Justin Wilson's Lookin' Back Episode 17: Pork!

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sought their wine that needs just a little bit of salt you got didn't it that pretty yes oh wait a minute you know I forgot the most important thing [Music] hello I'm Justin Wilson you haven't really lived until you've attended a cochon de lait in south Louisiana well wife Sarah and I used to have one every you would invite 50 so friends for the kin folks and neighbors over just had a whole pig and let it cook all night my reflective Heat any building I built to cook it in one year 500 people showed up word had gotten around and we had people there that neither of us had ever laid eyes on before I love a course on the live which been all day eating singing and passing a good time with friends a tradition that's important to the Cajuns of south Louisiana that meat would be so tender it would literally fall apart I'd used pecan wood oak wood to cook it season the meat with salt and pepper and stuff it with garlic the flavor was heavenly you can come close to cooking pork as tender and flavorful as a meat sir that occurs only when you cook pork roast in a bag the way I did on this show that are made for Mississippi educational TV nearly 25 years ago boy is it good oh boy I'm glad you to see me I guarantee a that's a good Cajun yeah this morning I got a story I want to tell you before we did another thing I've been thinking about this story all about three to two hours so I can told it to you I got a friend that's rich who but he used to be land poor and he used the same barber with me one day all about or gets two or one year ago I was sitting the barber shop talking with the barbell and income my friend he flop himself down there and he told him Baba he said you know what I'm gonna did the barber said a hint a minute told what you're gonna did since you got all that money I'll guarantee what you gonna do these people me and my old lady we go into your we're gonna go down to New Orleans and get on a national airline plane and fly to Miami even called a non-stop flip on national airline all the way to London England then we're gonna go change plane go to Rome and go to excessive hotel down we're gonna get a room no get a whole doggone suits about four three room then we gonna did the one thing only thing my my wife ever told me she wants to did and let's go have a private audience with that great man the Pope well that barber like a lot of the people he knows more than anybody else he said look you don't want to fly after the hiring on who the crew go out and get drunk and fly you were to hang around the next day the equipment's wore out in the oversee Stuart I what do you day two oldest war and you talk about going acceptor Hotel in Rome man don't you know it's run down the mattress look like the owl and the bed bugs organizing groups and the food is terrible if you can get it before the service is so bad you might not get it and you talk about a private orange with that pope you and you are gonna go down to see that great man and they're gonna be fifty thousand other people's out there in st. Claire's choir you just know you're not gonna get no price then you gonna come back and say you did it well my friends are you know harder than told me why do you mind you got this oh yeah I understood you got to go what about seven or six we laid our back in the barber shop some more didn't stay there all the time I was back he didn't come off renting any flop down and sharing a barber didn't wait from the center mile record you went to your pack he said oh yeah in you wrong about national airline that's the finest airline in the world fine young crew bush yard and bright tailed as they could be brand new 747 aeroplanes to who in that a tall they took me on how you call the flight deck to show my run that thing just in case and you wrong to about them stirred I more lady kept me bugging the seat the whole way across I'll guarantee and it done redid this that's a hotel brand new king-size bed foam rubber mattress clean real good food out of this world most as good as Cajun food I'll guarantee and we done lucky in service let me tell you something I'm knock a little fellow down he's just trying to hand me something and we're the luckiest people in the world me and my wife and another couple from up north around Sri old we got a private audience with that great man in the Pope and we get true we've got to get what 30 minutes we died with him you know that 30 minutes we died with him and he talk English most as good as me and we get true we got to get high you call the papal blessing the Barbara's Baptist so he's got to explain what that papal blessing is and what we did we all for need ourself down in that great man the Pope put his hand on that lady's head and he bless her put hair on that man's head and He blessed him and good put it handle my lady's head in bless her and put her hand on my head and say who you ought to change marbles afterwards how could I have a today we are going to cook two pork dishes broiled and baked pork chops we make him a little bit first and didn't brought him and then we're gone and you know we got we're going to cook a pork roast it's a Boston but we were going to have a ham too but um I decided we've already got enough ham on this show already you know but right now I want to show you something would take place in my house not too long ago when we cooked a whole pig how you called a cochon de lait there you see is put them PRG hog on a wire frame what are we gonna put that not talked there's a friend with me and we stuff him good with garlic you see them garlic we put that all over that hall in the line in the ham we put that in the Joel in the shoulder every place we can find a place we stop them garlic and put it on there good then we saw it in pepper damn hog real good with good salt from Louisiana in red pepper meat right now net port mess all aware report Vincent where I live they me wire that hog to a wire frame that's why we punched true and retired a hog real good so he won't fall on the dirt or in the fire at fire built in front of them home seen him hog there now it's on a frame we turn it both way we turn it around and round and sideways round and round - now that tin reflects the heat it cooked him hog real good then we blessed to have the blessing singing a song going back to cut the hog up you did it a singing I told Justin help me sing to our game take him up there bring a little lemonade that's what he's got damn there's a PRG halt crook there's a good people meeting you to be a pro baseball player then we march up there we put the hog on a big table in my outside kitchen and we cut the whole oven is hot hot hot what's how fast we had it at me that's like looking at a hot horse shoe real fat you notice how cereal we are about that cuz this is cereal finish cooking of pigo 160 pound and that meat is wonderful all the grease is ripped out on the ground and that's still there but it won't hurt you that's a that man there is a dental surgeon he's working out on that hog right now do you see that goats I get a little taste every now and I see another surgeon air from up in Missouri who helped cut him hog up - it's real good stuff using them surgeon to cut them hog about guarantee now we're gonna cook right now some pork not as good at him haul that's the best pork in the world a cochon de lait I'll guarantee right now we're gonna bake broil some pork chops we got him right yep now you know I know that though you see that though wine on there well hotter we're gonna bake brought pork chop but why we ain't going did that that's just to let you know I'm got about that one know what we're gonna need after the pork chops is most donned we put about a teaspoon full of soy sauce and then wine and Porter and make how you call a little gravy we put that on first of all we're gonna spray this with Pam so it'll be easy to clean when we get through with freitas baking and dish whatever you want to call that with Pam then I'm taking the pork chop and salt and pepper and that's what I'm gonna did don't dip pretty put him salt on that both sides red pepper cayenne pepper that's good yeah put them down in here like this get another one the balloons odd motor Lord him caught that big R&D and we put the salt on both side - you know I want to tell you right now who you talk about good that's good yes that poor kid good and I love it salt and pepper that good I want to tell you right now that people get to you if you don't look out and put as far from as I can to keep it from getting to me too good no look at that don't that podium that whining like I'm told you as I get this most did I'm going to put a little wine and soy sauce to make a little gravy to put on rice he sort of stopped it up if you want to I don't mean no I meant stop - not like that there's a different than shopping in talking to everybody don't know that but those Cajun do I tell you that for true yes sorry Oh get on there boy I'll tell you that look like a lot of pepper but it's not it's about the same as if you use black pepper just about disabled not much different and put it over her now I got my oven preheating over there at 350 degrees I'm gonna let these folk chop bake for about 10 minute and then but right now I got to go wash my hangout hot pepper eating me alive you get over there I want to do it you got a little bit of cut on your hand I don't know what that hot tub will get you but that sort of let you know right where it is you yeah oh I'll tell you red no that's true now now God mom porkchop I'm gonna put them on the oven and it's preheating to 350 degree noise I got that brought it on a little law I'm gonna put that on 10 minute and I hope I remember what they did when it go off let me put the light on so we can see now I'm gonna leave this over here because I want to be able to remember to put them wine and soy sauce pork roast come here to me you little PID hog yeah that's not nothing like when you got up a whole pig like I got but right now I'm gonna stop this devil I mean this bi G all ain't no devil and we'll put some garlic right final please dad please come down there put some with this wonderful garlic down in there I just happen to have a cayenne pepper what I raised myself but if you don't got that and you got a pickle pepper put that on there if you don't got that and leave it off don't put it on there at all now put a green onion cut them off even with the meat stuffing down in there good another little please garlic put it on now oh come on boy that day that hot pepper got me a while ago who put that hot pepper in there put them green onion down in there real good stop them down where I put a little more won't hurt a thing for those morning oh man you talk about good that's gonna be so good I ain't gonna be able to stood it right the pepper put that down and then I I know a lot of people say oh it gonna be hot only right around where you got the papa but not too hard there even if you like pepper and I like pepper this is just a little bit of shallot please I'm just gonna put on piece of garlic not in there yeah my just where I put a piece of onion to help it off oh oh there to play we put a little bit of garlic make the please put the garlic put the pepper cut them off get in there you rascal got to put just a little piece in the middle don't want to leave man feeling neglected now what I'm gonna did I'm a salt and pepper this with salt in a little red pepper naturally then just so it won't feel bad we're gonna do it to the same thing to the other side huh got a place right to you yeah they had a place right there at a good place for garlic they're gonna put them on there to another room got enough room in that place that it'll hold there to put a green papa it's hot man I mean it's hot and don't you forgot that them seed is hot who make you know to get athletic on you I'm garlic it's such a little piece you got I'm gonna put - Pete no - no piece of pepper let's see a piece of move on inside Peter on y'all green Charlotte some people call them onion these are not scallions Oh No got a place over here come here garden I got you I got to go wash my hand some more - when I get through with this you talk about you scratch you nose or you I it's just too bad the salt put him salt on there like that but then Papa too like that now this roles can be cooked eatle you can cook it either with the on a rack and put foil on it or you can did what I'm gonna did which is a lot more easy and believe me when I told you it make it taste more better I'm gonna cook it in a bag I found out I got fun out the teabag a really great thing first let me spray the Spanish to leave a little bit with time just in case I know I've got something yeah there it is engage the bag broke we don't want to have a hard time cleaning this thing up you know I got you took a look on my porkchop there but Rhett nom we'll put a little flour I'll put a couple of tablespoon full of flour in here if I just get them back at home itself up it did that because it's a safety measure then I'm gonna take them bag and shook them up shut him up real good shook them back taught them bard give them ding jet raft haha guarantee 9 you check all them powder out of the corner don't get in one spot kind of spreading around a little bit now I'm gonna put them rolls on that red this minute go in there roll got the rose on it in right chair I happen to have some green onion chopped up put them on now you don't want to tell you right now you talk about good that's gonna be good when I put the last little thing you spread them around put this out of my way get this out of my way that's where it is what I'm gonna did it put a cup of wine on my just will pour it over that's a cup of Sauternes wine who you kid to make a little gravy a little juice to put on something to put on right gotta stop up and don't made some different now I'm gonna tie this up and punch some hole 12 hold my gauge will not wasting money and just put them in and cook them to let them go that's good man you talk about good oh yeah little bit more boy little bit more are you going got dim bagger this is a pretty good sized baggie I like to use the larger bag because it makes it easy to work with the one thing I've got to go wash my hand the card the pepper has got to some cookware I'll clean some catfish the other day and one of them in me if you don't mind I got to go wash my hand right this minute don't got with it oh boy let me know where it was goddamn hand good good no more you know let me tell you when you got a wet hand or a wet cloth and touch something real hot it's subject to burn in your guarantee now this is going into a preheated 350 degree oven Oh in the bottom of it rat down now my poke chop is just right for me to put on broil so we put that on broil change that and they're brought in real good I guarantee no I'm going to put did this ready to pour some gravy on that in just a second oh I got the punch hole my goodness alive you see there that's a bad thing if you don't punch them home you bag it liable to bust itself and I'm gonna punch them whole rat now don't you worry none about that and even got hot but you don't punt them holes and have a regime that that to 305 dick seven it nine in eleven well I want to tell you right now if I had not punch them hold it would let me know pretty soon in no uncertain terms it would let me know - and that's them time at the con you don't lie you here bloom blue like them to them to Cajun talking one day and it was just raining and storming what I'm saying didn't do the bloom blue doesn't it fool can't say blonde though now what I'm gonna did just in case just didn't keep my folks up get there and they bought there they brought in good I'm gonna put a tablespoon full of soy sauce on this and stir them up and I think that I'm gonna I'm gonna take a look at him poke chop and see if I can put this on there I don't want to put it on there and let it ready just hold yourself stare there I don't go someplace not quite ready they've got to be brown before you put that on there but if he's not brown he's not good no but that's done that's a pretty that look like going up to drink it tastes you know what that soy sauce it ain't gonna taste exactly like why no if you drink that oh let me get this cleaned up out of my way you know when I'm cooking at home I clean up as I go along when I find it's a lot better a lot more easier guarantee let me catch my eye here one more time it's all set just right creep up they got the whole punch now what I'm gonna did I'm gonna put the soy sauce and wine 1 cup of wine just one I'm gonna use much nice pretty it smell good I tell you what if anything that soy sauce improved the smell of that wine that's what true our own teeth no I don't want to put it on the pork chop so I'll put them on and I put them in it's on broil oh that's gonna be good yeah and when you baked broiled pork chop you notice you don't got to turn them over you just left them in there your bacon on one side brawling on tiata put this out of the way here right now and I'm gonna go over to that table and eat myself somebody's hog meat what I done got cooked up why y'all we're not looking look what it did I cooked up some of this you kid turned it around you're like that it slide just a little now I'll tell you what when you're gonna slice this pork I would advise you to let it cool just to eat a little bit because if you don't let it cool you can make hard to slide but look at that addition this is a Boston but like I'm told you even then it just cooks so good and you let it cook about three hour until it cook itself off the bone that's what you got to dig look at that whoo that's the piece I've been looking for for myself and each one of them I'm gonna take two and I want to get it outside piece too because it looks so good well it's a little good to my juice well take that one now over yeah I got some pork chop you talk about good well I might just we'll have some rice and gravy with that hi the good rice cooked every green stand by itself apart would you call independent rice stand by itself now give me a poke chop get the biggest one that got in there you know that's pretty yeah Oh guaranteed it's pretty but I got to have some gravy - I just can't just not have a little gritty and I'm gonna use this rice spoon what I got that but literally this gravy here on one side in right chair I made some gravy when I cooked him roast you see it's got a little flour on it was in the bag but the flour is done put that on the other side go ahead on as you stand you don't got yourself a whole bunch of good food deed there who I guarantee I mean get with it smells so good oh let me taste them that looked pretty hot so much of the eating not just the taste you know that but also the color and the smell you know it's a terrible thing I think would be terrible not this man I have such a wonderful smell oh but I can smell and tell there's enough salting something this is true and the text you see how pretty that punk roasted texture that that beautimous meat and it's done you know occasion I knew God so he couldn't see his food so well the pour in the wine on so we went to the hired doctor are you called optometrist down he went to rob the Metris named Jerry Henderson there in Denham Springs where I'm from he said doc ock he look as good as I used to doc sue that stuff get here and makers nomination and whew we did he got him in the Shire there got him scared enough you know the way I could be salmon ate him real good he I want to ask you something have your eyes ever been checked this kid look and say hell no they always been blue I'm guarantee [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 16,521
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Id: m_HOEdUevVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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