New Orleans Cajun, Justin Wilson - Gumbo

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Great watching. Thanks OP.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/XtremeBBQ 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

This guy's comedy tapes are still some of the funniest stuff I've ever heard.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/heliox 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Ah gare-un-tee!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/poopdaddy2 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

My parents still say "ohn-yohn" every time they are in the kitchen. We used to watch his shows all the time when I was a kid

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/osassin 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

These videos kept a co-worker from getting fired. I kid you not. Woo hoo good stuff!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/JoseGringo 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Four cups of Sauternes in gumbo? I'm guessing it's not actual Sauternes...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/devilbunny 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

I guarantee I will be watching up some of Justin.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AtlantisBackHair 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2016 🗫︎ replies
you know how come the chicken cross the road huh readily run away from them cages out there you radicals Katie don't eat most anything and they love to cook chicken they love to eat chicken that's for true I'll tell you that right now and now today I'm gonna cook you some chicken gumbo with on do it in it that's the sausage it's a did we make in Louisiana just for making gumbo it's a gumbo sausage it spelled a n do you I ll e on do it anybody know how to spell that no guarantee and it's a wonderful sausage Sosa's sausage did really in no right not at all what I would like to do is just told you a story I'm gonna throw your story before I get started but I like that did that well I just like to get myself in a good humor everybody else is looking at me years ago in Baton Rouge when had just one precinct for the police station they got a call there from an old maid female ad women she wasn't make him gumbo Lori just got a call from her and she said brought yourself and wrapped now in the dispatching man on telephone say what's the trouble later huh she said there's a man next door with indecent exposure yourself to me I don't like that song none at all any well they send one in petroleum call right now the red light brings he bring to bring in the syringe on full-blast and they get down and you get out the policeman cop go to the door flap flap flap not gonna donate lady brought us up to those he said brought yourself with me he follow her right into a bedroom and she point next door say look at that that man indeed exponents have to maiden female women like me and he to look over their neck known as a man their bat room shave yourself I want him high window what him right here on the chest he stated 80 I can't took that man downtown for indeed an exponent self all I've seen his head neck ensuring that high window she said shut up on his boxer he get a much more better view of guarantee [Applause] what I got you in this pot is what I'm gonna tell you about how to make I got some chicken that's up for baking in that I'm gonna use right here I got the rest of the stuff I'm gonna put on that you don't have to put much on this really and truly I uh that's some sociis right cheer - that's a gumbo sausage first you make a rule you know that in the make a rule I put about 3/4 of a cup of olive oil in there olive oil and I also - I put about a cup and a half of flour you put about though two-to-one and you cook that until it's till you take that's gonna burn but that's not what it did she's got to cook like dutch chocolate bread that you see that's so pretty stirred him room that's the rule right there i drooled he's I'm gonna put the rest of the stuff on that boom and cook it in there a little bit before I put the chicken I got one big on yawns about a cup one cup of onion large onion put that on the room trying to do up a little bit not much go there not much seating goes and shaking gumbo because they don't need much you stir it into the rule and you cook them on young until they clear or you think they clearly now you can't read the newspaper true but they look clear you know oh man that's a good rule no that's the kind we like to make sandwiches out of you know oh yeah I say that all the time now as soon as I get this going like this it just over here like this like that you do it on your own kind of clear then I'm gonna put something here now a lot of people's when they make chicken gumbo they Brown this chicken off what we call brown off with brown open sometime you degrees when we Brown them shake it off to make the roux but I want to tell you that's how - did so I don't do it that way no and also to it doesn't it does to me does not give the flavor to the gumbo when you brown the chicken off you you lose some of the flavor of the chicken so what I do is I'll get my onion clear in here and get a little juice which I've got a little juice already I put my garlic which is just one large covo clove of garlic chopped up real fine in Reno it weighed like a juice like I always told people the garlic could get hard and lose its flavor if you don't did that no I've got that like that put it on there and I got a few little thing - got to put on your - like I use wine when I make my gumbo I got full cup of salt turn in full cup of water and I'm gonna put on here what I like to do is it put my water first and get my rule kind of mix with them water turn the fire up but I'm gonna get some hot on it but you got to watch them hot with him rule because you can burn a roux but not that you get some water like that put it in get this it look like it not gonna mix who guaranteed gonna make now got that on there like that the next thing what I'm gonna didn't put a little my ceiling on there like God 2 tablespoon full of how you call of Worcestershire Lee and piranha a good Cajun name there one there too tablespoon full of them how you call Worcestershire sauce now I'm gonna put some if I had him on the fresh hot pepper I'd put that on there but I don't got that so I'm gonna lose you lose down a hot sauce now you can use this or Tabasco this is made from cayenne pepper Tabasco made from more Tabasco pepper I used both of them I like this little better and what you you put as much as you want to what I'm gonna need I'm gonna put about a teaspoon full in a little more on there because I like hot sauce that's like I'm gonna put a little more put that on there and you'd see that beginning to get hot bubbling up at least a little bit make them rue oh boy now what I'm gonna did I'm gonna put the sausage in there yet oh you smell the smoke on that that's good put that on there and put some chicken now it takes about one to two pounds chicken I got a little bit more than that in this bowl already cut up and I'm gonna put most of it in there but I'm gonna be sure that room and I put the pieces I like most of all which is all in the chicken the drum the egg second joint and when you cut up chicken for gumbo you do it a little bit different than you do ordinarily for the Tings like this second joint there I cut off hard to meet put there and I love the back you know the part would go over the fence lads I like that too you've got the flavor there and I love the gives artsy go cut that in half but in case somebody else like Gidget do we put that on there and that ought to be close to enough meat on there and still hold on to the pot we don't want to lock the pot put this down here by the way me too stir that around a little bit get them Roux going good and it's going good engage what woke up a so turn wine in the rear ah I come up with putting them chicken in there don't want to be show up get all the line in down and you do is just that you see that now I got to put some salt you got the salt to taste now you got a whole big chicken in there that can take some salt they see one teaspoon for and we want to be sure note the lot of people about the teaspoon cold you see I'm gonna put about two and a half teaspoon full of salt and in an hour let that cook a while I'm on tasted what I'm gonna did gonna take that and see if it's good enough no salt on it I stirred it around a little bit but that Ruger them come out of there are I gonna be just like it's supposed to be did all the time that's pretty and it's gonna be good let me tell you something about this Bunco gumbo there Bongo something people call it what you did with this now you cook this today and don't serve it today no put in your eyes box tonight in tomorrow bring it to a boil and then simmer for about an hour and then heat that cuz it tastes more better than who it always does that's for true it really does now and when we serve this we said it would feel a now you noted said no okra in this it was not thick but feel a is the leaf of the sassafras tree and it's taken off the tree about the second or third week in September where I live and we pound it we found that sassafras tea
Channel: taaral
Views: 2,552,635
Rating: 4.8741875 out of 5
Keywords: New, Orleans, Cajun, Justin, Wilson, tells, us, how, to, make, Chicken, and, Andouille, Gumbo
Id: eK4umRMJlrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2007
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