Justin Wilson's Easy Cookin' Episode 20: Jambalaya à la Party!

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hi Olaf I'm glad for you to see me a guarantee cases don't allow to just go ahead on and cook get the part of shakin in our life turns to come aboard this is going to be true in our County talk to it like to know what I'm talking now I like this good I believe in easy cooking believe me I do [Applause] I all are I'm glad for you to see me a guarantee in today we're gonna cook some low-fat greens and then a fresh pork jambalaya you can die part of the time and you eat that good fat poke no other time first of all I'm going to get the no fat greens going over that but let them cook and pass a good time I need a cup of chopped onions I'm going to turn the fire on first right this minute let's see if I get the right one no never do I write that time put that on a medium heat get the end into that I'm going to put a cup of chopped on your and boy mmm they good they smell good they're sweet and nice I love on you I love on your sandwich I tell you that right now the garlic sandwich - I like that - well that's getting ready to go I'm gonna put up 1 and 1/2 teaspoonful of chopped garlic chopped real fine Darion and I'll tell you right now at my tasting spoon I didn't do that but if I want to now then I'm gonna put a tablespoon full of smoked salt look out there boy don't bite me this is a smoked salt and it's very good that you wouldn't think these greens are barbecue Dante the truth you really are I added something I got to stir then I'm gonna put just a tablespoon full of liquid smoke and she was just here like liquid smoke do you think you're gonna get out of here you don't get all of that in there we need every bit of that then how come we measure it so carefully and then we're gonna hold off then put a cup of dry white wine this takes the bitterness out of that smoke cause it has a bitterness to it that this is a Chablis and it's very drinkable I've dropped four or five bricks rubbish in my lifetime I'm gonna put a tablespoon full of Worcestershire sauce in there to be sure that we let it know that's what you sure I know get him in and then he going whenever you had the thing you got your stove we gotta cook something eat and make it easy cooking two teaspoons full of Louisiana Hot Sauce we can do that very very yeah that was a tablespoon for the Worcester sauce two teaspoon I have not even hold teaspoon that two teaspoons in there now to one tell T at the top of the bottle and I shook it to a nice - always told Mr D little B now I got two or three I got three bunches of mustard I love mustard I love any do greens I really I like kale my father could have gotten some kale and I would have done that business stead of the mustard but I have the mustard so we're gonna cook with that right member but what I've got to put in there is just a little little dried mint a teaspoon and this is a teaspoon for when I bet money on it Julie teaspoon for the dried mint and just about to come to a boil you notice I haven't put any salt in there but I've got to put a little salt in it I don't care what anybody said but you don't have to until you go to eat it but it said it three bunch of the mustard walked real well and Tufts Tim remove all that stuff and I'm gonna right now put it in there and stir it into it just good mustard cold to unite about in the frigerator you think that potting older the Bechet does I ain't going to stand just get it all in there every little bit of it water you know you got it put this in here get out of my way get in there now I'm gonna put this over here out of my way for the time being let me throw this down into that real good because it's gonna cook good in fact I'll have to turn this fire down very quickly kosuna oh you know I thought of some old Cajun stories I may have told before but not lately then I haven't heard him in a long time and I'm planning on telling three or two of them today so I'll get this going good and see about my jambalaya get it started I made you tell your story to guarantee that ought to be enough water all that didn't put this on there and I'm gonna turn that fire down anything I can't stand it for something to borrow on me when I'm cooking a little bit come into me champ we'll put this on low let me know all the way low and that'll be just fine now what I'm going to do is put this I'll keep my recipe where I don't see him because believe me when you cook as many dishes as I cook no two ways about it you've got to look at the recipe some so you won't get it wrong Oh see now into this I'm gonna put a little olive oil a couple of tablespoons full of olive oil to brown that nice pork to make a pork jambalaya to me that the best jambalaya and no two ways about it everyone to eat us it is best it says here to tablespoonful that's about right get back on there good and the water spilled my olive oh no no no let me turn that fire on got the right one that time yeah all the fires are going real good when I put this on a medium and I'm gonna put that pork in there and didn't Brown and hell out of it this is cut special for jambalaya just getting there boys little brown take a little time even but in brown let's get down in there real good he would cut a fire I got an army have to put that on a medium like what it's all good now while that starting I got to tell y'all one store em sold a long time it happened usable you know I'm a safety engineer I wear both a belt and suspenders I don't take chances until I'm safe to work all over the world and I'll tell you right now I heard that they had a big meeting in Chicago called a night no safety Congress and I'd like the one in Washington DC but all about safety well when I first started I want to learn all I could because I media I needed to learn it all I could and so I went up there I went to a big boarding house called a Conrad Hilton walked in there and there was a club behind me the desk you know he said what can I did for you I know that's not a damn thing but I got a reserve here you see you do what's your name I said front name of behind me you see both of them I said you stand real song you don't understood that he said how you spell that I'm so glad I could've just learned I'll spell it for him you see let me see Cutta Cutta Cutta Cutta Cutta Cutta Cutta kim he's I don't see awesome wait let's stop you ain't no speed real I'll help you looking red now you turn once I got there my name Lisa but you've got to wrote your name on the register I say put him out you you put a little card out and I'll put my name real careful because some people can read reading but they can't read write me what it is and just when I get through a print my name good right across it walk the biggest damn bed bug on never saw before again in my life and I backed up for three steps and I look at that truck right on eyes and I wore a story son I've been bitten by the flea in Shreveport Louisiana bled by the spider and Houston taxi and chief by the policeman's a new only owner of them but that the very first time we were a bed bug the common room no in my life or Jerry [Applause] I'd like to lower that fire a little bit whether I want to or not so I put it on medium and if I'm just right I won't do it brown and just a little bit not too much maybe she'll get all the taster in that jambalaya pretty good we'll take it out and put in that bowl or other stuff in this move in here and see how much it would I'd have to leave out to run a little deal I better don't have to leave me me I'd bet money on that oh man y'all looking good boys mmm put that back on medium me you got him put a good round enough for me oh he can do your cook ball I'll tell you that I like rare meat was not read whole thing get out of there I'm gonna put some onion in that all all kind of goodies it all tastes good that's the good part about it yeah yes sir let's take this out like this because I go picking everything up and drop some on the floor have to get down there and pick it up back in that part with nobody looking at a nice oh you're doing good up and land on my recipe and it's clean I guarantee now I'm gonna have to hold this up and dump it in there know things yourself on that fire hose you stay were not doing I'm not gonna do that and I've got to keep on oil in the bottom be called put them on you and then walk to him to kind of get clearly before I put anything else on it cuz I'll put some pepper too little thing like that and that's putting me that is beautiful Campbell I meet I guarantee now getting back on their way you know you just go right over here ready to do now it is I'm gonna put three cup of onion chopped yes a half a cup of bell pepper chopped now I got to stir that in there like I'm supposed to start it wrong I know and you won't get to smell ooh-wee that's gonna be good Yas man it already entered and we'll put some parsley a cup 1 cup of chopped parsley and stir that in that parsley looks good it smells good it's good for you I tell you that for food you're going down you step into that I'm gonna put not right this moment I'm gonna put some chopped garlic but not at this moment what I'm gonna put in there right now if a cup of dry white wine that's right the reading rather put the golly you got to have a little little liquid in that garlic if you don't it'll just take all the flavor and I love the flavor of garlic and usually mind by the team now got a little liquid in there I'm gonna put that guard a little bit let's see that is exactly exactly to take one teaspoon full of chopped garlic that was a big deal I'll tell you rich in a little you know stir it around you know all in there so every little bite will tell you to taste the garlic in and you supposed to mm-hmm into this I'm gonna put some grind man you know I don't you believe anymore at all I use dried bear practically all the time in fact all the time when I'm cooking so cold it doesn't hog the flavor like mentor so I put that much me only complaint would be MIT that's true I mean they leave you put that much bay leaf or you take the baby now into that I'm gonna put a half a cup of steak sauce then we'll put my up Akane songs first over that's a half a cup let's talk and stir it in there good hmm smell him do it already now I'm going to put a half a cup of steak sauce good stick so actually a quill ketchup is what all takes all the word one time I was told I'm not gonna square that to the peak I may commit perjury and I don't want to do that no and this athletic nose smells that and smells so good that let me and made me remember what it was right there on my face stir that in now I got to put just a little salt I got a lot of meeting a lot of stuff here so I don't know how little the salts gonna be I'm going to put in there right now about three teaspoons full of salt that's one y'all don't believe me but I guarantee that's teaspoon come in we are let's just show these people to know what I'm talking about you see that 50 spoonful of sauce dream I usually put a teaspoon full of salt in for every cup of rice and I got tricks off a rice or whatever of other vegetable so I'm gonna have to have another teaspoon full of salt oh that's a little sliver so you know just to be sure I got enough in there into this come on Travis I don't put enough fire going where I can put some right tree cup of rice in what I got right you three cup let's put a little cayenne pepper and get help I'll get the right put that in there and stir it in I'm gonna put the meat and then the hot pepper it smelling good and that's gonna be good yeah let's just put a little water on that come in water no that funny just come on over here let's get in there with a little of you and you put more in here about an inch above the right so I'm gonna add a little more water and just few minutes but I'm gonna put the meat in it do I know how much meat how much rice I got in this dog over there hold on you get all this in here I don't know if I can or not but you know what I'd bet money on this good rice is gonna take up all the water we're gonna put this in here just like we supposed to the whole thing maybe yeah let's put it all in it in here not on the floor you didn't think I was gonna get it in there did you I didn't need them but I got to stir that rice up into this put a little more water because all this was shrink as it cooks believe it or not the rice will take up all the water that I put it and then the meat would be mixed up with the right hand we'll put more salt tell you that not all that meat now I know how much I'm putting in there you may not know but I know here in the water right here we've got to cover that little more now you know I look like that me goes bald over but it's not hope not in the room that's just about right mm-hmm yeah the rice is that it it bring it up over this it's above it on top of the meat so I can tell if it's a half inch of rice I'll be able to tell don't you worry I've been doing this a long time a couple of days you are I know let's go here you're looking good you're looking like you're supposed to look I'm gonna cut that fire down a little bit when I can put the lid on it yet because when I put the lid on practically all the waters gone and that should have just a little bit more watering I hate to do this to it but I got to got it three tablespoons and a half pour the water boy while I'm standing up here I've Taylor right to that story I was telling you a while ago about me at that safety safety Congress he got in Chicago me let me look at this going good going good and I'm a lord aspire to a medium low I sit down like that's one read the damn thing hey got it I put it on a little accident stir it one more once and let it cook a while then I'm gonna put the lid on it and if that rice was just steamed the rest of that story dish you know wouldn't got only alligator and that big boardinghouse Conrad Hilton I don't irrigate and there was a lady on there with another boy children about 98 years old cute little boy and she got about a had a real good daughter Lawson and a great big woman got on there we moved to bale of cotton five hundred and ten pounds and push up again to little boy when a whole bunch of them safety is get on and overload the damn thing well alligator started and went to the magazine floor in that big fat female women let out a scream zoom knocked over twelve eleven them safety when getting off so fast and everybody look at that little boy like he's a sheep killing dog and he looked at him with both eye and he told him I did it I did it I did it she stuck it in my face and I hauled off and Betty [Applause] I got to say I got the taste of this food to be sure and it's it tastes good as the people who are going to eat it now this is jambalaya spread out there now you got it that they're like a little gentleman this is mustard green I like any kind of green mustard green kale cabbage turnip green anything you've got this green I would eat I'll eat anything else you got two more probably now I got to put beneath it all like a little gentleman sixty so bright come in a red napkin took it in your belt so it won't drop on the floor you guys right Rena Oh caught him oh poor little the wine a little red wine may be supposed to eat some other kind of wine with pork but I like red wine so that's what we're gonna have right now and I got to taste these greens first because they deliver like they're good going green mm-hmm guaranteed now mm-hmm mm-hmm [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 15,319
Rating: 4.8878503 out of 5
Id: 6tRdjNHqzoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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