New Orleans Cajun Justin Wilson - Dirty Rice

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put this out of my way because I got some other stuff what I got to did and I may also to tell you a story date a bit of talent broke out with him not long ago I had a little automobile trouble and I stopped in a garage there carnival none of the play was a machine shop it what it was wasn't a garage it was a machine shop and uh I walked in I want to get some help from our mobian and I noticed it too pawn had about poetry buttons over there and I I didn't know what it was a switching board or walk to the telephone and I asked the fella in there working on the machine I say would you Oh would you mind tell me how I get outside hi he's I don't know about you but I use that door right over there all the time you you now right now we're gonna cook dirty rice better eyes not dirty no that just a good name for it and it is good to our guarantee we put this on low now we get the rig read Ian's out of here look at that don't that party who you guarantee that pretty and hit my rice go in there a little better now got so many ingredients to go in this you got to take to trader do it on this I got to pound a ground beef that B see that put it all in down to pound of ground pork put all in there this is a pound of chicken giblets is not no level just the giblet that means the gears are in the heart they got to grind him up that's what the giblets are you know but to put that on there like that we'll put it right there would like to put my hand on this is easy to fix it looks like it didn't but it is easy to fix then a hole off there and put a cup of onions chopped up take my on you two way from our moon is that blue tur can't cook a team again I put a cup of diced shallot he would call them green on y'all not knowing no better put that on down then a wad this is about a half a cup of diced bell pepper diced up real good everything takes real chopped real fine and we got a whole doggone well I guess this is nearly 2 cup of Surrey salary sherry I have a cup of parsley you're not doing this hard to do now only got cheer about two teams pulling full of garlic don't put it all in there - whoo that's artists met and good and haven't got a thing going yet now everything you put everything in here except that right there but I've got to put a teaspoon full of black pepper then I want to let you know this is my brother's recipe and he's an excellent cook and I never used black pepper but he does in this I used black pepper only in the garlic bread when I'm making garlic bread I got some on the table over there I'll show you at the wire that's a teaspoon full of black pepper don't want to sneeze on that it ruin everything and then I got 3 tbsp for the Lea and Perrins what go in this man you talk about pretty isn't it 1 2 come on Dan how run over tree Hey there it is we got all that I'm gonna put a half a pound of all the old margin that's what this here this is only old margin a half a pound and I'm gonna mash all this up and let it cook and cook and cook until this wore out give me that tastes pretty good and I got everything in there now I'm cooking this rice because except salt oh god full of salt on that Jay got two pounds of beef two pounds of pork and upon a giblets and I got all him on yourself I'm gonna have to put about three they were righteous cooking you here yeah a little bit more now we got that put this down out of my ways now you notice that I got this left that's two can of mushroom soup that's what it is this is going to cook we're gonna let this cook it was a stir Devon on in but it's got to cook for hour now it says to put four bay leaf in there but that's a lot of bay leaf I'm not gonna put quite full that's gonna be two three oh now the way you do wouldn't be to leave you don't let it in there all the time and it cook about two hour you sneak up on this thing and stir it up pretty good and reaching there and finding bay leaf and take them out throw them in the trash and people know you did it but will come out good so we just put all this in like this the olio get down to the bottom we let this cook for four hours you know that's a long time good cook this for four hour one you notice the rice is cooking down we let all that water cook out of there that's what we got to did and it'll dare to and then I'm gonna put this on medium to get to cooking and it'll cook now this I'm going to show you the finished product in a little bit don't you think I haven't been busy cuz I have I'll cook some of this before but I knew I didn't have four hours to do it right now and we're gonna have it ready to show you in just a few minute put all this in there and put the lid on it I'm here cooking and they're cooking wrap this minute oh boy you talk about good now my rice is knitted to the point women put the lid on that and what you do with them rice you just let it cook we'll leave this here so I won't forgot it put this out the way hmmm take a look at my backbone internat looking good yeah me who see their water going out of them right we're gonna did now we're gonna cook all that water out to it just a little bit left and then we're gonna put the lid on it and let it steam for about an hour and then after this cook for four hour we're gonna combine all of it in that but first we're gonna put this mushroom suit let it cooked 30 minutes let me put the rice in there and then it's steamed for about 30 minutes to an hour what we like to do we like to fix this the day before and steam it up and eat it the next day now this recipe calls for 10 Cajun 20 other people it'd take at least 20 other people to eat all this but 10 of us K need that read not ain't nothing to it I'll tell you that for true and we love it it's a simple dish to fix it looks like it's hard the only thing you got to remember he's got to cook that length of time but you see you put all ingredients in there except one except two and you accept this right here you get a letter go until you it wasn't no I'll come back and stir through you got to stir it every non intro to no left it on the fire and go someplace else come back and look at it and stir it up every now and in because that's what you got to did if you don't it's gonna burn itself or something right now I'm gonna look at it and see how it's doing doing or at who you see that how pretty that is that is really pretty it cooks all together it comes out of nice I'm not gonna tell you what I show you in just a minute to show you what color it is right now I got nearly all the water cooked out of my rice and I can put the lid on that in just a few minutes and let that steam did you steam in steam and steam and people say how do you cook rice so fluffy well you let it steam that's how it gets fluffy like that that's not too much water then now I'm just gonna put the lid on and put that on warm and let it steam for as long as I want to that's what it is now this rice is not done enough for me to use with the backbone and turnip you're supposed to serve backbone and turnip over rice and it's good now you see them to pot over there well I got backbone and turnip on one of them and I got dirty rice on the article I was busy cooking that so I'd be sure to have some for me to taste and show you how good it is on this 30 minute show now I'm gonna put garlic bread under my backbone and turnip that's a pretty good substitute for rice I tell you for true I'll guarantee Dee
Channel: taaral
Views: 468,999
Rating: 4.8721094 out of 5
Keywords: New, Orleans, Cajun, Justin, Wilson, tells, us, how, to, make, dirty, rice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2007
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