Zach's TikTok Adventure - The TryPod Ep. 32

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never pay together just save together you know what they say friends that save together stay together Dave together plus with party pay you can save with literally anyone friends frenemies family significant others total strangers just walk down the street and scream who wants to save money on your phone bill even internet randos like us get started with party pay at visible dot-com / try guys that's visible comm / try guys one more time visible comm last try guys thank you to visible away and native for sponsoring today's episode of the tripod [Music] hello everyone thanks for being here it's the try guys and the tripod why is everyone staring at me that was awkward [ __ ] you take it away I'm smiling but you've got this okay the tripod it's the podcast where we talk about things and it's the three of the other guys with miles it's Ned and second Keith and then me Eugene all right that intro Eugene was a breath of fresh air thank you today we are talking about a recent video we we came out with where we discussed how we had left BuzzFeed it was a long time coming but it was finally time for us to open up a little bit that we're also gonna talk about baby Yoda from the Mandalorian hell yeah gonna discuss a little bit about Zacks burgeoning tick tock career mmm-hmm blames yo and that mean read a drunk email and maybe recap a little bit of our drunk Thanksgiving holidays yeah we had quite the weekend everybody was out of the office it was a full Thanksgiving holiday Black Friday small bidness Saturdays celestial Sunday and cyber monday is Small Business Saturday still a thing yeah it seems like Black Friday now is just at this amorphous blob that continues and continues you know what I'm gonna say what is dope right I mean we brought it back with Keith supporting small farmers and businesses and a small business of his own with keeps hot sauce yeah my chicken sauce actually sold out in a day and a half was crazy we sat down and thousand bottles of hot spots Thank You Shane Dawson my god Keith I think I should make a pallet now dried chicken insides it'll be called Bay's why don't you do a hot sauce palette that you open up and it has different little different things your face that's funny a little like a hot sauce sampler that's actually shaped like a palate you can call it the palate cleanser podcasts over it's amazing what a good what a good name I'm very affected Eugene by your opening energy it makes me want to do our NPR episode instead of making jokes I kind of feel like I'm gonna stay at this low well I've been awake since 3:00 a.m. because I just flew from Phoenix from a wedding so I I'm like I'm like loopy dude that's why I was kind of crazy and I'm thinking about Chris Evans and eyes out and how beautiful you so I'm kind of in a weird mood I'm like thinking about him in that sweater ooh that that knit sweater his shoulder blades are so bulbous yeah yeah I mean I'm up for the drab sack I'm talking about the track yeah why do you call them bulbous like don't ever described anything pleasurable as bulbous you my friend ain't living fine with me daddy if you started a new pokeyman oh I not only started the new Pokemon I have beaten the new program oh wow I started it a couple weekends ago basically I only played it on the airplane because I've been traveling for Lou burger shows and I allowed through it my one complaint is that by the time you get to the first gym or the second gym they've introduced you to this wild area with very strong Pokemon which makes you think you need to be way stronger than you are so I just I I had never had trouble defeating anyone the only time that all my Pokemon passed I was trying to catch a big old gang gar oh yeah max reboot ah they have these giant like they said oh you encountered an extra-strong this yeah and it's just like a level 55 and you're like level 15 and you're like I'm gonna go for it and apparently the only big difference only challenge of the game is if you try to catch a Pokemon where your Pokemon is a lower level then that's really really hard it's really hard but if you're the same level then it's usually like pretty easy I haven't died once if you're above yeah I only died that one time it was because I was being overzealous you I can't - max anything I yes I just after you beat the game you get a Charmander and then you yeah cuz there's still there's still [ __ ] to do after cuz you gotta catch all 400 pokemons you get a choice or is it just here's a charm it's just here's a charm is and you just walk into someone else's bedroom somebody's left you a butch arm and I'm like but it's not in my room my friends room this is really weird place to put this but it was fun it's a great great nostalgic game it kind of feels open-world at times which is cute and the story Oh my biggest complaint no spoilers he has beliefs like unskipable cutscenesthat's years old it is clearly for children we marketed year-olds near the end you do nothing it you walked like ten feet before it goes back into a story it's like okay now go for it Habs inator and then I walk ten feet and then it's back into a prepackaged scene if you do nothing to forward the action at the end that was the only shitty part you guys know I don't know much about Pokemon man really not sure the pronunciation I can't name all 152 or even 15 Pokemon sure you can name 15 I don't think I can let's go right now all right Pikachu yep Charmander ball the sword Charizard jinx means that constantly talking about that stupid movie got six dodrio Dugtrio okay what's the little water one portal there we go both cars are Alexander Skarsgard I think visually arresting nature of the new Pokemon movie yeah we said we saw Pokemon in a store though and I want to get with the cool kits I want to get on the bandwagon no Keith play smile plays mmm I played Zac plays basically everyone plays with me I actually don't play never know but actually you guys have to look by YouTube watch history I watch everything about the game oh wow I know every gym leader I love you like watch all their cutscenes without the game yeah I like memorize the Pokemon buddy handoff this would be like yeah I just don't they have um finally that they have a ghost ghost gym leader yeah in this new one he's very spooky and he's like I know you're talking about it's like the guitar like is the dark Gimli there's a dark gym leader yeah bad kid who wears a mask who fights with ghosts that's the ghost so this is the first dark gym leader they've ever had yes yeah so I want to get your opinion on this cuz we saw it in store and I strongly hinted to Ariel that she should get it for me as a Christmas present and then she said well let's just buy it now and then I'll wrap it for you I'm like no no no then it wouldn't be as fun it wouldn't be a surprise if we feel like I bought it with my big boy money right and when I get a present I want somebody else to buy it with their big boy money even if it's from the same bank and that was the game Pokemon yeah you told me to get the shield version right I got ya I don't even that mean I got story I got sword is that red I pretty my got red here's what I'm curious because Ned I know you made this is this okay you made this mistake last year where you asked for super smash brothers for Christmas and then you had to then she did a time is a [ __ ] flat circle the same thing happened last year because now you have to wait for Christmas together yeah alright no that was where you came up with buying a big boy you're right I was ranting that I have made the opposite choice huh a year further into dad demand how things have changed if you mentioned you were playing Pokemon on your Lou burger tour did you want to mention a few dates coming up yeah if you are listening and you are in the city of Chicago st. Louis or Phoenix Arizona oh be in Chicago on December the Tuesday December 17th and then we're going to be in st. Louis on the 19th and Phoenix on the 21st Lou burger comedy calm not Lou burger calm because somebody bought that one and is holding it ransom for way too much money how much it's like that's ridiculous and winstead question you know who bought it there's a company called huge domains comm and that's what they do they go and buy domains that people are trying to get and outfit them and then hold them hostage so we bought the URL [ __ ] huge domains calm also we'll take you to Lube record committee calm well we'll just buy this we could buy this for cheap and it's a funny story for us so you guys just released a big video do you want to speak about that oh we're recording about in the cyber monday which is the beginning of traumas where we release extra videos on Mondays the first one was how we left BuzzFeed a story told from four different perspectives which is this new format that we're very excited about we're calling it story try but then we realized that didn't mean anything to anyone so now we're calling it from four different perspectives what we call it a more way we call it steamy four-way but we realized that a story of how we got our independence was something that people really wanted to to learn more about and to hear about and we each experienced it a little differently as we experienced everything in life so we came up with this cool format that shows our four different perspectives and Airwaves them in a way that you can figure out what's truth and what's fiction and also how do people different types of people experience different events but basically we talked about mostly you should pay attention to the end where I rant about how we don't have enough subscribers which I do feel you know I just feel we aren't controversial we're so nice to the Internet world we we don't take advantage of our fans by charging like 700 dollars a ticket for our live shows we don't do like and all these other people who do that they got opted to follow with that guy more people which means they get more opportunity how did YouTube read by a show from James Charles so problematic as a host of a beauty reality show that YouTube originals was gonna make and I'm like huh he was just he was just in so much trouble trouble he and the girl and then Jeffrey though all of them are always maybe Keith maybe we need to make more trouble we always joke about it but we don't know how we don't know they keep trying to stay we're starting beef with the Merrill's nice yeah do they have v4 they beefing oh very sweet and they talk at the same time oh if you're watching this you know on YouTube subscribe watch oh no one's watching this who's not theirs right several several hundred thousand several tens of thousands of people are watching on YouTube Eugene I know you were interested in not the how we left BuzzFeed but the why we have we left BuzzFeed though no why why did we make that video yeah because we avoided doing anything with that type of terminology for yeah almost two years now you wanna stay above the drop no but I think it's it's not it's just what it doesn't make sense to harp on a former employer for reviews at this point because we're also not into think of that but I also think that what Keith was actually speaking on was a big reason why we wanted to make it more explicitly clear as much as possible that we aren't with BuzzFeed because I would say like 90 percent of people that approached me on the street still asked if how BuzzFeed is they asked me how I am at doing it BuzzFeed I'll go back Oh Eugene from BuzzFeed you're still a BuzzFeed so it's because we haven't been very explicit about it that people are still confused the average viewer who still and I asked them have you seen our recent videos they still have seen our recent videos have not subscribed because they think they're watching BuzzFeed Wow so we have to put out these videos to be a little more like because that's half the reason you you mentioned at the end we have how many unique visitors to earth we actually have I think for every 90 days we have 25 million different viewers different people watching do it on purpose you really have six point five million subscribers so that's that's crazy to me that we aren't that most of those people and it just shows that a lot of people don't realize we're not yeah I think many people still think we still work at BuzzFeed and I think part of the issue is that BuzzFeed was so all-encompassing during the time we were there and we were not just in trigers videos we're in many videos that they think of us is like internet people that's sort of just what they were watching was just under BuzzFeed in their in their mind so yeah I think the big thing for the video was to at least give an explicit call out to the fact that we are not there if you didn't know that before now you do and hopefully you subscribe to the independent channel cuz we were debating over the title oh should we call it how we started a company or should call it how we left BuzzFeed and we ultimately decided that having you're talking about way back when the first one or this one this one this one yeah if the first one was too soon after and we didn't want it it would it would inevitably feel very much like a why we left BuzzFeed video which we didn't want to do but for this one you know now it's almost two years later specifically saying we left BuzzFeed in the title which some people you know might only see the title and not click on it and other people might see the title click on it what's the first five minutes right there's probably a subset of people that watch every minute of every video and really our body you know understand our story and being independent but that was important to make it clear that we're left that we left those we're independent we're doing cool things we're doing so many cool things not only are we doing trying man we get it that you're doing cool things you got a sold out hot sauce you're on tour you even need us key yes I do I do you're the main marketing platform for all of those things hey Keith get over here away what away suitcases away creates thoughtful products built for the way modern travelers see the world they started with the perfect suitcase and now they offer a range of essentials all of which will make your travels more seamless I gotta tell you I'll cut the cut the silliness right now I love these suitcases whoever said it's all about the journey has never traveled during the holidays right it's a most stressful craziest time to hit the road but a ways products are designed to work and fit together making traveler smoother for the holidays and beyond I will say that traveling in the holidays is such a pain because you have all these gifts right you have all your gifts you got are your winter clothes which are pulling out and trying to get all those things organized into ways that make sense it's so much easier with the way they've got this thing that sort of presses all your your soft goods down and has a little net area to put all your like clanky stuff or your boots or stuff like that you know monkey stuff you know and everyone has a unique travel style which is why away offers a range of suitcases made of different materials they got polycarbonate aluminum or aluminium for our British buddies and durable nylon variety of colors and two carry-on sizes so for whoever you are and whatever you need to pack gifts comfy clothes holiday treats whatever away has luggage that works for you how you travel feature check all of the ways suitcases are thoughtfully designed to last a lifetime with durable exteriors that can withstand even the roughest of baggage handlers feature check every suitcase comes with an interior organization system that includes a built-in compression pad to help you pack more and a hidden and removable laundry bag that separates your dirty clothes feature check for 360 degrees spinner wheels guarantee the smoothest roll even to the most hectic of airports and stations feature check a tsa approved combination lock keeps your belongings safe well that was just about the best commercial I've ever listened to it's not even over for twenty dollars off of any suitcase or a bag visit away travel calm / try guise and use the promo code try guys during checkout that's $20 off any suitcase or bag by visiting away travel calm / try guys and using the promo code try guys when you check out you know we're looking at getting an office like we're on our way of moving out of this house we actually event news have people heard that I think we've said that we drop in that again we are looking at a we're like pretty much closing on an office space that it is so exciting because we're trying to build out a space that we can use to do things like without a recipe without having to rent out of space like all the shows that we do and we're really excited because we get to build out this office to fit our needs and standing on yeah it's just we are literally drawing the walls drawing which walls are glass it's like which is stressful it's stressful I realize empty blueprint and we've we had this date of the day where we were debating like an extra foot give or take of where the wall was gonna go and it like how it's gonna impact like the space into the kitchen and that impacts how we're gonna shoot so we were putting measuring tape on the floor thing like I think this is enough space for furn editing room I don't know but that's permanent decision making I mean it's a five-year lease one time I don't know if I believe that's like most commercial office spaces are like yeah big big time leases yeah I hope you are bought in behind baby I'm so excited you ever are you ever in a building and you're like why did these idiots design it this way you know like the normal everyday uses are oftentimes lost when you're in the design phase so I just like this experience has given me a lot of respect for architects my respect for designers I mean it's like it's very hard when you're looking at a piece of paper to understand oh how is your elbow not going to bump into the cabinets when you're trying to open the cabin and therefore at the same time I'm very excited for us to have a dedicated podcast studio every time we record the podcast it's like we move out our other studio stuff and we kind of position each camera so it's not showing all the mess that's in this same room that we shoot every video and listening to the nasty is broadcast there's a hole in the corner that's slowly gobbling up garbage oh my god it's not even a tile it's it's part of the slab of wood has crap yeah the slab there's no support underneath it and a c-stand was on it and it just oh my god oh yeah we learned from an expert that came into this house at this part this room was an addition to the house so clearly they did a shoddy job yeah I don't even think it's permanent there's a bug it's Quito is what it is I just saved your life SEK well you got a mosquito bite on your face and I was like dude that thank you for Chloe and you know what you're welcome to do that to blown my face anytime you want mosquito her otherwise you see it by me let me know cuz I can't see it anymore I don't wanna be bit so what do you get are you most excited for for the new office is there like are we gonna put in a slide we're gonna put in not tall enough for a slide I'm considered it's tall enough for slide if you want anything stolen every slide my man miles we're putting in a server room whoa back to your aunt slappy Jean where is it I was swallowing a pill and I had liquid in my mouth but I saw a mosquito so I spat liquid out of my mouth to save your life all those viewers watching the video oh yeah Zach almost drowned he's stayin we'll find out I have a meeting today definitely change that standpoint of you're sure it's pretty dark though it'll be fine it'll wash you know one thing I'm yeah we're building a like beautiful open kitchen that can also double as a shooting space we're gonna have the two walls of the kitchen be to like different looks they'll also like blend together nicely so you can see in the corner but it can it can can I like basically everything we're designing in the office can also be a shooting space which is cool because we're hoping that we could shoot things like without a recipe there which you are gonna get four episodes of in December starting this Saturday all you need to know is that there are multiple extreme emotional meltdowns yeah yeah yeah I would say so there's melting baked goods there's melting and personalities the only meltdown they've seen was Keith during pie his pie beat went wrong yeah none of that compares oh that's smaller way do you see some of the disaster disaster this doesn't give anything away but there was a moment when we were shooting where the cameramen had to unhook from the monitors and follow one of you to capture the action yes because they were just like they were stuck on tripods and so I believed them oh you're talking about I came and yelled I'm like go [ __ ] follow it was real TV drama and I was like just go just go I don't care what it looks like just go I was the subject of I was frantically scraping through the trash it was why was I doing that well you just have to wait to find out one of the most riveting like a lot five minutes uninterrupted and I will have to release just that wrong oh yeah no if that you'll get that tenseness and the in the cut that we had in the room but I'm just kind of like we blotted my funny you were like you're spreading it out definitely making it worse grandmother right like a fancy dinner I'm just doing what she can to get that little bit of oz you out of her blouse turning my sweater into a Rorschach does look way worse one other thing about the new office that's really cool is it was originally designed to be a bank crazy right revolt there's gonna be a hybrid bank and Starbucks yeah one side with Starbucks where our offices and once I was gonna be a bank and now yes there was a vault guess what that's gonna be our soundstage it was the biggest most giant room in the space we're like it's perfect that's awesome we'll make it a giant soundstage we should go call it like the vault yeah this stage will be vault yeah I love that Oh because we were talking about we have to get like these big old doors to get equipment in can we get one of those giant and to break in and to lock someone in and say sorry buddy boy and sorry what mild you've been making I love it you've been making from some very special art on the internet lately you joined the legions of teens on tik-tok yes sir and Walker and I just want to don't want you to share your experience and what you found because I also downloaded tic toc and I started watching and it is haunting it's it's a lot well I love hunting it's just very attention-grabbing you get lost in too addicting yeah yeah let me say miles it means the world to me that you associate the talking most with my art because I'm not the only talker of the tick Oh in fact of this recent tick tock wave I'm the third of us to join really you joined a long time ago well I'll back it up and I will tell that but but Eugene has been talking you've been talking generally talked four times and then I stopped Eugene that's a lot Heath tick two I took the least yeah I did it like two nights and like I was fine I'm I'm just gonna watch other people get hits are better I mean I guess I've just been slacking off yeah well Eugene let me see who's got the most followers between second yuge Oh obviously yeah it is Eugene but but I think Zack might have more accumulative views he does have a lot of Tears what happened yeah years ago what is it almost two three years ago I made a musically and there was this week where I was homesick and it was really that time we're talking about how he loved BuzzFeed I was like towards the end of employment and I'm like yeah I'm kind of just gonna slack off for a little bit sorry that's what I did made very few videos at the end there anyway so I went home and I was like okay this musically thing is blowing up I gotta figure this out because we are viral video producers and I think there's always this tendency when the new thing comes out to kind of stick your nose up at it and go that's not for me the children young uns and this is just a flash in the pan and is gonna disappear but that has been wrong a lot right we said that about snapchat it's had to sing her we said that about Instagram I even said that about Twitter when it first started so I was like as a responsible video producer I should look into this I stayed home made some music leaves and musically really was just lip dubs there wasn't quite much of a comedy it was dubsmash yeah but with more music and it was really about the transitions and it was about you would record yourself in slow mo and then it plays it back in regular speed so like you look like just all sleek and sexy when you're dancing so I did it for about three four days and I was gonna make a video about it and then the BuzzFeed legal department said you can't do that one it's all copy written music but to musically was extremely stinkin on stringent on their videos you couldn't take it off the platform at all hmm so I did it I kept doing a couple more I I you know slowly dwindled and then stopped tik-tok came tik-tok bought musically that's been a thing that's been rising for the last year year and a half and I did the same thing again where I stuck my nose up at it and I said this is not for me I'm not going to do this but it certainly feels like it's been reaching a breaking point where it's getting bigger and bigger the rock is on it like celebrities are moving over Will Smith's got his tickety-tock oh yeah so I wanted to know what it was and then this is the longest way of saying when I reactivated my tick-tock it had all of my old musically oh no way so I what those are your musically yeah and then some I've only made a bit new ones three or four of the new oh yeah oh yeah I'm still a mess so I saw musically from when my first day that I met you guys at BuzzFeed from the team it was the video the teen makeover video I was like one of my first days of Buzzbee and I was like Zach been on tick-tock for like years like how's this even possible but it was just like I guess from your musically yeah yeah I was just playing around I so when it was musically I was just trying to get good at transitions because that was the cool thing that people were doing or you kind of swoop it like behind a mere and then you swoop it back in you're in a new outfit it keeps doing a very unhelpful visual way okay that's a very long-winded story of my history with tick-tock but you guys are on it now too and let's make this more of a conversation what do you like and what do you dislike about it I think we shouldn't be on it here's why the kids need to have their own [ __ ] space to play around this is for the teens and that's what's so cool about it is that every teen can become famous on it because of the way that is algorithmically driven and you sometimes it shows you things from people that have 21 followers sometimes it shows you things from 21 million followers and it's all the same feed and I think that US celebs us incredibly popular hugely impactful celebrities such as myself in the same class as the rock and Will Smith we should not be on it it's not for us it's for them let them [ __ ] have it the only reason we're coming in is to try to build up a big thing so we can sell ads on it and that's [ __ ] I think we should not be on it I think it should be for the kids just entertain each other and it should be theirs do you know about the tick-tock algorithm because it is fascinating yeah man you said tick-tock and I was like no I don't know about it then she said algorithm and I was like yeah I do know about it and I do know about it but I don't thank you about New York Times article I think you tricked me you got me no look guys I don't know much about pokeyman tick-tock but I do know about the algorithm which it instead of being a chronological feed everything is algorithmic based off of what you as an individual user like hmm am I right so far yeah we're having open the app no it learns about you and exactly as Keith said you're sometimes seeing things from very popular craters and then I'm getting things that have like 14 views serve to me from some random kid in India and I'm like how did this get to me so it really is the most democratic of the you know viral apps what's really interesting is so you know what I gained all these subscribers and I've only made four or five five but I deleted one because I had one tickity-tock that's what I call it that makes me feel like gives me a little bit of separation from it one of my ticket attacks got 2.5 million views that's crazy I joined it to proof that I could do it and I did it and I can but then then I've released one like three four days later and it got 2,000 views no no and then it stopped and I'm like oh [ __ ] this one sucks and so I deleted it but it is like even when was the 2.5 million one 2.5 million one is it's not the that's the other weird thing about tick-tock is they basically want you to make the same thing as everyone else they want you to just make a variation on the same joke right yeah yes they want someone just scrolls through and watches a bunch of the same joke over and over and what told different ways when I wake up in the morning Betty's little oofs third touches little mittens gave his nose the mobster that's a very popular one there's a lot of ones that are like it's like the idea of they saw something like the Harlem shake and they're like oh this would be cool if we could build something where people could just recreate this format over and over and over again I wonder anyone under 14 listening to this must he said something about tick-tock on Twitter and somebody who's in it like said okay boomer social media platforms end up first being targeted towards teens and I think a lot of these these platforms before they become way to commercialize monopolized by celebs they're kind of cool because they feel like the weirdest place you can be you know like I can't be really weird on Instagram or Twitter anymore but on tik-tok I have only put stuff that I was like this can't go anywhere else so I put like the weirdest [ __ ] [ __ ] when I was bored on the tic-tock when I started it and did the for posts and it seemed like people were like oh this is fun because it was just like oh you're just being a dumbass like you're being dumb and kind of clever and just outside the box and there's some tik-tok channels that i haven't seen anywhere else that actually do some theirs look the classic category of like very attractive young white teenagers you know just be coming back you're popular because I'm super attractive by always there's that now always happened on anything but there's this one like called the human it's like the science of anatomy Museum or something and it's literally a person who works there showing you cadavers and just showing you God basically like the The Body Works exhibit like they're all preserved body parts and just shows you like when you get a stomachache it's not actually down here this is your intestines it's actually over here and he's like just pulling bodies apart in showing you it's the best tik-tok channel yeah but I it wouldn't work anywhere else so I think that there's some cool stuff there's some cool stuff there yeah I like looking at the weird dead body parts unless you it's very cool shout out to that channel I can see that as a like it's a way to kind of just have unbridled creativity because you're not thinking so much about oh like oh it needs to like look a certain way or feel a certain way you can just kind of throw it up and like have fun with it and if it sucks not a lot of people will see it but nobody knows that it was a failure except you yeah and if you don't view it as a failure you view it as a fun yes Aang it doesn't matter it is so addictive though like I I downloaded it cuz my teen cousin was like hey you should get tik tok you would be good on it and then we had a thirteen-year-old in the office the other day and she also was like usually get tick tock it'd be fun on it and all the songs cuz they play over and over they get stuck in your head so like all weekend I've had this song that's like one of the viral tik toks this guy being like I know it's insane I looked at it for like I was on the plane and I got the internet and I was looking at it for like an hour and my girlfriend was like are you still on that and it's just it's infinite yeah Becky and I will cuddle up together and just watch tic TOCs I'm not kidding I'll just get lost in a hole you know it's crazy Zak even in December when it's cold I still sweat like a demon but you know what I haven't noticed it as much lately since you started using native Dioner do you nailed it I gotta say native deodorant I love it because it's formulated without aluminum parabens and talc for me I'm allergic to a lot of other deodorants so we're sensitive skin boys this is one that actually works really well for me and I love it it's filled with ingredients found in nature such as coconut oil shea butter and tapioca starch YUM also they never test on animals and they offer free shipping in return so I mean that's that's so good it's good for you it's good for the world is people sweat people smell when they sweat so you gotta use deodorant we all know that but you can be using deodorant better you there is a better option out there and it's called native and you've just been listening to us tell you about it so go get it don't even just take it from us they have over 9000 five-star reviews you can check them out on the Today Show and Elle magazine on PopSugar refinery29 it'll it the list goes on and on and there's something for everyone native it comes in a wide variety of enticing sense for men and women plus they released new limited edition seasonal scents throughout the year they also have unscented formula my favorite and baking soda free formulas for those with sensitivities to that some of those scents include their classics like coconut and vanilla lavender and rose cucumber and mint and eucalyptus and mint which I've been showering with eucalyptus in the shower recently Wow I love eucalyptus hey you said there's like always got it right they get it they get it I just love the unscented variety that's just me I don't need any extra scent I keep a bar of native in my backpack because I'm the go so you know sometimes I ended up doing like a 20-hour day and I just want to like just a little fresh know because I sweat like crazy it's effective it's natural you know Becky and I are trying to live a more natural life and it's just great this really helps us do it for 20% off your first purchase go to native deodorant calm and use the promo code try guys that's native deodorant and dot-com promo code try guys maybe I should get on there I mean I've been focused on just being a good father [Laughter] during the work day take some tick tock definitely ned maybe that can be your angle on tick tock is you can be a father figure to everyone on the app you can just be live advice hey hey what's up guys it's daddy minute I just want to tell you I'm proud of you and you're gonna do great on the test tomorrow hey guys it's dad dad and today can you clean up your clothes hey tick-tock it's daddy knit I just want to tell you uh it's looking like it's past your bedtime so want you wrap up it's just the thing that gets people to close out their session and turn off the app yeah I'm sorry you know you talk you talking to the camera like it's your baby feels very tick tock appropriate yeah like I'd be like this is weird like the fact that I am grossed out by the entire tenor of this conversation probably means yeah and speaking of being grossed out go ahead people hang up underneath those good people have their Thanksgiving some people got drunk and when people get drunk listening to the podcast they email in at I'm drunk try guys at we have received billions of emails and LAN of them is entitled must have recipe can I get a fake name Oh alejandro alejandro don't call my name alejandro keith would you mind reading this drunk email from one of our listeners alejandro hi guys here it is what you needed um now I'm just saying into my phone because I can't type right now I don't I can't type right now here it is chocolate milk Cheerios the only bad part you got to put the milk in first you cuz you can't put the milk in the ball you put the syrup in the boat can mix it up and and then you can put the chairs on top of it which sucks because no one likes to put the Cheerios on top of the milk I get you have to put Cheers first then the milk and and I want Elsa Satanist dance what happens in frozen - that's awesome I think this makes sense anyhow now you have the recipe that you needed to have in your life so next time you're high like I am the way I'm high don't think I said that before this isn't drunk this is high now now you have the recipe that you need in your life you're welcome and you're welcome bye that's a real legit high voice voice to text email whoo no three punctuation marks and that whole thing they're all up at the top the first four three or four our sentences and then it is from here to here with no no guidance as to where to pause or in fluctuate and it was clearly all voice to tech which is well how we got you put the chairs on top put the syrup in the boat and I want Elsa Satanist that's like those are migos lyrics so basically they're just saying you should make chocolate mo Cheerios by making chocolate milk in the bowl then putting sure you so she's using Hershey syrup I think so yeah oh yeah the Cheerios go on top like a little just so you can mix the milk together I think you could have made chocolate look at another glass and imported it no no how chocolate milk man I got some beef I do want to update first or after I wanted after okay this my new beef my new beets got the beef is Facebook Ads Facebook keeps advertising boner pills to me do not need the boner pills and I'm like how did this how did Facebook even allow this many boner pill companies to buy ad space it's a I each time I see it I say hi dad why irrelevant I do not mean no boner build what I'd say they say things like now when you can last for three hours instead of five minutes first of all I don't want to go ahead three hours I get D I'm dehydrated now from the podcast but if I had sex for three hours with these knees with this bag no I need more than just a boner pill how do you get how did you get targeted in the first place what have you been Facebook sir if you know that ads are not random they are related to your search history and or the microphone that's secretly monitoring you all there's all kinds I do say boner a lot but I think it's actually on so on Instagram there's a the only other thing I get advertised is on there is this like things that are like puts your face or your dog's face in a book and it was because I shared that ad to Becky because her grandmother has it talking we thought oh that would be cute to put her grandmother's talking abut and give it to her grandmother but now I'm also only getting ads being like do you want your name in a song do you want your face in a book do you want your dog as a plushie it's like no I don't I don't want those things and also I don't want boner pills and that's all I'm sure I Google how to better boner but it's as a job how to make better boner joke best boner joke I will say this sometimes those ads can be incredibly effective for example you know the Black Friday deals were pretty good so I see it yes especially try guys that come Black Friday select items up to 50% off never know when you're being advertised but no I was looking at some speakers right guess some guess now the West's get a little older we may get some cool sound for the movies and I looked at them but I didn't buy it great deal 10 buy them now day later I get every single ad on any website I go to is just like for the particular speakers that I plant out of my car and didn't buy now I'm like well maybe I should get them they're still on sale today seven Monday hits and they're like we got even more things on sale and there's even more ads and just my feet is littered with a product that I actually am kind of like considering getting and probably be additional advertising will is good push me over the edge to you know direct marketing 101 though the thing that I want if like the computers to figure out is once I've already purchased something to stop advertising afternoon here's once you buy those speakers they're not gonna be like great we got them they're just gonna keep telling I'm said you knew an update about the Taco Bell situation very quick but hung out with Kelsey a good friend hosted the confidence care podcast who went to the Taco Bell thing not only was it a Taco Bell event but they gave everyone free Xboxes not only is it an Xbox it's a Taco Bell Xbox so every time you turn it on it goes and I could have had it good but I did it as a plus one yeah I'm an esteemed guest I'm a ps4 boy and I still want that hell yeah I want that I just wanted to turn it on oh just what I do so much good you know I review so much garbage I put so much garbage into this body so that a people out there know which garbage is the best for their body and do I get an Xbox you'll know do I get invited to a neat soiree of Crunchwrap Supremes no okay I get boner pill Ethan realizes yeah you do have a salt out hot sauce you're right why advertise for somebody else's boner pills through when you can advertise for your own we make a boner primarily young female demographic a one that's good for lovemaking one that's good for hard okay one that why did you why did you gesture towards me when you said hard [ __ ] she really looked right at me he's what if you say that the hot sauce isn't aphrodisiac I mean it is what if it's a cause like boner pills are so old no one wants boner pills I want boner sauce fragmented aglet add landscape it's harder and harder than ever to stand out so get a bottle of boner sauce today he's mojo juice then I go on a quick tangent from this drunk email Alejandro said Elsa satanist has anyone seen frozen - besides me not yet everyone no one else you talk about other companies intellectual I know potential devil whatever don't talk about Elsa being Satanist oh no but there is a lot of magic and there's a lot of magic in this movie he seems like she's straight up a superhero now and that's dope yeah so what do you think of frozen to you I enjoyed it a lot and I'm a big people on the huge animation nerd so I like I was opening like weekend ready to go and it's cool it's kind of like frozen Meets The Last Airbender yeah it gets a little more it gets a little less a little less Disney Princess cannon a little more like nickelodeon cartoon it just has like elements that are a little more goofy like Kristoff has a song that's literally like a meat loaf style 80s ballad like the reindeer in his mind are singing with him yeah it's great and it's so gay it's I think frozen series is one of the gayest Disney OH films in the Canon like up there with Mulan and whatever Cruella De Vil was doing did you like it more or less than the first I think I like the first more still just because I think I had a stronger storyline but the second one was more fun yeah it was more fun but I recommend I know a lot of people like to like to [ __ ] on frozen because it was very mega popular and I think a lot of that was because it was so popular you'd naturally like oh I want to critique it sorta like tick-tock exactly was that way oh yeah I don't want to be a part of this and I start watching my oh this is actually hilarious but I was just resentful that something was so popular without me well that's good you'll like it like you do I think is the music the music is quite good in it yeah yeah I've heard the end of the unknown song and yeah the theme that's all you can sing or I'll certainly explain this by not know what relevance that little ditty has very relevant very important to the film I guess yes oh speaking of the animation and frozen a meme has been sweeping the nation and a character has been sweeping our hearts baby baby from Mill mandalorian mm-hm everybody and this last episode that happened last weekend is not only one of the best episodes of that show but I think it's the best whole like a complete beginning and end story in the Star Wars universe that I've seen in it along oh we behind for you but I will say like we spent two days watching the irishman instead but someone from up rocks made a guide for how to split the irishman into a four-part miniseries so if you want if you are interested in that you can go check it out it's hard for me to suggest that because it feels like it's a movie in theatres but and also it's three and a half [ __ ] hours so go find that guys and it's a Netflix original but this one it's so good it has has romance it has action it has moments it has moments it's just so [ __ ] good and it feels like you're watching something from four or five and six it yes yeah is this all this is the one that's very like Seven Samurai influence where it's single location like he's protecting a thing he's protecting he's protecting a village basically it's super dope I mean the moment that baby Yoda hits the screen you are like hooked you're like I'm kind of into this show I'm kind of into the show and then it's that's the ending reveal and you're like I'm hooked this is my new show if you haven't watched it cuz you're like oh what's it gonna be about how many do it the title should be The Adventures of the Mandalorian because every episode is like an adventure and it feels like it's an adventure TV show where every episode is on a slightly different adventure there is a through-line of protecting baby Yoda but it's like so this week's episode was so different than the previous episode it was so like you could have watched only that episode and you'd get it mmm so good but it's essentially like a it's a Western oh yeah it's it's got that sort of I was hooked just because I like westerns a lot like those those tropes and a silent protagonist who's just highly skilled but also like not in touch with his emotions which is why the the contrast with the the baby Yoda as his compatriot is so brilliant and I dare I say I think I like this more more than the current sequels I would put the Mandalorian up there with four through six that's crazy yeah bind off so I just enjoy it more yeah I just think it's stronger we all like the Mandalorian but come on come on now one of my dad friends sent this to me he said it's mostly a show about the difficulty of managing child care logistics and I'm here for it I was like yes Daddy yes that's right like I I'm getting a special - joy out of it yeah I did that baby oh my god how many dads could dress up as men to learn and make their baby do it it came it came after Halloween this year so makes your mom see a lot of those whoa I'm already excited I want it to be baby Yoda for Halloween but maybe it'll be too pop I bet people are gonna dress up as that for the premiere yeah the final Star Wars I'll do it I'll do G I'll do it I tweeted this out but I do want to say as someone who is literally an old man baby who just sips his little soup and tea in the corner it is a thrill to see the search in our popularity online the memes about about little old man babies because he's 50 he's apparently 50 but yeah they age slower the Yoda 800 he's born as a wrinkled Bernie Sanders baby man and it's awesome which because I believe Yoda himself lived up to eight hundred something almost a fact that you would never know if you watched the movies if you have you it religiously watched the movies for your die life you would never have that piece of information no I course you'd know that that's that's in the movie yeah he says I'm 800 years old i rescind my comment about a lot of it you have to research after like most of us googled like what the [ __ ] is yo de as his species and George Lucas has been incredibly like silent on it because he likes the idea of the mystery surrounding the mysterious like helper figure you know you want to go to be without backstory well that is kind of cool because it seems like maybe this species has like more innate force powers than other species and there's only been one other Yoda's shown in the entire canon which is in episode 1 in the council yeah it's a lady lady yeah but then they got rid of her after that they're like Yoda and the girl from gremlins - the girls remnants - it's so funny yes and that I mean they do kind of look like they could get it on maybe out it looks like a Mogwai like the fuzzy one I still can't believe you are the loss - Emperor Palpatine quick sweater update my spots have almost entirely dried we've got two more blotches that might be the main TT but there was tea all over because I blotted everything so that I think that's the main concentrate we'll see what happens I'll keep you posted I'll do some investigative journalism on my various socials look for it on tick-tock post it there who also go see knives out that movies dope well if you spill a sauce oh yeah uh-huh you like that oh and you like that too it's hard for us I like this a constant pop culture comes on Monday morning so we haven't seen each other a weekend in the weekend is when you catch up on the TV this is basically our water-cooler conversation mhmmm we should call the title of the podcast the water cooler conversation I'd say we do not deliver on the promise of the title at all we try nothing on this pot oh yeah there's nothing tried maybe your patience time to move to everybody's favorite segment he is the youngest person here he is the least experienced person here and he got I've got some advice for you on advice that will go for miles with miles Oh what's up miles nation do you want your identity to be wiped off the face of your license hard to get into everywhere do you want your cash to be given to a teenager named Milo in Cincinnati the dark web is a mysterious place yes on 4chan go for your identity in your cache in your social security numbers and your bank numbers are all about to be gotten by the gremlin named Milo from Cincinnati he's gonna call you and say I'm from your bank and you're gonna say okie dokie here's my code take my [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa Oh my advice to you is to I get a password momager and B get a VPN Biffen now here's the deal over Thanksgiving break I was called by somebody who I did not get his name but once I asked to say this I his name was Alex Blumberg if that sounds like a fake name that's correct it was a fake name no he sounds rich maybe he's the leader of the gimlet podcast network that's that's that guy's name oh yeah yeah so he asked me hey what's up we're from your bank we got a fraud alert I got a text that said hey this is a minima honey that was charged fraud detection etc he calls me he asked for this code I say okay here's the code because they texted it to me but it seemed kind of weird and again the code and he was like all right cool we're gonna even send you that code again and I was like oh why he saying to me again there's a whole confusing thing and I said I think you're a phishing scam er I think you're trying to scam me and he said no sir not I said can I hang up and call the number again he said no don't do that because they'll be bad will charge your account and his number looked like the number on the back of my debit card they were spoofing the credit card number oh yeah yeah then he was gonna try and log into your actual banker so what he was doing was on my tour here a second code and then you tell to him over the phone yes so what he was doing was like hitting two-factor authentication and then he was saying alright I'm gonna send you a code hitting that button it was texting me a code and then I was gonna tell him that Cody who's just gonna change my password and go in my account and so I have been on the phone with Capital One for weeks I've spent hours on hold every single dollar of my money is completely frozen I cannot access any of it they had to change my account numbers my debit cards everything it is the biggest pain in the ass but you know I guess then after that I got a password manager changed all my passwords because once they have one password have a mall definitely aren't a smart person and you definitely use the same variation slight period yeah you know miles you could have avoided this if you got advice that would go for the length of your jeans by numbers with no contact associated because no one [ __ ] talks on the phone anymore yep for people who were trying this scam if you call me you're a cop like don't have a voicemail answer mine's been full and that's no I mean I'm like it says key there is no voice mailbox you know why there's no reason you can only contact me via phone if you know who I am there's plenty of ways to contact me leaving a message [ __ ] off it just it just proves to people that they have reached me right I don't want them to even know they've reached me right I don't answer the phone and you can't leave a message that sucks miles I know yeah so it now but although now that that's done like they didn't get any of my money they just like were able to free I did they froze everything away but they were able to like even if they call it like the number it's probably not them there's they were spoofing the number and when I talked to Capital One they were like yeah like you're this is like an elite ring of people that's been attacking our customers for like a long time they're very smart they're elite and they targeted you what does that say about you I'm sucking our dough so facto your elite miles shaming companies are it's like a multi-billion dollar business yeah and you also have to be careful you don't want people to have your phone number your phone number you know but like but people think that like your phone number is secure in any way if you give someone your phone number they can what's called sim swapping they can take your phone number and call the phone company and there's like almost everybody when you call the phone company almost all of them have the ability to do this you can call them and just say hey I'm changing my SIM card to a new my phone number new new SIM card they sim swap you and they automatically have all your emails or your texts and they're able to go onto it so you don't want people to have your phone number like these people anybody I Keith my number that's fine but like anybody you don't know you don't want it to be posted anywhere and if you guys are just you don't want but like they can just about like what about like when I by sign up for something online and like they need my number IV I try to never put it adjust that service but there's thanks all the time just everything so forgive me if I've talked about this but the idea of spoofing if people don't know what that is basically they can make the number that they're calling from look like any number and so two days before my birthday last year do you not know the story mom uh-huh I woke up to my phone buzzing out of control and I was getting a phone call every half a second give me three fake digits or two one so let's say my area code was 421 they were all four to one numbers and I was I feel like I talked about this on the podcast but it doesn't matter it's fast it's crazy that it happened I was getting so everything I couldn't even like stop my phone right so I just had to like very quickly put it on airplane mode and stop I'm like what's going on I was still on Wi-Fi and I was getting texts from four to one numbers and they were all who is this hey mister call who is this so what was happening as I surmised and I actually had our patreon help me figure it out because I didn't know the world of spoofing at all is they were calling just blasting thousands upon thousands of people with my number for a telemarketer call when people saw the miss number they assumed oh well this isn't an 800 number this is a friendly four to one it must be my neighbor or my friend or whatever or maybe my wife locked herself out of the house and I was getting texts back of people like continuing conversations this lasted for a week and I decided to not do Veit my phone because I assumed that I was going to be getting like birthday texts from friends two days later and I didn't want to miss like there's gonna be that one text message from someone I haven't talked to in four years and I'm not gonna respond to his birthdate excuse me but you know what max change that guy the end of our friendship so I kept it and I just weathered the storm on airplane mode for a week with only Wi-Fi but you know just imagine if I'm getting I got you know easily over 200 texts and thousands of calls those are just the people that called back so multiply that you know what percentage of people you think actually are replying to those the people they spoof your numbers the scale and the speed of which they are doing this is unbelievable so be safe out there y'all the other thing was VPN just a short plug for any VPNs there's a bunch of them I use Nord VPN not a sponsor but if you are ever on public Wi-Fi you should be using a VPN if you are not people can set up what's called a pineapple this is super common it sounds like a crazy CIA thing pineapple is where they go into like a area or Airport you ever connected to Boingo hotspot yeah or Linksys yeah so if you connect to any one of those things they can look at your IP address and track your stuff online and if they're good at hacking which people who have a pineapple generally are they can see your computer so they can see all your web activity because what they're doing is you're connecting to the internet through their system and they're just watching they're just like linkedin so on passwords when you type in your username and password it shows the first digit of everything so if they're watching your computer they able to just see what your password is and then you know but what if I take my hand and I cover the screen hack into your camera yes again see er see your face mm-hmm that is not very hard there was always the fear that like oh you got to put a little piece of tape over your camera in case someone's watching when I heard that I just started getting naked in front of my camera all the time because I know they don't want to see this someone backing into my Cameron they just see my little dick like wobbling all over my apartment the day I [ __ ] this we chose the wrong one goodbye goodbye well that's how they find out Keith needs boner pills everyone is secure going off only I had bigger Longer have sex for three no four hours that'll be great you were you would hate that gonna be awesome if would never want to have sex that long people playing this podcast their phone listens and hears it and now you all get better boner advertisements on Facebook I hope that for all of you well you know this has been a really fun podcast we got to talk about things that we like things that we don't like he was just really all-around perfect I would say perfect podcast another perfect episode in the books and whatever our audience what do they have to look forward to the rest of this month three videos a week that's awesome we have all the podcasts are still going on we have all these wonderful new merchandise things and they're probably not on sale anymore it's not too late to get them for Christmas we got merch we got signed copies of our book online and we go act right now that is is the best gift I think that's ever exists yeah that's kind of gotten lost in the shuffle with our dope new track suits and sweat suits but we we actually on our website have signed copies of our number one New York Times best seller the hidden power of [ __ ] up it's a great gift and you know it's gonna it like it means a little more if it's signed and that's book is a great way to tell your loved ones like hey I love you but also you got some things to work is it better than like a baby Yoda doll though they sell them yet don't which is insane how do they release the show and not have the baby yoga you know Disney murchison anyway this has been the tripod Keith here's with the official tripod theme song baby Yoda come get the baby Yoda touching buttons baby Yoda heat flow and baby Yoda saves the mandalorian until next time stay beautiful no it's Pedro Pascal I want to see that beautiful face yeah baby [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 275,946
Rating: 4.9493356 out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, tik tok, thanksgiving, plans, family, travel, mandalorian, pop culture, disney plus, baby yoda, drunk emails
Id: Ld_AMzfHjDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 17sec (3977 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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