Justin Wilson's Lookin' Back Episode 6: Appetizers!

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souther and wine that needs just a little bit of salt you got to get that per diem oh wait a minute you know I forgot the most important thing yes looking good guarantee that you find one cool boy [Music] hello there I'm Justin Wilson I like to make casseroles and I can take most anything to make a casserole and make it taste good in fact I like just plain old macaroni and cheese casserole I can't even remember how many ways I've cooked eggplant casserole that's why I write cookbooks so I can go back and look the eggplant appetizer that I cooked on a series I made for Mississippi educational TV more than 20 years ago it's particularly good watch how I made it they've tried and see for yourself on the same show I showed how I make a roux with tomato sauce a variation on a basic root recipe in how I cook board bar Rho makes me hungry just thinking about it I'll guarantee hmm I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee this is an artichoke that's been trimmed and cooked and my papa he didn't like artichokes no he told me one time I just as soon eat a pine bar as an ordered joke but the next time I fixed this recipe we got him a pine bar and put it on his plate I ain't gonna tell you what he said about that but when he tried his recipe he change his mind and from then on he's fighting for his bar or a choke just like the rest of us and we're gonna fix that a little later but right now we're gonna show you how to fix something else to start a meal love wit cuz that's what this show all about appetizers now we're gonna start with an eggplant appetizer Allah is used a lot Justin now I'm going to show you an eggplant I don't mean a chickie needle that's an eggplant right now you can do more with this vegetable I think than any other I guarantee I'm appealed it's a little bit of this to show you what I mean about Peter and eggplant you want to peel it to where you be sure you don't leave any of this black or green on there cuz that that has a bunch of bitterness to it you see that I left a little right there and I'm able to get that off that's peeling and eggplant now I got one right here and it's already here the most lice and dead link wise to show you how we did that see down how I'm gonna put that that's about an eighth of an inch to quarter inch thick that's how deep that is we put that in some forgot there was already soaking in salt water they marinating soak in some people called I call it that now the reason you marinate that is because this eggplants got a certain bitterness about it that this takes out and we generally marinate them about two hour now I got something that's already marinated right here see now we drained that and rinsed it off real good to get most of the salt off but we still kept some of it on down now I've got a rude it's already fixed over here can you see that does he roomed we made this rule with tomato sauce first we browned the flour first you make a rule then we pour tomato sauce on and brought it back to about the color that it was let's sit right down now I'm gonna add some seasoning at that first I chopped up one leaf of Syria put it on now and stir that in and then we put a small amount of parsley on that oh that's wonderful seeding and people just use it for God's Word but they just don't know what I know what a wonderful seasoning that is and we stir that on that too now I got a couple on y'all mmm the invention of twin beds right there we put that on now and we start that into them room and also too I don't want to forgot them bear temple we put on that and I got some garlic they chopped up real fine it's usually a good idea to kind of let your stuff juice up a little bit before you put your garlic on now when we don't have time today we're gonna put it on there right now now and we stir that up real good now it's cooked this about 20 minutes over low low heat to be sure they don't burn itself you know all right now I'm gonna change and put one up down I don't hold up already and cook for 30 minutes now to this right chill I'm gonna add it of something to that make it more better like a couple and a half who claret wine note that pretty that tastes good too on their own team we started around get that mix up one tablespoon of Worcestershire rooster sauce or I imagine that real Capra like then we got a whole off them and put them one teaspoon hate then soak myself one teaspoon of Louisiana Hot Sauce made that real Catholic too and we stir that up and we got to put a little salt to taste about well I would say about Oh at the table teaspoon and I had then we stood it around if that all makes up and I want to tell you something if this is if it gets to tick well then you add water and you cook it just about an hour until oh the veg'table a real dawn and the wine got a chance to blend up with them tomato sauce to take the bitter out of that I'm gonna put this down here out of my way to I already got some fix right chill now over here I got the frying pan skillet black one but I don't put about 2 or 3 tablespoon full of olive oil on that and I'm a fry just a few eggplant to show you how we start that yes right go ahead and fry there you we put it on there and let them fry that's the eggplant what's been marinated and then rinsed in all them kind of thing you know I keep telling you about it I mean I mean they've enriched didn't live in soaked and all that people always ask me how come you did that how come you did that and all that kind of stuff why well in French we started Louisiana they don't say why they say how come and then for quiet I never will forgot there was a school teaching lady women in Baton Rouge it had a little boy journey to come across from the Mississippi River down one of them little kids in town and everything she said he said how come how come this how come dad how come this how come that she gots to Tara how come she don't know what they did and finally one day she said don't say how come say why he said how come why there is but you want to kind of clean that off be sure don't let nothing like that up there in this right put this fool over yeah now I'm gonna put this out of my way I'm gonna leave that up you the order don't wanna part with that hot sauce no put that out of my way and I'm gonna took this get it down too but I don't need that some more now I got something right she already did not that pretty huh now that's some eggplant we don't fry till that's tender see now I got a layer of eggplant on this pan right here I'm gonna sprinkle that with some romano cheese man that smell good you got to like cheese for it to smell good and then I'm gonna put another layer so first of all the motor did death I'm gonna put another layer alright but I want a whole off dance put a little em sauce without haven't spent a long time making we ain't that pretty I guarantee that pretty oh look out there you just spread a layer sauce and then we gonna put another layer egg time Oh still the eggplant we you talk about seeing that just melt them cheese right on down my guarantee and taste good put that on there like that egg time their cheese their sauce I used to make this a lot I just sing a little chant to myself down like that leg plate let ye layer saw let's get that right now we're not gonna put but to lay out this we're gonna put another layer of cheese another layer sauce we in that smell good yeah straighten up down there we go got it right there and a layer of salt I mean no damn cheese oh yeah got my song all wrong that good romano cheese a little up don't matter but that's gonna hold off in meltdown when i putting them good sauce on it that's hot yeah now we're gonna put them sauce to it you right in that's good guarantee that's good mmm now I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator put this in the refrigerator to chill it real good cuz it's more better chill that's for sure you getting this out of my way that is the finished product wrap down [Applause] and make a little slice down make a little slice down the slide add just like you sliced them chocolate candies I'm gonna put that back down where I can get at it a little later now let's get back to them recipe what I'm talking about at the start of this show Auto Show we start with full fresh artichoke bar artichoke you know they're two kind of artichoke the ground artichoke and then bar artichoke I want to show you something about did you see that stem you don't want that I do most people like it a little bit but that's just getting you away when you're trying to fix it you cut that off chuck it away or you can put it in your pot and cook then you get this front and you trim off that like that so it look pretty and also get them all stickers out of the way and there's some stickers on that to you yeah right there then you take a pal kitchen scissors and trim off these others that are sticky just like that there see that and we put that in a pot that's large enough gotta be large enough to hold this all for artichokes stand them up down and make them look real pretty then we're gonna haul off down there's got we got to cover that they go flow but eventually they'll sink oh now we're gonna pour about three-quarters of a cup of olive oil and we're making our sauce that we're gonna eat this with to put anything on these artichokes when they don't just eat them now we've got some onion chopped up put it on there and some two fairly large cloves of garlic and a quarter of a cup of lemon juice see that you saw now a recipe in the cookbook my cookbook calls for for a tree cup of Sauternes why take four it's more better and then and what a toy oh Allah did that I can't help but thought about them preacher would follow my friend yeah I got a friend with but if they finished him four-lane highway down there by Baton Rouge he would drove down the road he was not drunk or much it just took all four lane and both shoulders to draw down the road chameleon chameleon and this preaching people was behind him and he'd worried about him kubinka bloom and this Cajun light a cigarette and it cost straighten himself up in June with preaching people passing right now and he watch him on the rear view mirror you know because he's concerned about him for true and he watch him to close the road turn but the preaching people don't mean cabrillo he had one of them lovely live oak tree what we got in south Louisiana in man that drunk drove up there drunk aging drove up there and he crawled out of his car that preaching people crawl out his about the same time the drunks saying you hurt my friend hi he say not a scratching who rocks say you don't know how lucky you are I guarantee you feel plumb up with love the freakin people say oh no the Lord would win me in that automobile the drunk said you better let him driving me the way you drive you gonna kill him up general with you now I've got to put a little Louisiana Hot Sauce I put about a teaspoon full of Louisiana Hot Sauce I like it a little hotter than that and about a tablespoon full of Worcestershire we'll measure this one real Cavill today put a little tablespoon - yeah I guarantee that's gonna be good yeah now we add enough water to cover that then we got to put some salt on that to artichokes I want to tell you you see that that that'll cover that that floats right now but it'll cover that artichokes taking a lot of salt they just eat them salt up so you've got to put a lot of salt on it and what I'm looking for red they're nearly a tablespoon full of salt for each other job nearly a tablespoon for most nearly and we put that on the fire with a lid on that and how you know when that's did my tender we got some right shell then you keep it covered please tenders it fogged it pull all over leave oh you keep that covered after you turn the fire off for about oh I guess 30 minutes now this is the pot would sum it up numb plum dawn right yeah now this one right chef I want to show you something I think everybody ought to know this a lot of people have never eaten an artichoke these leaves are delicious that's tender if they need them but inside this artichoke heart in the heart of the artichoke you pay a lot of money in the store when you go botton image heart of artichoke to make a salad with or just eat by yourself and I'm gonna took the leave over there and get rat down to the heart of the artichoke that's pretty air now this right here you can kind of taste set but now we get down to the pot which you should not eat no that's this right here it looks like a thistle this'll do you tissue to me see that you just pull that off and put it right here who don't that put it now that is the goody our guarantee I'm gonna put a few leave back here on that because they're good to let me put it back here mmm oh man that's fine you're on D now I want to tell you something every time I get right here it's this chocolate bluff I can't help but thought about a bunch of my friends down in Louisiana dem Cajun in wonderful Cajun you know kid you love the children ain't no two way about that like everybody else and I got a bunch of them in one family in all of them a fine-looking peoples except war he but 4 feet 11 inches tall 17 year old indeed a shame for him anything like that they would just like for him to be like someone others some of them was six feet four six feet tree then he got a daughter that's six beats herself and it just kind of worried about that one day the father year about one of them chiropractic people you know and he thought maybe he could took this shirt and maybe he could have him on he did not know some better though they drove about 43 miles to town and he get down and they go to his car practing people in man he said well we'll try to help so he took him into his office and he got a table what just about the height of this shopping block that's what made me thought about that and he lame out then he get full big man one get hold of one leg and other one get hold of another lad you know not even get one arm don't you know any just pull just as hard as they can to stretch them little short Cajun people he said now you got to have them treatment every day for one hour at least you got to be pulled on like that and I know you live 43 mile for me and you can't made it all the time so how come you don't get you found it together there and one get one today one daughter leg one arm at all and you did that yourself my friends say okay so he left he did not see this so copper acting people for about Tremont and he brought himself to town he would walk down the street hmm and he see the car practing people always say I'm glad for you to see me in a chiropractic man say I'm glad you to see me too how is you saw oh he say he's fine what'd he say have you been treating him like a toy he say oh yeah one hour every day we put him on the chopping block but we got it home we use that and we pull on him one hour like you told me he said well has he grown any at all he said not one doggone it but he's confessed to 50 unsolved crime I got another little appetizing I mean it is I Geron deed he moved it back here I got a frying pans get it down here we can get a little more better yeah now go in this I'm gonna make smoked sausage or Sosa's in French allies you stand that's me I'll I just I must start with two pounds of sausage but I got chopped up in little about one inch bite-sized piece we're gonna put this on a frying pan skillet what we got right you turn it fire down a little bit and then I'm gonna add a quart a medium oysters but I want to tell you now when you go select you ask them you got to haul off there and be sure you get our stir when you get them in a quart jar or pint jar or 12 ounce I draw what you did you be sure they ain't milky looking record of beauty if they're that way they they fresh they just pressure they can be now we're gonna put on this some sort there in wine ooh they smell good yeah short turn war and we got got some lemon juice you forgot to put that on there I pulled it up here well get a good or brought it to a good boil and then I'm got to put a teaspoon about a half a teaspoon full of salt I'm gonna put on there mmm now I got some some of them concentrated in garlic here garlic salt see that's how come one didn't put about a half a teaspoon will put about a half a teaspoon full of them garlic salt two on that get that off my hand and I don't put the juice of half a lemon on that and I've got to put it into little hot sauce it ain't no good without that that's for sure and I'm gonna let them cook just gonna let them cook just like that just get after their now and start to cook oh you kid I got some what's finished right there and I'm gonna get a few of that like a piece of Sosa's a sausage a couple always to all the teeth pick put them there like I think I'll get another Sosa's rat now and I'm also gonna get a little dim eggplant but I got appetizer fix right here you stand don't that good and I guess you wonder how come I took the heart of them artichoke out there I got that for me I took my leaves with me too just in case I want that too and I'm gonna put the lid back on there and took myself over y'all to this table sit myself down finish opening them wine [Music] in this hall off I in Beaufort a little bit in there ain't that pretty yarrow et that's fun [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 16,367
Rating: 4.8104267 out of 5
Id: 0TXgFUG-4Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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