everybody's dicks yeah you don't want to well though i mean if you're too short you gotta pee upwards over the urinal that's a hilarious image [Music] it's one o'clock in the morning you're cozed up in your little bed your extra long twin bed covers are pulled over your head to trap your phone's lights so that your partner who's also sleeping in your extra long twin bed because maybe you're in college but you're still married anyway and they can snooze away should you be asleep too maybe but the other part says just a few more minutes you know what i'm talking about i'm talking about best fiends the greatest game that's ever existed on your phone it's a puzzle game you love it i love it you've heard me talk about it i legitimately love it it's great it's free to download and truly it is hard sometimes to put the game down like i typically was you know using it for travel but now i'm using it at my house because i don't go anywhere and sometimes becky gears start being like what are we having for dinner and i'm like i'm just lost i'm lost in the puzzles baby i got i got critters dude i got critters to collect okay i'm lost in it guys best fiends is the can't put it down mobile puzzle game that's free to download it's got over 100 million downloads so you're not doing this all alone guys you got back up it's a five star rated mobile puzzle game and it's a must play they got more levels events and challenges added all the time so you can play away and there's because there's always like one more level you know you're going to do one more level seriously once you download best fiends boredom won't stand a chance you can finally eliminate boredom from your beautiful life download best fiends free today on the apple app store or google play it's free and that's best friends without the r best fiends f-i-e-n-d-s fiends best fiends [Music] no but that's why they have the one when i or miles have to use the child urinal it's crazy because my dick is fully above the top of the urine way above like a foot above the top of the urinal it's like this is crazy if i peed full force i could just pee straight on the wall not even on the handle the wall we'll often all go to the bathroom together and when i'm conscious i will take the child's urinal so that keith can have the full grown but normally i don't think and i just you know i walk in first i take the one that is for me as an adult and i look over and i see poor keith that the kids won and i just kind of go like yeah it's like like well okay i mean i can be in it my feet will go in there that's fine but it's so far i get a little twisted pleasure and watching you suffer through that that's funny i can see your dick though so the verdict is uh grass is greener huh you know we can't have a master debater without the classic question oh cats v dogs oh and we have to we have to revisit this we've discussed this many times but we have a former cat boy who now has a dog we have someone who seemed generally neutral but now has a cat because you also used to have dogs definitely have more people we have a boy over here who used to be afraid of dogs and has a dog i don't know miles of situation but i'd be curious to hear i'm trying to get a dog i'm looking for a dog yeah here's the thing about cats is they're doing their own fang you know what i'm saying and i'm looking for a big ass dog i want a [ __ ] big behemoth dude like a german like a like a saint bernard something like that i wanted to fly b's dog is perfect dog yeah that's a gorgeous i would take that dog only that one because louie is the most wonderfully behaved giant beautiful dog it's a big husky a miracle dog beautiful beautiful dog so what's going on what's your stance zack you you have an interesting impression i have a far more nuanced perspective than i used to and i for that reason i think i'm going to take the back seat for a minute whoa and let the discussion so you think your views are superior wait to like lay it all down uh i think that so you guys have uh let me know about something that i think is very true it's similar to the oat milk thing where when you're like allergic to something yes you like it less like i don't really like cats that much and zach was like oh that's just because you're allergic and i'm like no and then i'm like i think it is true it's one of my grand unifying theories of life is that like 75 plus of people who hate cats are just allergic to cats yeah so like i think you love whole milk if you can tolerate 100 obviously whole milk is like drinking unsweetened whipped cream it's incredible anyways well that's not the topic but yeah i i i prefer dogs to cats but i think it's just because i'm unfortunately allergic to cats what do you like about dogs i like that you can play with them i like that you know they're they like seem to be friendlier uh and i guess like in my head i'm like well i guess you can play with cats too but like you know playing fetch like running around the energy like i just love you know doing that with dogs but like bean barks a lot and it's annoying the baby's napping definitely i think cats are easier so that is to me a plus because the cats are easier now but cats have a way wide ranging personality spectrum and if you have a good cat a good cat's better than any other pet you could ever have if you have a bad cat it's a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's awful and you don't want that a demon i have an amazing cat he actually has a lot of dog attributes uh where like we were on our trip and came home he like wanted to hang out with us he was like where have you been this is great give me pets and now he's even gone into like full-on i want belly rubs you start petting him and like a dog he rolls over and it's like belly the best cats are often dog-like they are loyal they want you know they they come when called the best dogs are cat-like yeah they're low-maintenance they're chill they're not erratic and barking at the so you want you want animals that have the traits of each other i think it really depends on where you are in your life a dog is a huge burden of responsibility but actually for where i am in my life right now it really has been helpful i have chronic pain having a dog has forced me to be more active and to go on walks and to just have like to take on more responsibility in my relationship i think it has been a good thing for me but probably like helped you get engaged right like that kind of like takes you to the next level you know it's like well it's like you kind of you're like okay i really like this person co-owner i want to make sure that we're compatible in the like family caring for another being yeah i mean bowie was like well [ __ ] dude gotta lock that dog down guess i got need the woman to um but with a cat i think cats are like cats you can just force they're like little loafs of bread that you can force to do whatever you want so like dogs have their own opinions and wants bowie sometimes is like get the [ __ ] away from me i want to go lay down over there and i'm like no i want to cuddle you and he's like no leave me alone where's the cat just pick him up flop him and just play with him then he runs away and pick him up flop him kettle with them again that was the stereotype with cats where sometimes they just want to be left alone good cat's bet yeah they do but you can overpower them but they can that's what's not a bad cat it just hides from you all day like doesn't what about that and they suck and like the worst is like what i was so happy with alfred is that when guests came over he was just like hey what's up how's it going you need to earn a cat's respect but i love that like i don't like when you go to a place and there's like a cat or an animal and the animal doesn't want to say hello it like doesn't want it was like afraid of you like that's no fun and their cats are very notoriously that way they're both so funny oh dogs cats so funny they do funny stuff so funny they're idiots alfred god love him wants to hump everything in the middle of the night hilarious and he also sleeps on our bed which means he's humping some part of the bed at night hilarious here's the other thing though i'm going away i'm taking like a little retreat for a couple weeks and figuring out what to do with bowie it's it's a several thousand dollar investment like every time i go away somewhere it is just such you know dog sitting friends yeah we send bean to my sisters it's great yeah sometimes you just send me to my sisters when it's getting too annoying like you got babies you're gonna be going with my sisters yeah it's true once the baby came he just immediately he went from being our baby to being our dog to being a guy you let's stay at your house dude on the couch i mean it's still part of the family but you know like as he went from s tier to like b-tier i think i'm notoriously known as being a very pro-dog person so i've often in videos like said [ __ ] about cats but i'm actually like probably the most pro animal person every morning i wake up and i saw matt i want a cat or i want a rabbit or i want a two other dogs and what's funny is the cow would be crazy i want a cat i want a cat really bad and the problem is i'm allergic to cats yeah but i had the opposite thing where i didn't hate it because i was large i became more interested in cats because i was allergic yeah you won't what you can't so whenever i went to people's houses so my whole thing was i would actually follow neighborhood cats and try to like play with them and i whenever i go to someone's house as a cat i ignore the rest of the party and eventually i just find the cat yeah because when the cat ignores me all i want to do is impress it and that weirdly i think fits my personality type really well like sometimes my dogs are really [ __ ] annoying anyone following over a dog kimbo kimbap follows me in the bathroom to watch me take a [ __ ] yeah and sometimes i look at him i'm like do you have nothing better to do he doesn't but i love him like a child and i just like you know what would be great having more animal children that can then play off each other for me it's more you should just have more pets of different types they can bounce personality types off each other but i feel like keith growing up there's a limit right you had like a wild like so many dogs households and the problem with that was that i was born into someone else's choices of how many pets we would have and so i but i had to do the chores for animals that i didn't choose right so i had to feed three outside dogs two inside dogs and a hundred thousand outside cats every day and make sure they all had water and like go and like take them on walks would that be your dream eugene it was awful well i don't have the space for it but i think that i have enough space for fourth dog and or cat i mean once you have three guys i have three dogs tell me how you think you could bring a cat into that household well of of tornado dogs well they're really not that actually to be fair i think i have the most calm dogs out of everyone here they actually sit when you come to any household when they chill at least yeah they don't bark i mean kim bob starts barking but that's because he doesn't do more tricks yeah all of it but they don't fight they can check after hour one chill out but generally my dogs are pretty actually they're pretty sedentary unfortunately i want them to actually be more active but they that's why i want a huge dog you want trade i want like a milesize dollar yeah but um both uh we haven't tested kimbap yet but both uh pesto and emma go to two different friends houses with cats and they get along with the cat so it really depends on the cat yeah it would depend on the cat yeah so for this cat if i got a cat they'd have to like the dogs and i think that's actually made a bigger hurdle for me than the dogs liking the cat and kimbob's gonna like anyone he gets nearer so it's gonna come down to the cat and i think that's the biggest challenge less my dogs morph this cat you should get a cat like alfred who's bigger than all your dogs yeah i don't want a big old cat outfit oh fat cat fat cat tiny dogs cute it's a good cartoon that's a good cartoon huge we were gone for a week we had friends come and feed him and i don't know what happened it looks like beat him at hand shanks pregnant he's so [ __ ] what if he's actually alfreda he's not i've seen his dick [Music] it's not he's not a lady he's not gonna have babies but i i wanna but i i we have a stray cat that's been hanging out outside recently and last night we tried to see if if the cat would be a friend are you sure it's a stray cat it's not a neighbor's cat well it we're not sure no it's got no collar and but it was very afraid of us which tells me it is a feral stray cat uh but we gave it a little tiny bit of food and water just a little bit because uh it was sleeping outside by the way for the people out there don't leave milk out for the cats you think that that's thing in movies cats don't drink milk no they will but they shouldn't they shouldn't thank you um yeah i remember when i was a kid that was like in cartoons like leave out a little milk for the cat cats don't do that bad for them yeah we just put a little caffeine water out there it had a little snack milk though we tried to say hello oh it's okay it darted away but uh the cat's around we're gonna try to court the cat if we can it's a beautiful cat man it sounds like the debater verdict is get a cat like dog or a dog-like cat you're sad you guys ever get weirded out if your dog watches you have sex we we had lord diy you're making me imagine you have sex a lot i'm sorry i'm sorry we just had lord diy on baby steps and it was the sex episode where we talked about like sex before kids versus after kids really learned a lot about lord dioi sex life anyways one thing that came up was like dogs watching you is that like yeah i don't like it weird do you i don't like it i put i make sure the dogs are in the in their uh crates or in a different room it's like if they can hop on the bed with you also they're watching you dogs dogs and cats i mean depending on your habit in general they watch what you do so they're not like ignoring you they probably think you're just playing around or something but i think at some point a certain smart animal will get that something some hanky-panky's going on and they they leave you alone out of respect for my partner i definitely have no hilarious story yeah no no no no no no well this has been a great episode let's kick it on over to miles for advice they'll go for miles with miles bouncing your head if you need some advice look no further than advice don't have to think twice it's [Music] if you need a new way to spice up your life or need a shitty product [Music] yeah big ass shout out to at tooth on a string thanks for the freaking song have you ever wanted to be a steamy little bun but have you ever wanted to have a dumpling that is restaurant quality and prepped for dumping should we get dumplings for lunch absolutely to a bath house panda alert no miles who's a panda that has big wings and ears and claws and toes kung fu panda panda express instant pot can suck my dick microwaves can slung my long but a bamboo steamer can [ __ ] me all night oh my long use a bamboo steamer to cook your frozen dumpies i've been using a bamboo steamer that the house owner left in a cabinet at my home we found it recently and we've been using it and it is so much [ __ ] better than just like a metal where was it it was in a cabinet above the stove i think i knew it was there but i was like i'm never gonna use that okay and then i pulled it out and i thought uh oh now we're authentic using this sort of uh din tai fung of myself to use my frozen dumplings and it makes them taste better and then you get the whoo you know you pull the dumpling thing off and it goes ah and it feels like a crowd cheering and you freaking dunk that [ __ ] in ranch and put it in your mouth wait wait i'm sorry back it up no in soy sauce or your favorite sauce chili oil ponyo uh black vinegar but yeah the bamboo steamer's the most efficient way to cook steamed [ __ ] that's pretty good advice miles damn right this was a good one i know yeah do you guys have bamboo steamers yeah that's good no i have a steamer top to the pan and i will cut parchment paper into a circle cut holes in it and cook it that way and it works really well but i don't have a bamboo steamer here's what i'll say about the the parchment paper of it all yeah oil that [ __ ] up like you're lubing up your body to go down a slide really and it's going to be better than the parchment paper because the parchment paper you have to poke holes in because the steam sometimes won't go into the freaking bamboo steamer part right eugene back me up yeah sure okay i just i just poked the holes in it so i don't have to clean the the dumpling that's do get stuck on the pan off because it's really big it's gunky and yeah little gunk do you love dumplings why people what did you when did you why did you when did you how did you start the when did you first stop the um where are you my brand's not working where did you first have asian dumplings white people what did you mean asian dumpling like restaurant was it like restaurants or did your parents like buy frozen ones and they come home oh you know we use restaurants okay yeah we actually had pot stickers from costco growing up i remember that was a big thing wow so maybe that was like probably my introduction introduction to dumpling 101. i think there are some trader joe's dumplings that are pretty good that we'd have a lot in chicago yeah but yeah restaurants i think here's a [ __ ] bonus tip here we go soup dumplings from trade obviously go to korean market if you can it's way better but if in a pinch if you're at trader joe's they have dumplings that come in a little microwavable tray that are soup dumplings that you're like put in your microwave for three minutes it becomes a soup dumpling take the [ __ ] out put it in a bamboo steamer it's a soup dumpling and it's great as an adult one thing that changes when you're adult is all of those frozen dinners are no longer microwave that's all oven and it's such a better experience and you're like yeah when's the last time you guys dove into a hungry man oh [ __ ] i used to [ __ ] those up i used to eat those and i i started baking them after college i was a champion that was our special treat that was like oh dude we're dropping like something they're like six bucks maybe they're like a little pricier than a normal microwave dinner and in college me and my buddies would be like yo guys how's your bank account looking you guys want to [ __ ] go hungry we would do a hunger battle that was hot pockets and top ramen oh yeah well of that course high school for me oh college i was just college i'm counting the frozen pizza yeah it's all frozen pizza guys of course i'm not just like a bougie dorms hungry i did hot pockets yeah once you had an apartment the red baron singles piece that was mine easy mac yeah yeah yeah yeah it wasn't just which is basically just a long sheet of cardboard with uh sauce on it it was great which one hardboard leos it was just a square rectangle pizza but it was kind of the consistency of cardboard like a like you're really selling yeah it wasn't good totino's pizzas are pretty shitty sriracha you're good to go uh uh what are the little pizza bites pizza rolls pizza rolls pizza rolls [ __ ] yeah it's funny in the midwest chicago people grill those at parties they're [ __ ] good i bet yeah they're [ __ ] good those are superiors you know what you guys guys come over i'll grow a list of pizza rolls that sounds incredible i'll break my dairy abstinence for that yeah there's a good ranking ranking microwavable that's really good yeah i mean there's a certain taste of all that preservative and weird like not real ingredients it's just really nostalgic yeah it's probably all the sodium that's killing you but it's chef boyz it feels great going now separated it's real hamburger helper's delicious not bad it's not bad yeah i think it's great well thanks for listening to another perfect episode be sure to subscribe raise five stars also subscribe to baby steps we had lord diy on the show uh very funny and don't subscribe to you can sit with us whatever you do don't do it uh tryguys.com get the merch uh we got a new movie coming out soon secrets almost out get ready for that until next time is it outstanding it's like two months almost almost okay almost almost almost trailer almost you're about to hear about it but nothing else we shall say no hitters with the official dropout theme song small tall are you smaller tall are you taller small are you taller small are you smaller tall are you tall or small which one are you tell us in the comments below it's a tripod until next time stay beautiful you
Channel: TryPods
Views: 410,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, baths, steamer, dumpling, cats, dogs, try dogs, sleeping in jeans
Id: fxzph_mHNAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 27sec (4347 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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