New Orleans Cajun, Justin Wilson Lamb

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hi y'all are i'm glad you've come to my home louisiana my mama used to say when the lord made louisiana he must have been left it's filled with so many wonderful things the treasure of the sea rich delta soil and people with imagination to transform these riches into our great natural resource louisiana cooking i love louisiana welcome home welcome to homegrown i'm justin wilson hi y'all some more i'm glad for you to see me our guarantee and i've got some good stuff to fix here today oh boy do i let me get out from here but before i really get going i've got to tell you all a story i've been thinking about all night got this ready right here i'm gonna put this right here out of my way i have a couple that i've known for many many years and uh they made marriage for a long long time for i guess uh 15 or 14 years and they got two cheering two children two boys and when i tell you they're bad it's where the capital b they're so bad that the mama and papa don't know what they did with them they punish them they take away their allowance they discipline them all that kind of stuff don't did some good they still anything that happened in the neighborhood this bad they did it they didn't just plant it they did you yeah i guarantee and it's about to run and my mom pop out crazy and one day that nice lady she's a nice lady told the husband say look you know i noticed that they got they built a new chapel across the street and there's a young priest over there that works with young people all the time would you mind if i go ask him to talk to our two boys one of them is ten one of them's eight and they've been bad all ten and eight years would you mind if i go ask him to talk to him he said hell no i won't mind that'll keep me from killing him take on over there so she went over there and she asked the priest would you mind talking to a two boy told all about that he said i'll be glad to send him over here one at a time send the youngest one first so she sent the eight-year-old over there he went over there and went in the priest's office he had a brand new desk somebody gave him he told a little boy sit down over there little boy sat down and pre-sat down looked at him for five minutes didn't said a word after a while he said son i want to ask you a question i want you to tell me the truth where is god the boy looked under the desk looked behind him looked up looked around on both sides didn't said a word that priest said father said look i don't actually want him actually another time where is god little boy looked all around some more didn't said a word then that priest shook his finger her father shook his finger at him and that little boy to that little boy i know it looked like it was three feet long son where is god that little boy jumped up from there ran out ran across the street went in his house ran upstairs to the room where his brother was waiting for him and walked into a big had a big walk-in closet where they did all the plans he said brother brought yourself yeah but i said what's the trouble he said we got trouble we say we always got trouble we got dee trouble brother what do you mean deep he said look brother god's missing you think we got something to do with it what we're going to do right here right now is uh fix the lamb rack we're going to fix that with with lapesh peach you see all that right there now here i have some flour and water that i've been heating up what this i'm cheating a little bit here to get a little uh thickness to everything so i'm just going to pour this in there right now and over here get that going mix it up a little bit which is going to get all right now and this right here is for me to pour a little homemade peach wine two cup i wonder if that is that peach wine let me see i gotta shake that out [Music] smell like peach that peach i'm gonna put two cups in there to cover that peach wine on there isn't that pretty don't get too much he nearly went over not quite enough that's unusual ah i got two cups of peach wine i'm gonna put that in here with this and stir it around some get this going good we got to get some fire on that i got some found it mix that with this stir it a little bit put this out of my way and then i'm going to put in here a cup of chopped parsley get over there there you go throw this up in there a cup of chopped parsley right there there we go throw that in there with that samoan and a cup of chopped green onion you know that i got all the onions put that right on my way stir that in there some more i'm gonna let this cook just at least a little bit and right now i'm gonna salt and pepper that lamb rack and we'll put it in this cupboard we'll cook it in this cupboard that's salt [Music] get on there put that salt on there i'm gonna pat it in come over here let's get the other side while i'm thinking about it that's a nice lamb rack salt cayenne pepper right here i'm not gonna pat that in now we got that all done like that and put this out of the way i'm going to put this in here in this little we'll put six peaches we got peeled and kitted wipe my hand a little bit these are nice peaches they were louisiana peaches look at that well i hope i can get sticks in here you know that you watch old justin put six peach in there this right here will pour on it just a few give me that fly trying to take that piece out of my hand you can't do that ah now we got it right there like that all right big boy move over now god damn like that i got the wife that's kind of sticky that peaches put this down here like this now i'm gonna pour this on and around and over that and i got to put my oven on over here to preheat it at 350 degrees and i'm going to tell you something people killing me and not saying how long to bake something well i say bake it till it's done but if you don't understood that on this particular thing you bake it 30 minutes baste it then take it about an hour and you got it made all right let's go down here with this this looks good i'm trying not to get this on top of this if i didn't help it but i may have to get a little not gonna hurt to get a little on there you talk about good not on this side now you going i didn't i'm gonna pour it on it looks good pour it on there too in there like you're supposed to you too turn this viral i may lean on that would be bad yeah i'm gonna put this in the oven covered i'm gonna cover this up and put it in a 350 degree preheated oven and like i'm toiling cook 30 minutes 30 minutes then go in and bash the d light out of it here let's go then while i'm at it uh well it's me see if i can't find one out and eat well look at that the gravy don't that pretty daddy graveyard layla come here baby i'm gonna tell you right now that is a pretty lime don't you fall over there bad luck [Music] that is pretty stuff i'll guarantee i'm gonna turn the oven off don't need that one right now now right now i'm going to make peach sherbet there are now the first thing i got to do is find out what i'm going to put in this pizza here it is right here looking at me well well well this is a pint of fresh peaches we done blended the daylights out and made a puree right here is create i'm gonna beat the hell out of you watch it's a beating you don't get beaten boiled up now we've got you got him right in right here now i got seven cup of milk skim milk or low fat whatever you want to use i'll just before i do that i'm gonna i'm gonna put the i got three fourth cup of sugar i'm gonna put this in the milk and stir it up real good with my spatulator let me get after that oh yeah now i'm gonna put the egg on that stir it up some more get everything out of there with the spatula and spatulate it mix it up mix it up good got it mixed good i got to put some vanilla on that [Music] one tea one half teaspoon full of vanilla extract i wonder how come they call that extract cause they extract it from something i bet that's true one half tea man i nearly got over one half teaspoon of vanilla extract stir it in there a little bit not too much don't want to beat it to death now i got to put this peach puree in there and get all i can out of there with the spatula or spatula whatever you want to call it then i take my whisk and i really get with it usually get some of this on me too that's me just right now i pour this in to the ice cream freezer you know what i'm gonna do i always find out if i put this in there first i don't have nearly hard time trying to find a little place to put it in there now got it in there see i pour this in there oh wait that smells good enough to eat right now drink it look at that leave a little extra you know it's going to swell up put the lead on it they had the lid get on there now this little thing i put on there like this and lock it okay you up in a minute and make the best pizza if you ever tasted in your life from fresh peaches too i'm talking about i'll guarantee motorized is cool it better be cold it won't make these things an echo how are we going don't you be trying to get away from me like that you're too big you're not going in there here's some ice over here it looks more better there we go pour a little salt down there while i'm thinking about it use table salt and plum all right it'll make it freeze i'll tell you that right now let's get some more hiding now that was going using my left hand and right in them got too cold to put ice in there oh yeah come here to me and i'm going to start it rolling right now and it'll be making some ice cream and just uh not ice cream killed me sorry but try but trevor a little more saw and if i'd find a place to plug this in i'm going to start her up right this minute listen to that radical goal would you and every once in a while i'll put a little more ice in this that's what i'm gonna do [Music] a little more salt put that on now [Music] let's put a little more icing let me get you that a lot better you know mm-hmm hi oh now you go ahead and make sure i'm gonna put you down out of my way too dry my hand and what i want to do now is make a peach pepper salad i'm going to tell you right now this is good stuff it don't sound good but it's very good peach pepper salad yes go all right i got a bowl with some onion sliced i got 10 fresh peaches sliced here three bell pepper sliced right here this is hot hungarian white pepper about three of them they're kind of warm i'll tell you that i guarantee they warm in fact and i'm gonna do that to stir up this set i'm gonna need all this put this out of my way here now here we go i got that in there already you notice then i'm gonna put the bell pepper in there then i'm gonna put the hot hungarian whack in there get out of there it's hot and i'm gonna mix it a little bit let me come up a little bit make them look more pretty then put the peach on that and check the ice in that shirt but two every now and then too all right there we go we'll mix that up with that too that's beginning to look like a salad that'd look good pardon me salad i got to see about diet over here oh yeah a little boy ain't gonna hurt a thing i mean well i nearly got that flight in we love salting that be sure we got it cold enough now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna mix a little dressing to go with this let me put this out of my way too and dry my hand let's see what i'm gonna use oh i know what i'm gonna use olive oil well let's see we're making this mixing cup and see how much i got in here i'm gonna make just a little tart dressing and then here i'm gonna put about a fourth of a cup of olive oil maybe a little more it all depends on how this thing works that spout doing pretty good now that's enough olive oil wine vinegar wine vinegar red wine vinegar because it's so pretty put this in here like this i'll just put it all in there while i'm doing it dead soldier in here i put just a little louisiana hot sauce too that's good cayenne hot sauce oh two or three dashes something like that depends on how open this thing is one two three three dashes it's not hot no then a little salt just a pinch or two of salt not much now how much is a pinch of salt i'm going to see how much my pinch will hold there's a pinch right there you see didn't quite get the whole thing in there now i got it we're gonna stir this up real good get out of there now you gotta act nice don't get in the way here we go turn it up real good and mix this up mix all that in and i want to tell you something and keep this overnight in the refrigerator it tastes even better in fact it tastes much more better if you keep in the refrigerator overnight now we got you fixed there baby baby put you over here i can get at you when i need you and i need ice [Music] ooh cleanup is to go along now let me tell you something i got to tell you all the story and check that ice some more too i got a couple of friends what uh went up north way no way up north north shreveport in fact they went to canada went up there the hunt moves on the moose and they got up there they went as far as they could by regular aeroplane then they hire what they call a bush pilot to fly a bush airplane out there now the airplane they made out of bush no misunderstood this bush pilot get in that airplane he'd take him to a little landing strip if they your land in excuse me i know you've got 100 yard dash then hot pepper he took a little landing strip he landed there and he said all right now i'm come on brought myself back here in three days you two people be here and when you be here just have one moose because this airplane can only carry me you two in one moose one of them can't say suppose i'll kill the moves we're gonna have two me's me me he said i know don't have but one move so if you got more than one move we ain't gonna be able to took off with that he left three day lady come back and that it was sitting there on that landing strip each one of them sitting on the moose they got two mees i said well make your pick which one y'all want to take you can't take but one of them moves oh he said hell yeah we got to take two of them me all to me because if we don't did that he'll lie and say we brought his meat because it was bigger or something like that we got the no we ain't gonna do one of them cage and say look what's the matter your airplane ain't no good or that put that that pile of hot he said of course my airplane ain't good he said how come we can't took too many things we said all right load them up well they loaded them up then that airplane and took off went about 84 they didn't go very far human plane crashed and knocked both of them cajuns out pretty good after a while they come to and one of them said well we at huh you see about 85 yards further than we were last year a guarantee checked ice got to keep dyes going here that's good good salt salt salt come here salt i knew i needed that salt for something else and this is it right here oh man that's looking good let me put a little more ice on i might just weld into this thing put it up there yeah we're going we're going good put you down here out of my way too there you go now i'm gonna get something out you and see if i can't get myself fake to eat you know yeah just carpally that looks so good i hate to cut it i got to have some rice i've got to have some rice what do you know here's some rice right here just cooking up a stone oh boy here let's go food there's spoon right here a little spoon full of rice for the gravy got to have a little gravy with that all the rice looks so good there we go put the lid back down rice i'm going to carbonate this thing right quick like just a little piece of all i want got it got this gravy just a little salad on the same plate and i know y'all think i forgot about that trevor but i ain't forgotten nothing come here to me sherbet where you at right chill i snuck up on you and made that earlier there we go just a little sure but that's all i want just one scoop got it put that back there like that and i'm gonna put that back in the frigger data i'm gonna leave it right out here come on here i got everything yep look at that sit down here and act like you're a gentleman justin and put the napkin in your lap like you're supposed to pour yourself a little glass of wine yes red wine japanese sauvignon good stuff uh guaranteed now i got to taste this salad delicious let me lamb mary had a little lamb and i'd uncooked it now hello come here baby i'm going to tell you right now that is a pretty lime don't you fall over there bad luck [Music] that is pretty stuff i'll guarantee i'm gonna turn the oven off don't need that one right now now right now i'm going to make peach sherbet they are now the first thing i got to do is find out what i'm going to put in this pizza here it is right here looking at me well well well now this is a pint of fresh peaches we done blended the daylight out and made a puree right here is create i'm gonna beat the hell out of you watch it say beaten beaten boy right in right here now i got seven cup of milk milk or a little fat whatever you want to use i'll just before i do that i'm gonna i'm gonna put the i got three fourth cup of sugar i'm gonna put this in the milk and stir it up real good with my spatulator let me get after that oh yeah now i'm gonna put the egg on that stir it up some more get everything out of there with the spatula and spatula it mix it up mix it up good got it mixed good i got to put some vanilla on that [Music] one tea one half teaspoon full of vanilla extract i wonder how come they call that extract because they extract it from something i bet that's true how y'all are i'm glad you've come to my home louisiana my mama used to say when the lord made louisiana he must have been left it's filled with so many wonderful things the treasure of the sea rich delta soil and people with imagination to transform these riches into our great natural resort louisiana cooking i love louisiana welcome home welcome to homegrown i'm justin wilson hi y'all logs some more i'm glad for you to see me our guarantee and i've got some good stuff to fix here today oh boy do i let me get out from here but before i really get going i've got to tell you all a story i've been thinking about all got night ready right here i'm gonna put this right here out of my way i have a couple that i've known for many many years and uh they made marriage for a long long time for i guess uh 15 or 14 years and they got two cheering two children two boys and when i tell you they're bad it's where the capital be they're so bad that the mama and papa don't know what they did with them they punish them they take away their allowance they discipline them all that kind of stuff don't did some good they still but anything that happened in the neighborhood this bad they did it they didn't just plant it they did you hear i'll guarantee and it's about to run in my mom pop out crazy and one day that nice lady she's a nice lady told the husband say look you know i noticed that they got they built a new chapel across the street and there's a young priest over there that works with young people all the time would you mind if i go ask him to talk to our two boys one of them is ten one of them's eight and they've been bad all ten and eight years would you mind if i go ask him to talk to him he said hell no i won't mind that'll keep me from killing him take on over there so she went over that that peach i'm gonna put two cup in there two cup of that peach wine on that isn't not that pretty don't get too much he nearly went over not quite enough that's unusual ah i got two cups of peach wine i'm we'll put that in here with this and store it around some get this going good we got to get some fire on that i got some fun mix that with this straight a little bit put this out of my way then i'm going to put in here a cup of chopped parsley get over there there you go throw this up in there a cup of chopped parsley right there there we go stir that in there with that samoan and a cup of chopped green onion you notice i got all the onions put that right on my way that in there some more i'm gonna let this cook just at least a little bit and right now i'm gonna salt and pepper that lamb rack and we'll put it in this cupboard we'll cook it in this cupboard that's salt [Music] let's get on there i'm gonna put that salt on there i'm gonna pat it in come over here let's get the other side while i'm thinking about it that's a nice lamb right salt cayenne pepper right here i'm not gonna pat that in now we got that all done like that and put this out of the way i'm going to put this in here in this little roaster we'll put six peaches we got peeled and kitted wipe my hand a little bit these are nice peaches they're louisiana peaches look at that well i hope i can get sticks in here you know that you watch old justin put six peach in there this right here will pour on it just a few give me that fly trying to take that piece out of my hand ah now we got it right there like that all right big boy move over no god didn't like that i got the wife that's kind of sticky the peaches put this down here like this now i'm gonna pour this on and around and over that and i got to put my oven on over here to preheat it at 350 degrees and i'm going to tell you something people killing me and not saying how long to bake something well i say bake it till it's done but if you don't understood that on this particular thing you make it 30 minutes baste it then take it about an hour and you got it made all right let's go down here with this this looks good i'm trying not to get this on top of this if i can help it but i may have to get a little not going to get a little on there you talk about good not on this side now you going i didn't i'm gonna pour it on it looks good pour it on there too get in there like you're supposed to you too during the spiral i may lean on that would be bad yeah i'm gonna put this in the oven covered i'm gonna cover this up and put it in a 350 degree preheated oven and like i'm toiling cook 30 minutes 30 minutes then go in and bash the daylight out of it here let's go and while i'm at it uh well is me see if i can't find one out and eat well look at that the gravy don't that pretty daddy graveyard yeah and she actually preached would you mind talking to a true boy told all about that he said i'll be glad to send him over here one time send the youngest one first so she sent the eight-year-old over there he went over there went in the priest's office he had a brand new desk somebody gave him he told a little boy sit down over there little boy sat down and preached that down looked at him for five minutes didn't said a word after a while he said son i want to ask you a question i want you to tell me the truth where is god the boy looked under the desk looked behind him looked up looked around on both sides didn't say the word that priest said father said look i don't actually want my action another time where is god little boy looked all around some more didn't said a word then that priest shook his finger her father shook his finger at him and that little boy to that little boy i know it looked like it was three feet long son where is god that little boy jumped up from there ran out ran across the street went in his house ran upstairs to his room where his brother was waiting for him and walked into a big had a big walk-in closet where they did all their plan and he said brother brought yourself yeah but i said what's the trouble he said we got trouble we say we always got trouble we got deep trouble brother what you mean deep he said look brother god's missing you think we got something to do with it what we're going to do right here right now is uh fix the lamb rack we're gonna fix that with with lapesh peach you see all that right there down here i have some flour and water that i've been heating up what this i'm cheating a little bit here to get a little uh uh thickness to everything so i'm just gonna pour this in there right now and over here get that going mix it up a little bit which is gonna do it all right now and this right here is for me to pour a little homemade peach wine two cup i wonder if that is that peach wine let me see i gotta shake that off [Music] smell like peach a beating beating boiled up now we've got you got him right in right here now i got seven cup of milk skim milk or low fat whatever you want to use i'll just before i do that i'm gonna i'm gonna put i got 3 4 cup of sugar i'm gonna put this in the milk and stir it up real good with my spatulator let me get after that oh yeah now i'm gonna put the egg on that stir it up some more get everything out of there with the spatula and spatulate it mix it up mix it up good got it mixed good i got to put some vanilla on that one tea one half teaspoon full of vanilla extract i wonder how come they call that extract because they extract it from something that's that's true one half t man i nearly got over one half teaspoon of vanilla extract stir it in there a little bit not too much don't want to beat it to death now i got to put this peach puree in there and get all i can out of there with the spatula or spatula whatever you want to call it then i take my whisk and i really get with it usually get some of this on me too that's me just right now i'll pour this in to the ice cream freezer you know what i'm going to do i always find out if i put this in there first i don't have nearly harder time trying to find a little place to put it in there now got it in there see i pour this in there we that smells good enough to eat right now drink it look up there leave a little extra you know it's going to swell up put the lead on it they had the lid get on there now this little thing i put on there like this and lock it okay lock put some eyes around that right here come on yeah we're gonna get i'm gonna connect you up in a minute and make the best pizza if you ever tasted in your life from fresh peaches too i'm talking about it better be cold it won't make these things an echo goodness i how we going don't you be trying to get away from me like that you're too big you're not going in there here's some ice over here it looks more better and kitty wipe my hand a little bit these are nice peaches they were louisiana peaches look at that well i hope i can get sticks in here you know that you watch old justin put six peach in there this right here will pour on it just a few give me that fly trying to take that piece out of my hand can't stood that ah now we got it right there like that all right big boy move over now got that like that i got the white that's kind of sticky the peaches put this down here like this now i'm gonna pour this on and around and over that and i got to put my oven on over here to preheat it at 350 degrees and i'm going to tell you something people killing me and not saying how long to bake something well i say bake it till it's done but if you don't understood that on this particular thing you bake it 30 minutes baste it then bake it about an hour and you got it made all right let's go down here with this this looks good i'm trying not to get this on top of this if i can help it but i may have to get a little not going to get a little on there you talk about good not on this side now you going got it i'm going to pour it on it looks good pour it on there too get in there like you're supposed to you too turn this spiral i may lean on that would be bad yeah i'm gonna put this in the oven covered i'm gonna cover this up and put it in a 350 degree preheated oven and like i'm toiling cook 30 minutes 30 minutes then go in there and basically light out of it let's go and while i'm at it uh well it's me see if i can't find one out and eat well look at that the gravy don't that pretty daddy gravy is layla come here baby i'm gonna tell you right now that is a pretty line don't you fall over that bad luck [Music] that is pretty stuff i'll guarantee i'm gonna turn the oven off don't need that one right now now right now i'm going to make peach sherbet they are now the first thing i got to do is find out what i'm going to put in this pizza here it is right here looking at me well well well now this is a pint of fresh peaches we don't blended the daylight out and made a puree right here's create i'm gonna beat the hell out of you watch there we go pour a little salt down there while i'm thinking about it use table salt and plum all right it'll make it free i'll tell you that right now let's get some more hiding now that was going use my left-handed right in them got too cold to put ice in there oh yeah come out to me and i'm gonna start it rolling right now and it'll be making some ice cream and just uh not ice cream killed me sorry but try but a little more salt and if i'd find a place to plug this in i'm gonna start her up right this minute listen to that radical goal would you and more and every once in a while i'll come put a little more ice in this that's what i'm going to do [Music] a little more salt but then on there [Music] let's put a little more ice in it i'll get you that a lot better you know mm-hmm hi now you go ahead and make sure i'm gonna put you down out of my way too dry my hand and what i want to do now is make a peach pepper salad i'm going to tell you right now this is good stuff it don't sound good but it's very good peach pepper salad yeah let's go all right i got a bowl with some onion sliced i got 10 fresh peaches sliced here three bell pepper slice right here this is hot hungarian white pepper about three of them they're kind of warm i'll tell you that i guarantee they warm in fact and i'm going to use that to stir up this set i'm going to need all this put this out of my way here now here we go i got that in there already you notice then i'm gonna put the bell pepper in there then i'm gonna put the hot hungarian whack in there get out of there cool it's hot and i'm gonna mix those a little bit mix them up a little bit make them look more pretty and put the peach on that and check the ice in that shirt but two every now and then too all right there we go we'll mix that up with that too that's gonna look like a salad that looking good pardon pardon me salad i got to see about dice over here oh yeah a little boy ain't gonna hurt a thing dee trouble brother what you mean he said look brother god's missing you think we got something to do with what we're going to do right here right now is uh fix the lamb rack we're going to fix that with with lapesh peach you see all that right there down here i have some flour and water that i've been heating up what this i'm cheating a little bit here to get a little uh thickness to everything so i'm just gonna pour this in there right now and over here get that going mix it up a little bit which is gonna get all right now and this right here is for me to pour a little homemade peach wine two cup i wonder if that is that peach wine let me see i gotta shake that off [Music] smell like pete that peach i'm gonna put two cup in there two cup of that peach wine on that isn't that pretty don't get too much he nearly went over not quite enough that's unusual ah i got two cups of peach wine i'm gonna put that in here with this and stir it around some get this going good we got to get some fire on that i got some found mix that with this stir it a little bit put this out of my way and then i'm going to put in here a cup of chopped parsley get over there there you go throw this up in there a cup of chopped parsley right there there we go stir that in there with that some more and a cup of chopped green onion you know that i got all the onions put that right on my way stir that in there some more i'm gonna let this cook just at least a little bit and right now i'm gonna salt and pepper that lamb rack and we'll put it in this cupboard we'll cook it in this cupboard that's salt [Music] get on there i'm gonna put that salt on there i'm gonna pat it in turn over here let's get the other side while i'm thinking about it that's a nice lamb rack salt cayenne pepper right here i'm not gonna pat that in now we got that all done like that and put this out of my way i'm going to put this in here in this little roaster i'm going to put six pizzas we got peeled hi y'all are i'm glad you've come to my home louisiana my mama used to say when the lord made louisiana he must have been left it's filled with so many wonderful things the treasure of the sea rich delta soil and people with imagination to transform these riches into our great natural resource louisiana cooking i love louisiana welcome home welcome to homegrown i'm justin wilson hi y'all logs some more i'm glad for you to see me our guarantee and i've got some good stuff to fix here today oh boy do i let me get out from here but before i really get going i've got to tell you all a story i've been thinking about all night got this ready right here i'm gonna put this right here out of my way i have a couple that i've known for many many years and uh they made marriage for a long long time for i guess uh 15 or 14 years and they got two cheering two children two boys and when i tell you they're bad it's where the capital b they're so bad that the mama and papa don't know what they did with them they punish them they take away their allowance they discipline them all that kind of stuff don't did some good they still anything that happened in the neighborhood this bad they did it they didn't just plant it they did you here i'll guarantee and it's about to run in my mind mom papa crazy and one day that nice lady she's a nice lady told the husband say look you know i noticed that they got they built a new chapel across the street and there's a young priest over there that works with young people all the time would you mind if i go ask him to talk to our two boys one of them is ten one of them's eight and they've been bad all ten and eight years would you mind if i go ask him to talk to him he said hell no i won't mind that'll keep me from killing them take on over there so she went over there and she asked the priest wouldn't mind talking to a true boy told all about that he said i'll be glad to send him over here one time send the youngest one first so she sent the eight-year-old over there he went over there and went in the priest's office they had a brand new desk somebody gave him he told a little boy sit down over there little boy sat down and pre-sat down and looked at him for five minutes didn't set a word after a while he said son i want to ask you a question i want you to tell me the truth where is god little boy looked under the desk looked behind looked up looked around on both sides didn't said a word that priest said father said look i don't actually want him actually another time where is god little boy looked all around some more didn't said a word then that priest shook his finger and father shook his finger at him and that little boy to that little boy i know it looked like it was three feet long on where is god that little boy jumped up from there ran out ran across the street went in his house ran upstairs to the room where his brother was waiting for him and walked into a big had a big walk-in closet where they did all their plans he said brother brought yourself yeah but say what's the trouble he said we got trouble we say we always got to we got
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 13,096
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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