Meaty Jambalaya by The Cajun Ninja

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stick around ladies and gentlemen because we don't knock down jumbo line [Music] bomb to get you a pot heat it up all right so we're gonna go ahead and set this to like a medium heat all right there may be close to medium-low but that's about right well let the heat up all right ladies and gentlemen over to our prep an area we get crack-a-lackin' so what we have here is one pound of pork cut into cubes like pieces at my local grocery store you can buy it like this already pre-cut but I assume that this meat here is probably cut from a pork roast so you can always buy a pork roast and do it yourself over here we have one pound of skinless boneless thighs we've trimmed a good bit of the fat off of it I know you can still see some fat there but that's okay it's gonna give us some flavor and over here we have sliced up one pound of smoked sausage now down in this region we have our vegetables so what we have here is one green bell pepper two yellow onions four cloves of garlic one bunch of green onion and two sticks of celery and you guys already know what comes next [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen did that move to the refrigerator but now so we've taken our pork and laid it out over our cutting board here so we can season it up we're gonna season it generously with some kosher salt and then some black pepper and sprinkle that on and then from here we'll mix it all up with our hands so that all the pieces of meat are seasoned evenly and there you go so now we're gonna get searing over to our hot pot we're going to add one tablespoon of vegetable oil we're going to move the pot around so that it coats evenly okay once you have the bottom of the pot evenly coated go ahead and drop in the pork and we got all of it [Music] there we go so look when you're doing this you don't necessarily want to move the pork right away you kind of want to let it sear up like this one right here you know they all kind of kind of do that so that way it'll it'll release from the pot or pan you're cooking in you know if you go too soon then it's kind of sickly you can kind of see over here because it's probably not as hot see how it's still sticking this one right here is not even coming up yet and then what happen is when you do that you'll just have a bunch of pieces that are stuck to the bottom so just let it sit for a little bit and then start moving things around and just continue to sear it up from there so we're gonna let this meat sear up for about 20 minutes the pork needs to go a little longer than anything else because it takes a little longer for it to tenderize the chicken won't take as long and we don't want to add the pork and chicken together because if you do that and cook it for that length of time the chicken will dry out so that's why we go with cooking the pork down like this first alright guys we are looking good here so at this time we're gonna go ahead and add our chicken to this pot now look I know some of you are gonna be like oh my gosh you're cross contaminating look if you got fresh meat and you add it all together and it's all gonna cook down believe me you don't beat all right all right it's it's about cooking it down that's what you're doing okay but we didn't want to cook the chicken as long as the pork and I've already explained that so now we're adding it in a little later and we're gonna let this cook down for another 10 minutes here you know just let the chicken get browned up nicely and then we'll go from there okay this looks great it's been roughly ten minutes so now we're going to go ahead and start scooping this out and put it into a bowl off on the side here so try to get everything you can out of here into this bowl okay now that you have that removed you go ahead and drop in your sausage and we get cooking so we're gonna go ahead and sear this sausage up for roughly 10 minutes as well we want to brown it up nicely okay now get some of the fats removed to you and we can use all of that with our vegetables when we saute them so the guys I just want y'all to know that during these times of searing your meat you can play around with your heat a little bit if you feel like you want to see it brown up a little bit more in the allotted time you know go ahead and just raise your fire a little bit you know but just be cautious because if you're cooking in something like a coated cast-iron pot once that heat gets up there it's hard to bring it back down quickly so you know play around with it you know do your thing looking good got some nice browning forming on the bottom which is gonna work out great so now we're gonna go ahead and remove this and I went a little longer on my sausage just felt like it needed to Brown a little more than the 10 minute time frame but look you guys are not restricted to anything I say here and neither mine you know you kind of sometimes just gotta call some audibles why are you cooking looks good okay at this time we drop in our vegetables you already know scoop all that in all right we're gonna get moving on this because we want to break up all that stuff on the bottom I know it probably looks burnt but it's just so a good dark brown and it's gonna help bring some color to all of this so just keep moving it around look at that as you can see guys we done broke it all up now let you're gonna have some little bits all up in your vegetables here but don't worry about that trust me that is flavor that you have just broken up and put all around these vegetables that came from the pork the chick in the sausage it's all going to cook down in the end and it's going to add some great flavor so your jambalaya okay so look we've been cooking this down for about five minutes now and we're gonna go much longer I mean probably 40 minutes to even up to an hour we want these vegetables to get extremely saw watch them Brown up a little bit here and it'll be perfect for our jambalaya because then they won't be crunchy in there they'll just be one with that soft rice and tender meat it's gonna be really good alright so we've been cooking this down for roughly 20 minutes now and as you can see it is getting tender and you can see that color change it's browning up a little bit here but we're gonna continue cooking this down we're gonna go probably another 20 minutes at this point and then just see what we have from there but we wanted to get really soft okay so we've been going for another 10 minutes here and we're gonna go a little longer but at this point I'm gonna actually add some seasoning to this so what I'm gonna throw first is three beef bullion cubes blend those around a little bit here keep things moving okay next I will add 1/2 tablespoon of your favorite Cajun or Creole seasoning and then blend that around next we will add a teaspoon of salt just to give it a little more flavor and not more spice this is looking good so look at this time you want to go ahead and preheat your oven at 300 degrees all right ladies and gentlemen so we sauteed this for probably about 50 minutes total and as you can see it has browned up nicely so this time we're going to add about three and a half cups of water I'm gonna add a little bit at a time here just so I can kind of break up the bottom there's a little bit I'm just gonna really break up the bottom there and do our thing I'm gonna go ahead and add the rest of it now there we go all right from here you add a tablespoon of your favorite hot sauce next I like to add a tablespoon of some browning sauce which you know some people have their qualms over it hey you do your thing I know for me I use water so that typically will not bring as much color as let's say chicken stock you know I got the right amount of seasoning in here I don't want to add more sodium so this is how I do it you do you all right but as you can see that brings a nice color to this right here which is going to give us a great color to our jambalaya from here we will add back in our meats slowly if we can without damaging anything there we go perfect get all those juices in blended in there nicely okay from here we will add two cups of rice now look typically I like to go with a 1 cup of rice 2 2 cup liquid ratio but here we have so much other things going on in this pot that there's gonna be some moisture from the vegetables the meats so I go with three and a half cups of water here and it works out just fine trust me all right from here we're gonna raise our fire up so we can get this thing to a rolling boil just to let you know we will be covering this up and then putting it in the oven once we reach a boil so if you follow this method you want to have a pot that can go in your oven if you do not have a pot that can go in the oven once you reach boiling point here you will cover it up lower to simmer and then let it cook for 25 minutes after 25 minutes is up you will take the pot remove it from the heat off to the side let it sit for another 5 minutes and then from there you can open it stir it up and you'll be good to go and we are boiling so we cover this up turn that fire off and move this to the oven we're gonna let that cook for one hour time is up now we remove it from the oven all right so we're gonna go ahead and let this sit here another five minutes before we uncover let's take a look at this BAM oh yeah look at that yes indeed oh look at that right just moist as can be don't fall out yes indeed and look not even sticking to the bottom BAM this ladies and gentlemen is the ultimate meaty jambalaya oh that looks so good I tell you what I'm not gonna play around too much here this time I go ahead and plate up [Music] oh man this is just Louisiana at its finest you know jambalaya is just one of those things that just speaks to your soul down here and man I tell you I love doing it this way I love finishing it off in the oven because you could you get to actually do jambalaya low and slow you know typically jambalaya is done outdoors and festivals and parties and you know outdoor cast-iron pots and burners but like this in the house in the oven low and slow the flavors come together like nothing you've ever done before at least in my opinion I get it there's a bunch of you excellent jambalaya cookers out there please do not take this as me saying this is the best I just really liked it man my mouth is watering look at that guys look how beautiful that is whoo the colors good smells amazing and I got me a little bit of white beans to go with it you know just a little side let's take a bite man I am like salivating for real oh we got some sausage some chicken and some pork oh sorry about that oh man this is really good those flavors oh man it's just it just excites so many tastebuds at once then you're kind of like wondering what's going on you know mmm a lot of that seasoning that we added in there has now soaked into the rice so the rice itself alone is super flavorful which if you've never had jambalaya that's not something you're used to rice on its own is usually kind of plain and then you add something to it to complement it but right here the rice is just it's like so flavorful it's really good the chicken the pork even the sausage are like really tender so when you buy down in them they just kind of melt in your mouth that melody of vegetables brings about such a unique flavor to this that onion in there kind of gives it this little bit a hint of sweetness that you wouldn't really know is there unless you're paying attention and then everything else just complements the whole the whole pot it's so good hmm my white beans right beans coming well all right guys we did it we knocked out some chicken and sausage pork jambalaya and it's amazing now look I know many of my old G's has seen me knock out jambalaya away in the past I've been wanting to do one in better quality you know high-definition the original videos I did a long time ago were in a vertical format now we have it in landscape mode I feel like I really broke it down this time did a little bit things different from the first video and I love the way it came out it's really good I hope you guys give it a try and like I said if you can't finish in the oven just follow those directions I gave you in the video on how to finish it off on the stove and it should work just as good so although I do think the flavor is really coming to get a little more low and slow well hey that's just my opinion all right it is what it is other than that I got nothing else for you guys thank you very much for tuning in once again and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: The Cajun Ninja
Views: 122,818
Rating: 4.9179082 out of 5
Id: rg2dTLcluk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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